Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Picard78 on September 21, 2020, 08:32:19 AM

Title: Custom Scripts and Atomic Swaps
Post by: Picard78 on September 21, 2020, 08:32:19 AM
In the below video at the 50 min mark, Andreas discusses how Bitcoin Atomic Swaps require special Scripts in order to work. (

I am confused by his discussion of special scripts since they will not be relayed by the Bitcoin network.

In theory they can have any arbitrary script. In practice, only a handful of scripts are considered standard and will be relayed on the network: pay to pubkey, pay to pubkey hash, null data (op_return), pay to script hash and raw multisig. (

So is this just a theoretical discussion by Andreas?   I am confused why Andreas is discussing this since it's not applicable at the moment, but he says "at least on Bitcoin this would be difficult... you would need a specialized wallet" and then he discusses something called Mini Script for creating special Bitcoin Scripts.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Custom Scripts and Atomic Swaps
Post by: BASE16 on September 21, 2020, 09:45:14 AM
A specialized wallet this would imply that you would have to design a wallet that is able to deal with these specific types of transactions and able to deal with multiple networks.
It doesn't mean that it is impossible it just means that the additional functionality has to be coded into a new application that will eventually have the desired functionality.
In essence you will want to have the application use standard scripts that are stacked or wrapped in a way that they can handle multiple transactions on multiple chains depending on the return values of these individual scripts.
Simply said, it has to be coded because the network only accept a limited set of standard scripts.

Title: Re: Custom Scripts and Atomic Swaps
Post by: Picard78 on September 22, 2020, 11:54:39 AM
I don't understand what "standard scripts that are stacked or wrapped" entails.

Title: Re: Custom Scripts and Atomic Swaps
Post by: BASE16 on September 22, 2020, 05:01:04 PM
I don't understand what "standard scripts that are stacked or wrapped" entails.

In simple terms that is several separate orders, or payments 'aka standard scripts' on multiple networks, that are bundled in a way that they rely upon one another.
For example if the first payment returns as succeeded, the second payment (on another network) can/will be made.
These are just standard transactions that are bundled together in order to perform additional functionality depending on certain pre-defined conditions that have to be met.

It's just expanding functionality but doing so by still using the standard scripts at the core.
You can think of it as building a bridge or gateway in between networks.
If you want to send and receive funds on both networks, from one application, it has to have access to both networks and have the ability to send/receive on both networks as well.
It's not all that complicated it just has to be coded to do that.
You could build a API or connect to several of the available exchanges it all depends on your own preferences.