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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: amonymous on June 24, 2020, 06:26:53 AM

Title: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: amonymous on June 24, 2020, 06:26:53 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: peter0425 on June 24, 2020, 06:32:52 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

we only die ones,No we are not coming back instead we will return into dust.

though there are others that believe in after life,or reincarnation in which we are going to be animals after death.

But i don't believe such.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: ethereumhunter on June 24, 2020, 07:13:01 AM
If you talk about reincarnation, I think no one will know because when we die, we don't know where we will go and what happens to us. Maybe in some religions, reincarnation is one important thing. They believe that it will happen to all people, but they don't believe that in the other religion. It is hard to talk or discuss something that is out of our mind because each people will have a different opinion.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: COVID-19 on June 24, 2020, 09:19:45 AM
If someone comes back, will you believe him?

Some food for thought:
- Dr. Raymond Moody, Life after life
- Brian L. Weiss, Many Lives, Many Masters


Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: boyptc on June 24, 2020, 05:29:43 PM
Different beliefs from religion will say yes.

But for the common belief, there's life after death but it wouldn't be in this world. I used to research about people who have the same physique and alike in terms of their face.

Some of those comments I've read say that it's reincarnation but as I have said, we have different beliefs and I don't believe on it.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Elite70 on June 25, 2020, 12:30:54 AM
Biblically no one could go back in this world after death. But for those people who believed in the power of universe and science, they believe our soul will reincarnated again to live in another persons body.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: lienfaye on June 25, 2020, 03:31:10 AM
I grew up believing if a person die he will go straight to heaven (if you're a good person when you're still alive) to live forever. Thats what my previous religion taught us.

They say we're going to reincarnate again but I doubt it. Well no one can actually know whats next after we die.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Naida_BR on June 25, 2020, 07:38:19 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

I don't think that after death you return to this world.
Even if you do you might possibly not remember anything about your old life as you are somehow reborn with a new mind new life and experiences, something like a blank sheet.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Ucy on June 25, 2020, 07:39:54 AM
If we die (ofcourse in holiness/righteousness) we are given better bodies that will live forever in a new world. You don't return to your inferior single body just as a seed does not die & get buried in the ground to reincarnate to thesame inferior single seed. Seed dies and resurrect with superior body that grows to produce many fruits/seeds. That is similar to what happens to human beings after death — we are given better/supernatural bodies by our CREATOR

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Negotiation on June 25, 2020, 08:12:14 AM
Death is like a human being born once No one can ever come back after death Many people believe it but it is a vain idea of man People never live forever If someone came back after death many would not believe in God. I don’t believe that anyone will come back after death.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: SeanCasey on June 25, 2020, 09:05:29 AM
I'm not saying this is gospel or anymore true than any other philosophy. I believe hallucinogens are more reflections of our mind, than a connection to something external. This is my experience with DMT.

I know my way around psychedelics, really do love them. DMT has been at the top of my list for a while. So one day I received some and put it to a blow torch. Whoa.
I blasted off into space as soon as I closed my eyes, saw aliens, pulling the strings of the bigger universe. Saw my body from above in a stasis like pod. Saw life that spoke shapes, as the way they communicated. Just the way their thoughts came out, was gorgeous. Like their voice built things, in strings of metal blocks.

The Ego Death
I started collapsing into a tiny spec, and I forgot who I was, where or why I came. I was nothing, a dot in black, there was no recognition besides feeling fear. I never felt an ego death so clear headed. Then DMT told me everything is ok, & rubbed my arm like a baby.

The Dialogue
The molecule explained how it's like alien technology, for communication. Whatever that means? It was thought of, as a clever trick. A joke that makes everyone laugh and cry.

I saw a universe that stretches, farther than I could imagine. That everything that happens here, happened in a flash but we slow it down to dissect it. Everything in the universe forms an egg. Inside this universe, all of it is 1 life. We're playing every role, every interaction is with yourself. We have to see the universe from every perspective, to understand it all. I was shown that we have to wake up slowly to the next universe, because it's so beautiful. The work that needs to be done, requires well rounded and experienced life.

It was very clear in the mental experience, but the body high was so strong that it pulled my attention away at times. At the end, DMT asked if I was ready to return or if I had another question. I asked why I wanted to take DMT. I felt a warm wave start at my feet and rise through my body. It was like a fully body sensation, that rose to my eyes and 2 tears rolled out. Then I heard "that's why you took DMT" and I opened my eyes, to my puppy kneeling by my side.

Take it for what you want, I've had many trips on a few different things. DMT was like Acid or shrooms refined to its purest form. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to kill themselves or is experiencing depression. The afterglow lasted days, I would randomly bust out laughing at the silliness of it all. But it made me happy and more peaceful.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Artemis3 on June 25, 2020, 06:52:00 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

We either lose our memory completely, or simply don't return. Also, next life could be completely unrelated to this universe, Earth or Humans.

In the blink of an eye, eons can pass, because in this state time is meaningless. Perhaps an infinite number of iterations of universes getting created and destroyed will occur before you getting some sort of sentience again, but either way no one ever knows for sure what was before, and what is after.

Some people say there is only one life. I have no idea, but there is no escaping death. Religion and spitituality exists because people claim they receive revelations about those mysteries, but that's where it ends. The rest is human fabrication, regardless of the truth, whatever that is, which may simply lie beyond our grasp in this state or the next one or the one before this.

In my opinion the chances of getting back to this world are small. Because input and output diverges too much. As in number of "souls". Reproduction itself is a mystery, where does the new born gets that sentience from? and yes, many never even reach that state.

Believe what you will, we all end the same. Be happy but never harm others, not out of fear but out of love.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 25, 2020, 07:17:16 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

Once you die then that is the end of the soul, we can't say whether we will return to the world or where our soul goes to but as far as I know still there is no scientifical proof available for life after death.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: BitSat19 on June 25, 2020, 07:21:06 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

Once you die then that is the end of the soul, we can't say whether we will return to the world or where our soul goes to but as far as I know still there is no scientifical proof available for life after death.
This is fact but in different religions have something which is not correct its just our soul gone end for us in this world with never came back just RIP.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: siedemtrzy on June 26, 2020, 05:20:19 AM
yeap, i believe in karma... wanna to be a stone in my next life

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: kote777 on June 26, 2020, 06:34:18 AM
all of that is nonsense and religion makeups

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: OgNasty on June 26, 2020, 07:13:09 AM
I don’t think reincarnation is a likely outcome of ones death.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Chato1977 on June 26, 2020, 09:51:40 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

Lol are you alien?

if you can go back again,then better be a Billionaire ok?

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: BADecker on June 27, 2020, 12:58:09 AM
Hey! This life and world killed you, right? Why would you want to come back so that it could do it again to you?


Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: BitcoinPicasso on June 27, 2020, 03:03:47 AM
If you do come back you're not going to remember any past lives. Right? Cause we don't. At this point does it really matter?

The real question is can your conscious mind move forward in time, then come back to where it started. You know, so that you can know which coins to buy or sell. That's really the only important thing anyhow.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: nomenclatur on June 27, 2020, 04:14:49 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

there is no life after you die I have more confidence in the Day of Judgment good or bad deeds in the world so much evil and killing it all happened to be retaliation if humans were created to worship and do things well then it would have been if the day in which I doing evil or good then there will be places that deserve heaven or hell I strongly believe that if the destroyer of the world and the criminals, corruptor and those who misbehave will normally get a grievous penalty.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: devil2man on June 27, 2020, 05:18:26 PM
I don't think there is a return after death, so my advice is to have fun now when you are alive because after there is no return at least not to life but maybe for some the doors of heaven will open

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Tomcolor on June 28, 2020, 04:27:09 PM
Actually i believe after death we can't never back again in this world even it's just in my opinion. Personally if i am in good life then I'll never want back again in this world after death, but if someone killed me then i want return.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: BADecker on June 28, 2020, 04:57:45 PM
Sorry. No way back. Hebrews 9:27: "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation."


Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: pvmgg on June 28, 2020, 10:03:00 PM
That is a very subjective question, I think that we are somehow connected chemically to the universe since at a pretty basic level we are all atoms, our energy/spirit might transcend elsewhere or get recycled into anything

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: sweetbet on June 29, 2020, 01:51:44 AM
Some do, while some don't. It depends where we end up after physical death.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Mehedi72 on July 08, 2020, 06:21:53 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.
Yeah it's very interesting chapter in our life to discuss. For me, i only believe on one life and one death. No return after death. I think we should do good work, worship our lord and enjoy our beautiful life until death comes

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: greenlanternlight01 on July 10, 2020, 11:51:25 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

YOu know I've watched several reincarnation docuseries online and this "Life, Death and Reincarnation" is what intrigues me the most and focus a lot on the science of consciousness. Must see should I say.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: BitSat19 on July 10, 2020, 02:58:53 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.
Yeah it's very interesting chapter in our life to discuss. For me, i only believe on one life and one death. No return after death. I think we should do good work, worship our lord and enjoy our beautiful life until death comes

This is really good and important thing just do good and never break rules which create problems for others as its karma if you create problems for others then surely you have to face them enjoy life worship God and help others as may be you also need others help in your life.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: daneal stev on July 10, 2020, 04:00:44 PM
Many people say that we can return to life after death, but secondly and as a second person or animal, but I do not think that this happens and I see that when we die we will not be able to return to life again and that all these hadiths are myths

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Katerin05 on July 14, 2020, 07:22:30 AM
There is theory: our soul go into a new body, thereby improving the next life. We don't remember anything from the previous life, but sometimes we have deja vu

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: iamsheikhadil on July 14, 2020, 08:07:34 AM
I don't think we will be reborn in the same form as we are now, but am not one to accept that we simple "cease" to exist. We just continue to live from one form to another. Our consciousness still survives all the time, it can't die because it can't be created or destroyed. It was always what it is. Maybe, we can take new life forms or go to higher dimensions as well!

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: peter0425 on July 14, 2020, 08:13:08 AM
If you do come back you're not going to remember any past lives. Right? Cause we don't. At this point does it really matter?
If this is the case then there are no sense at all of coming back because you are a new person again once it happens?
The real question is can your conscious mind move forward in time, then come back to where it started. You know, so that you can know which coins to buy or sell. That's really the only important thing anyhow.

actually the real question is "Are we really wanted to be Born again"?

because for me?i dont as i am contented in one life that has given unto me.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: jrrsparkles on July 14, 2020, 05:15:35 PM
There is theory: our soul go into a new body, thereby improving the next life. We don't remember anything from the previous life, but sometimes we have deja vu
Almost everyone in the world felt something which they faced already in the past but there is no reason for the past life memories to exist with soul even the life after death is real so deja vu is something like fantasy we always thinking about in our subconscious mind.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: josephsonand on July 26, 2020, 04:21:34 PM
This is a very big topic, but in short:

- There is a soul - this is something that doesn't belong to the material world in which we are now. The soul is a part of God, this is all the best, this is peace, harmony, Love. The soul manifests itself in the material world through any sincere good deeds. The soul is immortal, there is no concept of space and time for it (it is in another dimension, in which there is no concept of materiality).

- You (who you feel yourself to be) is a person who has a soul and all these bodies (which I will talk about in the next paragraph).

- A person has many different bodies that are simultaneously in different dimensions (material body, astral body, mental body, etc.). Human is the totality of all these bodies. At the moment, most people pay their attention most of all to the material world.

- A person has a mind. Information into which is loaded from a single information space of the Earth. In different religions and philosophies, mind is called differently. For example: devil, satan, ibis, animal nature, etc.

- Mind from the material world. When a person has forgotten about his spiritual part (soul), when he uses his mind ignorantly (more precisely, the mind uses this person), then we can say that such a person worships Satan or Satan took possession of his soul.

- Mind can be used for good if you control it. The main thing is to understand that images, thoughts and emotions (the reaction of a person to thoughts) are not yours, it doesn't belong to you. If you owned it, you would be able to manage it. But thoughts come and go on their own. But the personality can control these thoughts and accept only positive ones.

Different religions/philosophies and teachings use different terms, but the essence is the same everywhere.

This was all precondition. And now the answer to the question:

A person (together with a soul, mind, and different bodies in different dimensions) manifests itself in this material world (is born here). If during this life here he doesn't merge with the soul, but merges in the mind (which is material and mortal), then after death - the soul is reincarnated and manifests itself in this material world again, but your personality remains to live without a material body, without a soul, it's called hell. Because in this state, the person finally realizes that he was wrong during his lifetime, but it is already too late, and now this person simply observes and cannot do anything at all. This state of personality is called subpersonality.

Therefore, it is better during life to hold on to the soul as tightly as possible and strive for it. So that after death your soul will not be reborn in the material world, but become a step higher and you personality+soul become an angel.

All your past lives (subpersonalities), they are all attached to your soul all this time, but when you become an angel, then you liberate all these subpersonalities and they disappear, and you move on and are already in the spiritual world (which has nothing in common with material). Any description of the spiritual world is a distorting mirror. But we can say that there is nothing better than the spiritual world. It is sometimes called paradise. God is also there, but not in the material concept in which many understand it. Soul and God - this is more about sensations.

I hope I answered your question.
I may be wrong about some details, but the essence is something like this.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: optimisticcm on July 26, 2020, 08:42:17 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

There is such thing, even no scientific logic proves it nor does any religion so i think there was no need for such a question, there is no way we can come back to this world after death. Simple.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: philipma1957 on July 28, 2020, 01:49:48 AM
Hey! This life and world killed you, right? Why would you want to come back so that it could do it again to you?


good question.


love ❤️ of a soul mate

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: peter0425 on July 28, 2020, 07:47:31 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

There is such thing, even no scientific logic proves it nor does any religion so i think there was no need for such a question, there is no way we can come back to this world after death. Simple.
Lol for you there is such thing but for others?there have none.

We only die once and that is what majority of the people in the world knows and believe.

I respect yours but also you need to respect ours .

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Renampun on July 28, 2020, 04:32:14 PM
I do not believe in reincarnation...
I will make an opinion based on what I was taught. I am a Protestant Christian and teach Protestant Christianity, a dead person will only wait for judgment.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: sportclub2010 on April 19, 2021, 11:27:07 AM
after death we can back again in this world?

According to the UN, in 2019, the world's population was 7.7 billion people. Based on your logic, will all these people be born again after death? But what about new people, they won't be born? And after 100-1000 years, again one and the same are reborn? This theory is not clear to me, and I do not believe in it.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: acener on April 20, 2021, 04:08:32 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

I don't really know I want to believe that there is reincarnation but how about heaven and hell or eternal life?
Does this mean that we who are living right now has been reincarnated because we didn't go in eternal life and given another chance for it?

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Mauser on April 20, 2021, 07:47:40 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

I don't think so. We don't know this for certain but I can speak for myself, I have no memories of any previous life. If I was on earth in the past then I must have forgotten everything. Also if we all would come back than the world would be overcrowded. I think we only have life.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: bitterguy28 on April 20, 2021, 09:14:50 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

There are some Religious belief about this and that's called Reincarnation  ? please correct me if I'm wrong .

Now for me, I guess there is a chance that it could happen depend on my own belief because of the reason that there's no concrete answer to what will happen to us after living this world so chances are there.
I do not believe in reincarnation...
I will make an opinion based on what I was taught. I am a Protestant Christian and teach Protestant Christianity, a dead person will only wait for judgment.
This is the example of beliefs , you had been taught but what about searching for your own? as you are now a mature person and has capacity in knowing what is right and truth.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: nagoarif on April 20, 2021, 09:19:18 AM
I met people who believe they will come back after death, Some of my friends believe in life after death, the concept of hell and heaven is still not cleared. I don't think so a person who died will back. These are just beliefs that are totally baseless.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Ucy on April 20, 2021, 10:45:58 AM
Humans will only die once, after that comes judgment.

We will however have a New Earth where both the dead and the living who were raptured in this current world and become immortal will rule over the rest of mankind (mankind/humans who will still die) for 1000yrs

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Luka010 on April 20, 2021, 02:58:45 PM
I personally dont beleive in anything above realistic opinions and I think that dead is the end of the road..

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: chuyengia2244 on April 20, 2021, 03:51:59 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

I think we can still come back to this world one or more times, I am a Buddhist and believe in reincarnation. A person's life does not end at death, it is just the beginning of a new cycle.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Pablo james on April 24, 2021, 01:58:47 PM
From my belief, after death we ain't coming back to this world, instead we are going to meet the Lord of host to receive judgement, we will give accountable of our life before the Lord of host, the way we spent our life on Earth will be played before us,if we do just right we will spend eternity with the Lord of host the creator of the universe, and if we live unjust fully we also will spend the rest of our life with Satan.🤦🤷.I hope this helps!

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: caelangilbert on April 24, 2021, 05:29:13 PM
No man, you either go to heaven or straight to hell, ghost is another entity its not like the soul of the dead they sometime just take dead human appearance

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: virasog on April 24, 2021, 06:26:19 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

I don't really know I want to believe that there is reincarnation but how about heaven and hell or eternal life?
Does this mean that we who are living right now has been reincarnated because we didn't go in eternal life and given another chance for it?

After death, we will move to another life which is very much modern than this world. There is no way we can return to this world again once we move to the eternal world. Also there will be no suffering in that world and people will leave in peace n harmony in that world.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: boyptc on April 24, 2021, 10:49:03 PM
No man, you either go to heaven or straight to hell, ghost is another entity its not like the soul of the dead they sometime just take dead human appearance
We have the same belief with that. Ghosts aren't the soul of the dead people but they're another being made by the devil to confuse the living.

They're appearing to those few that have gifts of seeing them. But there's no way to communicate them and they cannot hurt us. And there's this specific ghost experience that I have for so many times.

I can't remember if the name of it is poltergeist which happens to hide things when you're trying to find it and when you're no longer looking for it, the things are appearing all of a sudden.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: MCobian on April 25, 2021, 04:20:23 AM
It depends on the beliefs of each of us, and I don't believe someone who has died will return to this world. I think we live only once in this world,
if we have died we will never return to this world and will live in another eternal world. That's what I have believed until now. Therefore, I have to
live my life as well as possible and do something useful.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Xinarae* on April 25, 2021, 04:33:18 AM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

Religions have different beliefs about the hereafter there is no special belief about the hereafter in the hunter gatherer society like the according to their beliefs the death of a person means the end of life. This is true because once you die, no one can trust you to return to this world it is a supernatural concept of man.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: FIFA worldcup on April 25, 2021, 07:14:42 AM
It depends on the beliefs of each of us, and I don't believe someone who has died will return to this world. I think we live only once in this world,
if we have died we will never return to this world and will live in another eternal world. That's what I have believed until now. Therefore, I have to
live my life as well as possible and do something useful.

So we are just a traveler in this world which will not last. The other world is eternal and there we would live forever. Sometimes i think we are just wasting our time and energies in this world to develop property and wealth, which we could not take with us  to the next life. Why no one thinks like this and try to help the poor and not making his bank accounts filled with treasures.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: peter0425 on April 26, 2021, 01:09:53 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

Religions have different beliefs about the hereafter there is no special belief about the hereafter in the hunter gatherer society like the according to their beliefs the death of a person means the end of life. This is true because once you die, no one can trust you to return to this world it is a supernatural concept of man.
Well correct , there are religion that believe in Reincarnation and mine was not.

for me once you die , there is a waiting before being judged and decide for your faith.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: boyptc on April 26, 2021, 10:22:32 PM
So we are just a traveler in this world which will not last. The other world is eternal and there we would live forever. Sometimes i think we are just wasting our time and energies in this world to develop property and wealth, which we could not take with us  to the next life.
It's a common conception that we cannot take the wealth we have built on this world but it will also help our family that we'll leave once we go.

Why no one thinks like this and try to help the poor and not making his bank accounts filled with treasures.
There are actually many who thinks like that but it's not our obligation because we have our own responsibilities to do thus, we should be helping them to fish not to give fish.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: MCobian on April 27, 2021, 11:55:33 PM
It depends on the beliefs of each of us, and I don't believe someone who has died will return to this world. I think we live only once in this world,
if we have died we will never return to this world and will live in another eternal world. That's what I have believed until now. Therefore, I have to
live my life as well as possible and do something useful.
So we are just a traveler in this world which will not last. The other world is eternal and there we would live forever. Sometimes i think we are just wasting our time and energies in this world to develop property and wealth, which we could not take with us  to the next life. Why no one thinks like this and try to help the poor and not making his bank accounts filled with treasures.

It is true that we in this world are only travelers and will not be as long as we are in this world. So make the best use of the time we have
in this world, do good things for yourself and others. Don't say that getting rich in this world is a waste of time, because by having a lot of
money we can help other people. Most rich people are greedy, so they choose to keep all their money in the bank and fear it will run out
if it is used to help the poor.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: sportclub2010 on May 10, 2021, 05:11:32 PM
after death we can back again in this world?

I agree to return to this world after death only when all my loved ones live in this world. I don't want to return to this world without them.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Ucy on May 10, 2021, 06:36:20 PM
No man, you either go to heaven or straight to hell, ghost is another entity its not like the soul of the dead they sometime just take dead human appearance

I can't remember if the name of it is poltergeist which happens to hide things when you're trying to find it and when you're no longer looking for it, the things are appearing all of a sudden.

I doubt they have the ability to move non-living objects/things that can't be controlled wirelessly around.    They could do that in certain living things through possessions and controlling their minds to behave the way they want. It's more like how hackers would take over your internet device by installing malware to control and get the device behave the way they want.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Spanopohlo on May 13, 2021, 11:02:39 AM
For some, once we die we go back to dust. If reincarnation is being taken into consideration it is said that we can go back to life but with different person or being. But, no one knows if it is true and if it really exists since we won't be able to remember everything. So, let's just live our life to the fullest and enjoy things we have.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Jolankaa on August 31, 2021, 01:11:15 PM
no one knows, but it would be fun

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Melignya on September 01, 2021, 10:53:52 AM
Perhaps our body dies and our soul is reborn into another body and we are born into this world

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: boyptc on September 01, 2021, 11:07:38 AM
Perhaps our body dies and our soul is reborn into another body and we are born into this world
That's the belief of reincarnation.

But mostly belief there's no reincarnation and it all depends to what your belief is and if you think that's what's going to happen next, it's your belief.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Melignya on September 03, 2021, 11:17:32 AM
I think that the soul goes to another body, and the one we are in now is temporary.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Jolankaa on September 03, 2021, 11:52:26 AM

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: MartinsCoin on September 03, 2021, 01:07:59 PM
Being born, living and dying is much simpler than we think. In short, from the moment man began to acquire an understanding of things, he also began to create his own beliefs and then he also began to tune in to people who believed exactly what he believed, and so these beliefs were growing and multiplying and creating various other types of beliefs. There are leaders in the world, and this is also the case in the animal kingdom, and these leaders direct other animals and people alike. Many people don't have the ability to discern and these leaders are the bosses of people who don't have the ability to question what they preach. Anyway, I attended various religions and read many books throughout my life. Today, at 51, I am a convinced atheist and I don't believe in the afterlife. Death is like your birth, when you least expect it, you were born or died and didn't even realize it. I confess that life is much more colorful when you believe in angels, saints, gods and things like that, because once you are absolutely sure that nothing exists and you realize you are alone, living is a much more difficult task and that is why they created gods. To do good, be honest and correct in your actions, you don't have to believe in anything or be religious because, if that were the case, there wouldn't be so many evils and wars involving beliefs all over the world.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Jolankaa on September 06, 2021, 02:48:49 PM
I hope that would be cool, but we won't know about it.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Melignya on September 06, 2021, 04:27:58 PM
I read the comments and started to cry.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: boyptc on September 06, 2021, 04:38:14 PM
I hope that would be cool, but we won't know about it.
It's cool based on your perception but what if your next life isn't as good as what you've experienced? this is for the reincarnation believers.

No man, you either go to heaven or straight to hell, ghost is another entity its not like the soul of the dead they sometime just take dead human appearance

I can't remember if the name of it is poltergeist which happens to hide things when you're trying to find it and when you're no longer looking for it, the things are appearing all of a sudden.

I doubt they have the ability to move non-living objects/things that can't be controlled wirelessly around.    They could do that in certain living things through possessions and controlling their minds to behave the way they want. It's more like how hackers would take over your internet device by installing malware to control and get the device behave the way they want.
It is based on experience, it happened to me and that made me angry and those ghosts have been said to make fun of you while you're having that emotion.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: chr1stian12 on September 07, 2021, 06:50:30 AM
What we believe is that we only die once, no coming back.  So live life to the fullest.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Melignya on September 07, 2021, 11:53:52 AM
There are a lot of theories, but I'm more inclined that no, well, what difference does it make whether we are reborn or not, if in the end we do not remember anything

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: ifarted on September 07, 2021, 02:24:36 PM
Nobody knows what leads us in the afterlife. Some believed that we reincarnate and some don't. In my own beliefs and religion when people die they go to the place where they belong and that is "HEAVEN and HELL". I believe in God and everything is written in the bible.

To be precise, all our questions about the afterlife would all be answered once we die. Life is short and time is gold for now enjoy what you have and enjoy life as much as possible because we wouldn't know when we actually die.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Ucy on September 07, 2021, 04:26:12 PM
Nobody knows what leads us in the afterlife. Some believed that we reincarnate and some don't. In my own beliefs and religion when people die they go to the place where they belong and that is "HEAVEN and HELL". I believe in God and everything is written in the bible.

To be precise, all our questions about the afterlife would all be answered once we die. Life is short and time is gold for now enjoy what you have and enjoy life as much as possible because we wouldn't know when we actually die.

It will be hard to make it to the good side if we don't live the right kind of life which most people aren't.

Anyone who knows the truth will quickly have pity for humanity for abandoning the free gift from their CREATOR and chasing after things that do not matter. I would compare this to a people who had great and beautiful possessions from their parents but lost them and start wandering around looking for food to pick from refuge dump. They have forgotten they were once great people who fell due to sin.

I recommend knowing the parable of a man who found a pearl and sold all he has to acquire it. 13:45-46&version=KJV

Anyone who uncover the mystery of the pearl will likely sell all he/she has to have it. Imagine a device you can ask for anything good and it does it for you. The device actually made our world and it's not difficult to find. It's everywhere but people don't know it's great value.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: boyptc on September 07, 2021, 11:25:22 PM
What we believe is that we only die once, no coming back.  So live life to the fullest.
That's true.

It is the reason why YOLO mentality is popular nowadays not just with the mature ones but also with the new generation of young adults.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Shasha80 on September 07, 2021, 11:59:13 PM
There are a lot of theories, but I'm more inclined that no, well, what difference does it make whether we are reborn or not, if in the end we do not remember anything

Indeed, there are many theories circulating about what happens after we die, please just choose the appropriate theory that we believe in. But I choose
to believe what my religion teaches, where if humans die they will go to another world and not come back to this world. However, I won't blame
other people for having a different opinion, where there are people who believe in reincarnation and will return to the world again after death.
Everyone has the freedom to choose what they believe in, for me the difference will be beautiful if we can respect each other.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: syedakhlaque on September 08, 2021, 02:31:24 AM
This topic has different views and opinions in different communities and religions. I have respect for all viewers but my view is:
It is logical that The creator of humans who creat him gave him life and death has the power to give him life after death.
 Think!  A man who bears and faces cruelty and injustice in his entire life. And the person who oppresses cruels and tyrant to him how can they be equal.
There should be a judgment day and Supreme court in the next world where real justice could be possible. So this is said that as this earth wad laid and the world was created there will be also crack of doom and end of time.

Moreover, we all are thankful to the team of bitcointalk who provide us a good platform where all communities of the world exchange their view about different logical, intellectual, political, financial, and business issues and provide a sober opportunity of doing business in bitcoin and cryptocurrency. This is a very very good and positive activity.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: chr1stian12 on September 08, 2021, 03:32:01 AM
What we believe is that we only die once, no coming back.  So live life to the fullest.
That's true.

It is the reason why YOLO mentality is popular nowadays not just with the mature ones but also with the new generation of young adults.

Indeed. We can't go back, and we can't come back.  The only thing that we have to do, though you're young or adults is to be positive and strong enough.  Pandemic really hurts a lot of people including us now.  But, still we're enjoying the times with my family together.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: boyptc on September 08, 2021, 08:49:55 AM
What we believe is that we only die once, no coming back.  So live life to the fullest.
That's true.

It is the reason why YOLO mentality is popular nowadays not just with the mature ones but also with the new generation of young adults.

Indeed. We can't go back, and we can't come back.  The only thing that we have to do, though you're young or adults is to be positive and strong enough.  Pandemic really hurts a lot of people including us now.  But, still we're enjoying the times with my family together.
This pandemic has changed a lot of things, from our living, to businesses, to protocols and way of socializing with people.

As long as we're with our family and the bond remains the same, just live with that type of life and do the things that are right.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Gosgosking on September 08, 2021, 01:20:22 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

Lol. Don't really know if after dealth one can come back again.. but have stories of people who died and reincarnated to the world

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: Yalalagh on September 09, 2021, 02:17:13 PM
It's possible, but we still won't know for sure, although a lot of theories say it's possible

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: newwest on September 09, 2021, 04:38:16 PM
It's possible, but we still won't know for sure, although a lot of theories say it's possible

Different theories does exists that after death you come back on earth if you happen to go to hell. But if you go to heaven than you are away from earth. Different religions have different beliefs and nothing can be said as complete black and white. Do your best when you are on earth simple.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: sonmezmstf1978 on September 09, 2021, 05:13:15 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

my opinion,
We will not be born again after we die. I swear, it is very unclear to me that there is a life after death. I believe that. This is the life you are living right now and enjoy it!!

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: tnyldzerdm60 on September 09, 2021, 05:22:25 PM
What do you think about it? after death we can back again in this world? You can explain your own beliefs, I think this is a important chapter in our life.

We will exist again after we die, but not in this world. I will be waiting for you all in heaven.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: boyptc on September 09, 2021, 10:44:32 PM
We will exist again after we die, but not in this world. I will be waiting for you all in heaven.
This is the misconception of most people. Everyone goes there but not for sure, there really are those people that are bound to be there but not everyone will be there after death.

Different theories does exists that after death you come back on earth if you happen to go to hell. But if you go to heaven than you are away from earth. Different religions have different beliefs and nothing can be said as complete black and white. Do your best when you are on earth simple.
Once a soul goes in hell, it's said that there's no coming back and that's the same for heaven. So after death, it's about perish or greener pasture.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: BuckRocket on October 04, 2021, 09:02:38 AM
If there is a reborn , i wish i could remember most of the things from my past life, it would be awsome

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: SultanNasirUddin on October 04, 2021, 02:56:36 PM
I believe in afterlife

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: xFLORIDAx on October 16, 2021, 12:46:26 PM
People say they saw tunnels in a coma, etc. But it's like a dream. Much could be dreamed or imagined. This does not mean that the person returned from another world, right? Nat the evidence.

Title: Re: After death we can back again in this world?
Post by: matveevich on October 19, 2021, 08:56:50 AM
The mind creates images and thoughts, the soul does not think, it knows and feels. So imagine that in a dead state, the human mind is turned off, only the soul remains