Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Vod on April 07, 2020, 06:23:20 AM

Title: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: Vod on April 07, 2020, 06:23:20 AM
Lauda has been instrumental in the development of the trust system and this forum would be a lot different without him/her/it/Lauda.

Create a Theme. For your baby reveal party, go simple with pink and blue cocktails, candles, plates, cups, napkins—you name it.

Set the date and invite guests. Send your invitations out at least six hours ahead of time, so you can get your gender-determining hash value, and even release it as a collectible!  

Document the event. Have your parsers and/or imagine capture software registered and ready to go. Ask a trusted profile member to be your shill if the randomness does not go your way.

Thanks to (

Thank your guests. Have posters participate in some gender reveal party games!

I'm hoping for a girl, since the name Lauda reminds me of Laura ( from LHotP, ( but no one forces you to feel the same way.

Title: Lauda Day, a Festival Worldwide!
Post by: nullius on April 07, 2020, 06:27:38 AM
So...  How will this “reveal” actually work?  I have tried philosophy and psychology.  Also, rubberhose cryptanalysis.  Lauda does not reveal.

I'm hoping for a girl, since the name Lauda reminds me of Laura ( from LHotP, ( but no one forces you to feel the same way.

I just call her Laura because that’s her version of “thermos”, and it’s a good name:  It speaks of laurels.

Also because if she’s not actually a woman, I will eat my hat.

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: Vod on April 07, 2020, 06:30:23 AM
So...  How will this “reveal” actually work?

Why... Thank you for asking nullius.  :)

I had to lock it for poor planning.  Discussion can happen here after the reveal.  This time, I'll ask people not to post if they are going to troll others with repetitive info. 

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: Foxpup on April 07, 2020, 06:37:05 AM
Stealing my thunder? ( (thread possibly NSFW/L) Well, okay, but just don't expect Lauda to reveal anywhere near as much as I did. :D

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: Vod on April 07, 2020, 06:44:06 AM
Stealing my thunder?

I don't think I saw that thread, sorry.  I read a bit of it, but I couldn't see any name Lauda.  This gender reveal party is just for me and has no influence on anyone else.   Yes, I am being selfish drawing so much attention to my laziness, but it's been bugging me for years.

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: Foxpup on April 07, 2020, 06:58:09 AM
I read a bit of it, but I couldn't see any name Lauda.
That's because it was my gender reveal party, not Lauda's. Though in all honesty it probably just raised further questions. I've said before that Lauda can't be permitted to have a monopoly on gender confusion. :)

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: Vod on April 07, 2020, 07:04:48 AM
I read a bit of it, but I couldn't see any name Lauda.
That's because it was my gender reveal party, not Lauda's. Though in all honesty it probably just raised further questions. I've said before that Lauda can't be permitted to have a monopoly on gender confusion. :)

OK.  I will read it and may merit you.  Congratulations dude or dudette.  :)

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: OgNasty on April 07, 2020, 07:43:04 AM
Why did you create a new thread just to hide this quote about Lauda on your last one?

100% male was often found talking about the price of hookers in certain areas in the early days

That or croatian women are rough and ready lol

Search you will find.

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: Vod on April 07, 2020, 08:19:43 AM
16 hours to my gender relationship reveal with Lauda!   :)

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: marlboroza on April 08, 2020, 12:13:52 AM
I'm hoping for a girl, since the name Lauda reminds me of Laura ( from LHotP, ( but no one forces you to feel the same way.
I don't know, nick always reminds me of Niki Lauda.

In my language, male will say "bio sam" and female will say "bila sam" (translated to english: "I was") You can start from that  ;)

Title: Lauda, the archetypal cat
Post by: nullius on April 08, 2020, 02:53:10 PM
I don't know, nick always reminds me of Niki Lauda.

In that context, the name would introduce a subconscious bias.  But here, “Lauda” is a surname.  Perhaps Niki Lauda’s twin sister was separated at birth—kidnapped by evil mad scientists who had robots raise her to young adulthood, then held her in suspended animation pending the invention of Bitcoin?

Anyway, names aside...

Lauda has always reminded me of... a cat.

^^^ Cat amulet worn by ancient Egyptian women as a symbol of womanhood.  Cf. the ancient statuette of Egyptian fertility goddess Bastet ( (made c. 400–250 B.C.), which I have recently copied into a thread read by most everybody reading this one.

There is a doctoral dissertation in this for somebody, somewhere in study of the widespread cross-cultural semiotic of the cat as a symbol for womankind.  I have cited other examples.

In my language, male will say "bio sam" and female will say "bila sam" (translated to english: "I was") You can start from that  ;)

The -a feminine suffix is sufficiently common in European languages that I have needed to consciously prevent that from biasing me.  I must remind myself that in some languages, -a is a masculine suffix—and in some, it is neither.  Thus although the name “Lauda” rings female in my ears, I have focused on her personality—whereupon I would be very surprised if she were not actually a “she”.  Still, of course, I lack sufficient information to be sure.

I love human puzzles; and Lauda fascinates me.

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: dragonvslinux on April 08, 2020, 08:47:57 PM
Interesting, lots of gender related topics huh. People starting to think about things for a change.
For reference sake, my gender is now up for sale. If anyone wants to bid, PM me.

I've said before that Lauda can't be permitted to have a monopoly on gender confusion. :)

Amen to that.

Title: Re: Lauda, the archetypal cat
Post by: marlboroza on April 08, 2020, 09:17:39 PM
Lauda is "he" as far as I am concerned.
Still, of course, I lack sufficient information to be sure.
Give me a second. Here:

[...]nisam testirao[...]
Male would say "nisam testirao". Female would say "nisam testirala". Hope everything is clear.

On side note, memories, scammer legendsoftomorrow called me signature spammer and fudster in that topic because I called them liars :D

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: ChuckBuck on April 09, 2020, 05:37:18 AM
What a stupid thread. Vod even made 2 of them.
Sorry but I should join this stupid thread for fun
Lauda has always reminded me of... a cat.
There are many cat lovers, even crazy about it, that cannot reveal the gender of Lauda  ::)
Lauda is "he" as far as I am concerned
I also think Lauda is "he"  :D I dont have evidence like you, but in the way he speak, I believe I am right about him  :D @Lauda, I join the fun right now about your gender  :P

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: Csmiami on April 09, 2020, 11:26:23 AM
Not to spoil the fun, but.... what does this have to do with reputation? ???

Even if it's the people usually involved in this section, this is rather Off-topic.... Or in case it's not, please tell me why (something more I could learn today)

Title: Re: Gender reveal party - with social distancing!
Post by: twiki on October 10, 2020, 10:29:14 PM
I'm hoping for a girl, since the name Lauda reminds me of Laura ( from LHotP, ( but no one forces you to feel the same way.

My speech is going to be kept short.

I am absolutely honoured to receive this prestigious award. Obviously I'm compelled to first thank my husband for his unwavering support and love; secondly, I'd like to thank my cult ( which has served their Queen very well over its short existence.

It is mesmerizing, maybe it can be taken as proof? (although I would say Lauda is an Italian male name).

Title: Skynet to nullius: “GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS THERE”
Post by: nullius on October 11, 2020, 01:58:52 AM

Wait.  Lauda has a husband!?

/me is dumbstruck.

Well, I am glad that she did not use the term “partner” or “significant other”; that—

—Wait.  Lauda’s husband is the Terminator!!?!? :o

An indisputably serious confession of witchcraft connubial status, accompanied by videographic PROOF that Lauda is married to the Terminator:
Obviously I'm compelled to first thank my husband for his unwavering support and love; secondly, I'd like to thank my cult ( which has served their Queen very well over its short existence.


Well, I am glad that at least, I recently gathered a bunch of The Terminator images for my theme of waiting for the robots to cure the plague of insapient talking monkeys.  With intent to portray myself as the Terminator, if necessary or sufficiently amusing—hey, The Terminator (the original film) is one of the few cinematic masterpieces of modern times that I have actually enjoyed!  Whoops.

N.b., I reserve the right still to portray myself as the Terminator.  Nothing is thus meant toward you, Kitty.  Anyway, I look more like the one in Reese’s flashback nightmare scene. ;-)