Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cheezcarls on July 10, 2020, 04:45:10 AM

Title: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: cheezcarls on July 10, 2020, 04:45:10 AM
To be honest, I'm really surprised about this! Brock Pierce running for US presidency?

Look at his Facebook video campaign here:

Imagine if Brock Pierce was indeed elected as the next US president, what would US be look like in the future? Requiring all businesses to accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., as payments? Pushing more advocacy to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology to all US citizens? Or ordering SEC in allowing US citizens to participate in token sales for much lesser restrictions?

What are your thoughts or opinions about his decision to run for US presidency? Is he really a great fit to make a real change in the United States than what Donald Trump has done?

I would like to see the future debate between Brock Pierce and Kanye West (if that really happens). This is gonna be really interesting.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: mk4 on July 10, 2020, 05:08:56 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the chances of him(and Kanye West) actually winning is next to zero. Other candidates like Andrew Yang have been campaigning for a while now but yet they pulled out because the chances of them winning is very low. In the end, it's most likely just going to be Trump vs Biden. Brock's most likely completely aware of this and is just "running" for president for publicity purposes, whatever his agenda is.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: davis196 on July 10, 2020, 05:18:30 AM
It's pointless to imagine such thing,because it will never happen.
His goal is not to become a president.He wants to draw some attention to himself (for some reason)and he wants to get some donations.I can't think of other reasons why would somebody want to run for president,knowing that he has zero chance of wining.
By the way,this is old news.It has been discussed in the forum yesterday.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: Jating on July 10, 2020, 08:44:59 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the chances of him(and Kanye West) actually winning is next to zero. Other candidates like Andrew Yang have been campaigning for a while now but yet they pulled out because the chances of them winning is very low. In the end, it's most likely just going to be Trump vs Biden. Brock's most likely completely aware of this and is just "running" for president for publicity purposes, whatever his agenda is.

Yeah, I mean we love to see pro-bitcoiners running for the US Presidency, but most of them are not even qualified like Kanye West (which to me is just banking of the BLM noise). It's good if we are going to see a US President that will support bitcoin in the future, however, it that will be there stance and sort of 'battle-cry' to run, I don't think they will get the support of even as a hard core bitcoiner. It takes more than to be a pro crypto to head the highest office of the world's most powerful economy.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: gentlemand on July 10, 2020, 08:56:22 AM
Daffy. Hardly anyone knows who he is. Once they do start looking into him they'll find enough unappetising details to not want to look any further.

And why do so many people of this ilk go straight to the top job with zero track record in any form of public service? We have Donnny to look to to see how well that works out.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: eaLiTy on July 10, 2020, 09:14:07 AM
I would like to see the future debate between Brock Pierce and Kanye West (if that really happens). This is gonna be really interesting.
Kanye West is a crazy knucklehead and it would be fun to see his drama but other than that he will be loosing his money campaigning, when it comes to Brock Pierce he is expected to hit hard by the amount of allegations that is going to hit him really bad with his past sexual abuse case and how he settled them out of court, it will come back and haunt him and i think he one of the people behind Tether and New York Supreme court already approved an investigation recently and it will not be that fun to handle everything.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: Lucius on July 10, 2020, 10:44:09 AM
Imagine if Brock Pierce was indeed elected as the next US president, what would US be look like in the future?

And what then? He would change the USA on his own, without a Senate or Congress deciding? Regardless of the image of the American president as the most powerful man in the world, he cannot just say that everyone must suddenly accept the BTC as a means of payment, or put the BTC in front of the national currency.

Whoever becomes the next US president will not go too far in his policy from any previous president, and that is the protection of American national interests in all possible ways and with all available means. To be honest, politicians are not people with high IQs (although there are exceptions), which is clearly visible in the world we live in. They do not want decentralization and transparency, quite the opposite.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: mk4 on July 10, 2020, 10:57:29 AM
Yeah, I mean we love to see pro-bitcoiners running for the US Presidency, but most of them are not even qualified like Kanye West (which to me is just banking of the BLM noise). It's good if we are going to see a US President that will support bitcoin in the future, however, it that will be there stance and sort of 'battle-cry' to run, I don't think they will get the support of even as a hard core bitcoiner. It takes more than to be a pro crypto to head the highest office of the world's most powerful economy.

Good luck getting a pro-bitcoiner to actually win the US presidency though. The government wants control in general over their people; and one of the ways to gain control is through money. It would be really obvious why they wouldn't promote something "pro-people" such as bitcoin.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: minairia3 on July 10, 2020, 11:12:25 AM
Crypto people will be glad somehow but considering his qualification to run as US president you need to analyze if his gonna win but most other mentioned here are correct his winning chance would be near zero.

As much as people want someone to be pro bitcoiner its not enough for crypto community in the US support him. If I were a US citizen and eligble for vote, Im sorry but both of you mentioned will not on my voting decision.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: DarkDays on July 10, 2020, 01:49:35 PM
He's got a zero percent chance of winning, just like Kanye.

What's more likely is that he's simply running as interference against Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, to reduce their odds of winning by splitting the votes.

That said, if he did manage to get elected, he'd probably be unsuccessful in ushering in cryptocurrencies—since monetary policy is actually set by the central bank, rather than the white house.

He'll get less than 10,000 votes, I'd bet on it.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: gentlemand on July 10, 2020, 02:08:56 PM
What's more likely is that he's simply running as interference against Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, to reduce their odds of winning by splitting the votes.

Not even that. He might attract weirdos who otherwise might not have voted. Other than that I expect his grandma will dutifully tick the box and that's about it.

I wonder how much money he's planning to burn on this.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: 20kevin20 on July 10, 2020, 03:26:45 PM
Chances of him not winning are as high as the chances of being told Bitcoin is a currency used on the dark web/for criminal activity when asking a random stranger to define it.

Even if Brock would win, there'd be no crypto-wise significant change as in BTC becoming the national currency or something as a lot of people think & hope for. The only change might be weakened restrictions & regulations, but then we'll have "experts" calling out the "consequences" of these actions (terrorism on the rise and all that BS) so it'd all be for nothing.

Having Bitcoin as a mandatory payment system isn't realistic either, but BTC as national currency would be a massive mess. We shouldn't mess up national currencies with a decentralized system. These two don't go together, and the massive number of people thinking BTC is the wet dream of criminals doesn't help at all.

And everything aside, does anyone even know anything about this guy? It gives me the feeling that he's only running for presidency because he sees a potential in profiting off the "pro-bitcoin" status he has.

Title: Re: Brock Pierce running for US president - Any thoughts?
Post by: kryptqnick on July 10, 2020, 05:02:45 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the chances of him(and Kanye West) actually winning is next to zero. Other candidates like Andrew Yang have been campaigning for a while now but yet they pulled out because the chances of them winning is very low. In the end, it's most likely just going to be Trump vs Biden. Brock's most likely completely aware of this and is just "running" for president for publicity purposes, whatever his agenda is.
I absolutely agree with this. Unless one of the mentioned two candidates suddenly dies (and given the pandemic and their age it's more likely than it would've been a year ago), I don't see how another candidate could win a big chunk of votes. We more or less know that Trump has this 'USD is the best' rhetoric which is not pro-Bitcoin, but he doesn't seem to be pushing for crypto ban or anything like it. Not to mention the inconsistencies of what this guy says, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him tweeting 'cryptos are the future' in a couple of years from now. As for Biden, there is no conclusive evidence where he stands with cryptos, but there is a chance of him being at least pro-Blockchain in the future because he tends to support innovative tech. So with him the chance seems higher, but still, I don't think much is going to change in crypto policy of the US based on the views of whoever becomes the next president.