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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: thucuoi21 on October 07, 2020, 07:11:48 AM

Title: Why support TRUMP
Post by: thucuoi21 on October 07, 2020, 07:11:48 AM

I like the way he runs the country the way the CEO runs the company.
The unemployment rate decreased
And don't let China become the top 1

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: franky1 on October 07, 2020, 07:49:11 AM
trumps decrease in unemployment?
'freelancer' zero hour contract, no guarantee of minimum wage jobs fake the unemployment numbers.
many many more people lost proper full time employment. and ended up working for things like Uber and amazon delivery. which is not a guaranteed proper contracted employment.

heck even trump himself threw out and reshuffled many of his aids in the last few years. in short under trumps administration there is no such things as 'job security'

many retailers had many jobcuts. where their 'hiring plan' is 90% part time
so if you actually count year-on-year fulltime employment numbers.
manufacturing decreased
the number of full time employed people has gone down.

its like if i sacked you from a 40hour job. and then rehired you for 18 hours and hired someone else for 18 hours. well to trump thats 2x employment. but reality is my salary costs(citizen income) has gone down. and i am now putting 2 people into the 'poverty line' by not earning a salary that can cover all daily costs

just think about the real statistics and not the trump PR campaign
put it this way
with more then 3.8million people turning 'of age' and only 1mill retiring
=2.8m extra working age people.
only 2mill increase in fulltime employment

if you look at the 'quits level' which is about 3mill a month. but the 'job openings' to fill these vacancies do not equal that

so not only are there 800k newly eligable for work people straight out of school. not getting jobs. but those in jobs that resign/dismissed. are not having their roles replaced.

read this for some insight into 'incentives' employers have
Employers are eligible to receive a tax credit up to 40 percent of the first $6,000 of first-year wages of a new employee with a disability who is referred by state or local vocational rehabilitation agencies, a State Commission on the Blind, or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and certified by a State Employment Service. There is no credit after the first year of employment. For an employer to qualify for the credit, a worker must have been employed for at least 90 days or have completed at least 120 hours of work for the employer.

this means if they employ someone for 121 hours (>12hours a day for for 10 days) they only have to pay someone 60% costs because 40% is covered by government.
so dismissing(turning over) staff regularly is cost effective

so those on social security for certain disabilities. or just unemployment benefits or a veterin. are finding that they are treated like spinning plates. employed short term and dismissed for silly reasons

this happens alot in retail/hospitality/leisure. hiring 'seasonal staff'

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Mauser on October 07, 2020, 12:30:18 PM

I like the way he runs the country the way the CEO runs the company.
The unemployment rate decreased
And don't let China become the top 1

I am not American, so it's a bit hard for me to answer this. But I think it just depends on your general views. Most of the people are long time democrat or republican voters. So they will always support a candidate from their own party over others. Probably only a few percentages of the voters are changing their political party regularly. And on top of that is you vote for people you find more sympathic than the others. That is why Hillary lost.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Spendulus on October 07, 2020, 10:49:24 PM
the number of full time employed people has gone down.

its like if i sacked you from a 40hour job. and then rehired you for 18 hours and hired someone else for 18 hours....

When this happened hugely, was as a result of the implementation of Obamacare.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Juggy777 on October 08, 2020, 04:17:27 AM

I like the way he runs the country the way the CEO runs the company.
The unemployment rate decreased
And don't let China become the top 1

@thucuoi21 in my personal opinion I support Trump despite his erratic behaviour, because he’s made peace with Russia, and he has developed a delicate relationship with Kim Jong un which will sooner or later make North Korea give up their nuclear testing*. Also I liked how Trump smartly saved few million of US government money by ending the preferential deal that India has enjoyed for a long time now, and yesterday he’s even put new visa conditions on India to make sure that more Americans get hired over Indians.

Sources:–United_States_relations (* I’m only assuming that Trump will be able to stop them from testing in the long run*)

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Naida_BR on October 08, 2020, 06:49:14 AM

I like the way he runs the country the way the CEO runs the company.
The unemployment rate decreased
And don't let China become the top 1

The unemployment rate is decreased all around the world not only to the US and this is the result of the economy bloom that happens. Just have a look at the stock markets by the time Trump became president, there is not any serious economic downfall only this one that is recovered due the coronavirus outbreak.
As far as the last on that he didn't let China become the top 1, China is already the top 1, the US just struggles to recognize it.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Dorodha on October 08, 2020, 11:07:00 AM
China tops the list but currently has the lowest unemployment rate in the United States. At the same time a lot of jobs have been created which there are not enough job seekers to fill. President Donald Trump's administration is eager to see this as a special achievement. This information about employment is being spread in the US media but Trump's support will usually depend on the political parties they will support their party through voters.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: wanted sliter on October 08, 2020, 01:25:17 PM
Mr. Trump is an entrepreneur and he is doing a great job of making America great. His way of doing things now is destroying the US relationship with China and domestic companies, but I think his actions are necessary to change the mindset of employment-oriented businesses. America more.
If the pandemic does not happen, the unemployment rate in the United States will certainly drop significantly as he promised during the 2016 presidential election.
What Mr. Trump makes me happy is that the wars around the world have decreased since he took office.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Sendoku on October 08, 2020, 02:38:33 PM
Unfortunately, it all goes down to choosing the lesser of two evils. Neither of candidates really represent what president should be like. My vote will go to Trump though, he's managed to not enter another useless unneccessary war (sadly, that's about the only good thing he's done). There's no way I'm going to let radical left thrive and turn this country into soviet nightmare

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: akram143 on October 08, 2020, 02:44:20 PM

I like the way he runs the country the way the CEO runs the company.
The unemployment rate decreased
And don't let China become the top 1
Business man will be good at bring revenue to the company but they never care about their employees... What happens if the same thing happens with America?

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Spendulus on October 08, 2020, 03:43:57 PM

I like the way he runs the country the way the CEO runs the company.
The unemployment rate decreased
And don't let China become the top 1
Business man will be good at bring revenue to the company but they never care about their employees... What happens if the same thing happens with America?
Being a business man myself I have to object.

Yes, that's sometimes true but not with the people I associate with.

And to reverse the tables, I think that's what the problem had been with the US. Lobbyists made the laws, politicians went along with them, Washington DC only cared about Washington DC.

Trump was voted in by the little guys...

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: longlivecapitalism on October 08, 2020, 05:59:22 PM
Speaking as a non-American who is not that close to the everyday issues US citizens face aside from what my US friends tell me and the things I learn as I try to stay informed, I have to say that your president is a joke. There's no respect for Trump overseas and every time he opens his mouth and speaks I expect a laugh track to follow, like on your American tv sitcoms, because the things he says are ludicrous. And his absolute disregard for human life, any human life besides his own, is a very telling example of what kind of a person he is. Politicians are at the very least expected to pretend to care about citizens' problems, Trump can't even fake that, so it's quite surprising that he has managed to fool that many people into voting for him. Even now and after multiple failures to handle multiple situations during his presidency, his polling numbers are not as low as they would be in other countries.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: BADecker on October 08, 2020, 06:34:13 PM
Speaking as a non-American who is not that close to the everyday issues US citizens face aside from what my US friends tell me and the things I learn as I try to stay informed, I have to say that your president is a joke. There's no respect for Trump overseas and every time he opens his mouth and speaks I expect a laugh track to follow, like on your American tv sitcoms, because the things he says are ludicrous. And his absolute disregard for human life, any human life besides his own, is a very telling example of what kind of a person he is. Politicians are at the very least expected to pretend to care about citizens' problems, Trump can't even fake that, so it's quite surprising that he has managed to fool that many people into voting for him. Even now and after multiple failures to handle multiple situations during his presidency, his polling numbers are not as low as they would be in other countries.

The reason for Trump being disliked overseas has to do with the fact that Trump is gradually withdrawing the USA from international affairs. Why should we continue to support other countries... or the idea of a one-world government? You jokers can take care of yourselves. Let America become strong to herself again.

So, it is easy to see why you jokers might be upset. Trump is taking your American gravy train away from you.


Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: longlivecapitalism on October 10, 2020, 10:59:01 PM
Speaking as a non-American who is not that close to the everyday issues US citizens face aside from what my US friends tell me and the things I learn as I try to stay informed, I have to say that your president is a joke. There's no respect for Trump overseas and every time he opens his mouth and speaks I expect a laugh track to follow, like on your American tv sitcoms, because the things he says are ludicrous. And his absolute disregard for human life, any human life besides his own, is a very telling example of what kind of a person he is. Politicians are at the very least expected to pretend to care about citizens' problems, Trump can't even fake that, so it's quite surprising that he has managed to fool that many people into voting for him. Even now and after multiple failures to handle multiple situations during his presidency, his polling numbers are not as low as they would be in other countries.

The reason for Trump being disliked overseas has to do with the fact that Trump is gradually withdrawing the USA from international affairs. Why should we continue to support other countries... or the idea of a one-world government? You jokers can take care of yourselves. Let America become strong to herself again.

So, it is easy to see why you jokers might be upset. Trump is taking your American gravy train away from you.

Hm, yes, you're right, the handling of the absolute worst health crisis in the absolutely worst manner by Trump proves exactly what you said. Let me rephrase, because you seem to have misunderstood: I've seen no one afraid that the US is trying (emphasis on trying) to distance themselves from international affairs. People are laughing at him and everything that comes out of his mouth because it's nonsense and contradics science and login in general, and at the same time those of us who care are worried about the people currently living in the US. Despite what you may think, you're not alone. There are people on the other side of the planet who are worried about you guys having a madman as a leader in a time where you should have a calm, rational presence who would at least try to keep you safe. For some reason you took my comments for Trump as a personal attack to you and I can't figure out why. I have no personal beef with the US as a nation.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Spendulus on October 11, 2020, 04:27:20 PM
Speaking as a non-American who is not that close to the everyday issues US citizens face aside from what my US friends tell me and the things I learn as I try to stay informed, I have to say that your president is a joke. There's no respect for Trump overseas and every time he opens his mouth and speaks I expect a laugh track to follow, like on your American tv sitcoms, because the things he says are ludicrous. And his absolute disregard for human life, any human life besides his own, is a very telling example of what kind of a person he is. Politicians are at the very least expected to pretend to care about citizens' problems, Trump can't even fake that, so it's quite surprising that he has managed to fool that many people into voting for him. Even now and after multiple failures to handle multiple situations during his presidency, his polling numbers are not as low as they would be in other countries.

The reason for Trump being disliked overseas has to do with the fact that Trump is gradually withdrawing the USA from international affairs. Why should we continue to support other countries... or the idea of a one-world government? You jokers can take care of yourselves. Let America become strong to herself again.

So, it is easy to see why you jokers might be upset. Trump is taking your American gravy train away from you.

Hm, yes, you're right, the handling of the absolute worst health crisis in the absolutely worst manner by Trump proves exactly what you said. Let me rephrase, because you seem to have misunderstood: I've seen no one afraid that the US is trying (emphasis on trying) to distance themselves from international affairs. People are laughing at him and everything that comes out of his mouth .....
Euro-asshats had exactly the same attitude toward Bush Jr.

And toward Reagan.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: franky1 on October 11, 2020, 04:34:15 PM
trump pretends on camera to hate russia, uk, china
yet trump is relying on europe and asia for their vaccine trials

sinopharm and astrazenica are asian/euro(uk) vaccine trials
what trump misses is the 3month report is not if the vaccine works. its if the vaccine is broke.
basically all thats coming out is if people got any adverse reactions from it.
no it it shields people from covid.
that 'if it shields people from covid' report wont come out until july-oct 2021

trump should have more aids that will actually tel him what he NEEDS to hear not what he wants to hear
he has dismissed the actual ones that would tell him straight. now he surrounds himself with loyalist ass kisses that when asking if injecting bleach. they too afraid to just say 'no you idiot'. and just say, we will look into that. just to kiss ass. out of fear of being dismissed.

this is why trump cant get the facts right because like al idiots they dont want the truth they want people to pat them on the back and praise them and comfort them

that is not a sign of a good leader

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Spendulus on October 11, 2020, 06:55:02 PM
trump pretends on camera to hate russia, uk, china
yet trump is relying on europe and asia for their vaccine trials
this is why trump cant get the facts right because like al idiots they dont want the truth they want people to pat them on the back and praise them and comfort them

that is not a sign of a good leader
I suppose you would prefer prima donna Obama, who tossed back to you the bust of Winston Churchill.

Yeah, probably you would.

Oh, by the way, if you want to find out about Trump, just go to the WH website. Don't rely on your lying news sources that are presenting childish stereotypes

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: BADecker on October 11, 2020, 07:32:14 PM
Why support TRUMP ?

Good question. Since he left the hospital, he has been supporting himself just fine.


Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: longlivecapitalism on October 11, 2020, 10:26:49 PM
Speaking as a non-American who is not that close to the everyday issues US citizens face aside from what my US friends tell me and the things I learn as I try to stay informed, I have to say that your president is a joke. There's no respect for Trump overseas and every time he opens his mouth and speaks I expect a laugh track to follow, like on your American tv sitcoms, because the things he says are ludicrous. And his absolute disregard for human life, any human life besides his own, is a very telling example of what kind of a person he is. Politicians are at the very least expected to pretend to care about citizens' problems, Trump can't even fake that, so it's quite surprising that he has managed to fool that many people into voting for him. Even now and after multiple failures to handle multiple situations during his presidency, his polling numbers are not as low as they would be in other countries.

The reason for Trump being disliked overseas has to do with the fact that Trump is gradually withdrawing the USA from international affairs. Why should we continue to support other countries... or the idea of a one-world government? You jokers can take care of yourselves. Let America become strong to herself again.

So, it is easy to see why you jokers might be upset. Trump is taking your American gravy train away from you.

Hm, yes, you're right, the handling of the absolute worst health crisis in the absolutely worst manner by Trump proves exactly what you said. Let me rephrase, because you seem to have misunderstood: I've seen no one afraid that the US is trying (emphasis on trying) to distance themselves from international affairs. People are laughing at him and everything that comes out of his mouth .....
Euro-asshats had exactly the same attitude toward Bush Jr.

And toward Reagan.
No, sorry, Trump makes everyone look like a legitimate politician with a legitimate interest toward the American people by comparison. This is a new low for US politics and history will be able to confirm that. Or at least you better hope that history will be able to confirm it and you guys don't wake up one day in an AU from The Man in the High Castle with Trump forcefully getting one too many terms and abolishing democracy.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Spendulus on October 12, 2020, 03:44:57 PM
...Euro-asshats had exactly the same attitude toward Bush Jr.

And toward Reagan.

No, sorry, Trump makes everyone look like a legitimate politician with a legitimate interest toward the American people by comparison. This is a new low for US politics and history will be able to confirm that. Or at least you better hope that history will be able to confirm it and you guys don't wake up one day in an AU from The Man in the High Castle with Trump forcefully getting one too many terms and abolishing democracy.

I bolded my prior comment above for a very simple reason.

Euros did have exactly the same attitude with Reagan, and with Bush Jr.

Your response I know is what's important to you, but it sort of leads off into another direction.

Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: BADecker on October 14, 2020, 03:09:08 AM
You gotta cry about sick people who want to vote for Biden.

I was voting for Biden but this changed my mind to Trump (

After researching all of the facts from this video it only made sense to vote for Donald Trump. Seriously put all petty issues aside. Put all the fake twisted "facts" you hear on social media and do the research yourself.

The two things that mean the most to me are the protection of our constitutional rights and equality for all.

I was voting for Biden but this changed my mind to Trump (


Title: Re: Why support TRUMP
Post by: Xembin on October 15, 2020, 03:22:18 PM
Trump never against bitcoin during his first term .
Trump has done well in the areas of economy, education, technology that is making everybody promise to support his re-election.