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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Sanugarid on June 21, 2020, 02:30:32 PM

Title: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Sanugarid on June 21, 2020, 02:30:32 PM
 As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: BIT-BENDER on June 21, 2020, 02:51:34 PM
There is no priority in saving an individual life -age,social status, background- give a proof if you have one that shows there is, health workers are under oath to save life's and every life matters, the world is concerned about the elderly ones at this pandemic time -although if do the basic things, get regular exercise, eat healthy there immune can be strong-. There are malls/stores in the US that have special shopping times for elderly citizens alone.

A vaccine might never come or might come late, what our defense would be is our immunity,- old or young-.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Chrystora123 on June 21, 2020, 03:09:12 PM
I don't know what happened to other countries and whether this issue is true that corona patients over the age of 40 don't get more attention from hospitals..  I'm grateful hospitals in my country still receive and treat corona patients over the age of 40 years like other patients..

"The issue of Depopulation" for people over the age of 40 is still a conspiracy, there is no reason to remove them from the world, Do those over the age of 40 make the world run out of food or drink??  my parents are currently over 50 years old, they are very valuable to me, I love them very much and they don't bother the country because they don't ask for food or drinks from the country..

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: mu_enrico on June 21, 2020, 03:09:35 PM
The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person.
Is this your assumption, or you have proof?

The common reason why a person rejected from healthcare service (in bad healthcare system countries) is that he cannot pay or the hospital is terrible (cannot deal with Covid).

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Febo on June 21, 2020, 03:30:10 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(

500 years ago you were very happy if you managed to live 40 years.

Those that have money will always have priorities and if they are 1 years old or 100 years old. People that died for covid-19 mostly already had bad medical conditions and would most likely die in next couple of years.  Bigger problem I see are people that got infected by covid-19 and survived, but their lungs got permanently damaged. They will suffer in next decade or in next decades. People seems to forget those.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Mauser on June 21, 2020, 03:41:46 PM
Unfortanetly the oldest and poorest part of the population is hit the hardest with corona. And now with most countries starting their economies again, the death numbers will probably rise again.

Just look at Sweden, they never really managed to impose a lock down and have much higher fatality rates than the other nordic countries. Which most of their deaths being from the retired population. We should be taking better care of the older people than this. 

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Sanugarid on June 21, 2020, 03:48:56 PM
I know you guys would ask me a proof which I cannot give, this is quite an assumption after a friend of mine experienced it. The corona virus has already infected a lot, the hospitals and other facilities are crowded.

One of my friend, had his aunt (47 yrs. old) infected by the virus, don't worry I did not contacted him physically we're just talking on the phone and he told me about it. This is how the hospitals deal with the patients, of course they would not broadcast it to television, coz it is very unlawful but this is a fact. One of the nurses told them just to standby though his aunt is having difficulty in breathing ( it is really scary ) coz they still need to serve the "first patients", until there was a young man who has been rushed that looks the same as his aunt, the difficulty in breathing, being brought to ER.

We haven't talk for a day, but I know he is being quarantined too.  :(

The dilemma between lives and economy is real.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Ucy on June 21, 2020, 04:03:32 PM
Well, it's completely immoral to prioritize on people we think are important at the detriment of others. Things shouldn't work that way in a Godly & moral society. Doing things based on our own human understanding/wisdom, and not based on what is good/right is what is currently leading us to the pit.
The old people should be agreeing to sacrifice themselves for us without pressure, not us deliberately and without their consent sacrificing them for our sake

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: so98nn on June 21, 2020, 04:23:21 PM
I think that is not the case in my country, and what you talking must be about country where money is more important than lives. That’s really sad one. Here in my country, the old patients are treated with at most care and prioritised. The economy is not disturbed with what age group is on death bed but it is all about nations good will to keep their economic stream keep running. The industries, small to big scale businesses all are running here with full fledge now. We seem to coming on normalised track once again.

Our oldies are still working if they have strong will power. ;-)

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Freeesta on June 21, 2020, 04:28:59 PM
Perhaps this is the sad truth. Doctors have rules in order to save people in emergency cases. It is unfortunate, but older people will be saved in the last turn. This is very sad to understand. The virus takes the lives of people of different ages. Young people have strong immunity and this help them overcome the virus. Maybe saving young people requires less effort and they have more chances to survive. This is very important for the economy.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Sanugarid on June 21, 2020, 07:51:55 PM
Well, it's completely immoral to prioritize on people we think are important at the detriment of others. Things shouldn't work that way in a Godly & moral society. Doing things based on our own human understanding/wisdom, and not based on what is good/right is what is currently leading us to the pit.
Absolutely, It is very frustrating and sad at the same time but I understand where this decision is coming from. This is where we need to choose for a greater good, would u save an old man who can't do a work to pay for taxes or a young man who is starting the life in the beginning. All lives matter, but our future is at stake too. This is very hard for every one.

The old people should be agreeing to sacrifice themselves for us without pressure, not us deliberately and without their consent sacrificing them for our sake
I've already read this story in Japan, I didn't think it would come to us as real situation. Immoral as most of us will think, but it's quite a good reasoning tho. Still I'm still sad for my friend.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: bitbunnny on June 21, 2020, 09:02:37 PM
Perhaps this is the sad truth. Doctors have rules in order to save people in emergency cases. It is unfortunate, but older people will be saved in the last turn. This is very sad to understand. The virus takes the lives of people of different ages. Young people have strong immunity and this help them overcome the virus. Maybe saving young people requires less effort and they have more chances to survive. This is very important for the economy.

This is dilema we all have to face. Yes, the virus is still here, it's also getting stronger in some countries but we need to find the way to live with it. That means that our lives, economies and businesses need to go on. If we stop everything then we'll have bigger consequences than from virus itself. Think of possible unemployment, poverty and hunger too. That might lead to even worse political and society crisis in the whole world.
We need to protect older and weaker population but we can't stop our lives because of the virus.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Findingnemo on June 21, 2020, 09:23:12 PM
The government prioritizes the economy and wealth over their people, they are not God even God let the people to die if God is real.

People from all ages are getting affected now due to the mutation but one with weaker immune system has more mortality rate so they keep dying more it doesn't mean the government let them die without doing anything.It also happens because they can't do anything, we trusted them and pay taxes but it is not enough to save you guys.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Rengga Jati on June 21, 2020, 11:01:16 PM
I ever read about this article, an opinion about the moral dilemma between lives and also economy.
Actually, that is not supposed to be a moral dilemma and it should not be a choice. There must be a chance fr every patient to get a similar priority, or even it cannot be, it should be classified into some patient conditions.

What happened to everybody's health infected by the COvid-19 virus may be different for each other. Some countries may apply the priority in some certain condition. The reason is probably the lack of hospitals, medical personnel, and also limited equipment, facilities, and infrastructure to handle the patients with COVID-19. This lead should take some priority. (it is done aside if there is any conspiration or not, I don't really know about it).

The priority is decided if the country experienced the top of the Covid-19 curve, high patients with COVID-19 daily, and also limited medical services and personnel. But, the priorities should be:

1. The fist layer patient:
The first layer patient should be paid attention and get the first priority in certain conditions. The COVID-19 patients are such as patients with old age, patients in critical condition, health problems, women in pregnancy, and also cognitive abilities. They should immediately get the most preferred treatment area. Because their immune power is very low and they require special treatment, it cannot be juxtaposed with other patients, and it cannot be just independent isolation or self-quarantine. They need serious treatment by certain medical equipment that probably the hospital only has it in limited numbers. They must probably be treated in a certain room also.

2. Patients infected by coronavirus with lower risks.
I don't say that the patient has a lower risk in general, but, it means that the patients still have a chance to get better immune to a certain treatment, but they are not experiencing serious or critical conditions. In this case, they are infected by the virus, cannot do self-isolation because of some factors, having rather good enough immune, they are probably treated in the hospital to get certain vitamin or other treatment in order to help them increase their immune and they still need to be monitored in order to make their condition not getting worse.

3. The patients infected by viruses with good immune and available for self-isolation.
In some cases, the patients have good immune but they are infected by the virus. In addition, if they can do self-isolation in 14 days, 't need to get treated in the hospital. they can do self-quarantine in a certain place, having doo exercises in a fresh air environment, good nutrition, mental, and also supports from other people around. In my country, there are many patients that do this, but please note that the patients must be also still monitored by the medical personnel in order to know the progress of their condition.

However, how is it about in a country with very high daily infected patients but limited medical services and equipment? How is there are thousands of cases in a day and hospitals can no longer treat them all? Should it be prioritized by the chance of the lives? This is what actually makes a dilemma by some countries.
ROME — The mayor of one town complained that doctors were forced to decide not to treat the very old, leaving them to die. In another town, patients with coronavirus-caused pneumonia were being sent home. Elsewhere, a nurse collapsed with her mask on, her photograph becoming a symbol of overwhelmed medical staff.
This is so sad to know about it, but if they do not have any choice again? I know that it should not be done in this bad treatment, that is why their government try to take the problem solving without sacrificing patients with corona, although they may need a certain time to do that.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Jating on June 21, 2020, 11:22:55 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(

Hmm, do you have any links or proofs though? It doesn't make sense for hospital to prioritised, at least that's what we think of. Maybe the pandemic has really change how they perceived or prioritise on how to save or not? But again, it doesn't really makes a lot of sense to me and hospitals/doctors/nurse are going against their sworn oath? I'm still baffle though and I hope that this is completely false.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: exstasie on June 21, 2020, 11:29:46 PM
The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person.
Is this your assumption, or you have proof?

It's no secret in cases of medical rationing (as with too many patients and not enough ventilators) that patients deemed less likely to die are given priority:

Many states have developed strategies for rationing during pandemics. The New York Guidelines target saving the most lives, as defined by the patient’s short-term likelihood of surviving the acute medical episode. Rationing is performed by a triage officer or a triage committee composed of people who have no clinical responsibilities for the care of the patient. Triage proceeds in three steps: application of exclusion criteria, such as irreversible shock; assessment of mortality risk using the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, to determine priority for initiating ventilation; and repeat assessments over time, such that patients whose condition is not improving are removed from the ventilator to make it available for another patient.

Assessment of mortality risk in these cases is probably not directly based on age, but we know the two are obviously linked. I'm sure some public health care systems are also cruder than others in how they ration medical goods and services.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: harizen on June 21, 2020, 11:44:18 PM
The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person.

Not true. Don't generalized it just because of the story you shared about your friend.

Based on your story, I don't see how it was linked to the country's economy just because your friend's aunt didn't prioritize by the hospital as she was 47 years old. There are really cases like that wherein people are not being accommodated by the hospital even before the pandemic virus so just imagine how worst it is now to the point that they can't entertain all even that's an emergency.

If you have concerns, then complain to the authority on how that hospital treats your aunt's friend.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: mu_enrico on June 22, 2020, 11:37:55 AM
It's no secret in cases of medical rationing (as with too many patients and not enough ventilators) that patients deemed less likely to die are given priority:
Yep, a decision has to be made in the event of scarcity.

However, it's completely different than what OP said, negative selections based on sole age is discrimination, and has no moral ground. If the decision is based on the severity or when the patient's condition is not improving, then there is a compelling justification behind it.

The problem with OP's story is that he didn't know the exact condition of the "first patient." The phrase "looks the same" doesn't mean it is really equal per se.

If the decision was because of the young man's condition (more severe or have other diseases), then it can be justified. But if not, then I'm siding with OP.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: hunter7519 on June 22, 2020, 12:27:18 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(
That's saddest reality that we are facing right now knowing that we have all affected by this pandemic. Even a high class society down to average people, younger to older are possible to get infected by CORONA VIRUS. This shouldn't be  neglected by every individual. Not because his/she  is  older it  doesn't mean that they have the no right to get an attention.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: CarnagexD on June 22, 2020, 12:52:22 PM
The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person.
Is this your assumption, or you have proof?

The common reason why a person rejected from healthcare service (in bad healthcare system countries) is that he cannot pay or the hospital is terrible (cannot deal with Covid).

Not all of us can afford the hospital bills once we're admitted to a certain hospital due to Covid-19 because some of us doesn't have any work during this pandemic. Most people who got rejected in the hospitals are poor people, those who can't afford to get medical attention.

In reality, poor families are the most prone to this pandemic, they can't even sustain their needs during this lockdown and they are only relying on the financial assistance provided by the government. It doesn't mean that if you are a good worker, you are the priority of the hospital, it is not like that.

The only thing that still matters is money, if you don't have money, you will have a hard time to survive this Covid-19 pandemic.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: mariah.sadio on June 22, 2020, 01:39:36 PM
Its sound logical and i support this decision to sort patients by age

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: maydna on June 22, 2020, 01:46:37 PM
I don't believe if the paramedic, doctor, and nurse do that because, as far as I know, they work based on the conditions of the person, and if someone has critical and really needs help, they will do what it needs to save that person. No matter if their ages more than 40+, they will get the first help.

People who age more than 40+ will be more susceptible than younger people because they don't have good immunity, and their health will be too risky. If you found that the hospitals do that, I think you can report them to your government to investigate the truth and give a warning or punishment to the hospital.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: raidarksword on June 22, 2020, 02:07:05 PM
Both lives are important that's why government urges everyone to stay at home especially to those who has weak immune system and elderly people who have the high risk to be  infected with the virus. We must also consider that this pandemic caused chaos that not all patients can be treated  right away in the hospital due to massive admission of patients. In service of people during this pandemic, hospital should not make selection who is rich or poor because life is more important than status in the society.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: samputin on June 22, 2020, 02:12:52 PM
Is this your assumption, or you have proof?

The common reason why a person rejected from healthcare service (in bad healthcare system countries) is that he cannot pay or the hospital is terrible (cannot deal with Covid).
Sad but true. I've heard so many news regarding this kind of situation—people being rejected because of the lack of capacity to pay for the hospital bills. And it breaks my heart when I see such because I can't do anything to help.

However, I believe that every life is important regardless of the age or social status. I don't know if op have some evidence that will prove such claim, but it is not impossible especially now that we are in a crisis. Maybe some governments will be practical and just save or prioritize those who they think are beneficial, those whom they think still have the capability to work and provide money for the government through their taxes. ::)

Well, I also don't have proof but from what I see, our country is doing its best to save the lives of those covid patients, whether young or old. I just hope that what I see is true, though.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: GeorgeJohn on June 22, 2020, 02:26:17 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults  part

This pandemic according the author,this virus is not prone to the old citizens base on immune system, the virus is for everyone living it does not differentiate any one,a new born baby is the immune system not strong,  1 year old baby contacted corona virus.
Brotherly the virus is base on the environment we find our selves.close contact with affected one.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: plvbob0070 on June 22, 2020, 02:41:57 PM
I think some countries who are facing an extreme number of cases where hospitals and frontliners cannot prioritize every one, have to choose who will treat first. But I don't think it's about who will be helpful in the economy, they are doing it due to the lack of manpower, facilities, medicines, and some PPEs, they are left with no choice but to treat those who are more capable of surviving.

I believe that as much as they can, hospitals and medical teams are trying to treat everyone with COVID. They don't put criteria to who deserves to live or not. The government as well are providing them the equipment they will need but it's not enough to treat everyone since cases keep on increasing every day. We can't blame them since they are already sacrificing a lot. Even older people can still survive the virus, it just depends on how critically ill they are, so we cannot say that it's all about the age.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Febo on June 22, 2020, 02:53:54 PM
Unfortanetly the oldest and poorest part of the population is hit the hardest with corona. And now with most countries starting their economies again, the death numbers will probably rise again.

Just look at Sweden, they never really managed to impose a lock down and have much higher fatality rates than the other nordic countries. Which most of their deaths being from the retired population. We should be taking better care of the older people than this. 

Ideally would be to quarantine older and sick and let everyone else to just lie their life normally. But that is very hard to do. You would need to move vast amount of people.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: gentlemand on June 22, 2020, 03:20:26 PM
The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person.

The elderly can't take the extremely invasive interventions that the treatment needs. You're pretty much guaranteed to kill them. That's the essence of the triage taking place.

I'm sure more brutal policies are in place with weaker health systems and it happened in places with good systems that were overwhelmed, but in many a case an 80-90 yr old who is severely ill is looking at death from the virus or from the attempts to save them.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Naida_BR on June 22, 2020, 03:32:45 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(

This is one of the reason that people believe that the virus is made.
It is said that it targets older people in order to decrease the population of the world and especially decrease the over 70 population.
Partially the have made to do so.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: gentlemand on June 22, 2020, 03:37:33 PM
This is one of the reason that people believe that the virus is made.
It is said that it targets older people in order to decrease the population of the world and especially decrease the over 70 population.
Partially the have made to do so.

Or, just maybe, your entire immune system going into a frenzy and eating your body is just a little bit harder on a body nearing the end of its useful life.

It's a crazy thought I know, but it could possibly be true?

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: mu_enrico on June 22, 2020, 05:46:59 PM
Its sound logical and i support this decision to sort patients by age
F*ckin hell dude! I bet you will retract your statement if you are currently categorized as old people.

The only thing that still matters is money, if you don't have money, you will have a hard time to survive this Covid-19 pandemic.
Sad but true. I've heard so many news regarding this kind of situation—people being rejected because of the lack of capacity to pay for the hospital bills. And it breaks my heart when I see such because I can't do anything to help.
Well, that's a sad truth in this world, not only about Covid but also cancers, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, etc. But it is an entirely different discussion because the issue raised by OP is about old age discrimination which I never heard of.

Anyways, the distribution of healthcare is similar to the distribution of resources in terms of scarcity, however, I don't know if I can 100% support the free-market on healthcare. I think private hospitals should be able to do whatever they want, but for public hospitals, taxpayers' money should be allocated to give equal treatment for all.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: gentlemand on June 22, 2020, 06:25:56 PM
taxpayers' money should be allocated to give equal treatment for all.

You can't give equal treatment to people who won't respond in an equal way. What brings someone younger back from the brink kills someone older stone dead. It's the same as giving a heart transplant to a 100yr old. It's technically possible but the odds are extremely high they'll die during it and be debilitated after it if they survive.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: FanEagle on June 22, 2020, 07:42:24 PM
Not all of us live in a country where you have to pay for the hospitals. We pay taxes for that and we get free healthcare after that (well, it is not free since we pay taxes but after the taxes there is nothing more to pay). So, I can go to hospital from anything like a simple cough (right now even simple cough seems dangerous but think of any other era) to cancer and not pay a single cent and just get the treatment I need.

However during this period there was definitely situations where younger people got more attention than older people not because you want to get the productive people back to work, but more about how old people have lower chance to survive so you want to put your attention to people you can survive instead of putting it for old people in futile attempt. Sounds horrible but when you are talking about death numbers bigger than any war in the past 20 years combined, it becomes more logical.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Cvetik56 on June 22, 2020, 09:17:15 PM
Not all of us live in a country where you have to pay for the hospitals. We pay taxes for that and we get free healthcare after that (well, it is not free since we pay taxes but after the taxes there is nothing more to pay). So, I can go to hospital from anything like a simple cough (right now even simple cough seems dangerous but think of any other era) to cancer and not pay a single cent and just get the treatment I need.
There are capitalistic countries like us which obviously chooses money and economic > people.
But there certainly are many countries with much different approach to this

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: mu_enrico on June 23, 2020, 01:59:29 AM
You can't give equal treatment to people who won't respond in an equal way. What brings someone younger back from the brink kills someone older stone dead. It's the same as giving a heart transplant to a 100yr old. It's technically possible but the odds are extremely high they'll die during it and be debilitated after it if they survive.
I believe you familiar with the term "equality of opportunity" therefore:

The society left open the possibility of transplanting hearts into patients over age 70, as long as recipients were otherwise in very good health.
“Many of these older patients can transition to an even older age while maintaining a very good quality of life. Why would we deny someone that opportunity?” said Dr. Mandeep Mehra


To qualify, older men and women are supposed to have well-functioning kidneys, lungs, blood vessels, livers and other organs; good nutritional status and muscle strength; no cancer or chronic illnesses like diabetes; and the ability to comply with demanding self-care regimens after a transplant, including a lifetime of taking powerful immunosuppressant drugs, among other requirements.

As long as the recipients QUALIFY, no matter what age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc., etc., they must get into the waiting list. It is much better than negative selections by any group identity or demography.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: glowing10 on June 23, 2020, 04:12:56 AM
Its sound logical and i support this decision to sort patients by age

Each human live is precious and that is why all countries have asked kids and senior citizens to stay at home as they could easily become infected by this virus to lack of immunity as compared to other age groups . Also some countries like Italy where all hospitals were full and still can only take certain no of patients they decided to ignore the senior citizens as compared to younger ones as they had left with no choice.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Lorence.xD on June 23, 2020, 04:43:52 AM
Its sound logical and i support this decision to sort patients by age

Each human live is precious and that is why all countries have asked kids and senior citizens to stay at home as they could easily become infected by this virus to lack of immunity as compared to other age groups . Also some countries like Italy where all hospitals were full and still can only take certain no of patients they decided to ignore the senior citizens as compared to younger ones as they had left with no choice.
The problem with the government is that most of their measures to prevent the spread of the virus is half-assed which means that they are trying to compromise the safety of their position with their political positions, they look at us like pawns that can be dispensable, I hate to say it but the truth has to be told. I agree that they should do an economic recharge but wouldn't the safety of the workers be finalized? The greatest asset of a country is its human resources, they want to save the economy in expense to the lives of the masses, this is the most hypocritical times ever since, there shouldn't be sacrifices if they know what to do.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: DPrillio on June 23, 2020, 04:50:15 AM
Its sound logical and i support this decision to sort patients by age

Each human live is precious and that is why all countries have asked kids and senior citizens to stay at home as they could easily become infected by this virus to lack of immunity as compared to other age groups . Also some countries like Italy where all hospitals were full and still can only take certain no of patients they decided to ignore the senior citizens as compared to younger ones as they had left with no choice.
It should be an option for sorting patients according by age as all lives are important and valuable by the people who needs and love us, I will agree this logical way of thinking if the goverment is already exhausted of medical support and facilities and they  need to select what is the best to save the current economy's situation.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Sanitough on June 23, 2020, 06:01:03 AM
When there's a very limited resources, that would happen, it's very unfortunate to the old people because they might be in the last priority.

However, if you have money, you can always get the treatment you like, based on what I read, in the Philippines, in our country it's very expenses to pay for the medication if you like to get a good treatment from the private hospital, probably in public hospitals it's quite different compared to the way people are being treated in private hospitals and that's the sad reality for poor countries.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: lienfaye on June 23, 2020, 06:23:51 AM
That was really happening specially in poor countries and based on what I see. The public hospitals prioritize the younger adults rather than the old ones and also because they are lacking of facility to treat all the patients. Its another story if you're from a rich family and capable to support all the medication needed and can pay the necessary things to cure yourself. Those unfortunate people has no choice but to depend on the government's help to get them cured.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Latviand on June 23, 2020, 07:08:10 AM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults  part

This pandemic according the author,this virus is not prone to the old citizens base on immune system, the virus is for everyone living it does not differentiate any one,a new born baby is the immune system not strong,  1 year old baby contacted corona virus.
Brotherly the virus is base on the environment we find our selves.close contact with affected one.

We all know that when we grow older, our immune systems are weakening and young people have stronger immune system. But no one is safe when it comes to this virus, no matter how old you are, the Covid-19 can still make you sick once you get it. But there are reports which the baby that was infected by the virus is already a Covid-19 survivor.

Our government should really prioritize the health sector and focus on supporting it with most of the budgets that we have. I know that economic crisis is also a problem but we should take care of the lives of our people.

We should take care of ourselves and our family once we engage with our environment and obey the "new normal" that there is still a virus out there. This pandemic will surely end, and we'll get through this.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: LogitechMouse on June 23, 2020, 09:30:59 AM
The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.
I have read an article at around March-April I think and it is saying that this happened to Italy. Most of the old persons are remain unattended while they focus on the younger ones. I don't know if this is true but I don't want to assume that this is true and right now it seems that they've controlled it already although there is still some cases on the country, it is not like 2-3 months ago where the healthcare system of the country can't cope up.

Anyway regarding to what you are saying, can you give some proofs that this is really what they are doing. It might possibly true but you are just telling an assumption and what you are saying doesn't have any proofs. I have read in some pages in Facebook saying that there will be a time where depopulation will happen. This is just a conspiracy theory but if you will analyze, it will help the world for a long run. We have limited resources right now and in the next years, there will be a time where the amount of food supply can't cope up with the number of people around the world.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Finestream on June 23, 2020, 10:35:51 AM
No, we can't choose, it should be balance, we save lives and we save our economy.

What would happen if the economy falls? of course it will result to unemployment, hunger, chaos and then war, it's like the end of the a good country.
Together we can save lives through proper education and we can follow the measures, lastly, the economy does not need to stop in order to save lives.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Cnut237 on June 23, 2020, 10:50:10 AM
they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

It is true that governments value citizens of working age, those who 'contribute' to the economy, a lot more than they value older people who have contributed in the past, but are now retired.
But it goes much deeper than that.
This pandemic would have had a much smaller effect if governments around the world had implemented lockdowns much earlier, as soon as it became apparent what was happening in China... but they didn't, the 'cost' of shutting down the economy briefly was deemed unacceptable, and so governments gambled with the lives of their citizens instead, in the hope that they could escape relatively economically unscathed.
Obviously what happened is that the virus expanded dramatically everywhere, and governments then had to implement much longer and more stringent lockdowns than would have been the case had they acted earlier. In the end, they took a huge death toll and a huge economic hit... all because they didn't want to risk that smaller initial economic hit of a brief precautionary lockdown.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: maydna on June 23, 2020, 01:20:22 PM
Even if that is happening in one country, it doesn't mean the other country will do the same because every human life who infect the virus needs to be saved. No matter if that is young people or old people, they need to be prioritized, so the doctor can start to cure those people. But perhaps, that is not what we think because I guess that not all hospitals can do that for all of the patients, and unfortunately, we don't know that is happening until the patients' family reports that things to the government. I hope if the paramedic doesn't do the right thing, they will get a warning from the hospital, and they will get punishment if they don't prioritize all Covid-19 patients.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: posi on June 23, 2020, 07:17:07 PM
There is no priority in saving an individual life -age,social status, background- give a proof if you have one that shows there is, health workers are under oath to save life's and every life matters, the world is concerned about the elderly ones at this pandemic time -although if do the basic things, get regular exercise, eat healthy there immune can be strong-. There are malls/stores in the US that have special shopping times for elderly citizens alone.
Absolutely and i somehow believe this pandemic issues is calling the world attention to regular exercising and eat healthy food because 75% of all the people in the world eat healthy which the US is not among the top 10 healthiest acountries as research ( says.

A vaccine might never come or might come late, what our defense would be is our immunity,- old or young-.
About the vaccine, i think WHO are not doing their job very well because a vaccine ( was detected in the UK but no update was said about it.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Kasabus on June 23, 2020, 09:33:32 PM
No, we can't choose, it should be balance, we save lives and we save our economy.

What would happen if the economy falls? of course it will result to unemployment, hunger, chaos and then war, it's like the end of the a good country.
Together we can save lives through proper education and we can follow the measures, lastly, the economy does not need to stop in order to save lives.
Corona virus pandemic becomes even more rampant even these past few days. But this should not be the reason to stop living even the old and weak people that are mostly affected. We all deserve to have a balance treatment particularly in receiving health care. And i do believe that we should not stop here. Our government is trying to help us but it would not be enough so we should still be working on our respective jobs so that we will not be left feeling hungry and suffering those consequences.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Rulelies on June 23, 2020, 10:20:53 PM
The people are just looking at it from one sad. Lives are important no doubt but economy too is very important. If the economy drops a lot of people will lose their jobs, no food and many more. Also people will die if the economy drops badly. So if you are taking into consideration lives also look at  economy.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: shoreno on June 23, 2020, 11:57:38 PM
The people are just looking at it from one sad. Lives are important no doubt but economy too is very important. If the economy drops a lot of people will lose their jobs, no food and many more. Also people will die if the economy drops badly. So if you are taking into consideration lives also look at  economy.

people wont die instantly and so as the economy , it wont collapse instantly but if you see a dying patient and i you will ignore it , he/she can die instantly .  so whats more important ?  for me its bettef if we can save lives first and dont look at one side only because thats bad and that can bring more karma to you or the business that your working with .  god sees all what we do on the land  . economy will be nothing too without people because people are dying due to our selfishness .

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: ragavancoin on June 24, 2020, 04:25:34 PM
Virus is killing so many people day by day it's increasing. Now a days here in my country doctors nurses nobody are bothering about the patients. Doctors give 5 tablets per day dats it. Patients themselves should clean the room and toilet. Nobody are bothered about it. Economy has gone down now the prices have increased.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: fullhdpixel on June 24, 2020, 05:18:51 PM
It's not even a matter of doing it for the future of the economy. In some places there are too many cases to the extent that hospitals can't handle them. I don't even know how you got to know that hospitals don't give attention to the old people, unless that's how they are doing in your country where you're living. The only thing I know is that they might not accept you when your case is not up to the level of being critical. There are people that get infected and are told to stay home, while those in critical condition are given a bed in the hospital.

Many governments opted to go with economy rather than following lockdown restrictions to save and protect their people from covid19 infections. One supporting fact for their decision could be, those infected people are getting cured in less than 10 days compared earlier 14 to 20 days of hospitalization. It means severity of vocid19 virus is decreasing along with its mutation. So, I guess there cannot be 100% wrong on governments' decision on relaxing lockdown.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: iv4n on June 25, 2020, 06:06:21 AM
It's the system, for poor people you have shit health care, for people with money you can enjoy luxury hospitals with all the care you need, nurses and doctors smile at you and your room is like in 5 star hotel.
What did we really expect? It was like this before and it's like that now. This is why we need some changes, a better system where carrying will not depend on money in your pocket. Are we capable to make some changes, or we will leave that to some future generations to deal with?

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Wexnident on June 25, 2020, 06:16:41 AM
Care to show the proofs of this sad truth? If it was something like a driving accident where a lot of people were injured, an earthquake that made a building collapse, or some big event where a lot of people got injured, yes, this sad truth speaks it all. They tag people with regards to how their situation is, whether they can be saved or not, but this situation with the Covid-19? Dude, there isn't even a fix for it. Most of the time, the illness just gets destroyed by the antibodies in our body, and that isn't the fault of the hospital or whoever. It's just the natural way our bodies work. It's not that the government is letting them die, it's that they don't really have much they can help with in terms of letting them recover. It's not like making them chug vitamins would help them or anything.

If you were talking about the rich and the poor, it'd be a different case tbh. But if it's based on age? Don't think so.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Questat on June 25, 2020, 06:31:03 AM
The truth is there's no way the government can save lives if they will not take care of the economy.

It maybe not good to see that they are opening the business as it might result to increase of virus infections, but they don't have the choice, people will suffer and we will just die in hunger. They need to choose, so we need to be responsible and face the problem seriously, when the government say stay at home as elders and children can easily get affected, they should follow.

We can't blame the government here, no matter what will happen, blaming would not change anything, it should be us who are taking care of ourselves and following the rules of the government.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Nathanz on June 25, 2020, 02:13:35 PM
Is that really the truth? Where do you based this from? Are there articles saying that hospitals prioritize people ages 40 below than those who are "old"people? I don't think that is true.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: bte on June 25, 2020, 04:00:42 PM
Medicine has learned to diagnose and track viruses very clearly. Up to 650 thousand people die from influenza every year, and 500 thousand people died from coronavirus. I think that if this pandemic had happened 5-7 years ago, it would not have been noticed, because medicine could not diagnose the spread around the world so quickly. I think we are all now hostages of scientific progress. Humanity has always lived with viruses, but could not diagnose them so quickly. We will have to accept the fact that viruses were there and will be.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: The cure on June 25, 2020, 11:23:52 PM
I don't think that's true,,because every persons life is precious and government is trying to save everyone, but unfortunately not all patients are given immediate relief due to lack of facilities and patient volume. Even though they wanted to save every one

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Paycoinzzz on June 26, 2020, 03:30:29 AM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(
they are only trying to sacrifice the least to gain the greatest benefit. Nobody wants their loved ones to die, but that's the best problem. If the economy cannot operate again in the next 1-2 months, the whole country will be in economic crisis and then more people will die. Sometimes we have to understand the long-term plan and sympathize with the difficulties that the government needs to shoulder. It is best for the elderly to stay home and follow strict epidemic prevention regulations, and their sense of self will save them.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: BuNga_cute on June 26, 2020, 03:44:46 AM
In my opinion saving lives is no priority, everyone has the same rights. If your country prioritizes productive people, for economic reasons
it has violated human rights. The way of life of humans should not be like that, but sometimes some countries did do that. In my country
the same, but the difference in priorities in my country is based on social status. If the person rich people are definitely preferred, this is
a sad fact.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Bezobraznike on June 28, 2020, 05:28:00 AM
In my opinion saving lives is no priority, everyone has the same rights. If your country prioritizes productive people, for economic reasons
it has violated human rights. The way of life of humans should not be like that, but sometimes some countries did do that. In my country
the same, but the difference in priorities in my country is based on social status. If the person rich people are definitely preferred, this is
a sad fact.

   BuNga_cute not everyone has the same rights, and not all lives are priority. Some people risk their lives every day on their jobs
and do not recieve big reward for that. Virus is additional risk, but we can put all the people in the same basket. Some people know
how to deal with it, and they have to provide food for their family.
   BuNga_cute when we know that rich people are protected, we can say that not all people are in the same situation. Some of us
have to work no matter what!

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Botnake on June 28, 2020, 12:44:36 PM
I don't think that's true,,because every persons life is precious and government is trying to save everyone, but unfortunately not all patients are given immediate relief due to lack of facilities and patient volume. Even though they wanted to save every one
If the government facilities can't accommodate all the infected people, the worst will come including choosing who's to live and who's to die.
Every life is precious but some people lives will be sacrifice to save the others, I know we don't want to see that but I think it's happening already, of course it will not be a good news so no one would publish that as it would ruin the government.

The virus is very dangerous, it has infected millions of people and killed thousands of lives already, so it's really up to us on how we will take care ourselves as prevention is always better than cure.

The law that the government is imposing is for preventive measures, we should follow it, no questions ask.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: reliable on June 28, 2020, 12:58:10 PM
That was really happening specially in poor countries and based on what I see. The public hospitals prioritize the younger adults rather than the old ones and also because they are lacking of facility to treat all the patients. Its another story if you're from a rich family and capable to support all the medication needed and can pay the necessary things to cure yourself. Those unfortunate people has no choice but to depend on the government's help to get them cured.

Sort of similar case has happened in our country as well, where the government has clearly instructed to some private hospitals that their say 50% of the beds be for the covid patients and rest it can be for their private patients. But what some of the hospitals did was they allocated less to government and in private they were charging hefty amount those can afford and took huge money to give them the bed and earned more money in this way. Unfortunately life for some hospitals is make maximum money or trace benefit of the situation .

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Kakmakr on June 28, 2020, 01:11:50 PM
It is just a difference in opinion... a lot of people say it is not because younger people are the more productive group...but rather the people that would be more reproductive in the future. You have to protect humankind from extinction and that is why you have to protect the generation that can still reproduce.

Also some people reckon that older people have lived their lives and younger people still have a long life before them to live. I do not agree with any of this and I would much rather protect everyone. Older people have lots of experience to share with the younger generation... why should we allow that to be destroyed?  ???

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: khunyung on June 28, 2020, 02:07:06 PM
In my opinion saving lives is no priority, everyone has the same rights. If your country prioritizes productive people, for economic reasons
it has violated human rights. The way of life of humans should not be like that, but sometimes some countries did do that. In my country
the same, but the difference in priorities in my country is based on social status. If the person rich people are definitely preferred, this is
a sad fact.
I agree, its a choice which depends on country's govs.
At the same time people choose to obey or riot against gov's decisions

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Fredomago on June 28, 2020, 02:19:05 PM

Sort of similar case has happened in our country as well, where the government has clearly instructed to some private hospitals that their say 50% of the beds be for the covid patients and rest it can be for their private patients. But what some of the hospitals did was they allocated less to government and in private they were charging hefty amount those can afford and took huge money to give them the bed and earned more money in this way. Unfortunately life for some hospitals is make maximum money or trace benefit of the situation .

Sad to say that there are kinds of people who can afford to look after the money than the lives of the people, they give slots for those
who can afford to pay and not paying attentions with how the government instructions, not even with this virus the mindsets of business
owners still prioritizing to earn more from those who can pay them the most.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Sanugarid on June 28, 2020, 02:43:53 PM
I don't think that's true,,because every persons life is precious and government is trying to save everyone, but unfortunately not all patients are given immediate relief due to lack of facilities and patient volume. Even though they wanted to save every one
If the government facilities can't accommodate all the infected people, the worst will come including choosing who's to live and who's to die.
Every life is precious but some people lives will be sacrifice to save the others, I know we don't want to see that but I think it's happening already, of course it will not be a good news so no one would publish that as it would ruin the government.
The very same point of mine, every lives matter but there are greater lives to be prioritize and there are factors to be consider when saving lives. It's the same as who you will be saving in a burning card, a kid or an adult, most probably most of us will answer that we'll pick up the kid first, same case as for covid-19.

The virus is very dangerous, it has infected millions of people and killed thousands of lives already, so it's really up to us on how we will take care ourselves as prevention is always better than cure.
Not only the pandemic virus is the problem now, I've been seeing a lot of disease outbreaks in various countries and it is really alarming.

*just an update for this thread, my friend who has been quarantined is positive with covid-19, what's good is that he's showing good signs of recovery.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: peiReef7z on June 28, 2020, 06:10:02 PM
Why don't they care about hospitals to save the lives of everyone?
countries are more interested in building restaurants, luxury and entertainment than education and health.
countries have spent millions to host events from football, the end of games and entertainment, but they have spent little on health and treatment.
Age does not matter, it is this humanity that makes an individual's life precious whatever his age.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: freedomgo on June 29, 2020, 10:00:01 PM
Why don't they care about hospitals to save the lives of everyone?
They want to but they can't save everyone, that is the reality because we haven't prepared for this pandemic.

countries are more interested in building restaurants, luxury and entertainment than education and health.
countries have spent millions to host events from football, the end of games and entertainment, but they have spent little on health and treatment.
Age does not matter, it is this humanity that makes an individual's life precious whatever his age.
That was before the pandemic, but now the government are more focus on the health matters and big portion of its budget are going into this war, if only we see this coming, we have prepared for this, although Bill Gates said in one of his interview that virus like this will come but our government did not see it as its a serious threat, so hopefully we will learn from this.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: ChiBitCTy on June 30, 2020, 05:48:44 PM
I guess this must all depend on where you live. Here in the united states we prioritize hospital visits/health care for those whom are more prone to health risks such as the older community or those who have major health issues that could be set off by covid.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: arallmuus on June 30, 2020, 07:24:07 PM
They want to but they can't save everyone, that is the reality because we haven't prepared for this pandemic.

Some country did exceptionally well in the pandemic like China and Singapore

now the government are more focus on the health matters

Some country has already start their economy back otherwise they wont survive this pandemic any much longer. Few months after most country declared their first case of the virus, lot of those country invest heavily into improving their healthcare system but now it would be different. They need to restart everything at the cost of lives otherwise alot more lives will be at stake

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Renampun on June 30, 2020, 08:09:26 PM
They want to but they can't save everyone, that is the reality because we haven't prepared for this pandemic.

Some country did exceptionally well in the pandemic like China and Singapore
China is a communist country and Singapore a developed country...
Chinese citizens are very obedient to their government because of the very strict communist doctrine there, severe punishment will befall them if they fight the country while in many democratic countries there are still many who oppose the state even do not believe in the existence of the coronavirus, while Singapore has a majority of people who are smart and very caring with their health. This is the reason why China and Singapore are able to cope with the corona well.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Gozie51 on June 30, 2020, 08:14:57 PM

The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

I think this is not the right way about going on safeguarding of lives. Yes young people are likely to stay alive or respond to treatment faster but there are certain times that an old person lives beyond expectation of time of death while the young keep dying. The government should be more active in the bid to protect the old ones against this virus. They shouldn't be left unattended because they are said to be closer to "dying".

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: FlightyPouch on June 30, 2020, 09:45:10 PM
The thing here is that the government can't save all lives right now, its a pandemic. There is no actual vaccine to kill the virus. The government is not ready for this and I think most of the countries are not that ready when it comes to medical supplies. They can't undo those people who died, what they can do now is to take care of what they have and rebuild for the sake of who died.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: freedomgo on June 30, 2020, 09:52:18 PM
They want to but they can't save everyone, that is the reality because we haven't prepared for this pandemic.

Some country did exceptionally well in the pandemic like China and Singapore

yes, because they are first world country in Asia, they have good facilities and good government, but other countries are not facing the pandemic effectively.

now the government are more focus on the health matters

Some country has already start their economy back otherwise they wont survive this pandemic any much longer. Few months after most country declared their first case of the virus, lot of those country invest heavily into improving their healthcare system but now it would be different. They need to restart everything at the cost of lives otherwise alot more lives will be at stake

Economy is very important, same us lives of course but it's not always possible to protect both, there are some who would suffer along the way as that's how dangerous this virus is, but it should not stop us or the economy. If in big countries like in the US and UE can't control it, let us expect even worst in small countries if people will not cooperate with the government.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Mahanton on June 30, 2020, 10:03:20 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(

I dont know but my point of view for this one is that they do prioritize off younger ages since they know that chances of surviving is high compared to those people who do had older age.
We dont know if its intentional or they do just become practical on dealing up with things in talks of survival. This isnt really something that we should really be concerned up much because
medical personnels are trying out their best and risking out their lives to save up other peoples live which we should appreciate on rather than making up some questions on what theyve been
doing in terms of patient treatment.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Questat on July 01, 2020, 01:10:54 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(

I dont know but my point of view for this one is that they do prioritize off younger ages since they know that chances of surviving is high compared to those people who do had older age.
I think that's the right way to describe it, "PRIORITIZE", instead of "CHOOSING WHO WILL LIVE".

We dont know if its intentional or they do just become practical on dealing up with things in talks of survival. This isnt really something that we should really be concerned up much because
medical personnels are trying out their best and risking out their lives to save up other peoples live which we should appreciate on rather than making up some questions on what theyve been
doing in terms of patient treatment.

Even the biggest countries with the most advance facilities in the world are struggling, and it's very visible since we have proof that their number of cases is continuously increasing, so what would happen to the less developed countries with very limited facilities?

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: slapper on July 01, 2020, 02:00:43 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(
There should not be any priority in saving any individual life. But its sad that people only focus their time and efforts to save younger adults. There are too many people who have the virus and they need to make a choice who to save and who not to save. We do not have enough doctors and medical equipment in order to save all of them. That's how life currently works and we need to accept that truth. Right now, many countries have gained back their economic strength and force the virus to leave their countries. Hopefully, we will soon find a cure for this pandemic

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: tbterryboy on July 02, 2020, 03:58:32 AM
There should not be any priority in saving any individual life. But its sad that people only focus their time and efforts to save younger adults. There are too many people who have the virus and they need to make a choice who to save and who not to save. We do not have enough doctors and medical equipment in order to save all of them. That's how life currently works and we need to accept that truth.
Yep you’re making a point here, there shouldn’t be anything like making some individuals a priority and the rest less of a priority. We are all human beings no matter your age or where you’re from. Everyone should be treated as others. Unless in a situation there is not enough space in the hospital and the individual’s case is less severe.

The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person.

I am not understanding where you said that there is a preference to save those at younger age than the old ones. I have not heard that such is being done. From what I know, when you arrive at the hospital, they will check you and if your case is a serious one then they will give you a bed to stay in the hospital. But if it’s a less serious case, they will tell you to go home and take care of yourself and isolate as well. They are doing this because the isolation centers will not be able to contain everyone that’s having the Coronavirus.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: lienfaye on July 02, 2020, 04:23:54 AM
I dont know but my point of view for this one is that they do prioritize off younger ages since they know that chances of surviving is high compared to those people who do had older age.
We dont know if its intentional or they do just become practical on dealing up with things in talks of survival. This isnt really something that we should really be concerned up much because
medical personnels are trying out their best and risking out their lives to save up other peoples live which we should appreciate on rather than making up some questions on what theyve been
doing in terms of patient treatment.
Intentional or not we should know first the status of the hospitals and facilities if they are capable to accept patients. Most hospitals are already full of covid patients and cant accomodate other infected. I think health care providers wont prioritize who to attend to first, unless if this person think highly of himself and wanted to be prioritize first for having influence and money.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Negotiation on July 02, 2020, 04:32:34 AM
I think if the patient is not seriously ill then the health worker of the hospital may think about their health instruct them to go home with little treatment instead of staying there because at present the environment of the hospital is very bad. If the virus doesn't cause much trouble you don't want to keep anyone in the hospital That's why seniors are told to eat vitamin-rich foods at home to boost their immunity which will help boost their immunity.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: AniviaBtc on July 02, 2020, 06:49:28 AM
I don't think that's true,,because every persons life is precious and government is trying to save everyone, but unfortunately not all patients are given immediate relief due to lack of facilities and patient volume. Even though they wanted to save every one

That's the thing that the governments should prioritize right now, not all those other issues in their country. Here in our country, the government is not that responsible and not allocating the proper budget for this pandemic. They are not prioritizing the health sector which is bad for those who are infected by this Covid-19. Our government officials are very corrupt and they don't care about the situation especially those poor people who are really suffering from this pandemic. We all know that the government should also focus on the economic sector because that's the thing that is really affected due to lockdown and businesses are unable to operate. Hoping that we overcome this struggle and deal with the reality of life.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Questat on July 02, 2020, 11:28:53 AM
I think if the patient is not seriously ill then the health worker of the hospital may think about their health instruct them to go home with little treatment instead of staying there because at present the environment of the hospital is very bad. If the virus doesn't cause much trouble you don't want to keep anyone in the hospital That's why seniors are told to eat vitamin-rich foods at home to boost their immunity which will help boost their immunity.

They can do that but those patients who wants to ensure safety, they'll like to get treated in the hospital as covid-19 is not just a simple fever that will just go away when you drink a medicine as your treatment. It's more serious since once patients are fully recovered, there's no guarantee that they will not be get infected again, so this really put our lives into risk, and those oldies with weaker immune system, they are pretty much prone to the virus.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: carlisle1 on July 02, 2020, 12:31:19 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(
Sorry mate but is this what happening in your country?Because here in mine OLD person are the priority of the government,They even received multiple support from the government,They even advised not to Go out because they are prone to this virus.
The thing here is that the government can't save all lives right now, 
the government are doing everything to save everyone but of course we also know that this can't happen because even the Strongest and most technological countries are suffering from dying people.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Ronaldcoin2017 on July 02, 2020, 09:56:41 PM
This is really a sad truth health crisis really affect the economy one example of it is the corona virus, the economy really become affected because we need to stay at home so that the virus will not spread, it is really called life vs economy if we are going to go out and do work or job the economy will rise again but our life will be compromise the very best thing to do is to follow our government instruction and be safe.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: FlightyPouch on July 02, 2020, 10:39:38 PM
This is really a sad truth health crisis really affect the economy one example of it is the corona virus, the economy really become affected because we need to stay at home so that the virus will not spread, it is really called life vs economy if we are going to go out and do work or job the economy will rise again but our life will be compromise the very best thing to do is to follow our government instruction and be safe.

Well, it is a pandemic and it is really inevitable. What we can do right now is to start having profit even if we are just in our houses. Although we can't all do that since there are those people who rely on other things which they can't go to because of the lockdown.

It is time for people to consider investing in stocks and crypto currencies because of the fact that stocks are just starting to heal.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: inoes on July 02, 2020, 11:12:24 PM
Because health and economic relations are interrelated. a healthy body but with economic difficulties, it is vulnerable to illness. people who are rich but sick, that wealth cannot be enjoyed. infants and parents are the most vulnerable.the most important thing is that the group is still concerned about their health and is given a place.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Janation on July 03, 2020, 04:42:07 AM
I think if the patient is not seriously ill then the health worker of the hospital may think about their health instruct them to go home with little treatment instead of staying there because at present the environment of the hospital is very bad. If the virus doesn't cause much trouble you don't want to keep anyone in the hospital That's why seniors are told to eat vitamin-rich foods at home to boost their immunity which will help boost their immunity.

Sadly, there are those officials that abuse their powers.

There is this incident in our country where a politician use their power so that they will be added on the people who will be tested despite them not being positive at that time. Also, at that time, test kits are limited and they are prioritizing those people that tested positive.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: NavI_027 on July 03, 2020, 07:28:10 AM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.
No! That's not true. I do believe that a life is a life so it should be saved despite of its quality. The call of dictating who's gonna live or not is not our call, it's God. So I strongly believe that doctors and the rest of health force don't care whether you are a young thief covid patient or an old pastor covid patient, they are both equal thus will both save you as much as they can.

Actually, I got the same mindset like yours before — always going for the greater good. But my environment influenced me to change. I'm getting inspired every time I watch the news and see a 60+ yrs. old woman recovered and even an infant. This means that people are naturally compassionate and value the most precious gift of our God :).

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: traderethereum on July 03, 2020, 12:20:39 PM
This is really a sad truth health crisis really affect the economy one example of it is the corona virus, the economy really become affected because we need to stay at home so that the virus will not spread, it is really called life vs economy if we are going to go out and do work or job the economy will rise again but our life will be compromise the very best thing to do is to follow our government instruction and be safe.
It is happening in many countries, and we are not alone.
We are now at a new normal which people can go out of their home to do many things, including working again.
But people who don't have a job will still search for a new job to make money.
We hope that in this new normal, the number of infected people can reduce, and the infected people can cure so that we can have a healthy life as before.
We still need to take care of our health because the pandemic is not going to an end yet, and hopefully, the vaccine will be found soon.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: noorman0 on July 03, 2020, 03:38:34 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(

If the hospitala has priority based on age or neglecting the elderly, it is the same as letting the virus spread. Social facts, the elderly are more concerned and prioritized by their own families. Thus, this kind of priority does not break the chain of virus spread by mediating the elderly. Does the hospitals not think about that?

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: nomenclatur on July 05, 2020, 08:26:02 AM
inevitably to the life and death, we are all connected with death and economic problems will exist as long as we still live in a world pandemic also affected by all associated with social, economic and life activities of all people worldwide economic difficulties and deaths have occurred in almost the whole world what we must do today still strive and pray that this pandemic soon end.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: btc78 on July 05, 2020, 09:37:32 AM
inevitably to the life and death, we are all connected with death and economic problems will exist as long as we still live in a world pandemic also affected by all associated with social, economic and life activities of all people worldwide economic difficulties and deaths have occurred in almost the whole world what we must do today still strive and pray that this pandemic soon end.
This is part of being human to care and have problem in regards to our future needs,Not like animals that only Hunts when their hungry.

Humans are designed to gather resources to be prepare for future ,and that is what majority of the people realizes these day after the pandemic Kick the world economy.

In my opinion it's hard to be a selfish during this unexpected situation particularly if life is involved because our subject is how to comfort people for salvation,so eventually to prevent a bad consequences there's no need to select. It's unfair, and hopefully that this pandemic has been giving a positive effects like a good example to trigger people to do what is right.aside from this,secondly,life is better than money,so it's all about time to realize if what is valuable.
people don't want to be selfish in right manner now,but what they are doing is securing their family's life so gathering everything
 that they can store is much better.
Just like Ants now we have to be productive and never become lazy if we want to stay living.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: kobe24ever on July 05, 2020, 09:55:21 AM
We like to feel invisible or immortal for that matter. but not thinking about death won't make your life last forever . It takes guts to confront this vulnerable truth: the only sure thing is how uncertain life is.

Live as if you were going to die tomorrow..   ;D

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Alert31 on July 05, 2020, 01:53:20 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(
I heared news like that and we canant avoid such incident. Because that is a sad truth that government give importance to those people  who are still capable of contributing to the economy and let the adult die of the virus because they are no longer capable. But if we lookon the other sides,adult die fast because they have a weak immune system that cannot fight virus unlike the young in age with strong immune system that can fight to survive against the virus. We are all too much affected with this pandemic and not only our economy are now sufferring but most of all are the people who lived in the economy.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: apaben on July 05, 2020, 04:00:32 PM
during this pandemic the hospital may reject the patient for reasons, on the other hand because the room is full of covid-19 patients and the nurses are exhausted because they also need rest. and the hospital will accept corona patients if it is according to the procedure and mechanism. people sometimes look at things like that because they don't know the flow becomes bad grades ... it's so sad when there are co-19 patients rejected...?

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: jostorres on July 05, 2020, 08:52:40 PM
People do not want to be selfish? There was tons of people all around the world who have gathered as much stuff as they can including toilet papers in order to greatly benefit themselves and sell them at a higher cost. These people basically spent the money they have on toilet paper to sell it at 2x or 3x prices during a pandemic that they thought other people wouldn't be able to buy them, so they were taking advantage of the poor during a potentially world ending crisis.

I am sorry but people are inherently greedy and selfish from the moment they are born, from the day little kid can speak and say "it is my toy you can't play with it!" and we have to teach sharing, to the older people who already have a decent retirement plan so they do not care about the future, we are all selfish in our nature.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Sanugarid on July 05, 2020, 11:59:39 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(
Sorry mate but is this what happening in your country?Because here in mine OLD person are the priority of the government,They even received multiple support from the government,They even advised not to Go out because they are prone to this virus.
As you noticed, old ones are instructed not to go out because they are prone to the virus even the young ones, you'll see in the news that they are the priority but that is not the case when they are in the hospital for treatment especially when they got the severity of the disease. As from what my friend saw and experienced in the hospital I can clearly say that they were not the priority, every government seeks for a bright future of their nation which the old ones can't provide them. That's the sad truth about being an elder.

The thing here is that the government can't save all lives right now, 
the government are doing everything to save everyone but of course we also know that this can't happen because even the Strongest and most technological countries are suffering from dying people.
I have to agree with @FlightyPouch, even if our health workers thrive hard they cannot save all of the people from this virus, and they have to choose which life will impact the most in the society in the future.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Sanitough on July 06, 2020, 06:54:43 AM
People do not want to be selfish? There was tons of people all around the world who have gathered as much stuff as they can including toilet papers in order to greatly benefit themselves and sell them at a higher cost. These people basically spent the money they have on toilet paper to sell it at 2x or 3x prices during a pandemic that they thought other people wouldn't be able to buy them, so they were taking advantage of the poor during a potentially world ending crisis.
That's too greedy but I'm sure the authorities are aware about that, in our country, I've seen in the news that there are people who got arrested for doing that. These people are taking advantage of the situation and so the government are hunting them to stop this kind of greedy activities, and as I noticed, grocery stores now are already limiting the purchase per customer especially on the toilet papers and the alcohol.

I am sorry but people are inherently greedy and selfish from the moment they are born, from the day little kid can speak and say "it is my toy you can't play with it!" and we have to teach sharing, to the older people who already have a decent retirement plan so they do not care about the future, we are all selfish in our nature.
The real attitude will come out since we are already talking of survival here, there's a law but if this gets worsen, I'm not sure if people are still afraid to break the law, that's just a worst scenario so hopefully that would not happen.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Heart18 on July 06, 2020, 10:39:23 PM
As we are dealing with the pandemic, the virus disease is prone to old citizens they have a weaker immune system than an average person and young adults although we also have a lot of cases of them too but there are more people who ages 40+ in the tallied cases. The sad truth is that some of them are not getting attention from the hospitals, why? because they prioritize a person based on its age, why? because it would be more worthy if you save a productive person over an old and weak person. The government is really doing this for the economy in the future days.

We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(

Sad truth, indeed. Maybe the other countries Governments was just being so practical nowadays. Some elderly can no longer contribute to the grow of a country's economy because of being weak and unproductive. Aside from that, most hospitals like here in our country are already full with patients as the covid-19 positive cases arises. That is why older people with age ranging from 60 above are strictly advised to just stay home and those youngsters with age ranging from 0 - 21. These ages were believe are much prone to virus and infections. And to avoid it, just need to follow the safety protocol and Governments guidelines in order to survive. For me, reviving the economy is a must but Lives of people (old and young) are the most important. Stay safe 💕

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: danggoron on July 06, 2020, 11:32:43 PM
~For me, reviving the economy is a must but Lives of people (old and young) are the most important. Stay safe 💕
This pandemic teaches us many things, including the importance of setting up an emergency fund to deal with difficult situations like this. See, there are so many people who are not lucky, there are those who are laid off, their businesses are decreasing and there are those who are bankrupt, etc. We must be truly grateful if we still have the choice to get money to make ends meet. Don't forget to contribute to those who need it, to help medical workers, or for other social activities, it can be in the form of money, energy, or other efforts.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: MCobian on July 06, 2020, 11:35:33 PM
I strongly disagree that health care is linked to the economy, because it puts younger people first to be saved. With a more productive
reason for economic progress, it must be changed. Because hospitals cannot differentiate based on age for handling health priorities.
Fortunately in my country there are no such rules.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: arallmuus on July 06, 2020, 11:57:21 PM
I strongly disagree that health care is linked to the economy

To provide a better health for you, hospital needs money to buy equipment. That is the simplest reason on why it is linked. A country needs to spend alot to provide better healthcare system for their people but to do that, they need to restart their economy. Therefore there will always be one thing that needs to be sacrificed

A country cant really provide better healthcare system and at the same time safe their economy. Well perhaps few country could but the majority cant and also to get their economy back to where it was , will require people to work and spend

That increases the chance of getting infected and if someone is infected, they are actually putting burden to the limited resources of the healthcare system. Do you See the correlation in there? What a country could do is to put some limit onto the social activity and try to get their economy back in shape because a country cant really choose not to sacrifice both

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Negotiation on July 07, 2020, 03:56:12 AM
The country's economy is being hampered by the epidemic so the government will have to allocate more to the country's economy as well as the healthcare sector It is really very sad that age difference is treated in our country. As a result, people are getting sicker and productivity is declining which is having an impact on the country's economy That is why we have to think about our own health in order to survive It will reduce the number of infections and maintain a lot of protection in the country's health sector.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: DevilSlayer on July 07, 2020, 04:13:35 AM
The country's economy is being hampered by the epidemic so the government will have to allocate more to the country's economy as well as the healthcare sector It is really very sad that age difference is treated in our country. As a result, people are getting sicker and productivity is declining which is having an impact on the country's economy That is why we have to think about our own health in order to survive It will reduce the number of infections and maintain a lot of protection in the country's health sector.
The government is also a factor but people are now usually rely too much in the government. They keep blaming why they do not achieve financial freedom and time freedom, we should remember that we should take ownership of success.

Even though there is still pandemic, there are a lot of opportunities that we can do in order to make profit. The economy is starting to recover and the people who lost their job are noe starting to work again because of the reopening of the major businesses.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Emitdama on July 10, 2020, 02:42:11 PM
We really have to deal with deaths, it is part of living  :'(
What else should we do? If we all decide to stay indoors, for how long are we going to do that? People will eventually catch hunger and die. It’s still best that we all go back to our business and practice social distance and other maintain other rules that will help to keep us safe from the virus, like wearing our face mask and using running water to wash regularly and also avoid touching our eyes and nose , and face completely. It is not easy to stay indoors, and do you know what’s really bad about this? Even when we are staying indoors the numbers of those with the virus is not decreasing.

Unity is the only solution to survive lives and also our economy.
Yes, this is time to show our strength by breaking the spreading chain of covid19 virus. If we unite not to go out for unnecessary reasons then the chances for not getting infected will be high which will help the countries to recover from pandemic chaos as quicker as possible like how New Zealand has done and they are must be working on other things whereas most other countries are still dealing with pandemic things :-\.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Vaculin on July 14, 2020, 08:29:17 AM
Almost 6 months proven that our world has covered by darkness due to pandemic reaction, and the other side, have unity with good dealings. So our view in life begins with a shadow fighting for corona to conquer or recover to push, even an incomplete barrier I believe that we are all can afford to drive the economy to win.

That's already long, but it seems we are already slowly adopting with the new normal, the economy struggle but it's just normal due to the situation we are at now, what I'm happy to see is that we are surviving, this is the world fighting together the covid-19 which until now no vaccine was found yet.

But then, it should not stop us from longing as eventually that vaccine will be discovered and release.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Genemind on July 14, 2020, 09:23:08 AM
I've read some issues about this in some countries where they prioritize COVID 19 patients based on age. I don't know whether it is true or not, however, this is an unavoidable truth if the government has to choose whom to prioritize whether if it is someone who can be more productive and help on economic growth or the elderly.

I think Japan has the same mentality during the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis where elder people volunteered to deal with nuclear wastes to save younger workers dealing with it.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: bits4books on July 14, 2020, 11:29:43 AM
You just described not "an evil and terrible government that is only interested in money" but a classic natural cycle. That animals-the weakest in the herd can be left to die/kill that they would not interfere with the survival of the rest, and people-the weakest inhibit growth/development/reduce the chance of survival. There is nothing surprising in this

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: kotajikikox on July 14, 2020, 01:16:14 PM
You just described not "an evil and terrible government that is only interested in money" but a classic natural cycle. That animals-the weakest in the herd can be left to die/kill that they would not interfere with the survival of the rest, and people-the weakest inhibit growth/development/reduce the chance of survival. There is nothing surprising in this
we are human and cannot be compared to animalism lol.

Yeah there are some person that has animal attitude but this is a rare cases because people are concern with each other and this is proven how we fight about this Pandemic with helping hands.

Live as if you were going to die tomorrow..   ;D
Sorry but i find this stupid,while many of us talks about "Enjoying Life to the Fullest" now here you are wanted us to live like we are dying tomorrow?lol do it yourself but i will not have that view in life.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on July 14, 2020, 02:38:12 PM
I've read some issues about this in some countries where they prioritize COVID 19 patients based on age. I don't know whether it is true or not, however, this is an unavoidable truth if the government has to choose whom to prioritize whether if it is someone who can be more productive and help on economic growth or the elderly.

I think Japan has the same mentality during the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis where elder people volunteered to deal with nuclear wastes to save younger workers dealing with it.
In my own opinion, this is also happens in the movies and in our history that they always prioritized the young ones, instead of the elder ones because they have more time to live to make a better change to their life, that is why elder people always do the sacrifices just to save the new generations.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Police Indo on July 14, 2020, 03:00:43 PM
by ignoring the health of parents (> 40 years) that means the government supports the existence of viruses because the purpose of the virus is to reduce the human population in this world. really ironic

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: bitgolden on July 14, 2020, 06:29:42 PM
I am not entirely sure if it makes sense to just save people that are younger if you can because they can go back to work force and pay taxes and so forth, but I would say that makes more sense because in the end if you are younger, there is a chance you can live longer after you are saved, if you are 90 years old, there is a high chance you will die anyway from something else in few years.

So, when you have two patients and just one of them can get the care, that means you pick the 50 year old guy over 90 year old guy since the 50 year old guy may still live 40 more years to the same age. That is of course just what I think, that is not exactly what doctors are thinking or what governments might be thinking, I don't know what they are thinking and never asked them, but that would be my idea.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Sanugarid on July 14, 2020, 07:13:07 PM
I am not entirely sure if it makes sense to just save people that are younger if you can because they can go back to work force and pay taxes and so forth, but I would say that makes more sense because in the end if you are younger, there is a chance you can live longer after you are saved, if you are 90 years old, there is a high chance you will die anyway from something else in few years.
Mainly the point, if you are the one in the position, let's assume a nurse that will call next patient to be in the respirator, got and old and young man whom you be calling? Ok let's say that the essence is not economically, would you change your answer? No right? coz we all know what the greater good is in this particular situation, we ain't born yesterday, we know how the system works for us, we know how the system will work for them. This is how it really is, this is the sad truth that I'm talking about.
So, when you have two patients and just one of them can get the care, that means you pick the 50 year old guy over 90 year old guy since the 50 year old guy may still live 40 more years to the same age.
This is not saving a person in the house under fire, it's not the first see first save principle.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Tahsin Kabir Kollol on July 17, 2020, 07:00:53 AM
Although coronavirus epidemics have been tried in each country to save lives through various measures, over time various restrictions have been lifted as a result, people are being affected more and more. However, it is necessary to take some steps to revive the economic situation. Because the epidemic may not be controlled very soon and if economic activities are stopped for a long time, people will die of starvation and various adverse conditions. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that the pandemic will starve a large number of people to death. So in the case of lives vs. economy, there is a lot of effort to save lives at the beginning of the epidemic, but gradually every country has started to look at the economy. But the government of every country must take care of the lives of the people, especially the elderly who are at high risk of dying from this epidemic. Therefore, in order to prevent the elderly from being infected, they need to be protected in a family, social, and state way and young and middle-aged people need to be aware.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: ololajulo on July 17, 2020, 07:39:11 AM
The approach is different with each country, I consider preference of treatment to age disgusting and a lot medical practitioners had debunk the rumour that corvid doesn't kill young ones. We have seen cases of death of 4 year old but comorbidity is still a factor for anyone to struggle or die with the ailment. A lot of old ones had survived the ailment but we still need to take caution with them cause no one know how strong their immunity maybe to the disease

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: rodskee on July 17, 2020, 08:32:23 AM
The approach is different with each country, I consider preference of treatment to age disgusting and a lot medical practitioners had debunk the rumour that corvid doesn't kill young ones.

Yes, there are different reports coming from each countries, medical  practitioners / frontliners
already probe that everyone is prone of dying
due to this pandemic virus.

We have seen cases of death of 4 year old but comorbidity is still a factor for anyone to struggle or die with the ailment.

No one is safe as the virus can really kill anyone once being infected.

A lot of old ones had survived the ailment but we still need to take caution with them cause no one know how strong their immunity maybe to the disease

Case to case basis, and yes, the old ones needs a lots of attentions as the chances
to die is very large from that particular sector.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: bits4books on July 17, 2020, 05:13:31 PM
You just described not "an evil and terrible government that is only interested in money" but a classic natural cycle. That animals-the weakest in the herd can be left to die/kill that they would not interfere with the survival of the rest, and people-the weakest inhibit growth/development/reduce the chance of survival. There is nothing surprising in this
we are human and cannot be compared to animalism lol.

Yeah there are some person that has animal attitude but this is a rare cases because people are concern with each other and this is proven how we fight about this Pandemic with helping hands.

We are not far from them actually. in a global sense, I mean .
Until now, we always sacrifice the weak for the welfare of others, and when we give up the mercy, we suffer from it ourselves. I think that you will understand the examples here.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Yatsan on July 17, 2020, 09:50:06 PM
There is no priority in saving an individual life -age,social status, background- give a proof if you have one that shows there is, health workers are under oath to save life's and every life matters, the world is concerned about the elderly ones at this pandemic time -although if do the basic things, get regular exercise, eat healthy there immune can be strong-. There are malls/stores in the US that have special shopping times for elderly citizens alone.

A vaccine might never come or might come late, what our defense would be is our immunity,- old or young-.

I agree. There is no such sense of being picky at times like this because every individual's life is important so no one must be left behind and all must be given a medical attention and care equally. Maybe the OP is just seeing the wrong side of the situation because health care workers are struggling on how to handle massive number of patients that is why not all are given medical attention that urgent but they are making their best to serve the people because once they have missed out one individual, the rest could also get infected and that would be another great problem to face.

Life and death is a normal scenario in a person but dealing on how to keep a person alive is a challenge that every medical practitioners do to save lives at the extent of what they can do. It is just that the ratio of the medical health care workers are not appropriate to be given medical attention that easily. Actually we must salute all of them for risking their lives just the sake of other people's life even the cost of it is their own lives. It is not about economical status or background, it is a fight that we are all facing right now and we must handle it all together not to think what status in life we have.

Title: Re: Lives vs Economy -- sad truth
Post by: Kelvinid on July 17, 2020, 11:38:16 PM
Yes that is indeed a sad truth, but even so at least doctors and the government are doing what they should be doing well, because with the large number of patients affected by coronavirus this also makes the hospital full and at the same time the lack of nurses and doctors to handle cases or other diseases, because even at that time people or patients due to coronavirus infection were prioritized more than patients suffering from other diseases and sadly it happened to my own parents.
Definitely, we can't either blame them if one of their patients die. The number of patients is terrible which makes them out of strength and focus, and neglected to know who needed the most.

It finds excuses no one, we all have the possibility to get infected but it doesn't mean we all have to die because of the virus. We might die at this time not because of the virus but of other complication that is why that even young ages had also suffered death loss.
To survive from this disease is not actually a miracle but because we are healthy enough to fight the virus. May others don't have and that brought them into a sad loss.
We can not just rely upon the doctors to cure the virus but also needed our determination to win and follow healthy protocols.