Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Kaidal on May 14, 2020, 12:08:40 PM

Title: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: Kaidal on May 14, 2020, 12:08:40 PM
Does it look like cloud storage or something?

Title: Re: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: desticy on May 14, 2020, 12:15:25 PM
Everywhere and nowhere.

There is no specific place where Bitcoin blockchain is located.
Each member of the network creates their own independent version of the blockchain, on a specific set of rules to which all participants obey.

Thus, each participant checks each block and each transaction.
Everyone checks everyone and as a result, we have a lack of intermediaries in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: tranthidung on May 14, 2020, 12:19:37 PM
Does it look like cloud storage or something?
Decentralization is a key thing bitcoin brought to the world and changed it entirely.

Cloud storage is a centralized one but bitcoin is decentralized.

This is a very fundamental between cloud storage and bitcoin blockchain. You can lose your data that is stored on any cloud storage but you won't lose it if it is stored on bitcoin blockchain after 1 month. No one can delete such data on bitcoin blockchain.

Some courses for you to learn about bitcoin and blockchain technology
  • Available courses on Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology from colleges and Universities (
  • Mastering bitcoin ( (book)
The blockchain data structure is an ordered, back-linked list of blocks of transactions. The blockchain can be stored as a flat file, or in a simple database. The Bitcoin Core client stores the blockchain metadata using Google’s LevelDB database. Blocks are linked "back," each referring to the previous block in the chain. The blockchain is often visualized as a vertical stack, with blocks layered on top of each other and the first block serving as the foundation of the stack. The visualization of blocks stacked on top of each other results in the use of terms such as "height" to refer to the distance from the first block, and "top" or "tip" to refer to the most recently added block.

Title: Re: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: webtricks on May 14, 2020, 01:55:28 PM
Does it look like cloud storage or something?

Let me make it simple for you. So bitcoin blockchain is nothing but 277GB data containing records of every transaction ever happened on Bitcoin Network since its inception. Now your question is where is it stored, right? So the good news is that anyone can store Bitcoin's blockchain on any device he/she wants. To do so, person needs to run full node. As he does so, whole Bitcoin's blockchain will get downloaded on his system and he will be connected to Bitcoin Network and can independently verify transactions. I don't have exact numbers but last I remember is that 47K nodes are presently running. So you can say up-to date Bitcoin data is present on 47K systems currently. It can be laptop, CPU, computers or even Raspberry Pi.

Does it look like cloud storage or something?
Decentralization is a key thing bitcoin brought to the world and changed it entirely.

Cloud storage is a centralized one but bitcoin is decentralized.

This is a very fundamental between cloud storage and bitcoin blockchain. You can lose your data that is stored on any cloud storage but you won't lose it if it is stored on bitcoin blockchain after 1 month. No one can delete such data on bitcoin blockchain.

Not exactly! Cloud Storage doesn't define centralization or decentralization. It is just a medium to store your data. Only difference is that you are storing your data on someone else's system. It is very much possible to run bitcoin node and store data on cloud. You can buy storage space on cloud services like 'Digital Ocean' and save blockchain there. It doesn't make any difference. Storing blockchain on cloud doesn't make it centralized as far as someone else is also having complete record on his system and can independently verify transactions.

Title: Re: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: Febo on May 14, 2020, 02:24:33 PM
What does bitcoin blockchain look like?

It is a decentralised database that exist at every computer that runs full node. Decentralization prevents that someone would cheat and do something against protocol as database admins or moderators could do. If you fake a transaction all other nodes will reject it.

Title: Re: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: Velkro on May 14, 2020, 04:59:04 PM
Does it look like cloud storage or something?
and how cloud storage looks? :D it doesnt look, its all 0 and 1, its form of a database just distributed and secured by massive super-computer
read about what is datbase, it will be much easier because when people describe blockchain they tend to complicate things, its same thing but distributed all over the world :)

Title: Re: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: melarga on May 14, 2020, 06:53:06 PM
we can't simply make the blockchain or think the blockchain is like a thing on the physical realm.
imagine cloud storage solutions
or the internet
or torrent networks

Title: Re: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on May 15, 2020, 09:52:04 PM
Cloud storage is when a company buys a lot of hard drives and stores people's data on it. Bitcoin is when people store ALL Bitcoin network data on it, and it's perfectly synchronized thanks to cryptography. The goal of Bitcoin is to be the opposite of cloud storage - the users store all data and they don't need to trust anyone, because everyone verifies everything.

So, Bitcoin blockchain is a huge file that contains all blocks, blocks are just groups of thousands of transactions that are created every 10 minutes by miners.

Title: Re: What does bitcoin blockchain look like?
Post by: akirasendo17 on May 16, 2020, 03:07:48 AM
Blockchain look likes a network connection it is connected to a which with multiple fail overs, meaning, if your computer lost connection to a current switch, there is a standby switch that will cater your connection, or if you know about , meaning they are mesh or connected to different location that once a connection is cut it will redirect you to another database, in a simple example, if your mother can't give you money you will ask to your father or older brother or sister,