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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: gbrendeh on August 23, 2020, 01:35:48 PM

Title: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: gbrendeh on August 23, 2020, 01:35:48 PM
Despite having the most favorable landscape that is not tormented by natural disasters, they are lacking behind in term of development. They are endowed by lots of natural resources but hardly traceable to their mode of living, infact they are categorized as underdeveloped countries. Yes, indeed they are, due to the lack of the following:

Absent of good road
Lack of social amenities
Decayed infrastructures
Absent of regular power supply
Abuse of fundamental human rights
 ... The list can go on.

The major cause of this is bad leadership which produces bad governance. Almost all the leaders are corrupted, self centered, dictatorship and abuse of power. That is the main reason coup is very common and we just had one recently from Mali.

Would blockchain technology be able to tackle African menance and free the second largest population from this longage boundage of suffering? Most of the countries leaves on less than $1 per day.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 23, 2020, 01:55:08 PM
Is African continent a cursed land?

Not regarding Covid.

Check the stats starting at about 47 minutes in this video - Then check them against public stats available to everybody.

It seems that while the USA was at well over 400 deaths per million population for Covid, 6 countries in Africa were well under 4 deaths per million population.

Regarding Covid, Africa is blessed.... or is it because they were using hydroxychloroquine nationwide long before everyone else!


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Mauser on August 23, 2020, 03:56:32 PM
Despite having the most favorable landscape that is not tormented by natural disasters, they are lacking behind in term of development. They are endowed by lots of natural resources but hardly traceable to their mode of living, infact they are categorized as underdeveloped countries. Yes, indeed they are, due to the lack of the following:

I don't think Africa is a cursed land. The landscape might be beautifulm but it is definitely not favorable for growing things. There is a lot of heat and desert in Africa, which makes agriculture for basic food very difficult. It might be good conditions for Tea, Coffee or Bananas, but just he basics flower or rice is very difficult to grow. Just look at Egypt and how the people where only settle close to the Nil river thousands of years ago. The most important thing to develop Africa would be investments into education and infrastructure.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on August 23, 2020, 03:59:07 PM
African countries do experience natural disasters
+ Famine
+ Earthquake -not pronounced is vast area's-
+ Drought/dry conditions
Natural disasters is of nature Africa as a continent has it own share.

The African land can't be caused if it's fertility and bubbling with natural resources.

Democracy is spoken and written in Africa but not practiced, anything goes, turning a blind eyes to corruption. Some countries In Africa are lead by autocratic leaders, terrorism and civil riot is not far away from this countries.
The citizens are also to share in the decadency and collapse of the country, African countries seen a fraud - internet scam- base. And those well doing once look to take their knowledge/talents to other countries -better life-.
The land is not caused, the inhabitants of the lands are to blame.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Cnut237 on August 23, 2020, 04:12:32 PM
Despite having the most favorable landscape that is not tormented by natural disasters, they are lacking behind in term of development.

The main reason for the struggles of Africa today is the centuries of exploitation at the hands of (largely European) colonialists.
As for why Africa, as the birthplace of civilisation, is not the most advanced continent, one possible reason is that the continent's geography hampered development. It is often overlooked how vital navigable rivers are for establishing a prosperous trading society... and Africa's rivers are not particularly well suited for this, with plenty of rapids, waterfalls and shallows. Compare to say North America, with wide open rivers across the continent.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: c_atlas on August 23, 2020, 04:15:44 PM
I think it's always hard to talk about entire continents since you start making generalizations that are untrue for certain regions. For example, Rwanda and South Africa have good roads, whereas Mauritania has abysmal roads.

Infrastructure is a good way to gauge the health of an economy, but I don't think it's a be-all-end-all metric. Infrastructure indicates that an economy is growing and there's an expected increase in population and transportation needs, China is a good example of this. With that being said, while China's infrastructure and economy has grown substantially, I think you'd be hard-pressed to say that the quality of life of the average Chinese person grew in proportion to the economy.

As mentioned in the OP, there's a lot of corruption in Africa; it seems to be everywhere. Don't be fooled, this is by design. There's massive interest in keeping Africa under control. For the average African, I think bitcoin presents an incredible opportunity to escape poverty. The idea that they can have an asset with a supply that's not controlled by their corrupt government—one that gives them access to a global market—is incredibly powerful. Considering how ubiquitous Mpesa is, I think many African countries will see the value in the Bitcoin network and as electricity stability increases throughout the continent, so will bitcoin adoption.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Febo on August 23, 2020, 06:35:45 PM
Despite having the most favorable landscape that is not tormented by natural disasters, they are lacking behind in term of development. They are endowed by lots of natural resources but hardly traceable to their mode of living, infact they are categorized as underdeveloped countries. Yes, indeed they are, due to the lack of the following:

Absent of good road
Lack of social amenities
Decayed infrastructures
Absent of regular power supply

All you wrote is true but they will get all that.  Why I think Africa is cursed land is because of robots. China, South Asia, Europe, North and South America will keep production in their countries and not export it to Africa as in past was exported to China and now in South Asia countries. If there would be no robots Africa would develop same way as China did and South Asia will in a decade. Africa is cursed and that will not happen so easily.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 23, 2020, 07:42:55 PM
African countries do experience natural disasters
+ Famine
+ Earthquake -not pronounced is vast area's-
+ Drought/dry conditions
Natural disasters is of nature Africa as a continent has it own share.

The African land can't be caused if it's fertility and bubbling with natural resources.

Democracy is spoken and written in Africa but not practiced, anything goes, turning a blind eyes to corruption. Some countries In Africa are lead by autocratic leaders, terrorism and civil riot is not far away from this countries.
The citizens are also to share in the decadency and collapse of the country, African countries seen a fraud - internet scam- base. And those well doing once look to take their knowledge/talents to other countries -better life-.
The land is not caused, the inhabitants of the lands are to blame.

Two African nations get together to practice democracy.

Of all the people in these two nations, 60% are in the bigger nation, and 40% are in the smaller nation. Everybody in the smaller nation says to the bigger nation, "We don't want to die." Everybody in the bigger nation says to the smaller nation, "We want you to die."

Then all the people vote with their spears and shields and knives. The smaller nation dies. True democracy.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Charles-Tim on August 24, 2020, 07:06:53 AM
Take for example, Nigeria as a country in Africa, citizens are not able to speak their mind, their legislative arm of government had made it mandatory to pay a fine of 5 million naira ($11,100) for hate speeches from citizens that are saying their mind. All they know is to always borrow money from world bank, China and many other world organizations, the leaders are not leading but ruling. They are saying they are fighting corruption, but they are the most corrupted leaders in the world, all they know is their pocket to be filled with money, and also about their children to be abroad, claiming the citizens of abroad but ruling the country. Even, after such greed and nepotism, they still do not also have the idea to make a country good. What they have done have made the countries miserable for people. Now, many citizens of African country want to travel out and never come back, some because of lack of knowledge are forced to human trafficking, while some are dying in the Mediterranean sea why traveling to Europe for better life. Their leaders are even not having the brain to be a leader.

The world is now moving towards technology, but Africans lack technology, how can Africa be good, the quality of living is poor, and nothing they are making that will make the continent progress. With what we are seeing, there will be a time the continent will be more unbearable for citizens.

I always thought of what the OP wrote, that Africa with no natural disaster. Although, there are natural disaster in Africa but very few. I have not heard of tsunami, hurricane, earthquake and many others from Africa before, only few that happens all over the world is what they experience, like farmine and flood. But, with experience, this are just low risk disasters. Certain parts of Israel are desserts but why did such place turned to a fertile land today with technology, we are in the age of technology, I can not expect a country that has water to say they are experiencing farmine. But, not surprising this is happening in Africa.

I have ones thought if we blacks are not even primitive to white, we are underdevelop, and we are called third world country, After third world countries, will be the world of animals, don't we get this, this is shame unto us. I will always expect Africans to be like whites or be better but I do not think this is possible as there is no love in Africa. The leaders will always think of their pocket, families and other relatives.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Naida_BR on August 24, 2020, 07:19:06 AM
Africa is the richest continent in the earth.
Europeans and Americans conquered many places in the African Land and tried to exploit a lot out of them. This is the reason why Africa is poor. They didn't want them to be free as there are a lot of minerals and crops in this continent.
If Africa was free, they will be dominant in the global economy.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Charles-Tim on August 24, 2020, 07:39:51 AM
Africa is the richest continent in the earth
You are very right, we have fertile land, mineral resources, and many more. The mineral resource shown in the below picture, are just the ones most exessive in each African country, but each country still have many more minerals embedded in their lands.

Europeans and Americans conquered many places in the African Land and tried to exploit a lot out of them. This is the reason why Africa is poor.
England and France colonized most of all African countries. About them exploiting our land, you are right, but if you link it to the reason we are poor, you are then wrong. Why is South Africa the most developed African nation. After long time of colonial reign. We Africans need to wake up from our slumber, if not, the future can be worse.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Coyster on August 24, 2020, 08:32:15 AM
Europeans and Americans conquered many places in the African Land and tried to exploit a lot out of them. This is the reason why Africa is poor. They didn't want them to be free as there are a lot of minerals and crops in this continent.
If Africa was free, they will be dominant in the global economy.
AFAIK there is no territory in Africa still under colonial rule, many African countries gained independence some 50+ years ago and that's more than enough time for them to have developed their territories. Of course I know development comes with time, but half of a century is more than enough time to be on the path to achieving something good as a nation and in the larger picture, a continent, at the least providing a life worth living for their citizens.

After 'outside' colonialism ended in Africa, a situation of "Africans colonizing Africans" began, and it is the product of failed/greedy leaders, After their hero's of the past struggled to attain freedom for them and they were then free, they should have taken the opportunity to make Africa great since they now ruled themselves. I wouldn't blame colonialism for Africas woes, but rather lack of good leadership and since this leaders still save their looted funds in foreign banks, pumping the economy of the Western world, whilst impoverishing their citizens back home, the light at the end of the tunnel is dimmer than ever for Africa.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Cnut237 on August 24, 2020, 12:40:26 PM
Europeans and Americans conquered many places in the African Land and tried to exploit a lot out of them. This is the reason why Africa is poor. They didn't want them to be free as there are a lot of minerals and crops in this continent.
If Africa was free, they will be dominant in the global economy.
AFAIK there is no territory in Africa still under colonial rule, many African countries gained independence some 50+ years ago and that's more than enough time for them to have developed their territories.

@Coyster - I would argue that it's not that simple. History teaches us that when a colonial power leaves, the country doesn't just revert seamlessly back to its pre-colonial state. They leave behind power vacuums, or a system of hatred where the colonialist's local allies are left defenceless (Rwanda after Belgium left being a prime example). Sometimes they only leave in name, with 'free' elections rigged (example: or puppet rulers installed. Often the departure is rushed and botched - because the colonialists are ceding all control, they have no interest any more in helping to manage the transition. Look at the mess of the Indian partition as an example here.

Colonialism leaves deep scars, and yes, even 50 years may not be long enough. Much of the instability in the Middle-East today can be traced back to the arbitrary divisions created by the British and the French more than a century ago, in the Sykes-Picot agreement (

The world is not a level playing-field, with equal opportunities for all. Africans start at a severe disadvantage, due in large part to historic injustices perpetrated by the West.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 24, 2020, 01:11:11 PM

The world is not a level playing-field, with equal opportunities for all. Africans start at a severe disadvantage, due in large part to historic injustices perpetrated by the West.

Remember that the West brings good and advancement, as well.

Remember that it isn't only the West by any means -

Note that there is greatness in the archaeological finds in Africa. But if the current African native inhabitants are going to remain savages, and if they are going to sell their brothers and sisters into slavery, somebody will overcome them.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Coyster on August 24, 2020, 04:58:13 PM
The world is not a level playing-field, with equal opportunities for all. Africans start at a severe disadvantage, due in large part to historic injustices perpetrated by the West.
Of course the world isn't, and I'm not arguing that it is, the West have gone far ahead of Africa by every means possible, and I'm not expecting Africa to do that good between their time of independence and now; but obviously closing the gap is something they should have achieved somewhat. Colonialism doesn't end outrightly and the former colonial powers still have some form of authority in their former colonies only because the greedy African leaders let it be so, they most times need their support so their dictatorial powers in their country won't be checkmated and their corruption charges would only be stifled within their territories.

We've seen what happened to leaders like Ghadafi who stood up to the powers in the Western world, if African leaders want their territories to be truly Independent, then they must abstain from excessive corruption, how can their territories be free from the authority of the former colonial masters when they send their looted funds over there to be kept in foreign banks, these Western countries know those funds are looted, but it's accepted and put into their economy, after recycling it for years, they expose and return it back, we've seen this happen countless times, that being said, the culmination of it all is that Africa's current state is cause of the high level of nepotism and corruption within.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on August 24, 2020, 10:56:32 PM
It's true Africa might be backward in a lot of aspects, partly because if it's indigenous nations leaders and partly it's people but, Africa is sure to measure up in time.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 24, 2020, 11:09:43 PM
^^^ But, they have America and Europe whupped regarding Covid. They simply used hydroxychloroquine for malaria, and it saved them from Covid. Meanwhile, the devfeloped nations of the world flounder and die, because they won't follow the lead of that backward Africa.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Cnut237 on August 25, 2020, 09:22:08 AM
I'm not expecting Africa to do that good between their time of independence and now; but obviously closing the gap is something they should have achieved somewhat. Colonialism doesn't end outrightly and the former colonial powers still have some form of authority in their former colonies only because the greedy African leaders let it be so

It's a fair point. I suppose my response would be that a lot of the problems are due to the way that colonial powers depart. They tend to just leave abruptly, rather than carefully managing the transition. This dramatic and sudden shift to a new society causes civil unrest and often a power vacuum. This sort of society is then much easier to exploit than a mature democracy would be. This is why we so often see the military sweeping to power in Africa, and once that happens it is difficult to establish any form of democracy.

However there are some signs of improvement. Wikipedia only lists two current military dictatorships across the continent, compared to a huge number in recent history:

Current cases:
 Sudan 2019-
 Mali   2020-

Former Cases:

 Algeria (1965–1976; 1992–1994; 2019)
 Benin (1963–1964; 1965–1968; 1969–1970; 1972–1975)
 Burkina Faso (1966–1980; 1980-1982; 1982-1983; 1983-1987; 1987-2014)
 Burundi (1966–1974; 1976–1979; 1987–1992)
 Central African Republic (1966–1979; 1981–1986; 2003–2005; 2013–2014)
 Chad (1975–1979; 1982–1990)
 Ciskei (1990–1994)
 Comoros (1999–2002)
 Democratic Republic of the Congo (1965–1997)
 Republic of the Congo (1968–1969; 1977–1979)
 Cτte d'Ivoire (1999–2000)
 Egypt (1953–1956; 1981-2011; 2011–2012; 2013-2015)
 Equatorial Guinea (1979–1992)
 Ethiopia (1974–1987)
 The Gambia (1994–1996)
 Ghana (1966–1969; 1972–1975; 1975–1979; 1981–1993)
 Guinea (1984–1990; 2008–2010)
 Guinea-Bissau (1980–1984; 1999; 2003; 2012)
 Lesotho (1986–1993, 2014)
 Liberia (1980–1986, 1990–1997, 2003–2006)
 Libya (1969–2011)
 Madagascar (1972–1976)
 Mali (1968–1992; 2012; 2020–present)
 Mauritania (1978–1979; 1979–1992; 2005–2007; 2008–2009)
 Niger (1974–1989; 1996; 1999; 2010–2011)
 Nigeria (1966; 1966–1975; 1975–1976; 1976-1979; 1983–1985; 1985–1993; 1993–1998; 1998–1999)
 Rwanda (1973–1975)
 Sγo Tomι and Prνncipe (1995; 2003)
 Sierra Leone (1967–1968; 1992–1996; 1997–1998)
 Somalia (1969–1976; 1980–1991)
 Sudan (1958–1964; 1969–1971; 1985–1986; 1989–1993; 2019–present)
 Togo (1967–1979)
 Transkei (1987–1994)
 Tunisia (1987–2011)
 Uganda (1971–1979; 1985–1986)
 Venda (1990–1994)
 Zimbabwe (2017–2018)

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: alani123 on August 25, 2020, 09:46:49 AM
Africa got majorly fucked over by colonial powers. Ever seen what Belgians did to Congolese people? Some major atrocities even in the 20th century.
Colonialists essentially drew made up borders in a continent with some of the most diverse language and cultural heritage. Some countries are still plagued by civil war and lack of democracy. It's good that colonialism ended, but the world is still battling with its consequences. 

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Cnut237 on August 25, 2020, 10:08:39 AM
Colonialists essentially drew made up borders in a continent with some of the most diverse language and cultural heritage. Some countries are still plagued by civil war and lack of democracy. It's good that colonialism ended, but the world is still battling with its consequences. 

Indeed, and not just Africa. Problems today in Syria, Iraq and the wider Middle-East are due to how the British and French agreed to carve up the carcass of the Ottoman Empire after WW1. Imperialism/colonialism casts a long shadow down the decades. Nations, lands and tribal groupings have been carved up with absolutely zero regard for any local considerations. Any then these nations leave without cleaning up any of the mess they created.

Colonialism leaves deep scars, and yes, even 50 years may not be long enough. Much of the instability in the Middle-East today can be traced back to the arbitrary divisions created by the British and the French more than a century ago, in the Sykes-Picot agreement (

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 25, 2020, 10:45:24 AM
Just remember one thing about Africa. In all the damage done to them by people from other continents, their own people did it to them just as much. They did it to themselves. The only thing left is to figure out why and how.

But that's the way it always is. Even in the so-called developed societies, just look around. You can find Americans and Europeans who are dying from hunger and lack of proper medicine all over the place. They are being preyed upon by other Americans and Europeans, and even people from other countries.

Africa isn't any different than other nations of the world... except, maybe, Singapore.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Smartvirus on August 25, 2020, 05:38:56 PM
Why your topic centers on either African continent being a caused land,
Despite having the most favorable landscape that is not tormented by natural disasters, they are lacking behind in term of development. They are endowed by lots of natural resources
Ironically, it still points out that the land is wealthy in itself. This means, the land has got nothing to do with the situations the African people face but the people has everything to do with it. This also points out that, the resources beneath and above the soil doesn't make a nation reach, but the ability of the people to convert that which they are endowed with to something valuable does. Again, what could be really expected from a continent that continues to be affected by the effort from the western world both past and present to ensure Africa remains what it seems to be now...

What would you expect from a people that have had it's people and culture savaged by a lot of other nations and with it's leaders to have learnt from the various lifestyle thought to them by colonial rulers which were basically based on acquisition. Of cause they learnt, passed it down through generations and it's not been easy to abort the bad seed just yet.
Like the underdog, Africa will be brought to the light one day and the world we appreciate it's beauty.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Gozie51 on August 25, 2020, 09:06:21 PM

But that's the way it always is. Even in the so-called developed societies, just look around. You can find Americans and Europeans who are dying from hunger and lack of proper medicine all over the place. They are being preyed upon by other Americans and Europeans, and even people from other countries.

Yes you have a good idea on this and
I want to take an exceptional view on this thread.

Anyway, I want to tie my response to ops titling of this thread as derogatory to Africans. Africans have produced so many great men and women, astute and well respected world leaders., poets alike example, Wole Soyinka and other Noble prizes awards. In medicine, Africans have been a huge export in support to humanity.

Africans are not bereaved of ideas that is to say. the challenge has been colonization, corruption and lack of structure/political will to mealt down punishment to persons in high places.

I read someone writing that natural disaster and location of Africa is the challenge but I don't succumb to that; location or where Africa is situated is not the challenge rather it is a blessing because raw material for production is found in commercial quantity in Africa.

Africa is a great continent. It will get there. America had independence in 1776 we need to know that. Bridges are not built in a day. We are still in the process. We are going to get there.

We all remember Martin Luthera quote ?

Keep hope alive for Africa.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: akram143 on August 26, 2020, 09:32:05 AM
It was one of the most richest empire in the world in the past, Did you know Mansa Musa? Probably he is the most richest individual until now but later their resources are looted by the betrayal from the other government's greed so the real cursed lands are the so called developed countries. :P

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 26, 2020, 11:30:41 AM
In Mauritania in NorthWest Africa, lies an ancient structure called the Richat Structure. It is partially buried in the sands. But over the years the sands have blown away somewhat. Here is a satellite view of the thing (false color). (

Here is a map of the location in Mauritania. (

The interesting thing is that the Richat Structure seems to match the description of Atlantis that Plato gave us. In addition, Northern Africa was once a green, lush, paradise of a land.

Personally, I think that Atlantis was the hub of the original civilization of the world before the Great Flood of Noah's day. I think that the Flood actually came on the Earth because of God's anger against the people of Atlantis, even though the rest of the world wasn't exempt from God's anger. This is the reason why Atlantis was lost in the first place.

When you study the time that archaeologists suggest that Northern Africa was green, they estimate it to be 5000 to 6000 years ago. The time of the Great Flood is listed by Josephus (34 - 101 A.D. Jewish Bible scholar) and the Septuagint (ancient Greek Bible) as being about 5000 years ago.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: coins4commies on August 27, 2020, 12:15:18 PM
Europeans and Americans conquered many places in the African Land and tried to exploit a lot out of them. This is the reason why Africa is poor. They didn't want them to be free as there are a lot of minerals and crops in this continent.
If Africa was free, they will be dominant in the global economy.
AFAIK there is no territory in Africa still under colonial rule, many African countries gained independence some 50+ years ago and that's more than enough time for them to have developed their territories. Of course I know development comes with time, but half of a century is more than enough time to be on the path to achieving something good as a nation and in the larger picture, a continent, at the least providing a life worth living for their citizens.

After 'outside' colonialism ended in Africa, a situation of "Africans colonizing Africans" began, and it is the product of failed/greedy leaders, After their hero's of the past struggled to attain freedom for them and they were then free, they should have taken the opportunity to make Africa great since they now ruled themselves. I wouldn't blame colonialism for Africas woes, but rather lack of good leadership and since this leaders still save their looted funds in foreign banks, pumping the economy of the Western world, whilst impoverishing their citizens back home, the light at the end of the tunnel is dimmer than ever for Africa.
The lack of good leadership is a direct result of colonial rule.  The borders and countries that exist today were literally drawn up randomly by colonizers.   Once all of the gold and diamonds were extracted and then colonizers left, you don't just suddenly become wealthy. 

You have nations made up of multiple nations which is difficult to govern and leads to corruption. Nations are being charged for debts owed to colonizing countries. The moment a leader like Ghadaffi tries to unite African nations and benefit the people, the colonizers come back to murder him. 

Israel is the exact opposite.  They were given wealth and military equipment by the UK and US and a free pass to invade the region and kick out the palestinians.  They are still being given unconditional aid and support despite human rights violations. 

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: franky1 on August 27, 2020, 01:53:02 PM
proper question is..
is the african continent a costly land?.. the answer is yes

the issues with africa are not that the land is cursed. but that it costs more to develop on it

with lack of machine manufacturing it takes alot off time to create things to then develop. or it costs alot to import stuff quicker

the reason for this is because developed countries had the machinary and so just brung it along with them to africa and ripped up the resources and took the resources back out

so africa didnt gain anything.
if other countries came into africa and made the factories to then make the machines. then when the other countries left, africans could continue using the machines.

for instance america went to china and helped build china's infrastructure of factories. and now china is succeeding far more than america

so america/saudi/europe dont want africa to turn out like china's conversion to capitalism as that will then stab america/euro/saudi in the foot after

even now the 'humanitarian aid' which is the compensation for stealing resources is not to provide africans with land and jobs, but to keep them dependant on the other countries supplying them with daily amounts

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: akram143 on August 27, 2020, 03:59:25 PM
Europeans and Americans conquered many places in the African Land and tried to exploit a lot out of them. This is the reason why Africa is poor. They didn't want them to be free as there are a lot of minerals and crops in this continent.
If Africa was free, they will be dominant in the global economy.
AFAIK there is no territory in Africa still under colonial rule, many African countries gained independence some 50+ years ago and that's more than enough time for them to have developed their territories. Of course I know development comes with time, but half of a century is more than enough time to be on the path to achieving something good as a nation and in the larger picture, a continent, at the least providing a life worth living for their citizens.

After 'outside' colonialism ended in Africa, a situation of "Africans colonizing Africans" began, and it is the product of failed/greedy leaders, After their hero's of the past struggled to attain freedom for them and they were then free, they should have taken the opportunity to make Africa great since they now ruled themselves. I wouldn't blame colonialism for Africas woes, but rather lack of good leadership and since this leaders still save their looted funds in foreign banks, pumping the economy of the Western world, whilst impoverishing their citizens back home, the light at the end of the tunnel is dimmer than ever for Africa.
The lack of good leadership is a direct result of colonial rule.  The borders and countries that exist today were literally drawn up randomly by colonizers.   Once all of the gold and diamonds were extracted and then colonizers left, you don't just suddenly become wealthy. 

You have nations made up of multiple nations which is difficult to govern and leads to corruption. Nations are being charged for debts owed to colonizing countries. The moment a leader like Ghadaffi tries to unite African nations and benefit the people, the colonizers come back to murder him. 

Israel is the exact opposite.  They were given wealth and military equipment by the UK and US and a free pass to invade the region and kick out the palestinians.  They are still being given unconditional aid and support despite human rights violations. 
If everyone starts to live peaceful life then they are going to start thinking about other things especially about the one who is ruling them that is why they are giving problems in different ways so people jave no time to think what we should do at that time their ruling period will end and the next leader will keep repeating and the cycle goes on.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 27, 2020, 04:08:36 PM
An Eskimo might like Africa once he got used to it. But dump him there in a single instant, with his parka on, and he will hate it.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: NVZNtoken on August 27, 2020, 04:19:36 PM
Africa is a land of great potential, and many great projects are working to modernize it. For serious investors looking at Africa, all they see are incredible possibilities, and not a "cursed land".

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: naikturun on August 27, 2020, 04:23:41 PM
Despite having the most favorable landscape that is not tormented by natural disasters, they are lacking behind in term of development. They are endowed by lots of natural resources but hardly traceable to their mode of living, infact they are categorized as underdeveloped countries. Yes, indeed they are, due to the lack of the following:

I don't think Africa is a cursed land. The landscape might be beautifulm but it is definitely not favorable for growing things. There is a lot of heat and desert in Africa, which makes agriculture for basic food very difficult. It might be good conditions for Tea, Coffee or Bananas, but just he basics flower or rice is very difficult to grow. Just look at Egypt and how the people where only settle close to the Nil river thousands of years ago. The most important thing to develop Africa would be investments into education and infrastructure.

the problem is corrupt leadership and will continue for the next generation, if the chain is broken maybe we can see the development of Africa in the next few years.if indeed some of the plants like you said cannot grow, then they should be able to import it provided they also export quite a lot.
but in reality now people in Africa have minimal knowledge because of the actions of corrupt, selfish, and similar leaders.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: electronicash on August 27, 2020, 05:39:32 PM
they have been this ways since the time i learned about their country. nothing has changed over so many decades.

there is no leader that really has concerns to this land but if all of the leaders there can be unified and shall also commit to the development that is so far just looming in the land like the one belt one road of China, Africa might finally just find their way out of the curse.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 27, 2020, 08:14:36 PM
Given all of the above, Africa can change. It takes intelligence and bold moves on the part of their country leaders. All they have to do is get together and adopt something like the Constitution of the unites States, or whatever it is that holds the EU in place. The question is, are they up to it? Or are they going to continue to sell each other out for money?

The people might have to become smart and destroy their leaders to start this new type of nationalism.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Dorodha on August 28, 2020, 04:36:19 PM
Africa is the mother of civilization as many of us know egypt is the birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations in the history of the world. Africa was a very developed country along the Nile including agriculture. The main auditorium of the mining industry was Africa, but later, when the founding of the Americans began they first introduced racism and were deprived of everything thus the continent of Africa gradually became a cursed land.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: coolcoinz on August 28, 2020, 05:22:01 PM
Africa had its share of disasters like Ebola and saw a lot of violence, for example during the war in Rwanda. It's easy to say that it's developing slower because it's "cursed" but blaming some mumbo jumbo is pointless and unconstructive. IMO the mixture of politics, lack of education and low IQ of the native population that is to blame. You are never poor because your land is cursed. You either are made poor because whenever you build something someone else comes and destroys it, or you are poor because you're lazy.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 28, 2020, 05:27:47 PM
Africa is the mother of civilization as many of us know egypt is the birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations in the history of the world. Africa was a very developed country along the Nile including agriculture. The main auditorium of the mining industry was Africa, but later, when the founding of the Americans began they first introduced racism and were deprived of everything thus the continent of Africa gradually became a cursed land.

Land East of Israel was the Mother of civilization. Africa was the Mother of big civilization.

Land somewhat east of Israel - particularly Jerusalem - was the area of the Garden of Eden. That's where civilization started. Movement from there was around the world. But Africa was a great place for civilization to expand to/from in a big way, because of how fertile and full of natural resources it was.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 28, 2020, 05:29:48 PM
Africa had its share of disasters like Ebola and saw a lot of violence, for example during the war in Rwanda. It's easy to say that it's developing slower because it's "cursed" but blaming some mumbo jumbo is pointless and unconstructive. IMO the mixture of politics, lack of education and low IQ of the native population that is to blame. You are never poor because your land is cursed. You either are made poor because whenever you build something someone else comes and destroys it, or you are poor because you're lazy.

That reminds of BLM. They want the good stuff. But they want it given to them so that they don't have to work for it. When whites get fed up enough with them, BLM will be gone.


EDIT: Have you seen Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the news? Where that white boy (age 17) shot and killed a couple violent protestors? It's starting. If they prosecute the kid for protecting himself, they better prosecute themselves for not protecting him.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: coolcoinz on August 28, 2020, 05:50:21 PM
Wanting the good stuff and blaming others for your mistakes is a good explanation of what happened in Liberia.
They wanted to be independent so Britain supported them and allowed them to have their own constitution. The result? Slavery.
The white people came back to protect human rights, brought money with them, built infrastructure, airports, invited foreign investors. The result? Civil war and dictatorship.
Then they of course kept killing each other and staging coups for decades and turned the country into a shithole where people work for $1 per day.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Gyfts on August 28, 2020, 06:06:14 PM
If you look at individual countries, like South Africa, there are places that are fairly developed. Problem with Africa is they lacked natural resources so their economies didn't develop throughout history. Without a sturdy economy, education fails which gives rise to all the problems you see in modern times.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 28, 2020, 06:25:21 PM
If you look at individual countries, like South Africa, there are places that are fairly developed. Problem with Africa is they lacked natural resources so their economies didn't develop throughout history. Without a sturdy economy, education fails which gives rise to all the problems you see in modern times.

Remember that the Earth only had one ocean in the past - Neal Adams Expanding Earth and Pangaea Theory, The thing that is wrong with Adams is that he is following all the millions of years bunk scientific theory. Back about 4,000 years ago the Earth was divided. The land split into several continents. The Atlantic Ocean and others were created.

Before that time the Earth was one big chunk of land, and people could travel everywhere on it... and they did. So, we have people in the Americas for thousands of years.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: akram143 on August 28, 2020, 09:07:47 PM
Problem with Africa is they lacked natural resources so their economies didn't develop throughout history.
Africa is holding more natural resources than any other continents for example gold and diamond, oil reserves, minerals and everything existing there but they don't have good leader to lead the nations into the developing path and also they are divided into lot of small countries which also could be a reason why they are never getting developed?

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: virasog on August 29, 2020, 11:50:07 PM
Problem with Africa is they lacked natural resources so their economies didn't develop throughout history.
Africa is holding more natural resources than any other continents for example gold and diamond, oil reserves, minerals and everything existing there but they don't have good leader to lead the nations into the developing path and also they are divided into lot of small countries which also could be a reason why they are never getting developed?

Yes, they posses lack of funds too and do not have good management to take control of all these natural resources and effectively manage them.
Also the local people aren't enough capable and they are dependent on the external world to control them.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on August 30, 2020, 01:13:56 AM
One of the greatest reasons Africa is a cursed land is, the people simply trusted their leaders, and their medical.

This hour-long video explains it all and a whole lot more - Hippocratic Hypocrisy - Upi can right click the video and download it from its source.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: proscratcher on September 02, 2020, 11:02:11 AM
It's true Africa might be backward in a lot of aspects, partly because if it's indigenous nations leaders and partly it's people but, Africa is sure to measure up in time.

I agree with you. And I think Africa will do more if there is good government and other countries can investment but no country will invest because of absent of security.
Where do you think Africa will be in the next 10years?

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: yazher on September 02, 2020, 01:42:16 PM
The only cursed about that continent is the corrupt leader not all countries in Africa have those kinds of leaders but most of them have it. Despite being the undeveloped continent, people there are seriously taking their studies whether they the means to do it or not. As you can see on Facebook from the students to the teachers, they are doing all they can to educate and to help their own people to escape poverty with educations.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on September 06, 2020, 10:56:20 PM
Africa is so cursed of a land that nobody even cared to do the Covid scam there.

Scientists can't explain puzzling lack of coronavirus outbreaks in Africa (

The US surprised the world when it rose to the top spot in multiple COVID-19 statistics, both for the total number of confirmed cases and the number of deaths. Since then, no other country has surpassed America.

But scientists who are studying the pandemic have also identified another surprise of the pandemic. Some expected the African continent to be affected most heavily by the virus, but that wasn't the case. South Africa stands out when it comes to the number of total cases, with nearly 631,000 infections. But fewer than 15,000 people have died of COVID-19. These figures are puzzling scientists looking to understand how the virus behaves and how it can be beaten.

The hypothesis that poverty should have a significant impact on the spread of the virus doesn't stand when it comes to the entire African continent. Developing countries like Brazil and India showed that the virus couldn't be contained once it reached densely populated, but poor, neighborhoods.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Kamilaz on September 08, 2020, 09:29:53 AM
Despite having the most favorable landscape that is not tormented by natural disasters, they are lacking behind in term of development. They are endowed by lots of natural resources but hardly traceable to their mode of living, infact they are categorized as underdeveloped countries. Yes, indeed they are, due to the lack of the following:

I don't think Africa is a cursed land. The landscape might be beautifulm but it is definitely not favorable for growing things. There is a lot of heat and desert in Africa, which makes agriculture for basic food very difficult. It might be good conditions for Tea, Coffee or Bananas, but just he basics flower or rice is very difficult to grow. Just look at Egypt and how the people where only settle close to the Nil river thousands of years ago. The most important thing to develop Africa would be investments into education and infrastructure.
And economical development. Countries prosper when their economy is stable. The corruption rate is very high in Africa. They need to eliminate that first.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on September 08, 2020, 04:11:10 PM
The only cursed about that continent is the corrupt leader not all countries in Africa have those kinds of leaders but most of them have it. Despite being the undeveloped continent, people there are seriously taking their studies whether they the means to do it or not. As you can see on Facebook from the students to the teachers, they are doing all they can to educate and to help their own people to escape poverty with educations.

Note the teacher in the picture above. Why doesn't he wear pants/trousers? Do you think it could be that they don't have any toilets? And that a robe is much easier to use when defecating into a hole in the ground? Where does he keep his shovel to dig the hole... and cover it up when he is done?


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on September 23, 2020, 02:53:18 AM
Africa is full of black people. Most of them are good people. It's just that most of them aren't too bright while being good. Consider BLM in the States. BLM has the right idea to defund cops, at least until they are trained to use good sense. But then BLM goes ahead like the African Blacks, and uses ignorance in the way they go about presenting their message.

Why do we have cops? Isn't it so that things like rioting, stealing, destroying property, etc. are curbed to some extent by the cops? You would think that BLM would give the world a reason for getting rid of cops. You would think that BLM would be so sweet and nice that everybody would see that cops were totally unnecessary. You would think that BLM would track down crooks and criminals so that the jobs of cops were made unnecessary.

Instead, what does BLM do? They give the world more reason for cops to exist, by becoming the rioters, the crooks and the criminals that the cops are designed to protect everybody against.

BLM is right about the cops. But they go about getting rid of cops just like they go about stupidly destroying themselves in Africa.

Check out the video in the article, at the site.

Harrowing bodycam footage shows cops chasing and shooting an autistic boy... (

Police have released harrowing footage of the moment a 13-year-old boy was chased by cops and then shot multiple times.

Bodycam video shows officers pursuing Linden Cameron down an alley and yelling at him to get on the ground after his mother, Golda Barton, called cops to help 'de-escalate' the teenager's mental breakdown.

Linden, from Salt Lake City in Utah, collapsed after a series of shots were fired, moaning, 'I don't feel good. I don't feel good.'

He survived but suffered broken bones and pierced organs, the family's attorney has said. He will likely be injured for life, the attorney added.

Police also released a 911 call that mother Golda Barton placed before the shooting, when she warned that he had previously been in a chase and shootout with police.

Asked whether he has access to a firearm currently, she answered: 'I don't believe he does, but I just found out that... he showed one of my workers a prop gun, or a BB gun or a pellet gun. It wasn't a big weapon.'

She can also be heard warning the dispatcher that her son 'does not like cops' because they shot and killed her father within the last year.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Salauddin1994 on September 23, 2020, 03:13:39 AM
Africa is the best country in terms of natural resources deeper in the soil of the africa region are the junctions of three tectonic plates that have existed for centuries in the history of the manas civilization everything in africa including food production originated in africa. They are neglected only in terms of black body everything is underdeveloped because they are not cursed in terms of natural aspects and land there are many mineral resources which is why many countries in the world are trying to improve the land of africa.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Cnut237 on September 23, 2020, 07:51:34 AM
In all the damage done to them by people from other continents, their own people did it to them just as much.

The second is caused by the first. When a colonial power withdraws, they rarely leave a stable and sustainable state behind. They just get out, create a power vacuum, and leave the country to deal with the ensuing chaos themselves. History is littered with examples, and often the only way to stabilise the country is by implementing martial law: instant dictatorship. But there are other examples too, it's not always the military. Rwanda/Belgium is a particularly appalling story of what can happen when colonialists leave - genocide was all but guaranteed.

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on September 23, 2020, 09:18:49 AM
^^^ There are something like 70 tribes/nations in Ethiopia alone. The government of Ethiopia is simply a government that is stronger than the rest of them in their own country. And it is similar throughout the rest of Africa. In addition, the borders constantly change, just like they do in all of Europe over the years.

The catastrophy in Rwanda was caused because their government wouldn't join the International Monetary Fund. Get out one of those big Webster college dictionaries from the mid 1960s. Check which nations of the world belonged to the IMF and which didn't. The ones that didn't had all kinds of trouble. The banking system is behind it all.


Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: Cryptoangel01 on September 23, 2020, 09:34:48 AM
The leaders majorly are our problem in this continent. I really do not understand the extent of the selfishness that runs in their vein, I mean it's the only continent in the world that didn't give their people palliative. I'm tempted to think in this way but I can only say I'm blessed regardless

Title: Re: Is African continent a cursed land?
Post by: BADecker on September 23, 2020, 10:06:17 AM
^^^ Almost all of the ambitious leaders are somewhat narcissistic.
