Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: babikool on May 18, 2020, 09:11:25 AM

Title: How to move BTC from Legacy to Segwit
Post by: babikool on May 18, 2020, 09:11:25 AM


I have an Electrum wallet on my computer with Legacy type ,  i want to know is it possible to transfer my BTC from a Legacy wallet to Segwit wallet in Electrum? Is it safe?

Thanks everyone.

Title: Re: How to move BTC from Legacy to Segwit
Post by: HCP on May 18, 2020, 09:39:27 AM
1. Create a SegWit wallet in Electrum
2. Click "Receive" tab in your SegWit wallet and copy the address
3. Click "Send" in your legacy wallet, paste the SegWit address
4. In the amount box, type a ! (this will send ALL the funds minus the fee)
5. Set the fee to what you want either with slider or manually

Title: Re: How to move BTC from Legacy to Segwit
Post by: bob123 on May 18, 2020, 11:27:04 AM
Moving from legacy to segwit simply just needs a transaction to a segwit address.
Just follow HCP's steps to create a segwit wallet and move your funds over to that address.

Keep in mind that some outdated exchanges can not send to a bech32 address (addresses starting with bc1..; native segwit).
They simply don't know yet that this is a valid address.
If you insist on using those outdated services/exchanges, you might want to have a legacy or nested segwit (p2sh; addresses starting with 3..) address in reserve.

Is it safe?


Title: Re: How to move BTC from Legacy to Segwit
Post by: babikool on May 18, 2020, 03:15:24 PM
Thanks , i just wanted to know if there is a problem with it.