Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware => Topic started by: euhctcyn on June 01, 2020, 08:48:18 AM

Title: Bitmain introduces Antminer T19 84Th
Post by: euhctcyn on June 01, 2020, 08:48:18 AM
So they just released the T model for the 19 series, with 84Th (±3%) and 3150W (±5%) --> 37.5 J/TH (±5%)

It's more efficient than the S17+/Pro, and close to the limit of 3250W for "home usage".

Delivery end of june, but it's already sold out. It's available through resellers though.

Bitmain official price is ¥13,976 or ~ 1,960usd + shipping and taxes

Link to product (

UPDATE: It's now available at the English site too (, for $1,749 usd and delivery end of June.

Title: Re: Bitmain introduces Antminer T19 84Th
Post by: Biffa on June 01, 2020, 04:16:20 PM
Once again, no Low Power Modes for the T models.

I guess they are trying to differentiate the features between higher and lower cost models ???

Title: Re: Bitmain introduces Antminer T19 84Th
Post by: euhctcyn on June 01, 2020, 05:03:38 PM
Maybe LPM it's unreliable with the lower quality of T series chips, so they don't risk enabling it... But sure, it's something to take into account in some cases.

Title: Re: Bitmain introduces Antminer T19 84Th
Post by: philipma1957 on June 01, 2020, 09:07:32 PM
Nope  it is merely marketing ploy.

If the set speed is freq 700  and volts 19

having a freq 550  and volts 17.5 would be stable.

I have not found a single bitmain product that runs poorly on a proper down clock + voltage drop.

this includes

usb stick

all of the above are good with lowered hash and power.

many if not all of the ant miner gear  are more stable with reduced output.

mind you my sample was for about 500-750 pieces of gear in total.

Title: Re: Bitmain introduces Antminer T19 84Th
Post by: mikeywith on June 01, 2020, 09:22:38 PM
This gear is overpriced, and for those who either have not tried the 17 series or simply had good luck with them, you should know that bitmain gears right after the 15 series became of terrible quality, large farms are reporting 30% failure rate on the 17 series, one member explained ( in great details what was wrong with those gears, there is no guarantee that the 19 series will be any different, I think we all know by now that bitmain doesn't give a shit about any one of us, if your gear breaks in a few weeks, they will ask you to ship it at your own cost and it will take a long time until they fix it, that will increase the cost of the miner and waste a ton of your time.

If you insist on buying these gears, you should at least wait for a month or two until you see how they did with other people, but if you want your $2000 to be a laboratory rat for bitmain, be my guest, and quote me when your gear fails or loses a board a month after you have received it.

Title: Re: Bitmain introduces Antminer T19 84Th
Post by: philipma1957 on June 01, 2020, 09:48:22 PM
YEAH  they make them pretty crappy.   I have done amazing well  with the s17 and t17 variants.

As of today 100% are working but my sample size is small.

17 s17pro

1 s17

2 t17
2 t17e
2 t17+

1 s17+

every one is working.

I struggled with the one t17+

and the two t17e are very power hungry.

But I am happy with mt 17 series purchases.

Now as for this t19   84 th x 37.5 = 3150 watts

No need to run them like that.

set it to 80th  reduce freq just a touch and let gear do 35 watts a th.

you burn only 2800 watts

gear will work better be quieter and all in all a better deal for customer.

But we are back to the common situation for mining btc.  bitmain has the most efficient gear again.  they still maintain a strangle hold on the industry.

and much like Minneapolis police did the other day they are slowly squeezing the life out of BTC .  They just don't care or value BTC it is just something to abuse in order for them to be more powerful.

My money power set up is a 50-50 coin split.

so this is t19 is like a 42th free power machine.

I have a coupon  so 1743-243 = 1500 + 150 to ship = 1650  trump tax could be 400

so at 2050  42th earns 3.78 USD a day or 542 days

at 1650 earning 3.78 = 436 days

plus wait 21 days or so for it to show up.  not attractive at all.

I have other issue.  All my gear is in a warehouse in Clifton NJ.  There have been many many many many riots the last week.  Over the public killing by 4 police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota .  New Jersey Has had a few hundred demonstrations and some became violent with property destruction.

I won't be buying gear for a while until the unrest settles a bit.

I hate to see our farm and the warehouse be looted and burned. While a bit off the beaten path in Clifton NJ it still is a possibility.

So I will wait things out for a while.