Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Collectibles => Topic started by: geophphreigh on April 19, 2020, 06:09:32 AM

Title: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: geophphreigh on April 19, 2020, 06:09:32 AM
Hello all.

First. Congratulations to @tothemoonsands and Friends of Satoshi for making and releasing the new album Proof of Beats. I love the music, the idea, the art, and appreciate the time and effort that went into the project. There are definitely some great tracks on the album and it is a fun item to add to my collection. Check out the official album thread here —> PROOF OF BEATS ( (

Second. I wanted to share with you all a fun little rabbit hole I went down after I received and listened to my album, lucky no. 13.
I was familiar with some of the tracks on the record from Friends of Satoshi’s SoundCloud (, however after listening to the Proof of Beats vinyl record a few times I thought a few tracks were a bit different. The one that stood out to me was side A, track 2, Key Control. There is a sample of Andreas Antonopoulos that repeats throughout the track “If you control the Bitcoin keys, it’s your Bitcoin. If you don’t control the Bitcoin keys, it’s not your Bitcoin.”  This sample is used exactly three times in the track; at 0:15, 1:30, and 2:19. Whenever this line played on the vinyl there was more “noise”. This was curious, and initially I didn’t think much of it. Eventually I decided to compare it to the SoundCloud and YouTube versions and the background noise on the vinyl was clearly absent. Hmmm. 

A few days later I was listening to the record and thought I’d try playing it backwards, just for fun, to see if @tothemoonsands hid something fun for us. As some of you may know, with a little effort, records can be played backwards. Typically when a record is played backwards, there is no real useful music produced. But a track can be intentionally recorded backwards to produce a “hidden track” this is called backmasking. Famous examples include Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven, Pink Floyd’s Empty Spaces, and The Eagles’ Hotel California amongst many others.

The first track on side A, Whonakamoto, didn’t have anything. Track 2, Key Control, was the same, just gibberish and honestly I was a little disappointed. Then I remembered the “noise” around several points in track 2 and listened again. Nothing at 0:15, 1:30, or 2:19. But after the sample at 1:30 around 1:40 there is just instrumental music and when I listened to this segment backwards, I heard distinct rapid speaking. It was not anything easily understandable at first, but after I listened to it half a dozen times I realized it was letters and numbers, but fast, and I couldn’t discern any of them. I slowed the record down and could then hear individual numbers and letters more clearly, but still hard as they still went fast. I started to write them down and replay the track over and over and clearly these were hexadecimals. I must have listened to the track 100 times before I felt that I heard all the numbers and letters correctly. Eventually once I was certain I had them all and they were correct, I counted 64 characters and I knew this was not an accident.

Pause. I honestly was in a daze. I didn’t know what to think. Initially I thought it would be funny to play the record backwards, but I didn’t actually expect to find anything, and if I did, more like a message. You know, “Craig Wright is not Satoshi, tothemoonsands is” or something else funny or amusing. I was not expecting to hear letters and numbers and definitely not 64 hex characters. It is safe to say I was paranoid and going crazy. My heart races just recalling this.

Well obviously I went deeper down the rabbit hole and with a 64 character hex phrase I knew what I had to do.
Hex —> WIF version byte —> sha256 x2 —> 4 byte checksum —> convert base58.
This resulted, very clearly, in a private key. OH BOY.
Swept the key and could not believe my eyes.


I didn’t know what to do. I was floored. I feel like I cheated the system or stole the corns. How fitting, “not your keys, not your coins” was the literal clue to coins on the record. I am still going nuts and can not believe the series of events that all happened so quickly. I emptied the coins to a new address and took a deep breath. Whew. What a ride. 

I have not told anyone, this is the first I have written or said to anyone, didn’t even contact @tothemoonsands. I just had to process it and see where it took me. I decided to write this for fun and to let others know about a cool easter egg hidden on the record.

To show the bitcoin easter egg prize I have included two signed messages. Below are two signed messages from the addresses involved. The first is signed from the address that was discovered with the private key on the record (bech32 verifies in electrum). One transaction in and one out, to my address. The second signed message is from the address I sent the coins to.

April 19, 2020. PROOF OF BEATS EASTER EGG address. Found and swept by geophphreigh.
IGW9Bkl4qANCn84AVAe7Jqm0pADEdooRLXmY99Rzx9sWQC8uDATLsvQNpJxDMp0g9PVGlX7XpK0mDHw SGhPdke4=

April 19, 2020. This is the receiving address for PROOF OF BEATS EASTER EGG 1 BTC prize. Claimed by geophphreigh from

Well, I guess I don't know what to say at this point. It was a rollercoaster of emotion as I sorted it out. I have always seen bitcoin reward puzzles, but never could figure them out. This must have just been a crazy stroke of luck. Not sure what to do with the BTC, maybe I'll buy an island somewhere off the coast of somewhere and settle down and live the good life. Hm. Sounds good to me.
Oh, and by the way, this is all a joke. But seriously, love the album. Thanks for reading and playing along. Geophphreigh.

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: rxalts on April 19, 2020, 06:30:12 AM
This should be a mini film: “Bitcoin Inception”

Well done sir and congratulations!

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: Hookzup1 on April 19, 2020, 06:52:21 AM
Awesome story congratulations

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: Mbitr on April 19, 2020, 07:03:41 AM
Wow, more wow  :)
Congrats on finding your nest egg!
I’m sure most people haven’t even opened the packaging on the record , in fear of devaluing the collectible - I know I wouldn’t have !
Kudos to you and congrats again  :)

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: JanEmil on April 19, 2020, 08:54:18 AM
Well played geophphreigh. And wild Easter Egg 8)

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: K-Paxian on April 19, 2020, 11:15:44 AM
This is totally epic story :D


Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: krogothmanhattan on April 19, 2020, 11:18:02 AM
Amazing and well done Sherlock!

A story for the ages. Congrats. Merit well deserved.

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: Corrosive on April 19, 2020, 11:39:41 AM
Wow. Absolutely incredible!  Congratulations to you on even THINKING about doing this! I would never have even considered going down a rabbit hole like that.

Well played tothemoonsands.... Well played 👍

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: teeGUMES on April 19, 2020, 02:08:20 PM
Thats a big prize! Can't wait to hear tothemoonsands side of this! Congrats to geophphreigh and huge props to Friends of Satoshi.

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: cygan on April 19, 2020, 02:17:28 PM
wow, a really good story indeed and a good work geophphreigh!
is there always a priv-key hidden in each of the 200 limited lps?  :o ::) ???

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: jackbauercsgo on April 19, 2020, 02:55:22 PM
Fantastic story, so glad you shared. Well done super-sleuth!

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: teeGUMES on April 19, 2020, 03:12:53 PM
The Easter Egg hadn't even been in play for 3 hours before geophphreigh found it. Wow.


Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: anonymousminer on April 19, 2020, 03:35:48 PM
Congrats geo!!  Very cool stuff here.  Well done tothemoonsands!!

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: ChiBitCTy on April 19, 2020, 05:40:10 PM
Insane. I wish I was smart enough to find something like this but I’m not  :D Well done.

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: sweeteye on April 19, 2020, 08:18:05 PM
"It is safe to say I was paranoid and going crazy. My heart races just recalling this."

This made my day!
Congrats on your insanity and dogged sleuthing -- I love this story -- THANK YOU for sharing.

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: Iced on April 19, 2020, 10:07:14 PM
Wicked story man! :D I enjoyed reading it and congrats on the findings!  ;D

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: buckrogers on April 19, 2020, 10:26:47 PM
@geophphreigh that is the coolest story I've heard in a while, and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

Congratulations of finding that, and the effort involved is legendary, kudos to you and @tothemoonsands, what a great story!


Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: mortare on April 21, 2020, 07:30:53 PM
wow, that is a realy cool story. Grtz for searching and finding it, realy cool.

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: geophphreigh on April 27, 2020, 05:25:11 PM
Well it has now been a week since I posted this and I must come clean. This was all a joke and meant to be a bit of fun. The last line of the original post quoted below was meant to be hard to find, but not impossible.

Oh, and by the way, this is all a joke. But seriously, love the album. Thanks for reading and playing along. Geophphreigh.

I did not mean to lead anyone on, just having a bit of fun, I hope I did not upset anyone. @tothemoonsands was not in on it and didn't know I was going to write up the story, which to be clear is just a joke.

The only person who indicated they were aware of the joke/figured me out was @teeGUMES who figured it out based on the timing of my suspicious BTC transaction times.

The Easter Egg hadn't even been in play for 3 hours before geophphreigh found it. Wow.


So for their top-notch sleuthing I'm going to have a copy of the record sent to them on me. Will PM details to @themoonsands, @minerjones, and @teeGUMES.

Thanks for playing along. No hard feelings, and hope it was kinda a fun read. Love the album, hope others do too! :P

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: krogothmanhattan on April 27, 2020, 07:14:23 PM
Got me bro! All is well....great joke  :D

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: anonymousminer on April 27, 2020, 07:29:28 PM
Got me bro! All is well....great joke  :D
Same, well done.

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: tothemoonsands on April 27, 2020, 07:48:06 PM
Ah, the things we do for merit...  :P
Sir, you are crazy! :-* Had me scrambling to investigate with Proof of Beats.... :D

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: buckrogers on April 27, 2020, 07:52:17 PM
Wait, so you arent splitting that 1 BTC with me anymore? :(

lol nice one bro, you got me too !

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: Corrosive on April 27, 2020, 07:53:56 PM
Dammit! I was got!

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: Mbitr on April 27, 2020, 07:58:13 PM
Shyster ! Damn good story though :)

Title: Re: [INFO] PROOF OF BEATS Easter Egg Prize
Post by: krogothmanhattan on May 14, 2020, 09:53:44 PM
Here is the real deal...go for it

Cointelegraph: Treasure Hunters Race to Claim BTC Prize Hidden in New Music Album.