Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Games and rounds => Topic started by: i_am_viral on July 28, 2020, 07:12:37 PM

Title: Moderators versus Gladiators, Get 500 plus uBTC , Game of Thrones
Post by: i_am_viral on July 28, 2020, 07:12:37 PM
I am waging war against Facebook,

because I had an ideal of what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be.

Facebook decided to intervene and remove me from the platform, not only that but it did decide not to reimburse received financial damages.

Depending on how successesful or if any success or progress the plan of attack is  ( reducing Facebooks market cap )

There is going to be a giveaway of 1 - 1000 + packages of 500+ uBTC for completing the following task explained here.


1.You must have a debit/ credit card or PayPal to run one or more Facebook ads.

2.You must have a Facebook page or create a new one.

3.Run the advertisement for the minimum amount of time. (24hours)

4.The advertisement has to be approved by a Facebook Moderator.

Be smart and flexible when a Facebook moderator makes rules and conditions.

5.Post your Bitcoin aadress and Facebook page when everything is complete.


Terms and conditions.

You will receive money to your PayPal account.

You must use the funds to run a Facebook advertisement, when the advertisement does not get approved you must return back the funds.

You will receive instructions on what to post, with or without a product or service or with or without a specific video or image.

You can use your credit or debit card and the money will be returned back in Bitcoin plus (500) + uBTC

Title: Re: 500 plus SWC chips( insta cash out possible ) Man vs Facebook
Post by: i_am_viral on July 31, 2020, 09:19:13 PM
Doing an example here,

 although when Facebook discovers or regonizes me than they won't approve the ads no matter what.

In case anyone is wondering I was actually the first person in the world who could not post inside Facebook at all because there was a Facebook moderator in between

I posted to a Facebook moderator ( meaning that the Facebook moderator was the actual person posting the content and not me )

I didn't have friends on Facebook so I started to post to the people inside Facebook

Some people we're following me on the page and they thought that I was posting to them ( including the Facebook moderators)

But I was actually posting to the people inside Facebook.....

Leading by example : (

Amount ? 10€
Product or service ? Custom designer clothes
Region ? My nationality Estonia
Picture : Completely random picture from phone, product chosen based on picture...
Posting content : My real authentic thoughts

Conclusion :

Attempting to earn more money back than spending and reaching over 8000 people in my small country doing so.

This is the greatest opportunity for social influence and money on the internet.

Show us what you are capable of.

Title: Re: Moderators versus Gladiators, Get 500 plus uBTC , Game of Thrones
Post by: i_am_viral on August 04, 2020, 11:41:07 AM
I did go beyond the wall ( 15.000 content moderators) yesterday again for 16€.

The situation is bad there.

There is no way that Freedom of speech is allowed.

We must fight the army of Zuck opressors before they reach our homes, friends and family. (

Title: Re: Moderators versus Gladiators, Get 500 plus uBTC , Game of Thrones
Post by: i_am_viral on August 19, 2020, 11:46:44 AM
It would be cool if someone verified the legitimacy of this.
It says Shopify collaborates with Facebook by giving an additional 100$ for a 100$ Advertising purchase.

The 100$ initial deposit can be covered and that leaves another 100$ up for experimenting.

There are personal interests in using the Facebook ads credit to sell jewelry, snacks to clothing...

The promotion seems to be restricted to a set of countries. (

Title: Re: Moderators versus Gladiators, Get 500 plus uBTC , Game of Thrones
Post by: i_am_viral on September 09, 2020, 11:51:35 AM
Fuck this crap feels bad man.But an innocent jewelry advertisement up and they removed freedom of speech on no grounds

Title: Re: Moderators versus Gladiators, Get 500 plus uBTC , Game of Thrones
Post by: i_am_viral on September 09, 2020, 11:53:10 AM
THere is not even any other choice in my life but to annihilate Facebook