Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: BlackHatCoiner on April 23, 2020, 04:04:22 PM

Title: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 23, 2020, 04:04:22 PM
Why don't we have the nice spoiler tag. It helps with big images  ;)

I know it won't be added, I just wanted to complain about it...

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Despairo on April 23, 2020, 04:10:02 PM
What you mean? Are you mean flagged user?

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 23, 2020, 04:13:48 PM
What you mean? Are you mean flagged user?

No I mean that:

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Pmalek on April 23, 2020, 04:21:29 PM
If the images benefit and compliment the thread I don't see why they would need to be hidden. I would like to see them without having to click on 4-5 buttons while reading the thread.
A better suggestion would be not to use too large images or too many. And even better then that would be to make it impossible to quote a previously posted image when a user replies to a post. It's so unnecessary. 

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BrewMaster on April 23, 2020, 04:33:22 PM
this is one of those features that could be added to the new forum software since i don't think it is that easy to add it to the current one that we are using.
you can check it out in this board:
or even move your topic there. for what it's worth i think it can be a good feature in topics that have big pictures.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: DdmrDdmr on April 23, 2020, 04:48:20 PM
A few months ago, I checked to see if it was feasible on SMF, in response to this thread:  The inclusion of large, unnecessary images in threads. Opinions?  (

Some people made a similar feature as mods for SMF. The mods removed the image from the quotes, and replaced it with a link, that could be clicked in order to restore the image within the quote (at will). That would be nice here.

Seemed like a thing in the early years of SMF.
So it is technically feasible to implement on SMF, although it’s probably a non-desirable overhead that may not even be available (nor working) on the forum’s current SMF version.

Likewise for walls of quotes.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: snipie on April 23, 2020, 07:15:32 PM
Why don't we have the nice spoiler tag. It helps with big images  ;)

I know it won't be added, I just wanted to complain about it...
I remember complained or read complaints about this few years ago especially when many people used to quote large texts with many pictures. It is ridiculous but once you know how to avoid it you will rarely be annoyed by it again. It requires a certain level of maturity acquired by time  ;)

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Rizzrack on April 23, 2020, 07:50:44 PM
It may have it's value, not gonna lie. And also looks cool. But... please no ! :))

Spoiler tags do one thing: conceal content until you click. I would say we don't need another place to check every time for bad links, shady websites, malware wallets etc.
I know it might have some utility in large text quotes etc, but don't really see a way to ensure they would not be used (also) for "evil".
Would tend to say that is the main reason it is not implemented here and I would personalty be against if you ask me... even tho they may be fun at times :P

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: libert19 on April 24, 2020, 03:44:36 AM
Actually, that's a nice idea, in this quarantine my net has become kind of potato so I'd rather just surf the text unless necessary, yeah I know I can do the same in browser but spoiler tag would be better overall than enabling/disabling from settings.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: rhomelmabini on April 24, 2020, 04:24:19 AM
I experience that spoiler tag on a forum that until now I'm still a member and it's really a nice feature hiding free configs for some VPN or VPN accounts that may be abused by brand new members or those who just want to used it by their own gains without crediting the real owner. I don't think this feature really do good in here and I don't see any reason to hide ideas, that's no fun.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Thirio on April 24, 2020, 06:35:24 AM
If the images benefit and compliment the thread I don't see why they would need to be hidden. I would like to see them without having to click on 4-5 buttons while reading the thread.
A better suggestion would be not to use too large images or too many. And even better then that would be to make it impossible to quote a previously posted image when a user replies to a post. It's so unnecessary.  
^True. OP should also be responsible when posting, images that are too large or too many may be unnecessary which can make the readers uncomfortable leading them into not finishing the whole text.

In terms of actual text, I also think that highlighting your text with a black glow would be the perfect alternative as stated in a previous spoiler tag ( thread. It is shown like this:

this is an example.

[glow=black,2,300]this is an example.[/glow]

Edit: The previous post also stated that texts can't be viewed on mobile devices, but I tried doing it just now and it works like charm on both Samsung internet and Google Chrome on mobile.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: UserU on April 24, 2020, 08:20:31 AM
If the images benefit and compliment the thread I don't see why they would need to be hidden.

You must consider users with only hundreds of MBs of monthly cell data quota. Any huge images could utilize their reserve and they might not dare to step into the forum for the rest of the month. :D

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 24, 2020, 10:23:55 AM
If the images benefit and compliment the thread I don't see why they would need to be hidden. I would like to see them without having to click on 4-5 buttons while reading the thread.
A better suggestion would be not to use too large images or too many. And even better then that would be to make it impossible to quote a previously posted image when a user replies to a post. It's so unnecessary.  
^True. OP should also be responsible when posting, images that are too large or too many may be unnecessary which can make the readers uncomfortable leading them into not finishing the whole text.

In terms of actual text, I also think that highlighting your text with a black glow would be the perfect alternative as stated in a previous spoiler tag ( thread. It is shown like this:

this is an example.

[glow=black,2,300]this is an example.[/glow]

Edit: The previous post also stated that texts can't be viewed on mobile devices, but I tried doing it just now and it works like charm on both Samsung internet and Google Chrome on mobile.

I didn't know about that, thanks!

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 24, 2020, 10:43:45 AM
I know it won't be added, I just wanted to complain about it...

I agree with the others: most probably it should not be added. My reason is not the overhead though. My reason is that theymos should focus on the new forum software, not this one.

But if you (and maybe others too) want such a feature, maybe you should discuss with the guys who already made nice user scripts for the website (, maybe they can help you and write a script for this purpose, at least for images.
I am not 100% sure it's possible, but it worth a try. This way only the ones who want it will have it.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 24, 2020, 12:05:25 PM
I know it won't be added, I just wanted to complain about it...

I agree with the others: most probably it should not be added. My reason is not the overhead though. My reason is that theymos should focus on the new forum software, not this one.

But if you (and maybe others too) want such a feature, maybe you should discuss with the guys who already made nice user scripts for the website (, maybe they can help you and write a script for this purpose, at least for images.
I am not 100% sure it's possible, but it worth a try. This way only the ones who want it will have it.

I have heard that this new forum software is been said that it will be updated years now...

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Upgrade00 on April 24, 2020, 01:59:23 PM
I personally don't see the use of spoiler tags being implemented in the forum. Except the image poster would include a description of the image, it would be a puzzle deciding which images to view and which not to?
It's sort of like ignoring every user and then allowing readers to choose who's content to view.

An alternative feature could be allowing users to toggle images on and off, i.e chose to allow images show on their account or not. This would not come with any risk of clicking malicious links.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Rizzrack on April 24, 2020, 02:55:44 PM
i.e chose to allow images show on their account or not. This would not come with any risk of clicking malicious links.

True, but would you disable all images from posts on your account if you could?

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: snipie on April 24, 2020, 03:32:17 PM
Bitcointalk on Epochtalk be like (
Delayed...Delayed...Delayed  :P
Personally I like this one so I don't mind really being delayed for +10 years.

Tl;dr: Recycled topic started with a repost about spoiler tag and ended talking about the new forum, so classic.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: UserU on April 24, 2020, 03:42:36 PM

Tl;dr: Recycled topic started with a repost about spoiler tag and ended talking about the new forum, so classic.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: pugman on April 24, 2020, 08:30:20 PM
There is a total of 0 need for a tag like this, on this forum particularly, especially considering that 90% of the overall posters here are shit posters. And besides, this isn't a movie or tv show site to contain spoilers, I am willing to bet that even if a spoiler tag existed, it will either be for humor purposes, or used in a dumb/idiotic way, or not used at all.

There are better features that this forum needs, and the spoiler tag isn't one of them.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: TryNinja on April 24, 2020, 09:08:36 PM
There is a total of 0 need for a tag like this, on this forum particularly, especially considering that 90% of the overall posters here are shit posters. And besides, this isn't a movie or tv show site to contain spoilers, I am willing to bet that even if a spoiler tag existed, it will either be for humor purposes, or used in a dumb/idiotic way, or not used at all.

There are better features that this forum needs, and the spoiler tag isn't one of them.
I could easily see it being used by people to organize their big threads. It has this name but isn't used only for spoilers/hiding text. I see it in pretty much all major forums I frequent.

Instead of walls of text, you have a small introduction along with several blocks of collapsed "spoiler" areas/divs. You then click in the one you want, which gets un-collapsed, and you read it. Way better than a page long essay.

Also, can't see this being hard to implement. A simple css with a custom bb tag (to the html) would do it.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: pugman on April 24, 2020, 10:44:46 PM
I could easily see it being used by people to organize their big threads. It has this name but isn't used only for spoilers/hiding text. I see it in pretty much all major forums I frequent.

Instead of walls of text, you have a small introduction along with several blocks of collapsed "spoiler" areas/divs. You then click in the one you want, which gets un-collapsed, and you read it. Way better than a page long essay.

Also, can't see this being hard to implement. A simple css with a custom bb tag (to the html) would do it.
Usually, I am all in for new features and I am not particularly against spoiler tags either, my point is, if we are ever going to have new features here, let the more important ones be implemented first, for which there is an actual need. Spoiler tags can be added whenever, because like you said, they are comparatively more easier to implement.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: TryNinja on April 24, 2020, 10:49:32 PM
Usually, I am all in for new features and I am not particularly against spoiler tags either, my point is, if we are ever going to have new features here, let the more important ones be implemented first, for which there is an actual need.
Like...? Because I don't see new features quite often. :P

Most of the good features requested can't or won't be implemented in this current forum software (e.g 2FA).

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Pmalek on April 26, 2020, 11:18:12 AM
It might be a bit off-topic. This doesn't help with pictures but it is one type of spoiler tags that can be used, at least with text. I didn't know about this before so all credits go to NLNico.

Abbreviation and acronyms
Info on hover

[abbr="Info here"]Info on hover[/abbr]
same with [acronym]

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 26, 2020, 11:52:16 AM
It might be a bit off-topic. This doesn't help with pictures but it is one type of spoiler tags that can be used, at least with text. I didn't know about this before so all credits go to NLNico.

Abbreviation and acronyms
Info on hover

[abbr="Info here"]Info on hover[/abbr]
same with [acronym]

Can I ask something, where do you guys find this information? Where are the bbcode tags?

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Pmalek on April 26, 2020, 12:29:15 PM
Can I ask something, where do you guys find this information?
I came across the above post accidentally and I remembered this thread of yours about spoiler tags. Thought it might be useful to mention it.

Where are the bbcode tags?
Not sure what you mean  ???

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 26, 2020, 12:31:21 PM
Where are the bbcode tags?
Not sure what you mean  ???

BBCode tags are like these:

I'm asking how you learnt about this when it's not in the Post Reply BBCode menu:
[abbr="Info here"]Info on hover[/abbr]
same with [acronym]

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: nc50lc on April 27, 2020, 01:59:22 AM
I'm asking how you learnt about this when it's not in the Post Reply BBCode menu:
I was about to suggest the same thing but Pmalek already did.

BTW, here's the link for all the BBCODE the forum supports:;page=post#references (;page=post#references)
Everything should work except: Marquee and Insert Flash.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 27, 2020, 09:13:08 AM
I'm asking how you learnt about this when it's not in the Post Reply BBCode menu:
I was about to suggest the same thing but Pmalek already did.

BTW, here's the link for all the BBCODE the forum supports:;page=post#references (;page=post#references)
Everything should work except: Marquee and Insert Flash.

Thanks! Some of them do not exist in the editor and I don't know why...

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: vapourminer on April 27, 2020, 11:26:05 AM
If the images benefit and compliment the thread I don't see why they would need to be hidden. I would like to see them without having to click on 4-5 buttons while reading the thread.
A better suggestion would be not to use too large images or too many. And even better then that would be to make it impossible to quote a previously posted image when a user replies to a post. It's so unnecessary. 

considering how .. err.. offensive some images are to some people a spoiler would be nice.

after all many here read with family and kids present.

please note i personally dont care about so called offensive images but it severely limits when i can read the forum depending on the people present.

and no im not some prude or one to censor things. just give warning please.

EDIT: there is a width setting in img tags, that will tame the huge images. IF people learn to use it.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: NotATether on April 27, 2020, 11:34:29 AM
considering how .. err.. offensive some images are to some people a spoiler would be nice.

after all many here read with family and kids present.

please note i personally dont care about so called offensive images but it severely limits when i can read the forum depending on the people present.

If you're referring to embedded NSFW images, then that's not a problem since they are already banned here. Only links to NSFW content is allowed.

10. No embedded NSFW images anywhere. NSFW content must be marked accordingly.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: vapourminer on April 27, 2020, 11:46:37 AM
considering how .. err.. offensive some images are to some people a spoiler would be nice.

after all many here read with family and kids present.

please note i personally dont care about so called offensive images but it severely limits when i can read the forum depending on the people present.

If you're referring to embedded NSFW images, then that's not a problem since they are already banned here. Only links to NSFW content is allowed.

10. No embedded NSFW images anywhere. NSFW content must be marked accordingly.

errr have you not seen some images that were not marked accordingly?

perhaps its better now.. if so i withdraw my comment.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: UserU on April 27, 2020, 03:44:50 PM

BTW, here's the link for all the BBCODE the forum supports:;page=post#references (;page=post#references)
Everything should work except: Marquee and Insert Flash.

That marquee is an ancient piece of tech. And I can see why embedding Flash isn't a good idea since it's pretty vulnerable and unsupported.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 27, 2020, 03:46:50 PM

BTW, here's the link for all the BBCODE the forum supports:;page=post#references (;page=post#references)
Everything should work except: Marquee and Insert Flash.

That marquee is an ancient piece of tech. And I can see why embedding Flash isn't a good idea since it's pretty vulnerable and unsupported.

To be honest, flash is dangerous. I can create an .swf file, upload it on my web hosting and then post it in here. And yeah, it can do lot's of things with the cookies stores. So I would suggest to admins, to remove it.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: UserU on April 27, 2020, 03:52:48 PM

To be honest, flash is dangerous. I can create an .swf file, upload it on my web hosting and then post it in here. And yeah, it can do lot's of things with the cookies stores. So I would suggest to admins, to remove it.

Even without those things, I'm actually surprised how this forum stays secure with the dinosaur forum software.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 27, 2020, 03:55:00 PM
with the dinosaur forum software.

You mean ancient? Yeah it's too old but not unsecured. Not many things changed in php's and mysql's security since SMF 2006-2009 software.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: UserU on April 27, 2020, 03:57:00 PM

You mean ancient? Yeah it's too old but not unsecured. Not many things changed in php's and mysql's security since SMF 2006-2009 software.

Yup, dinosaur is also another way to express it :D

Really? A simple Google search revealed loads of remote exploits on it. More than half a decade, surely alot of things have changed since then.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on April 27, 2020, 04:02:02 PM

You mean ancient? Yeah it's too old but not unsecured. Not many things changed in php's and mysql's security since SMF 2006-2009 software.

Yup, dinosaur is also another way to express it :D

Really? A simple Google search revealed loads of remote exploits on it. More than half a decade, surely alot of things have changed since then.

If you look down in the page you will see what programming languages the site uses. It says mysql, php, css, html.

Yeah html and css have changed too much in the last decade but I wouldn't say it for mysql and php.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: Pmalek on April 27, 2020, 04:16:03 PM
I'm asking how you learnt about this when it's not in the Post Reply BBCode menu
You will have to ask NLNico that question. I just found his post but I don't know where he got all the BBCodes from.

Maybe his post is based on the source that nc50lc shared in his post below.
BTW, here's the link for all the BBCODE the forum supports:;page=post#references (;page=post#references)
Everything should work except: Marquee and Insert Flash.

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: libert19 on April 28, 2020, 03:35:57 AM

To be honest, flash is dangerous. I can create an .swf file, upload it on my web hosting and then post it in here. And yeah, it can do lot's of things with the cookies stores. So I would suggest to admins, to remove it.

Even without those things, I'm actually surprised how this forum stays secure with the dinosaur forum software.

Thank you for good laugh, you could also argue cash notes with old age coins, which I find to this day on treasure hunt days.

Dinosaur forum software but material used looks quite solid  :P

Title: Re: Why not spoiler tag?
Post by: pugman on April 28, 2020, 10:20:53 PM
Usually, I am all in for new features and I am not particularly against spoiler tags either, my point is, if we are ever going to have new features here, let the more important ones be implemented first, for which there is an actual need.
Like...? Because I don't see new features quite often. :P

Most of the good features requested can't or won't be implemented in this current forum software (e.g 2FA).
Here are a few I could name from the top of my mind:
  • New additional ranks.
  • Badges for top 5-10 reporters.
  • Pretty much most of the stuff from this thread. (