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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: noormcs5 on April 06, 2020, 03:44:31 PM

Title: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: noormcs5 on April 06, 2020, 03:44:31 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: FFrankie on April 06, 2020, 03:56:41 PM
I would say that gambling is less dangerous currently in the USA since all physical casinos, sports books, racetracks, slot machines places are all closed. The only thing is the lottery at essential stores

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: noormcs5 on April 06, 2020, 04:01:58 PM
I would say that gambling is less dangerous currently in the USA since all physical casinos, sports books, racetracks, slot machines places are all closed. The only thing is the lottery at essential stores

I am not talking about the current times where we cannot go to gambling. I am talking in general like online gambling (losing money or risk of losing) is more risky or corona virus (losing life or risk of losing life) ?

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Ryker1 on April 06, 2020, 04:03:32 PM
Well, sorry bro I did not intend you to hurt this reply but I think this is a pointless topic.
Have you heard the government implement total lockdown even though the economy will surely down just because of gambling? :) [No]
Only the coronavirus did this and it has been a huge impact and shaken the whole world, --there are thousands of people had been died so do you think they will not afraid of coronavirus?

Indeed, the reason why all crowded places were forced close by the government because they are afraid of keep spreading the virus and it includes the traditional casino which is very prone to virus becomes spread.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: tomahawk9 on April 06, 2020, 04:26:13 PM
According to the latest update from the CSSE at the JH university, there are 1.2 million covid-19 cases confirmed and a total of 70k deaths. That means the mortality rate is 5%.

Based on an article from The Guardian, gambling disorder was the cause of over 500 suicides in the UK every year[2]. I would need to find more info about gambling disorder, especially worldwide, but I think you can draw your own conclusions with this data.


Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: swogerino on April 06, 2020, 05:07:09 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

In the short term is covid.Covid if we are not careful we risk up to lose our own life which is the most beneficial thing that we have.Once covid has passed though in the longer term gambling can be a worse covid as it can make you addicted until you may lose everything.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: 20kevin20 on April 06, 2020, 05:09:09 PM
No offense but this is a pretty stupid question. Gambling can lead to suicide but there's a way to stop it. If you catch the virus and your immunity system is downhill already, good luck stopping it from screwing around.

The virus may be a problem now, but it's not going to last forever. There will be a treatment for it indeed. Even if you lose money through gambling, there are ways to recover. If you're addicted, there are ways to stop it. It's not a health condition and your chances to start contemplating suicide don't increase if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Big, big difference between the two and literally no link between them... One is an addiction leading to suicidal thoughts, the other is a virus ..

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: skarais on April 06, 2020, 05:12:24 PM
The impact of gambling will be seen when someone has experienced a heavy addiction and cant control his desire to gamble. Only severe addiction to gambling is harmful to health, mental, economic, and this effect is not spontaneous when someone is new to gambling. While the impact caused by the corona virus pandemic has caused the whole world to fear, the economy collapses, people must stay at home and it is very life threatening for those infected. Even though infected people can be cured, this corona virus pandemic has a terrible impact all over the world.

When viewed in terms of danger to the community, the corona virus is the most appropriate. Corona has disrupted almost all community economic activities, a country's economy, and the world economy. Physical gambling is closed, there are no sports matches, because all activities outside the home can be considered as a danger to your health and soul. Does gambling have that effect in a short amount of time?

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: $crypto$ on April 06, 2020, 05:16:08 PM
Obviously co-19 is now more dangerous because almost the whole world is panicking with this corona virus even local parties are overwhelmed in handling it so naturally this is very dangerous co-19 compared to gambling.
Gambling can be said to be an individual because people do not think that they are addicted or not, obviously they themselves feel that they will lose money after playing gambling with their addiction so I think it is not dangerous for people to gamble.

Everyone is now fighting against the corona virus because it is so dangerous for humans that the government is forcing it to stay at home so that community security is maintained.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: DoublerHunter on April 06, 2020, 05:34:48 PM
Covid-19 is the most dangerous than gambling. Probably if you compare the suicide victims of gambling compared to the people who died in the pandemic covid19, there are a lot of more people as of now in just a short period of time. Probably you mean that victims of gambling addiction are probably will continue and it is endless. Nevertheless, they are both risky but of course, this covid19 is really worst than gambling.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Haunebu on April 06, 2020, 06:55:36 PM
Absolutely silly question. Are you seriously trying to compare gambling with lives and gambling with money? COVID-19 is directly and indirectly destroying lives left and right which is why it will always be the riskier option in any aspect just like Cancer etc.

On the other hand, gambling with money does not always lead to death majority of the time which is why it is far safer in comparison.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: imstillthebest on April 06, 2020, 07:04:28 PM
 corona virus is only dangerous to old people because of weak imune system but gambling is playable by any age  but the chance of getting addicted is only high and not picky no matter what is your age   . gambling addiction is lethal too as it can cause you to be crazy if not treated imediately    .

 when gambling , you always feel the risk more than the reward so i think ill go with gambing    . gambling is more risky in my own opinion than compare to covid -19

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: ralle14 on April 06, 2020, 07:14:57 PM
Imo you're likely to lose money in a gambling site before you can confirm that you're exposed to the virus.  On the other hand gambling sites can be easily avoided if you can make yourself busy with other activities so i'd also say the virus is more riskier than gambling. Because even though the numbers is higher in gambling it's not that fatal compared to the virus since there's way to stop or reduce your gambling activities. And on the side of the virus we only have limited options on how to deal with it.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: LTU_btc on April 06, 2020, 07:24:26 PM
Damn, I don't think that these things can be compared. Offcourse, gambling have some dangerous impact, same like alcochol, smoking, drugs or eating junk food. But c'mon, Coronavirus is one of biggest issues for humanity since WW2. Just in few months there is almost 75 000 deaths caused by this virus and these numbers continue to grow so fast. And gambling, different from this virus on't spread between pople or through surfaces touched by infected person.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: virasog on April 06, 2020, 07:36:50 PM
Damn, I don't think that these things can be compared. Offcourse, gambling have some dangerous impact, same like alcochol, smoking, drugs or eating junk food. But c'mon, Coronavirus is one of biggest issues for humanity since WW2. Just in few months there is almost 75 000 deaths caused by this virus and these numbers continue to grow so fast. And gambling, different from this virus on't spread between pople or through surfaces touched by infected person.

Maybe both of them are risky and dangerous but there is some chance of profit and good in gambling. What if you do gamble and win a big lottery or amount. This will change your life positively.
Coronavirus has no benefit and it is disease, and everyone wants to remain away from it.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: DarkDays on April 06, 2020, 08:07:26 PM
Well, the fact is COVID-19 kills around 2% of the people it infects (when including the elderly). Gambling addiction can certainly lead people to death when absolutely extreme, but that's certainly not the case fir anywhere near 2% if gamblers. I would estimate that less than 1 in 100,000 active gamblers end up losing their life as a direct result of gambling, probably far fewer than that even.

The fact is, COVID19 has a much higher chance of causing death and suffering than gambling, though the extreme case of gambling can be worse overall, since it is a more prolonged decline.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: ampere on April 06, 2020, 08:29:27 PM
To me, OP comparison does not work at all.

The Covid-19 has left everyone on a compulsory stay at home (indoors) and shut down several sporting activities around the world,
While Gambling is not such a pandemic, Gambling only becomes risky when we get addicted, and it affects a small circle of individuals such as friends of the addicted.

So in my opinion, covid-19 is more risky.
Don't forget to stay indoors and wash your hands always.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: harizen on April 06, 2020, 09:01:30 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

Both are completely different - nature, activity, environment, etc.

What kind of comparison should we make here? I mean, what specifically do you want to know?

Don't tell me we need to tally specifically how many people got sent to other lives related to gambling and the virus?

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: abel1337 on April 06, 2020, 09:09:55 PM
I don't think we can really compare both gambling and COVID-19, First COVID-19 is a pandemic virus that spread in the whole world in a couple of months and everyone can be infected with it, while gambling is a self-choice hobby that has different levels which can turn into an addiction if not cured.

Risky? Everyone in our world is fighting against COVID-19. It is the world's largest threat right now and gambling doesn't even have this kind of threat to eliminate a human in its own aspect.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on April 06, 2020, 09:36:26 PM
There is humour in this post.
The reality here is that gambling is more like a habit or passion and the earnings or loses affect those involved that the gamblers or the bookmakers but the pandemic is a global problem regardless of where your passion lies so it far a bigger problem that gambling

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: White Christmas on April 06, 2020, 09:42:41 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
More dangerous to the people is the coronavirus because this virus can kill anyone lives and also there are no cure as of now in this virus that is spreading which is
a pandemic virus. So I can say that it is dangerous as of now than the gambling session that you will be lossing.
Think again on what you are doing so that we will not be able to spread some virus.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: milewilda on April 06, 2020, 09:48:26 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
Dont know what kind of question is this. Both things are dangerous but this one do differ in different aspects yet one is on health issue and one can mess up everything.
The thing here is that Covid would really put up your life into risk or in short you can die with it but if your body do able to withstand such situation then you can recover
but all things would depend into your immune system.On the other hand in talks of gambling where it can mess up your financial aspect which can still be recovered
and wont risk up your life.So whats dangerous for you?? Losing your money an changed financial status or death because of the virus?

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: alexsandria on April 06, 2020, 10:02:05 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
Dont know what kind of question is this. Both things are dangerous but this one do differ in different aspects yet one is on health issue and one can mess up everything.
The thing here is that Covid would really put up your life into risk or in short you can die with it but if your body do able to withstand such situation then you can recover
but all things would depend into your immune system.On the other hand in talks of gambling where it can mess up your financial aspect which can still be recovered
and wont risk up your life.So whats dangerous for you?? Losing your money an changed financial status or death because of the virus?
I can also say that this is both dangerous for us because this virus is kind of pandemic in which it may spread anytime and anywhere with just a physical contact but this gambling
session was also away risky because if you lose money then you will not be able to have a piece of paper that will spend for your family and you will not be able to have something to eat,
because you lose in this gambling session.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: TopT3ns on April 06, 2020, 10:33:40 PM
This gambling and covid-19 epidemic should not be compared worse because so far the victims who died due to exposure to covid-19 from various countries have been very much so I think at least we all respect the people who are victims, of course covid- 19 became a more dangerous plague than gambling that didn't make people die.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: l3pox on April 06, 2020, 10:38:29 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

is this serious?
because with all the respect it sounds like a joke.

gambling behavior is not contagious
and no, you can't die from gambling, you can die from becoming poor or something like that.

so, short answer is: yes, covid is more dangerous.

long answer is:
read about exponential curves and contagious diseases

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: freedomgo on April 06, 2020, 10:41:58 PM
lol... this question is out of this world. ;D

Corona kills people, and when you gamble on it, you can't win, unlike when you gamble in casinos there is a chance that you'll win.
With corona, maybe your reward is to get out while you are in lock down, but you are gambling your health here, and the reward is not that attractive, so why gamble... This is kind of a funny question, but obviously corona is more risky as it even stop gambling house from operating.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: goinmerry on April 06, 2020, 10:43:39 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

If you understand both you will definitely not ask this kind of comparison.

Gambling addiction is a product of people's interest therefore it's human nature. On the other hand, the virus does have a life and everything will be infected on its path. Who's riskier? Who's dangerous? None of them because after all, they are different.

In gambling, we are dictating where we will go.
In the virus, we can't do anything.

Now, I will ask you, does this need to compare?

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Twinkledoe on April 06, 2020, 10:45:16 PM
No offense but this is a pretty stupid question. Gambling can lead to suicide but there's a way to stop it. If you catch the virus and your immunity system is downhill already, good luck stopping it from screwing around.

The virus may be a problem now, but it's not going to last forever. There will be a treatment for it indeed. Even if you lose money through gambling, there are ways to recover. If you're addicted, there are ways to stop it. It's not a health condition and your chances to start contemplating suicide don't increase if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Big, big difference between the two and literally no link between them... One is an addiction leading to suicidal thoughts, the other is a virus ..

Maybe just for the sake of discussion here. Since covid is a worldwide problem right now, and nothing much to discuss and debate with in gambling right now.  :P But for discussions sake, I think getting infected by the virus is a risky one especially if you have prior health issues. With gambling, you can always stop at anytime you want. With virus, you don't know if the the meds will stop your disease as there is no set of meds that have been identified as 100% effective. It depends on your health condition and how your body reacts to those meds.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: seoincorporation on April 06, 2020, 11:20:42 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

How many people are dying for gambling today and how many passed out for coronavirus? I don't think gambling kills just like covid does, you can't compare them, maybe gambling can destroy your life, but coronavirus is totally different.

CV is more dangerous for people, you can be sure of that.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Ziskinberg on April 06, 2020, 11:48:25 PM
100% corona virus, don't dare to go out if you are under quarantine because you are gambling with your health here.
When you lose in gambling, it's easy to recover but when you got infected with the corona virus,  you are gambling with your life here as you could die.

That's the sad reality, so awareness is one key to ensure people will not take chances.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Stedsm on April 06, 2020, 11:49:14 PM
The comparison itself is baseless as I can't understand how you can compare an addiction to a pandemic! Though, gambling is much less risky than COVID-19 because it may be an addiction which can be dropped and you may stop doing it as well as stop losing your money, whereas COVID-19 is a totally different subject here where, if someone is infected and moves nearby you, you won't even know if the virus has already entered your body through that person which is highly a matter of concern. Something (COVID-19) that can't be tackled immediately just because you can't see it v/s gambling which can be left if we create such state of mind for ourselves, next to impossible to give a possible difference between these two.  :-\

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: dunfida on April 06, 2020, 11:56:02 PM
The comparison itself is baseless as I can't understand how you can compare an addiction to a pandemic! Though, gambling is much less risky than COVID-19 because it may be an addiction which can be dropped and you may stop doing it as well as stop losing your money, whereas COVID-19 is a totally different subject here where, if someone is infected and moves nearby you, you won't even know if the virus has already entered your body through that person which is highly a matter of concern. Something (COVID-19) that can't be tackled immediately just because you can't see it v/s gambling which can be left if we create such state of mind for ourselves, next to impossible to give a possible difference between these two.  :-\
Just to add on where the chance of dying would be there once you get infected thats why i dont really see a reason why would these two should really be differentiated when it comes to risk.
Yes, both have risk but when we do talk about viruses or any other health related things then its an another story and as long it do talks about dying or making a person too sick/ill
then theres no other thing which is more worst than that.Well, being poor due to gambling is unfortunate but our lives is more precious than on anything else.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: romero121 on April 06, 2020, 11:57:34 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
What's been asked doesn't make sense. When one gets affected by corona his life ends in a short. People keeps recovering, still death is the one that makes it more fearful. When there is no life, what way one gambles. Even an addicted gambler will somehow stop gambling if he knows he's going to die out of gambling, because the control is within him.

When it comes to the pandemic virus we can't do anything if it affects. Only thing that can be done is slow down the vigorous changes happening in the body. This shows corona is riskier than gambling at this time.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Findingnemo on April 07, 2020, 12:00:29 AM
You can't bring a died person to come alive no matter how much billions you are willing to spend, if covid affects you then you have chances to die so that is more risky,

But gambling has no harm as long as you are doing it in the right way, so no need to compare those. :)

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: asu on April 07, 2020, 12:26:47 AM
This is the most dumbest question I've ever read in my life. Also I don't know how or when the covid-19 thread would stop. Seems like it is everywhere in the forum, looks so sketchy.

You know (or if not) that we can't see the virus and there's no cure about it as of now. It takes time to recover when you have the virus. In gambling, you will be the reason why yourself would end up being in a dangerous situation, not like in the virus.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: KnightElite on April 07, 2020, 12:30:51 AM
This is the most dumbest question I've ever read in my life. Also I don't know how or when the covid-19 thread would stop. Seems like it is everywhere in the forum, looks so sketchy.

You know (or if not) that we can't see the virus and there's no cure about it as of now. It takes time to recover when you have the virus. In gambling, you will be the reason why yourself would end up being killed, not like in the virus.
It makes me cringed when I have read the subjects, the OP is compating the gambling into covid-19. The covid-19 is the reason why we have financial crisis today because lives of the people are on the line. I do not know why the creator of this thread have an idea to compare the gambling and the virus. Maybe he is one of the people who lose huge amount of money on it.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: BlackFor3st on April 07, 2020, 12:32:15 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
They are both dangerous but virus is a lot dangerous compare to gambling especially if there is no vaccine yet and it will continue to spread for a very long time because everyone will be at risk compare to gambling that only addicted gamblers will be at risk in losing their money, so in gambling not everyone will be at risk.

That is how I see the difference between the two, virus is very broad and was considered a pandemic because it affects all the country while threatening our lives if we will be infected with it. But in gambling, we still have chance to recover even if we are addicted to it so it is not that dangerous as it is not a life threatening.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: pakhitheboss on April 07, 2020, 12:57:55 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

Haha... interesting question

I would say covid 19 as you do not have any medicine or vaccine to cure this deadly disease. Untill one comes out this disease will kill you. Gambling still can be les harmful to anyone who does not have an addiction issue. I personally gamble once in a while and it is quite refreshing.

Therefor for me covid 19 is risky and not Gambling

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: asu on April 07, 2020, 01:13:49 AM
This is the most dumbest question I've ever read in my life. Also I don't know how or when the covid-19 thread would stop. Seems like it is everywhere in the forum, looks so sketchy.

You know (or if not) that we can't see the virus and there's no cure about it as of now. It takes time to recover when you have the virus. In gambling, you will be the reason why yourself would end up being killed, not like in the virus.
It makes me cringed when I have read the subjects, the OP is compating the gambling into covid-19. The covid-19 is the reason why we have financial crisis today because lives of the people are on the line. I do not know why the creator of this thread have an idea to compare the gambling and the virus. Maybe he is one of the people who lose huge amount of money on it.

Ohh yeah, cringey. Should've been the best option is to lock the thread, as it's literally pointless.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: criza on April 07, 2020, 01:28:22 AM
I say that, the covid-19 is still much more dangerous because, it is an illness that can claim lives of a lot of people, not only yourself but, also the people around you are at risk. Unlike gambling, you are not in danger of dying and infecting a lot of people that might also cost their lives. Gambling cannot be compared to the pandemic because, gambling habits can be surely cured over time with proper guidance and persistence without affecting others.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: GreatArkansas on April 07, 2020, 01:32:51 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.
So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
They are both dangerous but virus is a lot dangerous compare to gambling especially if there is no vaccine yet and it will continue to spread for a very long time because everyone will be at risk compare to gambling that only addicted gamblers will be at risk in losing their money, so in gambling not everyone will be at risk.

That is how I see the difference between the two, virus is very broad and was considered a pandemic because it affects all the country while threatening our lives if we will be infected with it. But in gambling, we still have chance to recover even if we are addicted to it so it is not that dangerous as it is not a life threatening.
Losing your life is much dangerous than losing money. If you lost some money in gambling, you still have the chance to earn it back in some other ways or gamble again if you have money again.
But if you lost your life in this coronavirus (covid19), you lost everything, you can't get your money back, you can't do gambling anymore, you can't be in your family anymore.
Again, it's a dumb question.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: verita1 on April 07, 2020, 02:10:40 AM
There is no point of comparison between the risks of Gambling and Covid19. A person addicted to Gambling has how to rehabilitate himself in his brain disorder. With the help of the indications of a specialist, therapies, and their environment. Many proven techniques have been successful.
While Covid19 is an unknown virus, we still don't have a cure. Sadly, the world's leaders did not give due importance to how deadly it is.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Clark05 on April 07, 2020, 02:12:19 AM
Coronavirus is more dangerous because that virus can kill lives and we know once you die you cannot born again. But in gambling once you lose money you can still earn money because they have different ways to earn money. I did not know why you are comparing the covid19 and the gambling.

We know that lives is more important now compared to money but still now money is needed to buy foods etc. Other people who don't have money now because their company is temporary closed because of lockdown. If you do not harm by this two so ignore it just simple.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Darker45 on April 07, 2020, 02:48:50 AM
Before asking this question, have you ever thought that gambling has been part of humanity for thousands of years already? Well, humanity continued to grow despite that, right?

On the other hand, COVID-19 has been here for a few months and there are already more than a million who got infected. A significant chunk of which has died already. The economy has stumbled down. People are losing jobs and therefore money to support their needs.

So, the answer is very obvious for me, not even worth comparing at all. The other one is a mere hobby which unfortunately turns into addiction to some while the other one is definitely a plain killer!

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: maydna on April 07, 2020, 02:50:20 AM
I guess coronavirus is more dangerous than gambling because if you read the news, the human doesn't need to take too long to die. Give it 5 days or 7 days, and if he doesn't get the right medicine, he will die soon. You can see what happened to people who get infected before, but right now, infected people have a chance to get cured because the vaccine founded ( I heard from my government, so the opportunity to lives much better than before ).

But gambling can be more dangerous too if you cannot control yourself. You will not lose your money, but you can lose your family and your lives because you will get stress after you got a big loss. So both will give damage to your lives, but both have a different level dangerous.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Yatsan on April 07, 2020, 03:03:32 AM
Like it or hate it, gambling can destroy lives but, corona virus can literally take you life. In gambling you can start fresh after it destroy's you or you can quit anytime before it destroy you. This corona virus is taking lives of every individual that has weak immune system. Any addiction is can be cured but this virus doesn't have any cure right now. Corona virus is more dangerous in gambling addiction.

Let's hope that out front-liners can cure it as soon as possible for us to continue our normal lives.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: shoreno on April 07, 2020, 04:10:44 AM
i think both are risky  but it only depends on the person if he dont take safety precautions or wont refuse to follow advices and rules that the gambling platform or the local government ( covid ) that has  given to them  . like example if the local government warns people to stay inside to avoid covid but you , you dont listen and still sneak outside going on the city and to your  friends etc , that only leads to infection  . same as on gambling like if you play all the time and continue depositing when you that you are not winning anymore  , you know you have already a problem  .

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Wexnident on April 07, 2020, 05:35:31 AM
Uh virus duh. Like dude, see, no vaccine nor remedy has been made which makes the virus much more dangerous than others. Even if we don't mention that part, just the fees for hospital is enough to counter the expenses you made during gambling. Don't underestimate how hospital fees could go, they'd suck up your wallet faster than gambling. Even if we were to take a few steps back, gambling is in a sense, luck based. You can pretty much win some or lose some, but there is still a chance of winning some. As for medications, again, as long as you had money you'd be fine, but then, it'd be pretty much just like gambling, but with no wins no? ( considering profit only, ignoring the health related stuff ).

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: onrise on April 07, 2020, 05:49:46 AM
Covid 2019 Is more risky I feel so beacuse not only it can lead to take your life beacuse of which it can effect many other people as well and they can be at risk as well . While in gambling if you are playing just for fun then it is totally fine as you would not be out of your control and will be in your limits .

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: rhomelmabini on April 07, 2020, 06:01:16 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
You're subject here is still the individuals and individuals will prioritize their lives over money, that's a fact even a dying one may offer the best he can offer for money over his own life. The answer will always be recognizable even if you put some poll here.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: boyptc on April 07, 2020, 06:12:57 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
What do you think is much important to you?

Leisure that you can recover as many times as you can or your only life?

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Rosilito on April 07, 2020, 06:14:55 AM
No offense but this is a pretty stupid question. Gambling can lead to suicide but there's a way to stop it. If you catch the virus and your immunity system is downhill already, good luck stopping it from screwing around.

The virus may be a problem now, but it's not going to last forever. There will be a treatment for it indeed. Even if you lose money through gambling, there are ways to recover. If you're addicted, there are ways to stop it. It's not a health condition and your chances to start contemplating suicide don't increase if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Big, big difference between the two and literally no link between them... One is an addiction leading to suicidal thoughts, the other is a virus ..

Man, you aren't alone, I see this topic as stupid as well. I don't mean to hurt OP's feeling but his question isn't like something that needs to be weigh off. Since in the end, money won't mean nothing to you if you're being doomed by health matters that hasn't any sort of treatments, vaccines or what. Money is just a material, nothing more, nothing less. If you see life behind it, and used as a metric to value your so-called successful life then, IMO, you need to assess your POV once again.

Get up, buddy.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Sadlife on April 07, 2020, 06:19:23 AM
Coronavirus is more dangerous because in gambling you can control your money that you spent while the virus has become a global pandemic that's spreading to various of people and high risk and high death rate that already killed thousands of people. It can infect you regardless of gender, status and wealth, and most of all it still has no vaccine

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: AniviaBtc on April 07, 2020, 06:23:39 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

No matter what you choose, the two will make you lose your life. The risk of getting the covid-19 when you go outside is very high and you'll never notice that you are infected in the first 2 weeks according to the scientist. The symptoms will only occurs when the virus already manipulate your cells in the body. Also the risk of you infecting other people, your workmate, friends, and family members is also high because you're not aware that you're already infected. The covid-19 virus causes death to some people who are diabetic, or have other sickness, most especially those who are elder people. It is risky

Meanwhile, gambling is also risky, not only financially but also it costs lives. As you gamble, you know that it is risky and you have nothing to do with that because the probability of winning in gambling is low. After you lose all your money, the only thing in your mind is how will you recover from this downfall in gambling career? If you don't have any money to spend for food then you will experience scarcity in food and resources, because the money that is destined for you goods, vanish just because of gambling. Probably, you will starve yourself or your family to death that's why proper managing of money is essential during this crisis, never take the risk in gambling.

For me, gambling and Covid-19 is both dangerous to health of all people.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: xSkylarx on April 07, 2020, 06:52:13 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

The answer is obvious, what is the difference of mortaility rate of Covid compared to gambling. Covid has no cure yet, gambling addiction is something that is developed upon continuous gambling and being greedy to earn easy money by taking risk in gambling.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Rodeo02 on April 07, 2020, 07:06:37 AM
Coronavirus is more dangerous because in gambling you can control your money that you spent while the virus has become a global pandemic that's spreading to various of people and high risk and high death rate that already killed thousands of people. It can infect you regardless of gender, status and wealth, and most of all it still has no vaccine

Those 2 is different .

Desease and addiction is two way different on each other i dont know why op is comparing those 2.
Corona virus is pandemic and can only be avoided if you stay at home and no confirm cure as of now.

While gambling is addiction and hobbies that no one force you to do you can ignore that gambling if you can. While in the virus the only way to avoid is to stay at home .

In virus you will be chosen between life and death in gambling its pure money involve.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Latviand on April 07, 2020, 07:10:32 AM
No offense but this is a pretty stupid question. Gambling can lead to suicide but there's a way to stop it. If you catch the virus and your immunity system is downhill already, good luck stopping it from screwing around.

This isn't a stupid question, maybe he's just anxious about the happenings around the world. Gambling and the virus is not a joke and we must take it seriously, there are ways on how to overcome this kind of obstacles in our lives. You're right that these two are avoidable, and both of it can affect physical, emotional, and mental health to people who are experiencing it. Don't worry, problems are just temporary and each and every one of us have different problems that we need to face.

The virus may be a problem now, but it's not going to last forever. There will be a treatment for it indeed. Even if you lose money through gambling, there are ways to recover. If you're addicted, there are ways to stop it. It's not a health condition and your chances to start contemplating suicide don't increase if you have pre-existing health conditions.

Don't worry, problems are just temporary and each and every one of us have different problems that we need to face. The only focus here is that there is always a good side after the bad side, or according to the saying "There's a rainbow always after the rain". There is always hope and resolution to our difficulties.

Big, big difference between the two and literally no link between them... One is an addiction leading to suicidal thoughts, the other is a virus ..

No link? They are both risky and costs lives of the people who are ignorant about what is happening in the society. The only thing necessary for these two problems is being knowledgeable about the thing itself. Being knowledgeable about gambling will make you minimize the risk of you losing your money and the being knowledgeable about the virus will make you know what to do to prevent yourself from acquiring the virus from other people. Both are risky, but remember that in every problem, there is a solution.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: TheGreatPython on April 07, 2020, 07:20:45 AM
Covid 2019 Is more risky I feel so beacuse not only it can lead to take your life beacuse of which it can effect many other people as well and they can be at risk as well . While in gambling if you are playing just for fun then it is totally fine as you would not be out of your control and will be in your limits .
If even you are gambling NOT FOR FUN and loosing money that is still way less threatening than the corona virus because there is nothing you can do apart from praying once you are tested positive for corona virus.

There is a complete lock-down right now in most countries to avoid the spreading of virus and times are so much tense that I fear moving out of my house even for daily needs. I don't think this thread makes any sense to me because it is comparing a hobby against a pandemic which is pretty silly in itself.

I wish anyone reading this thread to have a healthy day and future and please stay inside avoid any travelling until its over.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: peter0425 on April 07, 2020, 07:30:57 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.
do you really need to compare both?i don't know how quarantine affect people now and even gambling and the virus can be compared.
So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
gambling is dangerous if you become addicted things that can be prevented.

but the Virus?even Doctors that has complete protection becomes victim so what do you think is the answer?

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Baby Dragon on April 07, 2020, 09:54:49 AM
I say that, the covid-19 is still much more dangerous because, it is an illness that can claim lives of a lot of people, not only yourself but, also the people around you are at risk. Unlike gambling, you are not in danger of dying and infecting a lot of people that might also cost their lives. Gambling cannot be compared to the pandemic because, gambling habits can be surely cured over time with proper guidance and persistence without affecting others.
Gambling may have a perilous impact on your financial status, but you still have an opportunity to recover the money that you had loss. The virus is a different matter because your health is much more important than money. It's a contagious disease that rapidly spreads and until now, they still don't find the specific treatment. In addition, the virus has negatively affect the economy of various countries and plenty of people are fighting for their lives.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Jeremy Franklin on April 07, 2020, 10:01:23 AM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

Why do you open these topics? Covid-19 has nothing to do with a gambling addiction. In my opinion you can't really compare those two things... Or do you also want to ask: What is more dangerous - gambling or a car crash? Sure you can survive both, but it might fuck up your life anyway.. So please can you stop opening these nonsense topics. We don't need another shitpost section, please move to the Altcoin-Board!

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: plvbob0070 on April 07, 2020, 11:48:13 AM
Well, of course, the virus is more dangerous than gambling. The virus can kill people, and it spreads without the people knowing it. It affects people without their consent. In gambling, we have our choice of whether to gamble or not. The consequences of gambling depend on us, so basically it's our fault if we die in hunger because of gambling.

When we die because of the virus, it's the virus's fault. But when we die because of hunger, it's our fault because we know that it can happen once we gamble yet we still choose to do it. We don't have any choice with regard to the virus. But gambling addiction is our choice. In fact, gambling is not dangerous, it's the people. Gambling addiction is our fight within ourselves. COVID-19 is our fight against the virus.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: LogitechMouse on April 07, 2020, 11:55:59 AM
I would say that gambling is less dangerous currently in the USA since all physical casinos, sports books, racetracks, slot machines places are all closed. The only thing is the lottery at essential stores

I am not talking about the current times where we cannot go to gambling. I am talking in general like online gambling (losing money or risk of losing) is more risky or corona virus (losing life or risk of losing life) ?
Losing money can be recovered but losing your life just because of this virus can't be.

There is no connection between the two in terms of more risky because we know it already that life is more important than the money right now. There are some rich people out there who can't use their money because they can't buy anything that can recover them against the virus since at this time, there is no vaccine for it. Right now money is powerless if you can't protect yourself from this virus. The best thing that we can do is to donate the money if we have some spare (for the rich ones) and for the poor to average ones, helping other people thru not going outside will be a helpful one already.

Life is more important than money so I'll choose the virus to be more risky :D.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: btc78 on April 07, 2020, 12:01:27 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
Virus can take lives easily while gambling will take addiction first before it can possibly take life(from suicide or some is making a crime because of money needs) so basically gambling is not that much risky(talking about Life and not money right?)

but how come that you come to this comparison mate?though this is not that comparable lol.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Ziskinberg on April 07, 2020, 12:05:51 PM
But gambling addiction is our choice.
It isn't, no one chooses to be addicted in gambling because we know it will destroy our lives.
Thing is we are just irresponsible sometimes that we haven't notice we are already addicted in gambling, and we will only change if we lose everything as we will be learning the hard way, some people sell their property just to gamble and only later they realize that they are already addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Periodik on April 07, 2020, 12:13:39 PM
But gambling addiction is our choice.
It isn't, no one chooses to be addicted in gambling because we know it will destroy our lives.
Thing is we are just irresponsible sometimes that we haven't notice we are already addicted in gambling, and we will only change if we lose everything as we will be learning the hard way, some people sell their property just to gamble and only later they realize that they are already addicted to gambling.

Gambling is indeed our choice, but addiction is not. Nobody forces us to be gamblers. In fact, even addiction, if we broken it down to small pieces, it could even be perceived as something that is made up of smaller free choices. You are perfectly free when you decided to go to the casino every time you don't have anything to do. You are perfectly free as well when you decided to set aside a big amount for gambling. Add all that up and you might eventually become addicted to it.

Corona virus, on the contrary, is never a choice. We cannot see it and we cannot tell whether a person is infected or not. That makes it much riskier than gambling.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on April 07, 2020, 12:31:35 PM
So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?
For me, coronavirus is more dangerous for everyone,

It is a virus that has no cure yet and your recovery will depend on how your body will fight the virus itself. The possibility of survival is 50/50, if you recover, you are lucky, if you die, it is the end for you.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Question123 on April 07, 2020, 12:35:51 PM
Where did you get this idea? Because gambling and covid 19 is very different to each other. It is not the time for us to thinking about what is more risky it is gambling or the coronavirus.

All to do now is how to stopped that virus because we are all affected and our lives will be danger because once you get that virus they have possible a person will die.

Gambling is risky and we know that beut remember that is their choice a people to play and use their money but the virus that is not choice of us because we don't want that.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Janation on April 07, 2020, 12:37:31 PM
Well, people can lose lives in coronavirus but at the same time people might lose their money and become hand to mouth because of gambling.

So i would like to know your opinion, whether you think gambling is more dangerous or coronavirus is more dangerous for the people ?

I think these two are the same as risky and dangerous.

Gambling can get people addicted. They would be destroying their lives and could also destroy other people's lives close to them. It destroys life and it is said that 2.6% of people in the US are addicted to it. Though gambling is risky, CoVid-19 is dangerous. Just after a week, it already killed 10K lives in the US, despite 1 out of 5 people committing suicide in US, I think CoVid-19  is the worst.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: ethereumhunter on April 07, 2020, 01:05:13 PM
Gambling addiction is something related to mental, and it can end with losing the money and everything, even someone can end his life because of gambling.

Covid-19 is something related to health, and it can end with death.

But gambling addiction and covid-19 can be cured with the right medicine.

But Covid-19 is more dangerous than gambling addiction because the virus attacks someone's health fast.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Zeke_23 on April 07, 2020, 01:21:08 PM
Gambling is a long process that affects not only the financial but also the mental issue of a certain individual, while covid-19 is type of virus that is rapidly affects everyone, financially and its health. Covid-19 is more risky due to this reason, it can spread so fast that anyone can be a carrier of the virus and lose its life without having any options to continue to live.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: Chrystora123 on April 07, 2020, 01:44:51 PM
No offense but this is a pretty stupid question. Gambling can lead to suicide but there's a way to stop it. If you catch the virus and your immunity system is downhill already, good luck stopping it from screwing around.

Big, big difference between the two and literally no link between them... One is an addiction leading to suicidal thoughts, the other is a virus ..
it looks like the OP is causing mass confusion :D.  Gambling is a choice while Covid-19 is a disease that everyone does not want to be elected, so in broad outline, these two should not be tried to connected.  @OP.. a little correction, the question should be like this;
"Gambling and falling in love: which one is more risky?" (because both of them are one of the causes of suicide) or
"COVID-19 and cholera: what's more risky?" (because both are plagues) 

#no offense  ;D

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: ShowOff on April 07, 2020, 01:45:55 PM
I feel a little interested in knowing the purpose of the question you are asking.

Corona and gambling are two different things, and the effect will also be different. Corona is a virus that is classified as a pandemic and was found in late 2019 which can result in death everyone if the treatment is not optimal. While gambling is not said to be a disease and this activity is called a game that involves money.

Dependence on gambling might have an impact on health, finances, and can also result in heavy addicts having to end in death for various reasons such as being killed for being unable to pay debts, committing suicide due to depression or others.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: spike420211 on April 07, 2020, 02:36:36 PM
Pretty strange question.
This can affect your decisions, which ultimately lead to a lower standard of living, which does not mean that you cannot break the cycle and get rid of it.
The virus is a spontaneous thing, you don’t know how your body will react to contact with it, for example, you can infect others, for example your loved ones. While gaming addiction is not transmitted in this way.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: noormcs5 on April 07, 2020, 02:45:46 PM
I feel a little interested in knowing the purpose of the question you are asking.

There is not a special purpose on asking this question. I would rather like to develop a poll for it to collect the exact numbers of vote of each.
I have just a feeling that gambling is as risky as a virus, specially  those who are addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: LbtalkL on April 07, 2020, 02:53:37 PM
There is no need to ask between gambling and our life? We already know the answer "Covid19", Our life is at stake with this covid we cannot play gambling anymore if we are sick. I hope everyone there is safe just play online casinos, But I am sure physical casinos are also close now in this crisis. It is okay to lose all of our money than losing our life, we can make ways to earn money if you lose your life it is the end.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: dothebeats on April 07, 2020, 03:01:05 PM
I'm sorry but this is a rather stupid question to ask. A virus that can potentially infect 3 people from a single vector within a span of a few seconds is definitely more dangerous than gambling games that can be controlled and can be shut down at will by the government. With the current pandemic, you are looking at hundreds of thousands of people potentially dying and some with severe lung fibrosis even if they managed to survive, whereas in gambling people can just stay the hell out of the game and live a normal life sans the thrill and excitement of gambling. Gambling is avoidable, but the virus? You'll never know whether you have it or not unless you get checked.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: erep on April 07, 2020, 03:12:23 PM
Has gambling disturbed your sweet dreams every night during the current pandemic?
It's ridiculous to compare gambling with COVID-19, but from your addiction to betting it might look normal and I understand it feels far from casino tables and chips.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: crwth on April 07, 2020, 03:16:45 PM
Weird analogy, but the same results, is that what you mean? I don't believe it's the same causing because Corona Virus is not intended, gambling is. If you get the coronavirus, you can be healed by medical and scientific means. Addiction to gambling is self-done. It's weird to compare both of them.

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: matchi2011 on April 07, 2020, 03:18:09 PM
There is no need to ask between gambling and our life? We already know the answer "Covid19", Our life is at stake with this covid we cannot play gambling anymore if we are sick. I hope everyone there is safe just play online casinos, But I am sure physical casinos are also close now in this crisis. It is okay to lose all of our money than losing our life, we can make ways to earn money if you lose your life it is the end.
Simple and direct, if you lose your life there's no way to regain and be happy again, while in the other side,  if you lose so much money and time due to your addiction you are still capable to restore yourself and as long as you have your life and the will to move forward. Too much addiction can be cure while covid until now there's no clear antidote to kill this virus. Be safe and choose life..

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: quarkfx on April 07, 2020, 03:40:35 PM
if we live we can do something or regain what we lost in gambling , if we did get infected by corona virus we need to spend money to get hospitalized if there are vacancy available in  hospitals , for me life is important then anything , in gambling we have second chance to make money but life is only one time

Title: Re: Gambling and covid-19 : Which is more risky ?
Post by: noormcs5 on April 07, 2020, 03:42:47 PM
Weird analogy, but the same results, is that what you mean? I don't believe it's the same causing because Corona Virus is not intended, gambling is.

I have heard enough of it that it is wired to compare the two.  :(  There two can be compared. but i respect the decision of the majority here.

If you get the coronavirus, you can be healed by medical and scientific means. Addiction to gambling is self-done. It's weird to compare both of them.

Sorry but If gambling addiction healing is being done by self, then also there is no vaccine for corona virus too. You have to get heal by yourself too.