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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: aiguy on September 06, 2020, 06:20:06 AM

Title: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: aiguy on September 06, 2020, 06:20:06 AM
Malcolm S. Forbes is stated, "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one".
what do you think about our education system?

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on September 06, 2020, 07:14:26 AM
what do you think about our education system?
This will depend on the, country/location because educational system varies/different in places

+ Education system in 3rd world countries: educational system here has gone from bad to worse it seems not to be growing, the government has turned it's back on the educational system here and why won't they when there children are flown abroad to quality schools. The tutors are poorly paid and they don't give there best to students. Sexual assault of students, demand for incentives/brides from student to get good grades becomes what they engage in.

+ Educational system in more advanced/modern countries: education system here is quite different from the former, you would have students over at the former wishing to school here, education here is very practical as it is theoretical with equipment, tutors and standards far better than in 3rd world countries. But there is no educational system with out stains/blemishes. You can have cases of racism/bullying in some of this schools.

 Good Educational system is very important for any country/location and it doesn't start in the school it starts right from home from the child's cradle.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: virasog on September 06, 2020, 07:57:19 AM
Malcolm S. Forbes is stated, "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one".
what do you think about our education system?

Every country's education system is different from the other and you cannot compare the whole education system as one entity. In some places like Japan, the education system is very good while many third world countries just sell the education (degrees) and teach nothing.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: akram143 on September 06, 2020, 08:40:21 AM
what do you think about our education system?
This will depend on the, country/location because educational system varies/different in places

+ Education system in 3rd world countries: educational system here has gone from bad to worse it seems not to be growing, the government has turned it's back on the educational system here and why won't they when there children are flown abroad to quality schools. The tutors are poorly paid and they don't give there best to students. Sexual assault of students, demand for incentives/brides from student to get good grades becomes what they engage in.

+ Educational system in more advanced/modern countries: education system here is quite different from the former, you would have students over at the former wishing to school here, education here is very practical as it is theoretical with equipment, tutors and standards far better than in 3rd world countries. But there is no educational system with out stains/blemishes. You can have cases of racism/bullying in some of this schools.

 Good Educational system is very important for any country/location and it doesn't start in the school it starts right from home from the child's cradle.
No need to differentiate the education system between developed countries and under developed countries even though there is lot of difference in it because if we look at the current educational system it is centuries old system, we are not finding new talents with this system because we are giving some syllabus and ask the kids to learn it which may looks okay but by doing this they can be a good worker not a great investor of anything.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on September 06, 2020, 08:51:42 AM
No need to differentiate the education system between developed countries and under developed countries even though there is lot of difference in it because if we look at the current educational system it is centuries old system, we are not finding new talents with this system because we are giving some syllabus and ask the kids to learn it which may looks okay but by doing this they can be a good worker not a great investor of anything.
I do not think so, this education system has given student the space to explore their talents, and to correct you so much has been invented, and what was invented in old times has been modified, the old year was the foundation and if they had not done what they did, by now those development would have been made. The students also play parts in the educational system, a good educational system tries to find out what area suits/fits an individual.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: samputin on September 06, 2020, 09:14:27 AM
Malcolm S. Forbes is stated, "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one".
what do you think about our education system?
Being a new teacher, I can say that the education system here in our country (Philippines) is good. To back that up, I did a bit of a research and found out this:
Not only is the Philippines a beautiful country, it also has one of the best higher education systems in Asia, ranked 46th in the first edition of the QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings. Offering the opportunity to study in English at an affordable cost, the Philippines attracts over five thousand international students a year from across the globe, with most coming from other countries in East Asia.

Some government officials here may not be competent but when it comes to our education, we really exert effort because many of us believe here, especially those coming from poor families, that education is the only thing that our parents can give us as inheritance. That's why we value it that much.


Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: aiguy on September 06, 2020, 09:22:58 AM
Malcolm S. Forbes is stated, "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one".
what do you think about our education system?

Every country's education system is different from the other and you cannot compare the whole education system as one entity. In some places like Japan, the education system is very good while many third world countries just sell the education (degrees) and teach nothing.

yes you are right, like in Pakistan , India and south asian countries just collecting money for the  name of education

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: aiguy on September 06, 2020, 09:29:29 AM
the main problem in our education system(like in south Asian countries) they just focusing on English, but not focusing on any creative thing as a basic level. but they reached a higher level of education, that have to do effort to much as compared to other developed countries

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: virasog on September 06, 2020, 11:38:57 AM
Malcolm S. Forbes is stated, "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one".
what do you think about our education system?

Every country's education system is different from the other and you cannot compare the whole education system as one entity. In some places like Japan, the education system is very good while many third world countries just sell the education (degrees) and teach nothing.

yes you are right, like in Pakistan , India and south asian countries just collecting money for the  name of education

Not only in Asian counties but in Africa and nearby countries there is no proper education at all. If the government can't give their citizen proper education, they have no right to rule on the people. Education is the basic right of everyone.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: BADecker on September 06, 2020, 11:51:25 AM
Time to get government and medical experts out of education. Why? They lie.


Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: ololajulo on September 06, 2020, 12:09:11 PM
Malcolm S. Forbes is stated, "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one".
what do you think about our education system?

Every country's education system is different from the other and you cannot compare the whole education system as one entity. In some places like Japan, the education system is very good while many third world countries just sell the education (degrees) and teach nothing.
In teaching nothing is where the investment should be for the third world countries. Investment should be in the teachers, materials of learning, research and feedback. It will definitely take time, it was discovered that the level of degree of some teachers is not as important as the process of imparting and acquiring the knowledge. Improvement of education from the cradle will enhance the later. After the education had been attained it is also important for an environment for implementing the acquired skills and knowledge.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: Jet Cash on September 06, 2020, 01:18:40 PM
I think the woke teachers should be sacked, and we should go back to old values such as honesty, mathematical, commercial and scientific skills, and communication that doesn't depend on finding alternative words for "black". It's also time we realised that your sex is dependent on the bits God gave to you, and not on your pleasure orientation.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: BADecker on September 06, 2020, 11:09:20 PM
Yes! The students need to learn to read the fine print in the contract, and get some lawyers to read it along with them.

Outrage After University Suspends 11 Students For "Party" But Keeps $36,500 Tuition (

...when numbers merely reached 130 infected, as recently happened with University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

Schools have imposed strict measures while threatening severe punishments for hosting or even attending parties on or off campus, as they're considered potential "super spreader" events. In some instances schools are actually threatening expulsion. But there's rising tensions given students are complaining their high price tag college experiences are turning into "isolation prisons" - as we detailed earlier, yet schools in many cases are collecting full tuition and fees.

But now one major university is driving headlines after making good on its 'max punishment' threat, and all the while pocketing students' full tuition after they were accused of "violating social distancing protocols".


Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: Mauser on September 07, 2020, 07:19:45 AM
Malcolm S. Forbes is stated, "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one".
what do you think about our education system?

The education system should always be improved. Humans learn all the time, we have new technology advancement every year, new science break thoughs also. We should try to include all the new things we learn in the education. I mean everyone will see a huge difference, when looking at a basic education text book  from the 60s, 80s and today. We should always go with the time as there always new things we could learn or understand better.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: squatz1 on September 07, 2020, 06:13:34 PM
I know your question may not be relating to the western world, but it is something that I will delve into and people here can tell me if what I'm talking about makes sense.

In the United States our education system is antiquated. I think this is something that is very common all around the western world. It'd be fair to say that the western world's idea of 'education', at least at the High School and above level, is simply throwing tons of ideas at you and forcing you to remember then. Nothing is TRULY about higher knowledge, it's about being able to regurgiate information that is thrown at you. As many know, memorizing is the lowest form of learning (Source) (,teaching%20them%20how%20to%20think.&text=They%20also%20get%20used%20to,was%20already%20given%20to%20them.). It'll never make sense to teach people to memorize for a test.

Higher knowledge is learned by exposing people to new ideas and figuring out ways to remove them from the learning side of things and get people to learn about life through learning, and learn why it is important for them to know this information. For example, I shouldn't be forced to learn something like Calc 1 if I have no intention of going into a math heavy field (engineering). I had one teacher throughout school that taught a science class, but for him the class was more about teaching us about life and why the things that he was showing us is important. He told us stories about his life, tips for the future, he touched on current events, and so on. He didn't make the class seem like a normal class, he made it seem like we were all having fun.

The thing was : In the meantime he was ALSO teaching us science, and we all absorbed more of the information because he integrated it much better then tossing a textbook at us.

Learning has to be changed from just assigning textbook readings and forcing people to memorize shit.

Title: Re: Is there a need to improve basic education?
Post by: akram143 on September 08, 2020, 04:03:22 AM
No need to differentiate the education system between developed countries and under developed countries even though there is lot of difference in it because if we look at the current educational system it is centuries old system, we are not finding new talents with this system because we are giving some syllabus and ask the kids to learn it which may looks okay but by doing this they can be a good worker not a great investor of anything.
I do not think so, this education system has given student the space to explore their talents, and to correct you so much has been invented, and what was invented in old times has been modified, the old year was the foundation and if they had not done what they did, by now those development would have been made. The students also play parts in the educational system, a good educational system tries to find out what area suits/fits an individual.
Education system in the developed countries giving space and enough encourage for research related things but since we are talking about the basic/school level education which still relies at the same level no matter it is developed or developing.We are evaluating the talents based on grades/marks but it should be evaluated based on their skills but there is not enough room for the kids to make it because they have give particular subject and we are asking them to master it.