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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Charles-Tim on September 09, 2020, 01:54:51 PM

Title: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: Charles-Tim on September 09, 2020, 01:54:51 PM
BBC News - Coronavirus: Oxford University vaccine trial paused after participant falls ill

Final clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine, developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, have been put on hold after a participant had a suspected adverse reaction in the UK.

Hopes have been high that the vaccine might be one of the first to come on the market, following successful phase 1 and 2 testing. Its move to Phase 3 testing in recent weeks has involved some 30,000 participants in the US as well as in the UK, Brazil and South Africa. Phase 3 trials in vaccines often involve thousands of participants and can last several years.

The New York Times is reporting a volunteer in the UK trial has been diagnosed with transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord and can be caused by viral infections.

However, the cause of the illness has not been confirmed and an independent investigation will now work out if there was any link to the vaccine.

This is actually the second time it has happened with the Oxford University/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine trial since the first volunteers were immunised in April.  An Oxford University spokesperson said: "In large trials, illnesses will happen by chance but must be independently reviewed to check this carefully."

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: Jet Cash on September 09, 2020, 02:03:07 PM
The Eton/Oxford combo is the recruiting ground for the elite dynasties, and there is a history of manipulated stats and concealed reports. Any vaccine that comes out of Oxford University is going to have been created for the eugenicists and the bankers,  and not for the health of the public.

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: Coyster on September 09, 2020, 05:17:09 PM
There is no confirmation or certainty that the volunteer fell ill because he or she was vaccinated, so the illness should not be blamed on the vaccine yet, people fall ill everyday for different reasons, so until it's proven that it's the vaccine this patient received that's the cause of the illness, I don't think citizens should start panicking.

The production of the vaccine is somewhat rushed, so I expect this to happen and any illness on the volunteers during this period will, until proven otherwise, be blamed on the vaccine; it is what it is, and even if we don't like it, we have to accept that covid-19 vaccines will be in mass production and commercialization by next year.

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: squatz1 on September 10, 2020, 03:53:51 AM
Sigh. People who don't like vaccines (not saying you OP) will look for anything and everything to try to discredit them. This is probably one of the first times that all of us are exposed to watching every single step in the process of a vaccine. This is a relatively common thing to happen, and it's really not cause for concern.

Fauci (an expert in infectious diseases) says that this is totally not uncommon. So, why does everyone have to freak out now?

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: tvbcof on September 10, 2020, 06:24:39 AM
The Eton/Oxford combo is the recruiting ground for the elite dynasties, and there is a history of manipulated stats and concealed reports. Any vaccine that comes out of Oxford University is going to have been created for the eugenicists and the bankers,  and not for the health of the public.

I have to fight back the urge to stand back and let Darwin do his thing.  Back when I was a younger man and felt some alignment with my intelligentsia 'trainers' I would have quasi-welcomed what these folks are up to...under the mistaken assumption that I personally would be included in their group of survivors.

A careful read of the Georgia Guide-stones is really not that bad.  They are saying to remain at a fairly low percentage of the earth's 'carrying capacity' but they are not saying that they will be the ones to get us down into those ranges in the first place.  They (Rosicrutians?), or some contingent of them, might be taking an active role, or they may be just observing those who are.  In any event, there is a lot to like about most of their commandments assuming a steady-state mode (which I doubt is actually very tenable in the real world.)

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: feitannnnnnn on September 10, 2020, 06:55:39 AM

why does everyone have to freak out now?

There might be a very good reason why some freaks out now, and this is due to the influence of movies/films about apocalypse due to virus like resident evil. Most people can be easily traumatized by this movies, so the thought of this might happen will be quite alarming to them which  results to anxiety and panics. Another reason that I can think of is the reality that most people were only looking for the title of one article (may be part of the article) then will immediately spread news and rumors without investigating and researching for different angles of the report. Lastly, the current pandemic might be affecting most of the people's rational thinking as they are putting their hopes and trusts to the immediate release of a vaccine.

BBC News - Coronavirus: Oxford University vaccine trial paused after participant falls ill

Final clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine, developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, have been put on hold after a participant had a suspected adverse reaction in the UK.

Why are they postponing the trials if this is clearly a common for clinical trials?, especially that insignificant part of the sample size caught the sickness. Are they trying to hide something? or, this is a pause to see if the sickness is severe and might turn to something irreversible? Either way, Let's hope for the immediate release of a vaccine.  ;)

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: Juggy777 on September 10, 2020, 07:04:59 AM
Sigh. People who don't like vaccines (not saying you OP) will look for anything and everything to try to discredit them. This is probably one of the first times that all of us are exposed to watching every single step in the process of a vaccine. This is a relatively common thing to happen, and it's really not cause for concern.

Fauci (an expert in infectious diseases) says that this is totally not uncommon. So, why does everyone have to freak out now?

@squatz1 I agree with you that we should not discredit them at such an important stage of their testing, rather we all need to be patient and give them some more time to work on what went wrong in their testing.

Also I can understand why people are freaking out, because they’re scared for their life’s, and their most common fear is what happens if they take the vaccine and suffer horrible side effects from it, and to be honest those fears are rational.

However just because we’re scared we should not rule them out, because a proper vaccine is the need of the hour as no country’s economy can afford more lockdowns due to lack of covid vaccine.


Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: Mauser on September 10, 2020, 07:16:45 AM

Final clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine, developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University, have been put on hold after a participant had a suspected adverse reaction in the UK.

Hopes have been high that the vaccine might be one of the first to come on the market, following successful phase 1 and 2 testing. Its move to Phase 3 testing in recent weeks has involved some 30,000 participants in the US as well as in the UK, Brazil and South Africa. Phase 3 trials in vaccines often involve thousands of participants and can last several years.

These are very bad news. I always thought UK was among the leading countries to develop a vaccine.

This probably also why we didn't hear much from the long term testing of the vaccine in Russia. Everything is still very new for the pharma companies and need to be tested over months. It seems more likely now that corona will be a major issue in 2021 still.

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: tvbcof on September 10, 2020, 10:15:35 AM
Just so we all know what is going on here, Transverse Myelitis is a horrifying malady whereby in the case of vaccine injury your own dysfunctional immune system  attacks the myelin sheath of nerves.  This is very much like stripping insulation off of the wire in a wiring harness and have the individual wires all start to short out against one another.

The pain of the process is said to be excruciating.  Like having a giant muscle cramp all over your body which won't go away.  When the pain subsides one is left with severe and irreversible neurological damage.

At about 5 minutes in is the acute phase of the disease.  This is a rare case where they admitted that it was a vaccine reaction.  Jewtube has scrubbed the video but for some reason it is still on facefuck.  Perhaps so they can note who has seen the clip and is thus aware of what we are talking about with this particular form of vaccine reaction.

The Christian bible talks about creatures with 'stingers' in the 'final days'.  Also about those who get 'the mark' wishing above all else to just be able to die due to the pain.  Watching the vid and understanding physiologically what is happening to the victim's nervous system reminds me of these passages.

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: Dorodha on September 10, 2020, 06:14:44 PM
A final clinical trial has been postponed in the United Kingdom after a volunteer who took part in the trial fell ill after receiving the vaccine. The corona vaccine, developed by Oxford University is being closely monitored around the world. Of all the efforts being made around the world to develop the Covid-19 vaccine the AstraZeneca-Oxford University vaccine is seen as the most promising. With the successful completion of the first and second phase tests it was expected that this vaccine would be the first to hit the market.

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: squatz1 on September 10, 2020, 08:06:17 PM
Sigh. People who don't like vaccines (not saying you OP) will look for anything and everything to try to discredit them. This is probably one of the first times that all of us are exposed to watching every single step in the process of a vaccine. This is a relatively common thing to happen, and it's really not cause for concern.

Fauci (an expert in infectious diseases) says that this is totally not uncommon. So, why does everyone have to freak out now?

@squatz1 I agree with you that we should not discredit them at such an important stage of their testing, rather we all need to be patient and give them some more time to work on what went wrong in their testing.

Also I can understand why people are freaking out, because they’re scared for their life’s, and their most common fear is what happens if they take the vaccine and suffer horrible side effects from it, and to be honest those fears are rational.

However just because we’re scared we should not rule them out, because a proper vaccine is the need of the hour as no country’s economy can afford more lockdowns due to lack of covid vaccine.


I mean it does totally make sense to be a bit nervous. But then again, this has only been around for less then a year and we shouldn't set such a high bar for when the vaccine is going to be finished. We shouldn't also try to rush anything out the door or, on the other end of things, discredit things EARLY for no reason.

Also if you're scared about taking a vaccine, don't take it. I highly doubt this is going to be mandatory right off the bat, it's going to be available (after tons of testing) and then people can use it if they want. I can see it being mandatory after months of it working with no scares.

Though the conspiracy theorist will take this one for a ride, lol.

Title: Re: Oxford university vaccine trial paused after participant falls sick
Post by: BADecker on September 10, 2020, 09:52:13 PM

The Christian bible talks about creatures with 'stingers' in the 'final days'.  Also about those who get 'the mark' wishing above all else to just be able to die due to the pain.  Watching the vid and understanding physiologically what is happening to the victim's nervous system reminds me of these passages.

Do you think the stingers are vaccine doctors administering their vaccine shots?

Maybe 'the mark' is a spelling mistake, and it should read 'the mask'.
