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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: aiguy on September 06, 2020, 09:47:40 AM

Title: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: aiguy on September 06, 2020, 09:47:40 AM
COVID-19 have no sect because it is affecting each and everyone like every class, every citizen, every religion, every rich and poor. So learn something from here that we all are equal. Be respect reach and everyone.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: GeorgeJohn on September 08, 2020, 04:54:37 AM
COVID-19 have no sect because it is affecting each and everyone like every class, every citizen, every religion, every rich and poor. So learn something from here that we all are equal. Be respect reach and everyone.

Op,the headlines of this topic looks like a gospel word.
It's obvious that the so called corona virus has know grade or age bracket to be affected,it only affect when you close to the affected environment and also who ever the immune system is does not differentiate individual's.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 09, 2020, 05:19:09 AM
The fact that we talk about Covid like it is real, simply shows that we have been infected by the propaganda of the media and the medical and the government.

Time to be positive, get over this propaganda infection, and realize that Covid is mostly lies and propaganda to make slaves of us all.

Then, we must make it so that they can never do this to us again.


Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Vilagra on September 10, 2020, 08:42:22 AM
Personally I don't feel that we are all equal.
People who have cars can go on a trip while those who have less money have to sit at home whole summer.
People who have money eat healthy food and vitamins to improve the immune system, people who have less money often have no choise.
Of course I learned something from all this situation with lockdown. But this is more about my own life!

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Jet Cash on September 10, 2020, 08:52:01 AM
Of course we aren't all equal. The fake virus news has been ramped up to destroy small businesses, and many peoples lives. The puppet masters and their shills are reaping the benefits, whilst we all have to suffer as a result of their greed.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 10, 2020, 03:03:52 PM
Of course we aren't all equal. The fake virus news has been ramped up to destroy small businesses, and many peoples lives. The puppet masters and their shills are reaping the benefits, whilst we all have to suffer as a result of their greed.

And this is easy to prove, for yourself. Simply go outside - like to Walmart - and watch the people for about 15 minutes. They aren't falling dead around you, like flies in a bug spray. And they wouldn't be falling dead around you if they weren't wearing face diapers, either.

Folks need to wake up to the fact that 99% of Coronavirus fears are lies that they believe, not CV dangers.


Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: franky1 on September 10, 2020, 03:27:09 PM
only idiots would go to walmart if they are gasping for breath, near death due to illness.
most smart people go to a hospital when gasping for breath and about to die if they dont get treatment
but ofcourse a couple isiots above will think they will get a cure in the supplement aisle of walmart
but ofcourse a couple idiots above think the place to look for sick people is at walmart

and by they way
people dont stay in the lobby of a hospital. they go to hospital wards and lay on hospital beds. so no you wont see dead people in the reception area of a hospital

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 10, 2020, 03:31:30 PM
Spanish police attempt to arrest a woman not wearing a mask -

Spanish police attempt to arrest a woman not wearing a mask.

Bystanders pull the woman away from the police and chase the police away, while chanting "Liberty!"

Expect more of this, around the world, in the days to come.

Go to the site linked, and watch the twitter video from John McAfee.


Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Shimmiry on September 12, 2020, 10:04:13 AM
COVID-19 have no sect because it is affecting each and everyone like every class, every citizen, every religion, every rich and poor. So learn something from here that we all are equal. Be respect reach and everyone.

I thought you have something different that you will say. I really did not expected you to say that what we have to learn due to this corona virus disease 2019 is we are all equal. Though it's correct but it it not always like that whether you like it or not, upper class most of the time are treated very differently. But may equality and respect applied all the time.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Mttewndew on September 12, 2020, 12:40:06 PM
Now I understand how hard it is to live when there is some obsessive thought in your head. I haven't thought about the virus since April (and in general everything around me). And it turns out that some people still think about it.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 12, 2020, 02:25:50 PM
I tried to get Covid to multiply. I was going to start a Covid meat company, making artificial Covid Frankenmeat to sell on the market. But the silly virus wouldn't take.

It seems that the governments of the world have done the smart thing. They have added Covid to all the sick and elderly people so that they have died. This releases the various government agencies like Social Security and Medicare, so they don't have to dish out so much money to keep these sick people alive. Then the government people can rake in all that extra money and get rich(er).


Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: FAHRKERIM on September 12, 2020, 08:07:15 PM
All infrastructure and a lot of industries are shaken by this thing, even if corona is not as bad as they say it is, it's obviously changed way of life for many people. Feels like 5% of what the apocalypse looks like, and this is only the beginning. I hope people will get back to the roots, revive the qualities that make us humans in the best sence of this word.

Sadly enough, today I see only outrage and division, but this mostly happens in the US. Dunno about the rest of the world, but America is headed to a big collapse

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: samputin on September 13, 2020, 01:59:04 AM
Now I understand how hard it is to live when there is some obsessive thought in your head. I haven't thought about the virus since April (and in general everything around me). And it turns out that some people still think about it.
Of course there are people who still think about it. I mean, the virus is still out there and you can catch it anytime especially when not careful. Just yesterday, one of the town Mayors here in our province was confirmed for being a Covid positive. And before she knew that, she even attended a wedding. We don't know those people she came in contact with so it's really important to be very careful with dealing with others.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 13, 2020, 09:49:19 PM
Coronavirus ain't nuthin'.

Cyrus "Cyrus the Virus" Grissom Kills - Con Air (


Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: coolcoinz on September 13, 2020, 09:51:34 PM
Equality is a myth spread by socialists. We are not equal, even in the face of a disaster. The rich will be the first to get the best treatment and will have others do all chores for them.
They won't have to expose themselves and be able to afford air filters and uv lights...
I hope you aren't dumb enough to believe that the pandemic will affect all people in the same way. Even the very opening assumption made by OP is false. The virus kills mostly old and sick people, so even it is picky in its way. Even the virus doesn't like socialist ideals.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 13, 2020, 10:04:00 PM
Equality is a myth spread by socialists. We are not equal, even in the face of a disaster. The rich will be the first to get the best treatment and will have others do all chores for them.
They won't have to expose themselves and be able to afford air filters and uv lights...
I hope you aren't dumb enough to believe that the pandemic will affect all people in the same way. Even the very opening assumption made by OP is false. The virus kills mostly old and sick people, so even it is picky in its way. Even the virus doesn't like socialist ideals.

But mostly the rich sit there laughing at the rest of us, because they have the inside info that Covid is fake.


Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Dorodha on September 25, 2020, 02:36:13 PM
From now on people will remember the lessons about health by thinking positively. Remember this lesson about hand washing stop spitting or urinating in public. We need to keep our surroundings clean in this way mankind will fight against it set an example in the face of danger i have read and learned about it. Our strength lies in culture taking care of each other and caring for adults. We need to extend a helping hand to the seniors from home we should support the government and the doctors' initiative everyone should help together to prevent it.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 25, 2020, 03:41:21 PM
Here is one of the most positive things about the Covid virus. And it is also one of the most positive things about the whole pandemic.

Dolores Cahill 22nd September 2020 (Ireland's equivalent to Judy Mikovits) (

Quote from:
Professor Dolores Cahill is trying to help us all to understand the truthful facts and figures without any corruption or fear mongering being added by the circle of corruption.

Here is a bio on Delores:

World Renowned Immunologist & Molecular Biologist

Professor Dolores Cahill received her Honours degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology & Biotechnology from Dublin City University (1994). She was awarded an EU 'Human Capital and Mobility' Post-doctoral Fellow, Technical University, Munich, Germany (1994-1995).

Since 2005 – present, she is Professor of Translational Science at UCD School of Medicine. Prof. Cahill is internationally recognised for her biomedical research, publications and patent record is in life sciences, biotechnology and in personalised healthcare and biomarkers (PHB), proteomics, biotechnology, high content protein and antibody arrays, and their biomedical, diagnostic and clinical applications.

Prof. Cahill has been involved in Scientific and Research Strategy and Policy Development and Evaluation for over 10 years. She is a member of the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Science Committee (2017-2019). In 2018, she was elected by the IMI SC to be Vice Chair of the IMI Scientific Committee (2019-2020).

In the Strategy, Policy and Global engagement area, from October 2013 to end September 2014, Prof. Cahill was seconded as National Expert in Policy to the European Commission Research and Innovation (HORIZON2020) (DG RTD) Directorate, with special emphasis on International Cooperation for Strategy and Policy coordination, with Asia and European Free Trade Area and enlargement countries, Russia & the Pacific.

This secondment was supported by UCD, the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences and the Irish government. This role involved international policy coordination and development in Research and Innovation, including with respect to Horizon2020. She was responsible for international cooperation aspects with South Korea and she was a backup for ASEAN and China. She was the Thematic Correspondent for Health and involved in Strategy Development within the unit.

She worked on Framework Conditions and Commercialisation aspects, for example on the International Cooperation Dialogue, within this region.)

Dolores Cahill 22nd September 2020 (


Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: yohananaomi on September 26, 2020, 04:24:54 AM
Now I understand how hard it is to live when there is some obsessive thought in your head. I haven't thought about the virus since April (and in general everything around me). And it turns out that some people still think about it.
Of course there are people who still think about it. I mean, the virus is still out there and you can catch it anytime especially when not careful. Just yesterday, one of the town Mayors here in our province was confirmed for being a Covid positive. And before she knew that, she even attended a wedding. We don't know those people she came in contact with so it's really important to be very careful with dealing with others.
The main problem that is very feared, as you mentioned, is that those who have been infected with Covid-19 do not know that they have brought the virus which can spread to everyone they meet without even realizing it. This is real and I don't want to argue with any conspiracy or anything or any problem in this matter, what is needed now is that we must be realistic that this pandemic must end soon.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Cnut237 on September 26, 2020, 06:39:36 AM
COVID-19 have no sect because it is affecting each and everyone like every class, every citizen, every religion, every rich and poor. So learn something from here that we all are equal.

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. People with money are often able to work from home in comfort, with indoor and outdoor space and no loss of earnings. Compare with say a city centre cleaner who lives in a tower block - they can't get away from other people, have no outdoor space, little indoor space, and have either lost all earnings or else have to risk crowded public transport every day.

In theory it's a great leveller that can strike rich and poor alike. In practice some people are having a much worse time than others, and as always it is the poor who are affected most.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: franky1 on September 26, 2020, 02:17:37 PM
COVID-19 have no sect because it is affecting each and everyone like every class, every citizen, every religion, every rich and poor. So learn something from here that we all are equal.

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. People with money are often able to work from home in comfort, with indoor and outdoor space and no loss of earnings. Compare with say a city centre cleaner who lives in a tower block - they can't get away from other people, have no outdoor space, little indoor space, and have either lost all earnings or else have to risk crowded public transport every day.

and this is why rich people. whisper nonsense into crazy conspiracy theorists ears. to prompt the conspiracy cults to coerce the poor into protests and risking their lives.

yep when conspiracy idiots realise they are the puppet of the groups they pretend to hate. they start to see the hypocrisy of the scripts they spout out

do they realise when they tell people to go out into crowds and do 'infection parties' to intentionally make themselves sick. they are actually jsut being duped into harming themselves purely because someone above them tod them to.
inshort: puppets

take badecker promoting the rich people like mitkovits and cahil. they are not people that worked hard to get their roles. heck they get paid huge money for doing public speaking events. and all they talk about is things that if done. can harm people.. and yet badecker and other conspiracy idiots cant grasp what the people they promote are actually asking of them
so badecker. if you hear a video use words that tell people to do things. knowin that those things can cause harm, either by arrest or health risk. ask yourself what might their hidden agenda be.

heres another hypocriicalt conspiracy that idiots dont realise the hidden agenda
avoid having a once a year single dose of 10 droplets of chemical. instead buy in bulk lots of chemicals we call supplements. have them daily and get everyone to buy buy buy

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 26, 2020, 05:09:28 PM
Right about rich people. But who is richer than the Big Pharma operators, who are shouting their conspiracy info about how good their drugs and vaccines are. But all the while, all they care about is making money. And to make money, they have to keep people just sick enough to keep on coming back to them.

It's not that franky1 is a poor thinker and researcher. Rather, it's that he is a paid troll. I wonder if they pay him enough to soothe his conscience over all the people he is killing and maiming with his info.


Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: erikoy on September 27, 2020, 01:41:33 AM
Respect is always there here in our place. We were able to help people that had been postive by covid19  by taking care of family members who were been lock down due to a member whom a breadwinner being quarantine in the facility. Thus, led them not able to get food and since we were helping out the they carried out surviving with government help and the neigbhors too. We were thankful that only few here in our place gets positive by covid19 and that we were able to extend our help.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: franky1 on September 27, 2020, 02:10:20 AM
i used to laugh at the conspiracy guys that hoarded food for doomsday (aka doomsday preppers)
but this year i learned to hoard a month of supplies. in march i 'prepped' and every fortnight i got my fortnights worth plus an extra 3 days of food. so each month i acumilated an extra 6 days of food at a negligable extra cost to my usual spending habits

6 months on im now at over 2 months of food store.

if neighbours have issues with getting food deliveries i happily give them a few days of essentials, no questions asked no cost to them. just to give them a few days of relaxation to organise other ways for them to get their situation sorted

in my area of the UK supermarket deliveries are starting to get iffy again. they are having missing/unavailable or substituted items. talking to the delivery guys they are seeing a rise in demand for not jst produce per order but also the amount of orders happening

so some positive things to learn is if you cant afford to buy a month worth in one go. just try to add a lil extra than normal to your normal shopping list. and build on that to have enough to survive a 2 week isolation period or more if a total lockdown occurs and you cant travel to supermarket yourself for months

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: virasog on September 27, 2020, 10:10:20 AM
I think businesses found new way of working remotely. Many multi national companies allowed their workers to work from home and yet effectively manage the business. This trend may continue after the pandemic to save the costs which organizations spend on building and rents. If half of their work force can work from home, this will reduce their management cost.
You can call this a positive findings in the pandemic time.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: jossiel on September 27, 2020, 01:59:35 PM
If there's something that I've learned from this pandemic and that is to give importance to whatever I have right now. It may come and go anytime that I didn't know and that's where I'm pertaining to life and relationship with my family.

It has affected our family business but it didn't destroy the bond that we have and it even made it stronger as we became closer to each other. Hoax, conspiracy or whatever, we just want to see its end.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Mauser on September 27, 2020, 04:07:14 PM
I think businesses found new way of working remotely. Many multi national companies allowed their workers to work from home and yet effectively manage the business. This trend may continue after the pandemic to save the costs which organizations spend on building and rents. If half of their work force can work from home, this will reduce their management cost.
You can call this a positive findings in the pandemic time.

I agree with you, the corona pandemic forced many companies to rethink there business model. Working from cubicles in huge office floors doesn't seem so important anymore. Company policies become more and more relaxed for home office and flexible working times. I really like how working now becomes more reliant on the internet and offers a better flexibility for workers. I think we will see less and less demand for office spaces in the future, the real estate market is changing too.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: AjithBtc on September 27, 2020, 04:31:47 PM
We're all equal infront of God, and as a human we all are equal. Covid-19 has made a big change in everyone's mind, because everyone watched people suffering next to them. This has made people have humanity and help the one in need. At some instance it looks like a money making business, but the same when affects the rich it looks like a true state of virus attack. Recently the death of one among the legendary singer of my country S.P.B ( proved it.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on September 27, 2020, 07:38:12 PM
We're all equal infront of God, and as a human we all are equal. Covid-19 has made a big change in everyone's mind, because everyone watched people suffering next to them. This has made people have humanity and help the one in need. At some instance it looks like a money making business, but the same when affects the rich it looks like a true state of virus attack. Recently the death of one among the legendary singer of my country S.P.B ( proved it.

Just remember. God doesn't make the pain and plagues. Covid is from the devil. And the pandemic is from the government.


EDIT: And God lets them come on us because we forget Him and His laws.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: limazulu on October 02, 2020, 05:57:36 AM
Personally I don't feel that we are all equal.
People who have cars can go on a trip while those who have less money have to sit at home whole summer.
People who have money eat healthy food and vitamins to improve the immune system, people who have less money often have no choise.
Of course I learned something from all this situation with lockdown. But this is more about my own life!

I agree with OP. Our family doesn't own a car so we're stuck here at home... for months. Doing groceries are harder because you need to carry all those weight while commuting, and staying away from people to avoid contact. Also, the paranoia is greater since I'm living with a bunch of high risk people (seniors and a PWD).

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Artemis3 on October 02, 2020, 03:25:43 PM
This is the problem when you make homes and food too far from each other. This is a fundamental problem with suburbia, something that you don't see that often in other countries where commerce is much closer to residence.

On the other hand, those countries are ALSO friendlier to, say, bicycles. So in case you for some reason can't also get your car fuel, you could just cycle to the grocery and back.

But of course, in the 50ies America was all in about making cars king. To this day, they are still paying the price.

Simply put, don't let your exclusive residential urbanism without a single place to grab good. At the very least a convenience store at each "block", like most civilized countries do.

When you say "my grocery is so far that i need a car" you have a fundamental problem there.

If it took covid to wake you up from the decades old issue of suburbia, all the better. There has also been "new urbanism" proposals for decades, and it essentially means dropping the idea that residential should be miles away from commerce. Also, telecommuting is good, and delivery i guess.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on October 02, 2020, 04:19:20 PM
The positive thing to learn from Covid is twofold. The first part is that doctors have proven that it is a scam. The second is to learn that you can't trust your standard media and government. In other words, it seems that it was a grand slam by government at the same time it was a planned scam by government.

Why is it positive to learn this? Because you can start doing something about this planned scam, and you can start looking into what else might be a planned scam in your life.

Below, I have listed places where images are located in the article. Go there to see the images, and to see a whole lot more proof than I have posted, below.

Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose (

Medical doctors declare that the pandemic was planned


A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called 'Doctors for Information' made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1)

'The Corona panic is a play. It's a scam. A swindle. It's high time we understood that we're in the midst of a global crime.'

This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media. They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and an estimated one million actually showed up.

Why do these 500+ medical doctors say the pandemic is a global crime?

What do they know, that we don't?


Hundreds of Spanish medical doctors say the pandemic is planned

In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors called 'Doctors for Truth', made a similar statement during a press conference.


'Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.' (2)

Germany and Spain are just two examples. Similar large groups of hundreds of medical experts exist in countries across the world.

In the USA a documentary called PLANDEMIC, which exposes COVID-19 as a criminal operation, is supported by over 27,000 medical doctors!

Why are these thousands of medical professionals worldwide saying the pandemic is a crime? What information do they have access to, that we are not getting from the mainstream media?  

I invite you to look at the following facts with an open mind and then come to your own conclusions...

Millions of COVID-19 test kits
sold in 2017 and 2018

As we know the new COVID-19 disease appeared in China towards the end of 2019. Therefore it was named COVID-19 which is an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019. Data from the World Integrated Trade Solution, however, shows something astonishing:

in 2017 and 2018 - two years before COVID-19 - hundreds of millions of test kits for COVID-19 were distributed worldwide.


'Quick! Hide it!!'

This baffling data was discovered by someone on September 5, 2020, who posted it on social media. The next day it went viral all over the world. On September 6 the WITS suddenly changed the original designation 'COVID-19' into the vague term 'Medical Test Kits'.

Using general terms is not allowed in trade, you always have to be specific. There are many types of test kits for different diseases.

The fact that they removed the specification 'COVID-19', after this data became known worldwide, proves that they don't want anyone to know about it. They however forgot to delete one detail: the product code for these 'Medical Test Kits' is 300215 which means: 'COVID-19 Test Kits' (

Their cover up came too late: this critical information was uncovered and is being revealed by millions worldwide. You can download a PDF that shows the original data of this website.


Two years before the outbreak of COVID-19 the USA, the EU, China and nations around the world started exporting hundreds of millions of diagnostic test instruments for... COVID-19, a disease that supposedly didn't even exist back then.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: nangthothan on October 15, 2020, 01:25:42 PM

In the fight against COVID, everyone's role is equal regardless of class !!

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Xembin on October 15, 2020, 03:14:54 PM
During the pandemic in my community there are a lot of online business the government where impacting the youths to know how to grow their businesses without going to bank to collect loan. The lockdown really make some people learned so many things that is helping their families to live well right now.
Covid-19 take so many people life in the society but me and family we didn't experience corona virus because we where always on face mask and wash our hands steady. I think I really meant something positive during the pandemic which till now am still doing online business which I was initiated during the covid-19.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Maroons on October 15, 2020, 04:23:28 PM
Personally I don't feel that we are all equal.
People who have cars can go on a trip while those who have less money have to sit at home whole summer.
People who have money eat healthy food and vitamins to improve the immune system, people who have less money often have no choise.
Of course I learned something from all this situation with lockdown. But this is more about my own life!

I agree with OP. Our family doesn't own a car so we're stuck here at home... for months. Doing groceries are harder because you need to carry all those weight while commuting, and staying away from people to avoid contact. Also, the paranoia is greater since I'm living with a bunch of high risk people (seniors and a PWD).

Well if we are talking about the virus then we are all equal, everyone can be infected by the virus, from poor to rich and from young to old but honestly OP's opinion is wrong, we aren't all equal, rich people can fully follow to the health protocols such as stay at home and do not go out as much as possible, go out only if you are gonna get some things for you and your family but poor people needs to be out there in the streets working just to earn some money so that they can have something to eat and I am feeling sad because authorities still manage to arrest some of those people, I mean we are all in the same ocean but were all in a different boat, poor people will risk it because its either they die from the virus or die from hunger and seeing them get arrested for violating quarantine rules makes me think that we are losing humanity, some country's government are struggling to aid their citizen so poor people will not only be depending to the government's help but also to themselves that's why they are risking to go out and find something that will earn them money and put food in their table. This pandemic really makes us see the gap between the poor to rich, this also makes us reveals our true selves whether we will still be concern for others or we'll just take care of ourselves.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Slow death on October 15, 2020, 06:53:57 PM
man I'm going to take this opportunity to talk about something that everyone has forgotten:

before this virus appeared, people would resort to things that were already doubtful, I'm talking about things like these:

Source: Demonstration OF MIRACLE POWER to a Cripple man PASTOR CHRIS YouTube (

why are these pastors not healing everyone infected by the virus?

I think most people are seeing reality and what is a lie.

another thing:

why are these traditional doctors not healing everyone infected by the virus?

I think this disaster will open our eyes to many things that we couldn't see before

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: zee11224 on October 16, 2020, 08:45:40 AM
One positive outcome from covid 19 has made people more conscience about their health and hygeine. Seasonal flu and many other non fatal infections reduced alot as people are taking handwashing seriously. this pandamic give chance to world economies and govts to take the health care systems more sincerely. health services cost billions of dollars to keep in function. now people have to thing more about their own well-being and restrain from unhealthy activities.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: thuyvy2207 on October 16, 2020, 11:13:27 AM
The global economy suffered heavy losses during the covid-19 pandemic, but during this period the world also experienced better air quality days. We must learn to protect the environment and adapt to the job in new circumstances.

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: Wolf333 on October 16, 2020, 06:55:46 PM
Yes, COVID-19 has done its job. We have become different. Good or bad is hard to say. On the one hand, after several months of forced self-isolation, we learned to enjoy the little things and everyday moments, but at the same time, the observance of social distance has already gone beyond the norms.

Here recently with a colleague decided to have a snack. Already out of habit, having flown into one of the catering establishments, we planned to quickly place an order to take away in order to hide from prying eyes in our small office. And then suddenly I realized that because of our eternal workload at work, because of the fear of becoming a carrier of coronavirus infection, we completely stopped seeing people. The decision was made right there: we are not in a hurry, and we remain in the cafe. To be honest, at first it was somehow unusual, and then we were overwhelmed with joy. Great joy from things that seemed banal before: for example, from the opportunity to discuss new projects with like-minded people over a cup of coffee or swallow a huge burger in a diner. Life goes on!

Title: Re: Learn something positive from COVID-19
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2020, 03:37:00 AM
man I'm going to take this opportunity to talk about something that everyone has forgotten:

before this virus appeared, people would resort to things that were already doubtful, I'm talking about things like these:

Source: Demonstration OF MIRACLE POWER to a Cripple man PASTOR CHRIS YouTube (

why are these pastors not healing everyone infected by the virus?

I think most people are seeing reality and what is a lie.

another thing:

why are these traditional doctors not healing everyone infected by the virus?

I think this disaster will open our eyes to many things that we couldn't see before

Yeah! I'm really shocked that the above jokers don't cure everybody. But what really gets me is that the medical can't hold a candle to them... except in getting $paid, that is.
