Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining software (miners) => Topic started by: Paschock on May 07, 2020, 02:33:29 PM

Title: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: Paschock on May 07, 2020, 02:33:29 PM
Greetings to all!

We are developing software for mining equipment, which will help increase the efficiency of your ASIC by 15 - 45%.
Here are our sample results:
S9 increase to 73-80w / 1TH;
T9 + up to 100w / TH;
L3 + up to 1.25W / 1MH.
S17 / S17Pro up to 29w / 1TH;
T17 to 39w / TH
We also launched a monitoring and remote control system.
The software is freely available for download on our website.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: AlecMe on May 07, 2020, 03:22:56 PM
What is your site?

Freely available implies free to get, but does it have any fees included?

also, any proof?

can you add some photos of it running?

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: Paschock on May 07, 2020, 09:48:24 PM
Greetings. We are Mskminer

Here is a link to our firmware, depending on the firmware, our commission is from 1 to 2.8%:

P.S. english version of site in process.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: taserz on May 08, 2020, 01:02:18 AM
Greetings. We are Mskminer

Here is a link to our firmware, depending on the firmware, our commission is from 1 to 2.8%:

P.S. english version of site in process.

Why don't we talk about the miners that caught fire using the firmware you tested on the public that you avoid everytime it is brought up.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: Paschock on May 11, 2020, 07:29:34 AM
It was only 1 case, when ASIC burned out at an early alpha-version. And we compensated all costs to client for repairs.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: thierry4wd on May 12, 2020, 04:18:52 PM
Hi ,

T9 + jusqu'à 100w / TH; ?

Is not good value, i have runned all my T9+ at arround 90w / th and with my mod (free release)

At this time, why need to paying dev fee ? custom firmware for S9 and T9+ are releasing for totaly free (brain os, custom files, bitmain) .

 ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: Paschock on May 13, 2020, 11:18:52 AM
Hi. show the proofs please, that t9 + chips are the same as c9, on which we have up to 75W/TH, but the power scheme is such that energy efficiency is worse.

We also have unique functionality in firmware - protection against viruses and overheating, a power meter, a profile switching schedule, auto tuning, consumption schedules, a power meter, uptime and other functions.

Better than on our firmware with chip tuning, in automatic or manual mode, you cannot tuning ASIC to another.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: thierry4wd on May 13, 2020, 03:00:31 PM
hi, sorry i don't have a proof i don't have this on my hand for make power mesurement ... for proof just test my mod  ;)

on all firmware, wattmeter is only estimation, not look the temp for make value, on the S9 an T9+ is very sensitive by temp / power ... in absolut, the miners don't have real wattmeter physical ;)

But , good luck with your work ;)

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: Paschock on May 14, 2020, 03:31:49 PM
Thank you, I wish same to your work too :)

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: kano on May 14, 2020, 05:48:47 PM
Greetings to all!

We are developing software for mining equipment, which will help increase the efficiency of your ASIC by 15 - 45%.
Here are our sample results:
S9 increase to 73-80w / 1TH;
T9 + up to 100w / TH;
L3 + up to 1.25W / 1MH.
S17 / S17Pro up to 29w / 1TH;
T17 to 39w / TH
We also launched a monitoring and remote control system.
The software is freely available for download on our website.
... and do you release source code for the miner in your release as you are required to do, or do you violate the cgminer license like everyone else around here that includes cgminer/bmminer in their firmware?

It doesn't matter where you get your firmware from that you hack and slash and put share stealing in,
If you distribute a firmware that includes cgminer/bmminer in it, you MUST provide the source code upon request.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: Paschock on May 18, 2020, 03:51:18 PM
... and do you release source code for the miner in your release as you are required to do, or do you violate the cgminer license like everyone else around here that includes cgminer/bmminer in their firmware?

It doesn't matter where you get your firmware from that you hack and slash and put share stealing in,
If you distribute a firmware that includes cgminer/bmminer in it, you MUST provide the source code upon request.

why do you address this request only to us, and not bitmine or as soon as bitmine does this, we will be ready to open the code as well.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: kano on May 20, 2020, 12:39:08 PM
... and do you release source code for the miner in your release as you are required to do, or do you violate the cgminer license like everyone else around here that includes cgminer/bmminer in their firmware?

It doesn't matter where you get your firmware from that you hack and slash and put share stealing in,
If you distribute a firmware that includes cgminer/bmminer in it, you MUST provide the source code upon request.

why do you address this request only to us, and not bitmine or as soon as bitmine does this, we will be ready to open the code as well.
You cannot distribute firmware without the cgminer source code.

Doesn't matter what someone else does.
You cannot.
I also regularly post this in most of the scumbag threads around here that do the same thing as you.
Including ...

Your argument is the same as saying: since there are murderers out there, you should be allowed to murder also.
Obviously that's not the case.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: Paschock on May 27, 2020, 03:10:50 PM

Sir, you are clearly not in the mood for constructive dialogue.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on May 27, 2020, 03:47:37 PM
Sir, you are clearly not in the mood for constructive dialogue.
Because there is no dialogue to be had. cgminer is protected under the terms of GPL license. Said license has no provisions stating anything like "but if someone else breaks copyright and their (violating) work is used by yet another party for a different project then it is ok to also break copyright".

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: philipma1957 on May 27, 2020, 07:30:26 PM
Nope  it is not okay.  But by your logic what miners are okay to use?

Not bitmain
Not bitmain modded
Not innosilicon

Maybe sidehack usb sticks and his r606

Avalon was out of compliance I think they are back in. Not sure.

So to be okay I need All inefficient miners and free power.

Lets try it a different way  list the compliant miners to the license.

And I know enough about law to say a partially compliant company it not the same as a fully compliant one.

So as I type are any companies fully compliant?

If so who.

Which company has not violated the license?

As I have said I am pretty fucking stupid. Maybe I missed one.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on May 27, 2020, 08:09:42 PM
You are 100% correct - aside from Canaan (up to the A10xx) and Sidehacks miners all of them are in violation of GPL. As I said in the other thread
In my book he rightly refuses to support folks who do not care about copyright and usage licenses. He cannot reasonably block equipment from Bitmain, MicroBT and a few others that started the chain of violation but he can keep the far smaller number of folks from using 3rd party mods of it on his pool.
There of course comes a point where it is useless to rail and rage against the storm and for a LONG time he did just that esp against Bitmain until begrudgingly having to accept How Things Are.

However, if he wants to run a pool then accepting How Things Are to use the major brands as-shipped comes with the territory. Supporting a handful of miners that further violate license does not. His pool - his choice.

Title: Re: Software for Antminer; power boost by 15-45%
Post by: mikeywith on May 28, 2020, 04:35:58 AM
Supporting a handful of miners that further violate license does not. His pool - his choice.

There is no "further", violation is violation, if both Bitmain and Vnish were taken to court for refusing to release the code, will vnish be fined a higher amount than Bitmain? NO.

The as-shipped part means absolutley NOTHING as far as cgimner license is concerned.

With that being said, I agree that it is his pool and he can run it how he wants to, nobody can stop him from doing so, although that doesn't't change the fact that he conveniently "ignores" the violation by Bitmain and MicroBT to continue running his pool and to make profit out of license violation.

Sir, you are clearly not in the mood for constructive dialogue.

He never is, unless you suck up to him for everything he does/thinks - he will call you either stupid or a scumbag,  ::)the other "scumbag" devs stopped replying to him due to his attitude, and anyone in their right mind should simply ignore him IMO.