Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Bounties (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Cyberdapps on October 04, 2020, 08:23:31 PM

Title: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: Cyberdapps on October 04, 2020, 08:23:31 PM
We are pleased to announce our next AMA on October 8th 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC Time: Satoshi Club x Centaur  
 ⚠️Total Reward pool: $3000

👉 Join Centaur   TG group  (
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👉  Follow Centaur   Twitter  (

We will have the following structure:
Part 1️⃣: $600/12 users- We'll select 12 questions from the community. A user can post maximum 3 questions. 9 Questions will be selected from our website - please submit your questions on our official announcement at this link ( and 3 random questions will be selected from Bitcointalk thread, please post your questions in this thread. Only 1 post is allowed per user (3 questions can be written in 1 post)

Part 2️⃣: $600/15 users Open chat for 80 seconds. You can post Max 3 questions. Centaur   Team will select 15 questions and answer them.

Part 3️⃣: $1800 - A quiz about Centaur  

Telegram groups:
 Centaur   – @OfficialCentaur
 Satoshi Club - @satoshi_club
 Russian - @satoshi_club_ru
 Spanish - @satoshi_club_spanish

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: Regard94 on October 05, 2020, 07:14:16 AM

What kind of features of Centaur makes it ”the future of DeFi” as you claim on your website? How do you plan to ease the access & lower the barrier to enter the decentralized finance for those who have less understanding about blockchain technologies in general?


You have recently acquired many great partners such as eGLD and Cosmos SDK. What kind of solutions do you plan to implement to Centaur’s ecosystem with them and what are you looking for regarding future collaborations? Any hints?


Your public sale was organized as a lottery. Could you please tell us more about the reasoning behind this as as an investor it sounds really discouraging to invest in something that is based on luck?

TG: @regard94

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: Annasmirnov on October 05, 2020, 08:39:13 AM
1. Centaur requires KYC for loan approvals and their issuances. How can the project be considered as decentralized if to use its products you’ll need to provide a centralized KYC? Could you please enlighten us why is KYC required for loans?

2. Rather many DeFi projects assure to revolutionize the Decentralized Finance and take it to the next level like Centaur as well. What are the main characteristics of Centaur to actually be the length of its word and achieve something unprecedented for the DeFi technologies and what could it be?

3. You recently rebranded the project from ProDeFi to Centaur. How does the new name of the project help people to understand that you’re actually a DeFi project and what’s the story behind the rebranding? Does ’Centaur’ have some kind of a symbolic meaning?

Telegram username: @annasmirnn

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: fixens on October 05, 2020, 09:32:07 AM
Hello, My name is finball (telegram: finball)
1. There are a traditional lending platform that share a similar name with centaur financial, are there any relation with you centaur financial the hybrid Defi?

2. Many defi had lending and borrowing platforms also, with premium benefit and also sometimes discount?
What differentiate you (Centaur-Finance) making the #1 choice compare to other competitor?

3. Would there will be an apps for Centaur financial, for easier use and better adoption through mobile? If there are plan, will it be ready in 2020/2021?

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: m bars on October 05, 2020, 10:01:58 AM
telegram handle - @muw_muw


You recently organized an airdrop of CNTR tokens with eGLD in the format of a “stake-drop”. Can you please tell us what is a stake-drop and how does it function? Do you plan to organize further rounds of stake-drops in the future?


You organized the public sale for the CNTR token in a lottery format and as I’ve understood, you also required a KYC to take part in the lottery. As a format it doesn’t sound so appealing – sending your personal information & bind to invest in a project and yet it’s up to luck. Why did you choose such format for the sale and what kind of advantages did it bring to you over ICO / IEO etc.?


Could you please guide us through your tokenomics? As I’ve understood, at the launch (at TGE), only 3.41% of the total supply of CNTR will be circulating. What kind of plans do you have for the remaining 96,5% – how will the private sale tokens be vested and do you plan to do any token burns in the future?

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: Spectrej on October 05, 2020, 11:07:46 AM
TG: spectrej


In what kind of ways is Centaur utilizing both off-chain oracles and cross chain oracles in its ecosystem? Do the data feeds come from just a few trusted sources or are they built for a network of oracles?


On most of the decentralized loan platforms currently one of the main issues are the overcollateralized loans when borrowers are required to lock-in too much of their assets in order to receive a loan. What is Centaur’s take on this, how do you plan to resolve the overcollateralization but yet mitigate risks for the project?


Currently, there are tons of Decentralized Finance platforms out there which simply have an un-usable user interface without any guidance or proof-of security and thus higher the barrier to enter the DeFi space. How do you plan to offer a less complex user interface for the Centaur platform and what kind of security mechanisms do you offer for users investing through it?

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: Saitamana on October 05, 2020, 02:45:22 PM
Q1. Most projects are moving to fully-decentralized approach but CENTAUR is different. You are utilizes the semi decentralized approach. How will this approach works? Which part is "centralized" and which is "decentralized"?

Q2. Centaur's "Zero Knowledge Proofs" provides a layer of privacy in transactions, where senders and receivers are obfuscated and cannot be traced. Aside from privacy, what else are the benefits of using Zero Knowledge Proofs? What are the its advantages for Digital Payments?

Q3. Last month up to this day is a difficult for Crypto especially ALTS due to the unstable market situation. Why did you decided to push through the Public Sale for $CNTR Token? Did you see an opportunity with the current volatility in the markets?

TG: @saitamanapo

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: justgata on October 05, 2020, 09:17:47 PM

1. The Centaur project explains that in its phase 1 they are focused on liquidity groups since these will allow users to bet crypto assets. What are the requirements to participate in a Centaur liquidity fund? What benefits will users have? Will members who stake their assets be rewarded in any way?

2. Why does Centaur propose an approach based on a Hybrid architecture that has Centralized and Decentralized elements for its lending platform? What do you mean by the name Centaur and what is it related to the project? Is it the Greek mythological creature?

TG: @justgata

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: vicpocho on October 05, 2020, 09:19:01 PM

Telegram: @vicpocho

-- 1 -- The CNTR token will be the value carrier of the Centaur Chain. What price will the tokens have in their presale and launch? And in addition to its use as a means of transfer, what uses will the CNTR token have? What benefits will there be for users who want to keep it in the long term?

-- 2 -- Defi's top issues are always about performance, security, and privacy. How will Centaur solve these problems? Is the privacy of the users safe on the platform?

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: AleksandrCCC on October 05, 2020, 10:26:44 PM
1. You organized a stake-drop with eGold few days ago. It mostly has characteristics of a usual trade as token X will be converted into Y. What exactly makes it an airdrop like it was promoted as? Do you plan to organize a second round of the stake-drop?

2. You claim to be ”semi-decentralized” and making it as the new standard of DeFi. What does it mean actually to be semi-decentralized? Which parts of your project are centralized and why?

3. Why did you decide to rebrand the project from ProDeFi to Centaur? What does the new project name mean in a symbolic way?


Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: JonahAp on October 06, 2020, 07:26:33 AM
1)In a Research done by Blockfyre on Centaur (Prodefi) one of The risks and concerns they pointed out about Centaur(Prodefi) was that it will be hard to bank the unbanked through Centaur's strategy, as many of these individuals do not have credit scores. One of Centaur's Main aim is to Drive Mass Adoption do you see this as a barrier in bringing in the unbanked into Defi, and what strategies do you have that will ensure that even the Unbanked especially in underdeveloped and developing regions do not miss out on what Centaur is doing?

2)Some decision-making on the Centaur (ProDeFi) platform will be based on credit scores obtained with partnered credit unions.. At the moment what credit unions are you partnered with are they mainly situated in the UK and EU..are you looking at partnering with credit unions from other regions of the world like AFRICA because most of the people from this regions do not operate with European financial institutions

3)Is it true that In the event of a default by a borrower from the platform, the team will pursue such borrower through the traditional judicial process.. Don't you think that using traditional Judicial processes to resolve issues like this as Opposed to DAO Will hinder people from Using Centaur (Prodefi) and What types of Offences will borrowers commit before they are tried through the Traditional Judicial Process

Telegram Username: @Jonahapagu

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: L Valerievna on October 06, 2020, 09:35:49 AM
1. Ultimately you’re trying to bridge the traditional, centralized finance and decentralized finance. The goals and vision you’ve set are rather ambitious but how do intend to achieve this and what kind of importance do the partnerships with for example Elrond and IOST play in this ecosystem?

2. What would you currently consider as the biggest challenges for various financial institutions to enter the decentralized finance space? How does Centaur intend to ease these challenges and what kind of solutions can you bring on the table?

3. Even in these days, there still exists quite much of negativity and suspiciousness towards cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technologies and especially the DeFi space are definitely still not mature enough to be used extensively. What makes Centaur as the next level DeFi trendsetter in the blockchain space and how do you plan to alleviate these negative thoughts toward crypto?

Telegram: @lv_nlv

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: Laitarouth1009 on October 07, 2020, 07:08:14 AM
1.) Is it Centaur project stand for DeFi because nowadays most of project aiming DeFi trend?

2.) Centaur is based on which Blockchain Network Or Centaur has any plan to launch their own Blockchain?

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: Avangator on October 07, 2020, 09:38:15 AM
Question 1

Which jurisdictions and countries are you planning to launch Centaur initially in? Surely while trying to bridge the centralized finance to decentralized finance - there will be a lot of regulative challenges - so are you looking to expand in phases in different areas and what kind of criteria do you have in choosing what’ll be next?

Question 2

You’ve implemented RingCT as your privacy protocol. What are the main advantages of RingCT over for example Snark which is more widely adopted within the blockchain space?

Question 3

What unforeseen features will Centaur bring to loan issuance/approval within the blockchain space? Why do you require know-your-customer to take a loan through the Centaur platform, isn’t it a bit against the main idea of decentralization?

telegram: @thebastaboy

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: Nikola_Crypto on October 07, 2020, 09:49:25 AM
Do you have any plans in the future to partner with some lending protocols such as Maker Dao to strengthen your liquidation protection?


As I’ve understood, you’re attempting to close the gap between traditional finance and DeFi and hence ultimately trying to bring the non-crypto users within cryptocurrencies. How do you plan to lower the barrier to enter the crypto space for new users and who’d you see as the main competitor in the blockchain space for your ambitious goals?


What actual problems within the DeFi space is Centaur actually trying to fix to make you ”the future of DeFi” as mentioned on your website? What features of the project and the people behind it make you believe these goals are achievable?

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: EllyElly on October 07, 2020, 09:17:25 PM
How does Centaur Solves the Problem of enabling Efficient Defi solutions?
How do you do it with Total Transparency & accountability?

Telegram- @iam12312

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: johana0012 on October 08, 2020, 12:10:51 AM
I understand that Centaur uses a semi-decentralized approach to build solutions, now I would like to know what tools Centaur implements to process customer data and stop the existence of possible fraud?

Centaur users can freely transact with their cryptocurrencies, all cryptocurrencies? Or the most important?

Why trust the Centaur project? I understand that it is a decentralized DeFi project, but why bet on Centaur?

@yiselen telegram

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: idee002 on October 08, 2020, 01:20:42 AM
1. You recently concluded your public sale lottery by leveraging on Chainlink VRF. How does Chainlink VRF helps in decentralising the process, making it fair and transparent? Do you plan to work with Chainlink network in the future?

2.Centaur launch one its liquidity pool on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Do you plan to build a product or launch Staking on BSC soon? What blockchain solutions will make use of your liquidity pool?

3. User onboarding and UX are major problem associated with defi protocols. How does Centaur solve this? Will your cross chain solutions usher in the era of Cross-Fi?

Telegram : @Idee01

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: rolex745 on October 08, 2020, 01:25:08 AM
Q 1)
I like the very idea of ​​combining a decentralized and centralized (read traditional) approach to finance. But ... In addition to wanting to have more trust in lenders and borrowers, I also want to be confident in my own security. I am interested in fiat gateways, you will have your own or will it be services that have already proven themselves? This is a question not only of the security of funds, but also of the security of personal data after passing KYC. And of course, you are interested in having your own security service

Q 2)
A centralized system implies openness and availability of data. I have a question about Angel Investors. I don't need names, I need numbers. How many people or companies, funds were interested? The total amount of investments and what part of the Centaur now belongs to them

Q 3)What kind of decentralized network of oracles are you talking about on your official resource? And with your Decentral + Central model, can we expect to see traditional analytics in the form of charts, expert opinions or a horoscope for the next financial week?))

tg : @konditer_rolex

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: bitmartbounty on October 08, 2020, 02:40:17 AM
Q1. What's the problem of over collateralization in DeFi and how does centaur solve the problem

Q2. What's the difference between Over collateralized loans and under collaterized loans

Q3. The Banking industry has 8 different types of RISKS, has CENTAUR fully considered these risks before combining DeFi and Tradfi

Telegram : @endtimeprophet

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: cengizhantekin on October 08, 2020, 02:58:11 AM
1. What will be the distinguishing features of Centaur Chain compared other known ones?

2. Why have you prefered Tendermint Core? What are the advantages it provides for Centaur ecosystem?

3. What utilities is CNTR Token used for?

TG: @cengizhantekin

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: apocan99 on October 08, 2020, 03:00:01 AM
1- I have heard the term "semi-decentralized" for the first time. I understand it is something between but how, can you provide some details please?
2- How will Centaur Chain perform Interoperability, what technical infrastructure will do that?
3- Are you able to keep up with your roadmap? What have been the biggest challenge so far? What is the most prior target to achieve currently?
// Telegram: @apocan99

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: bulbulahad on October 08, 2020, 03:05:15 AM
1) Please Could you share us about $CNTR staking program  and its reward system?

2) ElrondNetwork is supporting Centaur TGE & product launch by jointly hosting the "Centaur Launch Pool, powered by eGold"
 $EGLD tokens holders will be able to stake for 14 days & earn $CNTR tokens at +90% APY or 4% in 2 weeks. What is minimum amount of $EGLD token need to hold?Does we need any KYC for this?

3) How does Centaur is bridging DeFi and traditional finance?

TG: @bulbul03

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: cryptotbt on October 08, 2020, 05:11:42 AM
What types of problems is Centaur trying to solve ?
TG : @victbt

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: papercut92 on October 08, 2020, 06:37:56 AM
Q1 please elaborate semi-decentralised approach in CNTR system
Q2 what is example of products in term of "Centaur is bridging DeFi and traditional finance"
Q3 What will make CNTR lending platform different from other lending platforms?

telegram : @yhongph

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: stw0225 on October 08, 2020, 06:38:45 AM
1. What is Centaur main vision?

2. There are more and more DeFi project coming out. What makes Centaur different with other DeFi projects?

3. CENTAUR is building C-Defi platform empowering real world asset usage with Defi via cross chain liquidity staking pools. What makes you think about this and actually start building it?

TG : @stw0225

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: let098765 on October 08, 2020, 06:42:39 AM
1. How does Centaur enable Cross-chain transaction of users for liquidity and it's data? What consensus mechanism being used? How does the agreement and deals of each chain to connect with each other?

2. How is it possible to have a 121 total addresses with only 8 validator in Centaur Finance Explorer? Is this justifiable with your transaction?

3.On your roadmap 2020 Quarter 4 which is onboarding of 3rd party Defi Dapps, can you explain more about this? What Defi Dapps are you going to collaborate with? Why do you need 3rd party? What is the role of the 3rd party in the development of your network?


Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: tolgaozek on October 08, 2020, 10:01:17 AM
Q1: I just could find Steven James on LinkedIn working for Centaur Finance. How will we feel you have an enough team to proceed?

Q2: Recent public sale was beyond your expectations? Will there be any other private and public sale rounds very soon?

Q3: Why did you prefer #Chainlink VRF to Deploy New Standard for Enhanced Transparency in Public Sale Lotteries?

TG: @tolgaozek

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: saner2324 on October 08, 2020, 10:52:37 AM

How will the lenders who will participate in the Centaur liquidity pools generate income and how do the funds added to the pool system affect the liquidity?


How did Centaur build a secure layer infrastructure and what are the advantages for Centaur using the secure layer?


How do you ensure security and privacy for digital payments and cryptocurrency traders? How does your digital payment infrastructure work?

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: gustafsson on October 08, 2020, 10:53:07 AM
Telegram: @jmalton

The vision of Centaur is To be the bridge between decentralized and traditional finance. I have seen this moto at several projects. One example is FinNexus: bridging centralized and decentralized finance. Why do you think we need one more project specialized in this? What new do you bring? Thanks!

Title: Re: Satoshi Club x Centaur AMA - $3000 Reward Pool
Post by: juanes on October 08, 2020, 11:04:33 AM
You have a vesting period of 10 years for seed investors!!!! How did you manage to convince them to agree to this? It is very risky to wait 10 years in crypto space. It means they trust you and you presented a good roadmap and tech

Tg: @juaniss