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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Jualanakun on September 18, 2020, 05:09:23 AM

Title: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: Jualanakun on September 18, 2020, 05:09:23 AM
It is very sad to see the current situation in Indonesia.


Lockdown continues to apply in Indonesia. I don't understand what is happening right now, 'HERE' sometimes I think that the current situation is just fabricated. Because with the current situation there are some people who are at an advantage.

Seeing that other countries are safe from Corona and have started living a normal life, working and doing activities as usual

Meanwhile in Indonesia it is very difficult to earn income. Layoffs are everywhere, being fired from their jobs and leaving many people confused about how they make a living.

Please Indonesia !!!!!
This is already very dangerous

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: lepbagong on September 18, 2020, 03:00:01 PM

I think many countries have also experienced it and nothing can solve this pandemic problem properly. because at this time only reduce and prevent the sick so as not to infect the healthy. As far as I know, only Taiwan can reduce the pandemic rate down and they are already living a normal life even though health protocols are still well implemented. all because the early steps of the government that are swiftly are the key to anticipation and high awareness of the community helps the government to obey what is informed can be carried out properly by the community. even though we know that Taiwan is not at all helped by WHO.

Usually those who obey the government, their countries can quickly reduce the pandemic rate, such as Vietnam and China. and clearly all countries will also be able to solve it well if the people are willing to help.
but not to cure until now only reduce the pandemic does not continue to increase, because drugs and vaccines do not yet exist.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: akram143 on September 18, 2020, 03:41:12 PM
It is very sad to see the current situation in Indonesia.


Lockdown continues to apply in Indonesia. I don't understand what is happening right now, 'HERE' sometimes I think that the current situation is just fabricated. Because with the current situation there are some people who are at an advantage.

Seeing that other countries are safe from Corona and have started living a normal life, working and doing activities as usual

Meanwhile in Indonesia it is very difficult to earn income. Layoffs are everywhere, being fired from their jobs and leaving many people confused about how they make a living.

Please Indonesia !!!!!
This is already very dangerous
The condition is not yet came back to normal but the restrictions were relaxed by the governments for the same reason as you are saying, no more fund to save people from starving let the people to make their life as second priority.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: BADecker on September 18, 2020, 05:54:49 PM
It isn't some virus that is destroying nations and economies and the lives of people. Rather, it's the needless protections from an almost non-dangerous illness, and the lies about how dangerous the illness is, that are doing the real damage.


Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: Coyster on September 18, 2020, 10:03:03 PM
Seeing that other countries are safe from Corona and have started living a normal life, working and doing activities as usual
I don't know of any country that citizens have started living normally, even in countries that handled the pandemic well and have pretty low number of new cases, there's still restrictions and many measures/guidelines to prevent covid-19 spreading, that's the same case in your country Indonesia and I'm pretty sure there's no total lockdown in Indonesia, so it's almost the same situation with other countries.

Indonesia has a total of 236,519 cases and daily cases rising above 3k, so the covid numbers are still high. It's a sad situation not only in your country, but everywhere in the world, take a look at the unemployment numbers in the U.S, but it is what it is and hopefully a vaccine will be in circulation soon and things can maybe fairly return to normal by 2021.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: virasog on September 18, 2020, 10:36:12 PM
It is very sad to see the current situation in Indonesia.


Lockdown continues to apply in Indonesia. I don't understand what is happening right now, 'HERE' sometimes I think that the current situation is just fabricated. Because with the current situation there are some people who are at an advantage.

Seeing that other countries are safe from Corona and have started living a normal life, working and doing activities as usual

Meanwhile in Indonesia it is very difficult to earn income. Layoffs are everywhere, being fired from their jobs and leaving many people confused about how they make a living.

Please Indonesia !!!!!
This is already very dangerous

Many countries are facing the same situation after/during the covid 19. Initially I thought that only the underdeveloped countries would suffer more in this pandemic but not its seems that even the most developed countries cannot prevent its citizens from the drawbacks of pandemic and there is emergency situation everywhere in the world.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: samputin on September 19, 2020, 02:19:49 AM
I understand where you're coming from. Here in our country, we're on the 7th month of lockdown. I still don't see and feel signs of the increase of positive cases slowing down. Many also has lost their jobs and some even resigned from work just so they can go home in their province where it's safer and has least number of positive.

I don't know when this will end. But I'm hoping that it will soon, not just in our country, but for Indonesia and other countries in the world as well.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: lepbagong on September 19, 2020, 05:43:41 AM
I understand where you're coming from. Here in our country, we're on the 7th month of lockdown. I still don't see and feel signs of the increase of positive cases slowing down. Many also has lost their jobs and some even resigned from work just so they can go home in their province where it's safer and has least number of positive.

I don't know when this will end. But I'm hoping that it will soon, not just in our country, but for Indonesia and other countries in the world as well.

We only hope that there will be drugs and vaccines soon, and continue to leave everything to the Almighty so that we can return to normal soon, the important thing now is that there is cooperation to remind each other so that health protocols can be implemented properly, because currently only health protocols are be one that can decrease the increase in transmission graph. pray and hope

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: Gyfts on September 19, 2020, 06:45:14 AM
Indonesia is a bunch of islands together with not too much of inward travel. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lock down actually have an positive affect granted you can contact trace. The U.S. had virus spread months before the first confirmed cases which is why a lock down was pretty useless for the entire country.

To your point, your economy will take a massive drop. If you can get the virus under control, it might be in your own countries self interest by getting rid of the virus soon and early oppose to the US failing miserably by locking down AND ruining the economy AND still having the virus.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: FIFA worldcup on September 19, 2020, 12:33:29 PM
It is very sad to see the current situation in Indonesia.


Lockdown continues to apply in Indonesia. I don't understand what is happening right now, 'HERE' sometimes I think that the current situation is just fabricated. Because with the current situation there are some people who are at an advantage.

Seeing that other countries are safe from Corona and have started living a normal life, working and doing activities as usual

Meanwhile in Indonesia it is very difficult to earn income. Layoffs are everywhere, being fired from their jobs and leaving many people confused about how they make a living.

Please Indonesia !!!!!
This is already very dangerous

Indonesia is of the those countries which is highly effected by covid-19. There are 9,448 death reported in your country which can be confirmed by worldometers ( site. Obviously the situation of the economy and jobs rate will be on a decline but i hope it will recover soon once the pandemic is over.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: DoubleAweSeven on September 22, 2020, 06:58:20 AM
This is happening around parts of the world and not just Indonesia and there are more countires in the world that is suffering more than Indonesia so wtf are you saying that other countries are safe? take a chill pill and sit down. Instead of complaining, make a way to cope with the pandemic.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: Salauddin1994 on September 22, 2020, 08:08:23 AM
In tackling the covid 19 epidemic indonesia focused on maintaining the social distance shown by south korea without following the path of complete lockdown public transport office courts and factories were kept tight by imposing restrictions on social distance. A ban was imposed on public gatherings indonesia has been able to resist the united states much more easily than the given the power to decide on local areas if necessary rather than on the central government.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: Vilagra on September 22, 2020, 09:18:08 AM
we're on the 7th month of lockdown. I still don't see and feel signs of the increase of positive cases slowing down.

So it's 7 months that people sit at their homes and don't communicate but the virus spreads?
 :o :o :o
DOesn't the government see that their measures don't work?
This question is not for you of course ;)

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: mu_enrico on September 22, 2020, 09:33:20 AM
Because with the current situation there are some people who are at an advantage.
In every crisis there are businesses (sectors) that gain more profits. This time it's the healthcare services and medicine stores, and services that don't need face to face contact or people gatherings.

Never rely on the government (well it's good if you receive direct money assistance, but I didn't receive a penny) and you should do whatever you can to survive. Believe that there is a way if you try and keep the positive attitude!

Sooner or later governments will realize that lockdown is useless, and they will be forced to fully open the economy.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: jossiel on September 22, 2020, 11:03:07 PM
Still many countries are not COVID free. Only a few countries are living back to the normal life and they've managed to maintain the reduction of their daily cases so, they're living the life as it is as before.

I'm very sorry about the situation that you're getting in Indonesia. But, they are not the only country that deals with these hardships that you have mentioned. The hardest part is that I started to realize why people don't like these lockdowns, social distancing, wearing masks, and other protocols because it is hitting more through emotional effects.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: bitcoinsvrocks on September 23, 2020, 12:38:05 AM
Why complain about Coronavirus?

The virus is real and is here killing people, we can do nothing because we have no vaccine, governments are doing what they can to control the situation, if you are old, over 40 years you must stay at home because the fatality risk is high, but if you are young and you don't care then you can ignore social distancing.

If you lost your job, then you need to fin other ways to make money, move to the countryside, start farming, lower your expenses.

If you complain, you are doing nothing.

This virus affected all of us, i also had to change some things in my life, i adapted and i am surviving, and you must do the same.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: inanilujimi on September 23, 2020, 06:10:23 AM
As far as I know, there has been an action from the government to provide cash assistance to every Indonesian through the pre-employment card program, and the Employment BPJS.
although not optimal but at least provide fresh air amid the pandemic.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: Renampun on September 23, 2020, 10:58:17 AM
I understand where you're coming from. Here in our country, we're on the 7th month of lockdown. I still don't see and feel signs of the increase of positive cases slowing down. Many also has lost their jobs and some even resigned from work just so they can go home in their province where it's safer and has least number of positive.

I don't know when this will end. But I'm hoping that it will soon, not just in our country, but for Indonesia and other countries in the world as well.
wow, 7 months is a long time, hope all of you can survive...
I see that Lockdown is actually not very effective against the spread of this virus. The best way to suppress the spread of this virus is the togetherness of citizens to undergo health protocols, we will starve to death if we stay at home, the economy will be paralyzed due to the absence of selling and buying activities for household needs in the market.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: yohananaomi on September 26, 2020, 04:45:25 AM
I understand where you're coming from. Here in our country, we're on the 7th month of lockdown. I still don't see and feel signs of the increase of positive cases slowing down. Many also has lost their jobs and some even resigned from work just so they can go home in their province where it's safer and has least number of positive.

I don't know when this will end. But I'm hoping that it will soon, not just in our country, but for Indonesia and other countries in the world as well.
wow, 7 months is a long time, hope all of you can survive...
I see that Lockdown is actually not very effective against the spread of this virus. The best way to suppress the spread of this virus is the togetherness of citizens to undergo health protocols, we will starve to death if we stay at home, the economy will be paralyzed due to the absence of selling and buying activities for household needs in the market.
I agree that lockdown is not a problem that can solve this pandemic because other effects will occur. Indeed, more priority is public awareness to implement health protocols properly because this method has been seen in several countries such as Taiwan, Korea, Japan. As long as there is no awareness from the public that they have to tighten themselves with health protocols and government officials to be alert in controlling, this problem will drag on.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: tvbcof on September 26, 2020, 12:44:54 PM

The leaderships of highly indebted countries have very little flexibility on how they comply with international banker's directives (e.g., the 'World Economic Forum'.)  Most countries are in this category.

There have been other times when the leadership of a country brought disaster and shame on his own country in an attempt to win favor from what are perceived to be more powerful entities.  Here's what happened to to Mussolini as an example.

What 'they' have done with the covid-19 scamdemic is amazingly obvious and amazingly devastating.  And it promises to get worse.  The problem is that all of the quisling titular leaderships of all of these countries are well aware of what happened to Mussolini.  They are mostly 'in to deep' already at this point.  I suspect that most of them will double-down and pin their hopes on the Technocrat's promise of a tight control grid and 'blue helmets' on the ground to try to protect their sorry asses as we move forward.

Title: Re: Indonesia and covid19
Post by: virasog on September 27, 2020, 11:49:41 AM
we're on the 7th month of lockdown. I still don't see and feel signs of the increase of positive cases slowing down.

So it's 7 months that people sit at their homes and don't communicate but the virus spreads?
 :o :o :o
DOesn't the government see that their measures don't work?
This question is not for you of course ;)

This was the agenda of those who were spreading the fake virus. They wanted people to stop their jobs/ business and see the economies crashes but luckily we are able to survive this phase. But now they saying that another wave of pandemic may come and it will be worse the previous one. I hope they are wrong.