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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Cryptoababe on August 15, 2020, 09:16:47 PM

Title: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Cryptoababe on August 15, 2020, 09:16:47 PM
For me, Being honest is the best way to live positively. Because you will always say the truth in anything you do. You won't be able to scam, you can easily accept your guilt or fault.
These are  parts of being honest with your self.
You will be able to apologies for being wrong, No blind argument, you won't want to move around with wrong people, you will always avoid toxic people, You won't have time to waste your time doing shits

And the most important part of it. You will rarely talk lies. And you may not be the kind of white lies type. People count white lies as normal lies or regular lies. But the truth is everything start from somewhere like BTC start from cents. Then when you get used to this white lies, you begin to feel comfortable with it and keep improving or increasing on the lying ability. Then, you will start lying the big lies and may not be able to control you self later.

So being honest will make you live a good life because your conscience will always be at peace. Even,the only people mad at you for speaking the truth are those living a lie life. So being honest and speaking the truth in everything you do is the best way to live life for me.

By the way, I will like to see  what you think about this.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: GeorgeJohn on August 15, 2020, 10:19:42 PM be honest to people you know very well and people you don't know. Because honesty brings good to people, open way to people.
My advice to is to be simple and leave a sincere life.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: iamsheikhadil on August 16, 2020, 05:55:41 AM
If a person is 100% honest, they will automatically leave many bad habits. Since they can't lie, they won't rob anyone, they won't swear at anyone. It's true that being honest changes ones character totally. But can anyone be 100% honest in today's time? Sometimes, for the greater good, we have to say lies because lies is everywhere. We fear punishment for saying truth, that's why we say lies. This starts right from school level, where you get beaten up and insulted if you score very low marks. So a kid would then be honest with his marks if he got less? Obviously not! That's why we should make the society better but appreciating truth and honesty and rewarding them for speaking truth!

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: semobo on August 16, 2020, 06:03:32 AM
But "Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first" so it is not going to be easy to be 100% honest with every action you do and also you will face lot of hate from the fellow humans everywhere like in your family, office,schools,etc... If you decided to be honest then be ready to face everything

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: JahriMeayer on August 16, 2020, 07:09:36 AM
Its known to all that Honesty is a Great Virtue and everybody should try to be honest but its not possible to be 100% honest nowadays, even have to faced a lots of problem due to it. So I think it will be fine to be 99% honest if anyone want to lead life happily

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: OgNasty on August 16, 2020, 09:52:58 AM
Honesty is always easier. Why go out of your way to lie? Be lazy and tell the truth.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: optimisticcm on August 16, 2020, 11:35:38 AM
I would just say that honesty is the best policy and it really help you move forward, make your name and reputation so it has long term advantages, do not go for short term fraudulant gains.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Cryptoababe on August 16, 2020, 03:14:48 PM
But "Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first" so it is not going to be easy to be 100% honest with every action you do and also you will face lot of hate from the fellow humans everywhere like in your family, office,schools,etc... If you decided to be honest then be ready to face everything

This that you said is another fact about being honest.. Many will always want to screw you up. Many will always want to put you down because they count honest people as a barrier for them to do their bad things.. Real Fact

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: lienfaye on August 16, 2020, 10:37:45 PM
Its good to be honest but sometimes telling lies is necessary and it depends on every situation.

As much as I want to tell the truth and be honest to myself or to anyone, I cant do it everytime because there are instances that lying is the best thing to do.

But just like what I said it depends on situation, of course being honest is the best specially to someone who truly trust you.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Mttewndew on August 17, 2020, 05:51:11 AM
I try to be honest as much as possible, or at least tell the limited truth in cases where a fully honest answer will only harm both interlocutors, but I try to gradually reveal all the details in the future.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Dorodha on August 17, 2020, 06:14:36 AM
It is true that it is always good to be honest about what you do the best quality of human character is honesty. It is the duty of every Muslim to take care to reap the fruits of honesty and fidelity in life because honesty and truthfulness are different characteristics of Akhlaq Hasan. In which there will be a combination of these qualities all kinds of folk devotion of the society will respect. Above all, in the Hereafter it will be exchanged with Allah and will enter Paradise therefore, every Muslim should be endowed with honesty.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Mauser on August 17, 2020, 06:53:52 AM

So being honest will make you live a good life because your conscience will always be at peace. Even,the only people mad at you for speaking the truth are those living a lie life. So being honest and speaking the truth in everything you do is the best way to live life for me.

By the way, I will like to see  what you think about this.

Being honest is definitely a good virtue but in business there is a lot of ruthlessness involved. I would not recommend to lie explicititly but I would also not recommend to always tell the full truth no matter. Imagine being in a job interview and your future boss asks you about bad things from your past. Do you really want to be 100% honest here? I think there should be differences between things you tell your family, things you tell your friends and of course things you tell your colleagues.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: semobo on August 17, 2020, 09:03:11 PM
But "Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first" so it is not going to be easy to be 100% honest with every action you do and also you will face lot of hate from the fellow humans everywhere like in your family, office,schools,etc... If you decided to be honest then be ready to face everything

This that you said is another fact about being honest.. Many will always want to screw you up. Many will always want to put you down because they count honest people as a barrier for them to do their bad things.. Real Fact
Because personally I experienced this and I had seen lot of people got ruined their career by others because they just being honest with everything they are doing.In this world being honest all the time itself a great achievement, I don't believe that being honest will put you in the heaven once you die but it gives us a self satisfaction which can't be achieved through any other things. :)

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: articlecity on August 17, 2020, 10:47:20 PM
Why would someone will want to be dishonest? Being honest gives the satisfaction and being dishonest gives stress so it is like instant Karma.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: peter0425 on August 18, 2020, 04:09:04 AM
i grew up with the motto of "Honesty is the best Policy" but as time goes by i have learn something that important in life.

and that is sometimes Lying isn't that bad at all because there are times that we need to use "White Lies" just to save things from being  exploded.

and i have no bitterness whenever i need to do such because i know that i am saving some issue to be  a problem.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Naida_BR on August 18, 2020, 06:06:27 AM
Honesty is not an attribute that it is respected always.
In my opinion, it is not always good to be honest. There are some times that a lie is much more respected especially when it happens for a good reason and not for a malicious way.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: AdamJonesM on August 19, 2020, 03:29:26 PM
Brother! You have to be honest always and without exceptions, you will notice later on how easy it is for you to live, and how nice people you have gathered around you, because not everyone can live with you in such circumstances, you know? Honesty must be everywhere, so for example, you are looking for a bride ( what will you lie to her immediately? No, you will be as honest and open with her as possible, because you want to show how good you are, so a happy couple is created, and a lot where you need to be honest, it's good and right.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: boyptc on August 20, 2020, 05:52:25 AM
It's always good to choose people that are honest to you and it shall make you one of them. Unlike the people who are well-educated yet a simple thought of honesty, they can't even apply.

Those who are saying that it's not that always good. There's this known quote "for every rule, there is an exception".

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: proscratcher on September 03, 2020, 07:14:25 AM
Honesty pays though is not easy to be 100% honest in some situation.

Honesty promotes authenticity. It makes people to trust you.

Honesty keeps you out of trouble.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: TheCaliReign on September 03, 2020, 07:44:30 AM
Lying thru omission. I think that's a healthy skill for anyone to have. I had a college professor who had the phrase "Never share your vast idea with a half vast person" Some people simply don't deserve all of you.

But, that's completely different than just making shit up and being a total piece of crap.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Kabiramar on September 03, 2020, 10:36:24 PM
If course its very good to be honest, though it might not always get you what you want but nevertheless it draws good to you, infact it makes you have the best

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Lorence.xD on September 04, 2020, 04:30:15 AM
I feel like you should be honest unless lying is actually a good option, like if you need to lie and it wont damage any relationships or it wont impact on anything severely then i feel like lying is okay. Aslong as it wont impact anything very badly though.
In this world honesty is not an option, if you work on corporate, chances are you will be an accessory to the shit that you upper will do and you will comply, it takes real to be honest to yourself and others because there will be people who will be stopping you from telling the truth.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: aiguy on September 06, 2020, 12:46:26 PM
All of that said, it's important to remember that honesty is usually the best policy, so don't make a habit out of fibbing your way through life. But if you come upon a situation where being honest might cause more problems than it's worth — and withholding the truth won't hurt anybody — then consider it OK.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Kamilaz on September 08, 2020, 06:16:14 AM
Integrity is a very important thing to keep in mind when you're doing anything.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: TheCaliReign on September 09, 2020, 09:55:07 PM
It's also important to remember that a lot of the people and institutions that scream the loudest about how you should always be open and honest are the most opaque, dishonest, and shady people and institutions. Everything is relative. If someone or something is important and valuable to you, not being honest with them is likely to cause rifts in the long run.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: Smartvirus on September 09, 2020, 10:50:59 PM
I doubt one can archive honesty at everything they do but, yeah, it's good for you to try as it comes with one very spectacular advantage and that is,
One can hardly dictate when you choose to be dishonest judging from your previous and continual honest attitude.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: semobo on September 12, 2020, 05:23:17 PM
It is good, In fact it is best to be honest in everything you do. Honesty makes you happy and light-hearted because you are sincere to your work. you feel no burden no regrets if something goes wrong because you gave your best in it.
In reality you will feel the pressure if you are being honest with everyone for example in the work places, everyone will consider you as dump fo doing everything right and perfect because we are living in the corrupted lazy world.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: krisgraham on September 12, 2020, 07:04:25 PM
 ::) I dont think tht honesty is in need for  some humanbean. Its overrated, in my oppinion.

Title: Re: Is it good to always be honest in everything you do?
Post by: peter0425 on September 15, 2020, 10:06:18 AM
If course its very good to be honest, though it might not always get you what you want but nevertheless it draws good to you, infact it makes you have the best
it draws good to you But not for the others that has been involved?
It is always good to tell truth but let us consider what about others that will be affected or be ruin lives?
i have done so many mistakes in life specially for being honest every time but now i have learned my lesson and always thinking of what will be the consequences of my decision.
So either i will tell the truth of just give a "White Lies"