Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: BitcoinFX on April 05, 2020, 11:26:58 AM

Title: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: BitcoinFX on April 05, 2020, 11:26:58 AM


See: and

"On Satoshi’s P2P Foundation profile, Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, has a listed birthday of April 5, 1975.

As Gwern explains, April 5 has no outward significance to Satoshi or Bitcoin:

    There is, as far as I can tell, nothing special about 5 April; it’s not a round number, it’s not a symbolic date, it’s not your usual fake birthday like 1 January or April Fools, it’s not the day Satoshi signed up for P2P [Foundation] … , it’s not related to when Bitcoin was released (January) or when the domain was registered (August) etc etc. So it seems like a good guess at a birthday.

But the individual or individuals behind the Satoshi Nakamoto identity went to great lengths to remain unidentified, why leak identifying information here?

Upon further investigation, it seems highly probable that Satoshi chose this date symbolically. April 5 happens to be a very important date in the development of money.
The Outlawing of Gold

On April 5, 1933, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 “forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States”. The order declared the act of saving gold a crime in the United States, punishable under a $10,000 fine — almost $200,000 in price-adjusted 2014 dollars — and imprisonable for 5 to 10 years.

Roosevelt’s alleged reasoning for this order is somewhat hard to locate in an intelligible form, but this transcript implies the decree was issued for technocratic reasons– to prop up the US Dollar and reduce demand for gold, which was being withdrawn from federal reserves at an unsustainable rate.

Knowledge of this historical episode can be rather confusing to many people today, as it is difficult to fit into the typical American history narrative. Perhaps this is one of the reasons Executive Order 6102 remains widely unknown amongst the general public.
Criticisms of Executive Order 6102

In the past few decades, mainstream narratives largely brushed over this event. The typical narrative once branded most intellectuals who criticized Roosevelt’s decree as libertarian, but one need not self-identify as libertarian to find Executive Order 6102 extremely concerning.

Progressives familiar with the intellectual theory behind their movement might be uncomfortable with the legal precedent set in creating an imprisonable crime without a democratic process.

Conservatives familiar with the intellectual theory behind their movement may be concerned by the usurpation of a political power not delegated to the Federal government in the US Constitution. Not even the Congress is granted the power to punish for the hoarding of gold; their power for punishment concerning currencies is for fraud (counterfeiting):

    To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current coin of the United States;

Those who adhere to the non-aggression principle (Libertarians) will find this executive order to initiate violence against non-violent parties, without a proper claim to aggressed-property.

And moderates, independents, or otherwise will almost certainly find it disturbingly Orwellian that the leader of an allegedly democratic government can declare a previously legal (and incredibly common) act to be imprisonable for 5 to 10 years, for allegedly technocratic reasons, without any public economic proof or study.
Influence on Bitcoin

Executive Order 6102 was a landmark event in the history of money. It influenced generations of thinkers to consider forms of money not under the control (or potential control) of political entities. Among these thinkers were the Cypherpunks, including Wei Dai (b-money), the very first reference in Satoshi’s original whitepaper.
Why April 5, 1975?

April 5 is clearly an influential date in the development of Bitcoin. Satoshi’s text included in the Bitcoin blockchain’s genesis block even seems to resonate with a fitting message:

    The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

Interestingly, Satoshi’s reported birth year, 1975, also seems to have relevant significance. As Edlund10 points out, 1975 is the year Executive Order 6102 was reversed and gold ownership was re-legalized for average US residents.

Satoshi Nakamoto’s self-reported birthday is April 5, 1975. This date happens to correspond to the date of a major turning point in the development of Bitcoin. Executive Order 6102 — a decree making the holding of gold an imprisonable offense in the US — was issued on April 5, 1933. In a seemingly corroborating nod, 1975 is the year in which this act was reversed.

It seems extremely unlikely that Satoshi chose April 5, 1975 by coincidence.

This article was originally posted April 5, 2014 at"



Oh dear Craig, oh dear ...

Craig Steven Wright (born October 1970)


Just to be clear on this ...
Craig Wright is NOT satoshi and BSV is NOT Bitcoin.

From thread: "Bitcoin SV (BSV) - fake team member and plagiarized white paper"
"Yes, the rumours are is #CraigSWright's Birthday! #HappyBirthdaySatoshi 🥳🎉🎁🎂 #CraigIsSatoshi #Bitcoin #BitcoinSV #BirthdayBoyCraig"

Erm ...


"Satoshi Nakamoto"

"Born 5 April 1975 (claimed)"




Craig Wright is NOT satoshi and BSV is NOT Bitcoin.

Bitcoin = BTC


Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 05, 2020, 11:36:21 AM
I am almost sure the chosen date is not his birth date and indeed it can be tied to outlawing gold bullion, if that's the date.
So imho it's not that special.

I'm not sure what that clown does at the bottom of the topic. (Well, I know, but .. I hope you understand what I mean.)

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: BitcoinFX on April 05, 2020, 11:49:09 AM
I am almost sure the chosen date is not his birth date and indeed it can be tied to outlawing gold bullion, if that's the date.
So imho it's not that special.

I'm not sure what that clown does at the bottom of the topic. (Well, I know, but .. I hope you understand what I mean.)

A clown indeed ...




Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: Bellarg on April 05, 2020, 12:04:37 PM
Im not sure that this birth day is real but happy Birthday, Satoshi!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: sheenshane on April 05, 2020, 12:11:38 PM
A clown indeed ...

Probably the context of this Youtube video ( might enlighten more or explain very well.

I don't why a group or a characteristic of being Satoshi Nakato picked this date (April 5), maybe it is related to the Bitcoin white paper that Satoshi created. Probably another reason for Nakamoto's birthday date is symbolic or just a meaningless/baseless theory without enough proof.

If there is I admire most I think Hal Finny. (Not CRW) If that man belongs to the Satoshi Nakamoto team or he is in the who help to build Bitcoin. He deserved to be called Satoshi, IMO. :D

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: hv_ on April 05, 2020, 12:54:41 PM
Lol, what a bold 'proof'.

Holds just on its own, ahhh - the agenda was to smear and name calling ppl

Better proof: Segwit is not Bitcoin


Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: Taskford on April 05, 2020, 01:03:12 PM
Don't know if this is real but let me great you a Happy Mr creator of bitcoin your invention creates a great innovation and opportunity for many people around the globe.

And I'm lucky person to know this so hopefully you can read all of our greetings message here 😄🙏.

on the other hand I wonder if satoshi still alive? still a big mystery why he didn't reveal his identity until these days.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: FlightyPouch on April 05, 2020, 01:11:20 PM
Upon further investigation, it seems highly probable that Satoshi chose this date symbolically. April 5 happens to be a very important date in the development of money.

Well, we don't know whether it is the exact birthday of the creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto but we don't have a chance to greet him especially me in the past years so, Happy Birthday Nick Szab~oops.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: BitcoinFX on April 05, 2020, 01:13:02 PM
Lol, what a bold 'proof'.

Holds just on its own, ahhh - the agenda was to smear and name calling ppl

Better proof: Segwit is not Bitcoin


What proof hv_ ?

Craig Wright still has not signed anything valid ... his birth date does not even match the one stated by the real satoshi.

No agenda, just the facts ... here are some more ...


Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: chippy.hogan on April 05, 2020, 02:10:22 PM
The father of digital currencies.. Happy Birthday Satoshi

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: nosferzd on April 05, 2020, 02:38:43 PM
In 2012, while studying at college, he wanted to invest with a friend in bitcoins, but his hands did not reach. Thought it was an unreliable investment. How wrong! A few years later, bitcoin became the most expensive currency in the world. And of course, I congratulate Satoshi Nakamoto on his birthday and wish to see new projects from this secretive genius.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: kryptqnick on April 05, 2020, 03:06:17 PM
I don't think this date is just symbolic because of Executive Order 6102 and its abolishment. It seems like overthinking to me, so it might just be the day Satoshi was born. This person might have left this true date back in the times when Satoshi wasn't that popular, so there was no point at fully hiding one's identity up to the small details. So Satoshi, whoever you are, I want to thank you for your creation that's been truly revolutionary and literally changed the lives of dozens of millions of people who now use it. I hope you're alive and well, possibly even reading this stuff from time to time while staying aside and doing something else with your life.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: BrewMaster on April 05, 2020, 03:54:39 PM
Since the year of the gold thing is not the same and the date has nothing specific about it, i say it is most probably just a random date that Satoshi chose to sign up on P2P Foundation site. it is probably something far away from his actual birth date to increase the anonymity that he was seeking.
in any case Satoshi's birthday to me is the same day that genesis block was released which is 03/Jan/2009.

ps. you shouldn't put the name of Craig Scammer Wright in the same page as Satoshi...

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: iRaMMuS34 on April 05, 2020, 04:38:00 PM
ps. you shouldn't put the name of Craig Scammer Wright in the same page as Satoshi...

Absolutely! Wright perfectly performs this task himself

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: BitcoinFX on April 05, 2020, 08:51:44 PM
I don't think this date is just symbolic because of Executive Order 6102 and its abolishment. It seems like overthinking to me, so it might just be the day Satoshi was born. This person might have left this true date back in the times when Satoshi wasn't that popular, so there was no point at fully hiding one's identity up to the small details. So Satoshi, whoever you are, I want to thank you for your creation that's been truly revolutionary and literally changed the lives of dozens of millions of people who now use it. I hope you're alive and well, possibly even reading this stuff from time to time while staying aside and doing something else with your life.

"As a subtle jab to central banks, Satoshi chose his birthday as the date the US made gold ownership illegal through EO 6102 April 5th. He chose 1975 as his year of birth which is the year when the US citizens were allowed to own gold again."


More or less everything satoshi did was likely calculated from the get-go ...

Lois Lane:

How do you find someone who has spent a lifetime covering his tracks?

For some, he was a guardian angel. For others, a ghost, who never quite fit in.

What's the S stand for?

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: hatshepsut93 on April 05, 2020, 09:39:16 PM
I am almost sure the chosen date is not his birth date and indeed it can be tied to outlawing gold bullion, if that's the date.
So imho it's not that special.

I'm not sure what that clown does at the bottom of the topic. (Well, I know, but .. I hope you understand what I mean.)

Even if it isn't Satoshi's true birthday (though he might be using some reverse psychology here), this date might be significant because Satoshi wanted it to be significant, just like the message from the genesis block wasn't random and also had a purpose. It's a reminder what Bitcoin stands for, and it's always relevant, because more and more new people come to Bitcoin just to get more fiat, without even bothering to learn about the roots.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: meanwords on April 06, 2020, 03:16:52 AM
I don't think this date is just symbolic because of Executive Order 6102 and its abolishment. It seems like overthinking to me, so it might just be the day Satoshi was born. This person might have left this true date back in the times when Satoshi wasn't that popular, so there was no point at fully hiding one's identity up to the small details. So Satoshi, whoever you are, I want to thank you for your creation that's been truly revolutionary and literally changed the lives of dozens of millions of people who now use it. I hope you're alive and well, possibly even reading this stuff from time to time while staying aside and doing something else with your life.

That's a possibility. Perhaps it symbolizes something else that is more important that his Birthday? Maybe it was the date where he found something relevant to Bitcoin? who knows at this point. All this time, everything he does in the whitepaper has a meaning so I'm guessing that date has a pretty important meaning to it too. I doubt that date would be his birthday.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: Meowth05 on April 06, 2020, 04:20:30 AM
We aren't really sure who he/she really is but nonetheless this serves that he/she is a human and that bitcoin has a founder.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: davis196 on April 06, 2020, 05:49:25 AM
Do you think that a guy,who wants to stay completely anonymous would reveal his actual birthday?
I believe in the theory that Satoshi had chosen April 5 because of April 5 1933.
I wonder why Satoshi picked 1975 as his "birth year".There must be something significant happening in that year regarding the fiat money system.
Anyway,I think that the birthday of Bitcoin is way more important than Satoshi's actual birthday.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: Reid on April 06, 2020, 06:48:54 AM

"As a subtle jab to central banks, Satoshi chose his birthday as the date the US made gold ownership illegal through EO 6102 April 5th. He chose 1975 as his year of birth which is the year when the US citizens were allowed to own gold again."

It's like he knows people will look for flaws of his work so he stamped a seal to prove what he is working for.
Just to be sure. Everything is like in order already before he even made any move.

I didn't know about this. Another good reason into why we should support bitcoin more.
The guy who is behind this is a real genius from day 1 until he left everything to the people.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 06, 2020, 07:07:46 AM
Even if it isn't Satoshi's true birthday (though he might be using some reverse psychology here), this date might be significant because Satoshi wanted it to be significant

I can agree with this logic. Then..(now late) Happy Birthday Satoshi, wherever you are (and whoever you are too).

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: achach on April 06, 2020, 07:20:12 AM
Was this information in his account? Where was this information originally taken from?

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: hv_ on April 06, 2020, 10:12:15 AM
Was this information in his account? Where was this information originally taken from?

nothing - u got trolled by op

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: BitcoinFX on April 06, 2020, 10:42:19 AM
Was this information in his account? Where was this information originally taken from?

nothing - u got trolled by op

@hv_ You are the 'troll' here. Stop lying to people and spreading misinformation and falsehoods.

BSV is NOT Bitcoin and CSW is NOT satoshi.


@achach Yes the information was presented by the real satoshi (NOT CSW) at:


The information on that site has unfortunately been added to in recent times, however the original pages are accessible via the wayback machine ...


snapshot March 18th 2011, when the real satoshi was still around and active both at ning and this forum ...


The ning website pages are one of the original sources where I discovered and read about Bitcoin (BTC) <2010 ...

"Re: Welcome to the new Bitcoin forum!" ...

Unlike Craig Wright, I have Signed and Verified some of my 'old' BTC wallets and addresses, which are clearly related to my own history with Bitcoin and the BitcoinTalk forum ...

"Topic: Verifying my (old) zero balance wallet address for blockchain research etc.," ...

Furthermore, I'm still here on BitcoinTalk to this very day !

This is how identity works in Bitcoin (BTC).

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: omone1 on April 06, 2020, 11:17:43 AM
This date may have been adopted as his/her/their birthday but we can't be rightly sure  about the authenticity since there is no trace of his identity and o public known and track-able records about him. Nevertheless I join millions of bit-coiner to say happy birthday to a true legend.

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: Asuspawer09 on April 06, 2020, 11:32:06 AM
Even if it isn't Satoshi's true birthday (though he might be using some reverse psychology here), this date might be significant because Satoshi wanted it to be significant

I can agree with this logic. Then..(now late) Happy Birthday Satoshi, wherever you are (and whoever you are too).

If you're going to search it on the internet I guess April 5, 1975, was the official birthday or the date that they are claiming.

Anyway, bitcoin was already independent without Satoshi but still, I guess as long as we respect Satoshi creating bitcoin it was already enough.

Still Happy Birthday Satoshi!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: boyptc on April 06, 2020, 12:08:50 PM
If that's the declared birthdate of Satoshi, it will not harm you to greet him. Belated happy birthday to the boss!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Satoshi, April 5, 1975
Post by: hv_ on April 06, 2020, 01:54:49 PM
Was this information in his account? Where was this information originally taken from?

nothing - u got trolled by op

@hv_ You are the 'troll' here. Stop lying to people and spreading misinformation and falsehoods.

BSV is NOT Bitcoin and CSW is NOT satoshi.


@achach Yes the information was presented by the real satoshi (NOT CSW) at:


The information on that site has unfortunately been added to in recent times, however the original pages are accessible via the wayback machine ...


snapshot March 18th 2011, when the real satoshi was still around and active both at ning and this forum ...


The ning website pages are one of the original sources where I discovered and read about Bitcoin (BTC) <2010 ...

"Re: Welcome to the new Bitcoin forum!" ...

Unlike Craig Wright, I have Signed and Verified some of my 'old' BTC wallets and addresses, which are clearly related to my own history with Bitcoin and the BitcoinTalk forum ...

"Topic: Verifying my (old) zero balance wallet address for blockchain research etc.," ...

Furthermore, I'm still here on BitcoinTalk to this very day !

This is how identity works in Bitcoin (BTC).

With Segwit you introduced the troll / virus by yourself ;)

No need to go out and find ppl to smear / name call

get over it