Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: MikeBee on April 07, 2020, 12:20:57 PM

Title: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: MikeBee on April 07, 2020, 12:20:57 PM
Good Day

Hi I'm a newbie to the bitcoin trading scene.

I have just downloaded and installed Electrum's wallet for P.C.
What information do I need to give a client who wants to pay me in BitCoins ?



Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: hosseinimr93 on April 07, 2020, 12:24:28 PM
First of all, make sure you have downloaded Electrum from the official website which is
If so, go to "addresses" tab and give one of addresses shown there to anyone would like send you bitcoin.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: JeromeTash on April 07, 2020, 12:25:21 PM
All you need to provide them is your bitcoin address they may send money to and maybe the amount they have to pay you in BTC.
I hope you have already created a wallet and backed up your seed. Once you open your newly created wallet, Just click on the Receive tab and copy the address provided to you and send it to the client.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: nc50lc on April 07, 2020, 12:27:49 PM
Click receive tab and send the "receiving address" (starts with 'bc1' or '1') to the client, you don't have to create an invoice to receive bitcoins.
But if you wan't it to have a description in the history, create one with/without an amount.

To use the address tab which was suggested above, click "View->Show Addresses".

Note: There are services that still don't support native SegWit address (bc1).

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: MikeBee on April 07, 2020, 12:40:25 PM

Thanks for the info.
I did download it from Electrums official website.

Do I need to give them a web address as well and if so which one?


Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: nc50lc on April 07, 2020, 12:43:22 PM
Just a bitcoin address, nothing else.

BTW, the one in your 'receive' tab will change once it received bitcoins once, it's the same as the one in your address tab (from top to bottom) if you enabled it.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: MikeBee on April 07, 2020, 12:46:38 PM
I'm sure I will have more questions once  payment has been made.
Thanks again for your assistance

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: OcTradism on April 07, 2020, 01:44:08 PM
You download Electrum wallet from official website so it is good. I only give you additional information that you can use if you are serious about your safety.
Verify your Electrum wallet before using it. I know there is a guide on it: Electrum wallet - Update safely and avoid phishing wallets? (

Another quick reminder for you is never click on Help > Check for updates. This feature of Electrum wallet was compromised in the past.

You can also get more information there:

Read the lesson and make sure you have backups and your backups work fine. Old lesson: Don't rely on your phone. Always save your wallet seeds

Your wallet should be protected well with a strong password so read it too: [GUIDE] How to Create a Strong/Secure Password ( Nevertheless, you have to know that your wallet's password has its ultimate goal is to protect the mnemonic seeds of your wallet. If you don't keep your seeds safely your wallet password can not protect your wallet.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: Csmiami on April 07, 2020, 01:47:02 PM

Make sure you have made the backup of the seed OFFLINE or non-digital; there have been quite some cases lately of people doing it on a photo/notepad/digital and loosing all their funds.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: skarais on April 07, 2020, 04:03:03 PM
I'm sure I will have more questions once  payment has been made.
Good, you got through it. Nobody forbids you to ask something here, and you are advised to always pay attention and read some of the threads embedded at the top before you ask questions. Maybe you will get an answer to the question that you want to ask there.

A list of threads that you should pay attention to before you ask something, even though the BH board is the right place to ask something that still confuses beginners but ignoring the rules is also not a good thing.
  • Newbies - Read before posting (
  • [General] Bitcoin Wallets - Which, what, why?  (
  • Verifying Bitcoin Core (
  • [General] How to earn Bitcoins - Part 1 (

Welcome to the forum, start your journey well and consistently. Only learning and ask questions can add knowledge and practice to experience.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: Sonu_titu on April 07, 2020, 04:27:45 PM
Only your Bitcoin address to receive coins nothing other than that. If you are new please read about pass phrase, private key, password management. There are too many scams in an out if a day they scammers can give you a greedy offer and can get details(private key) of your wallet. Be aware.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on April 07, 2020, 04:34:02 PM
After you figured out how to get a Bitcoin address, there's one important thing to remember - it's considered the best practice to only use an address once to receive coins, and whenever you need to receive money again, even from the same person, you should give them a new address if possible. This dramatically improves your privacy compared to using one address multiple times, and also improves your security a little bit, because sending coins reveals the public key of an address, so you shouldn't receive funds to an address that was already used to send them.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: nc50lc on April 08, 2020, 02:30:40 AM
Another quick reminder for you is never click on Help > Check for updates. This feature of Electrum wallet was compromised in the past.
That feature wasn't compromised ever.

The past "hacks" were due to a modified (error) messages issued by a malicious server.
As the matter of fact, there are servers that still try to display those messages but "safe versions" of Electrum wont display them the way they wanted.
Update check's message is a lot different too.

Here's the Pull Request and commit for more info: [Qt] Add optional update notification #4985 ( | [Qt] Add optional update notifications (

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: KrisAlex18 on April 09, 2020, 07:06:45 AM
Hello mate, welcome to this forum, all you have to do is to send your btc address and the detination tag, always make sure that you give the correct one because once sent it cannot be undo, there are so many people who failed to send btc to btc wallet because of not double checking, always make time on double checking because that is reall important,  if you are using coins wallet, you only need to do is to clic the receive and choose the blockchain wallet.

Alwayd be careful on having transaction to someone else it is important to know who you talk with, make sure that he or ahe is trustworthy.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: naseem_essa on April 09, 2020, 10:42:54 AM
Heya, in addition to what everyone else has said - make sure when copy/pasting your BTC address and giving it to your client, that they are the same address.

There are things called 'clipper' viruses, that when you paste a Bitcoin address, a foreign BTC address will get pasted instead of your own, and funds might get transferred to them instead of you. If your PC is clean without any viruses, there should be no problem, but I like to take note of the first and last few digits of the address to make sure that they are the same.

Also, when you see an incoming transaction on Electrum, right click it and click "View in Block Explorer"

Something like this should open in your browser:

Where it says 'Status', if the payment was just made, it will probably say 0 confirmations. Wait until it has confirmed at least once (this can take a few minutes, an hour, a day - it depends on how congested the BTC network is and how high of a transaction fee he/she paid with)

If this is a person who you trust then you can give whatever it is you're selling him after payment on 0 confirmations (not recommended though)

The reason being is that when a transaction hasn't been confirmed yet, there is potential for it to be 'double spent'. Without getting too technical, and explaining as best I can, double spending is when someone makes use of the 'replace by fee' feature - they essentially overwrite the transaction with another transaction, change the delivery wallet address in doing so, and they put a substantially higher fee. This way, the higher fee ensures that the block is mined before the original one, and the 'overwrite' of the transaction gets confirmed, and the old one (to your address) doesn't, and you don't get your bitcoin.

So usually just stay safe with the 1 confirmation :P

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: nakamura12 on April 10, 2020, 06:11:42 PM
There are things called 'clipper' viruses, that when you paste a Bitcoin address, a foreign BTC address will get pasted instead of your own, and funds might get transferred to them instead of you. If your PC is clean without any viruses, there should be no problem, but I like to take note of the first and last few digits of the address to make sure that they are the same.
Op, you shouldn't forget this one. Always triple check if it is the right address you have pasted. About the quote above it is called clipboard hijacking where it replaces every wallet address you copied and pasted the wallet address of the person who able to infect you with such program. ALWAYS TRIPLE CHECK EVERYTHING.

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: Pinkris128 on April 11, 2020, 08:39:12 AM
Good Day

Hi I'm a newbie to the bitcoin trading scene.

I have just downloaded and installed Electrum's wallet for P.C.
What information do I need to give a client who wants to pay me in BitCoins ?


Whaf you really need first is to back up your Electrum wallet thus if ever your computer doesn't work well, you still have the chance to restore your Electrum wallet. Once you already did that, get the your Bitcoin address. You may find that through receive tab as you can see throgh this image:
Credits to: @bitcoinelectrum

You may also check a completed details on how to get your Bitcoin address in Electrum by clicking this link:

Title: Re: How do I give my wallet information to someone who wants to pay in Bitcoins?
Post by: tukagero on April 13, 2020, 12:49:51 PM
Good Day

Hi I'm a newbie to the bitcoin trading scene.

I have just downloaded and installed Electrum's wallet for P.C.
What information do I need to give a client who wants to pay me in BitCoins ?


just copy your bitcoin recieving address and send it to the person who will pay you in bitcoin. Just remember ,bitcoin you need bitcoin address, and if eth and erc20 tokens use MEW.