Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Kohatiiboy on October 05, 2020, 01:50:42 AM

Title: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: Kohatiiboy on October 05, 2020, 01:50:42 AM
So guys here is a great news. Bitcoin is growing bigger.Also take attention of politicians.
So news is that:
 Former UKIP politician (the UK Independence Party) Godfrey Bloom took to Twitter to share that he made his first bitcoin purchase this week, diversifying his portfolio from the precious metals. The 70-year old has enough gold and silver that had a blast in 2020 thanks to the Federal Reserve’s monetary stimulus. Now, he is looking to get into the leading digital asset, which has been attracting a lot of big players this year as an “inflation hedge.” He further insisted that some top crypto people should teach him about crypto

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: mk4 on October 05, 2020, 03:08:48 AM
Maybe you want to list the source you copy-pasted that from.

Also, fun fact, Godfrey Bloom was behind these legendary videos:


Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: jackg on October 05, 2020, 05:59:00 AM

Wow I was expecting to be annoyed with a ukip member when I clicked that link... Maybe we should've given them more power after all.

The point of insuring something not backed by anything does sound incredibly stupid and like the governments want to dig themselves into a hole...

I'm surprised it's taken him so long to get here since Andreas A seems quite outspoken on reserve banking.

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: friends1980 on October 05, 2020, 06:04:28 AM
"When the people find out, it won't be long before they storm this Chamber and they hang you, and they'll be right."

The State is an institution of theft:

The guy's a hero. :) I'm a bit astonished it took him so long before making the decision of buying some BTC!

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: Jating on October 05, 2020, 06:36:03 AM
There is already a thread about Bloom: Godfrey Bloom makes his first BTC purchase (

I would advise the OP to lock this thread, and this is an obvious copy and paste.

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: avikz on October 05, 2020, 04:24:13 PM
So guys here is a great news. Bitcoin is growing bigger.Also take attention of politicians.
So news is that:
 Former UKIP politician (the UK Independence Party) Godfrey Bloom took to Twitter to share that he made his first bitcoin purchase this week, diversifying his portfolio from the precious metals. The 70-year old has enough gold and silver that had a blast in 2020 thanks to the Federal Reserve’s monetary stimulus. Now, he is looking to get into the leading digital asset, which has been attracting a lot of big players this year as an “inflation hedge.” He further insisted that some top crypto people should teach him about crypto

UK people are lucky that they have educated people in the government. However, not all countries are lucky enough. There are countries where a tea seller becomes the Prime Minister or a bunch of criminals become members of parliament. So these countries are looking to ban cryptocurrency as opposed to the civilized world. While countries like UK is heading towards success some countries are going back in time!

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: ChrisPop on October 05, 2020, 06:17:23 PM
I think Robert Kiyosaki has a big influence on all the people who are buying Bitcoin in addition to precious metals to preserve their wealth.
Glad that Twitter is still the 'go-to' for declaring crypto investments, but yet we could spread the rumour on other social media channels. They don't bite. haha

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: GeorgeJohn on October 05, 2020, 07:11:49 PM
So guys here is a great news. Bitcoin is growing bigger.Also take attention of politicians.
So news is that:
 Former UKIP politician (the UK Independence Party) Godfrey Bloom took to Twitter to share that he made his first bitcoin purchase this week, diversifying his portfolio from the precious metals. The 70-year old has enough gold and silver that had a blast in 2020 thanks to the Federal Reserve’s monetary stimulus. Now, he is looking to get into the leading digital asset, which has been attracting a lot of big players this year as an “inflation hedge.” He further insisted that some top crypto people should teach him about crypto

UK people are lucky that they have educated people in the government. However, not all countries are lucky enough. There are countries where a tea seller becomes the Prime Minister or a bunch of criminals become members of parliament. So these countries are looking to ban cryptocurrency as opposed to the civilized world. While countries like UK is heading towards success some countries are going back in time!

Those countries who support the development and accept cryptocurrencies, predicts positive feature of the country.
UK accepting cryptocurrency does not mean their educated or greater than others countries because so many countries has legalized and implement's the use of cryptocurrency especially bitcoin, from my views I captured that no country currently can oppose or refutes the use of bitcoin in their country.

Yeah, it's obvious that's while some countries is going backwards is base on its government who control the affairs of the society, that is their inability of a country to manage their capital, because looking at current situations now so many countries have started investing in Cryptos in order to sustain values of their economy.

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: hulla on October 05, 2020, 10:41:55 PM
So guys here is a great news. Bitcoin is growing bigger.Also take attention of politicians.
So the news is that:
 Former UKIP politician (the UK Independence Party) Godfrey Bloom took to Twitter to share that he made his first bitcoin purchase this week, diversifying his portfolio from the precious metals. The 70-year old has enough gold and silver that had a blast in 2020 thanks to the Federal Reserve’s monetary stimulus. Now, he is looking to get into the leading digital asset, which has been attracting a lot of big players this year as an “inflation hedge.” He further insisted that some top crypto people should teach him about crypto
This is great news to the whole crypto community but Godfrey Bloom was not the first and won't be the last politician to buy or invest in Bitcoin but the element that make this politician investment in crypto hurt is that 95% of all the politicians that invested in Bitcoin or understand it benefit don't talk about it until they leave the office samething happened with Trump ex chief strategy.
@OP, always add the link to the news source so you wont be accused of plagiarism.

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: abhiseshakana on October 06, 2020, 11:05:40 AM
This is great news to the whole crypto community but Godfrey Bloom was not the first and won't be the last politician to buy or invest in Bitcoin but the element that make this politician investment in crypto hurt is that 95% of all the politicians that invested in Bitcoin or understand it benefit don't talk about it until they leave the office samething happened with Trump ex chief strategy.
@OP, always add the link to the news source so you wont be accused of plagiarism.

Godfrey Bloom has long been known as a person who is anti-bank. According to Godfrey, the bank is poor but has become capital because of the fractional reserve banking, and in this practice, banks can lend money that they do not have. Bloom's thoughts can be read in his book The Magic Of Banking: The Coming Collapse Paperback.

So in my opinion, Bloom's goal of investing in Bitcoin is to diversify money and see that bitcoin is the most relevant save haven today to face uncertainty because bitcoin is supported by algorithmic technology. The majority of Bloom's investment is in precious metals, so it is possible that he saw the similarities between bitcoin and gold, so he decided to invest in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: stompix on October 07, 2020, 05:28:25 PM
Former UKIP politician (the UK Independence Party) Godfrey Bloom took to Twitter to share that he made his first bitcoin purchase this week, diversifying his portfolio from the precious metals. <> “inflation hedge.”

Well, it makes sense.
After are part of a political movement bent on ruining your country economy and almost everything in international relation, and even in that organization you're to messed up to be kept it's pretty obvious you should prepare for inflation since every one of your action if in power would make it happen

UK people are lucky that they have educated people in the government. However, not all countries are lucky enough.

Lol, sorry but I would prefer to have less if none of Bloom's clones neither in my country parliament or government or even as a janitor. Other than being antibank and pro-bitcoin he is also full nuts.
You should read more about him other than the two or three of his speeches linked here, he is one ....whatever character.

While countries like UK is heading towards success some countries are going back in time!

Yeah, the UK under UKIP would have been a blessing in disguise, so disguised nobody has voted for them anymore.

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: jackg on October 08, 2020, 07:01:24 PM
Well, it makes sense.
After are part of a political movement bent on ruining your country economy and almost everything in international relation, and even in that organization you're to messed up to be kept it's pretty obvious you should prepare for inflation since every one of your action if in power would make it happen

What country are you from (just kinda curious).

I supported the idea of the UK leaving the EU but without much changing.... We could've attempted to form an agreement with the nordic or Switzerland instead. Atm I think a lot of stuff going to and from Canada are zero rated so at worse, we could probably negotiate the same deal with them (zero rating customs) and continue trading as if we were in the EU just with oyt own set of rules for things we use within the UK... Federations often have a bad ending to them (or a bad start) look at Russia, China, the US all massive and all with large flaws a small series of countries would find much easier to remove.

I don't like the idea of having big federations, I even think the UK is too big and would support us splitting into 7-14 countries...

The current government have gone about almost everything wrong and that's something I'd agree with, where was a second referendum (like every other democratic referendum needs)?

Ukip became very complacent within the European commission too but I don't know if they were burnt out candles by that point (how hard it is to pass reformation legislation) or if they'd just given up on the idea of ever cooperating with the EU.

Title: Re: Former UKIP Politician Godfrey Bloom Buys His First Bitcoin
Post by: stompix on October 08, 2020, 09:17:57 PM
I supported the idea of the UK leaving the EU but without much changing.... We could've attempted to form an agreement with the nordic or Switzerland instead. Atm I think a lot of stuff going to and from Canada are zero rated so at worse, we could probably negotiate the same deal with them (zero rating customs) and continue trading as if we were in the EU just with oyt own set of rules for things we use within the UK...

Well, you brits were always special, actually, you were never really part of the EU, you drive on a different side, you havee your own imperial system, you wanted always to decide for yourself although in a union and you always wanted that only what's bad for you would change and nothing that would put you in a disadvantage. Not even speaking about the fact that you were so angry at foreigners when you and the french brought thousands or even millions of them in Europe from your colonies.
Simply put you wanted to eat the cake, have one for yourself, sell one for-profit, and one in reserve.

Oh, and yeah, to answer your question I'm from that country in EU a lot of your citizens hate since we've invaded you with nearly a million  ;D

I don't like the idea of having big federations, I even think the UK is too big and would support us splitting into 7-14 countries...

And your wish might come true, Wales, Scotland, England, oh wait, let's also split also Dunny-on-the-Wold into a brand new one.
Being smaller means only one thing, the big ones will trample you without mercy and your other small friends will simply look in terror not able to help you or afraid to do so. Who do you think would intervene if China invades Nepal or Bhutan? Nobody!

Ukip became very complacent within the European commission too but I don't know if they were burnt out candles by that point (how hard it is to pass reformation legislation) or if they'd just given up on the idea of ever cooperating with the EU.

UKIP lost its reason for existence, just as after the war you don't need soldiers they didn't have a real plan for construction something, they were just criticizing what others were doing, a thing that worked while in opposition but will not work when in power.