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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: JollyGood on September 18, 2020, 07:48:43 AM

Title: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 18, 2020, 07:48:43 AM
Regarding Presidential hopeful Biden, according to this link there are 8 different women making allegations against him.

The following is text taken from this website:


Tara Reade is Joe Biden’s eighth accuser, not his first, not his only. The fake news media want you to believe Reade is Biden’s only accuser, and that’s because there is no lie the media will not tell to protect the presumptive Democrat nominee.

But seven other women — seven! — none of them Republicans, have accused Joe Biden of everything from sexual assault to unwanted kissing to inappropriate touching.

1 Tara Reade:

Reade claims Biden sexually assaulted in a hallway while she was working for him in 1993. According to Reade, Biden pinned her against a wall, shoved his hands up her skirt, and his fingers into her vagina. Reade has no fewer than five contemporaneous witnesses who say Reade told them about the assault at or near the time it happened. There is also video of Reade’s anguished mother calling into a 1993 edition of CNN’s Larry King Live desperately seeking advice for her daughter’s problems with a “prominent senator. ”

Biden denies the allegation but is refusing to open his archives at the University of Delaware where a copy of Reade’s sexual harassment complaint might be filed.

Tara Reade is a lifelong Democrat.

2 Lucy Flores:

Last year, Flores, a former Nevada Assemblywoman, accused Biden touching and kissing her:

I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?” I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head.

Flores is a Democrat.

3 Amy Lappos:

Lappos claims Biden pawed at her during a 2009 fundraiser:

It wasn’t sexual, but he did grab me by the head. He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.

Lappos is a Democrat.

4 Vail Kohnert-Yount:

“Vail Kohnert-Yount alleged that when she was a White House intern in the spring of 2013, Biden ‘put his hand on the back of [her] head and pressed his forehead to [her] forehead’ when he introduced himself, and that he called her a ‘pretty girl,’” reports The Cut.

Kohnert-Younh was interning at the Obama White House at the time.

5 Caitlyn Caruso:

Former college student and sexual assault survivor Caitlyn Caruso says Biden placed his hand on her thigh for an uncomfortable amount of time.

Incredibly, this happened during a 2016 event on sexual assault.

This might seem like a small thing, but who puts their hand on the thigh of a woman who is not his significant other?

6 D.J. Hill:

Hill says Biden got so handsy with her, her husband was forced to intervene:

Writer D. J. Hill told the Times that Biden moved his hand from Caruso’s shoulder down her lower back, which made her uncomfortable at an event, causing her husband to intervene.

Hill told her story to the far-left New York Times last year.

7 Sofie Karasek:

The Cut:

In 2016, Sofie Karasek was photographed holding hands and touching foreheads with Biden at the Oscars, where she stood alongside 50 other sexual-assault survivors during Lady Gaga’s performance. It was a moment that soon went viral, and was described then by the Post as “powerful.” But in the Post’s report published this week, Karasek says she believes that Biden violated her personal space.

Karasek is also a sexual assault survivor.

8 Ally Coll:

Ally Coll says she was made uncomfortable by Biden’s unwanted touching at a 2008 reception. He squeezed her shoulders and complimented her smile for an amount of time that made her uncomfortable.


You can also add a number of women and children who might not have accused Biden of inappropriate behavior, but we still have countless videos and photographs of Biden touching them in ways that are wildly inappropriate and make the recipients noticeably uncomfortable.

Obviously, not all of these allegations rise to the level of assault. But these are not Republicans coming forward to accuse Biden. These are Democrats and women we can assume are at least left-leaning.

What one can glean from these eight allegations and all those videos is that even in full view of the public, at best, Biden has an appalling sense of entitlement when it comes to touching, caressing, and even kissing women.

And if this is how Biden behaves in public, one can only imagine what goes on when the Creep Veep believes no one is looking.


Going by what is going on with allegations against Trump and Biden, neither seems to be a suitable candidate to lead the USA as President and Commander in Chief. I think Kamala Harris will come out of this very badly because she will not be able to justify being a running mate and potential Vice President while supporting female victims of all misconducts yet dismissing those against Biden. It would be very tricky.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Coyster on September 18, 2020, 11:47:04 AM
So that's about 26 and 8 reported sexual assault allegations for both Trump and Biden respectively, but is there even anything to discuss in all of this, they are going to deny the claims and the supposed victims do not even have that much of a sufficient proof to argue their case, even in court. Being Democrats doesn't also proof that those women are actually making legitimate accusations nor does it exempt them from accusations of possibly being bribed to make this allegations of sexual assault.

As for Kamala Harris, I think she'll obviously take Biden's side that he is not guilty of any of this sexual allegations, i don't think there's any possibility of her pulling out of the race alongside Biden due to all this, and even in the bigger picture, this will also not affect their strength in vying for president and vice of the United States of America.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Spendulus on September 18, 2020, 03:08:14 PM
Regarding Presidential hopeful Biden, according to this link there are 8 different women making allegations against him.

The following is text taken from this website:

You know, those are 90% trivialities. if not 100%. Biden is obviously no Bill Clinton.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 18, 2020, 05:36:16 PM
Politics really is a dangerous game and a dirty one at that too. Reputations get torn in to pieces so easily yet some men and women do let power get to their heads.

Kamala Harris will somehow say that Biden is totally free of blame yet will probably cite Trump as being guilty. I wonder exactly what she will say when asked about the allegations against Biden.

So that's about 26 and 8 reported sexual assault allegations for both Trump and Biden respectively, but is there even anything to discuss in all of this, they are going to deny the claims and the supposed victims do not even have that much of a sufficient proof to argue their case, even in court. Being Democrats doesn't also proof that those women are actually making legitimate accusations nor does it exempt them from accusations of possibly being bribed to make this allegations of sexual assault.

As for Kamala Harris, I think she'll obviously take Biden's side that he is not guilty of any of this sexual allegations, i don't think there's any possibility of her pulling out of the race alongside Biden due to all this, and even in the bigger picture, this will also not affect their strength in vying for president and vice of the United States of America.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: dkbit98 on September 18, 2020, 10:54:50 PM
I don't know how anyone can vote for Biden, (and that does not mean Trump is good or better  than him) but poor man Biden can't even make a simple sentence, and he does have some strange affection for underage girls, as do many from elite.
Just one of video compilations:

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Mauser on September 19, 2020, 09:23:23 AM
I don't know how anyone can vote for Biden, (and that does not mean Trump is good or better  than him) but poor man Biden can't even make a simple sentence, and he does have some strange affection for underage girls, as do many from elite.
Just one of video compilations:

To be honest I couldn't vote for either of them. With Trump everyone knows these stories already from the last election campaign. But now all these news about Biden come out and it seems these two candidates are just the same in the end. Two old white dudes battling it out. Why couldn't the democrats just get a normal guy, who is much younger? How are you supposed to vote for either one of them as a 20-40 year old? It's crazy

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 19, 2020, 10:24:35 AM
I would not call Biden who looks likes a creepy old man leaning over and sniffing the hair of a woman trivial, nor would I call trivial Biden putting his hand on the thigh of a woman or using his fingers to rape another or pulling a woman towards him using force by grabbing the back of her head and forcing her to rub noses with him.

In comparison to the allegations made against Trump these might be considered minor or trivial but in all seriousness sexual assault or misconduct (sexual or otherwise) is serious, one allegation is not the lesser of two for the victims and should not be for the law either.

Clinton was obsessed with Lewinsky but had many other allegations against him:

Biden seems to be obsessed or touchy feely with anybody that walks in a skirt and has a pulse.

Trump (allegedly) never went for women who were in their latter years but had a specific type he was obsessed with.

Regarding Presidential hopeful Biden, according to this link there are 8 different women making allegations against him.

The following is text taken from this website:

You know, those are 90% trivialities. if not 100%. Biden is obviously no Bill Clinton.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Gyfts on September 19, 2020, 10:40:29 AM
Clinton was obsessed with Lewinsky but had many other allegations against him:

Biden seems to be obsessed or touchy feely with anybody that walks in a skirt and has a pulse.

Trump (allegedly) never went for women who were in their latter years but had a specific type he was obsessed with.

Bill Clinton has the most bizarre history with sexual assault and it's mind blowing that he was never condemned by democrats for his past history. He's had not one, but two confirmed affairs with Hillary, yet somehow they're still married, and he paid out 850k to Paula Jones to drop a sexual assault lawsuit. Granted there isn't any confirmed evidence that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted Jones, I can't imagine a near 1M dollar settlement without the implication he was trying hide something.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: coolcoinz on September 19, 2020, 12:29:13 PM
I don't know how anyone can vote for Biden, (and that does not mean Trump is good or better  than him) but poor man Biden can't even make a simple sentence, and he does have some strange affection for underage girls, as do many from elite.
Just one of video compilations:

He sure looks creepy leaning over and holding girls like dolls. Dirty old man.

Biden denies the allegation but is refusing to open his archives at the University of Delaware where a copy of Reade’s sexual harassment complaint might be filed.

Pretty much like admission.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 19, 2020, 02:43:41 PM
Bill Clinton should have been jailed for lying while in office and you are right he was never condemned by the Democrats in the way he should have been. If that incident happened today Lewinsky would have been as the victim she was. He was 49 years old and President of the USA whereas she was just a 22 year old intern and if it happened today the momentum of men and women speaking out using the #MeToo movement would have ensured Clinton would be removed from office.

His infamous "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" comment was an out-and-out lie.

As per this wiki link:

In his deposition for the Jones lawsuit, Clinton denied having sexual relations with Lewinsky. Based on the evidence—a blue dress with Clinton's semen that Lewinsky provided—Starr concluded that the president's sworn testimony was false and perjurious.

During the deposition, Clinton was asked "Have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1?" The judge ordered that Clinton be given an opportunity to review the agreed definition. Afterwards, based on the definition created by the Independent Counsel's Office, Clinton answered, "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky." Clinton later said, "I thought the definition included any activity by [me], where was the actor and came in contact with those parts of the bodies" which had been explicitly listed (and "with an intent to gratify or arouse the sexual desire of any person"). In other words, Clinton denied that he had ever contacted Lewinsky's "genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks", and effectively claimed that the agreed-upon definition of "sexual relations" included giving oral sex but excluded receiving oral sex.

How shameful that Bill Clinton as President of the USA or just as a 49 year old man in order to try to claim ignorance and try to avoid going to jail claimed he never had sexual relations with Lewinsky because he thought receiving oral sex was not part of that definition  :o

Bill Clinton has the most bizarre history with sexual assault and it's mind blowing that he was never condemned by democrats for his past history. He's had not one, but two confirmed affairs with Hillary, yet somehow they're still married, and he paid out 850k to Paula Jones to drop a sexual assault lawsuit. Granted there isn't any confirmed evidence that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted Jones, I can't imagine a near 1M dollar settlement without the implication he was trying hide something.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Spendulus on September 19, 2020, 09:51:55 PM
I would not call Biden who looks likes a creepy old man leaning over and sniffing the hair of a woman trivial, nor would I call trivial Biden putting his hand on the thigh of a woman or using his fingers to rape another or pulling a woman towards him using force by grabbing the back of her head and forcing her to rub noses with him.

In comparison to the allegations made against Trump these might be considered minor or trivial but in all seriousness sexual assault or misconduct (sexual or otherwise) is serious, one allegation is not the lesser of two for the victims and should not be for the law either.

Clinton was obsessed with Lewinsky but had many other allegations against him:

Biden seems to be obsessed or touchy feely with anybody that walks in a skirt and has a pulse.

Trump (allegedly) never went for women who were in their latter years but had a specific type he was obsessed with.

Regarding Presidential hopeful Biden, according to this link there are 8 different women making allegations against him.

The following is text taken from this website:

You know, those are 90% trivialities. if not 100%. Biden is obviously no Bill Clinton.

I think it's fair to say ...

Biden is creepy.
Trump is or has been a bit sexually aggressive.
Clinton's a rapist that got off.

FYI I don't agree with the far left cultural imperative that a man should ask and get approval for each touch or step forward in a sexual situation. Utterly ridiculous lawyering of behavior.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: TwitchySeal on September 19, 2020, 10:34:51 PM
Trump is or has been a bit sexually aggressive.

According to Ivana Trump, Donald was mad she recommended a doctor that fucked up his loose scalp procedure.  So he ripped her hair out, threw her against the wall and raped her.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Spendulus on September 20, 2020, 01:28:35 AM
I don't know how anyone can vote for Biden, (and that does not mean Trump is good or better  than him) but poor man Biden can't even make a simple sentence, and he does have some strange affection for underage girls, as do many from elite.
Just one of video compilations:

He sure looks creepy leaning over and holding girls like dolls. Dirty old man.

Biden denies the allegation but is refusing to open his archives at the University of Delaware where a copy of Reade’s sexual harassment complaint might be filed.

Pretty much like admission.

Neither Biden's creepy actions or Trump's history with women is going to affect the election results at all.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 20, 2020, 09:25:46 AM
Thank you for your input, I concur with your views on Biden, Trump and Clinton but would say your categorisation of are at the lesser end of the spectrum and there are far more apt ways to define that trio.

I really do not think it is far left cultural ideology when a person does not want their personal space or physical privacy invaded by another person without their consent. Not everybody is touchy-feely with other people and not everybody wants to be touched by other people.

Calling it utterly ridiculous lawyering of behaviour for many is an appropriate way to define those people that go around touching other people without consent.

I think it's fair to say ...Biden is creepy.
Trump is or has been a bit sexually aggressive.
Clinton's a rapist that got off.

FYI I don't agree with the far left cultural imperative that a man should ask and get approval for each touch or step forward in a sexual situation. Utterly ridiculous lawyering of behavior.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Spendulus on September 20, 2020, 01:19:01 PM
Thank you for your input, I concur with your views on Biden, Trump and Clinton but would say your categorisation of are at the lesser end of the spectrum and there are far more apt ways to define that trio.

I really do not think it is far left cultural ideology when a person does not want their personal space or physical privacy invaded by another person without their consent. Not everybody is touchy-feely with other people and not everybody wants to be touched by other people.

Calling it utterly ridiculous lawyering of behaviour for many is an appropriate way to define those people that go around touching other people without consent.

I think it's fair to say ...Biden is creepy.
Trump is or has been a bit sexually aggressive.
Clinton's a rapist that got off.

FYI I don't agree with the far left cultural imperative that a man should ask and get approval for each touch or step forward in a sexual situation. Utterly ridiculous lawyering of behavior.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 20, 2020, 02:23:07 PM
Thank you for that bit of information, I was not aware of it so went online to try to find out what happened in that period.

Apparently Ivana Trump very conveniently changed the interpretation of the word rape later down the line when further elaborated on the original statement she gave therefore exonerated Trump of any wrong doing:

Trump is or has been a bit sexually aggressive.

According to Ivana Trump, Donald was mad she recommended a doctor that fucked up his loose scalp procedure.  So he ripped her hair out, threw her against the wall and raped her.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Spendulus on September 20, 2020, 03:57:03 PM
Thank you for your input, I concur with your views on Biden, Trump and Clinton but would say your categorisation of are at the lesser end of the spectrum and there are far more apt ways to define that trio.

I really do not think it is far left cultural ideology when a person does not want their personal space or physical privacy invaded by another person without their consent. Not everybody is touchy-feely with other people and not everybody wants to be touched by other people.

Calling it utterly ridiculous lawyering of behaviour for many is an appropriate way to define those people that go around touching other people without consent.

Sure, but the recipient of the inappropriate behavior can respond to that with a "No." She or he doesn't need a promulgated behavior code by a university or institution and doesn't need to be forced to follow that code.

It's far left cultural ideology when two people are told that a third party, such as a college, should be intimately involved in their communications regarding what they do or don't do with each other.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Spendulus on September 20, 2020, 04:03:05 PM
Thank you for that bit of information, I was not aware of it so went online to try to find out what happened in that period.

Apparently Ivana Trump very conveniently changed the interpretation of the word rape later down the line when further elaborated on the original statement she gave therefore exonerated Trump of any wrong doing:



It read: "During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me.

"I wish to say that on one occasion during 1989, Mr Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage.

"As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness which he normally exhibited toward me, was absent. I referred to this as a 'rape,' but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 24, 2020, 10:43:22 AM
Is that because one cancels out the other or because people are just disinterested in the backgrounds of those vying for power?

I don't know how anyone can vote for Biden, (and that does not mean Trump is good or better  than him) but poor man Biden can't even make a simple sentence, and he does have some strange affection for underage girls, as do many from elite.
Just one of video compilations:

He sure looks creepy leaning over and holding girls like dolls. Dirty old man.

Biden denies the allegation but is refusing to open his archives at the University of Delaware where a copy of Reade’s sexual harassment complaint might be filed.

Pretty much like admission.

Neither Biden's creepy actions or Trump's history with women is going to affect the election results at all.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: BADecker on September 24, 2020, 03:48:59 PM
Is that because one cancels out the other or because people are just disinterested in the backgrounds of those vying for power?

Neither Biden's creepy actions or Trump's history with women is going to affect the election results at all.

It's probably because the women thing about Trump is lies, but truth about Biden.


Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: squatz1 on September 24, 2020, 04:21:48 PM
Is that because one cancels out the other or because people are just disinterested in the backgrounds of those vying for power?

I wouldn't say that you can just just cancel out one scandal with another, though that is what voters are most likely going to die. We're just going to end up saying something along the lines of:

Well they're both rapists, so pick the one you like the most"

But to your point, people are VERY interested in the backgrounds of those vying for power. Though Biden has been in the public light for like the past 40 years. Trump has been in the public light as well -- not as a politician, but as a celebrity -- both have scandals that they're getting hit with and they will continue getting hit with scandals.

Scandals are a VERY NORMAL part of politics though, so it shouldn't be surprising to have this sorta shit happen. That's an issue though, because if we're all so conditioned to be used to the 24/7 BREAKING NEWS then we're all going to ignore scandals and such.

To answer the question though: Biden and Trump will not be taken down by their past scandals IMO.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 24, 2020, 05:40:17 PM
I agree, neither Biden nor Trump will be taken down by the past scandals because if that were the case they would have been in Court by now.

I remember watching the news where they showed people meeting at a Trump rally somewhere in the US, the interviewer asked various attendees questions. When he asked a woman if Trump was suitable to be President because of the sexual misconduct allegations against him, she replied "I didn't vote for Trump to be my pastor, I voted for him to be President". She went further where she said she did not care about his past and just wanted the best person suited to the role of President in the job.

It is all happening in the political sphere in the US.....

Is that because one cancels out the other or because people are just disinterested in the backgrounds of those vying for power?

I wouldn't say that you can just just cancel out one scandal with another, though that is what voters are most likely going to die. We're just going to end up saying something along the lines of:

Well they're both rapists, so pick the one you like the most"

But to your point, people are VERY interested in the backgrounds of those vying for power. Though Biden has been in the public light for like the past 40 years. Trump has been in the public light as well -- not as a politician, but as a celebrity -- both have scandals that they're getting hit with and they will continue getting hit with scandals.

Scandals are a VERY NORMAL part of politics though, so it shouldn't be surprising to have this sorta shit happen. That's an issue though, because if we're all so conditioned to be used to the 24/7 BREAKING NEWS then we're all going to ignore scandals and such.

To answer the question though: Biden and Trump will not be taken down by their past scandals IMO.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: Spendulus on September 24, 2020, 07:03:14 PM
Is that because one cancels out the other or because people are just disinterested in the backgrounds of those vying for power?

I wouldn't say that you can just just cancel out one scandal with another...

Maybe not in the way you intended it, but Creepy Porn Lawyer and Porn Star Victim of Creepy Porn Lawyer definitely canceled out any past things Trump may have done.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: TwitchySeal on September 25, 2020, 03:18:58 AM
Is that because one cancels out the other or because people are just disinterested in the backgrounds of those vying for power?

I wouldn't say that you can just just cancel out one scandal with another...

Maybe not in the way you intended it, but Creepy Porn Lawyer and Porn Star Victim of Creepy Porn Lawyer definitely canceled out any past things Trump may have done.

Stormy Daniels definitely cancelled out all the times Trump implied he has a big penis.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: JollyGood on September 25, 2020, 07:12:07 AM
What I do not understand is how Trump could claim ignorance when it was his lawyer that paid Stormy Daniels on his behalf. And after that revelation how could Trump remain as President?

Is that because one cancels out the other or because people are just disinterested in the backgrounds of those vying for power?

I wouldn't say that you can just just cancel out one scandal with another...

Maybe not in the way you intended it, but Creepy Porn Lawyer and Porn Star Victim of Creepy Porn Lawyer definitely canceled out any past things Trump may have done.

Title: Re: Biden: 8 Women Allege Misconduct Against Him
Post by: BADecker on October 26, 2020, 01:02:31 AM
What's this all about, cancelling out some women with others?

Chinese Billionaire Will Be Publishing the Biden Files to Be Dropped Every Hour (

The site referenced below is HERE (

On October 22, 2020, Mr. Miles Guo posted a photo of Hunter Biden on his G-TV Getter: "October 22, Hunter Biden, where are they using drugs? Who's helping him use drugs? Stay tuned for Lude's show, which is coming soon."

Photo from?




Try This And You'll Lose 15 Pounds of Extra weight in Your Colon! (VIDEO)


Soon, Mr. Lude posted the photo on his Twitter: "Let's see who this guy was and where he was. What was he doing? This evening in the Lude Media Show I will disclose where exactly in Beijing Hunter Biden was using drugs and who was helping him. Who was helping him use drugs? We will have breaking news on the hard drives and Biden!"

Photo from?

Then, in the evening, Lude revealed in his show the details behind the drug using photo of Hunter Biden's:

1. The photo is a screenshot of a video;


Tiny Self Defense Tool Drops a 270 Thug In 2 Seconds - Get Yours Now!



Normal Vitamins are Trash! New Product Energizes Blood with Nutrition in 5 Minutes! (See VIDEO)


2. The main character in the photo is Hunter Biden, who was using drugs;

3. It can be seen from the photo that there were about three people at the scene;

4. The house where Hunter Biden used drugs is a private club owned by Hongwei Zhang [1,2] of the Beijing Oriental Group;

5. This is breaking: the person who helped Hunter Biden use drugs is Yifei Liu – Mulan! (
