Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Collectibles => Topic started by: bobbyclee on April 02, 2020, 05:43:00 AM

Title: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 02, 2020, 05:43:00 AM (

Hi all,

As teased here a few days ago, I'm excited to share that we have now soft-launched the new Bitcoin Block:

I personally think this is one of the the ultimate Bitcoin collectible for true HODLers and hardcore Bitcoin fans. It's your chance to own a physical "bitcoin block" before the May 2020 halving, containing the full block reward including the transaction fees (that's 12.5+ BTC), coming straight from the mining pool. This is truly virgin bitcoin; zero hops and straight via the block's coinbase transaction. This is as real as it gets, in terms of owning a piece of Bitcoin history; owning a block from the blockchain. In our frequent analogies where Bitcoin is digital gold, it's like owning a large rare piece of a gold nugget, coming straight from the gold mine!

As a true fan of Bitcoin collectibles and physical bitcoins, I wanted to share this new product with all of you first, so that you can order now, and get in on the low serial numbers before we formally announce this product to the public. You have a few days head start!

Important Notes

  • Please ensure you have enough BTC funds available before you place the order. This product is very expensive (1.0 BTC mining service fee + 13.3 BTC mining deposit), and the USD $99 price is not refundable.
  • The current photos and diagrams shown for this product are just photo renders, and they are not actual photographs of the actual product. The product is still being manufactured, and the final product could have slight differences from the current photos and diagrams.
  • There is a small user-assembly component to this product. See step #7 in the Ordering Procedure section below for more details.
  • All Bitcoin Blocks are made-to-order, so we will not have any additional inventory for sale later. If you want to purchase the pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block, please order here now.
  • The Bitcoin Blocks have ascending serial numbers, and the Blocks will ship out in sequence of when you place your order. This means that the sooner you order, the lower the serial number you'll get.
  • Once you’ve placed the order on our web store, the USD $99 price is non-refundable, even if you later decide to not take delivery and not pay for the mining of the block.
  • Supplies are very limited, so please place your order soon, to ensure you get a pre-halving Bitcoin Block.
  • For these pre-halving Bitcoin Blocks, we will likely stop taking new orders around April 15, or whenever supplies run out.
  • The USD $99 price is non-refundable and you also need to pay for the mining service fee and the mining deposit. To purchase the product, there is a mandatory mining service fee of 1.0 BTC, to be paid after the order is placed. As this is a made-to-order product, please fully read the Pricing and Important Notes sections below before placing your order. Once your order is placed, the USD $99 is NOT refundable.

Bitcoin Block

Ballet’s new Bitcoin Block is a bitcoin collectible masterpiece, created by turning Bitcoin “digital gold” into physical form, made of advanced titanium as used by the aerospace industry. It is designed as a physical square block, to represent a real world version of a block in the ever-expanding blockchain. We created the Bitcoin Block specifically for savvy bitcoin investors who want to hold a piece of history in their hands. Over time, as the block rewards continue to go down by half every four years, the value of this product will surely go up, and there will be real prestige in owning a whole Bitcoin Block in physical form.

>>> Order Now <<< (


  • Full Bitcoin Block Reward: Bitcoin Blocks contain the entire coinbase reward of a newly-mined block. This includes both the base block reward of 12.5 BTC (6.25 BTC after the halving) as well as all transaction fees mined in that block.
  • Virgin Bitcoins: The bitcoins come straight from our mining pool partner, mined directly from the coinbase transaction in each block, straight to your physical Bitcoin Block, with no intermediate hops. These bitcoins have no prior transaction history, and thus provide the highest level of privacy.
  • Physical Bearer Asset: Bitcoin Blocks are physical bearer assets, with no external dependencies such as passwords or third-party accounts. Whoever has physical possession of the Bitcoin Block controls the funds.
  • Two-Factor Private Keys: Bitcoin Blocks are made using Ballet’s innovative Two-Factor Key Generation (2FKG) process, which utilizes the industry standard BIP38 process to split the private key into two components (the BIP38 passphrase and the encrypted private key). Blocks are manufactured in two separate steps in two different locations around the world. This provides what we consider to be the highest level of private key security for the customer.


  • Price of the Bitcoin Block is USD $99 and once ordered, this is not refundable.
  • Mining service fee of 1.0 BTC, to be paid in BTC directly to Ballet after the order is placed.
  • Mining deposit of 13.3 BTC, to be paid in BTC directly to the mining pool after the order is placed. The difference between 13.3 and the total amount mined to the block will be refunded to the customer.

To summarize: the price premium of the Bitcoin Block is 1.0 BTC (the mining service fee), and you will separately pay the mining pool for the full BTC value of the mined block (send 13.3 BTC deposit first, then get refund after the block is mined).

Ordering Procedure

Important: all Bitcoin Blocks are made-to-order, so we will not have any additional inventory for sale later if you do not place your order directly with Ballet now. Before you place your order, please read the following carefully to fully understand the whole ordering process. Bitcoin Block is a combination of physical product and bitcoin mining service, so that in order to receive the product, the customer would need to pay both the mining service fee and the mining deposit after payment of the product in the order checkout process. This means Ballet will NOT separately sell the unfunded empty block for USD $99 without the mining service.

1) On the Ballet official store at order checkout, the customer pays a non-refundable USD $99 for the product cost of the Bitcoin Block. To place an order, the customer must provide the following details:
  • Full name
  • Delivery address (all details, including: street address, apartment unit, postal code, country)
  • Mobile phone number
  • Email address
  • Customer-created 8-digit order PIN code that will be used to authenticate email communications.
  • Bitcoin refund address to receive the excess BTC amount from the mining of the block. Please note that this refund address CANNOT be changed after the order is placed. Please be sure you control this bitcoin address, and make sure it will be valid for use up through May 20, 2020, as the excess deposit refund could take some time to process.

2) After the order is placed, Ballet will send an email to the customer (from providing two bitcoin deposit addresses: one for the mining service fee (1.0 BTC) and one for the mining deposit for the block reward (13.3 BTC). IMPORTANT: To authenticate this email as legitimately coming from Ballet, we will reference both the order  number and the 8-digit order PIN code provided by the customer during the ordering process. For further confirmation, this information will also be sent via SMS to the customer’s mobile phone number.

3) Once the payment request email is sent to the customer, they are now required within 48 hours to make two separate bitcoin payments to the two bitcoin addresses provided in the email and SMS:
  • 1.0 BTC for the mining service fee.
  • 13.3 BTC as the mining deposit to the mining pool to mine the block reward directly to the physical Bitcoin Block.

4) Once the bitcoin payments are received, Ballet will ship the unfunded Bitcoin Block to the customer by express courier. The customer will need to confirm delivery of the Bitcoin Block in order to proceed to the next step.

5) After the customer confirms physical delivery of the Bitcoin Block, the mining pool will mine a new block with a coinbase transaction sending the entire block reward and all transaction fees directly to the Bitcoin address of your Bitcoin Block.

6) After the Bitcoin Block is funded, the customer will be informed of the block height and exact amount of BTC, which can be verified directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. If the funded amount is less than the 13.3 BTC mining pool deposit, the excess amount will be sent back to the customer’s BTC refund address provided in the initial ordering process. (If in the unlikely scenario that the total mined amount is higher than 13.3 BTC, the customer will have to send in additional BTC to cover for that amount. If this happens, additional instructions will be sent out.)

7) Once we know the actual block height and the full block reward amount, we will create a custom set of stick-on letterings (high quality metallic style raised lettering) to denote the actual block height and block reward amount. We will then send this lettering stick-on set to the customer to affix onto the Bitcoin Block. Detailed instructions will be included.

If you have any questions, please contact us at and we will guide you through the process step by step.

>>> Order Now <<< (

BTCC Mint Legacy

Bobby Lee, founder and CEO of Ballet, was previously the co-founder and CEO of BTCC until its acquisition in early 2018. Mr. Lee was the creator of the BTCC Mint series of physical bitcoin collectibles, which are among the most highly regarded in the industry. From 2016 to 2018, BTCC Mint produced and sold physical bitcoins in a variety of different physical formats, from coins to blocks to poker chips. In total, BTCC Mint produced over 22,000 physical bitcoin collectibles, containing over 8,700 BTC in total.

With Mr. Lee as CEO, Ballet has inherited BTCC Mint’s legacy. With all of the core team members of BTCC Mint on board, Ballet has unique and unparalleled experience and expertise in production of physical bitcoins. We put security and privacy above everything else, and our long track record is evidence of that.

The security of BTCC Mint collectibles has never been compromised. To date, all physical bitcoins created by BTCC Mint either remain intact in the original physical coins, or the bitcoins were transferred safely to other addresses by the owner. No complaints of fraud or security failure have ever been filed or reported. Mr. Lee is proud of this clean track record as coinmaker of BTCC Mint and will uphold the same high standard at Ballet.

Technical Specifications

  • Product Name: Bitcoin Block
  • Width: 80 mm
  • Height: 80 mm
  • Thickness: 10 mm
  • Weight: 283 g
  • Material: Titanium

Please post any additional questions you may have, and we'll try our best to answer as soon as possible. We will update our website accordingly, and may even put out a FAQ.

As mentioned before, the BalletCrypto username on this forum is our official company account, so we will be posting from there as well. I vouch for that account, and I've already added Trust to that profile.

Over the next few days, we will continue to fix any errors on our website and our store order page, so please bear with us.

Hope you all enjoy this chance to own a piece of Bitcoin history!

>>> Order Now <<< (


Title: Re: Soft launch: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now
Post by: bobbyclee on April 02, 2020, 05:54:44 AM

Some additional insights to share with everyone:

- Since early 2019, after starting Ballet, I've wanted to carry over from BTCC Mint and create a 2020 version of the Bitcoin Block, so that we can have blocks both before and after the block reward halving even in May.

- For this Bitcoin Block, we got started in earnest in January, refining the designs, etc.  However, the coronavirus situation in China put a pause in the work and we didn't get to resume on late February. There were some significant delays, but thankfully, we'll still make it in time, for having blocks made before the halving event in mid-May.

- Thankfully, the titanium hardware is already in manufacturing, and we will receive our first samples soon. (The downside is that we won't have time to make additional changes...)

- There are 2 major differences from how we made the Bitcoin Blocks back at BTCC Mint in 2016:

   1) We are using Ballet's new 2FKG process, to have 2-factor private keys, instead of the single private key during BTCC Mint days. We strongly believe that this is a *safer* approach to manufacturing physical bitcoin collectables. This means that the manufacturing will take place in two countries (China and USA), and this there's additional time delay built in, to transport the parts around the world, especially during this coronavirus shutdown time.

   2) We decided to ship the blocks to customers first, before mining the bitcoins into it. The reason is simple: the value is too great now, to allow for shipping loaded physical bitcoins. There are all sorts of insurance and customs and tax issues, if the product was sold & shipped as loaded. Now, we're able to just sell the empty Bitcoin Block, where the customer pays the mining pool for the loading of the block, all done after the customer receives the block. Again, this also adds time to the process.

- As we are a USA company, for regulatory reasons, we do not feel we can a loaded physical bitcoin product. And besides, shipping it would be a nightmare, both domestically and internationally. This means that we have to ship this product empty and unfunded, where the mining pool will later find it with the full block reward. This is what necessitates the DIY component, to stick on the final Block Height and Block Reward amounts.


Title: Re: Soft launch: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now
Post by: bobbyclee on April 02, 2020, 06:09:37 AM
Some of you may be interested in seeing the eventual "raised lettering" stick-ons for the DIY part mentioned in point 7 of the Ordering Procedure section above.

I have photos and videos to show you!

Here are some photos of what this will look like on your block, after you apply the lettering stick-on.
(By the way, that block in the photos/videos is an actual Titanium block, in actual size (8 x 8 cm, at 1 cm thickness).

We will give you 2 sets of the lettering stick-ons, all custom-made to show the actual Block Height and Block Reward amount for your newly mined Bitcoin Block.

And we also have 2 nice video clips:

Video clip #1 ( - Showing the lettering at various angles.

Video clip #2 ( - Showing how the lettering is solidly stuck on, and not able to be scratched off by accident.

After you see this, I hope you'll agree that this is indeed a good workable solution. It matches the color and looks great on the titanium block, and also it's quite solidly stuck on, as you can see in the second video above.

We've worked hard to make it high quality and durable. :)

How do you like it?


Title: Re: Soft launch: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now
Post by: bobbyclee on April 02, 2020, 08:30:44 AM
Are the numbers individual stickers or are they glued onto the block? It looks like there is glue residue surrounding the numbers.

I assume you're referring to the DIY "raised lettering stick-ons" for the Block Height and Block Reward amount.

However, I don't quite understand your question...

Let me clarify it this way:

The raised letterings are custom made stick-ons, in the form of raised lettering in glossy metallic style.
In the DIY process, these letterings are stuck onto the Titanium block in one motion. The whole set of raised lettering is organized together, so you stick it on in one motion (and NOT done individually, letter by letter).

So yes, there is glue involved, as the glue is on the bottom of each letter.  However, the glue is not user-applied, but rather like on a sticker; it's already made for you and ready to stick.

Hope that helps?

In terms of the DIY application of the stick-on, one sort-of-similar analogy is the application of a screen protector for your mobile smartphone.  Have any of you put on a screen protector yourself?

The screen protector comes in a 3-layer sheet. The actual screen protector layer is in the middle, with 2 protective "application" layers on both sides. You peel off layer 1 to reveal the sticky side of layer 2, and then place the layer 2+3 onto your mobile phone screen, with careful alignment. Once done, you peel off layer 3, and then layer 2 (the actual screen protector) stays on top of your mobile phone screen.

Now, similar here:

The stick-on lettering comes in a 3-layer sheet. The actual stick-on lettering is in the middle, with 2 protective "application" layers on both sides. You peel off layer 1 to reveal the sticky side of the stick-on lettering, and then place the layer 2+3 onto your Bitcoin Block, with careful alignment. Once done, you peel off layer 3, and then layer 2 (the actual metallic style lettering) stays on top of your Bitcoin Block.

Title: Re: Soft launch: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now
Post by: bobbyclee on April 03, 2020, 08:25:28 AM

So yes, there is glue involved, as the glue is on the bottom of each letter.  However, the glue is not user-applied, but rather like on a sticker; it's already made for you and ready to stick.

Hope that helps?

That is exactly what I meant. Looking at the images you posted it seems like someone smeared glue on the block and stuck the letters on, instead of looking like stickers:

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash the Bitcoin Blocks at all, I'm glad to see new products being made (and released). I really love the concept but I'm not sure the execution fits the premium product you have envisioned and the premium that is being charged. As a long time collector I don't want to pay a 1 BTC premium on a product where I have to perform DIY steps (with a fair chance of messing up the allignment, making it look bad).

Hi TheNewAnon135246,

Thank you for sharing your concerns.

The product photos don’t do justice to the quality of the stickers or what they will actually look like.

The materials we used to make the stickers and our new blocks are of the highest quality and we are confident customers will like them just as much as they liked the BTCC Mint products our team used to make.

I will post closeups of the stickers soon, so everyone can judge the quality of the stickers for themselves.

It’s also important to note that the stickers are optional, and people can choose whether they want to apply them or not depending on the aesthetic they want. And, we can also offer an option to laser etch the information onto the blocks, but this method would require you to bring the loaded Bitcoin Block to our facilities in Las Vegas. (If there's interest in this, we can recommend some trusted couriers to help you transport the Blocks back and forth.)

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any more feedback or concerns.


Title: Re: Soft launch: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now
Post by: bobbyclee on April 20, 2020, 09:20:24 AM
Here's the user manual for the 2020 pre-halving Bitcoin Block.


(somehow, the inline image version doesn't want to show here, so click through on the link above, to see the manual.)

Title: Re: Soft launch: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now
Post by: K-Paxian on April 20, 2020, 10:21:15 AM
Hi Bobby.

The ballet block is going to be made only pre-halving with 12.5 BTC or also post halving with 6.25 BTC in it?


Title: Re: Soft launch: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now
Post by: bobbyclee on April 20, 2020, 11:04:43 AM
Hi Bobby.

The ballet block is going to be made only pre-halving with 12.5 BTC or also post halving with 6.25 BTC in it?


We're currently taking orders for the pre-halving Blocks. The premium is slightly less than 8%. It's paid as a "mining service fee" of 1.0 BTC, paid in Bitcoin. For this product, we are only taking orders up until April 30th.  So just about 10 days left for people to place orders.  (and we may restrict orders during the last few days, as we can only handle so many at the end.)

And after the block halving, we plan to sell the 6.25+ BTC version. It will also be made-to-order, and we will start taking orders in June. The premium will be around 10% for that product.


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: K-Paxian on April 20, 2020, 01:18:10 PM
Ok, thank you for the info

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Liquidoptions on April 22, 2020, 11:49:44 AM
1 btc for stickers? I find it insane,  laser engraving block height would cost less than 100 dollars and they are using stickers on a physical block worth at least 12.5 btc! If anyone buy these they have too much money

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 22, 2020, 12:23:34 PM
1 btc for stickers? I find it insane,  laser engraving block height would cost less than 100 dollars and they are using stickers on a physical block worth at least 12.5 btc! If anyone buy these they have too much money

1 BTC is mining service fee, for the full block, freshly mined.

I don't know what "stickers" you're referring to.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: omicron1 on April 22, 2020, 04:56:17 PM
The sticker he is referring to is ... the sticker. :)

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Liquidoptions on April 23, 2020, 02:15:37 PM
and i quote you from an earlier post

"Hi TheNewAnon135246,

Thank you for sharing your concerns.

The product photos don’t do justice to the quality of the stickers or what they will actually look like. "

You still dont know what "stickers"?
wow just wow

1 btc for stickers? I find it insane,  laser engraving block height would cost less than 100 dollars and they are using stickers on a physical block worth at least 12.5 btc! If anyone buy these they have too much money

1 BTC is mining service fee, for the full block, freshly mined.

I don't know what "stickers" you're referring to.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 24, 2020, 04:55:17 AM
1 btc for stickers? I find it insane,  laser engraving block height would cost less than 100 dollars and they are using stickers on a physical block worth at least 12.5 btc! If anyone buy these they have too much money

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?
*** [line deleted] ***

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.
*** [line deleted] ***
Slushpool just helped us mine the first 2 blocks (#627061 and #627295) the past two days. Very exciting.
(You can our custom message in the OP_RETURN field of the coinbase transaction... like in here (

I know that many of you are all worried about the quality and look of the shiny lettering "stickers"...
As soon as I get the shiny lettering "stickers", I'll put them onto Block #001, and then show you some photos/videos.

Here's what the blocks look like in our Ballet Crypto mobile app:


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 24, 2020, 05:30:51 AM
More photos of the 2 blocks, along with the packaging box.

(For the very few of you who own the BTCC Mint blocks from 2016, you'll notice that we've used the same vendors and suppliers for the box and packaging. You're getting the same premium experience!)

*** The block height and block value "Shiny Lettering" has not been applied yet.


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Edits on April 24, 2020, 05:40:23 AM
It sounds more like sour grapes, and you probably can't even afford to buy this item. ...

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.
I'll show more photos soon, but unfortunately, many of you will never get to see them in person. That's just the way it is. Not everyone can afford certain things...

I know that many of you are all worried about the quality and look of the shiny lettering "stickers"...
As soon as I get the shiny lettering "stickers", I'll put them onto Block #001, and then show you some photos/videos.


OUCH. Packaging looks great, I really like what youre making at ballet however I think youre getting hooked on the definition of "stickers" v "Shiny Lettering that uses an adhesive to stick to the block"

either way, telling prospective customers that have quality concerns about a $120,000+ item that "you probably cant even afford to buy this item" and "not everyone can afford certain things" is pretty shit customer service.

Pretty Woman?

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 24, 2020, 07:15:46 AM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?
*** [line deleted] ***

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.
*** [line deleted] ***

I want to apologize for an earlier comment above, where I was being insensitive and making unnecessary assumptions. I have edited the post and removed the offending lines.

Looking back, my comments above are not a reflection of how I want to project myself publicly.

Apologies again, and thank you for your understanding.


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Crypto_Collection on April 24, 2020, 03:15:24 PM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.

Tamper-evident security holograms are much different than cheap stick-on numbers. These are not comparable when calling both "stickers"

What security features are present in this product that would make it nearly impossible to copy? How could someone purchasing this block not directly from you ensure the authenticity of the product?

This product is missing a very important "sticker" and IMO would be easy for someone to create a fake.  This is a serious issue when holding a large sum BTC.  I have no doubt the key generation is safe.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: anonymousminer on April 24, 2020, 03:36:42 PM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.

Tamper-evident security holograms are much different than cheap stick-on numbers. These are not comparable when calling both "stickers"

What security features are present in this product that would make it nearly impossible to copy? How could someone purchasing this block not directly from you ensure the authenticity of the product?

This product is missing a very important "sticker" and IMO would be easy for someone to create a fake.  This is a serious issue when holding a large sum BTC.  I have no doubt the key generation is safe.

Please expand on why it "would be easy for someone to create a fake."

The private key is under a tamper resistant multi layer "sticker" - The BIP38 passphrase is under a scratch off - It's a large block of titanium with a fairly intricate die to stamp these.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Crypto_Collection on April 24, 2020, 04:11:15 PM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.

Tamper-evident security holograms are much different than cheap stick-on numbers. These are not comparable when calling both "stickers"

What security features are present in this product that would make it nearly impossible to copy? How could someone purchasing this block not directly from you ensure the authenticity of the product?

This product is missing a very important "sticker" and IMO would be easy for someone to create a fake.  This is a serious issue when holding a large sum BTC.  I have no doubt the key generation is safe.

Please expand on why it "would be easy for someone to create a fake."

The private key is under a tamper resistant multi layer "sticker" - The BIP38 passphrase is under a scratch off - It's a large block of titanium with a fairly intricate die to stamp these.

I guess easy would be the wrong word, but I meant easy for someone with access to the proper printers / machinery, time and resources.

The "sticker" and scratch off don't seem like they'd be hard for a person to replicate since the design is simple.  The person would need access to the proper printers / machinery. It's a 2D design. Clearly you could verify authenticity if you damage the scratch off or peel the non-holographic sticker.

I didn't know that the blocks were made with a die, which would make it much harder to recreate.  I originally thought they were milled.  Thank you for clarifying. Dies would make it more difficult to replicate

That being said, the exact design (front view) is posted at the top of this thread.  Couldn't that be used to copy design and scale of elements used in the design?

I'm no expert here but just wanted to voice a concern since this is intended to store a lot of BTC.

Edit - fixed formatting

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: omicron1 on April 24, 2020, 05:33:26 PM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.

Tamper-evident security holograms are much different than cheap stick-on numbers. These are not comparable when calling both "stickers"

What security features are present in this product that would make it nearly impossible to copy? How could someone purchasing this block not directly from you ensure the authenticity of the product?

This product is missing a very important "sticker" and IMO would be easy for someone to create a fake.  This is a serious issue when holding a large sum BTC.  I have no doubt the key generation is safe.

Please expand on why it "would be easy for someone to create a fake."

The private key is under a tamper resistant multi layer "sticker" - The BIP38 passphrase is under a scratch off - It's a large block of titanium with a fairly intricate die to stamp these.

Posting with your alt account... Wtf.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: anonymousminer on April 24, 2020, 06:15:31 PM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.

Tamper-evident security holograms are much different than cheap stick-on numbers. These are not comparable when calling both "stickers"

What security features are present in this product that would make it nearly impossible to copy? How could someone purchasing this block not directly from you ensure the authenticity of the product?

This product is missing a very important "sticker" and IMO would be easy for someone to create a fake.  This is a serious issue when holding a large sum BTC.  I have no doubt the key generation is safe.

Please expand on why it "would be easy for someone to create a fake."

The private key is under a tamper resistant multi layer "sticker" - The BIP38 passphrase is under a scratch off - It's a large block of titanium with a fairly intricate die to stamp these.

Posting with your alt account... Wtf.

Not to derail this thread but you are a complete moron whoever you are!  A simple look into the posts I've started on this forum would prove otherwise.  I'm certain the former CEO of the BTCC Mint/Exchange and now current CEO of Ballet has time to be brokering and selling items that are worth $5-$500 as most of the items I sell are.  There are plenty of respected members on this forum that have seen both Bobby and me.  Please do some homework before you make comments that just make you look stupid. 

.....and while I'm at it, if you don't like the product, don't buy it.  It's that simple.  The way I see it, Bobby gave people a way to own a freshly mined bitcoin block.  Like it or not, it's currently your only option.  Yes, it's different from the BTCC ones.  BTCC was not a US company, hence they were able to do things a bit different.  There are a lot more restrictions as a US based company.  He found a way to make it work, have you??  ....or any of you criticizing for that matter.... what have you brought to the bitcoin collectibles community?? Please make something better..... with superior security.  Innovation is great.... let's see what you come up with. 

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: krogothmanhattan on April 24, 2020, 06:24:47 PM

 There are plenty of respected members on this forum that have seen both Bobby and me.  ... let's see what you come up with.  

   Yep...had the great opportunity and pleasure to have had dinner with both at the same time.   ;)

    Confirming they are indeed two seperate beings :D

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Crypto_Collection on April 24, 2020, 06:51:37 PM
Posting with your alt account... Wtf.

Not to derail this thread but you are a complete moron whoever you are!  A simple look into the posts I've started on this forum would prove otherwise.  I'm certain the former CEO of the BTCC Mint/Exchange and now current CEO of Ballet has time to be brokering and selling items that are worth $5-$500 as most of the items I sell are.  There are plenty of respected members on this forum that have seen both Bobby and me.  Please do some homework before you make comments that just make you look stupid.  

.....and while I'm at it, if you don't like the product, don't buy it.  It's that simple.  The way I see it, Bobby gave people a way to own a freshly mined bitcoin block.  Like it or not, it's currently your only option.  Yes, it's different from the BTCC ones.  BTCC was not a US company, hence they were able to do things a bit different.  There are a lot more restrictions as a US based company.  He found a way to make it work, have you??  ....or any of you criticizing for that matter.... what have you brought to the bitcoin collectibles community?? Please make something better..... with superior security.  Innovation is great.... let's see what you come up with.  

Not sure what's going on now....  I was attempting to start a discussion on "stickers" and lack of physical security measures on this product in my opinion.  Making my own bitcoin blocks doesn't address my security concerns with this product. Your answer is very subjective and doesn't address anything I brought up.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Agrawas on April 24, 2020, 07:00:19 PM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.

Tamper-evident security holograms are much different than cheap stick-on numbers. These are not comparable when calling both "stickers"

What security features are present in this product that would make it nearly impossible to copy? How could someone purchasing this block not directly from you ensure the authenticity of the product?

This product is missing a very important "sticker" and IMO would be easy for someone to create a fake.  This is a serious issue when holding a large sum BTC.  I have no doubt the key generation is safe.

Please expand on why it "would be easy for someone to create a fake."

The private key is under a tamper resistant multi layer "sticker" - The BIP38 passphrase is under a scratch off - It's a large block of titanium with a fairly intricate die to stamp these.

Posting with your alt account... Wtf.

There are plenty of respected members on this forum that have seen both Bobby and me. 

Had the pleasure of meeting of both these great members of the forum in person.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: anonymousminer on April 24, 2020, 07:13:22 PM
Posting with your alt account... Wtf.

Not to derail this thread but you are a complete moron whoever you are!  A simple look into the posts I've started on this forum would prove otherwise.  I'm certain the former CEO of the BTCC Mint/Exchange and now current CEO of Ballet has time to be brokering and selling items that are worth $5-$500 as most of the items I sell are.  There are plenty of respected members on this forum that have seen both Bobby and me.  Please do some homework before you make comments that just make you look stupid.  

.....and while I'm at it, if you don't like the product, don't buy it.  It's that simple.  The way I see it, Bobby gave people a way to own a freshly mined bitcoin block.  Like it or not, it's currently your only option.  Yes, it's different from the BTCC ones.  BTCC was not a US company, hence they were able to do things a bit different.  There are a lot more restrictions as a US based company.  He found a way to make it work, have you??  ....or any of you criticizing for that matter.... what have you brought to the bitcoin collectibles community?? Please make something better..... with superior security.  Innovation is great.... let's see what you come up with.  

Not sure what's going on now....  I was attempting to start a discussion on "stickers" and lack of physical security measures on this product in my opinion.  Making my own bitcoin blocks doesn't address my security concerns with this product. Your answer is very subjective and doesn't address anything I brought up.

This answer will be to the point!!  Yes, your concerns were that it could be faked..... if the security measures pointed out in this thread/on the website are not good enough for you..... don't buy it.  I'm not sure what else you want to hear??   Bobby has answered numerous questions about security of these over and over and on just about every platform.  So like I said, if those answers don't work for you..... simply don't buy it, but asking the same question again and again and maybe in a slightly different way this time is asinine.

A couple helpful links:

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: buckrogers on April 24, 2020, 07:51:40 PM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.

Tamper-evident security holograms are much different than cheap stick-on numbers. These are not comparable when calling both "stickers"

What security features are present in this product that would make it nearly impossible to copy? How could someone purchasing this block not directly from you ensure the authenticity of the product?

This product is missing a very important "sticker" and IMO would be easy for someone to create a fake.  This is a serious issue when holding a large sum BTC.  I have no doubt the key generation is safe.

Please expand on why it "would be easy for someone to create a fake."

The private key is under a tamper resistant multi layer "sticker" - The BIP38 passphrase is under a scratch off - It's a large block of titanium with a fairly intricate die to stamp these.

Posting with your alt account... Wtf.

Not to derail this thread but you are a complete moron whoever you are!  A simple look into the posts I've started on this forum would prove otherwise.  I'm certain the former CEO of the BTCC Mint/Exchange and now current CEO of Ballet has time to be brokering and selling items that are worth $5-$500 as most of the items I sell are.  There are plenty of respected members on this forum that have seen both Bobby and me.  Please do some homework before you make comments that just make you look stupid. 

.....and while I'm at it, if you don't like the product, don't buy it.  It's that simple.  The way I see it, Bobby gave people a way to own a freshly mined bitcoin block.  Like it or not, it's currently your only option.  Yes, it's different from the BTCC ones.  BTCC was not a US company, hence they were able to do things a bit different.  There are a lot more restrictions as a US based company.  He found a way to make it work, have you??  ....or any of you criticizing for that matter.... what have you brought to the bitcoin collectibles community?? Please make something better..... with superior security.  Innovation is great.... let's see what you come up with. 

Im not sure why you are implying that anonymousminer and bobbyclee are the same person @omicron1 ?
I've had the pleasure of meeting them both on multiple separate occasions and I can confirm with 100% certainty they are 2 different human beings lol, Its hard to be in 2 places at once at the same dinner table, wouldn’t you think? (yes the steak was delicious, thanks Bobby)  8)

I’m also not sure what your reason for attacking these highly trusted and respected members here are? Can it possibly be due to your own sales thread here:

Trying to sell some 1oz bars?

If not, then I dont see any reason to continue.

Bobby is a highly trusted and valued member of this forum and the bitcoin community as a whole and anonymousminer is nothing but purely genuine.
I fail to see any reason to continue your attacks as they are not welcome nor warranted here.


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Lesbian Cow on April 24, 2020, 08:48:18 PM

you're complaining about stickers?

most physical bitcoins today use stickers to cover up the private keys. So you don't complain about that?

All of my BTCC Mint blocks from 2015 and 2015, both the 25+ BTC and the 12.5+ BTC, they ALL had stickers on them.
What's the issue with stickers on physical bitcoins?

Like I said, the shiny lettering "stickers" look GREAT in person.

Tamper-evident security holograms are much different than cheap stick-on numbers. These are not comparable when calling both "stickers"

What security features are present in this product that would make it nearly impossible to copy? How could someone purchasing this block not directly from you ensure the authenticity of the product?

This product is missing a very important "sticker" and IMO would be easy for someone to create a fake.  This is a serious issue when holding a large sum BTC.  I have no doubt the key generation is safe.

Please expand on why it "would be easy for someone to create a fake."

The private key is under a tamper resistant multi layer "sticker" - The BIP38 passphrase is under a scratch off - It's a large block of titanium with a fairly intricate die to stamp these.

Posting with your alt account... Wtf.

I have met both Bobby Lee and anonymousminer in person both on more than one occasion.  They are not the same person. 

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: omicron1 on April 25, 2020, 11:19:34 AM
My apologies guys. I was a bit agitated and made assumptions.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Crypto_Collection on April 25, 2020, 04:37:09 PM

This answer will be to the point!!  Yes, your concerns were that it could be faked..... if the security measures pointed out in this thread/on the website are not good enough for you..... don't buy it.  I'm not sure what else you want to hear??   Bobby has answered numerous questions about security of these over and over and on just about every platform.  So like I said, if those answers don't work for you..... simply don't buy it, but asking the same question again and again and maybe in a slightly different way this time is asinine.

A couple helpful links:

It seems like you are emotionally invested and blindly defending this product.  The links and your previous comment have nothing to do with the issues I brought up.  You have not answered my question so I guess I'll put it here again...What physical security features (on the exterior of the un-opened block) are present in this product that would make it impossible to copy?

As I stated previously, I have no issue with the key generation. I will list my concerns below so it's not difficult to understand:

1 ) The design is simple. There is no unique texturing or elements that would be difficult to copy on the titanium block or card.
2 ) Fonts (typeface) used in the design are all free fonts accessible to anyone with the internet (Avenir, Helvetica, Times New Roman, ect..)
3 ) The logo used in the design is available on the internet
4 ) There is no holographic "sticker"
5 ) The scratch off and sticker covering the private key are 2D and would be possible to mimic
6 ) The exact dimensions of the block are posted online
7 ) The layout (front view) is available on this thread
8 ) The block # & reward stickers could potentially fall off over time (not a security concern)

My physical security concerns also apply to the Ballet cards.  I'm concerned and giving feedback so these security issues could potentially be addressed.  A product intended to hold a significant amount of BTC should be scrutinized in my opinion.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: anonymousminer on April 25, 2020, 05:30:24 PM

This answer will be to the point!!  Yes, your concerns were that it could be faked..... if the security measures pointed out in this thread/on the website are not good enough for you..... don't buy it.  I'm not sure what else you want to hear??   Bobby has answered numerous questions about security of these over and over and on just about every platform.  So like I said, if those answers don't work for you..... simply don't buy it, but asking the same question again and again and maybe in a slightly different way this time is asinine.

A couple helpful links:

It seems like you are emotionally invested and blindly defending this product.  The links and your previous comment have nothing to do with the issues I brought up.  You have not answered my question so I guess I'll put it here again...What physical security features (on the exterior of the un-opened block) are present in this product that would make it impossible to copy?

As I stated previously, I have no issue with the key generation. I will list my concerns below so it's not difficult to understand:

1 ) The design is simple. There is no unique texturing or elements that would be difficult to copy on the titanium block or card.
2 ) Fonts (typeface) used in the design are all free fonts accessible to anyone with the internet (Avenir, Helvetica, Times New Roman, ect..)
3 ) The logo used in the design is available on the internet
4 ) There is no holographic "sticker"
5 ) The scratch off and sticker covering the private key are 2D and would be possible to mimic
6 ) The exact dimensions of the block are posted online
7 ) The layout (front view) is available on this thread
8 ) The block # & reward stickers could potentially fall off over time (not a security concern)

My physical security concerns also apply to the Ballet cards.  I'm concerned and giving feedback so these security issues could potentially be addressed.  A product intended to hold a significant amount of BTC should be scrutinized in my opinion.

1 ) The design is simple. There is no unique texturing or elements that would be difficult to copy on the titanium block or card.  Not changing
2 ) Fonts (typeface) used in the design are all free fonts accessible to anyone with the internet (Avenir, Helvetica, Times New Roman, ect..)  Not changing
3 ) The logo used in the design is available on the internet  Not changing
4 ) There is no holographic "sticker"  There is a tamper resistant 2 layer sticker
5 ) The scratch off and sticker covering the private key are 2D and would be possible to mimic  with enough money
6 ) The exact dimensions of the block are posted online  Not changing
7 ) The layout (front view) is available on this thread  Not changing
8 ) The block # & reward stickers could potentially fall off over time (not a security concern)

IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO COPY!!!!!!!!!  With enough money ANYTHING can be copied technically.

I'm not blindly defending anything.... I'm just making a point as you ask the same question over and over expecting a new magical answer.

The answers are the same.  The links tell you how it's made and the security used.  If you don't think it's secure enough and can be copied.... DON'T BUY ONE!!!

As far as the "real" series Ballet wallets.... they are designed for small amounts of bitcoin... an easy on and off ramp for newbies.  I have used several of these to give people anywhere from $25.00 - $100.00 in bitcoin as gifts.

The "pro" series Ballet wallets are for larger amounts of bitcoin IMO, but you may still not like that C_C.

For you, I'm guessing nothing is secure enough.  I recommend you get some dice..... 64 rolls and make your own private keys and make your own cold storage devices.  Good luck to you.

**for those purchasing a block**  I would ask Bobby to take a few minutes of his personal time to send you a signed PGP message for block provenance for later on down the road.  This may alleviate some secondary market concerns.

Recommended items in the message:
-Bobby Lee/Ballet Crypto direct transfer/sale to "your real name" aka "forum name"
-Block number
-Public address
-Date of the purchase
-Date the block was funded

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 26, 2020, 05:12:07 AM

**for those purchasing a block**  I would ask Bobby to take a few minutes of his personal time to send you a signed PGP message for block provenance for later on down the road.  This may alleviate some secondary market concerns.

Recommended items in the message:
-Bobby Lee/Ballet Crypto direct transfer/sale to "your real name" aka "forum name"
-Block number
-Public address
-Date of the purchase
-Date the block was funded


Yes, good suggestion about the PGP email for provenance. I'll do that for sure.

I'll also show you all our "certificate card" for the Bitcoin Block once it's made.  A few more days..


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 26, 2020, 05:52:10 AM

It seems like you are emotionally invested and blindly defending this product.  The links and your previous comment have nothing to do with the issues I brought up.  You have not answered my question so I guess I'll put it here again...What physical security features (on the exterior of the un-opened block) are present in this product that would make it impossible to copy?

As I stated previously, I have no issue with the key generation. I will list my concerns below so it's not difficult to understand:

1 ) The design is simple. There is no unique texturing or elements that would be difficult to copy on the titanium block or card.
2 ) Fonts (typeface) used in the design are all free fonts accessible to anyone with the internet (Avenir, Helvetica, Times New Roman, ect..)
3 ) The logo used in the design is available on the internet
4 ) There is no holographic "sticker"
5 ) The scratch off and sticker covering the private key are 2D and would be possible to mimic
6 ) The exact dimensions of the block are posted online
7 ) The layout (front view) is available on this thread
8 ) The block # & reward stickers could potentially fall off over time (not a security concern)

My physical security concerns also apply to the Ballet cards.  I'm concerned and giving feedback so these security issues could potentially be addressed.  A product intended to hold a significant amount of BTC should be scrutinized in my opinion.

Hi Crypto_Collection,

Thank you for asking these very important questions.

First of all, as all of you must have realized by now, ALL physical things in the world can be copied. If the copying is intentional and authorized, people call them "replicas". When they're done maliciously, they're called "forgeries" and "knock-offs". Almost everything in the world have seen attempts made at copying them, including Gucci handbags, Rolex watches, Picasso paintings, Porsche sports cars, and even Casascius coins.

Again, EVERYTHING can be copied. And with enough time, money and resources, the copies are indistinguishable from the original (except under the expert eye?).

That said, I'm happy to share with you what we at Ballet have done to minimize copying of our products.
(Please note that some of the more advanced security techniques used require physically altering the product.)

A) For both the regular REAL Series wallets and the Bitcoin BLOCK, we have special molds made, so any copies will not be 100% identical. On the REAL Series wallets:
   1. the front design is very special, with raised lettering that's shiny. You can't just easily stamp that out with steel.
   2. the intricate logo on upper left corner. Hard to copy.
   3. the backside has the round "In Crypto We Trust" seal, with embedded black ink. Again, very hard copy properly.

B) We have the tamper evident stickers on top, in place of what people traditionally call hologram stickers. Our achieve the same effect, and is even harder to duplicate than your average hologram stickers. Here are 4 important features on stickers:
   1. They're made of two-layers: the bottom layer (in yellow color) contains the encrypted private keys
   2. They have a reflective gold Ballet "B" logo on the upper right corder. This is embossed onto the sticker as a separate process, and not merely "printed" on.
   3. Under UV light, there's special UV-senstive ink, which will display our Ballet logo on the upper left, and also the name of the primary currency on the right side. (see photos below)
   4. On the QR code itself, there's fragrance added, similar to those "scratch-n-sniff" stickers from the 1980's. So if you use your finger name to scratch the QR code, then you can smell that fragrance. This was done for both branding and security reasons: so that someone cannot cover it up with a fake QR code.
   5. for evidence of tampering, the sticker will leave behind a hexagon pattern once peeled.

C) The passphrase scratch-off is not only tamper evident, it's also hard to copy, due to the micro-font and inks used. Look at one under the a magnifying glass.

D) Further, you can use our app (and website) to perform enhanced digital verification or our wallets and product:
   1. Scratch off the first 4 characters on the passphrase, and you can get a verification from our mobile app that you have the genuine wallet/block. We store the hash of these first few characters in our database, to we can definitively tell when there's a match or error.
   2. If you scratch off the full passphrase, you can do a full BIP38 verification against the confirmation code (which we provide in the app on on our website). This will give you full confidence that the passphrase can indeed decrypt the private key underneath the sticker. With this step, we also decode and provide you with all of the public address for all of the cryptocurrencies we support.
   3. And finally, without actually moving coins on-chain, you can choose to do a full-decryption test by using our open source tools on an offline computer (provided at website: (, and can get 100% confirmation that the private keys and passphrase are correct and can unlock your coins.
For this verification process, please visit (

I hope the above information is helpful. You've given me an excellent opportunity to showcase our design work. Thank you!


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 26, 2020, 05:56:29 AM

And I'll address each of your points as well:

1 ) The design is simple. There is no unique texturing or elements that would be difficult to copy on the titanium block or card.

"Simple" is subjective. "Difficult to copy" is a matter of degree, and not an absolute yes/no answer.
We also designed this to be attractive. The wallet cards are made of stainless steel, which are readily available, but the block is made of titanium, which isn't exactly easy to source or make into this shape.

2 ) Fonts (typeface) used in the design are all free fonts accessible to anyone with the internet (Avenir, Helvetica, Times New Roman, ect..)

Yes, you are correct. We did not choose to use fonts as a means of resisting copying.

3 ) The logo used in the design is available on the internet

Yes, as it is for ALL products. Which secure product are you aware of, where the logo is NOT available on the Internet?

4 ) There is no holographic "sticker"

We have an even more advanced tamper-evident sticker, which we call the "Ballet sticker". (see above)
Try and copy that.

5 ) The scratch off and sticker covering the private key are 2D and would be possible to mimic

Again, EVERYTHING can be copied. It's a matter of time and resources. We've tried hard to prevent simply copying. Can you do better?

6 ) The exact dimensions of the block are posted online

Yes of course. Anyone who buys one can easily measure themselves.
Even Channel / Gucci bags, when dimensions aren't posted online, the copycats just go buy one from the store, take it apart, measure it, and go to work to copy it. So what's your point?

7 ) The layout (front view) is available on this thread

Again, see my comments above.
I honestly don't think that by posting photos of the product, that I'm reducing the security or making it easier for people to copy it.

8 ) The block # & reward stickers could potentially fall off over time (not a security concern)

With enough time, everything falls apart.  Will the hologram stickers on Casacius coins fall off over time, in dry or humid storage? We spent a lot of time choosing a very good vendor for this. They use top of the line 3M adhesives. I'll have more to show later.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: Crypto_Collection on April 26, 2020, 02:45:15 PM
Thank you very much for your helpful answers Bobbyclee!  I am glad to hear about the additional security features that exist on the blocks and cards.  Knowing all of these additional features exist make me more confident in Ballet products.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 27, 2020, 09:31:31 AM
Alright, let's not beat around the bush:

Let's talk about those controversial "stickers" for the Block Height / Block Reward Value numbers...

It looks like I first need to apologize to myself:
Way back, a few weeks ago, I referred to them as "DIY stickers" to be placed on by the customer after the block is mined.
In hindsight, I should have never referred to them as "stickers" at all. I truly regret doing so.

The "DIY" part scared a lot of people.
And the shiny lettering "stickers" part probably made people even MORE upset, as a "stickers" description conveyed a sense of fragility, temporality, and overall cheapness.

Looking back, my description, comments, and subsequent photographs may have caused a LOT of debates about the quality, causing consternation by potential buyers.

I want to apologize myself first, that I choose the wrong words to describe these. It was clearly my mistake to not have explained it adequately from the beginning, as it set things off on a wrong course. Let's hope this post can correct some of that!

Premium Metal Sticker Badges

Now, let me give you all more details, so that you can better assess this before you see it in person.

These "shiny lettering stickers" should have been more appropriately described as "premium metal sticker badges".
They are VERY similar to the name badges on the back of cars. (Maybe even the same!)

Let me show you how they look on a black Tesla Model S:

Yes, it's true: even a premium automaker like Tesla actually uses self-adhesive metal sticker badges on the back of their cars. But don't worry: the adhesives are industrial strength, and cannot casually fall off or be easily removed.

(Even though I don't know the exact vendor model of what Tesla uses, I am guessing that it's very likely the exact same solution we use. See my descriptions below for more details about our what we use.)

By the way, these industrial "badges" are also commonly affixed to all types of consumer goods and electric appliances. If you go look at your electronics and appliances in your home, I'm sure you'll see plenty of examples of "shiny badges" that are held on using industrial-strength adhesives. I found a lot of examples at my home: on my refrigerator, TV, oven, etc.

Our solution: Metal nickel alloy lettering + 467MP/200MP adhesives made by 3M

The "shiny lettering" material we use is actually made of real metal. It's a nickel alloy.
The more appropriate name would have been something like "electroforming metal stickers".

So this really is NOT your typical paper or plastics-based sticker coming out of some printing facility.
These are actual nickel alloy metal plates, that's made and processed by advanced machinery. That's why it's shiny on top.  It's not a printing effect!  They are made using a multi-step manufacturing process, involving films and moulds, electroforming, adhesives, cutting, and quality checks.

See this link for a whole slew of examples (lot of famous brands and companies) who use this industrial solution for their products and branding: (

The "adhesive" is an industrial-strength solution made by 3M. The actual model name is 467MP/200MP.
The 467MP is the name of the transfer tape, for industrial application use.
The 200MP is the name of the adhesive. It's only 0.06 mm thickness, yet super strong.

For more information about 3M 467MP/200MP, please see these 2 webpages: ( (

Or, see this online description:

3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MP
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MP provides outstanding adhesion to metal and high surface energy plastics. 200MP adhesive delivers excellent shear strength to resist slippage and edge lifting. The tape is temporarily repositionable for placement accuracy. It also performs well after exposure to humidity and hot/cold temperatures. A PCK layflat liner helps prevent curling and buckling in the liner.

Excellent for Bonding to Metals and HSE Plastics
We've designed 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MP with a 2.3 mil thick adhesive for applications such as splicing and laminating procedures using metals and HSE plastics. This high-performance adhesive delivers excellent shear strength to resist slippage and edge lifting. It is mounted on 58 lb. polycoated kraft paper liner which virtually eliminates curling, rippling and buckling and provides efficient release. This adhesive transfer tape resists solvents, humidity and moisture, as well as heat (up to 400°F/204°C for short periods).

Featuring 3M™ High Performance Acrylic Adhesive 200MP
More than 30 years ago, 3M High Performance Acrylic Adhesive 200MP set the standard for bonding metal and high surface energy plastics. Today, this high-performance adhesive provides even higher levels of performance, with exceptional peel and shear strength for precision bonding. It offers excellent moisture and solvent resistance which enable it to form resilient, durable bonds that conform to a wide variety of applications. Once bonded, this adhesive will provide outstanding shear strength to resist edge lifting and slippage. 3M™ High Performance Acrylic Adhesive 200MP also offers excellent short-term heat resistance and will continue to perform at temperatures up to 400°F/204°C.

Recommended Applications:
- Long term bonding of graphic nameplates and overlays ("subsurface" printed polycarbonate or polyester) to metal and high surface energy plastics
- Bonding metal nameplates, serial and rating plates
- Bonding graphic overlays for membrane switches and bonding complete switches to equipment surfaces
- High speed processing of parts (medical components, durable labels, flexible circuits)
- Lamination to industrial foams for rotary die-cutting of gaskets
- Aerospace, medical and industrial equipment, automotive, appliance and electronics markets

- 2 mil nominal adhesive tape delivers exceptional shear strength for metals and HSE plastics
- Provides very high resistance to solvents and humidity
- Special PCK layflat liner for increased dimensional stability in high humidity storage, processing, shipping and application conditions
- 4.2 mil PCK layflat liner virtually eliminates curling, buckling and rippling
- 200MP acrylic adhesive is considered the industry standard for graphic attachment and general industrial joining applications
- Temporarily repositionable adhesive improves placement accuracy, reducing rework
3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MP with High Performance Acrylic Adhesive 200MP
Here's the actual real metal lettering for Block #2 (made of nickel alloy).

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this.
Hope that this additional information can give you more confidence in our solution.

Yes, our process still requires you to physically put these metal stickers on the block. It's actually quite easy, and we will provide detailed instructions and placement guides. (Alternately, you can also choose to not put them on for now, and just keep the set of metal sticker badges in the box, and store it together until later.)

Or, if you come to Las Vegas, please come visit our facility, and I'm happy to have my staff do it for you. And alternately, if you really choose to, we can also laser etch the numbers onto the blocks for you. However, I truly do think that the metal sticker badges look way better than a laser etching.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


PS - I hope to have the final photos of a completed block, to show you within a few days.  It'll show the full effect of the custom metal sticker badges applied. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: bobbyclee on April 28, 2020, 11:24:26 AM
Wow... a tremendous response!  After posting the above explanation on the "metal sticker badges", we sold 5 more blocks. Just in 1 day! Could not be happier! :)

And good news: 

I received the metal badging for Block #01 today.

The application process isn't very complicated, but nonetheless, we'll provide detailed instructions to guide you through the process. With zero experience doing this myself, and after practicing just one on the backside of a REAL Bitcoin wallet, I was then able to properly affix the metal sticker badging on the titanium block #01. Easy.

Yes, after removing the top transparent sticker for the first time, here is indeed some excess adhesive glue. It's a really minute amount, as the glue is really only 0.6 mm in thickness. However, the good news is that this excess glue can easily be removed by stamping the sticky transparent tape on the lettering, to "suck up" all of the excess glue. All was gone after just a few dabs.

The shiny lettering really is nice. I've spoken with my staff in China at length about this, and have seen lots of videos and photos. But tonight, I saw it with my own eyes, and I can tell you it's really nice and professional looking. Hopefully, I can bring some sample blocks to a conference in the near future, to show you all.

And it's sturdy! it just won't rub off or fall off at all. It's true industrial strength adhesive... 3M has always been best at this kind of stuff, and today, they've impressed me again. (I was testing it on the backside of a REAL Bitcoin wallet; so no, I didn't forcibly try to scrub the lettering off of the block. Hahaha...)

Most important point: to the naked eye, you CANNOT see any residual glue or stickiness next to the letterings at all. The whole thing just likes like shiny lettering that's permanently affixed to the block. No complaints at all. However, if you really insist on zooming in with strong magnifying glass or digital camera zoom, then sure, you'll see imperfections (just like on every physical object in life). But the MOST IMPORTANT point is that to the naked eye, I can't see any issues whatsoever. And I've tried looking really really close, even taking out my contact lens, to see even closer. Nada.

(And by the way, if you want to really zoom in with high-powered magnifying glasses or zoom lens, then yes, you'll probably find imperfections. But by then, you'll see imperfections on the rest of the titanium block, as well as on the Ballet QR code sticker, and even the scratch-off. So the shiny lettering issues will be the least of your worries. Just remember, nothing in the physical world is "perfect". Even diamonds have imperfections. So there.

Here are some photos. Caveat: I don't have a professional photo studio at home, so I wasn't able to get good lighting, etc. So these are my best attempts, and yes, they fall short. Hope some buyers out there can take better photos and share with everyone.
This is the raw sheet of the metal sticker badges we will send to all customers. We plan to send 4 copies, so that you have plenty of changes to test the process out and practice. (I only practiced once, and got it done on the next try.)
I practiced on the back of a REAL Bitcoin wallet card. We may include a REAL Bitcoin wallet, so you can practice as well. But any metal surface would work. (Just remember, once the lettering gets stuck on, you most likely WON'T be able to remove it.)
Here's what the test card looks like up close. Very nice finish!
And there! After the practice try, I went straight to the block. Done. (Sorry the lighting is really bad.)
Here's a close-up of the block.

And a final reminder:
For the pre-halving Bitcoin Blocks, we will stop taking orders on April 30th evening, USA Pacific time.

Here's more info and how you can order: (

Don't miss out!  After the block halving this May, these 12.5+ BTC blocks literally CANNOT be made anymore! Forever...

(We'll open up ordering for the post-halving 6.25+ BTC blocks in June. Stay tuned for that.... Should be a lot more affordable!)


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: buckrogers on April 28, 2020, 04:22:25 PM

Thanks for the very detailed explanation - I think the block looks great.

I’m happy some sales picked up.

As you mentioned these will only be available until they can’t mine any more full “virgin” 12.5 BTC Block rewards - so it is truly a one of a kind time sensitive awesome collectible.

If you need or want someone to take some good hi res pics id be happy to do that for you - and it would be awesome to hold one of these regardless.

One of my bigger regrets since coming to the collectibles section is not purchasing the 120 Bitcoin block set that was for sale back in 2016 when I was able to.

I wish you the best of luck - and just keep doing what you’re doing - I think it’s great.


Title: Re: Ballet's new pre-halving 2020 Bitcoin Block -- You can order now.
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on May 19, 2020, 09:42:16 PM
these are awesome! wish I could hold on to my BTC long enough to put that much on one lol

I love the concept of it representing an entire block too!

maybe if i get lucky and my solo miners find a block then I can fund one of these :)