Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: YohjiHulse on October 06, 2020, 05:26:21 AM

Title: Bitcoin Photography Story in London/ UK
Post by: YohjiHulse on October 06, 2020, 05:26:21 AM
Hi guys,

I’ve been fascinated by Bitcoin after reading into it recently and I’m intrigued by the community that has developed, strengthening and pushing the coin forward.

I’m developing a photography project in London & UK on those involved in the Bitcoin community and I would love to collaborate and include those with an interest and role in Bitcoin. From miners, to Nodes, to early investors, late investors if you have an interest in Bitcoin and live in London/ Southern UK then it would be brilliant to get you involved, hear your story and document through photography.

The community is a fascinating one, not just now but from a futuristic perspective people will look back at this as an incredible time in Cryptocurrency. I would love to be able to catch the early developers who are playing a role in the development of Bitcoin.

I’m a photographer from London who primarily works on the urbanisation of cities, and the role colour and form play within that, this subject though has got me incredibly keen to document the people behind this movement. Please get in touch if you are willing for me to come and take your portrait at your convenience, it will be super low key and I’ll send you a print of the portrait, if you don’t no worries and have a great day.

All the best,


Title: Re: Bitcoin Photography Story in London/ UK
Post by: Lorence.xD on October 06, 2020, 12:39:39 PM
Pretty sure most lads that is involve in bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general wouldn't want their faces plastered all over the Internet. That is just my cup of tea so do not mind and good luck finding someone.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Photography Story in London/ UK
Post by: Harlot on October 06, 2020, 04:13:35 PM
Pretty sure most lads that is involve in bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general wouldn't want their faces plastered all over the Internet. That is just my cup of tea so do not mind and good luck finding someone.

Well we can't know for sure that's why the OP is looking for one right now after all the age of anonymity for Bitcoin is quickly disappearing I wouldn't be surprised at all when all whales, miners, and project developers would come out in public. Some people might also think that this will be a good idea to promote the industry they are involve in. OP just needs to be patient to pick the right people.

Also @OP will your project be purely about photographs in them or will you right an article about them and their business/project as well? I think writing an article or an interview portion with pics would be nice.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Photography Story in London/ UK
Post by: TheUltraElite on October 07, 2020, 05:44:06 AM
Building a community on the internet is one thing but here when the common interest is a cyberpunk currency where anonymity is one of the keywords, I dont think many users would be enthusiastic to show their real faces on the internet.

Now you might argue that crypto-meetups often get videotaped, but the counter-argument is that projects mainly promote there for seeking a pitch and private investments. There they need to show that they are legit (before they scam, that is ;D).

The developers of bitcoin and core are here in this forum, but most of them are very careful to not give out much information about their real identities. Are you not aware of the biggest mystery regarding Satoshi itself? The Decentralized Anonymous Organisation (DAO)?? Come on now, if you are learning about bitcoin, first do these ground work.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Photography Story in London/ UK
Post by: franky1 on October 08, 2020, 01:51:14 AM
normal 'users' are just the dust of bitcoin community. the main things that build bitcoin is developers and services that touch the wider community and actually make bitcoin useful.

so dont waste time on the 'anon' userbase of bitcoin. and dedicate your time on the businesses and services that utilise bitcoin.
a photo of random joe explains nothing and ends up needing to include a lengthy bio to explain who joe is.

but a picture of a business on a landscape of a london street is a story that explains itself.

so aim for the businesses/services that are linked to bitcoin. then your pictures will have a story of their own

Title: Re: Bitcoin Photography Story in London/ UK
Post by: crwth on October 08, 2020, 02:01:36 AM
Is this something to be like how photography at weddings is being done? Like from start to finish? Maybe you could find businesses that are utilizing Bitcoin, just like what franky1 said, and then form a timeline of that kind of business. From the Alpha phase to the Omega phase style of the company. Make sure to cover it front and back with that. Just an idea, lol.

Maybe you could make this further a package for your repertoire, like forming a story of the background of businesses, unless you are doing it already.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Photography Story in London/ UK
Post by: Kakmakr on December 10, 2020, 12:06:28 PM
Ok, nobody finding it weird that someone (newbie account) are looking for "early" investors in a specific location to be physically photographed? ( I mean if you want to target someone that might be owning a lot of bitcoins, this will be the way to go... right? )

OP, show us some proof of your work and something that you actually did before? Do you have a business or a website or a social media account that are linked to your real identity?

Early investors will not trust you without proof of this, because they know they are juicy targets for scammers and criminals.  ::)  (Not saying you are one, but people should be cautious when they are early adopters)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Photography Story in London/ UK
Post by: posi on December 10, 2020, 01:47:11 PM
Ok, nobody finding it weird that someone (newbie account) are looking for "early" investors in a specific location to be physically photographed? ( I mean if you want to target someone that might be owning a lot of bitcoins, this will be the way to go... right? )
It totally weird and I am sure no true members of this community will be interested in the OP offer because no genuine photographers who work on the urbanisation of cities will be interest in documenting Bitcoin story through photograph while user privacy is not top priority.

OP, show us some proof of your work and something that you actually did before? Do you have a business or a website or a social media account that are linked to your real identity?
He has already shown us enough proof mate when he said "I would love to be able to catch the early developers who are playing a role in the development of Bitcoin".