Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: gokumarket on April 01, 2020, 12:14:15 PM

Title: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: gokumarket on April 01, 2020, 12:14:15 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: odolvlobo on April 02, 2020, 05:29:53 AM
That's not what "decentralized" means. Decentralized means that nobody controls it. Communism is based on a centralized economy. Capitalism is decentralized.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Darker45 on April 02, 2020, 08:32:56 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance.

[1] The following is definitely illogical. It simply does not follow.

Premise: "The world is surrounded by COVID-19."
Conclusion: There is an increasing "demand for decentralized economy."

[2] How does a decentralized economy in any way promote or used "as a way of maintaining social distance?"

Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

I don't think so. The pandemic is pulling the economy down and the central powers, may it be governments or international communities of countries, are the ones that actually serve as safety nets by way of stimulus, loans, grants, quantitative easing, and so on.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: abhiseshakana on April 02, 2020, 12:08:39 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

If you look at the impact of corona on the global economic geo, then I don't see any change at all towards a decentralized global economy.

Globalization vs. state sovereignty will still be won by a sovereign government. It was agreed upon and the fact that the pandemic brought about an economic slowdown in each of the countries that finally like the pinball effect influenced each other.

Control and mitigation measures taken against the virus have caused the market to also fluctuate if the problem spreads from the real sector to the market. So corona has destroyed all business sectors. In addition, the uncertainty of when the pandemic will end makes entrepreneurs can only wait and see. Unlike natural disasters that damage infrastructure, a pandemic destroys the structure of the world economy.

Each country is still struggling to overcome the spread of corona, on the basis of humanity, all economic sector sacrifices will be made by each country to secure the population of its citizens. Global supply chains are also disrupted so that sovereignty in completing corona and after pandemic effects is the best choice.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: fiulpro on April 02, 2020, 02:51:18 PM
Well , you know the more this pandemic is spreading the more people are looking for alternatives and therefore Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies are a good thing with which they can start and do many things that are useful for the day to day needs .
Quite contrary to the fact that the government should be elated about it , that how they are supporting people , they are naturally acting all angry with the cryptocurrencies when they should focus on the people.
When the banks won't work people have to look for more alternatives and people already understands that it is also an amazing job opportunity for them .
Therefore I do think there is high percentage of people now engaging in cryptocurrencies and other decentralized exchanges.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Xampeuu on April 02, 2020, 03:05:15 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
but I haven't seen it at this time, and we know that the world of crypto is also affected, where the market seems to be less excited, and is currently down. but I think if this disaster is resolved, the economy will improve and have a good impact on crypto. although for the time being, actually transactions without cash are better to prevent transmission of the virus

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Findingnemo on April 02, 2020, 04:07:11 PM
People have no choice other than trusting their government at this situation so this is not the real decentralization but economically it can be a way for people to realize about upcoming pandemic situation and move on the decentralized economy.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: snipie on April 02, 2020, 04:40:25 PM
The only thing that coronavirus may impact is how governments should control closely and improve its medical equipments and infrastructure.
Seeing countries failing each other and govs steeling bought or pre-ordered medical equipments from each other is disgusting, the latest USA from France...
Countries will put their hands on the medical field, other than that nothing will change

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: plvbob0070 on April 02, 2020, 04:51:22 PM
I don't see any relation between the virus and the demand for a decentralized economy. This virus is not literally opening for a decentralized economy rather, it gives more room for digital advancement. A decentralized economy does not guarantee that it will maintain social distancing, and it is different from digital adaption. This COVID-19 issue is giving way for digital and online transactions to be done to avoid physical and close contact with another person. The digital transaction is one of the best options in this kind of crisis. From buying and selling, bill payments, and even donation.

It's not like the decentralized economy will help to resolve the problem. In fact, we need people who will lead us in this problem we are facing. We can't solve it if we have our own movement.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: $crypto$ on April 02, 2020, 05:01:13 PM
Global economic demand remains controlled by the government but at a time when this situation seems to be difficult to increase because almost all governments are focused on handling Covid-19 which is still to be resolved and therefore we don't know when this economy will be stable. the government is still confused now to look for Covid-19 prevention solutions.

But only at this time the cryptocurrency market is recovering a bit whether this is an effective way to use it when people are not allowed to come into direct contact with each other.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: ReiMomo on April 02, 2020, 05:23:36 PM
This pandemic COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the global economy, it was shaken all over the world and we are all experienced an economic crisis. The world stock price has been decreased and the cryptocurrency market is not exempted. If you mean that the solution is to use crypto because it is decentralized nature I think you are wrong. If you have seen it is also affected and the price was down.

As of now, Crypto is no use since all kinds of businesses have been closed due to lockdown implemented by the government. But maybe in the future because we experienced this now.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: el kaka22 on April 02, 2020, 06:09:25 PM
I doubt that decentralized economy could ever be a thing while the politicians and the capitalists works together to make a world that runs for them and not from them. Think about it, media is controlled by people who are super rich, financial world is controlled by people who are super rich, oil companies are controlled by people who are super rich.

What happens is they get together, they pay the politicians hefty bribes, the financial company pays the oil company money to do what they do and media company airs it live as something awesome and deems everyone who criticizes it as devil and what happens? They all make more and more profits. Now this was just one example, the world basically runs like that and as long as we keep voting for those bad politicians there will never be a decentralized economy.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Sanugarid on April 02, 2020, 07:54:38 PM
Hard to tell. Too many people without work, too many stopped businesses.
Businesses are shut off, well as for my calculations 70% of businesses are closed and those who are necessary to work are only ones allow to move right now. Who needs phone cases in times like this?

In other words, people will now be as careful as possible about the means for their own existence, rather than focus on blockchain and decentralization.
After all, as you know, most are interested in this for profit.
People now, well most of us are getting losing money day by day as we all know jobs are postponed, unnecessary ones, and so market movement is expected to be not that blowing. People now are at the edge of life and death, you can't teach them how to get or know the bitcoin with panics on their head, aside who money does not counts when you're dead.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: palle11 on April 02, 2020, 08:54:00 PM
Please justify your answer. 8)

This looks like an examination question to graduate from a medical school... Lol

Anyway, the impact of covid-19 has really been negative to the global economic as prices and stocks have crashed.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Hydrogen on April 03, 2020, 12:32:34 PM
Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

It may happening as you read the text on this screen.   :)

  • Food production Individuals and communities are growing their own vegetable gardens. Those who have never tried growing fruits or vegetables are now incentivized to learn. Local farmer's markets are gaining proiminence. The food sector may further decentralize by the day.
  • Education Students are spending more time home with families. Education is being decentralized from centralized monolithic public schooling systems back towards the family unit.
  • Manufacturing A large proportion of global supply chains being centralized in china is how global economies initially declined on parts and raw materials produced in china slowing. We could witness a decentralization of supply chains shifted outside china's borders. In reaction to negatives associated with a massive percentage of manufacturing supply being centralized within the borders of a single nation
  • Jobs Khan Academy reports their internet traffic increased by 250% as a result of quarantines. We may see a movement towards skilled labor and more independent freelance contractors, with massive layoffs and job loss occurring. This perhaps carries the potential to increase innovation, further decentralizing markets and economies away from consolidation and monopoly formats.

The longer quarantine continues, the more faith people could lose in governments and the private sector to address the problems society faces.

A natural decentralization could occur in response. The beginning stages of which we could be witnessing. Its too early to say for certain.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: 20kevin20 on April 03, 2020, 12:41:02 PM

Sounds great and all, but I wouldn't be too hyped for it. It sounds like a wet dream of mine where decentralization is the new trend, but I'm very afraid this is only a short term phase and what's coming next is worse than what we've had before the virus. As soon as everything (as in our rights at least) comes back to normal when the pandemic ends, it's gonna be okay.

But the longer the lockdowns and states of emergency will last, the more our authorities will get used to having much more power and control over us. Remember, it takes 21 days to break a habit and form a new one. This is gonna have long-lasting consequences in some areas of the world. Once they get used to the new kind of control & power over us, it's gonna be hella hard to let it go again.

I may be wrong and I hope I am. If everything goes back to normal and we're going to head towards a strong deglobalization wave, it's gonna be awesome... up to one point. Remember, the last time a deglobalization wave was pushed was years before WWI.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 03, 2020, 01:30:05 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

I don't think so. We still need a centralized economy, and I am sure that every big country wants to be the leader in the economy among the other country. The decentralized economy applies in these situations because people want to prevent the virus that can spread to them so they must do that if they don't want to get infected. After the pandemic ends, I think everything will be back normal, people can do anything in out there, and there is no decentralized economy. But I am not sure about that because that is what I think now.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Hydrogen on April 03, 2020, 01:35:39 PM

This is all that comes to mind in regard to totalitarian threats.

There may be an achilles heel present. In terms of how the US democrat party. Leftists in china, north korea, cuba, the middle east and venezuela structure and organize things. (Summarized in the last sentence if its too long to read...)

A growing divide between centralization and decentralization does seem to be spreading across the globe. In more popular terms its been described as populism versus collectivism. Nationalism vs globalism. I haven't seen updates reported on catalan independence in a long time. Even though the media isn't mentioning it, there are similar independence movements in nearly every nation.

It could represent a direct throwback to class warfare of the past. Where the upper 1% have attained a high enough proportion of global wealth, as to make living extraordinarily difficult for all other social classes.

Certainly governments wield considerable power and influence. But the majority of them are teetering very close to bankruptcy, which could greatly diminish their power. Corona virus could exact a heavier toll on governments and their tax revenues. Than it does those they are supposed to represent.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Febo on April 03, 2020, 03:24:42 PM
Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralised economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralised economy?

Cash is what is what virus makes bad. But no crypto is ready to replace cash yet. Cant make enough transactions, dont have economy built or people dont trust it to use it.  Probably there are even more reasons I dont remember now. But. People will keep this in mind. Covid-19 will in our subconscious. And people will then much easier accept idea of Bitcoin or some other coin to replace cash.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Reid on April 03, 2020, 04:00:57 PM
I don't know where is this going.
Perhaps he misplaced some words and cannot find it back.

Decentralized economy?
This is all I found out.

But, I cannot seem to connect it with what is happening.
We should wait for his answer. Maybe he could enlighten up with some more.

Trying to connect it using google and here is what I found.
In democratic regimes with decentralised economies, disruptive events of the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic – which is impacting all members of society at the same time – must be met with a response that safeguards both material wellbeing and democracy. The actions of a monitoring cabinet could contribute to a sense of confidence and control of the crisis among the population, helping to avoid panics and social unrest. The great perils we face call for an EU-level monitoring and coordination cabinet interacting with national counterparts.

In modern decentralised economies within a worldwide context, each good or service is, in most cases, produced by firms (which may be located in different countries) responding to prices. Suppliers of one good assess the state of the market for that good and decide how much to produce. They also determine the combination of capital, labour, and intermediate goods to use in production. Figure 1 describes the flow of goods and labour (Part A) and information (Part B) across the production and distribution chains.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: sujon5 on April 03, 2020, 04:20:12 PM
What does the term "decentralized economy" mean? The economy which isn't regulated by the government? Or blockchain economy with no middlemen? Anyway Coronavirus can't have a positive impact on the economy. That's all we can say.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Ryker1 on April 03, 2020, 04:23:21 PM
I don't know where is this going.
Perhaps he misplaced some words and cannot find it back.
Well, this pandemic is perhaps may open the door for the decentralized economy but for that lots of things need to be done. It is definitely will take the unspecific time that all government wants to decentralize their economy since it can't happen with one country many countries need to agree in this and make it legal. Not only in the crypto market had been an experienced crisis at this moment, but the global market has also been affected. Indeed, let's do hope that this will stop early and not getting worst.

Indeed, this might happen if we try to respond to the coronavirus with the following four extreme combinations:
[ ]

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: nosferzd on April 03, 2020, 04:35:43 PM
The only thing that coronavirus may impact is how governments should control closely and improve its medical equipments and infrastructure.
Seeing countries failing each other and govs steeling bought or pre-ordered medical equipments from each other is disgusting, the latest USA from France...
Countries will put their hands on the medical field, other than that nothing will change
I can show you an example of a country called Russia. Instead of buying medical equipment and masks, the authorities, on the contrary, sell them to other countries ... At the same time, local pharmacies have no masks for more than two weeks and people have to do masks with their own hands, and in most cases just walk along the street without it. But here is the paradox, without a mask they are not allowed into stores.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Averim on April 03, 2020, 04:53:13 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance.

[1] The following is definitely illogical. It simply does not follow.

Premise: "The world is surrounded by COVID-19."
Conclusion: There is an increasing "demand for decentralized economy."

[2] How does a decentralized economy in any way promote or used "as a way of maintaining social distance?"

Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

I don't think so. The pandemic is pulling the economy down and the central powers, may it be governments or international communities of countries, are the ones that actually serve as safety nets by way of stimulus, loans, grants, quantitative easing, and so on.
Probably it wants to say that considering the isolation measures imposed by the authorities, it is a good start to promote all the blockchain projects dedicated to lifestyle, food, shopping and other similar platforms, and by this the crypto goes more popular as well.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: wozzek23 on April 04, 2020, 07:46:22 AM
There is still a lot of crypto doing very well right now, that shows us that crypto is basically overcoming this bad moment, sure it is still not as good as it can get, but it is doing a lot better honestly. I personally prefer if it didn't dropped to begin with, but it is doing a lot better to begin with at least. Long story short, it is not killed, it is not better, it is just wounded and suffering but a light injury, nothing major, so it will recover.

Basically kinda like corona itself, corona killed some people, most of the people is alive though, and more people recover than die, so crypto actually got infected with corona lol. I know it is nothing to joke about so sorry for that but I guess that is the best example we can give about the current situation.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: abhiseshakana on April 05, 2020, 06:01:45 AM
Probably it wants to say that considering the isolation measures imposed by the authorities, it is a good start to promote all the blockchain projects dedicated to lifestyle, food, shopping and other similar platforms, and by this the crypto goes more popular as well.

Your anti-mainstream thinking is good in these conditions. The economy is very lethargic because people's purchasing power is declining and many entrepreneurs waiting and waiting for the certainty when corona will ends. It's just that we also have to be observant so that long-lasting business does not only exist when the corona outbreak becomes a pandemic due to lack of competition.

We must be able to predict what the market needs in a pandemic and after the pandemic is over. For lifestyle, it's not right at the moment but for shopping and food platforms, I think it will have a market. It is only necessary to think that the corona effect has taken on the real sector and the market both stocks and cryptocurrency. While the number of crypto users is still limited.

If you create a business project with crypto, you face two challenges, the existence of the business and the lack of market share because it only targets crypto users. At this time it is better to focus on the growth of its business because even though it is small, the business that you run will help turn the wheels of the economy when the country's economy is difficult. Whereas you can use cryptocurrency as an alternative payment with additional benefits (such as if a payment uses crypto free mask or freehand sanitizer).

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: CHENIEN on April 11, 2020, 03:50:18 PM
 in my own opinion believers and investors of crypto has been still relaxing while staying at home at this time with unlimited snacks is already there except to those who are not joining, I really hope that this situation will reflect on the fact that crypto technology transactions should not be ignored usually during this pandemic it is very useful.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: rollingdice on April 12, 2020, 03:39:00 AM
I don't think that the global pandemic causes the demand for decentralized economy. The economical decentralization can't fix the situation now. It's likely that COVID-19 fast spreading shows that there is a room for digitalization. And the society is almost ready to become cashless.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Latviand on April 12, 2020, 09:18:14 AM
Global economic demand remains controlled by the government but at a time when this situation seems to be difficult to increase because almost all governments are focused on handling Covid-19 which is still to be resolved and therefore we don't know when this economy will be stable. the government is still confused now to look for Covid-19 prevention solutions.

Stock market are going down because of this Covid-19 so I don't agree that the demands remains controlled. China is the only one who can control their economy because of the products and goods came from them, they are the no.1 manufacturer of some products that's why their stock market and economy is constant although the Covid-19 originated from their country.

Government really doing their best just to authorized this pandemic and I know that some people are still blaming the government for the lack of support that they give in the community. People are starving and getting sick as they don't receive any support and help on the government. The authority is still trying their best to handle and lessen the spread of this virus, let us follow what they've ordered for us to do.

Always stay at home and don't go outside if you will just stay outside. Let's help the government to resolve this and stay at home to slower the risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus.

But only at this time the cryptocurrency market is recovering a bit whether this is an effective way to use it when people are not allowed to come into direct contact with each other.

That's right, because all that matters now is the cryptocurrency, it can be used as a payment so that people are not necessary to go outside just to pay their bills and delivery. You can use cryptocurrency to buy goods and other things that is necessary during quarantine.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on April 12, 2020, 01:08:09 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

Demand for decentralized economy is increasing? I am yet to witness any of that. We are a few months in to this pandemic and I haven't heard about any mention regarding the decentralized economy. Even if we had a decentralized economy, how it could have fared any better than the current one that we have? As of now, we have a centralized economic setup where the governments decide about all the policies. And in the near future also, I can't foresee any big change to that.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Genemind on April 12, 2020, 01:23:01 PM
The effect of the pandemic on promoting decentralized economy is not as big as it seems. It still depends on the country I guess. If a country is not yet exposed in a decentralized system nothing has changed. In third world country most people who are affected are those who are in the lower class which means they have no access to cryptocurrency, thus fiat is still the only option they have.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Viscore on April 12, 2020, 01:29:22 PM
It has nothing to do with the decentralize economy or benefit the decentralized economy, in the end, it's still the government that will control and at the end of the day, they will pass the burden to the people once this pandemic is over.

If this will benefit the decentralized economy then we have already saw the market booming now, but its not, it has recovered a bit but it was not booming yet. It's still uncertain IMO, but we keep the faith in our government and the decentralized economy as we need our government to blessed the decentralized economy before it will succeed.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: FlightyPouch on April 12, 2020, 03:12:19 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

A big no. Despite people maintaining social distancing, fiat are so widely used because of the fact that people need it to buy essentials and fiat are the only ones that can be easily and quickly used in this kinds of scenarios.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Assface16678 on April 12, 2020, 04:59:41 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

While the pandemic outbreak of coronavirus are happening it's really hit hard the economy because all of the transactions and trading getting canceled because they want to avoid the spreading of the virus and this is not quite good because the stocks of the different items like the mask, alcohol and foods become limited and this is not good because it may cause of shortage of the supplies but I think the government can handle that kind of situation. Also about the statement of getting decentralize is just a term use for no one or nothing will have the power to control this and this is the crypto no one can manipulate this but can only regulate by the government.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: justdimin on April 12, 2020, 07:28:30 PM
We can't really call the drop on stock markets all because of corona, I mean surely a pandemic that keeps people at home and get many of them fired reflects on stock markets but right now in the past 1 month we are seeing the stock markets going higher, that tells us something.

It is significantly lower than lets say 3-4 months ago (start of the year) but it is higher on the monthly price and corona still continues anyway, so that means maybe the drop in stock markets is not because of corona but because these companies were ran horribly and their CEO were terrible which caused the prices to drop at one time for any reason.

Even crypto is almost at a profit on year to date, which is quite surprising to me considering we were under 4k for a minute there and we somehow bounced back.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on April 12, 2020, 10:49:42 PM
Well, this pandemic is perhaps may open the door for the decentralized economy but for that lots of things need to be done. It is definitely will take the unspecific time that all government wants to decentralize their economy since it can't happen with one country many countries need to agree in this and make it legal. Not only in the crypto market had been an experienced crisis at this moment, but the global market has also been affected. Indeed, let's do hope that this will stop early and not getting worst.
How can a government allow a decentralized economy after a pandemic, i did not understand the logic behind it, the economy will be affected globally as the virus has halted many business for months and the amount of loss that every business owner has to bear is immense and it has nothing to do with decentralization and i have no idea how the government will recover from this recession.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Viscore on April 12, 2020, 11:22:08 PM
i have no idea how the government will recover from this recession.
You should have, government is the people and with the people working again, government will start to recover.
This is a global issue, majority of the big countries are affected, of course except China maybe because they are in operation now and have survive the virus.

USA one of the biggest if not the biggest country are heavily hit by the virus, their economy will struggle for sure but they are a great nation so they'll recover. What we are facing now are just temporary problem, together we will rise after we defeat this virus.

I understand the fear, but it has not totally kill our economy yet.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: lepbagong on April 13, 2020, 04:58:16 AM
i have no idea how the government will recover from this recession.
You should have, government is the people and with the people working again, government will start to recover.
This is a global issue, majority of the big countries are affected, of course except China maybe because they are in operation now and have survive the virus.

USA one of the biggest if not the biggest country are heavily hit by the virus, their economy will struggle for sure but they are a great nation so they'll recover. What we are facing now are just temporary problem, together we will rise after we defeat this virus.

I understand the fear, but it has not totally kill our economy yet.

however, even though it might not bankrupt a country, many developing countries experience a very large impact from an epedemic corona. because this epedemic is not expected to have an impact at all in almost every country in the world, maybe for the big economies they are ready. but developing countries will be very impactful, because the budget that should be earmarked for other things must be transferred to the handling of this epedemic corona. not to mention the need for shopping for health equipment is very difficult to find, if there is an expensive price and must be purchased.
but where there are difficulties, there will be improvements, that is, countries now need each other and help one another even though in the past the economy might have competed.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: btc78 on April 13, 2020, 06:24:40 AM
Yes it is and obviously like what in this Thread says the demand for Online classes are rising to more than 300% meaning the Pandemic brings positive thing to our precious market.
and in sooner time will be Up high once again because we have been sitting for bear long time now.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Cratoon on April 13, 2020, 09:07:43 AM
Crypto economy is a "backup plan" for many people who are aware of this tool and aware of the situation with today's world economy.
If SHTF everyone will use bitcoin just like nuka-cola caps in the Fallout series.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: AniviaBtc on April 13, 2020, 10:53:56 AM
Global economic demand remains controlled by the government but at a time when this situation seems to be difficult to increase because almost all governments are focused on handling Covid-19 which is still to be resolved and therefore we don't know when this economy will be stable. the government is still confused now to look for Covid-19 prevention solutions.

Stock market are going down because of this Covid-19 so I don't agree that the demands remains controlled. China is the only one who can control their economy because of the products and goods came from them, they are the no.1 manufacturer of some products that's why their stock market and economy is constant although the Covid-19 originated from their country.

Government really doing their best just to authorized this pandemic and I know that some people are still blaming the government for the lack of support that they give in the community. People are starving and getting sick as they don't receive any support and help on the government. The authority is still trying their best to handle and lessen the spread of this virus, let us follow what they've ordered for us to do.

Always stay at home and don't go outside if you will just stay outside. Let's help the government to resolve this and stay at home to slower the risk of spreading the Covid-19 virus.

But only at this time the cryptocurrency market is recovering a bit whether this is an effective way to use it when people are not allowed to come into direct contact with each other.

That's right, because all that matters now is the cryptocurrency, it can be used as a payment so that people are not necessary to go outside just to pay their bills and delivery. You can use cryptocurrency to buy goods and other things that is necessary during quarantine.

I think this pandemic is the key for the decentralized economy, most especially bitcoin is the most used cryptocurrency in the market. Global economy is affected because many countries are affected by this virus that's why governments are panicking because they are having a hard time managing their funds for its people. Cryptocurrency will become more popular to invest if they knew that the global market is crashing due to the virus.  But bitcoin is somehow useful nowadays, as people are not allowed to go outside and buy some foods with fiat because it is dangerous to have a physical transaction with another person. That's why digital currency such as cryptocurrency are the most used in many transactions.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Viscore on April 13, 2020, 12:12:57 PM
..... maybe for the big economies they are ready.
No country is ready for this pandemic, even the big countries, if they are ready like the US, they should be able to contained the virus but now the infected people are growing in big numbers, US now tally over 500,000 infected people with only few percentage has recovered per report, and this does not look good, it will certainly affect its economy and they'll have to pay the money they bailed out for this corona virus through their people.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Smitty Werben Man Jensen on April 13, 2020, 12:54:51 PM
im vote YES, yeah, because this is a situation that all of us have to do at home, work at home, pray at home, and study at home, I think people think about the internet, cryptocurrency will become known to the public especially young people, this is the beginning for cryptocurrency to enter a new stage, and 2017 may be repeated again, hopefully

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on April 13, 2020, 03:39:17 PM
im vote YES, yeah, because this is a situation that all of us have to do at home, work at home, pray at home, and study at home, I think people think about the internet, cryptocurrency will become known to the public especially young people, this is the beginning for cryptocurrency to enter a new stage, and 2017 may be repeated again, hopefully

I don't know how any of this can specifically help cryptocurrency. For example, digital payment methods are being favored now. But that seems have benefited digital fiat-currency based payments (such as Visa and PayPal) rather than cryptocurrencies. Personally, I am yet to see any boost for the cryptocurrency sector, resulting from this COVID 19 pandemic.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: bitgolden on April 13, 2020, 07:23:03 PM
Blockchain and decentralization would have done absolutely nothing to this. We are talking about everyone staying at home and we are talking about the world economy at the edge of bankruptcy where the whole world would really get screwed with all those people who have to stay at home and not really go to work, how are we suppose to use decentralization to help everyone who got fired because of this as well?

Bitcoin is awesome, blockchain is amazing, decentralization is solution to many problems however let's face the reality that this is a global pandemic that is stopping the whole world economy right now and we are talking about decentralization, if anything this shows how centralization could be used for good and not just evil like it is always used.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 14, 2020, 01:59:51 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

Still, even Covid-19 can open the door for the decentralized economy, and it needs time before we can see that thing is happening. People knew the other payment method, and even for them who are work from the internet already know online payment method. I guess they still prefer using the way that they already know, but the chance for them to use cryptocurrency will be bigger as we see that now, while we browse to search something, we see the crypto ads everywhere, so that will attract them check the crypto. We cannot say that it will happen in this year or next year, but it will happen after people succeed to know how to use crypto.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: lepbagong on April 15, 2020, 05:30:35 AM
im vote YES, yeah, because this is a situation that all of us have to do at home, work at home, pray at home, and study at home, I think people think about the internet, cryptocurrency will become known to the public especially young people, this is the beginning for cryptocurrency to enter a new stage, and 2017 may be repeated again, hopefully

I don't know how any of this can specifically help cryptocurrency. For example, digital payment methods are being favored now. But that seems have benefited digital fiat-currency based payments (such as Visa and PayPal) rather than cryptocurrencies. Personally, I am yet to see any boost for the cryptocurrency sector, resulting from this COVID 19 pandemic.

it could also be true that by staying quiet at home then the introduction of crypto will be easier because everyone is looking for busyness on the internet, which we know crypto relies heavily on the internet network. but the impact has not yet seen as we know that indeed all began to recognize crypto. because after all in a situation like this epedemic corona, everyone has a different understanding. there are those who can accept reality and can relax at home but there are also those who actually continue to worry, people who are in a situation of worry will not be able to think to work, thinking about avoiding the internet so they do not want to know the epedemic corona, and want to relax and not think in that direction .

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: imstillthebest on April 15, 2020, 07:02:28 AM
im vote YES, yeah, because this is a situation that all of us have to do at home, work at home, pray at home, and study at home, I think people think about the internet, cryptocurrency will become known to the public especially young people, this is the beginning for cryptocurrency to enter a new stage, and 2017 may be repeated again, hopefully

I don't know how any of this can specifically help cryptocurrency. For example, digital payment methods are being favored now. But that seems have benefited digital fiat-currency based payments (such as Visa and PayPal) rather than cryptocurrencies. Personally, I am yet to see any boost for the cryptocurrency sector, resulting from this COVID 19 pandemic.

there is a demand on crypto going on  .

 you didnt notice it  ? why do you think the price are now getting better  ? but that is also true that people look popuar payment methods like the ones that you listed above and not directly on crypto but we shouldnt worry because once people identifed that crypto can do better than they are using they will also get hooked on it  .  like me before i was using paypal but later on i find the advantage of crypto vs paypal , that encourage me to switch between payment methods  .

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Negotiation on April 15, 2020, 07:39:12 AM
The impact of pandemic coronavirus on the global economy has many implications As a result of this the demand for cryptocurrency is increasing because everyone is working at crypto from home Because of the closure of everything, no one is able to do anything so everyone is leaning on crypto to fix their country's economy That's why the impact of the virus is increasing demand for crypto despite the money.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: repear7 on April 15, 2020, 08:14:04 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
In my view the current international financial system is overloaded, many people argue that this pandemic is a massive restart of the world economic system wherein various countries crash financially. We can't wager the subsequent direction due to the fact this epidemic is certainly no longer over yet, it is probably a bad 12 months for any economic player

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: michellee on April 15, 2020, 09:31:48 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
In my view the current international financial system is overloaded, many people argue that this pandemic is a massive restart of the world economic system wherein various countries crash financially. We can't wager the subsequent direction due to the fact this epidemic is certainly no longer over yet, it is probably a bad 12 months for any economic player

If this time can be a restart of the world economy, then I think that can lead us to have a new economic system in the future, and there is a new chance for the cryptocurrency to be used in that system. But that will depend on each government because they have the power to agree or not to used crypto, but if they can approve the crypto, that will bring new hope for the people. People will have another chance to make money, and they can also have an opportunity to have another option for the payment method.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: YOSHIE on April 15, 2020, 10:04:37 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
if you talk about (decentralization); You have to know from the meaning itself, which is called decentralization.

COVID-19, when viewed at this time is indeed unsettling both from the lower classes to the government,,,talking about the current economy.
indeed all sectors are paralyzed, but if the central government decentralizes local governments, power, may help the existing community's economy a little, but it does not escape the assistance of the central government.
Regional autonomy, local governments have full rights to manage their respective regional economies.
I am sure that if decentralization has an impact on COVID-19, it is likely that the regional government will have a positive impact on COVID-19 sufferers, automatically, economic assistance can be reached directly to remote communities in need.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: cosmofly on April 15, 2020, 11:03:21 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
That is never happening. The decentralized market is only for the gangsters and it has always been like this. During the economic crisis, cash flow will slow down and there will be no more demand for financial markets. People will focus on producing and trading staple goods. Don't trust the crypto market, it's all a trap from the whales.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: VNX_Exchange on April 15, 2020, 11:53:17 AM
VNX Exchange is launching the LIVE discussion on "COVID-19 impact on the crypto industry" with Junhaeng Lee, co-founder and CEO of Streami, the most innovative blockchain holding company in Asia-Pacific  🚀

Started in Asia, pandemic quickly spread around the world affecting all the industries. It’s notable that the Republic of Korea is the only country that managed the situation effectively. Junhaeng Lee will tell how his business not only survived, but also thrived during the crisis situation 📈🙌🏻

🗓 April 23
🕛 11.00 am (GMT+1)

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: kotajikikox on April 15, 2020, 12:47:41 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
I have read some thread that the demand in Bitcoin increases and also the search Via Google multiplied by 3 or 4 am not sure.
this means now that people has no other options they are seeking for comfort way Paying their needs without holding Money or physically afraid of being infected.
with this proves that Crypto is a best option and soon may recognized by much many people to use than Fiat,.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: semobo on April 15, 2020, 01:48:00 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
Decentralized economy and social distancing? Whats the relation here ! ::)

This pandemic increases the digital transaction and even many government said that, so more people are moving towards digital payment but they are just moving from physical money to bank transaction so which never increases the need of decentralized payment yet.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Reatim on April 15, 2020, 01:54:36 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
There are some news about the growth of people entering the market since the Lockdown implemented but still we find no growth in the prices.
im vote YES, yeah, because this is a situation that all of us have to do at home, work at home, pray at home, and study at home, I think people think about the internet, cryptocurrency will become known to the public especially young people, this is the beginning for cryptocurrency to enter a new stage, and 2017 may be repeated again, hopefully
2017 will never be repeated instead we will make another Year to remember,and this is the start because right after this Virus economy will renewed and crypto will also make way to the top again and just wait to happen.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Wenbing on April 15, 2020, 02:49:31 PM
People have no choice other than trusting their government at this situation so this is not the real decentralization but economically it can be a way for people to realize about upcoming pandemic situation and move on the decentralized economy.

The. government runs on centralization mechanism while the market can be either planned or market mechanism.

But, this pandemic has make us to know that in terms of economy capitalism is not enough, but I miss of capitalism and socialism will be just fine.

When it comes to currency, crypto trend to be self sustaining than fiat.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: kogozer714 on April 16, 2020, 10:34:28 AM
That's all government policy with a pandemic like this, we don't have the ability to fight. a large portion of a country's economy will be shaken by the existence of such a pandemic with the presence of covid-19 which is experienced by almost all countries. all will compete to find solutions in finding medicine

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: TheGreatPython on April 16, 2020, 01:41:10 PM
Interestingly when you are talking about decentralized economy being for gangster and thinking how crypto market is trap from whales, you are in bitcointalk and talking about crypto in between thousands of other bitcointalk members who like crypto. Surely there are people who have lost money in bitcoin, some people invested and the price went down and they sold and that is why we can say bitcoin has lost money to some people.

However you do realize that there is literally nothing that stopped you from buying 10k bitcoin 8-9 years ago and be super rich right now right? I mean you could have bought during that period and nobody could have stopped you and you would have millions of dollars of worth in bitcoin right now, as you can see that is why we like bitcoin, it is unregulated and its decentralized.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Casdinyard on April 16, 2020, 02:36:04 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
Decentralized economy and social distancing? Whats the relation here ! ::)
Maybe? this should add as an another factor for accepting the idea of digital payments however that's not the main case for digital payments to be adopted as soon as possible.

This pandemic increases the digital transaction and even many government said that, so more people are moving towards digital payment but they are just moving from physical money to bank transaction so which never increases the need of decentralized payment yet.
Pandemic may give the best idea for digital payment but the pandemic only comes in a century or so, and I guess we would not be able to encounter severe pandemic like this as this will serve as a lesson to all of us, nations will be going to be more practical with the national budget they will get in the future. Fiat currency, and physical contact transaction will never be replaced, it is like arguing with what is the best currency to use but fiat will never lose its position.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on April 16, 2020, 03:45:01 PM
That's all government policy with a pandemic like this, we don't have the ability to fight. a large portion of a country's economy will be shaken by the existence of such a pandemic with the presence of covid-19 which is experienced by almost all countries. all will compete to find solutions in finding medicine

So far, there is no medicine or vaccine available so the treatment is done based on the symptoms. Even if the pharma giants come up with a new medication, my guess is that it may take anywhere from 6 to 18 months, to get through the testing and regulation phase. So don't put your hopes on any miracle cure appearing overnight. The only way to get around this is to stay at home and to practice social distancing.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: iv4n on April 16, 2020, 08:15:21 PM
Corona didn't open a door for the decentralized economy, Bitcoin did that!!! To be clear on that.
What corona do is showing the flaws of centralized systems. What we will see, or what we are seeing now, some saw that a long time ago, is how centralized system is fucked up! Now Americans will get $2000 every month, I will get $130, where are other countries and how much they will give we will see, but for whom is that help actually? Do you think it's fair distribution?! Who is printing money and deciding whom to give and how much?! And if you are born in wrong place you will get nothing? Is that fair?!
Global economy is not fair, but Bitcoin and crypto opened a door for new era and new system. All we need to do is to embrace it!

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: exstasie on April 16, 2020, 09:25:37 PM
Now Americans will get $2000 every month, I will get $130, where are other countries and how much they will give we will see, but for whom is that help actually? Do you think it's fair distribution?! Who is printing money and deciding whom to give and how much?! And if you are born in wrong place you will get nothing? Is that fair?!

LOL, look at where some of the $1,200 stimulus checks are going too: Stimulus checks are being spent on dildos, tigers, guns and stripper poles (

The IRS is sending $1,200 stimulus checks to dead people (

It turns out there is no logistical way to quickly infuse cash where it's truly needed. You either drop it from a helicopter, or people starve.

I am not expecting this "$2,000 per month" bill to pass Congress either. If it does, that number will be cut down significantly.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: adzino on April 16, 2020, 09:43:46 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
How is decentralized economy a "way of maintaining social distance"? How come an economy that no one controls can become to aid in social distancing? It makes no sense. And you are saying as if we are now going to maintain social distance forever. Decentralization isn't always the best option. Making everything decentralized will just start creating a total chaos in this world.
This pandemic isn't going to open a decentralized economy. No one is going to risk right now trying to make a "decentralized economy" (not even sure if this is possible).

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: iv4n on April 17, 2020, 05:26:28 PM
Now Americans will get $2000 every month, I will get $130, where are other countries and how much they will give we will see, but for whom is that help actually? Do you think it's fair distribution?! Who is printing money and deciding whom to give and how much?! And if you are born in wrong place you will get nothing? Is that fair?!

LOL, look at where some of the $1,200 stimulus checks are going too: Stimulus checks are being spent on dildos, tigers, guns and stripper poles (

The IRS is sending $1,200 stimulus checks to dead people (

It turns out there is no logistical way to quickly infuse cash where it's truly needed. You either drop it from a helicopter, or people starve.

I am not expecting this "$2,000 per month" bill to pass Congress either. If it does, that number will be cut down significantly.

Well my point is that system is not fair! With this money they are buying votes to stay in power, and probably they will buy a lot of people with this money! In my country it's even worst, people will sell their votes for silly $130, I already hear some people talking how it's a good thing that president will help! System is shit, huge shit, and it's not fair. I get that in animal world there isn't word "fair" bigger will eat smaller, wolfs will eat ships, but we are humans? Are we animals? Can we elevate our minds and be above all this shit?! To be fair to each other?! On global level, not just for fellow neighbor, I mean for all the people, without borders, nations, skin color and all that crap!

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Averim on April 17, 2020, 05:33:53 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
No, wont happen but in exchange the number of people working from home will grow, so perhaps companies will use the crypto technology to transfer all kind of data and verify services, so there is something good in it.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Saisher on April 18, 2020, 12:32:27 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

How can that be when everything depends on a centralized government and every country depends on each other for progress and development I don't think things will change at all and bedsides this is not permanent once we find the cure it's back to normal for all of us.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: KrisAlex18 on April 18, 2020, 06:59:43 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
As what we have experiencing right now, as virus still existing around the world, the cryptocurrency gets so much exposed of using it because it avoids people from going outside, the use of cryptocurrency maintains the social distancing which we really need to prevent the risk of spreading the virus.

But I think decentralized economy will not allowed in the real life economy because for me cryptocurrency is only applicable as alternative to fiat currency because cryptocurrency won't replace fiat currency.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: lepbagong on April 18, 2020, 08:58:28 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
As what we have experiencing right now, as virus still existing around the world, the cryptocurrency gets so much exposed of using it because it avoids people from going outside, the use of cryptocurrency maintains the social distancing which we really need to prevent the risk of spreading the virus.

But I think decentralized economy will not allowed in the real life economy because for me cryptocurrency is only applicable as alternative to fiat currency because cryptocurrency won't replace fiat currency.

the existence of an epedemic does not guarantee that the priority to keep distance so as to avoid transmission by staying quiet at home, will be equated with the demand for a decentralized economy will increase. because it can't be equalized that all will do crypto. because anyone can look at the epedmic with no worries, but who sees with anxiety then he will not think of crypto.

developments that have advanced and almost all make economic action also follows developments. crypto is a very important progress and can be an alternative and support the economy although fiat is still a legitimate exchange and cannot be replaced until now.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: btc78 on April 18, 2020, 09:56:56 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

How can that be when everything depends on a centralized government and every country depends on each other for progress and development I don't think things will change at all and bedsides this is not permanent once we find the cure it's back to normal for all of us.
but is there really a cure?or just a way to prevent from being infected ony. though  you  are right that once this pandemic stops then we will see market in good way again if until when?thats the question and something to wait for.
what is important now is we remain safe from the virus and willing to wait for the Bullrun again.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: super bako on April 18, 2020, 05:32:12 PM
this is caused by slowing economic growth due to the co-19 pandemic. This delay is marked by the deteriorating external environmental conditions and weakening domestic demand along with declining business and consumer sentiment. commodity prices and financial market turmoil.explained co-19 conditions for the global economy caused very high uncertainty and reduced the performance of global financial markets, depressed many world currencies.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: verita1 on April 18, 2020, 08:56:09 PM
The Coronavirus Covid19 will undoubtedly have a great impact on the economy. Because there is still no cure and the projections are not favorable. The leading countries in the global economy are being hit hard by the virus. Regarding the crypto market, it has recovered a little and I have seen that the public needs to send digital money because the banks are closed due to quarantine.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: shield132 on April 18, 2020, 11:55:56 PM
That's not what "decentralized" means. Decentralized means that nobody controls it. Communism is based on a centralized economy. Capitalism is decentralized.
I would say that Capitalism is centralized by rich people. You need capital to enter market but at the same time on market there are so giant players, they can dive you deep if they wish. See: THESE 10 COMPANIES CONTROL EVERYTHING YOU BUY (
Communism is better for poor and average people but of course you need a good management in government for that. It has it's pros and cons, a lot of old people from post soviet countries would say that they had better life in past but huge disadvantage of this was that they wouldn't show you what was happening around the world, communism is like a living in closed area.
But capitalism that exists nowadays, has developed more likely as invincible monopoly where companies with biggest capitals (richest and stronges companies like amazon, walmart, google, facebook and etc) control what you buy, when you buy, what you write/think and etc. Problem here is that along government, there are companies run by non government people whom have huge control on us.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Yatsan on April 19, 2020, 01:51:49 AM
It has a huge impact in our economy almost all of the market are affected by it. Stock, Forex, commodity, those market crash because of the  pandemic and it affect a lot of people. Lock-downs are being implemented all over the world triggering the economy crash and all of the other markets. Bitcoin/cryptocurrency is actually not exempted there, it also hit by a major crash recently. Every crisis like this will expect a market dump so, it's better if you have savings and you diversify your asset really well.

this is caused by slowing economic growth due to the co-19 pandemic. This delay is marked by the deteriorating external environmental conditions and weakening domestic demand along with declining business and consumer sentiment. commodity prices and financial market turmoil.explained co-19 conditions for the global economy caused very high uncertainty and reduced the performance of global financial markets, depressed many world currencies.

Every work and almost all of the business are on paused right now, so it's expected for markets to crash. Let's just hope that this is going to be cure soon, the world is on focus on eradication the virus after this, we will be back on our normal lives.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Subbir on April 19, 2020, 02:21:12 AM
I accept as true with you we'll soon be saved from this epidemic within the meantime many countries have gone into recovery and therefore the remainder of the country is on lockdown to guard themselves. However  the impact of the pandemic coronavirus on the worldwide economy won't be easy to beat.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: camito on April 21, 2020, 03:02:26 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

Having a 'decentralized' economy means having no one to control it. We might see the flexibility and volatility of Bitcoin having these characteristics but the economy won't function in that way. It can sprout rivalry and a messed up organization. The COVID-19 even spanned out doubt and fear, so naturally and practically, people will clung out to the government. Asking for food, goods, and necessities. Online transactions might be a safe way yes, but people need reality and they have it with the government.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: FanatMonet on April 21, 2020, 11:53:39 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

Having a 'decentralized' economy means having no one to control it. We might see the flexibility and volatility of Bitcoin having these characteristics but the economy won't function in that way. It can sprout rivalry and a messed up organization. The COVID-19 even spanned out doubt and fear, so naturally and practically, people will clung out to the government. Asking for food, goods, and necessities. Online transactions might be a safe way yes, but people need reality and they have it with the government.
A decentralized economy really does not have any advantages over the ordinary, especially against the background of various situations that have a very strong impact on the lifestyle of an overwhelming number of people, so the search for salvation in a decentralized economy is in vain.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: panganib999 on July 12, 2020, 11:17:37 AM
Even though the reality is that the whole world is affected by the covid-19 pandemic, still it does not lead the way for the promotion of using cryptocurrencies or getting into a decentralized economy because even if it is said that virus could be transferred through physical money (paper money) or fiat, still people have many ways on using fiat such as sanitizing their money or frequently using sanitizing stuffs right after handling money and also there is digital banking and apps where you can pay cashless and also credit cards if you want.

This pandemic has nothing to do on the increase of demand of using cryptocurrencies because here in my country, even people are aware and knowledgeable about using Bitcoin to avoid the physical contact on using paper money, still they prefer using the ways I have stated above since using crypto is still not supported by our government and even merchants although it is not prohibited because we can use it but on our own risk only.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: hunter7519 on July 12, 2020, 01:03:06 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

The epidemic had a negative impact on the economy. Restrictions have limited production and consumption possibilities in many countries. There has been economic stagnation and recession. Unemployment and social dissatisfaction have increased. In addition, central banks have mass printed money, which will result in rising inflation and loss of savings for some people. In addition, the restrictions introduced in many countries still prevent the return to production and trade before the epidemic. I am afraid that after a period of temporary economic stabilization there will be another economic crisis or violent socio-political events.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on July 12, 2020, 01:36:47 PM
IMO, the impact on the economy varies from one sector to the other. For example, some of the sectors such as Airlines and Hotels are near collapse as a result of the lack of business. On the other hand, there are some other sectors, such as eCommerce which have seen an increase in the revenues. And at this point, it is too early to talk about the long term impact on the economy.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Heart18 on July 12, 2020, 01:45:06 PM
There's a huge negative impact in many forms all over the world especially the economy. I guess, everyone knows that since we are all experiencing numerous losses in different kinds.
Decentralized economy or Cryptoworld industry is really useful now for some traders and investors...also for those who losses their jobs and started learning to work here, it would be fine this time. But, it can only help us with few things in the row because not all countries accepts cryptocurrency legally.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: coolcoinz on July 12, 2020, 02:10:26 PM
I accept as true with you we'll soon be saved from this epidemic within the meantime many countries have gone into recovery and therefore the remainder of the country is on lockdown to guard themselves. However  the impact of the pandemic coronavirus on the worldwide economy won't be easy to beat.

Most people are already safe. With 1% death cases there's really nothing to be scared of. You should rather worry about possible mutations that will surface in a couple years.
The problem with these respiratory viruses is that they will keep coming and may one day be the cause of our extinction. Not yet though.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: abhiseshakana on July 15, 2020, 06:15:21 AM
Most people are already safe. With 1% death cases there's really nothing to be scared of. You should rather worry about possible mutations that will surface in a couple years.
The problem with these respiratory viruses is that they will keep coming and may one day be the cause of our extinction. Not yet though.

Numbers will only be numbers if read without analysis. Data without analysis does not become information, information is strategized to become knowledge, what is needed by many countries is knowledge, not raw data or information that is half-measures. In fact, a pandemic with a mortality rate of only 1% is enough to make waves in the world economy, ranging from superpowers to poor countries. Coronavirus may not need to be feared, because the death rate is not as high as Ebola, but the fact is the damaging effect on a large scale and broad and multi-dimensional. The Corona pandemic created a momentum of opportunity and created panic.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Rono on July 15, 2020, 08:45:14 AM
On going this corona fact lots of losses occurs the globally.This is really a pathetic situation lots of people are lost in their Job.Many people are  in critical situation.Economy falls down we see Dollar price are falling and many more currency are low.Economy crashed out badly in this case Cryptocurrency can be better option to choose already Canada accept bitcoin.It will open their economy growth rate and repair their economy status.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: shoreno on July 15, 2020, 09:08:24 AM
On going this corona fact lots of losses occurs the globally.This is really a pathetic situation lots of people are lost in their Job.Many people are  in critical situation.Economy falls down we see Dollar price are falling and many more currency are low.Economy crashed out badly in this case Cryptocurrency can be better option to choose already Canada accept bitcoin.It will open their economy growth rate and repair their economy status.

crypto can be a better option to use as a currency now but i dont think crypto can recover the economy  . so what if canada already accept bitcoin , is bitcoin banned on this country before ?  many countries already accept crypto but still no improvement on the economy right after covid starts  .

  its useless if they allow crypto because people cant still use it when they dont have a money due to the effect of ncovid where people losses thier jobs  .

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: sarmrakib on July 15, 2020, 02:37:16 PM
The world are facing a serious virus it has many days passed we could not recover the  situation .Now we are watching the decentralized way of of doing everything here in crypto is being opened highly .we are more depend on the system and it has proved that we need the system in our ordinary life as well .Hope for the best time to prove more .

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: yohananaomi on July 15, 2020, 02:56:47 PM
The world are facing a serious virus it has many days passed we could not recover the  situation .Now we are watching the decentralized way of of doing everything here in crypto is being opened highly .we are more depend on the system and it has proved that we need the system in our ordinary life as well .Hope for the best time to prove more .
Obviously the existing system in Crypto is very good and is indeed needed at a time like the current pandemic. agree with you that now everyone really needs and must depend on the existing system, because after all the system requirements that currently exist in crypto are very reliable and necessary and very necessary.

although ultimately the system inspired many electronic money growth as a substitute for manual payment methods. at the time of a pandemic such as this it is indeed needed a lack of interaction related to direct contact. hopefully this will still be able to move the world economy can still run well, without relying on manual payments again.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: iyamoxjhian on August 24, 2020, 01:20:09 PM
since pandemic is still spreading would be hard for companies to operate since it is very risky for the safety of it's people and the management of the company.. so for those people who knows how bitcoin works and how to do it may  continue to do it so we xan rely something for source of income.. this would also helps the community to fight covid because while were working with bitcoin at home..were giving our frontliners enough time and space to survive and win the chaos.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: NelfiNovita on August 24, 2020, 02:28:01 PM
the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, namely the occurrence of a stop in the production process of an item to be exported and an increase in the price of goods and services. In the real world, we see many problems that occur because of Covin-19, but different from the virtual world in bitcoin, the market price of cryptocurrencies has increased. bitcoin and some altcoins that experienced price increases during the covid-19 pandemic, I see more investors buying bitcoin and altcoins to hold until the price reaches its highest peak.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: carter34 on August 24, 2020, 03:53:51 PM
Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

I say it could be an opening and my reason is because the way to avoid covid-19 is to avoid touching of affected substance and money which is a physical substance is likely to be a transmitting way. This makes buying and selling affected because money is used for payment.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Alert31 on August 24, 2020, 03:57:41 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
Covid 19 pandemic has a huge impact to the economy of every country but i think it is still not the the time that the government will accept decentralized economy. As long as the government has a solution for the problem they will not allow decentralize because they have no control over it. And government  will find a way to recover from this pandemic.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: wiss19 on August 25, 2020, 03:41:02 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
Do you really think that is true? The way I see things, there isn’t really that decentralization that you’re talking about, because there are other payment methods out there that lots of people are using. I’m only able to make use of my Bitcoin on the Internet and it’s mainly on transaction between me and some Business partners, but when it comes to making purchase of things I need, the payment that I can only make use of, which is what’s widely accepted, is card payment.

Another option that I see everywhere is PayPal. And when it comes to making payment when I’m in stores, they only accept my card, because POS is their payment method. I wish I can use Bitcoin or another online payment, because I don’t really like them touching my card lol.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: ampu on August 25, 2020, 10:57:00 PM
A pandemic happened and all activities became more difficult. They avoid direct contact and stay at home communicating over the internet. It is an opportunity for electronic money and internet services to flourish. Decentralized communication saves us time and convenience. They can order food, transfer money online, they read newspapers, communicate, study online. I think the pandemic is a time to help people better understand the value of the internet.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Chrystora123 on August 25, 2020, 11:25:26 PM
Based on the June 2020 edition of the OECD Economic Outlook report, there are two economic scenarios due to global uncertainty this year.

For the first scenario, the global economy will reach minus 7.6 percent due to the second wave of the corona virus outbreak which hit the global economy towards the end of this year. The global unemployment rate rose dramatically to 10 percent and global trade growth contracted by 11.4 percent.

For the second scenario, the global economy is minus 6 percent because the second wave of COVID-19 can be avoided by many countries. The unemployment rate rose to 9.2 percent and global trade minus 9.5 percent.

Until the end of this year, the world economy is predicted to continue to weaken, and the unemployment rate cannot be suppressed anymore..

Covid 19 pandemic has a huge impact to the economy of every country but i think it is still not the the time that the government will accept decentralized economy. As long as the government has a solution for the problem they will not allow decentralize because they have no control over it. And government  will find a way to recover from this pandemic.
we have to accept the fact that almost all countries in the world are led by old people who do not understand the benefits of decentralization.  governments can be moderators in a decentralized economy, their job is only to supervise..

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Shasha80 on August 25, 2020, 11:37:49 PM
COVID-19 has a negative effect on the global economy, a new breakthrough in the economic sector is needed to help the current crisis.
One of them is by adopting economic decentralization, because it is proven that Bitcoin has helped the world economy today. Even though
it is still on a small scale, the government should be more realistic thinking that legalizing Bitcoin is a positive step must be taken now.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Mauser on August 26, 2020, 07:38:20 AM
The last few big crisis we saw over the past 20 years where are financial crisis (tech stock crisis, bank crisis, European sovereign crisis) they all were involving the financial sector. Which made crypto currencies so attractive as they are decentralised and an alternative to the big banks. The corona pandemic is very different unfortunately as it affects everybody immediately and is kit abstract as in the past. We all see the immediate effects of wearing masks, closed public places and social distancing. I don't think that decentralisation is the answer to the current crisis. If people are left alone with corona they don't follow any rules anymore. Without the government and strict rules on travelling and having big meetings like sport events, the virus would have spread so much faster.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: mersal on August 26, 2020, 08:27:38 AM
COVID-19 has a negative effect on the global economy, a new breakthrough in the economic sector is needed to help the current crisis.
One of them is by adopting economic decentralization, because it is proven that Bitcoin has helped the world economy today. Even though
it is still on a small scale, the government should be more realistic thinking that legalizing Bitcoin is a positive step must be taken now.
The whole crypto market didn't played any role in the development of the world economy because the total marketcap is very less compared to the other traditional assets like and forex but it helped the traditional investors to realize the importance of decentralized asset/currency because those traditional assets are highly manipulated and profit making opportunities are also getting lesser there.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on August 26, 2020, 08:57:26 AM
COVID-19 has a negative effect on the global economy, a new breakthrough in the economic sector is needed to help the current crisis.
One of them is by adopting economic decentralization, because it is proven that Bitcoin has helped the world economy today. Even though
it is still on a small scale, the government should be more realistic thinking that legalizing Bitcoin is a positive step must be taken now.
The pandemic of the COVID-19 makes everyone suffers in recovering the country's economy because a lot of people temporarily lost their source of income due to community quarantine lockdown. I think bitcoin have helped some countries who adopts bitcoin as a safe haven that it solve their financial system from crashing during the Coronavirus crisis.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Majharul Saiif on August 26, 2020, 09:41:10 AM
Definitely, the collision of this pandemic will slam the global economy. Equitable to the lockdown, everything in the country was impenetrable for a lanky duration. Its trauma is unquestionably on the economy. I think it will seize a long period to withstand this confrontation.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: AicecreaME on August 27, 2020, 03:26:09 AM
During this trying times, majority of companies, businesses, and banks were facing difficulties because of financial crisis. Most of the following were closing and in the verge of filing bankruptcy due to unpaid loans and generating little to no income over the past months.

This pandemic damaged and still damaging the economic growth especially those of third world and emerging countries. Most countries are even expected to have an economic recession this year. This pandemic negatively affect the flow economy, however, some sectors and industries bloomed along the way such as e-commerce and food retail.

When it comes to the effect of pandemic to the decentralize organization, i think it paves a way for new platform for people to invest and save their hard-earned money. This pandemic also made digital and online transactions more popular because of its convenience.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Zackgeno96 on August 27, 2020, 06:52:05 AM
Definitely, the collision of this pandemic will slam the global economy. Equitable to the lockdown, everything in the country was impenetrable for a lanky duration. Its trauma is unquestionably on the economy. I think it will seize a long period to withstand this confrontation.
There was only a short term slowdown of the economy and stock markets of every country back in March but that too was shortly lived and there was a huge rebound that took back the stock markets on track. Most of the countries have suffered a lot from the lockdowns but the same can't be said about China which is said to be corona free right now or having COVID under control. I guess we won't be able to see the effect of Covid in the short term, but in long term trend there will definitely be a market crash fueled by Covid.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Salauddin1994 on August 27, 2020, 10:21:55 AM
The long-term effects of the corona virus have taken the world by storm. The market is collapsing day by day as the stock market is not being invested properly to show the financial crisis. The effects of the epidemic coronavirus on the global economy are taking a terrible turn but it will take a long time to recover. In many countries even after the lockdown the outbreak of the virus has not decreased in which case they are living in a lot of crisis.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: pragna on August 27, 2020, 04:00:36 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

Actually this pandemic situation is good for some people who are keep well with family members and bad also for some people who lost their family members. But overall this pandemic situation teaches how to earn from home investment like cryptocurrency investment. People from now must think alternative safe income in different way by online as we have gotten useful with it. I think after COVID that would be new Era for all and alternative best economic system coming for all also.


Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: AbuBhakar on August 27, 2020, 04:06:08 PM
The long-term effects of the corona virus have taken the world by storm. The market is collapsing day by day as the stock market is not being invested properly to show the financial crisis. The effects of the epidemic coronavirus on the global economy are taking a terrible turn but it will take a long time to recover. In many countries even after the lockdown the outbreak of the virus has not decreased in which case they are living in a lot of crisis.
Those in a 3rd world classes is struggling to survive due to these, it kills life, employment, economy and dreams of individuals. But we should find a way to survive these crisis. Like how many now knew crypto to do investment or make trading as a job. There is always a way to avoid virus and to find resources to live. What important is that we're trying to survive. Economy will be able to survive after these no matter how low it falls.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: ttcsalam on August 28, 2020, 01:45:03 AM
Of course I think in this pandemic situation People prefer transactions sitting at home.As such, they are increasingly leaning towards the world of cars.Due to their situation, the number of online transactions is increasing day by day.In the COVID-19 period, everyone is leaning more and more towards this decentralized network day after day.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: jademaxsuy on August 28, 2020, 01:53:10 AM
Of course I think in this pandemic situation People prefer transactions sitting at home.As such, they are increasingly leaning towards the world of cars.Due to their situation, the number of online transactions is increasing day by day.In the COVID-19 period, everyone is leaning more and more towards this decentralized network day after day.
not really a decentralized system but banking systems actually. There are existing e wallets that has been used by some people to do an online transactions. Then here came the pandemic where most of the transaction became online to which more people are learning doing it. E wallets, online payments or cashless system is more common which is centralized. Bitcoin and or cryptocurrency has been used too but it was not advise here in our place and only few were also knowledgeable about cryptocurrency. There are people using cryptocurrency but only as investments.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: finaleshot2016 on August 28, 2020, 11:20:37 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

Actually this pandemic situation is good for some people who are keep well with family members and bad also for some people who lost their family members. But overall this pandemic situation teaches how to earn from home investment like cryptocurrency investment. People from now must think alternative safe income in different way by online as we have gotten useful with it. I think after COVID that would be new Era for all and alternative best economic system coming for all also.

I don't think so, even the family has wealth and they are having time for each other, it's still not safe because there's a huge chance of having a COVID-19 through foods and deliveries. Yes, they're thankful for spending time with their family but still afraid of getting in contact with COVID-19.

I agree that some of us already invested in cryptocurrency and some bought stocks because there's a downfall of prices and it is a stepping stone for better economic growth. Some are adopting the use of the internet, we all know that there's a lot of opportunities here to earn more income while in the house.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: AjithBtc on August 28, 2020, 06:33:39 PM
Myself opted for coronavirus pandemic opening door for decentralized economy, but this isn't happening with the economy prevailing in the world. In my view more and more centralized service providers have started the digital transaction support, but those weren't truly decentralized. Pandemic coronavirus has slowed down the economic growth, and more people have come to know about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Vishnu.Reang on August 29, 2020, 04:39:17 AM
Myself opted for coronavirus pandemic opening door for decentralized economy, but this isn't happening with the economy prevailing in the world. In my view more and more centralized service providers have started the digital transaction support, but those weren't truly decentralized. Pandemic coronavirus has slowed down the economic growth, and more people have come to know about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

I am not seeing any benefit at all for the cryptocurrencies, as a result of this pandemic. Ever since the first quarter of 2018, the acceptability of cryptocurrency among mainstream merchants have gone down. Ventures such as Steam which earlier accepted Bitcoin payments are no longer doing so (as a result of sky-high fees). The pandemic has made no difference to this situation.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: wiss19 on August 29, 2020, 08:46:23 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)

Having a 'decentralized' economy means having no one to control it. We might see the flexibility and volatility of Bitcoin having these characteristics but the economy won't function in that way. It can sprout rivalry and a messed up organization. The COVID-19 even spanned out doubt and fear, so naturally and practically, people will clung out to the government. Asking for food, goods, and necessities. Online transactions might be a safe way yes, but people need reality and they have it with the government.
A decentralized economy really does not have any advantages over the ordinary, especially against the background of various situations that have a very strong impact on the lifestyle of an overwhelming number of people, so the search for salvation in a decentralized economy is in vain.
I have always wished that businesses will be decentralized and no matter where you are around the world you will be able to get a job and an equal pay like other people.

I don’t know whether what I have described is decentralization, but it’s probably a good idea. Some of the contracts I have worked on in the past months were from companies that are located in other countries and these countries were able to pay more than the ones that are in my locality/country, and the payment I got was done through Bitcoin for most of them, and PayPal, Payoneer.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Sundilhan on August 29, 2020, 07:32:38 PM
I think the answer to this question is a strong YES! Decentralized economy has certainly found more appreciation and recognition during this pandemic with several people looking towards blockchain solutions to help shore up their businesses. Blockchain based solutions like NowPayments ( have come up with tremendous solutions which have found appeal towards helping businesses operate successfully from anywhere in the world without the need to leave your home during this pandemic. Nowpayments solutions is helping businesses accept cryptocurrency payments effortlessly and conveniently. With Nowpayments, you only need to plug in simple APIs and have your platform accepting cryptocurrency payments in minutes. This is one of the several ways whereby the current pandemic has positively affected decentralized economy.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Shohanur on August 30, 2020, 02:04:55 PM
But it is really good for bitcoin and other crypto currency.People are knowing enough about crypto currency and features of it.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: nasipadang on August 30, 2020, 07:36:48 PM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
I know what you mean about opening the door to a decentral economy where you refer to the use of cryptocurrency. but in a broader sense, a decentral economy or a centrally planned economy is an economic system that combines elements of a market economy. So some regions that implement a decentral economy also experience bad impacts, but decentral finance like crypto has the opposite impact because the economic system, both central and decentral, which basically uses fiat collapses. I think that's why currencies like bitcoin and altcoin have increased because people even switched and used crypto as a means of storing value for money.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: peterpanda on August 30, 2020, 08:58:24 PM
Actually almost countries are suffering from corona virus. At this time, economy condition is not good enough. But people are joining with decentralized currency as they are getting benefits from it.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: 2double0 on August 30, 2020, 09:11:39 PM
The biggest impact that shook the world is on the relations between China and all other countries (except few which are in China's favor). Global economy will take a big hit once things start to settle and it is because things will never be the same now, people will not get out of their homes too often so no old good days for businesses like petrol pumps, food restaurants, hotels, motels, casinos and anything outside. All of us are needed to have a mask compulsory on our face or we will be fined. Corona has changed the way we will be living our life now.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: mung_nasib on November 22, 2020, 04:52:53 PM
from the emergence of covid recently many people have lost their jobs in the real world so that automatically the economy becomes weaker and the state must pay attention to the population in order to live in prosperity,from there, they may not be interested in trying to do online business without first having capital.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: emmybd on November 23, 2020, 07:14:42 PM
Mostly economic crisis has increased because of this pandemic. Developing countries are facing many problems. They are fighting every day to stable their economic situation. World Bank thinks the global economy will decline by 2.1-3.9 per cent. It's not good news. Even global stock markets fell on 24 February 2020 due to a significant rise in the number of Covid-19 cases. Actually, the global stock market crashed, and it's heartbreaking news all over the world.

Import and export are not stable right now. As a result, countries which are dependent on export business are facing many problems. It's even difficult to fulfil the basic needs because of the economic crisis. Asian Development Bank derives that the global economy could lose between $5.8 trillion and $8.8 trillion, equivalent to 6.4 per cent to 9.7 per cent of the global gross domestic product. Europe and Central Asia will experience the largest fall of 27.5 per cent, Sub-Saharan Africa (23.1 per cent), South Asia (22.1 per cent), the Middle East and North Africa (19.6 per cent), Latin America and the Caribbean (19.3 per cent), and East Asia and the Pacific (13 per cent).

Today's world is not in a stable state. Every country is facing an economic crisis, especially the emerging countries because of this pandemic.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: CarnagexD on November 23, 2020, 11:11:34 PM
It completely toppled down most countries' economies which forced some countries like France and Italy into near recession. Philippines asked for trillions of pesos of loans that they will soon regret once the other countries recover. It definitely created a huge feedback that one can srgue will take a huge amount of time before everyone can recover from it.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: nomenclatur on November 24, 2020, 12:20:32 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
The impact of this pandemic occurring in various countries has not made so many economic changes that it is a problem of the government being unable to lift the country's economy and also this coronavirus cannot be lost it greatly disturbs the economies of all countries to be more able to survive at this time the most important thing to make the economy it is growing and it is still gradual a decentralized economy has no effect on the country too much.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: proTECH77 on November 24, 2020, 04:10:13 AM
No, because covid-19 is not the reason why bitcoin is still rising in the market, that is making many traders wonder how decentralized currency, has so much power of pumping since we enter pandemic that collapsed so many countries economy.
Covid-19 make many citizens in the country lose their job during the lockdown, that make so many companies fold up because of the virus that was killing people every day by day in the country. Many are still struggle to grow their businesses that collapsed during the pandemic, that make everyone to stay at home for good 8 months.
During the pandemic bitcoin Still maintain the position of decentralized currency which corona virus could not control or any government officials. Many currencies devalue during the pandemic that was causing by the virus that was spreading all over the country where bitcoin was still maintaining, it value through out of the season that is making government to see bitcoin as a king among other cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: TopT3ns on November 24, 2020, 05:19:02 AM
The world is surrounded by the COVID-19 and so the demand for the decentralized economy is increasing as a way of maintaining social distance. Does Pandemic Coronavirus open the door for the decentralized economy? Please justify your answer. 8)
The impact of this pandemic occurring in various countries has not made so many economic changes that it is a problem of the government being unable to lift the country's economy and also this coronavirus cannot be lost it greatly disturbs the economies of all countries to be more able to survive at this time the most important thing to make the economy it is growing and it is still gradual a decentralized economy has no effect on the country too much.
The spread of the corona virus can completely disappear and takes a very long time because until now there is still no vaccine given to the people so the potential for the spread of the virus is still strong, while the world economy which is affected by the presence of Covid has become a natural thing and indirectly the world economy is demanded to be able to adapt to the pandemic.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: Negotiation on November 24, 2020, 09:01:29 AM
To the impact of the epidemic coronavirus on the global economy people are more inclined towards decentralized demand than centralized many companies are shutting down due to the economic downturn which has left most people in the world unemployed but decentralized work has not had  of an impact. Seeing is believing in bitcoin investment and helping to overcome financial problems bitcoin's price is rising due to high demand for decentralized work.

Title: Re: Pandemic Coronvirus Impact On Global economy
Post by: palle11 on November 24, 2020, 10:04:55 AM
It completely toppled down most countries' economies which forced some countries like France and Italy into near recession. Philippines asked for trillions of pesos of loans that they will soon regret once the other countries recover. It definitely created a huge feedback that one can srgue will take a huge amount of time before everyone can recover from it.

The effect of covid-19 will be recession. The European countries like as you mentioned are not the only countries that will go into recession. Countries like India and countries around it will have financial challenges. I guess the world bank should be ready to support countries for loan to survive the problem.