Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Polo7 on September 16, 2020, 10:27:38 PM

Title: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Polo7 on September 16, 2020, 10:27:38 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Oilacris on September 16, 2020, 11:00:32 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Because they wont able to do so.If they able to kill BTC then they had already done it and thats why we do see lots of regulations and laws towards cryptocurrency but this decision would vary on each country since not all are on the same side.Some do support it and some do see it as a threat.

Government cant kill BTC even the creator itself wont able to do so and thats the beauty on dealing with Bitcoin market yet it has been supported by many and the price is dictated depending on the supply and demand.

For government on owning secretly then theres no surprise on that since theyve been holding specially to those coins which are been confiscated
on scam programs or even on that silkroad btc's.

Last, you cant compared Gold to BTC.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Darker45 on September 17, 2020, 01:32:18 AM
What is stopping them are the fundamental features of Bitcoin itself. You cannot kill Bitcoin. I guess they've already tried countless of times. And all to no avail. They've labelled Bitcoin all kinds of names and yet the thing is still unstoppable; it's still moving forward. 

I think the government's actions for a long time cannot be called protecting Bitcoin.

I don't know how much the government owns right now but those are actually BTC confiscated from certain illegal activities which will end up either auctioned or sold. The government doesn't own BTC for the sake of owning it. But, for sure, a number of individuals in the government are secret hodlers of BTC.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Wenbing on September 17, 2020, 01:38:54 AM
It either the government accept bitcoin or ban it. But, here is the fact, bitcoin will continue to thrive as a non centralized crypto.

I believe governments have started seeing the positive side of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: c_atlas on September 17, 2020, 02:04:23 AM
Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Why Polo7 Don't make good posts ever?
Why they never use spell check?
Its Becouse They Secretly  work for the IMF (

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: TIDOVEE on September 17, 2020, 02:07:12 AM
If a government is not embracing bitcoin, they can only kick against it in their own country, they cannot stop it in other countries, bitcoin has come to stay. As a matter of fact they can only fight against it, they cannot even totally eradicate it, if only they will control the internet from entering people's room.
But to come to the fact, bitcoin is offering many what the government could not afford,it should be the joy of the government that citizens gain relief outside them.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: AjithBtc on September 17, 2020, 02:12:11 AM
The governments can frame regulatory compliance or laws to restrict/limit the usage of bitcoin. The network itself is developed in such a way, there is no complete destruction.

At least few governments will stand neutral on bitcoin usage, so when one leaves the network other one gets into the network. Miners are the heart of the network, maybe the decision from the country having the large number of miners will have a small impact on the network, but it won't kill.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: mk4 on September 17, 2020, 02:14:04 AM
Because even though they can outlaw it and make the ownership of BTC illegal, they really can't kill it. Just like how they can outlaw piracy and buying illegal stuff through the darknet markets, but they can't fully "kill" it.

^Not sure if this is the reason why they don't outlaw it though, they probably don't see it as that big of a threat yet.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: TravelMug on September 17, 2020, 02:16:15 AM
I quickly search the forum about this subject, and it seems it has been discussed to death already:

  • Can Governments Kill Bitcoin? (
  • Why does the government hate bitcoin? (
  • Will the governments kill cryptocurrencies (
  • Can world Government Kill Crypto? (
  • Why did the government want to kill Bitcoin? (
  • Why government don't accept bitcoin??? (

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Yogee on September 17, 2020, 02:28:36 AM
Some countries are trying to ban btc while most have resorted to regulating exchanges and other services accepting btc transactions since they know they can't stop the mining and the nodes that supports the Bitcoin blockchain. If one country stops all mining operation in her jurisdiction, a one will start in another country.

Two of the latest countries who opted for regulations are India and Nigeria. More countries will follow soon once they realize they are falling behind and they're missing out on the opportunity to earn more from taxes.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: hd49728 on September 17, 2020, 03:15:58 AM
Governments won't be able to kill BTC in price and won't be able to shut down its network. Bitcoin is built to kill government-based fiat currencies. I believe fiat currencies will survive many decades or centuries or forever because we can not live in societies without governments.

Fortunately, from the decentralization core characteristic of bitcoin network, bitcoin enthusiasts can be their own banks. The main problem on their sides is to protect their privacy and anonymity.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: ilovealtcoins on September 17, 2020, 03:22:50 AM
No government can kill bitcoins because Bitcoin is decentralized on the internet and they are decentralized. If a user is banned in this country, the user will be in another country. Bitcoin liquidity at a global level. The government can only prohibit the use of Bitcoin as a means of payment, but cannot prohibit people from hoarding bitcoins because they do not have the authority to manage or oversee the bitcoin network. In countries that ban the use of bitcoin, people are quietly using it for transactions.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: masphie on September 17, 2020, 03:49:33 AM
I think they don't have authority to do that, maybe if bitcoin disrupts the country's economy.  The government will take action.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: meanwords on September 17, 2020, 03:54:57 AM
They can't do anything to Bitcoin. Even if they ban Bitcoin, there's still a chance that people would still use it secretly to transact. Also, why would they kill something that they would benefit from? just look at countries that is utilizing the potential of cryptocurrencies, they are taking advantage of the technology and because of it, it is helping their economy and their country grow.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: JuSayCo on September 17, 2020, 04:14:13 AM
Because no one could stop Bitcoin, not even the Government. Its unstoppable now and the trends and popularity will continues, not even the Genius creator himself, Satoshi Nakamoto.
The Government could neither refuse to adopt/legalized it in a certain country but its only the features and the other method it gives. But they cannot stop the people working and earning here as a whole and the awesome benefits it brought to the people and to the country's economy too.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: GeorgeJohn on September 17, 2020, 04:42:08 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

From my perspective it seen that government don't have much authority to eradicate cryptoccurrency especially bitcoin due to cryptoccurrencies is decentralized and no one can come up and stabilized it without a proper strategies or evidence of corruption.
While them should protect the interest of bitcoin is because they have found out the benefit of bitcoin in society.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Argoo on September 17, 2020, 04:49:17 AM
Governments can deal a serious blow to bitcoin by making a general decision to ban it in their territories and imposing severe sanctions for violating this ban. However, governments do not see this as necessary. Recently, the issue of cryptocurrency was considered at the G7 Summit and it was decided that cryptocurrency does not pose a threat to the stability of the global financial economy.
Many states have already legalized cryptocurrency by adopting regulations on the conditions for its circulation in society. However, in general, states will never actively support a decentralized cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Wexnident on September 17, 2020, 04:55:18 AM
The only way to ever kill Bitcoin was if the internet was to be killed, and I mean in the ENTIRE world. It's like killing the air, you need to place the entire world in a vacuum to ever consider air "killed". Do you think they have enough authority to do as such? The most they can do is put a bad name into it, but that's it. Gold would still shine even if it was placed in a dirty place, so no matter what they do, Bitcoin would still be gold in the eyes of the few.

They aren't protecting it even, heck they can't even touch it. If they could, they would've as you said, killed it instead of protecting it. You can ask search engines for more braindead questions next time, you might not even need 5 minutes to look up a satisfying answer.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: ranochigo on September 17, 2020, 05:01:02 AM
It's not possible to do so. Bitcoin doesn't exist as a physical commodity and there is no way for them to search your house and find your private keys (using methods like steganography). Gold is much easier to find, in comparison.

The decentralised nature of Bitcoin makes it incredibly hard for the governments to ban Bitcoin by restricting the internet. Use of VPN and/or Tor would easily defeat it. In any case, the only viable option is to try to reduce the use of Bitcoin but there are ways to circumvent that too.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: joniboini on September 17, 2020, 05:43:24 AM
Why Polo7 Don't make good posts ever?
Why they never use spell check?
Its Becouse They Secretly  work for the IMF (
Spot on. I honestly no longer think that OP is seriously asking and just make new sensational threads for whatever reason. A few sentences with sensational questions and then no longer replying to the thread is the usual MO.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Kakmakr on September 17, 2020, 06:31:15 AM
The attempt to kill it, will just make it more desirable.  ;)

The "Prohibition" in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages from 1920 to 1933. Did this ban stop people from producing, importing and transporting and selling alcohol? The answer is NO....

The American public adapted to this ban by taking these activities to an illegal trade and distribution network that operated underground and the government had to push more resources into trying to stop that. (costing them more tax money)

The government also quickly realized that they are losing taxes on the illegal alcohol that was being sold. So it was doomed to fail from the start.  ;D

How will they stop people from using Crypto currencies on the Dark markets? Have they been successful to stop Monero or Dash or any of these privacy coins on Tor markets? ... No, so why would they be successful in doing that, if they banned Bitcoin?

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: maxreish on September 17, 2020, 06:42:50 AM
That banning of gold was an issue before by the US government which private investors can not be allowed to own a bitcoin unless for jewelry stores. But it was totally different from today and not appropriate to compare it with Bitcoin.
 First off, even government doesn't have a capability to kill bitcoin. But, they can control the use of bitcoin, inhibit patronization by creating a bitcoin regulation. And who knows? Even government can secretly owned bitcoin even if it's banned in their country.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Bitcoin_bullish on September 17, 2020, 06:44:48 AM
What is Stopping?
Why government Don't kill btc?

Satoshi managed to create the blockchain that gives to Bitcoin decentralization. Bitcoin is not administered by an entity or a government. It is managed by consensus. How powerful or rich a participant in the community is, it does not matter when making a decision. So the power of a single government in unimportant and no one can kill Bitcoin.

Why They protecting the btc?

On the contrary, governments have so far shown their distaste for Bitcoin and try to stop it, regulate against Bitcoin, and campaign against it using their favorable mainstream media.

Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?
Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

Are they protecting Bitcoin or trying to ban it? You can't have both arguments one after another. It is either one or another.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Furious 7 on September 17, 2020, 06:58:36 AM
The government cannot kill bitcoin because they are currently strong in the market with many big investors even though it is a well-known company so what's the business of the government to kill btc? There are no regulations even in the laws in every country do not have it, I am sure that in the future the government will use blockchain technology that is being developed so it is not surprising that the government can secretly buy bitcoins in large quantities because this is an asset. most valuable in the future and almost the same as gold.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: lepbagong on September 17, 2020, 07:08:07 AM
the government thinks not only for short-term interests and of course thinks how the economy can run in the country. Of course there are causes and consequences if the government wants to ban BTC, because clearly regulations must be made so that everything can be properly protected if BTC wants to be legalized in the country, but if it is not profitable, of course the government will ban BTC in its country.

As long as there is reciprocal mutual benefit, of course the government should of course accept BTC as a legitimate tool and can take advantage of the BTC revenue regulation.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Latviand on September 17, 2020, 07:24:36 AM
It either the government accept bitcoin or ban it. But, here is the fact, bitcoin will continue to thrive as a non centralized crypto.

I believe governments have started seeing the positive side of bitcoin.

They only have two options: either to ban or to accept it in their country.

Bitcoin will never be dead even if the government is against it. There are a lot of bitcoin fans here in this world and it is really impossible for them to vanish instantly. Governments are not prioritizing about banning cryptocurrencies especially bitcoin, is because they know that there are a lot of profit in using bitcoin and regulating it in the market and their economy.

Governments are benefiting from it by those transactions fees that they can collect in every transactions that the customer do.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: shoreno on September 17, 2020, 07:56:32 AM
The attempt to kill it, will just make it more desirable.  ;)
i qouted this because this reminds me of something else . i know , it was also a qoute . " what kills you makes you more stronger " :)

 but its true because if we observed on the past there are so many people hate and wants to kill btc but it only make btc more stronger and more popular because of that  . now we arent afraid on btc to get killed but we do want it more to happen because we know that killing btc wont still be possible for real

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Renampun on September 17, 2020, 08:08:30 AM
how can the government kill Bitcoin? whether by banning all crypto exchanges or by turning off the internet...
the government will not be able to kill Bitcoin because Bitcoin has become one of the valuable assets. currently, the government in many countries is thinking more about the profits that can be generated by taking advantage of taxes on crypto players.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: milani on September 17, 2020, 08:12:34 AM
It either the government accept bitcoin or ban it. But, here is the fact, bitcoin will continue to thrive as a non centralized crypto.

I believe governments have started seeing the positive side of bitcoin.

Of course you are right that the governments saw lots of benefits and interesting and perspective sides of the BTC and crypto using, but personally I doubt that they consider it to be something good for all of us, but for personal interests more))) that is why it is not forbidden totally yet but tries to be regulated and not for them but for lots of us)))) because this situation when all these benefits that we get with using crypto and BTC is not suitable for government))) it is as clear as a day.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: blckhawk on September 17, 2020, 10:14:10 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
I am pretty sure they tried but unfortunately, they can't probably because of what characteristic Bitcoins have. The government thought that this will be a threat to the current system. That is why they did think something that can able them to manipulate it somehow and that is through exchanges. Some others find and created some flaws in order for people not to recognize this currency such as using the media to mislead what is the true purpose of this innovation. However, throughout the battle of government against Bitcoin they manage to ban it somehow which makes their people unable to use it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: MURONDI on September 17, 2020, 10:43:37 AM
they can't stop bitcoin, almost everyone around the world uses bitcoin, maybe if it could paralyze the internet network around the world bitcoin would stop.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: GideonGono on September 17, 2020, 12:24:14 PM
I think there are two reason why they don't kill BTC.
First is they couldn't really kill it or stop it unless they would totally shut down the internet to stop all the transaction but we all know that they wouldn't do it.
Second is some of them are using it to launder or hide some of their assets or money.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: achach on September 17, 2020, 02:58:38 PM
Maybe they don't know how to handle it. Or maybe they want to use it in the future for their own purposes.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Alert31 on September 17, 2020, 03:06:13 PM
Bitcoin now has a growing community after 10years of circulating in crypto market. The demand keep on increasing that makes it's value higher and i think government aware about that and i don't think that there is no government employee investing in bitcoin. One day we can see government will accept bitcoin and legalize it even they have no full control on it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Ridwan Fauzi on September 17, 2020, 03:08:54 PM
Why they should kill bitcoin? There is no reason to shutdown bitcoin since there is no negative side if their citizen use bitcoin.

More than that, at the current time bitcoin can be made as an investment place where the people can make a profit throught it. More ever in this situation, I believe there will be many people who will need a side income to meet their daily life.

So, it will be a wrong way if they kill bitcoin and prohibit the utilization in the country. We are find if bitcoin can't be use as mean of payment because I'm aware that using money fiat is more easy rather use bitcoin, but there is no didn't accept bitcoin as mean of investment place.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: cabron on September 17, 2020, 03:44:22 PM
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?
Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Are they protecting Bitcoin or trying to ban it? You can't have both arguments one after another. It is either one or another.

It could be that all these banning and illegalizing it are just shinanegans or so to make it look like they don't really want BTC and then suddenly they have the reason to use blockchain for all aspects in government to control people by collecting data of the people.

The early adoptors of BTC and cryptocurrency and the rich people of today can easily access crypto and invest but it definitely a good way to finally collect the data of individuals who are future money makers.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: kryptqnick on September 17, 2020, 03:54:23 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Because they wont able to do so.If they able to kill BTC then they had already done it and thats why we do see lots of regulations and laws towards cryptocurrency but this decision would vary on each country since not all are on the same side.Some do support it and some do see it as a threat.

Government cant kill BTC even the creator itself wont able to do so and thats the beauty on dealing with Bitcoin market yet it has been supported by many and the price is dictated depending on the supply and demand.

For government on owning secretly then theres no surprise on that since theyve been holding specially to those coins which are been confiscated
on scam programs or even on that silkroad btc's.

Last, you cant compared Gold to BTC.
Some government officials own BTC even in my country, and I'm sure there are owners in other countries as well. There are also some govs (like that of North Korea) rumored to possess significant amount of BTC. And while I agree that killing Bitcoin is impossible due to its decentralized nature, I think there are rich govs that could cause serious damage to Bitcoin by accumulating a lot of BTC overtime (or via OTC deals) and then selling it fast to dump the price. Another powerful choice is to ban Bitcoin and make it a criminal offense to possess it. If a major country like the US did that, many would be discouraged to use Bitcoin and even more would panic that other countries can follow this example. But all such actions would make Bitcoin take a hit rather than kill it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: pawanjain on September 17, 2020, 03:58:00 PM
Bitcoin is something that no individual can control and that's why Government cannot kill bitcoin.
But yeah they can still restrict people from using it by establishing laws against bitcoin in their country.
To be honest, Government won't be able to gain anything by regulating bitcoin and many Government's have already accepted it because they know that they can profit more out of bitcoin if they simply accept it and legalize it in their country.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: ILuckyGuyI on September 17, 2020, 04:23:45 PM
Governments don't have the power to shut down Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin is decentralized. So, its control is not on anyone. Governments can ban Bitcoin and there is no problem with that. When it comes to killing it, it is not possible.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Blackrain13 on September 17, 2020, 04:55:16 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

I think government can't stop bitcoin because they know how valuable it is and they also know that the demand of bitcoin keep on increasing. If they want to ban it they can do but I am sure that the government know the benefits of using bitcoin and maybe one of them are also investors of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on September 17, 2020, 05:11:51 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
From the definition of Bitcoin, they can't do it already.
They aren't protecting it. You can see a lot of countries getting cryptos banned for various reasons such as the common crimes like money laundering just because holding something under their radar tells that it is an illegal act to do.
We're never sure if all the government around the globe are secretly holding BTC though.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Asuspawer09 on September 17, 2020, 05:22:21 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

Bitcoin is a great asset to the USA since its a good technology that is used in digital transactions and compared to some countries I think the USA is one of the countries that utilize bitcoin.

For sure they could see big potential to the bitcoin technology that is why they have no intension in killing or banning since it is a great asset that could also be useful in the future.

Compared to some countries that bitcoin is banned USA is different, still, we don't know who owns bitcoin probably it might be a countries secret but we just don't know who owns its or is it just one person Satoshi.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: DatKing on September 17, 2020, 06:41:13 PM
First of all, cryptocurrencies are not like fiat money. They have a decentralized system and this is one of the main reasons why governments can't kill Bitcoin. I also think another reason is that governments started to realize how strong the technology behind Bitcoin and how bright the future of Bitcoin. The industry also helped governments look from a different aspect to the future and start to develop their own digital currencies.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: lebregone on September 17, 2020, 06:53:52 PM
This is what I also notice, USA can do something like this if like to like fully banning bitcoin and other crypto currencies. What I am curious as of this moment is that,
the bitcoin creator is still unknown so there is a big chance that they creator of bitcoin is a government like US or any government out there who has the power to do it.

So I am pretty sure that they are protecting it in order to avoid banning the bitcoin as they are getting something from it. I don't know what but I am sure that they have
big plans for the future.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: adzino on September 17, 2020, 07:35:53 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Bitcoin is decentralized. There is no central authority to that controls bitcoin. If there was a central authority, then it would have been easy to "kill" that central authority and bitcoin would die. Now since there is no central authority, the government can literally never kill it unless they force every person in the world not to use bitcoin.
All they can do is ban the usage of crypto currency, but there is no way for them to track if someone is using it or not.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: jrrsparkles on September 17, 2020, 09:01:42 PM
There are two ways to take control of bitcoin blockchain so they can kill the blockchain network and all the transaction.

1. 51% attack possible to kill the blockchain but its nearly impossible to make it happen since the cost of executing is lot more just to make a pause on the existing blockchain network.

2. Shut down the internet worldwide, this also nearly impossible.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: dothebeats on September 17, 2020, 09:40:50 PM
There aren't much incentives to stop bitcoin right now. They will be expending more energy and resources to try to shut it on all fronts rather than get more from doing so. Plus with the decentralized nature of bitcoin. the best governments can do to 'stop' it is to place regional restrictions on it. Say, countries from this region can try to agree with a common goal to not allow their citizens access to certain sites relating to bitcoin. But even that in itself will be too hard given that some countries have already accepted and legalized the use of bitcoin and have even created regulatory frameworks for it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: pixie85 on September 17, 2020, 09:57:28 PM
They can ban it but banning Bitcoin would make them lose potential profits from taxes. Rich investors and traders pay high taxes but if you ban Bitcoin they will have to sell somewhere anyway. It will be cheaper and safer for them to move abroad and sell there than do it under the table.

It's very easy to put your coins on a memory card and take a jet to South Korea, Japan, or werever you like and trade there. The whole world would have to ban it at the same time for this to work and this will never happen.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: goldade on September 17, 2020, 10:29:18 PM
The government can't kill bitcoin because of the very things that make bitcoin what it is. The government can't kill bitcoin because they have no control over it. We both know you can only kill what you have control over.
The worst thing the government can do to bitcoin is to ban its uses in the country just like countries are currently doing. Trust me, if the government had a way to kill bitcoin, they'd have done it a very long time ago.
Bitcoin is here to give individuals control over their money and it's here to stay

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Yamifoud on September 17, 2020, 10:59:38 PM
And why they should do that?
They'll never find wrong about Bitcoin that will push them to eliminate. They heard about scamming, fraud, hacking, and any negative news toward Bitcoin but it is the fault itself, this is the fault of those people who are stupid to think about easy money, greedy individuals.

The government looked into Bitcoin as a huge potential market in the future. Yet, it can't be used as a currency but seeing people benefiting from this as a form of investment, they are likely giving their people a freedom to choose their life, financially.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on September 17, 2020, 11:42:54 PM
IThis has been an old issue and an old issue about whether the government can kill BTC.
Well, actually, which government is that? Are all the governments in the world?
There are a few things:
1. Bitcoin is very global and will really kill this because it is decentralized, trusted, and also used by many people around the world. so not only in a few countries.
2. Bitcoin is a valuable asset that can be used as a valuable investment. Here anyone might be interested, including from the government itself.
3. How can they kill BTC while BTC itself is owned by many people, is operated, and there are also many networks there that are used.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: MCobian on September 17, 2020, 11:46:46 PM
I think Bitcoin is not being killed by the government, because there really isn't any benefit if the government does that. And also
the government realizes the positive side of Bitcoin which has the potential to make the world economy rise. The government only
want controls Bitcoin, but unfortunately Bitcoin cannot be controlled by anyone until now. There is even a possibility that the government
secretly owns Bitcoin, therefore most countries that accept Bitcoin only accept it as a digital asset, not as payment.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: dimonstration on September 17, 2020, 11:59:18 PM
First of all, cryptocurrencies are not like fiat money. They have a decentralized system and this is one of the main reasons why governments can't kill Bitcoin. I also think another reason is that governments started to realize how strong the technology behind Bitcoin and how bright the future of Bitcoin. The industry also helped governments look from a different aspect to the future and start to develop their own digital currencies.
Some government started to use it and make it legal, they even see how beneficial it is during Pandemic that help ease transactions, maybe some officials also do invest in crypto as their investment like what their people also do. The only thing government can do is to warn the people to invest rightfully,to do research and be mindful where to invest. We're lucky that the government is open to idea of adopting crypto since it can benefit many if they will try to learn and study it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Sapphire915 on September 18, 2020, 12:12:53 AM
No, its not the way you think it is. Its not that really easy. The Government has no capability to stop Bitcoin and the Blockchain Industry. They can absolutely ban it in a certain Country but they can't force the people to stop using it in private or in secret ways. It will keep going and the great features continuously flowing like the unstoppable river flowing through the wide ocean.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: LogitechMouse on September 18, 2020, 12:38:57 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
How can they kill a thing that they didn't even created or owned. It has been done numerous times already saying that Bitcoin is dead blah blah blah. Fucking stupid.
They don't protect it though, there are still some countries who banned BTC completely for some reasons.
Secretly own Bitcoin?? Stop with this conspiracy theory you are creating :D.

Gold and Bitcoin are different.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: michellee on September 18, 2020, 03:58:54 AM
The government can kill bitcoin if they shut down the internet in their country, so people don't have access to their bitcoin wallet. But bitcoin will still run in other countries because the other countries still allow the internet. I think the government is buying bitcoin secretly without the public knows, and I think the government is still learning about bitcoin before giving a statement. But the government can ban bitcoin from being accessed by the people, but I don't know how they do that. I just believe that they can do that.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Slow death on September 18, 2020, 06:40:44 AM
What is Stopping?

Nothing, bitcoin is something new and governments prefer to observe what will be the trend of bitcoin adherence, if many people are buying bitcoin then governments will need to be very cautious in the decisions they are going to make, do not forget that the government is composed of a small group of people who, to be in government, were elected by the people and going against the people can harm interests in future elections and relations with businessmen. That is why it is sometimes better to stay neutral, it is what governments are doing.

Imagine if any government banned bitcoin and after 2 years it looks at many countries that accept bitcoin living with bitcoin in a harmonious and happy way? these government that banned bitcoin will be seen as a government that does not know how to analyze opportunities and is against technology!

Why They protecting the btc?

where did you get that idea that governments protect bitcoin?

Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Huh? I did not know that!

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: UserU on September 18, 2020, 07:27:46 AM
It's very easy to put your coins on a memory card and take a jet to South Korea, Japan, or werever you like and trade there. The whole world would have to ban it at the same time for this to work and this will never happen.

I wonder how many Bitcoins does one need to actually afford a jet.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: AniviaBtc on September 18, 2020, 11:22:53 AM
Governments are not that dumb to do that, some of them know that BTC do have a lot of potential and it really need some time and support for it to grow more. The only problem here is adoption and its volatility in the market, still people in our society thinks that bitcoin is a fraud and a ponzi which is not true. We need to change that mindset towards bitcoin and treat it as a normal currency. They are not literally killing btc but they are just against its legalization in their economy and the market. Not all of us do have the same vision and perception towards btc and we are just believing in its full potential to help an economy grow.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Sirait on September 18, 2020, 11:56:32 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?
= Stopping is Dead or without any trading activity at all.

= the government doesn't want to kill Bitcoin but they can't.
= the government has never protected Bitcoin. because it can't do anything to Bitcoin so the government just lets it go.
= own Bitcoin! I'm not really sure, but it's possible that some do have it secretly.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: AicecreaME on September 18, 2020, 01:07:44 PM
Government doesn't have the power to kill Bitcoin. In fact, they want to put tax on it and control it, but they can't. They also want to destroy Bitcoin image to people but they can't fool us all. The Government don't want anything but bad to Bitcoin, especially those corrupt politicians. Thankfully, Satoshi Nakamoto made it decentralized so it will live peacefully and untouchable by those Government's dirty hands.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Pito001 on September 18, 2020, 02:17:23 PM
Govs cant kill btc because of its decentralization. And looks like that they dont want to just ban it too. Maybe they don't think that btc could be dangerous for them

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Axelseseclevz on September 18, 2020, 03:09:32 PM
If government can kill bitcoin maybe they already killed it before it become popular. Remember that bitcoin is Decentralized  digital currency which government has no control on it. They don't have even a single authority to control it that's why until now they can't kill bitcoin. Who knows, Government are also investors of bitcoin.It is possible ,right?

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on September 18, 2020, 03:30:16 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

The reason why the government does not kill it is because it cannot, it has to compete with a very large sum of money, they also know very well that in countries with high inflation they do not support the supply of it, and this causes debt, which, is convenient for countries like the USA that have a hegemony of the growing dollar.

The countries most interested in ending Bitcoin are the inflationary ones, because they see them as money laundering and loss of liquidity, they become potential enemies, that is why they are assuming the economic technology of bitcoin as possible to collect taxes and can be somewhat legalized, of course, today there are many ways to bypass these options and protect anonymity.

In the article they emphasize Venezuela, whose author is Latin and is in Spanish:

Barring honorable exceptions like the ones we've seen in Venezuela and Caribbean islands or with Bulgarian funds in BTC, Bitcoin is designed to be an enemy to governments.

Source: (

Gold is the safe haven by nature, and hence is the security of countries with stable economies so that they can withstand some economic crises, since they affirm that they are backed in gold, this according to some reports from the FED, which, today days have been much questioned, as the printing of cash will at some point cause some inflation.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: AakZaki on September 18, 2020, 05:36:10 PM
Bitcoin is a system that is not centralized and is not controlled by anyone, so even the government will not be able to eliminate it.

There is no real reason to get rid of bitcoin. Because Bitcoin and blockchain technology are future payment systems that will be very useful and can be developed even better.

Several governments on this earth approve of the existence of bitcoin and begin to legalize it, although some governments still have not provided full regulations on the use of bitcoin.

Bitcoin and technology is a future that must be defended.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: pokeronlinestatus on September 18, 2020, 05:38:24 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Mate, I don’t know if the government owns a bit of Bitcoin, but I can tell that there was a time the government was strongly against Bitcoin and people holding it felt threatened in so many places around the world.

But, this time around it’s become legal in so many places. And I can tell you for sure that the government will never be able to stop Bitcoin because they can’t do that, they can’t stop it since there is no particular control for Bitcoin where they can just go to and shot it down, they can’t do that. That’s why you’re being told that Bitcoin is decentralized, and that decentralization is the power.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: seoincorporation on September 18, 2020, 05:50:44 PM
Thay can just kill bitcoin because bitcoin is decentralized, that means an individual, an organization or a gov can't kill it. The only way to do this is if all of us just stop using it. But if a government makes it illegal that means the other countries should be able to use it.

If all govs makes it illegat then it will become illegal but that doesn't mean people will stop using it, it will be like drug dealing.

So the answer is, govs don't kill bitcoin because they cant.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: BitcoinHunt3r on September 18, 2020, 06:42:00 PM
what government do maybe only make regulation in their country to make people not use bitcoin. But to kill BTC, i think it will be hard since it is a technology and maybe will need to shut down the internet to make people not use it anymore.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: kayvie on September 18, 2020, 09:44:09 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
The only reason is that they can't. Even if they prohibit their citizens from using bitcoin, there are a lot of ways to continue using it, it is not controlled by anyone or any company that's why they can't kill BTC.
They don't actually protect it but more like they don't give enough attention to it due to other problems they need to face inside their country. 

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: ReiMomo on September 18, 2020, 09:51:48 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
No one can stop bitcoin if there is someone who will use it even it is prohibited on their place and no one protecting bitcoin. It is protected by itself and no one was in control behind this digital asset. Government and cryptocurrency are totally opposite because they dont like this and there is no reason of protecting our government.

Anyone can own bitcoin but understand first the characteristics on it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Shasha80 on September 18, 2020, 10:15:15 PM
It's not that easy for the government to kill Bitcoin, because as long as there is supply and demand Bitcoin will always exist.
And it's not easy to shut down the Bitcoin network and system too, but I'm sure the government won't kill Bitcoin. Because
what the government really wants is to control Bitcoin, not to kill Bitcoin. Because the government must have realized that
Bitcoin has indeed brought many positive benefits to the world economy. So the government is definitely trying to get benefits
from Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Viscore on September 18, 2020, 10:15:36 PM
Well, I'd supposed not think that the government will like to stop Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general but instead of seeing them to support this technology. They are looking at the benefits of the crowd and not just brag by their own interest which makes them not stop bitcoin but instead of letting it be used by the people around and seeing this having a key role in future events.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: crzy on September 18, 2020, 10:24:47 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Bitcoin is all over the world so technically they can’t kill bitcoin and since bitcoin keeps on growing, they saw a big potential with this technology and I’m sure they are holding bitcoin secretly. If every government show their support with bitcoin, then that’s the time we will reach the moon. They are not protecting bitcoin literally, but they are not doing anything bad with bitcoin because this is next to gold.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Nellayar on September 18, 2020, 10:51:48 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
They can kill bitcoin by only banning it to use in their countries. But stopping the entire ecosystem of bitcoin? I think they cannot make it even Satoshi Nakamoto if he returned back, he can`t control bitcoin anymore. Since bitcoin is an open-source and decentralized, no one can control it. Maybe, adoption of bitcoin is widely become the trend and they don`t want anymore to stop this because right now, we are in a digital era wherein we can pay, transfer and send or receive money all over the world using crypto or bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: FlightyPouch on September 18, 2020, 11:41:01 PM
what government do maybe only make regulation in their country to make people not use bitcoin. But to kill BTC, i think it will be hard since it is a technology and maybe will need to shut down the internet to make people not use it anymore.

I don't think they need to "shut down" the internet since they can't just do that. Most of the jobs right now needed the accessibility on the internet and restricting that for one reason is just absurd. They have bigger problems than bitcoin and other crypto currencies especially now that we are in a pandemic. It is not that they don't want to or can't it is just that they don't care.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Serious475 on September 19, 2020, 12:29:19 AM
The government does not have rights to kill the bitcoin because this is decentralized but still they are authorized to support or banned this kind of payment.

Many country are already banned the use of the bitcoin but still some of their people want to use.

In my country they are accepting and supporting the use of the bitcoin also they created a centralized exchange like the others have too and by this they can easily monitor the transactions also they limit  the amount of having a transaction monthly not quite bad if you are just a small investor.

Also if we are trying to look at the future bitcoin is one of the most efficient payment method less hassle of making transactions. So there is a chance they will accept and support this soon.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: yhiaali3 on September 19, 2020, 02:16:10 AM
I don't think the government is capable of killing Bitcoin and nobody else even Satoshi himself, Bitcoin was born so that it is out of control, I think the only way to kill Bitcoin is to stop all mining and Nodes around the world.
As for your saying that governments buy bitcoin in secret, this is for sure. I heard that the US government is keeping the largest amount of Bitcoin in the world secret.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: romeojasmin13 on September 19, 2020, 02:31:36 AM
The government is going neither kill Bitcoin, nor protect it. Bitcoin is decentralized and uncontrolled, that's why none government is able to stop it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Xxmodded on September 19, 2020, 11:19:36 AM
I don't think the government is capable of killing Bitcoin and nobody else even Satoshi himself, Bitcoin was born so that it is out of control, I think the only way to kill Bitcoin is to stop all mining and Nodes around the world.
As for your saying that governments buy bitcoin in secret, this is for sure. I heard that the US government is keeping the largest amount of Bitcoin in the world secret.
Bitcoin without get allowing from government is hard to get positive respond from many people, they will afraid for using bitcoin without get law from government because when have fraud investment they don't have law for report with bitcoin or altcoin with scam project. When get permission from government to allow using bitcoin maybe many people will glad for investing with bitcoin and easy to promote bitcoin for many company and accepted as legal payment currency for the future.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: coolcoinz on September 19, 2020, 12:44:48 PM
Styrictly speaking, it's because "killing" bitcoin is impossible. All they can do is discourage people from using it by, for instance, banning financial institutions from providing fiat moeny to bitcoin businesses, like they did in China, or not allowing people to register a business if it's related to cryptocurrencies.
Some governments in countries like India or Russia have taken some action but they all know it's a war they cannot win.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: nrgmanuk on September 19, 2020, 12:51:04 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Bitcoin is the future. The government does not own bitcoin, but it can control it, more precisely, control those who have bitcoins. Trying to master and control is easier and more profitable than killing.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: HunyB on September 19, 2020, 05:38:04 PM
What is stopping them are the fundamental features of Bitcoin itself. You cannot kill Bitcoin. I guess they've already tried countless of times. And all to no avail. They've labelled Bitcoin all kinds of names and yet the thing is still unstoppable; it's still moving forward.

I think the government's actions for a long time cannot be called protecting Bitcoin.

I don't know how much the government owns right now but those are actually BTC confiscated from certain illegal activities which will end up either auctioned or sold. The government doesn't own BTC for the sake of owning it. But, for sure, a number of individuals in the government are secret hodlers of BTC.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: RokokGudangGaram on September 19, 2020, 05:52:32 PM
Styrictly speaking, it's because "killing" bitcoin is impossible. All they can do is discourage people from using it by, for instance, banning financial institutions from providing fiat moeny to bitcoin businesses, like they did in China, or not allowing people to register a business if it's related to cryptocurrencies.
Some governments in countries like India or Russia have taken some action but they all know it's a war they cannot win.
Exactly. Shutting it down would be impossible because they did not make it in the first place. Also, taking advantage of it by implementing the collection of tax from cryptocurrencies is something that the government cannot do because they do not regulate it in the first place. And what there’s left to do? Banning and discouraging people. But as they see, Bitcoin never stops growing.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: imstillthebest on September 19, 2020, 06:27:43 PM
Styrictly speaking, it's because "killing" bitcoin is impossible. All they can do is discourage people from using it by, for instance, banning financial institutions from providing fiat moeny to bitcoin businesses, like they did in China, or not allowing people to register a business if it's related to cryptocurrencies.
Some governments in countries like India or Russia have taken some action but they all know it's a war they cannot win.
Exactly. Shutting it down would be impossible because they did not make it in the first place. Also, taking advantage of it by implementing the collection of tax from cryptocurrencies is something that the government cannot do because they do not regulate it in the first place. And what there’s left to do? Banning and discouraging people. But as they see, Bitcoin never stops growing.
But didnt they really make it ? how did we know when the founder itself didn't say anything with it's background  . What if satoshi is working from a government so we can say that btc is made by government , that's possible because there are other cryptos that were also made by them . Banning didn't  discourage people but this totally kills the hope of people to use a bitcoin .  Discourage means that there are still hope left of using a btc  . They can discourage people by saying btc is like this or like that .

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Anna138 on September 19, 2020, 07:43:54 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

How do you imagine it? How do you think you can kill bitcoin? How do you think you can kill a decentralized system like the Internet? This is simply technically impossible. The state is not a single mechanism -it is a lot of different departments that are disclosed to each other and cannot act together.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Igor17Krik on September 19, 2020, 08:20:26 PM
Fortunately, they cannot do this. As the President of Russia once said about cryptocurrency: "What cannot be banned must be headed." Perhaps they would have limited him long ago, but in reality they cannot. This is very good, because the world is really becoming different, more decentralized.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Lizzie_Girl on September 19, 2020, 08:22:55 PM
Maybe you should learn how to speak properly before making such ridiculous statements. If you learnt about bitcoin you would be able to answer these questions. Bitcoin is a tool of liberation and was designed with this in mind. These things were all thought of when bitcoin was made. You cannot ever control bitcoin. You may as well try to ban the internet itself.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: 2double0 on September 19, 2020, 08:32:08 PM
Kill Btc?
Btc has got a physical body? Since when? /sarcasm
How can it be killed when it is not even alive?
Few governments hold Btc (not governments but few members of some governments), Btc is now in the hands of many high-rated people who will not let these governments do that because governments know that they need them (the rich guys) for their country and their own pleasure for money. People like us are involved in this in a very large number now that stopping has gone out of fashion.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Kelvinid on September 19, 2020, 09:02:34 PM
Maybe you should learn how to speak properly before making such ridiculous statements. If you learnt about bitcoin you would be able to answer these questions. Bitcoin is a tool of liberation and was designed with this in mind. These things were all thought of when bitcoin was made. You cannot ever control bitcoin. You may as well try to ban the internet itself.
Don't get bothered with him, only he needs attention.
Because in the first place, the government never think about killing Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general. What they want is that tried to regulate Bitcoin and controlled it but unfortunately, it is impossible and Bitcoin still decentralize and uncontrollable.

Bitcoin becomes the hottest investment today and almost all of us knew it already aside from those people who have never engaged in the internet. It soon comes that the government will become friendly to Bitcoin and allow the people to use it freely without the hesitation that might put them in jail just like what happens in some country.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Wawa2013 on September 19, 2020, 09:11:01 PM
I don't believe the government is capable of killing Bitcoin, because no one can shut down the Bitcoin system. So the government can
only be limited to banning Bitcoin,but usually not long after the government realizes the benefits Bitcoin has, it will lift the ban. Usually
countries that accept Bitcoin, only limit Bitcoin as a digital asset, they do this out of fear Bitcoin will replace fiat.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: fourpiece on September 19, 2020, 09:36:42 PM
Government cant kill btc cause they knew the importance of btc  in our world today, and maybe some of the government official do own btc thats why they cant kill btc as what like by the other people.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: White32 on September 21, 2020, 04:36:07 AM
Government don't kill btc because they know that btc is one of online business can help many people around the world.  Maybe some big businesses owners investing in it. In fact I knew the person who has big investment in bitcoin. She has meet some investor also from any different project.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: PonZZ on September 21, 2020, 04:59:32 AM
Like they did with gold? At the end of WWII, the U.S. had 75% of the world's monetary gold. How many Bitcoins is the US holding now?

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: usekevin on September 21, 2020, 05:29:26 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

It was not fully correct. Some of the country government warm welcome the bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. In USA, many transaction is happening with the bitcoin.Bitcoin is also had a good market like developing countries Nigeria,Indonesia,India. So it had good response from some government. Even in India,it was a illegal for some period and legal one now.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Fatemablabla on September 21, 2020, 06:14:24 AM
No government can kill bitcoin if they want. Because you can't control it. It has its own features which keeping it away to being killed. And i agree that many country doesn't like bitcoin but yet there many countries who like and supports bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. Third generation countries in Africa supports blockchain and they are using it on their way. I hope one day those countries come up in top.

Now, do they own BTC secretly? I will say yes. I don't know I'm wrong or right but I think most of the countries high ranked people owns BTC secretly because they also knows it's value. 

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Kong Hey Pakboy on September 21, 2020, 06:20:19 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
I don't think that the government secretly owns bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because bitcoin is decentralized and an open-source, which means anyone can access its source code. Still, they can't control it, even the government. I think the government doesn't kill bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because other countries find bitcoin as an opportunity for people who want to earn a profit. Also, blockchain technology can help businesses because of its transparency, enhanced security, and easier traceability.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Inkdatar on September 21, 2020, 06:53:35 AM
Bitcoin users is really growing although there’s other country it is prohibited. When you look how bitcoin surpass the challenges when it was created we will see the improvement just like people adopt the use of btc. It cannot kill instant by the government instead they should support the use of it as people also gaining from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: AakZaki on September 21, 2020, 07:26:06 PM
~snip~ It cannot kill instant by the government instead they should support the use of it as people also gaining from bitcoin.
Many government agencies have adopted it, one of which is banking. They are at a better level of efficiency, security and transaction speed of cryptocurrencies. It made me think crypto was going to be the future of the world. Indeed, some countries have different rules because crypto has no institutions that prohibit them. In addition, there are many advantages if it is better regulated, for example the state can collect taxes and adopt technology. So I think crypto will keep going with regulatory updates.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Lizzie_Girl on September 21, 2020, 08:24:37 PM
Maybe you should learn how to speak properly before making such ridiculous statements. If you learnt about bitcoin you would be able to answer these questions. Bitcoin is a tool of liberation and was designed with this in mind. These things were all thought of when bitcoin was made. You cannot ever control bitcoin. You may as well try to ban the internet itself.
Don't get bothered with him, only he needs attention.
Because in the first place, the government never think about killing Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general. What they want is that tried to regulate Bitcoin and controlled it but unfortunately, it is impossible and Bitcoin still decentralize and uncontrollable.

Bitcoin becomes the hottest investment today and almost all of us knew it already aside from those people who have never engaged in the internet. It soon comes that the government will become friendly to Bitcoin and allow the people to use it freely without the hesitation that might put them in jail just like what happens in some country.

Yeah. Such clueless people. It would just be a waste of police time to arrest people for this. It might also start riots and protests. It is basically taking your freedom away. Bitcoin still helps the goverment and country becuase there is still sales tax and there is also the stimulation that it brings to the marltet whcih is much needed during these tough times.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Astvile on September 21, 2020, 10:11:53 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Because they cant or maybe they are just finding ways on how to right now. Bitcoin is decentralized no one can control it. Government cant take over it or get rid of it in the internet completely all they can just do is continuously issue bans and illegal offense for those who uses it. Not even the creator himself can stop bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: ichi on November 22, 2020, 01:31:28 PM
No administration can slaughter bitcoins in light of the fact that Bitcoin is decentralized on the web and they are decentralized. In the event that a client is restricted in this nation, the client will be in another nation. Bitcoin liquidity at a worldwide level. The public authority can just preclude the utilization of Bitcoin as a method for installment, yet can't restrict individuals from accumulating bitcoins in light of the fact that they don't have the position to oversee or administer the bitcoin network. In nations that boycott the utilization of bitcoin, individuals are unobtrusively utilizing it for exchanges.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Casdinyard on November 22, 2020, 01:49:53 PM
No administration can slaughter bitcoins in light of the fact that Bitcoin is decentralized on the web and they are decentralized. In the event that a client is restricted in this nation, the client will be in another nation. Bitcoin liquidity at a worldwide level. The public authority can just preclude the utilization of Bitcoin as a method for installment, yet can't restrict individuals from accumulating bitcoins in light of the fact that they don't have the position to oversee or administer the bitcoin network. In nations that boycott the utilization of bitcoin, individuals are unobtrusively utilizing it for exchanges.
No government can "kill" this technology, they can only prohibit its use in certain areas. But through exchanges, People do still manage to invest in areas wherein it is not "legal" through crypto exchanges but are having a hard time to convert it into fiat.
As years are passing by, more governments are allowing the use of this technology and are now aiming for centralization thru third party networks. Well, I think such development is quite good for this industry as long as third party networks are just optional and not mandatory to be used in transactions involving cryptos because there is a slight chance to do so because it is the only way Governments could imply tax on transactions.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: SaveOurSea on November 22, 2020, 02:40:48 PM
Kill Bitcoin? Do you know the nature of Bitcoin? yes, that's decentralization, the meaning of decentralization is nothing to regulate,
Bitcoin is free to use, there are no restrictions, especially for government, the government can only regulate a few aspects,
from security or for investors, it will not kill bitcoin, but for strengthen bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: budi691 on November 22, 2020, 03:30:05 PM
the government is unlikely to kill Bitcoin, because I believe the government has recognized Bitcoin with all its technology but in my opinion the government has not been able to make regulations to fully accept Bitcoin and is still afraid Bitcoin will replace Fiat money.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Fesatmas on November 22, 2020, 03:50:52 PM
what is the main basis for the government to kill bitcoin?
What are the advantages to them of killing Bitcoin?
nothing can stop the growth of btc. because: first they besides secretly owning Bitcoin, they also feel helped to secure their wealth so as not to be affected by inflation like saving money in a bank account.
Second, they know that the role of bitcoin is not only as a digital asset but as an important indicator in running a business without having to bother with many people.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: dificanovi on November 22, 2020, 04:32:09 PM
if there is still an internet network then BTC will not be killed, besides that I also see that not all governments prohibit BTC.  every country must have its laws regarding digital currency so it is not easy to kill BTC, I am also sure that all countries must have bought BTC but they did not announce.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: KennyR on November 22, 2020, 04:51:13 PM
Governments doesn't have the ability to kill bitcoin. The only way to kill is through stop its entire usage. Some governments authorise the usage of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Same time some oppose and try to impose ban over the usage of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. When we've two different groups with different understanding about the cryptocurrencies it is hard to make the bitcoin go out of usage.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: koang on November 22, 2020, 05:13:02 PM
Bitcoin is not something that can be "killed". This is not a centralized database. They have to wipe out the entire internet.
The government can ban Bitcoin but that will not kill Bitcoin.
Even by banning bitcoin, the government will suffer losses because it will prevent its business and domestic market from developing,
thus shifting innovation opportunities to other countries.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Tamim121 on November 22, 2020, 05:16:04 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?
I don't know that they own Bitcoin secretly or not. No government is able to stop or kill btc. If they can do so then they would do that in many years ago. Even the creator is unable to kill Bitcoin. Also They don't protecting Bitcoin. Most of the government banned btc. Because they cant trace its transaction and can't handle it also they can't get any tax from it. No government make anything legal or protect anything form where they can't get tax.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Oceat on November 22, 2020, 05:44:43 PM
If only they could find the real creator of Bitcoin there might be a possibility and since Satoshi Nakamoto is nowhere to be found then stopping Bitcoin is almost to impossible. The only thing that the government could wish to eradicate Bitcoin is to stop the usage of it all over the world but that's also impossible to happen since every country has different opinions about Bitcoin.

And the worst case scenario would be a world war or chaos in every country. That for sure would stop the trading of Bitcoin because there's no internet to make a transaction.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Zanab247 on November 22, 2020, 06:49:41 PM
Bitcoin is a decentralized currency which is not control by any country of the world. Government cannot kill bitcoin because it help the government to reduce unemployment in the country. Many citizens are using bitcoin to grow their businesses in the country. During the pandemic where other currencies where reducing in the exchange market but bitcoin keep rising which many citizens were using it to fight hardship in the country.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Traderbtcc on November 22, 2020, 07:59:40 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
The government have tried alot of times, but they can't kill it, how can they kill something they have no control over, bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that doesn't depend on any government to continue working, so the government can't kill it, they can only prohibit the use of bitcoin as many countries have been doing over the years, but there's no way the government kill bitcoin totally, it's just  like the dark web, the government can't shut it down up till today.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Smartprofit on November 22, 2020, 08:06:49 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

I think governments have a lot of problems now (Covid-19 pandemic, economic problems, unemployment, etc.). 

Bitcoin is the future.  Governments understand this.  How to ban bitcoin in this situation?

Banning Bitcoin will generate additional interest in it.  Bitcoin is not the most anonymous and confidential cryptocurrency.  If Bitcoin is banned, people may be interested in other, more anonymous coins (like Monero). 

Therefore, governments have chosen a different path.  They are waging war with Bitcoin through laws and regulatory restrictions.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: sapnu on November 22, 2020, 08:18:10 PM
If only they could find the real creator of Bitcoin there might be a possibility and since Satoshi Nakamoto is nowhere to be found then stopping Bitcoin is almost to impossible. The only thing that the government could wish to eradicate Bitcoin is to stop the usage of it all over the world but that's also impossible to happen since every country has different opinions about Bitcoin.

And the worst case scenario would be a world war or chaos in every country. That for sure would stop the trading of Bitcoin because there's no internet to make a transaction.
Absolutely, since the cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning there are no groups of people or any other organization that is taking care of this kind of digital money there is no such thing that it can be killed or stopped since the government doesn't know who creates cryptocurrency. The only thing that they can do is that they can regulate the usage or even ban it in their country but they cannot kill it by themselves. I hope there's such perfect understanding about cryptocurrency around the world that it is not a threat, instead, it is a good way of payment method and also an investment.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: oktana on November 22, 2020, 08:45:42 PM
Do you really think they can just stop bitcoin? It's impossible to me. Bitcoin isn't a physical coin. If you looked me in the face, you can't tell if I know what bitcoin is. So how will they know who uses bitcoin, how will they even stop them if they discovered anyone?

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: passwordnow on November 22, 2020, 09:24:10 PM
Do you really think they can just stop bitcoin? It's impossible to me. Bitcoin isn't a physical coin. If you looked me in the face, you can't tell if I know what bitcoin is. So how will they know who uses bitcoin, how will they even stop them if they discovered anyone?
He is thinking as exactly as it is and that's why he has asked that obvious question with an obvious reason. They can't shut down the entire network of bitcoin. It's requiring a lot of money to stop it, making a 51% attack is expensive so is the shutting down of it will need more money than the 51% attack. Governments can stop it through regulations and banning but that's only a lockdown through their jurisdiction but it will still keep going in different parts of the world.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: carlfebz2 on November 22, 2020, 09:30:31 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

Why government dont kill btc? because they cant.

Protecting? Its hard to believe yet this is fully contrary when it comes to centralizations.

Owning secretly? Of course they do have lots specially to those coins that had been confiscated on illegal sites just like what happened into those Silk road funds recently.

You know government where they do dive in opportunities which do seem that they might be fully against with it but who knows that they
do have some plans behind.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: ene1980 on November 22, 2020, 10:55:11 PM
No government can "kill" this technology, they can only prohibit its use in certain areas. But through exchanges, People do still manage to invest in areas wherein it is not "legal" through crypto exchanges but are having a hard time to convert it into fiat.
For the most part it is true that no government could kill the technology but the major problem i see is that the mining is centralized and if there is a collaboration of nations that has the most miners and they can shut that down then we might have a problem but i am not expecting that as the financial institutions started pouring in billions and the principle behind the idea is novel and hence implementing laws around it is the best option rather than stopping it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Question123 on November 23, 2020, 02:09:34 AM
They don't have powers to kill the bitcoin, others government are really like the cryptocurrency and hey supporting it. But sadly to say not all because they have some country are wants to see the bitcoin to dump or failed or ban it.

Government should support the bitcoin because this is the opportunity that we have and they cannot kill this even they want.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: proTECH77 on November 23, 2020, 05:25:39 AM
 Bitcoin is a digital currency that is ready to assist any government that need it in their country. The reason why government is doing everything possible to create a good environment for all BTC users, is because is helping the government to reduce unemployment in the country. Many government who think bitcoin is a scam currency that is making them not legalized bitcoin in their country, find it difficult to reduce economy challenges in their country because they fail to carry out some research concerning the digital currency which other countries are using to improve their economy in the country.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: jerrison on November 23, 2020, 05:51:03 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

I think it is not like gold. In the case of gold, it was visible, and within the reach of the government and could be regulated or controlled by the government and also agencies but in the case of Bitcoin and its technology, It leave governement with no access towards controlling its flow and circulation. No doubts, it has eluded them and they can not comprhend it else they would have put a stop to it earlier.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: zeingrind777 on November 23, 2020, 05:57:12 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Any government and institution can never kill bitcoin. The government in my country has banned bitcoin, but there are still many people who store and use bitcoin. Even though the Binance exchange has been blocked, we can still trade our crypto assets using a VPN.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Alucard1 on November 23, 2020, 06:24:51 AM
For sure, the government already tried killing it so many times but unfortunately, they cannot do it and by that maybe they thought that instead of killing I why don't they embrace it, one thing that prevents them from accepting bitcoin or any cryptocurrency is the features of the bitcoin or the volatility which makes it so complicated for every person who doesn't have good knowledge about it and not all can afford computer/mobile phones and internet as well. If they will consider some unfortunate people then they would not agree for cryptocurrency to be accepted.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: oktana on November 23, 2020, 05:19:42 PM
No government can "kill" this technology, they can only prohibit its use in certain areas. But through exchanges, People do still manage to invest in areas wherein it is not "legal" through crypto exchanges but are having a hard time to convert it into fiat.
For the most part it is true that no government could kill the technology but the major problem i see is that the mining is centralized and if there is a collaboration of nations that has the most miners and they can shut that down then we might have a problem but i am not expecting that as the financial institutions started pouring in billions and the principle behind the idea is novel and hence implementing laws around it is the best option rather than stopping it.

This is true. I once saw a post on the forum that says that people in some countries have been blocked from accessing any bitcoin related site (including this forum). But then, he was advised to change his IP address and I believe it worked for him. So if that's how they plan to stop bitcoin, then it won't work as people now know How To change their IP address.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: fishbonez11 on November 23, 2020, 05:34:22 PM
No one has full control  and has the ability to regulate Butcoin even the governy. This what makes Bitcoin what it is today. It all depends to the people who are either support and develop the internet currency. Since internet can be access anywhere, Bitcoin could be anywhere also. The only way to stop Bitcoin is to totally get out of the internet which is impossible since internet now is a necessity

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Gibreil on November 23, 2020, 10:01:40 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Simply, because they won't kill bitcoin. Btc brought the changes in the history of transaction and payment. Imagine, a society wherein you can buy or sell products without holding a fiat currency. Government can't remove bitcoin because they don't know how to do it. Unless otherwise, they shutdown all of our internet connections. In fact, even the creator of bitcoin seems to be anonymous until now. So they have no power to reverse nor stop bitcoin from using it. Banning bitcoin would become an easy step but I know as time goes by, citizens of every country will see bitcoin as good. And government, can't do anything when people decides to use bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Oceat on November 23, 2020, 11:29:49 PM
If only they could find the real creator of Bitcoin there might be a possibility and since Satoshi Nakamoto is nowhere to be found then stopping Bitcoin is almost to impossible. The only thing that the government could wish to eradicate Bitcoin is to stop the usage of it all over the world but that's also impossible to happen since every country has different opinions about Bitcoin.

And the worst case scenario would be a world war or chaos in every country. That for sure would stop the trading of Bitcoin because there's no internet to make a transaction.
Absolutely, since the cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning there are no groups of people or any other organization that is taking care of this kind of digital money there is no such thing that it can be killed or stopped since the government doesn't know who creates cryptocurrency. The only thing that they can do is that they can regulate the usage or even ban it in their country but they cannot kill it by themselves. I hope there's such perfect understanding about cryptocurrency around the world that it is not a threat, instead, it is a good way of payment method and also an investment.
This is the reason why the government are making rules and regulations since they can't control the situation but the longer this Bitcoin exist the longer they will soon going to accept it. Although there are countries that isn't fond of accepting cryptocurrency on their land because they think this is a threat but they were too arrogant to just conclude everything without even trying to understand the concept of having Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: $crypto$ on November 23, 2020, 11:39:18 PM
This is the reason why the government are making rules and regulations since they can't control the situation but the longer this Bitcoin exist the longer they will soon going to accept it. Although there are countries that isn't fond of accepting cryptocurrency on their land because they think this is a threat but they were too arrogant to just conclude everything without even trying to understand the concept of having Bitcoin.
The government in the future will definitely make applicable regulatory rules and gradually bitcoin will still be acquired by the government so this is still not guaranteed when in a situation like this, how the government understands blockchian really takes a long time to optimize it to the government, therefore the government does not can kill bitcoin even with many communities.
Currently, the whole world is almost familiar with bitcoin, so one of the reasons why bitcoin is easy to develop is that the government still legalizes it in a country with a large community.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Nellayar on November 23, 2020, 11:51:06 PM
If government kills bitcoin, the future of digital currency goes down. They can't kill bitcoin because it is an open-source decentralised system. In short, no one controls its existence. They can shut it down by banning it from their countries but they won't stop people from using it. Bitcoin gives a future development in terms of currency. Our era has shown that globalisation and technological advancement adapted, bitcoin is one of the biggest inventions that promote global developments. Government cannot kill nor destroy its name, there are many people who tried to destroy btc yet most of them failed.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Jojiru10 on November 24, 2020, 02:54:30 AM

I guess government and hackers can kill Btc, but btc is still running and moving forward. It is also legal in most other developed countries so on the other hand, maybe they are also protecting it.. and I think as long as people have transactions, btc will continue to grow.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Lorence.xD on November 24, 2020, 03:26:52 AM
Bitcoin is one of the digital currencies created by Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin cannot be killed by anyone because bitcoin is loose and bitcoin cannot be controlled by the state or private companies.
They could stop it in a way although this will only get the demand higher and the prices bigger, they do not want their capitalist homies get angry because the masses are not enslaved to their bureaucratic cogwheel. They knew that stopping it in a blatant way will make the masses angry which could lead to something worse, they are in it for the long con, they want to cripple the market in a way that no one will pay attention to it at first glance which will be terminal once it is obvious. They also see the positive lights of bitcoin and I think they are more inclined to benefit from it rather than stopping it, this is just my speculation, the government might be indifferent to the surge.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: taufik0911 on November 24, 2020, 03:20:57 PM
I think why the government didn't kill BTC, the answer is quite simple because BTC is unstoppable, unregulated and untraceable
The government must gradually adapt to this situation where BTC becomes a hive in society because of the need for more flexible transactions

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Sithara007 on November 24, 2020, 04:40:34 PM
To kill a decentralized asset such as Bitcoin, the government agencies need to direct billions of USD into the mining sector, and even then it is not clear whether they would be able to perform a 51% attack or not. And with every passing week, the network hash rate is increasing and it becomes more and more difficult to perform such an operation. As of now, the authorities don't think that it is worth spending so much money and effort to kill BTC. Even if they kill BTC, another alternative will be created in a matter of few days. What they are going to do then? Repeat the same process again?

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: proTECH77 on November 24, 2020, 05:02:21 PM
Bitcoin is a decentralized currency which is ready to help any government to reduce unemployment in the country. During the pandemic many people lost their job because of the virus that was spreading all over the country, that was causing killing of citizens and collapse of economy in the country . Government impose wearing of facemask and washing of hands to help people to  prevent the virus that was affecting the citizens in the country. Many citizens use the bitcoin to sustain during the pandemic which was making other citizens who does not have idea on bitcoin, really experiencing the hardship in the country.
With the enough envidence the government saw with bitcoin, during the pandemic where other cryptocurrencies where reducing in the exchange market which was causing bitcoin a serious pumping through out the period. Government are ready to create more conducive for all bitcoin users in the country.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Dorodha on November 24, 2020, 06:06:51 PM
The government will never be able to kill Bitcoin because is not under the control of the government and if the government gives legitimacy then is very helpful to improve the economy of the country. Bitcoin is a very profitable investment not only for the government but also for the people. The government cannot control Bitcoin as is decentralized but if the whole world supports the government will accept and the world will go digital. The governments of many countries are legitimizing to improve their own country.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Spack17 on November 24, 2020, 06:53:59 PM
I think the reason that governments don't kill Bitcoin is quite simple. They can't kill Bitcoin because it doesn't work that way. As we know, Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency. So, there is no such thing as "killing Bitcoin". If Bitcoin would be in control of the governments like fiat, then we could argue about it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: BADecker on November 24, 2020, 10:34:13 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

Bitcoin is free non-gov stuff. People are allowed this freedom in the USA. Not only would it be against the law for Gov to stop it, but  Gov doesn't have a method to stop it.

The only way to stop bitcoin is to shut down the Internet. This might happen. Trump might do it in his fight against Biden and the fraudulent voting machines.

Did you ever hear of Piratebox - This is non-Internet communication that acts like Internet. There are others like it. We need to do this before the Internet is shut down by Gov.


Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Lotus on November 24, 2020, 11:02:31 PM
Killing BTC can't happen in a straightforward way. It can only be killed "on paper" at this time, which won't achieve much.
However, to really kill it, the governments of the world will need to work together (which obviously isn't easy) AND do it as a process. Put lots of walls around it, slowly add regulations around it to squeeze out all value out of it and try to make it as unattractive as possible. Tax it higher, scare people, etc... So far, they don't seem to be having much success with those tactics, but it's reasonable that they will continue to try in all ways possible that do not make them hated by the public.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: The cure on November 24, 2020, 11:34:03 PM
The government cannot do killing bitcoin in the first place they have no control to it because it's decentralized, they can only enforce banned in other countries, but not worldwide. In other countries it may be seen as an opportunity for their citizens to help with their financial problems especially in times of crisis and pandemic.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: kotajikikox on November 25, 2020, 02:14:19 AM
What is Stopping?
No one or nothing stopping them.
Why government Don't kill btc?
Because they can't not unless the whole world will stand as one and decide to ban the usage of Bitcoin and close all exchanges in the world,then maybe little by little this will die,but very impossible to happen because never that will happen about the world will decide as one specially in something that others believe that it is Helpful like Bitcoin.
Why They protecting the btc?
Nope no government is broadcasting their full support for bitcoin though there are some country that let this operate in their areas.
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Either Government is owning Bitcoin secretly or not,it doesnt matter because still World will decide about what crypto future is.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on November 25, 2020, 02:47:57 AM
By now I would imagine most governments know they can't kill Bitcoin. They have already hampered it's progress with KYC and other nonsense regulation that prevents it from being adopted on a much larger scale. Through surveillance and AML/KYC compliance they can still control to a certain extent how people are able to use it.

There are also governments which have been sanctioned by the United States and they find it useful at circumventing restrictions.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Innerpumper on November 25, 2020, 04:31:16 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

even some platforms that should be bitcoin rivals are also now working with bitcoin is so interesting because bitcoin was previously widely considered a bubble and garbage is now an important part of the digital world, even platforms such as paypal can now make withdrawals as well as buy and sell bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: crossabdd on November 25, 2020, 01:03:04 PM
There are good and bad sides to BTC as well as the blockchain. there are so many reasons not to kill BTC. one is, the bitcoin network can be used for government systems. like the financial system. ledger notes. and today bitcoin has become a digital commodity. and nothing seems to stop bitcoin. except the internet network. because basically bitcoin runs on a decentralized network. neither person nor institution is the center of the bitcoin system.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Dollar_Hunter on November 25, 2020, 03:04:47 PM
Because indeed in some countries Bitcoin is starting to be glimpsed by the government and some have even legalized it. Most likely this will also be followed by other countries. After all, this crypto is an independent system. So it will not be possible for the government to be able to kill crypto.

That's right, crypto can never kill, let alone die, we all know how crypto currency works,
obviously crypto currency is not like fiat currency, crypto does not need a state or regulation,
and this is what makes Bitcoin even more attractive.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Nhor1011 on November 25, 2020, 03:22:29 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

Government can't kill bitcoin because government has no full control in bitcoin because bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency. Also, maybe you have a point, maybe government officials own also a bitcoin secretly for their own or they invest into bitcoin to support the economic financial system because they know bitcoin is a good investment nowadays. Nobody know! But the important is we are free to use bitcoin and other crypto currency.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: bandungan on November 25, 2020, 03:25:39 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
BTC does not have a head office and BTC does not have an organizational structure like a company. The government cannot have the right to stop the BTC, because this is not their authority. the government only has rules about bitcoin for its own country

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: diazepam666 on November 25, 2020, 03:58:56 PM
It is a request for help for a teenager who has lost everything. I lost my last balance to hold on to life.
Don't let me down, help me.

BTC adress : 1NDGwPrpu21e8ajrsb7WTfuiagpUEHSNaE
This is not a place to post your transaction issue.
In this forum number of discussion is available in the forum so you can post your entire lost details in Bitcoin Technical Support Because current discussion is why BTC is stay in safe. Myself governments are always analyse the future expectation so BTC will be globalized soon.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: oprahwindfury on November 25, 2020, 05:14:05 PM
As we all know that Bitcoin is a decentralized crypto currency and Government is not able to kill or stop the bitcoin. Specifically some countries tries to stop uses of bitcoin in their country but crypto users are still with it  continuously living with the crypto.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Gotumoot on November 25, 2020, 05:46:02 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Because they couldn't kill it nor stop it they could only ban it but do you think that's enough to make the people leave crypto?
Why They protecting the btc?
They aren't protecting it I think they are neutral or it depends on which country because there are some who doesn't like it.
What is Stopping?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?
We couldn't clarify it but we could just assume that this is true after all who wouldn't want to get in on it,
Who wants to be left behind so I think that they also have a secret investment on crypto not just on Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: doomistake on November 26, 2020, 03:51:19 AM
The Government could never kill Bitcoin because of its decentralized form. However, Government could stop it, but how? Government could easily make fuzz about it, spreading bad news about it, making banks prevent their customers to buy Bitcoin using their bank accounts, and anything that could make people stop using Bitcoin. But still, Bitcoin would still exist, it would just stop being use on a certain country that hates Bitcoin that much.

The funny thing is that no matter how they hate Bitcoin, it's innovative function will make them change their minds and starts to adopt it as well like the countries did in the amidst pandemic. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: nebuch on November 26, 2020, 04:09:58 AM
the government is unlikely to kill Bitcoin, because I believe the government has recognized Bitcoin with all its technology but in my opinion the government has not been able to make regulations to fully accept Bitcoin and is still afraid Bitcoin will replace Fiat money.

Somehow the government acknowledge Bitcoin as a helpful means of financial status of the community. They know that Bitcoin is volatile at the same time meaningful to everyone who earn enough and provide their daily needs. So the government is against to bitcoin but not against to profit. Therefore Bitcoin will not be killed by government now and tomorrows.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: fauzan123 on November 26, 2020, 04:14:47 AM
The government cannot do killing bitcoin in the first place they have no control to it because it's decentralized, they can only enforce banned in other countries, but not worldwide. In other countries it may be seen as an opportunity for their citizens to help with their financial problems especially in times of crisis and pandemic.

It is not easy to stop bitcoin, it's just that the government can prevent it by using the rules that apply to each country, but over time several countries have started to become interested in bitcoin because of the benefits it can get.

Of course, one of them is that with this decentralized system, several countries have started to make their own digital currencies by preventing a recession that can happen at any time.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Rafiqul on November 26, 2020, 06:11:05 AM
Honestly, the government does not kill BTC because it does not have the power to kill. BTC is a decentralized currency, with no government control over it. Already, several countries around the world have legalized BTC, which is playing a huge role in their economies. In my own country, BTC has not yet been officially recognized, so we are not able to use it publicly. The government has not been able to stop the use of BTC. The number of its users is increasing day by day.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Debonaire217 on November 26, 2020, 02:09:21 PM
I wanted to ask, from where did you get all your claims OP? As what I know, Government isn't really killing BTC, they don't have direct control over it. They also not protecting BTC, it is just that, they don't have any power over it when it comes to dictating what BTC should behave or to somehow impose a regulation to the Bitcoin Network itself. Bitcoin will work without them, and wayback before, it has been an issue already, but since they couldn't do anything about it, I see that the government is the one who needs to adjust for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. They are now imposing regulations outside of the blockchain in order to somehow regulate their people.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: franch on November 26, 2020, 08:55:09 PM
Governments can neither kill nor protect Bitcoin. Bitcoin is decentralized and uncontrolled, so no government can stop it, it's impossible.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: angrynerd88 on June 09, 2021, 03:16:34 PM
In case a government isn't grasping bitcoin, they can as it were kick against it in their claim nation, they cannot halt it in other nations, bitcoin has come to remain. This is true government and central banks will try hard to stop BTC but unfortunately they cant,Theycannot indeed completely annihilate it, on the off chance that as it were they will control the web from finger tips.Bitcoin is decentralized and its own Bank,people must learn to adopt BTC because in future they will need it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: SaShiRaJaVu on June 09, 2021, 11:36:19 PM
Government can't kill bitcoin because government has no full control in bitcoin because bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency. Also, maybe you have a point, maybe government officials own also a bitcoin secretly for their own or they invest into bitcoin to support the economic financial system because they know bitcoin is a good investment nowadays. Nobody know! But the important is we are free to use bitcoin and other crypto currency.
A government can come up with rules and regulations that it could make things difficult for a user. If they force the exchanges to shut their doors and ask the credit card companies to never deal with cryptocurrency then it will be difficult to make trade normally and any government could enforce these rules and if they declare huge punishments then who is going to take that risk. So it is possible that a government could make restrictions.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: ampu on June 10, 2021, 08:31:47 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

Bitcoin exists on the internet and the government wants to kill Bitcoin then they will have to kill the internet too.
Bitcoin is decentralized so it is not controlled by any authority.
The government has put in place regulations to kill Bitcoin but they won't be able to because Bitcoin is everywhere in the world.
The government can only release bad news and scare people into selling off Bitcoin. It remains unclear whether any government is quietly hoarding Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Mikayla Buckley on June 10, 2021, 08:47:19 AM
It is theoretically possible to completely ban btc, but it is actually impossible. For example, most of the international bans, there are always some small countries or institutions because of their interests, so that capital will flow into these few countries, and other countries will see If there are benefits to be taken up, they will naturally keep up. Just like most countries ban the development of atomic bombs, but some countries will do it. Another example is the prohibition of drugs in the world, but drugs are still rampant.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Obito on June 10, 2021, 08:51:06 AM
It is theoretically possible to completely ban btc, but it is actually impossible. For example, most of the international bans, there are always some small countries or institutions because of their interests, so that capital will flow into these few countries, and other countries will see If there are benefits to be taken up, they will naturally keep up. Just like most countries ban the development of atomic bombs, but some countries will do it. Another example is the prohibition of drugs in the world, but drugs are still rampant.
If the people can throw away their freedom and submit to oppressive powers then that's when we are going to see bitcoin fading out because no one wants to break the oppression and therefore no one will be able to rebel and do the right thing. But that too would be impossible because people that will fight for what is right will always exist no matter how harsh the reality is.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Sanugarid on June 10, 2021, 12:13:25 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Because they don't have the ability to do so. As Bitcoin is decentralized, the network as such cannot be shut down and there's no central authority in BTC which is why the government could not be regulated by the system itself. So the only thing they could do is limit and restrict the access of people over BTC.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Lordhermes on June 10, 2021, 01:52:50 PM
I don't think the Government can kill Bitcoin, reason been that it operates in a decentralized system. It has no Central Bank. Can't be controlled by anyone. The Government can only get it banned, which won't also stop Bitcoin transactions unlike Gold and other assets that's controlled by government. If you buy what the government ban, that's a way of becoming rich in the society.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: conected on June 10, 2021, 05:40:53 PM
I don't think the Government can kill Bitcoin, reason been that it operates in a decentralized system. It has no Central Bank. Can't be controlled by anyone. The Government can only get it banned, which won't also  stop Bitcoin transactions.
- As long as many big countries around the world gather together, killing bitcoin is just a simple story, many underground forces from government have expertise in these elimination but from the perspective of the lifetime of bitcoin, thinking in a positive way, perhaps face-to-face government negotiations are the surface and bitcoin is a shadowy collaboration between several governments. The use of bitcoin is quite real and mysterious as such, the government does not want to kill, they are just hiding some manipulation around it, necessary and will use

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Alanaz on June 10, 2021, 07:07:26 PM
Technically, I don't think it's impossible, but maybe it's because the prospects are very good and indeed it's proven by its very good fundamentals, it's a shame if things like this are thrown away for free.
and for this matter regardless of the government owning btc or not, this is still beneficial for both the holders, traders and the government itself because btc has imposed taxes, indirectly these three parties can mutually benefit each other

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on June 10, 2021, 07:17:56 PM
Even if they did, the least they can do is to ban exchange we got these days like Binance, Bittrex, etc. Sites like LocalBitcoins also counts for another and those custodial wallets you know, they're being taxed as well when you cash it out.
However regardless of the bans and efforts they can make, people still have access to VPNs and p2p transaction.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Ozero on June 10, 2021, 08:15:59 PM
I don't think the Government can kill Bitcoin, reason been that it operates in a decentralized system. It has no Central Bank. Can't be controlled by anyone. The Government can only get it banned, which won't also  stop Bitcoin transactions.
Do not underestimate the capabilities of states and their governments. Even recently, we saw former President Trump speak negatively about Bitcoin, and it immediately plummeted in price and pulled the entire cryptocurrency market down. But he no longer even has any real power. One can imagine what will happen to the price of bitcoin if even several governments of the world states prohibit the circulation of bitcoin or all cryptocurrencies. We'd better not see this.
So far, the states at the G20 summit have decided that cryptocurrency does not pose a threat to global financial stability. However, the situation may change.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: DoublerHunter on June 10, 2021, 08:58:29 PM
Even if they did, the least they can do is to ban exchange we got these days like Binance, Bittrex, etc. Sites like LocalBitcoins also counts for another and those custodial wallets you know, they're being taxed as well when you cash it out.
However regardless of the bans and efforts they can make, people still have access to VPNs and p2p transaction.
^ Centralized crypto exchanges have been expected that will the first service provider will close if banning crypto or BTC will be implemented. But if you are talking about the BTC banning, the government will not do such a thing, that is their foolish move of they will do that, how they will access the decentralized code that using a blockchain system. People can still access and do buying and selling in any P2P exchnage or even person to person in buying BTC. Nevertheless, I smell the whole world's adoption of BTC, look at those institutional investors now, they are keep coming and invested BTC.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: dimox on June 10, 2021, 09:27:14 PM
how great bitcoin, make grow for some people economy, so the best choice is take the advantage, they can make regulation, taxing bitcoin user, or just swim on bitcoin too.
people will always find way to access crypto, no matter what. if government deny, people still play as silent as they can. and its hard to 'kill', like removing people

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Expecto on June 10, 2021, 11:10:58 PM
Governments can't destroy Bitcoin. But they have the freedom to ban it (like China did). And it would affect the price for some time too. But it wouldn't cause Bitcoin price to go down to zero or something like that.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: bittraffic on June 10, 2021, 11:18:58 PM
Governments can't destroy Bitcoin. But they have the freedom to ban it (like China did). And it would affect the price for some time too. But it wouldn't cause Bitcoin price to go down to zero or something like that.

China did ban it but it didn't stop its people from buying. You can see the Chinese exchanges still have their users there. Go to the P2p page of binance because the list of the Chinese names goes on and on.

The government can't kill BTC. They just have to accept that people are using different currencies now and it can coexist with the currencies made by the government.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: TOM Bb on June 11, 2021, 01:00:09 AM
Because Bitcoin can bring a certain amount of profit to the government, the government will certainly not block Bitcoin if it gets the benefit. In addition, the government can also use Bitcoin to stabilize the country's economy, which is conducive to the governance of the country.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Tristan Bieber on June 11, 2021, 01:18:33 AM
If you try to abolish something people like, it just pops up somewhere else.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Xinarae* on June 11, 2021, 03:18:59 AM
Even if bitcoin is legal the government will be able to make a profit from it so the government will not kill bitcoin. Although there is a ban on virtual currency transactions in the country the government is interested in blockchain technology to take the digital country forward the government has also allocated in this sector in the proposed budget it has also been said that blockchain technology will be used experimentally in the next financial year. The main technology behind bitcoin is blockchain in other monetary systems such as the government of that country and the central bank are involved.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: btc-room101 on June 11, 2021, 03:25:54 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

Depends your point of view.

1997 IMF-BIS publish first bitcoin-white paper
2009 Satoshi re-issues same white paper with consensus algo (NSA)
2009 Satoshi releases bitcoin source with NSA sha256 hash, and secp256k1 nsa private-key ecdsa ( 10+ shelf-life typical on NSA public crypto )
2013 scammers take over bitcoin infrastructure and turn it from libertarian to ponzi pyramid scheme

2021 Bitcoin algo approaches end of life, world gov steps in to offer stable CBDC currency's tied to the SDR

Well the reason all along is that BIS wanted a one-world currency, and they want crypto, and to date the plan is just fine, as crypto is now accepted all over the earth.

In 1933 they banned gold to prevent what happened in Germany 1919, where people bought gold to escape hyper-inflation, to prevent selling of USD the gov banned buying & hold gold. Here now, so what if people buy bitcoin, the NSA has the backdoor, in history of NSA have they ever publicly released an algo where they didn't have the backdoor. Fact.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: pragna on June 11, 2021, 05:21:08 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

 ;D ;D Because its out of control of Government so that it called decentralized actually. Government only make rule not to buy and sell BTC but can not control it. So, they protecting BTC is false actually and there has nothing to do and this is real.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: koang on June 11, 2021, 07:04:45 AM
how great bitcoin, make grow for some people economy, so the best choice is take the advantage, they can make regulation, taxing bitcoin user, or just swim on bitcoin too.
people will always find way to access crypto, no matter what. if government deny, people still play as silent as they cant. and its hard to 'kill', like removing people

Crypto haters often forget that cryptocurrencies exist not to kill traditional financial systems or government-backed fiat currencies
but to provide more freedom (use) of money around the world.
The government won't fix anything by banning crypto

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Dhoe on June 11, 2021, 07:14:42 AM
why the government doesn't kill btc, the answer is very simple because btc doesn't threaten the country's economy at all, maybe the government has kept bitcoin a secret, the government has banned bitcoin mining, for various reasons, but in other countries like el salvador have legalized bitcoin,, that's why the government doesn't can kill bitcoin

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Kittygalore on June 11, 2021, 08:47:18 AM
Because they think that they are too big for bitcoin for them to bother doing something about bitcoin plus, they won't be able to do so because people will always resist authority if they find it oppressive.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: CryptoStar19 on June 14, 2021, 11:32:47 PM
Because killing bitcoin is just about as doable as killing the internet. That and by this point in time, governments (for the most part) recognize that outright banning is neither an option nor really good for them.

They can ban crypto... it doesn't mean that such a ban can be enforced.

They can regulate crypto, however in the long run regulation will just mean bringing on large investors that will not enter the space without a certain level of regulation in place.

So basically bitcoin can't be banned practically-speaking, and any regulation in the long run will be helpful to the space.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Barry Mantle on June 15, 2021, 06:33:43 AM
Because it would be extremely time-consuming and expensive, and would require a lot of computing power, let's say the United States decides to ban Bitcoin altogether. But it is unrealistic for governments around the world to agree. Many big countries, including China and Russia, stand to benefit from the rise of Bitcoin and the loss of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. This could lead to an international stalemate, where the US and China are allocating resources to increase the hashing rate of the network and support different mining groups, which would actually make the Bitcoin network more secure.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: jjdub7 on June 15, 2021, 12:05:16 PM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history

In general, I don't think they can "kill" Bitcoin or anything like that. They can only impose more and more restrictions and regulations and hope that people will lose interest in the crypto world.

And as for whether governments own part of Bitcoin, I don't think anyone can say for sure if that's the case and it will all be speculation, but I think it's entirely possible and normal.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Xinarae* on June 15, 2021, 01:11:16 PM
Because they think that they are too big for bitcoin for them to bother doing something about bitcoin plus, they won't be able to do so because people will always resist authority if they find it oppressive.
Bitcoin is a plus point for them and also the reason to resist is that the government is currently improving the country’s economy through the use of blockchain technology has made digital transactions easier to use. So even though the government doesn't legalize bitcoin it thinks it's too big.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Mr.sprin on June 16, 2021, 02:45:27 AM
I'm sure even though the government banned bitcoin but they buy bitcoin in secret because everyone knows bitcoin is one of the most valuable assets and can be stored for a long time and bitcoin is one of the very secret assets that no one else can know.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: jellylily on June 16, 2021, 06:22:02 AM
From a technical point of view, it's okay to explicitly ban bitcoin transactions in a country. Bitcoin transactions do not depend on a centralized state, but on all the nodes of the Internet. The state can be regarded as the central authority and can stop its own transactions, but cannot stop other nodes from continuing to operate. From the perspective of interests: according to the attack of 51% computing power, it can hinder the correctness of the receiving data of other nodes. However, the cost of use is too large. I have asked the people in the mine, and based on the current block size, it would cost billions or even billions of dollars to tamper with the data. The cost and purpose are not proportional. And digital currency cannot be banned.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: elisabetheva on June 16, 2021, 07:34:52 AM
I'm sure even though the government banned bitcoin but they buy bitcoin in secret because everyone knows bitcoin is one of the most valuable assets and can be stored for a long time and bitcoin is one of the very secret assets that no one else can know.
bitcoin no one runs and controls so everyone can buy, sell, store without anyone else knowing.
but if the government makes a clear prohibition even though it is not known, of course it is a violation where there is a binding sanction. any unlawful act is strongly discouraged to be carried out even with the aim of keeping it longer and waiting for the right time . every clear violation certainly makes us carried away with worry and fear.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: lightning0 on June 16, 2021, 07:52:49 AM
Most countries in the world are scrambling to regulate Bitcoin. Some countries, such as Bolivia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, even try to ban it completely. The problem is, no matter what the regulators say, Bitcoin cannot be banned.
Because it is actually impossible to write laws to oppose an agreement that is far superior to human subjective legal systems. The government may "ban Bitcoin", but their people will continue to use it.
The Internet may be partially censored. Websites can be banned, and governments of dictatorships can even prohibit everyone from accessing the Internet. This is because the Internet still relies on ISP vendors and centralized servers that the government can control. Bitcoin is not banned. Because it relies on node decentralization, its distributed software has developed to the point where it cannot be shut down globally.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: btc78 on June 16, 2021, 08:24:16 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
They also secretly bought bitcoin after dumping it but banning? you knew that this is impossible to happen because even they imply that yet they have no resources to make it 100% functional.
Bitcoin secrecy can handle trading and transacting without government knowledge so whats the sense of  banning this?

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: KryptoKings on June 16, 2021, 08:41:50 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Do you think it is easy for them to kill it?
Nah BTC is much more stronger technically. Have Governmens able to end everything they believe danger to them?
No. They can never kill BTC even if they want to.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Woodie on June 16, 2021, 09:02:53 AM
What is Stopping?

Why government Don't kill btc?
Why They protecting the btc?
Its Becouse They own Secretly btc?

Like They did with Gold in USA They banned Gold then They Secretly bought Gold in  history
Why would  they ban btc?

Think of bitcoin being intellectual property only difference is its owned by everyone of us but not the government.

The government is sometimes seen as the enemy because they try to put crypto 6feet under...which makes banning it impossible because it's not run like a website which can easily be pulled off the its a wide spread of computers that make it work and indistractable.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Tina H on June 16, 2021, 09:38:15 AM
Recently, China has completely blocked Bitcoin. But banning Bitcoin in a country will not kill Bitcoin, because Bitcoin has countless nodes in the entire network, and it will never be completely banned unless all governments in the world completely block Bitcoin, but we all know that this is not may.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: KryptoKings on June 16, 2021, 10:34:25 AM
Recently, China has completely blocked Bitcoin. But banning Bitcoin in a country will not kill Bitcoin, because Bitcoin has countless nodes in the entire network, and it will never be completely banned unless all governments in the world completely block Bitcoin, but we all know that this is not may.
People may still run nodes secretly. And once Pos is activates, we won't have many nodes.
BTC is decentralized, it can not be banned even if all government decides. It can die off if community lose trust in it.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: swiftbits on June 16, 2021, 01:22:22 PM
Government can't control a decentralized community; they might manipulate us by spreading FUD to lose our trust and interest, but Bitcoin is like the blueprint in blockchain processes. So more projects based on cryptocurrencies will emerge, and BTC will stay the prime.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Prettyjing34 on June 17, 2021, 01:00:18 AM
Because Bitcoin can also bring certain profits to the government and can be used as a way for the government to govern the country. If the government bans Bitcoin, it will cause certain turbulence in the financial market, which is not conducive to the development of the national economy.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: PIR on June 17, 2021, 02:03:44 AM
Why government cannot stop bitcoin?.. simply because they cannot do so, also because they seeing the advantage of it although for some it seem like a rivalry to the bank. Bitcoin is one separate system that they cannot control actually and so all they can do is either adapt or banned it, for some country they did it but for other they saw great potential in it and can help them raise the standard of their economy.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Lordhermes on June 17, 2021, 02:11:46 AM
I'm sure even though the government banned bitcoin but they buy bitcoin in secret because everyone knows bitcoin is one of the most valuable assets and can be stored for a long time and bitcoin is one of the very secret assets that no one else can know.
Yeah, I agree with you on this. Many of them buys Bitcoin in secret. Although, they try to control it, but unfortunate, Bitcoin operates on a decentralized system, it basically can't be controlled. So the government end up placing ban on it, however, despite banning it, people still trade with peer-to-peer. Which keeps Bitcoin on the move

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: CryptoStar19 on June 17, 2021, 03:46:34 PM
I'm sure even though the government banned bitcoin but they buy bitcoin in secret because everyone knows bitcoin is one of the most valuable assets and can be stored for a long time and bitcoin is one of the very secret assets that no one else can know.
Yeah, I agree with you on this. Many of them buys Bitcoin in secret. Although, they try to control it, but unfortunate, Bitcoin operates on a decentralized system, it basically can't be controlled. So the government end up placing ban on it, however, despite banning it, people still trade with peer-to-peer. Which keeps Bitcoin on the move

In fact in places where bitcoin is outright banned, prices rise significantly higher than elsewhere.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: romero121 on June 17, 2021, 03:54:49 PM
Governments doesn't have control over the market. As it operates decentralized, governments can view every transaction and not make any changes to it. This uniqueness of the blockchain technology is the success with bitcoin. As no one can evade into the blockchain technology governments weren't able to have control on the system.

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: Slow death on June 17, 2021, 05:12:36 PM
most governments are not governments like china or russia or many other dictatorship governments, no press freedoms or no freedoms for their people, so governments where there is good freedom and democracy and laws they just prefer to watch and see what impact will bitcoin have before they take steps like banning, because they can take advantage of that benefit of bitcoin, while intolerant governments rush to ban bitcoin or do things to restrict bitcoin usage

Title: Re: Why government Don't kill btc?
Post by: ashleyknight on June 29, 2021, 08:11:33 AM
Destroying bitcoin is not in the government's hands. It's a decentralised currency and there is no one who can control it.