Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Broke@$$Joe on October 09, 2020, 12:48:52 PM

Title: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 09, 2020, 12:48:52 PM
Long story short, I found out about Bitcoin hearing it for the first time around June of 2020.
Youtube f'ed up algorithm suggested me a video of an Bitcoin early investor named Davinci, titled
" buy 1$ worth of Bitcoin, please!!! "
and so I did. I invested all my lifesavings into it, and honestly, what I could afford was less than 0.1BTC at around 10k, after purchasing a cold store wallet Nano S [not your keys not your coins]
So I became fascinated by Bitcoin to be honest, since I witnessed henious stuff being done for cash and always hated the money-human relationship and how humankind was enslaved by it.
How humans killed each other over it,
How relatives betrayed their blood siblings over it,
How humans are selling their time for it 9-5,
pursuing 1/3 of their lives to get a PhD so they can get paid better,
and so on and so forth... which none of the above, doesn't make sense to me on how I view the world to be like as an peaceful place for humans to live in.
Since I first heard of Bitcoin, I've been reading the White-Paper like at least 10 times now in a time-span of 2-3months.
Have seen a dozen of documentaries over it,
how beautifully Bitcoin has moved it's way on charts,
what Bitcoin means to those like me who hate Fiat [monetary system].
Unfortunately, God's Will was determined so for me, that I should've not hear about Bitcoin before even Bitcoin having a price on the releasment of White-Paper in October 31, 2008. I would've been so honoured to just reply at Satoshi here, let alone buying at least 250.000Bitcoins or more in it's first price that was ever set on January 3, 2009at 0.008$ per Bitcoin.
So I've been having sleepless nights pondering on how my destiny was written and how unlucky I felt missing out on such a revolutionary invention, that to me, is the MOST VALUABLE of Inventions ever, so we all owe Satoshi at least a 'THANK YOU' showing care for our dumbasses.
I tried reaching Davinci, and finally did so. I was really hoping he would understand the shoes I'm at and how much 1Bitcoin would mean to passing it own even to my seeds, but unfortunately he showed me that those who are wealthy are more greedy than those who own sh!t. I mean, just look at his yt channel displaying affiliate links all over the place, while he might probably own at least 10.000Bitcoin to my guess.
It's not that I have anything against Davinci, I give him credit for yelling at people BUY BTC before even Bitcoin hit the mainstream medias and go big.
So I've been wondering what Satoshi would've thought regarding this, or how would've he reacted upong reading this.
But since Satoshi don't wanna get bothered anymore, I thought okay, just create a poll and see what other people may think.
Now, what U should know is that, I'm not here to begg Bitcoin and somewhat sort of that nature, nobody is crazy enough to donate Bitcoin sitting at approx 10.9-11k per coin.
Well, there's a slight probability of chance for that to happen! However, that takes a lot of guts and will never come from such a human nature like Davinci's where everything is about money.
I can not see my self owning a whole Bitcoin anytime soon, salaries on where I live are around 200$ of taxes for those who have not a college degree so yeah.. I'm doomed .
And since I also lost my job where I was employed for 2-3 years due to Covid sh!t, I'm spending my time learning about Bitcoin and when desperate, I just go watch bitinfo wallets and imagine my self being somewhere there. An open eyed far-fetched dream.
I wished I had been around that time man... Im sure in my self I would've been helping newcomers on Bitcoin helping them out to own anything.
Well, in a total different realm I see my self doing that, but for now, I can't help none since I can not even help my self.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: hd49728 on October 09, 2020, 12:55:49 PM
Please move it to Bitcoin Discussion ( Meta board is for forum-related discussions.

Move topic (at bottom left). You will see Bitcoin Discussion by default (because its board id is 1). Click Move topic again to finish.

Thanks for the guidelines, I'm new here and don't know how and where to post properly
Welcome you to the forum. Is it time to move your topic to Bitcoin Discussion?  :)

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 09, 2020, 12:58:54 PM
Thanks for the guidelines, I'm new here and don't know how and where to post properly

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: YOSHIE on October 09, 2020, 01:37:21 PM
I read all your stories about Bitcoin, a good start for you to find out now, before Bitcoin prices skyrocket.

Likewise, when I first got to know Bitcoin it was full of joy and sorrow stories and in the end with my desire to learn, so that I knew Bitcoin like knowing my own mother.

Continue to learn more about Bitcoin, one day you will succeed and become one of the Bitcoin billionaires.

I found a little information about Bitcoin for you, try reading and studying the contents of the topic below, hopefully useful.

Hi Bitcoiners,
here is my article about bitcoin history and secrets in chronologic order. I think everyone can learn here something new.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: zasad@ on October 09, 2020, 02:54:40 PM
OP, if you carefully read the history of bitcoin, you would understand that this project was not to enrich its creators, but to create an alternative global financial system.

What is the point of feeling sorry for yourself and regretting what you did not do?
If you came to this forum, then this is already good, continue to gain knowledge and you will find your place in the crypto world.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Fundamentals Of on October 09, 2020, 03:01:38 PM
I voted neutral or Satoshi wouldn't care. My bad, Satoshi cares really, but that would be a different kind of care altogether. It is not a kind of care which doles out money to those who need it, feeding the poor, or something like that. Satoshi cared so much not just for the poor but also to everyone else. Why else did he create Bitcoin?

Satoshi created Bitcoin because the world needs it. He saw how the world is being run by a kind of system which is often abused by no less than the very people to whom the system is entrusted to be implemented properly and fairly.

And don't forget that Satoshi didn't even encash or even spend his own Bitcoins. 

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: kryptqnick on October 09, 2020, 03:17:29 PM
So I became fascinated by Bitcoin to be honest, since I witnessed henious stuff being done for cash and always hated the money-human relationship and how humankind was enslaved by it.
How humans killed each other over it,
How relatives betrayed their blood siblings over it,
How humans are selling their time for it 9-5,
pursuing 1/3 of their lives to get a PhD so they can get paid better,
and so on and so forth...
Bitcoin is still money, and people can kill, betray and do other things for Bitcoin too. And a PhD often takes about 4 years and is not done to get paid more, but to become a researcher.
So I've been having sleepless nights pondering on how my destiny was written and how unlucky I felt missing out on such a revolutionary invention, that to me, is the MOST VALUABLE of Inventions ever, so we all owe Satoshi at least a 'THANK YOU' showing care for our dumbasses.
So I've been wondering what Satoshi would've thought regarding this, or how would've he reacted upong reading this.
But since Satoshi don't wanna get bothered anymore, I thought okay, just create a poll and see what other people may think.
Now, what U should know is that, I'm not here to begg Bitcoin and somewhat sort of that nature, nobody is crazy enough to donate Bitcoin sitting at approx 10.9-11k per coin.
Well, there's a slight probability of chance for that to happen! However, that takes a lot of guts and will never come from such a human nature like Davinci's where everything is about money.
Satoshi did not create a 'get rich' scheme or some sort of charity where people would give their bitcoins to others who missed out. It was an invention, and should indeed be treated as such. Bitcoin can still be obtained and used, it's not like all of it already belongs to someone, and they don't want to sell it to anyone. Bitcoin can be used, its benefits can be enjoyed, and the price should not matter that much.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: tsaroz on October 09, 2020, 03:42:33 PM
The one that believed in bitcoin the earliest and the ones that were involved in securing the blockchain from the start are now rewarded for their effort.
I think most of them would have never imagined the coin the are holding is going to reach 19K USD an unit someday.
I knew bitcoin from late 2012 but could not hold a single coin when the bitcoin went on a bull. There are many other unfortunate like me.
But I don't lament for what's gone. If Bitcoin can reach 19K in 2017, I still believe it would reach higher than that in future.
So, I'm still collecting and holding bitcoin (along with other cryptos) as I believe I'd be rewarded if I remain patient and believe in it.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: mk4 on October 09, 2020, 04:02:08 PM
Why would Satoshi disagree? The earlier adopters trusted the technology regardless when everyone didn't care about it, and they sure did make a lot of money due to the risk they took. It's not like they stole the coins or something lol.

I can not see my self owning a whole Bitcoin anytime soon, salaries on where I live are around 200$ of taxes for those who have not a college degree so yeah.. I'm doomed .
You're doomed because you think you are. Guess what? The 2 most wealthiest people I personally know around my age(somewhere in the 20s), didn't even finish high-school, and are now really successful businessmen. Why? Because they were determined to get out of the poverty shithole despite their lack of education. Now, are you just going to keep making excuses? Or actually do something about it?

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: gentlemand on October 09, 2020, 04:16:34 PM
You asked a longstanding Bitcoiner for compensation because you didn't educate yourself earlier? That's an unusual approach.

Satoshi had enough foresight to create Bitcoin. No doubt he expected the various phases it would go through before it reached its full potential. Hoarding and speculation is one of the early ones.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: 20kevin20 on October 09, 2020, 04:28:34 PM
Congrats to you if you've been that interested to read the Whitepaper so many times. Keep it up and try working your way up - 1 BTC is achievable, stay positive and you'll make it.

The wealthy rarely share parts of their fortune if at all. You have to understand that even Davinci has reached the popularity he has through hard work - and it wouldn't be fair for him to help others who haven't worked their assess off, would it? I understand that you want to get as much Bitcoin as you can, but we're all here for it - and almost all of us over here want to get more and more.

But I'd rather focus on trying to acummulate as much as I can while studying the technology rather than hoping for someone to throw a random penny in my bag. We're here for financial freedom. People will still kill for Bitcoin the same way they'll kill for anything else out of greed and despair, but Bitcoin does not enslave you. It sets you free in a way no other asset has ever been able to.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: alisonwonder on October 09, 2020, 05:09:42 PM
You asked a longstanding Bitcoiner for compensation because you didn't educate yourself earlier? That's an unusual approach.

Satoshi had enough foresight to create Bitcoin. No doubt he expected the various phases it would go through before it reached its full potential. Hoarding and speculation is one of the early ones.

So far as I know, Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin at first for fun and did not have a clear purpose, but when there are cases in finance involving government, it may end up making him think hard to create a coin that can have a selling value but its circulation and price cannot be controlled by anyone.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: gentlemand on October 09, 2020, 05:16:04 PM
So far as I know, Satoshi Nakamoto created bitcoin at first for fun and did not have a clear purpose, but when there are cases in finance involving government, it may end up making him think hard to create a coin that can have a selling value but its circulation and price cannot be controlled by anyone.

Erm, the purpose is clearly stated in the message embedded in Bitcoin's very first block.

I have never, ever seen any indication of fun or lack of purpose anywhere. It oozed purpose from the first moment it appeared.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: famososMuertos on October 09, 2020, 09:35:12 PM
Get in line, of those who want justification.
Get in line, of those who want redemption.
Or simply put a satoshi in a wallet, get excited with having the phrases(PK) of your own destiny and shout bitcoin, I am here!

Rejoice man, there are people who have not even started, who were like you uninformed, some, others are blind, deaf but not dumb to criticize bitcoin.

I do not care if your speech is true or false, that will be said by the trace of your post that you started today.

Nor is it that here comes to be a club of friends, in the first instance, but over time some users may end up having an affinity with others.
When you start to feel that this happens, it is simple, you are creating a community, by the way even with those who are not to your liking at that community crossing.

So, can It may be that what is read between the lines in your speech that for some forced reason you try to find in people, you get it in this forum in a community way, not in a single individual. Although that takes time and dedication.

And maybe you think that this time and dedication entails writing and/or interacting with other users in the forum, continue in the same line of focus, that is, repeat how I think your bad experience was In the past, not only in the offline world but online and what brought you here, but you could be making the same mistake, if twice, the same mistake that led you to be voluntarily disconnected +10 Years of bitcoin.

Seriously, the key is to read and after reading, studying, obviously if the information you got is worth it, I think that the ones who get the most out of this forum or have taken advantage of this forum are the ones who may never have written a single post, but why judge them, criticize them ... imagine writing ("x" years before you, bitcoin) in Google, or in Yahoo, MFF, bing, duckduck Go, ASK, etc. and with this example of naming the search engines, is worth saying that ignorance can be such , that many still today think that the only search engine that exists is Google.

Metaphor: oh man! if! they knew that there is a browser that is paying $ 1 to use the browser just by doing, "enter" But you just show up today and they're paying $ 0.001.
What are you doing? what is your information "niche" /(source)(!?)
Do You start looking for the next promotion?
Do you do the 1000 searches to earn the dollar?
Do you study the market model and try to implement it? or... fk I'm late again ...

Actually I just wanted to say "Welcome to the forum" (in your post 3)
Ah! and that we make community...

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 09, 2020, 10:28:29 PM
Why would Satoshi disagree? The earlier adopters trusted the technology regardless when everyone didn't care about it, and they sure did make a lot of money due to the risk they took. It's not like they stole the coins or something lol.

Despite your ignorance or lack of not reading properly and not understanding while I stated: I wished I had about Bitcoin at the releasment of White Paper when it had no market at all, I would've started to set aside cash fiat waiting for it's day of inception in price to invest '[regardless when everyone didn't care about it]

I can not see my self owning a whole Bitcoin anytime soon, salaries on where I live are around 200$ of taxes for those who have not a college degree so yeah.. I'm doomed .
You're doomed because you think you are. Guess what? The 2 most wealthiest people I personally know around my age(somewhere in the 20s), didn't even finish high-school, and are now really successful businessmen. Why? Because they were determined to get out of the poverty shithole despite their lack of education. Now, are you just going to keep making excuses? Or actually do something about it?

- I'm not doomed because of my mindset as U say is in the off the mode.. nah hell no!
I'm doomed because at the moment all the opportunities here are gloomy! And with this covid sh!t I can't even apply my skills to hustle since I handle Digital Marketings and Food Photography increasing the revenues of business with a potential of 10% in a month.
But with the new restrictions and people not getting in as before, I got 'on hold' until a second confirmation[which more likely a second lockdown may be around the corner due to winter]
Had I been elsewhere and doing what I do, a Bitcoin wouldn't be a problem for me while saving and stuff. But yeah, do the mathematics of getting paid 250$ pre covid off taxes, and 40% of it going to taxes, 35% of it on food supply [making ends meet] and the other 25% to save, invest, or spend.
Now tell me how would U deal with this scenario while currently unemployed!
Wouldn't that seem gloomy to U and feeling hopeless when U can't even apply what U know to do in order to get paid2 survive, let alone thinking about buying Bitcoin!
Well I guess not!
And in this position, U can't sacrifice much!
But U know what! I did, and what I bought would've bought me 5 Bitcoins to 100$ per token had I was that lucky on my destiny
And that's what it hurts me to all the 'clever' guys replying negative stuff thinking that these long texts are just something to be ridiculed and shit.
I got enough shit to be worried son, and your negativity was not worth the time!
Goodbuy and thanks for the good friendship!
Be well

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 09, 2020, 10:51:14 PM
Get in line, of those who want justification.
Get in line, of those who want redemption.
Or simply put a satoshi in a wallet, get excited with having the phrases(PK) of your own destiny and shout bitcoin, I am here!

Rejoice man, there are people who have not even started, who were like you uninformed, some, others are blind, deaf but not dumb to criticize bitcoin.

I do not care if your speech is true or false, that will be said by the trace of your post that you started today.

Nor is it that here comes to be a club of friends, in the first instance, but over time some users may end up having an affinity with others.
When you start to feel that this happens, it is simple, you are creating a community, by the way even with those who are not to your liking at that community crossing.

So, can It may be that what is read between the lines in your speech that for some forced reason you try to find in people, you get it in this forum in a community way, not in a single individual. Although that takes time and dedication.

And maybe you think that this time and dedication entails writing and/or interacting with other users in the forum, continue in the same line of focus, that is, repeat how I think your bad experience was In the past, not only in the offline world but online and what brought you here, but you could be making the same mistake, if twice, the same mistake that led you to be voluntarily disconnected +10 Years of bitcoin.

Seriously, the key is to read and after reading, studying, obviously if the information you got is worth it, I think that the ones who get the most out of this forum or have taken advantage of this forum are the ones who may never have written a single post, but why judge them, criticize them ... imagine writing ("x" years before you, bitcoin) in Google, or in Yahoo, MFF, bing, duckduck Go, ASK, etc. and with this example of naming the search engines, is worth saying that ignorance can be such , that many still today think that the only search engine that exists is Google.

Metaphor: oh man! if! they knew that there is a browser that is paying $ 1 to use the browser just by doing, "enter" But you just show up today and they're paying $ 0.001.
What are you doing? what is your information "niche" /(source)(!?)
Do You start looking for the next promotion?
Do you do the 1000 searches to earn the dollar?
Do you study the market model and try to implement it? or... fk I'm late again ...

Actually I just wanted to say "Welcome to the forum" (in your post 3)
Ah! and that we make community...

I do not care if your speech is true or false, that will be said by the trace of your post that you started today.

Nor is it that here comes to be a club of friends, in the first instance, but over time some users may end up having an affinity with others.
When you start to feel that this happens, it is simple, you are creating a community, by the way even with those who are not to your liking at that community crossing.

So, can It may be that what is read between the lines in your speech that for some forced reason you try to find in people, you get it in this forum in a community way, not in a single individual. Although that takes time and dedication.
I think your bad experience was In the past, not only in the offline world but online and what brought you here, but you could be making the same mistake, if twice, the same mistake that led you to be voluntarily disconnected +10 Years of bitcoin.
-I'm not expecting nothing bro, I just want to have a decent time with different people at the same time.
The time it took you for your comment to be written down is more valuable to me than a Bitcoin, ain't nothing greater than humanity and communication to me.
Yes, my past is pretty much f'ed up man.. where do I start @
Being a product of a broken home since 1!
Childhood pretty much no childhood and puberty... damn
Adolescent years without a father figure was rough, hard, full of regrets, pain, betrayal, and finished as an outlawed, being behind bars as a minority since no re-education institutions here.
I server 1 year in jail and 6 months in communal duty to pay back the state's fine I couldn't paid.
But that was the best period of my life I can say, after all the wild adventures and seeing no friends at the end.
While in jail I came across Islam, so yeah I feel happy.
My life has changed dramatically.
I'm thankful for my life, however it is.
Most of male human beings never understand what a male must go through, to become a MAN.
As for what made me not find out of Bitcoin +10 years ago, I can say destiny, and I can blame my self.
I come form a third world country approx 20 years post fall communism, and really in the elementary or high school was not any Personal Desktop classes or whatever.
Pretty much, internet was a luxury as far as i remember growing up, so its part of destiny and part of not knowing sh!t about Internet, Computers or anysort of that nature field. I've been using internet for like 2+years now.
+ not to mention years that I were not interested to spent my time on PC's when other  fellas were only talking about gaming counterstrike and sh!t, while I was hustling on the streets selling stuff I don't wanna mention any names of.
IDK bro, how ever I had been legit for some years since embracing Islam, I worked hard to get paid ridicioulosly since I also have a record, I was doing good in salary terms here working extra, getting around 250$ avrg salary with no diploma nad a record, applying skills I learned about food photography and digital marketing. So I had saved around 2k living humble and disciplined not spending money.
Since I lost my job and finding out about bitcoin, I decided 50% of it to cash in 1K of what I had into buying a cold wallet NanoS and went all in with what was left fomoing in in June/July. Not I sold what I had on 11k hopefully waiting to buy at the pump's correction to accumulate more :/
Anyways, thanks for your warm welcome bro, I truly appreciate it.
Take care :)
Better days are coming

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 09, 2020, 10:58:05 PM
Congrats to you if you've been that interested to read the Whitepaper so many times. Keep it up and try working your way up - 1 BTC is achievable, stay positive and you'll make it.

The wealthy rarely share parts of their fortune if at all. You have to understand that even Davinci has reached the popularity he has through hard work - and it wouldn't be fair for him to help others who haven't worked their assess off, would it? I understand that you want to get as much Bitcoin as you can, but we're all here for it - and almost all of us over here want to get more and more.

But I'd rather focus on trying to acummulate as much as I can while studying the technology rather than hoping for someone to throw a random penny in my bag. We're here for financial freedom. People will still kill for Bitcoin the same way they'll kill for anything else out of greed and despair, but Bitcoin does not enslave you. It sets you free in a way no other asset has ever been able to.

Congrats to you if you've been that interested to read the Whitepaper so many times. Keep it up and try working your way up - 1 BTC is achievable, stay positive and you'll make it.
-I'll do that bro thanks for the push, I smells like a fresh start for a better life and more strict discipline.

The wealthy rarely share parts of their fortune if at all. You have to understand that even Davinci has reached the popularity he has through hard work - and it wouldn't be fair for him to help others who haven't worked their assess off, would it? I understand that you want to get as much Bitcoin as you can, but we're all here for it - and almost all of us over here want to get more and more.
- FAIR! As I said, I appreciate Davinci for his work and him yelling at people buy Bitcoin since back than! I never stated he was bad or whatever, its just what U say it is
The wealthy rarely share parts of their fortune if at all. And that's a FACT!
I've find people with nothing do things no rich ass can do, I don't doubt it for a second.
I just hate people who link everything about MONEY, that's all.
And no Im not waiting for no one airdroping any thing, otherwise I would've displayed my wallet -.-' .
I'm just here to find a decent community

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 09, 2020, 11:06:32 PM
You asked a longstanding Bitcoiner for compensation because you didn't educate yourself earlier? That's an unusual approach.

Satoshi had enough foresight to create Bitcoin. No doubt he expected the various phases it would go through before it reached its full potential. Hoarding and speculation is one of the early ones.

You asked a longstanding Bitcoiner for compensation because you didn't educate yourself earlier? That's an unusual approach.
 I asked a longstanding Bitcoiner to help me out and pay him back in the same amount Bitcoin in whatever time I would double my positions not day trading, but trading safe to  twice or three times for the upcoming year.
Nor did I asked him for a whole Bitcoin, nor did I asked him giveway.
I clearly explained him anything was to be explained as a man to a man. But it seems Satoshi's P2P failed, right!
Unusual approach!
I approached the guy that introduced me to the Bitcoin, or better said yt f'ed up algorithm.
you didn't educate yourself earlier?
- how could I! I've been on web world for less than 2 years using PC's in my life for the first time at 20-21. LMAO
Anyways, U have not read carefully through the lines, I'm sorry U took it wrong.
However, everyone is free to share their own opinions, so why bother.. show must go on
Take care buddy

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 09, 2020, 11:15:20 PM
I read all your stories about Bitcoin, a good start for you to find out now, before Bitcoin prices skyrocket.

Likewise, when I first got to know Bitcoin it was full of joy and sorrow stories and in the end with my desire to learn, so that I knew Bitcoin like knowing my own mother.

Continue to learn more about Bitcoin, one day you will succeed and become one of the Bitcoin billionaires.

I found a little information about Bitcoin for you, try reading and studying the contents of the topic below, hopefully useful.

Hi Bitcoiners,
here is my article about bitcoin history and secrets in chronologic order. I think everyone can learn here something new.

-Thank you Yoshi for the welcome and the information shared.
And yes, I'll keep doing that bro, and I don't want to be a billionaire.
Money is an heavy responsibility to be dealt with, I just want not to sell my time anymore to get paid.
Sooner or later, God Willing I will achieve that, and if with Bitcoin that would be a dream come true.
Take care and I wish U all the best :)

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: pooya87 on October 10, 2020, 04:33:05 AM
your problem is that you are thinking of bitcoin as an investment and something that you can buy and make profit!
that's not why bitcoin was created. it is meant to be used as a currency. which means instead of investing your lifesavings in bitcoin you should have started getting paid in bitcoin. ask your employee to pay your salary (or part of it) in bitcoin, if you are self employed then start asking your customers to pay using bitcoin.
that's what bitcoin is, not a cash cow.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: boyptc on October 10, 2020, 04:53:35 AM
I've known that YT guy when he became viral due to his prediction, can't remember the exact prediction. And then again he became viral again when YT has taken down his channel but later on, returned it.

What you are feeling now is what the majority have felt before. We all thought that it was too late and we just want to go back to those times when bitcoins were worth a few cents and even hundreds of dollars. But you gotta move on and look to the reality thinking of your strategy to accumulate.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: TGD on October 10, 2020, 05:03:04 AM
your problem is that you are thinking of bitcoin as an investment and something that you can buy and make profit!
that's not why bitcoin was created. it is meant to be used as a currency. which means instead of investing your lifesavings in bitcoin you should have started getting paid in bitcoin. ask your employee to pay your salary (or part of it) in bitcoin, if you are self employed then start asking your customers to pay using bitcoin.
that's what bitcoin is, not a cash cow.

The was what is the correct value of BTC in able to use it as currency alone. If ever I request to my employer to use it as my salary, problem arise when I want to buy goods because only few items available to buy directly via BTC. It will cost me some money on convertion fee as well as withdrawal fee. The price of BTC is not pegged to a stable price that's why it is very hard to use it as currency alone. Its more as an investment rather than a currency alone.

It's perfect to categorized it as an investment currency because there's a huge variance on it's price compared to the typical currency.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: pooya87 on October 10, 2020, 05:24:06 AM
If ever I request to my employer to use it as my salary, problem arise when I want to buy goods because only few items available to buy directly via BTC. It will cost me some money on convertion fee as well as withdrawal fee.
you don't have to receive 100% of your salary in bitcoin. as i said in my previous above too, it could be a small portion of it. for example the same portion that you would purchase with the fiat you receive on each payment.
this will actually save you a lot of fees which you would have paid otherwise when you were trying to transfer fiat to exchanges (bank fee) convert it to bitcoin (trade fee) and withdraw bitcoin to your wallet (withdrawal fee).

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: maydna on October 10, 2020, 06:13:58 AM
I think:

Neutral, Satoshi wouldn't care

Satoshi has just introduced a new system for the financial, which can help many people, especially those who work in a large field. He will not force people to use it, but he only shows the way to people who tried to believe in bitcoin. But people can used bitcoin to pay for something they bought from the merchant.

But I don't suggest my friends or people I knew to invest all of his savings in bitcoin because bitcoin price is too volatile. I can't imagine how they can hold their bitcoin if they see their money value changed every day. People imagine if they buy bitcoin at the current price, they will make a big profit in the next month, which is not always happening because we don't know when bitcoin price will increase or decrease.

If you want to use bitcoin as an investment, you should know how to manage your money, spend your money to buy bitcoin, and know when to stop buying bitcoin while bitcoin price skyrocket.

PS: Perhaps, you can merge all your reply in one quote than to reply one by one ;)

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: mindrust on October 10, 2020, 06:17:55 AM
Satoshi wouldn't give a damn about bitcoin's FIAT value at all probably. He was only interested in its tech as I understood from reading his posts. We didn't have the chance to see his reaction after btc hit $1k+ though.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: TGD on October 10, 2020, 07:13:23 AM
If ever I request to my employer to use it as my salary, problem arise when I want to buy goods because only few items available to buy directly via BTC. It will cost me some money on convertion fee as well as withdrawal fee.
you don't have to receive 100% of your salary in bitcoin. as i said in my previous above too, it could be a small portion of it. for example the same portion that you would purchase with the fiat you receive on each payment.
this will actually save you a lot of fees which you would have paid otherwise when you were trying to transfer fiat to exchanges (bank fee) convert it to bitcoin (trade fee) and withdraw bitcoin to your wallet (withdrawal fee).

Got it, This will save a lot if my employer will adjust base on my request. But it will be hard to implement since it will make a hassle on employer payroll side unless the company is crypto related. But in general I get the point on slowly used bitcoin as currency so that in the future, The general will use it as currency alone and not an investment instrument. Just like a ripple effect.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 10, 2020, 10:11:25 AM
I think:

Neutral, Satoshi wouldn't care

Satoshi has just introduced a new system for the financial, which can help many people, especially those who work in a large field. He will not force people to use it, but he only shows the way to people who tried to believe in bitcoin. But people can used bitcoin to pay for something they bought from the merchant.

But I don't suggest my friends or people I knew to invest all of his savings in bitcoin because bitcoin price is too volatile. I can't imagine how they can hold their bitcoin if they see their money value changed every day. People imagine if they buy bitcoin at the current price, they will make a big profit in the next month, which is not always happening because we don't know when bitcoin price will increase or decrease.

If you want to use bitcoin as an investment, you should know how to manage your money, spend your money to buy bitcoin, and know when to stop buying bitcoin while bitcoin price skyrocket.

PS: Perhaps, you can merge all your reply in one quote than to reply one by one ;)

PS: Perhaps, you can merge all your reply in one quote than to reply one by one ;)

-Well, Im new here and don't know how to do that, your winking eye doesn't help ;)
However, I appreciate your view upon Bitcoin.
Take care

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 10, 2020, 01:21:55 PM
I voted neutral or Satoshi wouldn't care. My bad, Satoshi cares really, but that would be a different kind of care altogether. It is not a kind of care which doles out money to those who need it, feeding the poor, or something like that. Satoshi cared so much not just for the poor but also to everyone else. Why else did he create Bitcoin?

Satoshi created Bitcoin because the world needs it. He saw how the world is being run by a kind of system which is often abused by no less than the very people to whom the system is entrusted to be implemented properly and fairly.

And don't forget that Satoshi didn't even encash or even spend his own Bitcoins. 

My bad, Satoshi cares really

- that changed the intro lol and your intention lol.

Satoshi cared so much not just for the poor but also to everyone else. Why else did he create Bitcoin?

Satoshi created Bitcoin because the world needs it. He saw how the world is being run by a kind of system which is often abused by no less than the very people to whom the system is entrusted to be implemented properly and fairly.
-Exactly, and that's why I love Bitcoin so much, for the Revolution it has behind it. Well guess what, in 2008-2011 before Bitcoin reaching it's parity with USDollar, there were people who only spoke ill sh!t about it and out of ignorance, ridiculing what has been wrong with the World since 1971, when US was no longer backing Dollar by Gold, but ou of thin air.
And that's why I love Bitcoin more than Gold, it is more scare and defletionary since it has a fixed supply, while Gold it's just speculated on how much it is.
And what makes Bitcoin more scarce is the Satoshis's holding[which I believe he did hold to increase BTC's scarcity and to help us out even more] and not to mention what is speculated to have been lost forever on HDD around 2-4 millions BTC's.
So that leaves us with approx what is in total circulation today.
It won't take longer for the next ATH, trust me when I say U that.
As for you vote, I honestly waited for any comment to explain better why they chose Neutral Smiley and your view is pretty good, I appreciate you for taking the time to reply!
Take care man!

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 10, 2020, 02:05:21 PM
Satoshi wouldn't give a damn about bitcoin's FIAT value at all probably. He was only interested in its tech as I understood from reading his posts. We didn't have the chance to see his reaction after btc hit $1k+ though.

I agree with your opinion :) .
It is crystal clear to me that Satoshi was not interested looking at how Bitcoin will be priced in terms of fiat currency.. afterall, Satoshi's mission was to make Bitcoin an anti-fiat asset, being deflationary in it's nature and more scarce than Gold.

Title: Re: BTC's Early Investors POLL
Post by: Broke@$$Joe on October 10, 2020, 02:14:58 PM
I've known that YT guy when he became viral due to his prediction, can't remember the exact prediction. And then again he became viral again when YT has taken down his channel but later on, returned it.

What you are feeling now is what the majority have felt before. We all thought that it was too late and we just want to go back to those times when bitcoins were worth a few cents and even hundreds of dollars. But you gotta move on and look to the reality thinking of your strategy to accumulate.

Yes man I'm feeling that not because I'm late because Bitcoin is still in early adopters phase.. but late in terms of fiat means due to salaries here in my country. And I can't do nothing to invest heavily in Bitcoin because the paycheck here is pathetic, not to mention that I lost my job because due to Covid's distress on businesses economic center.
I have no diploma because I couldn't afford to attend college because couldn't afford to pursue it. However, I still invested what I had on Bitcoin and no matter how much I have, I'm thankful I own just a little bit. But,,, when I think that what I invested could've bought me around 10 Bitcoin at 1K per coin, I would've been on my way to be free and having financial independence.
So yes, I've already moved on bro, and Im trying to create an strategy to accumulate even more hoepfully.
I wish you all the best, I wish the next Bitcoin's peak makes U independent in terms of money.
Good luck :)