Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: kennycraze on August 20, 2020, 08:24:47 PM

Title: Old Electrum Version
Post by: kennycraze on August 20, 2020, 08:24:47 PM
Hello skilled users,

I hold about $200.00 on my Electrum wallet version 2.7.18 and the bitcoin balance is still showing on my old computer. Because the version is old, there is a problem with the server connecting, and that seems to be why I cannot make a transaction. I know my pass phrase and password and I tried installing another up to date Electrum version(4.0.2) for the existing wallet on another computer. I've done this but no balance now shows under history tab in the new wallet version. What now?

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: Charles-Tim on August 20, 2020, 08:35:52 PM
You will have to wait for better skilled members. But, I have few questions to ask. You clearly stated that you remember your passphrase, what about the seed phrase, did you remember it?
After you installed the new wallet, did you import the seed phrase into the new wallet?
How did you downloaded the new wallet? Can you share us the download link?
Or, did you just updated the wallet? If yes, how did you do it?

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: ReiMomo on August 20, 2020, 08:39:28 PM
Sounds weird, it should be there if you are using your correct private key and password.

Are you sure you are using this official site?

Look at the green dot below, the balance will not show if the color is red and that is means you didn't yet synchronize to the node and the balance will not be shown. Click it until the color will become green.

Goodbye your balance if you are clicking the pop-up message directly on the app, that is a hack and you should verify it with the correct official website.

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: jackg on August 20, 2020, 08:43:47 PM
Is the passphrase 10+ words that seem random? If so just try restoring a new wallet by hitting ctrl+n and following the steps of naming a wallet > standard wallet > I already have a seed > paste in seed > add any password you want and let it load - make sure you downloaded it from too.

I don't remember 2.7.18 I don't think but I remember 2.7.2 (I think but it was a while ago). I'm using a wallet from 2.8.6 that still works.

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: Charles-Tim on August 20, 2020, 09:22:51 PM
Sounds weird, it should be there if you are using your correct private key and password.
Seed phrase can be used for the importation. Also, password is no needed.

Is the passphrase 10+ words that seem random?
Just not to be confused. Is it passphrase or seed phrase that you meant? Just asking, I don't know how old electrum wallet works.

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: BitMaxz on August 20, 2020, 09:32:00 PM
Isn't showing any transaction history on the latest version?

How did you actually import your wallet from old version of Electrum to another computer?
Are you sure that you downloaded the Electrum from the official

Do you have a backup of this list below?

- Wallet file(Default_wallet)
- Seed phrase(A series of words)
- Private keys

Any, of this, can help you recover the wallet that you use before.

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: jackg on August 21, 2020, 01:16:23 AM

Is the passphrase 10+ words that seem random?
Just not to be confused. Is it passphrase or seed phrase that you meant? Just asking, I don't know how old electrum wallet works.

I'm asking specific to the passphrase the op mentions to determine if it is the nmemonic or not. I think v1 was with a master private key and v2 had the nmemonic but I'm not sure when the exact crossover was.

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: posi on August 21, 2020, 03:08:35 AM
It good you know the password of your old wallet but what do you mean when you said passphrase, is that by any chance the wallet seed?

In the meantime, what you need to import the wallet is the wallet seed which will find through the below circle spot.

If you want import the an exist wallet type any words in the wallet name area circle with red(I used posibtt as example) as shown below. Click next
It will take you to the next page as shown below, select standard wallet and next.
Next section is the Keystore which is where you'll select "I already have a seed" in other to import your old existing wallet and next it.
Last section is "Enter Seed" and once you do that your wallet balance will be update once you allow it to sync fully.

Keep the seed in a secure offline place or paper cause the seed is more important than your wallet password and it can be use to generate wallet private keys.

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: HCP on August 21, 2020, 07:45:22 AM
I know my pass phrase and password and I tried installing another up to date Electrum version(4.0.2) for the existing wallet on another computer. I've done this but no balance now shows under history tab in the new wallet version. What now?
Is the new Electrum just showing a zero balance but still shows transactions in/out? ??? Or is the transaction tab completely empty?

If it is showing some history but the balance is zero, then you'll want to check what address(es) your bitcoins are assigned to in the old version of Electrum... Then check those addresses on a block explorer.

It's possible that your old version isn't syncing properly... and your coins have been already "moved" :-\

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: kennycraze on August 22, 2020, 02:39:59 PM
Well, I am confused now more than ever! I read that one cannot hold more than on Electrum wallet and that was not my intention but surely one can hold the same wallet on multiple devices, no?? Is the installation of an upgraded platform on a separate computer construed as a second wallet??  I'm told also to just upgrade the old platform on the same computer that presently shows a balance. I worry that when I do this there will no longer be a balance or transaction showing in he new console, and then I will be screwed.               
Replying to some, I have no trouble seeing a balance in any of my old wallet platforms. I see a balance on two separate computers using the same windows operating system. The issue is that the button remains red(botom right on console) and there is no chance of connecting with what ever network is required to make a transfer. I presumed this was because my platform is too old now, or, is it because the operating system on my computer is too old??                 I just want to do one more transfer and then be done with Electrum wallet!                                                                                                               
Regarding pass phrase or seed, what I meant was password. I thought the seed was the 12 word phrase..... and that was what one has to enter into the seed space. Perhaps I should be using spaces between the words in the phrase? I don't know.                                                                                         I just know I have no trouble creating a wallet of the latest Electrum version using the proper link, download and application file from
Whether I get an icon on my desktop at the end, is a different story. I thought an icon confirmed that the program was successfully loaded, so perhaps I actually failed.

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: ranochigo on August 22, 2020, 03:04:09 PM
Well, I am confused now more than ever! I read that one cannot hold more than on Electrum wallet and that was not my intention but surely one can hold the same wallet on multiple devices, no?? Is the installation of an upgraded platform on a separate computer construed as a second wallet??
There is absolutely no problem having more than a wallet and most users has more than one.
The issue is that the button remains red(botom right on console) and there is no chance of connecting with what ever network is required to make a transfer. I presumed this was because my platform is too old now, or, is it because the operating system on my computer is too old??                                 
Most likely its your client being too old. Older versions cannot connect to the servers any more.
Regarding pass phrase or seed, what I meant was password. I thought the seed was the 12 word phrase..... and that was what one has to enter into the seed space. Perhaps I should be using spaces between the words in the phrase? I don't know.                                                                                         I just know I have no trouble creating a wallet of the latest Electrum version using the proper link, download and application file from
There is no password on the seed and if you've key the seeds in, then you should be good to go.

On your old Electrum, can you identify the addresses which appears to hold Bitcoins?

On your new imported Electrum wallet, can you go console and key in this:
Replacing 'ADDRESSHERE' with any address that has a balance in your old wallet. Did your new wallet load any transactions?

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: HCP on August 22, 2020, 10:30:11 PM
I thought the seed was the 12 word phrase..... and that was what one has to enter into the seed space. Perhaps I should be using spaces between the words in the phrase? I don't know.
That is correct... most people use "seed", "12/24 word phrase", "backup/recovery phrase" and "seed mnemonic" interchangeably.

That is indeed what should be put in to the box when restoring the wallet using "File -> New\restore -> Standard Wallet -> I already have a seed".

And, yes... it needs to have spaces between the words... so it should be:
word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 word7 word8 word9 word10 word11 word12


I don't think Electrum will even allow you to go past the seed entry window if you used ",".

If you use "View - Show Addresses" on your 4.0.2 wallet... are the addresses listed there the same as in the old Electrum?

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: Abdussamad on August 23, 2020, 04:13:33 AM
The issue is that the button remains red(botom right on console) and there is no chance of connecting with what ever network is required to make a transfer. I presumed this was because my platform is too old now, or, is it because the operating system on my computer is too old??                 I just want to do one more transfer and then be done with Electrum wallet!                                                                                                              

old versions won't connect. on 4.0.2 you can click on the red button and then uncheck select server automatically,right click on a server in the list and choose use server. try a few servers until the button becomes green. after that you should see your correct balance and you can use the send tab to send money.

if you still can't connect then make sure there's no proxy configured when you click on the red button (or via tools > network). also make sure you are not using a VPN.

edit: it would also be useful if you told us what OS you have. if it's win 7 then try the microsoft update mentioned at the bottom of the download page:

if none of the above works then enable debug logging and pastebin the results:

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: Kakmakr on September 08, 2020, 06:46:49 AM
Also, did you do the standard install for the old legacy Bitcoin address or did you use a SegWit wallet on the old computer? It might help if you could give us a rundown on your computer specs, because it might shed some light on what the minimum requirements are for the newer version to work. (but I doubt that it would be that, because a older version worked)

Also check your firewall settings, because it looks like you might be having difficulty accessing the servers to synchronize your wallet data.  ;)  ( I usually just make a copy of the .dat file and I install the latest executable and then I point to the .dat file and then I put in the password and it updates the info )  :P

Title: Re: Old Electrum Version
Post by: bob123 on September 08, 2020, 01:07:48 PM
So, it seems like you successfully recovered a wallet using your mnemonic code, right?

Can you verify that the "new" wallet is connected (green dot in the bottom right corner) and that the addresses do start with the same char as your old wallet (1.., 3.. or bc1..) ?
People are often choosing the wrong address type. If the first char of your addresses from your old and your new wallet do not match, this most likely is the case here too.

In this case, you just need to make sure to choose the correct option when recovering with your mnemonic code:
P2PKH (legacy) for addresses starting with 1..
P2WPKH-P2SH (segwit) for addresses starting with 3.. and
P2WPKH / bech32 (native segwit) for addresses starting with bc1..