Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Peanutswar on May 02, 2020, 10:34:01 AM

Title: Online learning.
Post by: Peanutswar on May 02, 2020, 10:34:01 AM
Some of us are just into our houses and do the same thing everyday, common guys be productive. Some of us want to learn into the world of cryptocurrency, bitcoin, blockchain and etc. Here are some of the platform I recently visit about this topic related.

Newly Added 5/5/2020

6. Class Central
7. Shawn Cademy

1. UNIC Blockchain Program (
This platform is one of the programs offers the MSc in Digital Currency topics about the history of the money, and how it involve into the world of digital currency and affect the whole world transaction.

Here are some of their course outline

2. Coinbase learn (
Some of us are always visited to the coinbase because we use this for wallet and exchanges. Also they have some brief introductive like what is the bitcoin how to sell and buy to get bitcoins.

3. (
We have now which you can find some of the articles, resources and guide to get more deep-diving into the world of ethereum

4. Udemy: Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain (
Also one of the popular online courses is the udemy which contain a lot of courses you can apply/enroll to learn more, also now they are already offering the Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain but some of the courses has a fee.

5. Edx: Introduction to Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies (
This platform are with the Linux Production that offers introductive to bitcoin, ethereum and more and now it has a free course but if you want to have a certificate you need to pay $99.

Ps. This thread is open for update and suggestions to make additional content. If you are asking if I'm enrolled into one of these yes, in Udemy for a data scientist.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: KrisAlex18 on May 02, 2020, 10:51:39 AM
Thanks for sharing that kind of information buddy, this will really great especially for all the beginners out there who are looking for some knowledge about cryptocurrency as we are now under quarantine because of this pandemic virus.
We should make our time more productive by learning something instead of doing it on some other things like scrolling on your social media, playing games, etc. Learning is a really a great part of our life, we should not let this thing stop only because of this current situation. There are so many websites where we can visit and try just like what OP says.

This forum also a great source of gaining information about cryptocurrency because as we all know all things about cryptocurrency are commonly discussed here.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: nakamura12 on May 02, 2020, 10:51:57 AM
There are some sites that helps you learn about cryptocurrency amd if the information is not easy to understand then bitcointalk forum could also help. Bitcointalk forum is also one of those sites where you can learn many things regarding to crypto and share some of your experiencing.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: ZaraCB on May 02, 2020, 12:06:02 PM
All online information, online courses are like our school college books, notebooks and syllabus, which requires a teacher to teach. Bitcointalk forum is that teacher where a beginner can easily learn what he wants to know.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Assface16678 on May 02, 2020, 02:40:16 PM
I think this is a nice move @OP because even we already have the bitcointalk forum you still seek the knowledge would you want more because not all the time there are some questions you want to ask and you cannot in the threads. It is better if we make explore more and not just base in the forum our sources are not limited so it is better to explore more, earn more knowledge and help more others by that. Like if you already enrolled and experience those websites and you gain already a knowledge it is easier for you to make a contribution to our forum which is good because you can now answer other people's questions not you are the one who lacks knowledge. Still, it up to you guys if you want to learn more.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on May 02, 2020, 02:57:20 PM
Well done OP, this days there's no excuses to not getting the information you desire since we have Google to give you an idea of any knowledge you seek. What's different here is the step by step guide provided by the sites the OP has listed unlike the traditional method of Googling each information you seek, you get guidance from reliable source via this sites.

I haven't tried any of the highlighted site so don't have much to contribute in regards to the authenticity of the information they provided but I can see some popular names their like coinbase etc meaning it'll be worth recommending to the seekers of the information they offer.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: tranthidung on May 02, 2020, 03:17:31 PM
I planned to edit my OP soon and will take a look at those courses listed in your thread.
Available courses on Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology from colleges and Universities ( I have a busy weekend so maybe the OP will be updated next week.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: plvbob0070 on May 02, 2020, 04:39:41 PM
I have been also interested in applying online courses for the past few days. I have been planning to apply and also looking at some available online courses, and I have seen some blockchain-related courses available at some free online courses. It's really nice to try this thing while we are on quarantine.  Since we have a lot of time available, we can use it wisely and at the same time, we can also learn more things.

I really have a plan to take online courses but I keep on postponing it since there are some things needed to be done first (school requirements). But thanks for this little information OP. It can be a great help for others, especially newbies since it's their chance to learn. We should not lose this opportunity just because we're busy doing nothing and spending our time being unproductive.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: noormcs5 on May 02, 2020, 06:23:25 PM
Some of us are just into our houses and do the same thing everyday, common guys be productive. Some of us want to learn into the world of cryptocurrency, bitcoin, blockchain and etc. Here are some of the platform I recently visit about this topic related.

Are these courses are free or paid ones ?
I know that udemy and LinkedIn are also offering a lot of courses but they are not free. I am looking to find some quality course which are also free of cost.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Husna QA on May 02, 2020, 11:28:58 PM
Are these courses are free or paid ones ?
I know that udemy and LinkedIn are also offering a lot of courses but they are not free. I am looking to find some quality course which are also free of cost.
Most of the examples of online courses above are free, even Udemy ( and edx ( also provide a free version of the course. Still, if you want to get a Verified Certificate or question and answer directly with the Instructor, of course, this is not free.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Wolfencloud on May 03, 2020, 03:29:51 AM
In our generation, there are a lot of sources we could get to study a lot of things that can help us from in our entire career on crypto, this is a big help for me especially for those beginners who are just starting on crypto. Yes, there are a lot of sources on Google but there is only few with a step by step procedure, I didn't tried all of the information written above my self, but I think I am willing to if it will helps me a lot.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: The Cryptovator on May 03, 2020, 03:54:06 AM
I would say this is golden opportunity to learn about cryptocurrency who are related with crypto during current lockdown. It's good to see that OP has listed some reliable source to learn but there is lot even out of this thread. This time is for much curious peoples to acquire more knowledge about cryptocurrency & blockchain. If you have question about anything you may know it by search like Google and this forum as well, now everything become easy to know for kind of internet.

Unfortunately I am still working since I am in abroad and there is no such as opportunity for lockdown. But those are in lockdown they would be benefited from this post and could learn something new.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: XenoFever on May 03, 2020, 07:39:23 AM
Nice kind of information buddy, we all need that kind If information right now because as of now I am very bored of this quarantine and I want to take my time productive by doing valuable things and as I read this post, it makes me realized that I should learn something for now because learning should not stop just because we are quarantine, we should continue learning whatever happens.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: jossiel on May 03, 2020, 11:46:28 AM
Thanks for these links OP.

No reason to be stubborn while everyone is at home although, I'm in deep sadness at the happenings that we are facing. This is no time to waste and this is a great opportunity to learn something and at least refresh.

I see Andreas and it's already been decided that's sure is a worth course.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: hatshepsut93 on May 03, 2020, 12:36:05 PM
I personally don't like courses, they always feel very rushed and miss the detaisl, so I prefer books. Luckily, there are some great free books about Bitcoin, namely Mastering Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency technologies ( Also there's ( which is a good source for both practical and theoretical written Bitcoin knowledge.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Bttzed03 on May 03, 2020, 02:44:14 PM
Did you get the list from this article - Eleven Free Courses To Learn Bitcoin, Blockchain And Cryptocurrencies (

1-DFIN 511: Introduction to Digital Currencies (Offered By UNIC)

This free online course is taught by Andreas Antonopoulos (author of Mastering Bitcoin) and Antonis Polemitis and it represents the first course in the MSc in Digital Currency offered by UNIC. The course places bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in the broader framework of the history of money, before talking about the practical implementation of bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, and the evolving relationship between digital currencies and financial institutions, as well as the broader world.

It requires no prerequisite knowledge of cryptocurrencies to dive in. There is a final exam component at the end that tests your grasp of the concepts taught.

2- Coinbase Learn

This simple set of interactive flashcards is a great resource for those who want to cover the basics of cryptocurrencies, from buying and selling to mining in a short amount of time. Other than a slight advertisement of Coinbase as safe and regulated, the mini-course remains an objective resource that covers a lot of ground in a surprisingly intuitive and short fashion. A great resource to share with absolute beginners who have little time on their hands and want to get up to speed fast.

3-Coursera (Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies) Offered By Princeton University

This free Coursera course introduces basic cryptography concepts and then links them to the basics of Bitcoin. Through videos, the course lecturer explains how decentralization is implemented in practice, how Bitcoin mining works, and how Bitcoins are stored. A short explanation is then given to altcoins and the future of the space.

The course is offered by Princeton University, and though no certificate is presented for completion, the knowledge and way it's presented serves as a useful introduction to cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin principles, with an emphasis on the security of Bitcoin. The instructor, Arvind Narayanan is an assistant professor of computer science at Princeton who focuses on the security and stability of Bitcoin -- so that's naturally where his Coursera course gravitates towards.

You'll want to get more information about the rest of the ecosystem outside of Bitcoin elsewhere, but otherwise, this is a solid resource.

4- EdX (Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies) Offered By UC Berkeley

This UC Berkeley EdX course differentiates itself by also offering a dedicated section to the Ethereum Virtual Machine, along with a specific section focused on the game theory of what it would take to attack the Bitcoin blockchain -- a fresh approach to enumerating the theoretical security pitfalls of the system.

In an interesting twist, the two instructors were undergraduates who are part of the Blockchain @ Berkeley group. The course, like other EdX courses, is free to audit and take but will cost money ($99 USD) if you want a verified certificate to prove your completion.

5- 101 Blackboard Series

This Youtube series focuses on some specific technical elements within bitcoin, from the components of private keys, to confronting the scaling and centralization risks sometimes inherent in the way bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are implemented in practice.

6- Ethereum (Learn Section)

The learning section of the website (the official website for ethereum) includes a series of free resources that are curated together in lots of detail about ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. It dives into the smart contracts side of ethereum, as well as the basics, and also focuses on knowledge for the latest updates and roadmap for ethereum. At the end, a section is dedicated to criticism and other perspectives on how ethereum could be doing better -- leaving it a fairly well-balanced selection of knowledge about the ecosystem that is packaged like a curated course.

7- Udemy (Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain)

A free course with about two hours worth of video on the basics of distributed systems and its placement in the history of money. Perhaps a good resource for people who want to take a slightly slower pace than the Coinbase flashcards, but don't want to be fully immersed in different elements of blockchain and different parts of the ecosystem as with the fully-fleshed out courses presented by EdX and Coursera.

It's a free offering on Udemy that has also been used by about 40,000 other students.

8- EdX (Introduction to Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies)

This EdX course, offered through the Linux Foundation (which is building the HyperLedger framework) offers an introductory course to blockchain and what role HyperLedger plays in the space, as well as the tools available. It's built for a non-technical business audience, and is an introductory course to blockchain principles outside of the discussion around Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. The course itself is free, but a verified certificate from EdX will cost $99 USD.

9- DeveloperWorks (Blockchain Essentials)

This video course, developed in partnership with IBM, and taught by two developers in IBM's blockchain enablement division, goes over the basics of blockchain then leads to a demo and lab component where you can actually work with the HyperLedger framework and practice with it. You'll be able to use the HyperLedger Composer after this course. While slightly more technical, the level is still marked for beginners, even non-technical ones.

10- Coinbase Earn

What's better than free? Earning money for learning. Coinbase offers a selection of introductory courses and quizzes in cryptocurrencies that don't often have a dedicated course, such as Dai (a stablecoin), EOS and privacy focused ZCash. This will allow any learner to get a more holistic view of altcoins and different cryptocurrencies than the standard courses focused on bitcoin and ethereum. You'll earn small amounts of the cryptocurrency in question for answering quiz questions on the topic, so you'll have a small amount to work with in practice after.

11- Cryptoeconomics Textbook

This mini-textbook course, offered by Ivey Business School in Canada (associated with the University of Western Ontario), focuses on a crash course to bitcoin in the framework of the economic impact and aspects of bitcoin activities. Consider it a mini-crash course in bitcoin that also ties it to its broader economic impact.

Sorry but this is also not the first time I've seen you copying/translating contents from other sources and not giving them due credit. I am guessing you only picked out a few to make it look more "original".

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Harlot on May 03, 2020, 03:38:43 PM
I personally don't like courses, they always feel very rushed and miss the detaisl, so I prefer books. Luckily, there are some great free books about Bitcoin, namely Mastering Bitcoin ( and Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency technologies ( Also there's ( which is a good source for both practical and theoretical written Bitcoin knowledge.

You can't really complain about this one especially if some online courses out there are offered for free because they literally are handing out knowledge for crypto without any kind of cost on your part. The best thing you can do is to of course find some related online course hoping that you learn some new points that was missed out during the last course you have taken. I like readings books as well but reading isn't for everyone and people learn more when there is a visual presentation being shown to them, so I think online courses are a good alternative for someone who is willing to learn.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Peanutswar on May 03, 2020, 06:52:35 PM

Good day, my friend I'm a huge fan of the online class today most of my focus is on programming language and HTML. Also to make additional knowledge I want to enroll into the world of cryptocurrency so I try to visit some of the platforms I check for the online course I want which is the coinbase has a coinbase learn I know this because I used their platform for my wallet, for how does the eth runs, udemy for my data scientist course, and Edx for my next future course of blockchain after I finish my data science in Udemy. I try to make my own research about other online course and I found out the unic so I Include this into the list.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: netdumps on May 03, 2020, 08:22:28 PM
Binance Academy is also a kinda good way to learn the basics... i was learning there

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: danishyasin33 on May 03, 2020, 09:25:21 PM
Cointelligence is offering blockchain and cryptocurrency education without charge.

This might be a good place to start? Go ahead and check it out from the link below.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: hatshepsut93 on May 03, 2020, 10:48:16 PM
You can't really complain about this one especially if some online courses out there are offered for free because they literally are handing out knowledge for crypto without any kind of cost on your part. The best thing you can do is to of course find some related online course hoping that you learn some new points that was missed out during the last course you have taken. I like readings books as well but reading isn't for everyone and people learn more when there is a visual presentation being shown to them, so I think online courses are a good alternative for someone who is willing to learn.

Who's complaining? I'm just saying that there are people who find it hard to learn from courses, and I pointed out about free books to help them. I appreciate what OP did, and I'm not saying that courses are useless, I just wanted to add some free alternatives to courses for people who don't like them.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Debonaire217 on May 04, 2020, 08:53:56 AM
I want to point out the fourth option which is the online learning though Udemy, I found a course regarding bitcoin and blockchains which completely helped me to understand how bitcoin and blockchain works. So If you are a beginner and you want to comprehend cryptocurrency and the technology blockchain, I advise you try these online learning sites. If we understand the concept of how bitcoin network, and blockchain interact with each other, we can basically figure out how other crypto works too.

There I learned,

Basics of Smart contracts, 
Different Types of Wallets,
Misconceptions about Blockchain and Bitcoin,

 And many more.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Assface16678 on May 04, 2020, 03:30:33 PM
From my previous months into the world of cryptocurrency I want to seek some wallet that is suitable for my needs so I search and many people support the use of the coinbase so first I need to explore some features about this coinbase so I explore with the use of the coinbase learn and by that it gives me some knowledge and introduction how does the bitcoin work what is the crypto works. Also, they offer some exchange tutorials and tips on how does it work which is good to me because it gives me an idea to avoid getting lost to my funds. In udemy I recently make an open course into udemy in a world of multimedia because I love making arts and also now I see on this list by the OP that it has offered a blockchain and crypto course which is good to me because I want to learn more it's up to you if you want to apply those because it gives some a free courses and we have a lot of time so why not learn more and don't stop your self to make more knowledge and skills to make improvements.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: taufik123 on May 04, 2020, 04:48:26 PM
What is needed besides the free knowledge is a step-by-step guide that is well explained. This is what you won't get when searching on Google with a random search. With the online learning site held by a trusted source, online learning will be better understood and guaranteed.

Coinbase Learn is a trusted site recommendation in my opinion, because we know coinbase as the Trade Market which is quite popular and currently provides quality free online learning.

Some other free online learning you can see here:

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Negotiation on May 05, 2020, 04:16:52 AM
In order to learn something you have to learn the basics well  If you don't know the basics, everything will not be effective quickly  I think Binance is a good site for learning It helps to learn faster Many also learn by searching on Google or YouTube. However, if Google does not solve everything  YouTube videos help more  Many people do courses  but online education is better than the course  it increases their skills a lot.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Peanutswar on May 05, 2020, 07:01:36 AM
Good day, everyone today I found new online courses that offer cryptocurrency.

6. Class Central (
Class central offer different courses too which included that is related to the bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The aim/goal of the class central is more of giving free courses to the people who really want to learn.
Quote from: Class Central
We focus primarily on free (or free to audit)

7. Shawn Cademy (
This online platform is the same as the other online classes which offer an audio/video presentation to their students to make an easier way to deliver the learnings or the message of the lesson. This course has a payment.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: romelitounknown on May 06, 2020, 01:41:08 PM
Damn that was a great learning materials you've just compiled just to post here. T'was a big help for us needs more knowledge about crypto space.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Peanutswar on May 10, 2020, 05:47:11 AM
Well done OP, this days there's no excuses to not getting the information you desire since we have Google to give you an idea of any knowledge you seek.

Today while we are in a quarantine and lockdown it is better to become knowledgeable with the help of the internet.

I planned to edit my OP soon and will take a look at those courses listed in your thread.
Available courses on Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology from colleges and Universities ( I have a busy weekend so maybe the OP will be updated next week.

I will update this thread and wait for the new courses online and I will add this soon.

Are these courses are free or paid ones ?
I know that udemy and LinkedIn are also offering a lot of courses but they are not free. I am looking to find some quality course which are also free of cost.
Still, if you want to get a Verified Certificate or question and answer directly with the Instructor, of course, this is not free.

It is a good thing if you have a certificate because there is a proof that you learned and finished the course so you can use this as credentials when you are trying to apply to your future job, or just gained new skills.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Falconer on May 10, 2020, 10:21:21 AM
What is needed besides the free knowledge is a step-by-step guide that is well explained. This is what you won't get when searching on Google with a random search.
If learning bitcoin fundamentally must be with learning that is easy to understand and can be digested by the mind because bitcoin is not limited to cryptocurrency but is related to several programming languages. I think it is not difficult to search randomly to find what you want and even easier for YouTube to find cryptocurrency content even for crypto knowledge for children such as

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Peanutswar on May 18, 2020, 05:44:43 AM
What is needed besides the free knowledge is a step-by-step guide that is well explained. This is what you won't get when searching on Google with a random search.
If learning bitcoin fundamentally must be with learning that is easy to understand and can be digested by the mind because bitcoin is not limited to cryptocurrency but is related to several programming languages. I think it is not difficult to search randomly to find what you want and even easier for YouTube to find cryptocurrency content even for crypto knowledge for children such as

I think not all of the concepts that are related into the world of cryptocurrency can be tackled in just a single video because sometimes there are some ideas, techniques and strategy that you will only learn by the help of online courses too also it helps to enlighten us the different concept and definition we commonly saw into the world of cryptocurrency. If we are trying to search in google most of the time you will find a different perspective and understanding of the people on different topics that cause misunderstanding too.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: greenlanternlight01 on May 20, 2020, 12:16:54 PM
Some of us are just into our houses and do the same thing everyday, common guys be productive. Some of us want to learn into the world of cryptocurrency, bitcoin, blockchain and etc. Here are some of the platform I recently visit about this topic related.

Newly Added 5/5/2020

6. Class Central
7. Shawn Cademy

1. UNIC Blockchain Program (
This platform is one of the programs offers the MSc in Digital Currency topics about the history of the money, and how it involve into the world of digital currency and affect the whole world transaction.

Here are some of their course outline

2. Coinbase learn (
Some of us are always visited to the coinbase because we use this for wallet and exchanges. Also they have some brief introductive like what is the bitcoin how to sell and buy to get bitcoins.

3. (
We have now which you can find some of the articles, resources and guide to get more deep-diving into the world of ethereum

4. Udemy: Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain (
Also one of the popular online courses is the udemy which contain a lot of courses you can apply/enroll to learn more, also now they are already offering the Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain but some of the courses has a fee.

5. Edx: Introduction to Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies (
This platform are with the Linux Production that offers introductive to bitcoin, ethereum and more and now it has a free course but if you want to have a certificate you need to pay $99.

Ps. This thread is open for update and suggestions to make additional content. If you are asking if I'm enrolled into one of these yes, in Udemy for a data scientist.

I appreciate it buddy specially for all the beginners out here looking for some inforrmation about cryptocurrency and the blockchain. Also since most of us are on lockdown, these could really help.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: pkayra017 on May 21, 2020, 09:32:01 AM
I don't see the free courses ???

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Eugenar on May 21, 2020, 10:47:23 AM
Great thread buddy, in this current situation we should do something to make our time more useful, instead of doing some stuff like gambling, scrolling on social media, let us spend most of our time in learning, I mean there is no wrong with gambling or exposing in social media but the things are we should not stop learning. If we want to be good at something we should do something to know about it. Online learning is really a great advantage for us, as we are now under community quarantine we are all now forbidden to go outside, so let us do it all through the use of online.
There are some sites that helps you learn about cryptocurrency amd if the information is not easy to understand then bitcointalk forum could also help. Bitcointalk forum is also one of those sites where you can learn many things regarding to crypto and share some of your experience.
That's true, this forum provides great information about cryptocurrency, that is why this forum is really great on discussing cryptocurrency. If you want to know something related to cryptocurrency then try to explore and find it in this forum.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: -CryptoViking- on May 23, 2020, 01:17:44 PM
Let me chip in with an addition.

I will just add that I have not tried it yet, but plan to give it a go in future. I haven't heard anything bad about IvanOnTech yet so I believe that content and courses he offers are proper and that you can learn valuable new skills in his academy.



His Youtube channel is high quality channel , only using sensational video titles , because that is how you have to play the Youtube game.

7 days trial is available to all new members with different plans you can choose for yourself:

Some course examples you can find in his academy:

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: pkayra017 on August 18, 2020, 08:05:07 AM
I don't see the free courses ???

You will need to register for the Webinar to access the course.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Cornia on August 18, 2020, 07:12:25 PM
I don't see the free courses ???

You will need to register for the Webinar to access the course.

Why you post here only for increasing activity?  You quote your own post and advice yourself.

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: Smartvirus on August 18, 2020, 09:28:35 PM
For a fact, all you need to clear your ignorance is in your hands. So long as you have an internet enabled gadget and a little resource. All you need is the hunger or zeal to do so. It's amazing what you can archive by just sitting in one spot, pressing your phone. How times change!

Title: Re: Online learning.
Post by: -CryptoViking- on August 18, 2020, 10:32:12 PM
I see that this topic has been derailed a bit , but I would like to add another option for learning, not only about blockchain and crypto, but about many more topics.There are a lot of courses at your disposal, some are free, some you have to pay for.

The reason why I like this platform is because it is a crypto project.


As I said there is really a wide variety of courses you can choose from, from various sources.

For courses that are not free there is lots of payment options you can choose from, but I would recommend to use BDG token to pay with to support the project and also you get 20% off by paying with BDG.

                                                                                  BitDegree (BDG) - Where to buy? (

Payment options listed:

And final thing is that you can earn by learning on the platform and you also get your referral links to share that give you various benefits.Feel free to explore them by yourself.