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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Juggy777 on September 22, 2020, 05:32:01 PM

Title: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Juggy777 on September 22, 2020, 05:32:01 PM
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first claimed that corona spreads through air, but now they have falsely claimed that corona doesn’t spread through air, and they have been forced to change their stance because Trump claimed at a rally that corona doesn’t spread through air. As much as I like Trump I cannot hide my frustration at how he downplayed the effect of coronavirus, and now CDC is repeating the same mistake and risking life’s by spreading misinformation about corona.


Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Jet Cash on September 22, 2020, 05:45:17 PM
Well it is a respiratory virus, so it spreads through the exhalation of infected people. That sounds like air to me

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Spendulus on September 22, 2020, 06:51:21 PM
...that corona spreads through air, but now they have falsely claimed that corona doesn’t spread through air...

"Spread through air" is inaccurate regarding the various means of transmission.

Read your linked article again.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Coyster on September 22, 2020, 07:29:18 PM
and now CDC is repeating the same mistake and risking life’s by spreading misinformation about corona.
Trump may have downplayed covid-19 in the U.S., but I don't think the CDC are risking any life with earlier guidelines released which included airborne risks, if you ask me, they are actually doing everything possible to make sure people are safe, and sometimes that can lead to a little misinformation. Mind you that Corona virus is still a pretty new virus, and is still being studied, so not everything about it is known yet, and you can't expect a 100% accurate information all the time. That being said, as per your article, they didn't say the virus "spreads through air", but that:
The health agency had said COVID-19 could spread through airborne particles that can remain suspended in the air and travel beyond six feet.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: BADecker on September 23, 2020, 03:10:14 AM
There are honest scientists among the crooks who are trying to control us. The CDC has both. Sometimes the good scientists are winning. Sometimes the bad ones are. Sometimes we listen to the good ones who are trying to show us that there never was a reason for a pandemic. Sometimes we listen to the bad ones, and huddle in fear in our basements.


Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on September 23, 2020, 05:08:59 AM
The airbourne spread that was published in error by the CDC was referring to someone infected breathing or coughing in a room, the infected person leaving the room, someone else going into said room in the spot the infected person was standing and catching the virus.

My understanding is in order to catch the virus, you will need to be near someone who is infected for an extended period of time (~15 mins).

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Charles-Tim on September 23, 2020, 06:46:07 AM
Well it is a respiratory virus, so it spreads through the exhalation of infected people. That sounds like air to me
The formal claim
The health agency had said COVID-19 could spread through airborne particles that can remain suspended in the air and travel beyond six feet

The new claim
Currently, the agency’s guidance says the virus mainly spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets, which can land in the mouth or nose of people nearby.

What Trump said
Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump took exception to comments from the CDC director, who said masks might be even more effective than a vaccine for the novel coronavirus that could be broadly rolled out in mid-2021.

Check this also
The UN health agency still believes the disease is primarily spread through droplets, but in enclosed crowded spaces with inadequate ventilation, aerosol transmission can occur, said Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s emergencies programme.

People are just seeing this in a wrong way. The virus is still claimed to spread through droplets from infected people which is still through the air as you suggested. But, for a spread over a long distance might not be the possible.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Mauser on September 23, 2020, 07:20:57 AM
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first claimed that corona spreads through air, but now they have falsely claimed that corona doesn’t spread through air, and they have been forced to change their stance because Trump claimed at a rally that corona doesn’t spread through air. As much as I like Trump I cannot hide my frustration at how he downplayed the effect of coronavirus, and now CDC is repeating the same mistake and risking life’s by spreading misinformation about corona.


That is crazy, why would they make such claims now? We all know already that COVID-19 is spreading through. Saying otherwise is just foolish and should not be allowed by official government agencies. Just look at the mass spreading of corona in the beginning. They happened at mass gatherings where 1 person would affect 200-300 other people without any physical contact. Of course the virus is spread through air.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Charles-Tim on September 23, 2020, 07:40:28 AM
That is crazy, why would they make such claims now? We all know already that COVID-19 is spreading through. Saying otherwise is just foolish and should not be allowed by official government agencies. Just look at the mass spreading of corona in the beginning. They happened at mass gatherings where 1 person would affect 200-300 other people without any physical contact. Of course the virus is spread through air.
Try to read the news in the link posted by the OP. They are only referring to far distance of 6 feet or more, that the virus may not spread through far distance. They still hold to the fact that covid-19 can be spread through short distance in humans droplets through the nostrils.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: BADecker on September 23, 2020, 09:09:01 AM
^^^ However, "spread" doesn't matter. Covid was present at least in November 2019. It was around the world by January, 2020.

Most of the billions of people in the world don't even have symptoms, even though they are carriers. When you add the lies regarding the ways they count Covid, the few sick or dead people could be sick from, or have died from, just about anything.

The case count by the PCR tests is a lie; some people test positive then negative then positive. The test kits were being sold to governments throughout the world, by the millions, way back in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Governments were simply planning for the fake pandemic back then.

The whole "spread" idea is stupid. We all have it and have had it since at least the beginning of 2020, but nobody is dropping dead like flies in a bug spray cloud, around you as you walk down the sidewalk. It's all a big hoax.


Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Coyster on September 23, 2020, 11:59:15 AM
Just look at the mass spreading of corona in the beginning. They happened at mass gatherings where 1 person would affect 200-300 other people without any physical contact. Of course the virus is spread through air.
I don't know how possible it is for one person to infect 200 people with Corona virus, what I think was happening then was one person infecting another, while the other person passes the virus to someone else and on it goes. The virus imo cannot travel in air too far or suspend in the air for too long, and for the droplets of an infected person to land on the nose or mouth of someone else, they have to be within touching distance/physical contact. As the article says, the CDC are expected to update the guidelines soon, so I think they'll provide more information on all this, and there is no need to fret.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Spendulus on September 23, 2020, 04:05:59 PM
Well it is a respiratory virus, so it spreads through the exhalation of infected people. That sounds like air to me
All exhaled air must be gathered and compressed until it fits in small drums then sent into space. Elon Musk can help.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: squatz1 on September 23, 2020, 04:15:49 PM
Just look at the mass spreading of corona in the beginning. They happened at mass gatherings where 1 person would affect 200-300 other people without any physical contact. Of course the virus is spread through air.
I don't know how possible it is for one person to infect 200 people with Corona virus, what I think was happening then was one person infecting another, while the other person passes the virus to someone else and on it goes. The virus imo cannot travel in air too far or suspend in the air for too long, and for the droplets of an infected person to land on the nose or mouth of someone else, they have to be within touching distance/physical contact. As the article says, the CDC are expected to update the guidelines soon, so I think they'll provide more information on all this, and there is no need to fret.

Yeah this is what happened. The average amount of people that one person will infect with COVID is about 2-2.5. From there those people will (on average) infect 2-2.5 people as well. So this cycle continues.

Can all of this happen in one night? I suppose it's possible. Could one person infect more then 2 people? Totally, but the average is 2-2.5.

Droplets are the most common way of infection. That's the science.


Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: jrrsparkles on September 23, 2020, 05:14:20 PM
My understanding is in order to catch the virus, you will need to be near someone who is infected for an extended period of time (~15 mins).
Not really, its all just the luck of you if you didn't get affected with any virus even after spending hours of time with an asymptomatic person, a sneeze or cough has more pressure that we think so the virus can spread in fraction of time and stick into our surface.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: de_ingenious on September 23, 2020, 07:36:17 PM
The only thing I can extract from this info as well as many previous CDC reports is that they 1. often don't know what they're talking about and can't get a concensus, 2. lie to people and lose their trust with each new statement

Title: "No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures" - Open Letter...
Post by: BADecker on September 23, 2020, 11:19:13 PM
More doctors and medical people are chiming in all the time. Remember to re-watch this - - besides looking at the info below. If they don't get what they ask for in their letter, are they going to rise up and take it?

"No Medical Justification For Emergency Measures" - Open Letter From 100s Of Doctors... (

So far it has been signed by 435 medical doctors, 1,439 medically trained health professionals, and 9,901 citizens.

Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all belgian authorities and all belgian media.

We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, wish to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in the recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.

The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good.

We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.


Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: franky1 on September 24, 2020, 11:31:48 PM
the high viral load risk was the 6foot 15 minute thing

the further you are and the less time the less risk
EG 15 minutes at 6foot they say is the same risk as 30minutes at 12feet(not exact science/math.)

anyone that lives with a heavy smoker knows that the exhaled tar stains dont just sit within 2metres of the smokers favourite sitting spot. it reaches the walls and ceiling and even gets into other rooms as time passes

if you live with a smoker and you are in another room and you can smell when they spark up another cigarette, then obviously the airflow spreads further then 2metres

if you can smell someones fart or smelly feet further than 2 metres. then you know particles can move further then 2 metres(also please get then to change their socks)

but ofcourse its less concentrated the further you are. and the less time your in that area the less your inhaling

in short. your not immune/immortal if you stand 2.1m away for 14m:30s

the advice on the CDC was mostly about the 2metre rule for high risk high viral load inhalation.. but now they are extending that rule. yep the CDC has said its transfered by air but now they are expanding the distance/time.

many countries wanted to reduce the limit to 1 metre. but this was for economical reasons not health reasons.
and it seems the CDC are now going with health risk awareness and no longer being persuaded by economical effects the advice might cause if being to detailed about risks

as for aljazeera saying CDC removed airborne transmisson as being a factor.. um sorry they didnt. they said it was airborne befere and still say it now. they just now identify that it can spread further then 2metres

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Tash on September 25, 2020, 05:37:07 AM
You can not transmit person to person, you either have it or dont.
You can inject it with needle or mosquito….. A mask want stop a mosquito from transmitting malaria or other viruses.
First of course it must exist, show me scientific proof/ link where SARS-Cov-2 has been isolated.

Most inspiring, how to cure "viruses".

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: BADecker on September 25, 2020, 06:56:31 AM
Watch how we are finding out that Covid is mostly a hoax. At worst, the viral pandemic has been over for months, even though the government keeps it going.

Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As 'Total Fraud' (


Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: franky1 on September 25, 2020, 05:22:33 PM
i only needed to watch 2 minutes of the video badecker linked and found 3 things mentioned that are wrong

1. the reason the hospitalisations vs infections is low is because
a. they are doing more testing on people without symptoms to include asymptomatic people now.
    in march/april/may they only wanted people with symptoms to ask for a test.
b. they are doing more tests then before. so while it appears that cases are going up higher and faster then march and the government has not done another full lockdown yet. its because they only done a full lockdown before when it started overwhelming hospitals. so the important number is the hospitalisation rate. which is starting to rise now
c. by socially distancing and wearing masks the viral load a person gets when infected is far less than in march situation. so less are getting high viral load and thus thus also causes the difference to the hospitalisation/case confirmed numbers

meaning the lockdown and precautions have done their job of reducing hospitalisation numbers and risk.
however cases are going up and hospitalisations are starting to go up because people are starting to ignore the precautions

2. the reason why deaths decreased in may/june/july is because of the precautions doing their job to 'curb the peak'
if there were no precautions then the deaths would have been lower. as proven by the now relaxed rules causing case rises.
if there was no distance/mask policy the numbers would be worse

so when the video suggests that the numbers NOW are low. its because of the precautions.

wake up and realise the reality of things.
those telling you not to reduce your risk are people that want to harm other people

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: BADecker on September 26, 2020, 05:13:21 PM
i only needed to watch 2 minutes of the video badecker linked and found 3 things mentioned that are wrong

1. the reason the hospitalisations vs infections is low is because
a. they are doing more testing on people without symptoms to include asymptomatic people now.
    in march/april/may they only wanted people with symptoms to ask for a test.
b. they are doing more tests then before. so while it appears that cases are going up higher and faster then march and the government has not done another full lockdown yet. its because they only done a full lockdown before when it started overwhelming hospitals. so the important number is the hospitalisation rate. which is starting to rise now
c. by socially distancing and wearing masks the viral load a person gets when infected is far less than in march situation. so less are getting high viral load and thus thus also causes the difference to the hospitalisation/case confirmed numbers

meaning the lockdown and precautions have done their job of reducing hospitalisation numbers and risk.
however cases are going up and hospitalisations are starting to go up because people are starting to ignore the precautions

2. the reason why deaths decreased in may/june/july is because of the precautions doing their job to 'curb the peak'
if there were no precautions then the deaths would have been lower. as proven by the now relaxed rules causing case rises.
if there was no distance/mask policy the numbers would be worse

so when the video suggests that the numbers NOW are low. its because of the precautions.

wake up and realise the reality of things.
those telling you not to reduce your risk are people that want to harm other people

Standard franky1. Knows what it is all about after reading only the first couple of lines. Then spouts the same kind of blab that has been debunked dozens of times.

Solomon said, Proverbs 18:13, "To answer before listening-- that is folly and shame."


Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: virasog on September 27, 2020, 11:18:38 AM
There are honest scientists among the crooks who are trying to control us. The CDC has both. Sometimes the good scientists are winning. Sometimes the bad ones are. Sometimes we listen to the good ones who are trying to show us that there never was a reason for a pandemic. Sometimes we listen to the bad ones, and huddle in fear in our basements.


More than the CDC or health organization, it is the government who are playing their part in spreading the news as they want it to be published. Sometimes they want the patients to increase and panic to be created and they use CDC and media to show the wrong figures.

This is more sort of a pandemic drama.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: BADecker on September 28, 2020, 06:17:36 PM
People are going to have to find a different use for all those masks. And governments are going to have to find a different use for all those millions of test kits they have been purchasing from the medical companies for the last 3 1/2 years.

Based on latest CDC data, the Wuhan coronavirus poses virtually no death risk whatsoever (

New CDC data confirm that the Wuhan coronavirus poses almost zero death risk in people below the age of 50 (see details below). At the same time, these data also confirm the virus remains extremely dangerous to people over the age of 70, and the CDC estimates that 1 in 18 elderly people who contract the virus (i.e. are "infected") end up being killed by it.

Meanwhile, the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for people 50 – 69 years is 1 in 200, making it far deadlier than the seasonal flu for individuals in that group.

But for people aged 20 – 49 years, the IFR drops to just 1 in 5000. This means that for every 5,000 people who are infected within this age group, one fatality is expected.

Those below the age of 20 have an even lower fatality rate: About 1 in 33,000.

In summary, the risk of death from the coronavirus in people under the age of 50 is extremely small, and approaching zero.

These numbers are based on the CDC's new data released at the following link, using "Scenario 5" which is labeled, "Current Best Estimate."

CDC data confirm the danger to elderly people while simultaneously showing how little risk there is to younger Americans

What's especially notable in these CDC data is how they simultaneously confirm three very important things:

1) Yes, the coronavirus was killing a very high percentage of infected people as it was sweeping through nursing homes where mostly elderly people were present. During its peak in early-to-mid April of this year, we calculated the virus was killing 1 in 10 people who showed symptoms. This is very similar to the CDC's current data for the 70+ age group, where the virus is currently killing 1 in 18 people who are infected, while 40% of infections are asymptomatic. This means 10.8 people out of the 18 are symptomatic, which is nearly identical to our calculated number of 1 in 10. Notably, the early deaths in America were happening almost exclusively among the elderly, which is one reason why the death rate was initially so high.


Open the schools, the cities, the churches, the restaurants and the movie theaters. End the mask mandates and recommend vitamin D, zinc, quercetin and licorice root herbs. Legalize hydroxychloroquine nationwide and we can end this entire pandemic for the vast majority of the population [almost immediately].


Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Smartvirus on September 28, 2020, 07:03:35 PM
Well it is a respiratory virus, so it spreads through the exhalation of infected people. That sounds like air to me
The formal claim
The health agency had said COVID-19 could spread through airborne particles that can remain suspended in the air and travel beyond six feet

The new claim
Currently, the agency’s guidance says the virus mainly spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets, which can land in the mouth or nose of people nearby.

What Trump said
Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump took exception to comments from the CDC director, who said masks might be even more effective than a vaccine for the novel coronavirus that could be broadly rolled out in mid-2021.

Check this also
The UN health agency still believes the disease is primarily spread through droplets, but in enclosed crowded spaces with inadequate ventilation, aerosol transmission can occur, said Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s emergencies programme.
No offense but, going through the comments so far, only users Jet Cash and Charle-Tim seemed to have viewed the article on the link and understood what's been said.
To me, OP misunderstood what was been said. It's a misinterpretation and a lot of users eager to comment just went with it without clicking the pasted link. I stand to be corrected should I be wrong but,
From what I understand, six feet is a distance either more or less is an infection pathway only air and water can be it's transmission agent. It said, the infection is contained in droplets that can either enter a victims mouth, eyes and nose. In that instance, it got out and traveled by air (Airborne instance one). It also said, it could be suspended in the air (Airborne instance two).
Let's try to read from source of information often before concluding. I don't know what OP was is trying to imply but, if it's literally what the words 'not airborne mean', I think the OP should review the link pasted again.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: JohnBitCo on September 29, 2020, 05:01:28 PM
There are honest scientists among the crooks who are trying to control us. The CDC has both. Sometimes the good scientists are winning. Sometimes the bad ones are. Sometimes we listen to the good ones who are trying to show us that there never was a reason for a pandemic. Sometimes we listen to the bad ones, and huddle in fear in our basements.


More than the CDC or health organization, it is the government who are playing their part in spreading the news as they want it to be published. Sometimes they want the patients to increase and panic to be created and they use CDC and media to show the wrong figures.

This is more sort of a pandemic drama.

I don't think it is a drama. The death are real one , the symptoms are real and the virus is real too. The numbers may be manipulated and the death rates may be showed high in some areas but this does not mean there is no virus and everything is normal.

No offense but, going through the comments so far, only users Jet Cash and Charle-Tim seemed to have viewed the article on the link and understood what's been said.
To me, OP misunderstood what was been said. It's a misinterpretation and a lot of users eager to comment just went with it without clicking the pasted link. I stand to be corrected should I be wrong but,
From what I understand, six feet is a distance either more or less is an infection pathway only air and water can be it's transmission agent. It said, the infection is contained in droplets that can either enter a victims mouth, eyes and nose. In that instance, it got out and traveled by air (Airborne instance one). It also said, it could be suspended in the air (Airborne instance two).
Let's try to read from source of information often before concluding. I don't know what OP was is trying to imply but, if it's literally what the words 'not airborne mean', I think the OP should review the link pasted again.

But masks only prevent mouth and nose. No one told to protect the eyes as virus can be transmitted through eyes also. Isn't ?
And what about the ears ? Can't it be transmitted through our ears ? The chances are low but still the possibility is there.

Title: Re: CDC has lost it as it says corona doesn’t spread through air.
Post by: Tash on September 29, 2020, 05:37:08 PM
The death are real one ,
Yes old and sick people do die.

the symptoms are real and the virus is real too.
Yes there is a new sickness from a new frequency, like original Sars was from which noone got sick for a very long time already. it just vanished  again.

 The numbers may be manipulated
Yes numbers are manipulated.

But masks
Mask prevent nothing, prolonged usage maks sick. (acidic blood.....)

Virus can not be transmited person to person.
It only can be injected, needle, mosquito...
Wearing a mask wont prevent getting malaria, its plain stupit believing so.