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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Charles-Tim on October 13, 2020, 10:16:03 AM

Title: Covid reinfection
Post by: Charles-Tim on October 13, 2020, 10:16:03 AM
Man get covid-19 twice and second hit more severe
A man in the United States has caught Covid twice, with the second infection becoming far more dangerous than the first, doctors report.
BBC News - Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'

But, do not mind the news, although according to the scientist, the man was infected again but recovered and now healthy. You can check the full news on the BBC linked above.

Scientists say the patient caught coronavirus twice, rather than the original infection becoming dormant and then bouncing back. A comparison of the genetic codes of the virus taken during each bout of symptoms showed they were too distinct to be caused by the same infection. "Our findings signal that a previous infection may not necessarily protect against future infection," said Dr Mark Pandori, from the University of Nevada. "The possibility of reinfections could have significant implications for our understanding of Covid-19 immunity."

Preventive measures more important
He said even people who have recovered should continue to follow guidelines around social distancing, face masks and hand washing. Scientists are still grappling with the thorny issue of coronavirus and immunity. Does everyone become immune? Even people with very mild symptoms? How long does any protection last? These are important questions for understanding how the virus will affect us long-term and may have implications for vaccines and ideas such as herd immunity. So far, reinfection seems to be rare - there have been only a few examples out of more than 37 million confirmed cases.

Second round was assumed to be milder
It had been assumed that a second round of Covid would be milder, as the body would have learned to fight the virus the first time around. It is still unclear why the Nevada patient become more severely ill the second time. One idea is he may have been exposed to a bigger initial dose of the virus. It also remains possible that the initial immune response made the second infection worse. This has been documented with diseases like dengue fever, where antibodies made in response to one strain of dengue virus cause problems if infected by another strain. Prof Paul Hunter, from the University of East Anglia, said the study was "very concerning" because of the small gap between the two infections, and the severity of the second. Given the fact that to date over 37 million people have had the infection, we would have expected to have heard of many more incidents if such very early reinfections with severe illness were common. "It is too early to say for certain what the implications of these findings are for any immunisation programme. But these findings reinforce the point that we still do not know enough about the immune response to this infection." 

BBC News - Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Cratoon on October 13, 2020, 01:18:19 PM

Second round was assumed to be milder
It had been assumed that a second round of Covid would be milder, as the body would have learned to fight the virus the first time around. It is still unclear why the Nevada patient become more severely ill the second time. One idea is he may have been exposed to a bigger initial dose of the virus. It also remains possible that the initial immune response made the second infection worse. This has been documented with diseases like dengue fever, where antibodies made in response to one strain of dengue virus cause problems if infected by another strain. Prof Paul Hunter, from the University of East Anglia, said the study was "very concerning" because of the small gap between the two infections, and the severity of the second. Given the fact that to date over 37 million people have had the infection, we would have expected to have heard of many more incidents if such very early reinfections with severe illness were common. "It is too early to say for certain what the implications of these findings are for any immunisation programme. But these findings reinforce the point that we still do not know enough about the immune response to this infection." 

BBC News - Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'

Hopefully that is an exception rather than a rule.
I had covid and it's pretty bad. I'm not wearing masks now, because I'm confident that second infection won't affect me much but after hearing from you I have doubts now.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Gyfts on October 13, 2020, 01:52:58 PM
This isn't the norm, but it does raise some legitimate concerns about vaccinations. This guy caught a mutated version of SARS-COV-2 and got COVID-19 a second time meaning if a vaccine was to be released, you would need to get everyone vaccinated above a certain percentage to induce herd immunity. You might not be successful in just vaccinating the most vulnerable if young people are passing the virus around allowing it to mutate and infect vaccinated people. Considering a large chunk of Americans wouldn't voluntarily get vaccinated, this makes things more interesting. Again, this is with the caveat that reinfection is possible or likely -- the article clearly outlines that this isn't common.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Poker Player on October 13, 2020, 01:57:45 PM
Hopefully that is an exception rather than a rule.
I had covid and it's pretty bad. I'm not wearing masks now, because I'm confident that second infection won't affect me much but after hearing from you I have doubts now.

Yes I hope so.

With the thousands of people who will have been infected a second time, I think that if this is news now it is because it is not normal. Otherwise, the news would be that 100 percent of those reinfected develop the second infection severely. Moreover, I think that's what the article points out:

Prof Paul Hunter, from the University of East Anglia, said the study was "very concerning" because of the small gap between the two infections, and the severity of the second. Given the fact that to date over 37 million people have had the infection, we would have expected to have heard of many more incidents if such very early reinfections with severe illness were common. "It is too early to say for certain what the implications of these findings are for any immunisation programme. But these findings reinforce the point that we still do not know enough about the immune response to this infection."  

BBC News - Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'

Hopefully it will be an isolated case, the causes of which we still do not know.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: franky1 on October 13, 2020, 06:27:57 PM
if it wasnt for the RNA studies. i would have said that it was long covid. because it seems that he was only 1 month symptom free

there have been more then 1 case of people getting covid twice from 2 different seasons
i think i remember reading 3 confirmed re infections and a few more with just long term shedding
but this topics link is probably the first (and the exception) where the second infection is more severe than the first.

the concerns are about these confirmed reinfections then become:
1. did the first infection only have 3-5month natural immunity
2. did first infection cause long time harm, weakening them to be more at risk
3. what caused the immune reaction to act like that within 1-2months. was it new strain. was it hindered immunity due to long covid, was it just being mega viral load inhalation due to not wearing PPE due to naively thinking they now immortal

other things this stuff is then looking at is what are the differences between the 2 minor mutation strains. to ensure vaccines contains a dominant identity that remain in minor strain changes, thus still being an affective vaccine for more then ~1-2 months.

so someone with a more severe case second time round is a thing that is not suppose to be happening. especially not in just ~1-2months

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: squatz1 on October 14, 2020, 05:54:09 AM
This isn't the norm, but it does raise some legitimate concerns about vaccinations. This guy caught a mutated version of SARS-COV-2 and got COVID-19 a second time meaning if a vaccine was to be released, you would need to get everyone vaccinated above a certain percentage to induce herd immunity. You might not be successful in just vaccinating the most vulnerable if young people are passing the virus around allowing it to mutate and infect vaccinated people. Considering a large chunk of Americans wouldn't voluntarily get vaccinated, this makes things more interesting. Again, this is with the caveat that reinfection is possible or likely -- the article clearly outlines that this isn't common.

True, and there are legitimate concerns in regards to people getting reinfected.

Though it seems to be VERY VERY unlikely, and I highly doubt it would cause much of an issue. If compliance is high in regards to masks, social distancing, etc -- then the people that are being reinfected with a mutated version aren't going to cause an issue.

Totally very scary, and doomsdayers will love to bring up that you can get it again -- but its just not likely enough to happen to be a major concern. Most major concern right now should be compliance with social distancing, masks, and working on a vaccine.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Dorodha on October 14, 2020, 11:55:43 AM
The risk of covid re-infection may increase a second time it's also said to take care to diagnose the second stage of the infection quickly. Since lockdowns aren't possible for livelihoods expert doctors say the sole thanks to prevent Covid-19 is to use a mask to remain safe until you get an efficient vaccine wash your hands frequently with soap and cling to social distance. its use alone isn't enough to scale back infection the simplest thanks to reduce the danger of contracting this virus is to avoid contact with a potentially infected person.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Jet Cash on October 14, 2020, 12:37:03 PM
Forget vaccinations, all they seem to do is to create temporary antibodies. If you want immunity, then you need to build it the natural way with T-cells, and mucosal and other protective measures that we have developed over thousands of years.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 14, 2020, 03:37:51 PM
Forget vaccinations, all they seem to do is to create temporary antibodies. If you want immunity, then you need to build it the natural way with T-cells, and mucosal and other protective measures that we have developed over thousands of years.

And some of the antibodies are so active that they cause autoimmune diseases.


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: franky1 on October 14, 2020, 08:36:46 PM
Forget vaccinations, all they seem to do is to create temporary antibodies. If you want immunity, then you need to build it the natural way with T-cells, and mucosal and other protective measures that we have developed over thousands of years.

and the safest way is to not megadose yourself. thus not be on deaths door due to high viral load.
if you want to create a hug party of forcing infection at no distance no mask. you are just going to cause healthcare to be overwhelmed which would then cause lockdowns which then cause need for vaccines.

if you keep distance and have something to reduce how much you inhale like a mask. then you get low dose inhaled. meaning more chance of not being harmed. thus get your 'natural immunity'

maths and science proves this. its not just random advice from a politician its actually based on math and science
maybe you cant understand complex math. so lets make it very very simple
(this is not exact math. this is dumbed down math translated for idiots demo)

      time               distance         mask-nomask          age
45|[][][][]        2ft|[][][][]        none |[][][][]       81+|[][][][]
30|[][][]           4ft|[][][]           cloth|[][][]       41-60|[][][]
15|[][]              6ft|[][]         surgical|[][]          21-40|[][]
  7|[]____         8ft|[]____          N95|[]_____     0-20|[]_____
    low  high          low    high           low     high          low      high

15yo spending 7 minutes at 8feet distance with a N95 mask is 4
70yo spending 45 minutes 2feet away with no mask is 16

imagine the score was out of 20. do you want a 75% risk of symptoms or 25% of symptoms

governments are not saying 2mintes at 8foot with n95. so in actual fact government is ok with a littlebit of safe infection.
what they are saying is they dont want hospitalisations.

in march before any restrictions. everyone on things like cruiseliners were spending 45mins with each other, shoulder to shoulder without mask and the amount without symptoms was just 18% meaning the amount with symptoms was 82%. yep many were pensioners.

then with the lockdown it went to ~40% thus halved the risk
then with the self isolation distance/coverings and reducing groups this went below 40%. in some cases only 5% severe symptoms and 20% mild

the virus did not change or become less harmful. peoples actions did.

so just try to calculate the risk your putting on yourself and those around you by putting a score on your actions

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2020, 03:32:47 AM
There is a new cure for Covid, that essentially makes Covid a thing of the past, even if you gat it today. BUDESONIDE essentially cures Covid in one day to one week >>>


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: yohananaomi on October 17, 2020, 05:05:14 AM
There is a new cure for Covid, that essentially makes Covid a thing of the past, even if you gat it today. BUDESONIDE essentially cures Covid in one day to one week >>>


I have not received the information that you say about the drug but in a health magazine in my country there is and there are reviews for respiratory diseases and its surroundings, sorry if I am wrong. but if this works it might be very good news, but in my country I haven't heard of it.

This is a review I took from:

Budesonide is a corticosteroid class of drugs that are available in various dosage forms, namely liquid or powder that is inhaled by mouth (inhaler), nebulizer liquid, nasal spray, and capsules. Budesonide dosage forms have different benefits.

Budesonide inhaler and nebulizer fluid. Used to relieve and prevent symptoms of asthma attacks, such as shortness of breath and wheezing. These drug acts directly on the respiratory tract by reducing inflammation and swelling of the airways when an asthma attack occurred. In addition, budesonide inhalers and nebulizers can also be used to treat croup, which is a respiratory infection that usually occurs in children.

Budesonide nasal spray. Used to treat symptoms of allergic rhinitis or inflammation that occurs in the nasal cavity due to an allergic reaction to pollen (hay fever), dust, mold, or pet dander. This nasal spray works by blocking the release of natural compounds that trigger allergies.

Budesonide capsules. Used to treat Crohn's disease, which is chronic colitis that causes inflammation of the entire lining of the digestive tract. These capsules work by suppressing an excessive immune system response, which causes inflammation.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: samputin on October 17, 2020, 08:14:21 AM


Hopefully that is an exception rather than a rule.
I had covid and it's pretty bad. I'm not wearing masks now, because I'm confident that second infection won't affect me much but after hearing from you I have doubts now.
Glad you already recovered but I suggest that you still wear mask because the virus is still out there. I also hear news that those who have been infected and recovered can still catch the virus. One government official here in our country experienced that also. But he's also well now.

I think the immunity developed of the person once infected is not enough to counter the virus. One still has to be careful until there is no certain solution for this.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: coolcoinz on October 17, 2020, 12:11:23 PM
I've read somewhere that the virus is mutating and the strain that came from Wuhan and was spreading in March and April was not the one we're getting now. For this reason there's an increase in active cases around the world when compared to the numbers in Spring. Also our immune systems might be weaker now than they were in Spring and Summer due to lower temperatures. The weather in the EU has been really bad lately.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: khanhhoa95 on October 17, 2020, 01:07:31 PM

Vaccine is the best solution for the current countries, the number of infections is too large. We went through 2 outbreaks with more than 1,000 cases. Currently, there are no cases in the community

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2020, 04:43:58 PM
^^^ Vaccines are absolutely one of the worst ideas. They don't work. They weaken the immune system. They cause all kinds of other health problems. They are never sufficiently tested for safety.

Watch the video in this post to see what is really going one, and to see the easy cure for Covid in sick people -


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: mindrust on October 17, 2020, 04:52:38 PM
^^^ Vaccines are absolutely one of the worst ideas. They don't work. They weaken the immune system. They cause all kinds of other health problems. They are never sufficiently tested for safety.

Watch the video in this post to see what is really going one, and to see the easy cure for Covid in sick people -


In a few months, you won't be able to leave your country unless you got vaxxed probably.

I see it coming.

We are doomed.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2020, 05:32:54 PM
^^^ Vaccines are absolutely one of the worst ideas. They don't work. They weaken the immune system. They cause all kinds of other health problems. They are never sufficiently tested for safety.

Watch the video in this post to see what is really going one, and to see the easy cure for Covid in sick people -


In a few months, you won't be able to leave your country unless you got vaxxed probably.

I see it coming.

We are doomed.

That's why EVERYBODY needs to research my link, above, and tell all their friends to research it, and tell their doctors to research it. Tell your doctor. If he won't research it, he is not doing his Covid patients justice. Find a different doctor.


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: franky1 on October 17, 2020, 08:32:17 PM
people that take inhaled cortical steroids(ICS) are at more risk of developing complications.

yep asthmatics are more at risk of severe covid for a reason
which 100% counter acts what some are promoting people use asthma meds as a daily supplement

again when an idiot like badecker is trying o promote people to take medication as a  daily supliment. think long and hard about what he is actually promoting

here is some things.
when you research the hospital that the 'silver bullet' doctor works at has not seen any significant difference of the ratio of admission:ICU:intubation:death

when you look at how the 'silverbullet' guy has been promoting it for 5 months now. you then look at the studies and realise that steroid use taken early on can cause adverse affects.
even dexamethasome should not been taken early on. and for good reason

there are many asthmatics who have been taking the ICS and have actually ended up in more sever covid and more deaths than family members that dont take the asthma meds

the real killer of covid is the immune response to covid after the first 5 days of covid. wher the immune system goes into crazy..
taking ICS a week before this crazy immune response is not going to prevent the immune response going crazy
if this medication lasted 1-3 weeks then asthmatics wouldnt need it so much
thus debunking that thought.

ICS work on the immune response when the response is happening. its not something you can inhale a week before being sick and be magically not sick.

doctors in the ICU with patients having crazy immune response may use ICS and other meds. this is because surpressing the immune system should only be used when the immune system is going crazy
but to try to advertise them as daily suppliments to be taken when not sick. will actually cause more issues.

its like taking an eppi pen daily 'because it works on allergies' .. sorry but taking an eppi pen daily will screw you up. and wont make you immune to allergies next week

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: electronicash on October 17, 2020, 08:49:20 PM
^^^ Vaccines are absolutely one of the worst ideas. They don't work. They weaken the immune system. They cause all kinds of other health problems. They are never sufficiently tested for safety.

Watch the video in this post to see what is really going one, and to see the easy cure for Covid in sick people -


In a few months, you won't be able to leave your country unless you got vaxxed probably.

I see it coming.

We are doomed.

this is likely the case soon when there is vaccine already. having a strong immunity doesnt count but a certification that you have been vaccinated will give you authorization to travel. but the protocols like social distancing will always be observe in public. there is no going back to the way things are again.

there is already trauma regarding this covid19 and the world won't forget how many died. this is going to be like a muscle memory that we naturally act to distance away from anyone in the public and i think that is fine. one has to protect themselves.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: franky1 on October 17, 2020, 08:55:50 PM
Quote from: electronicash link=topic=5281765.msg55399749#msg55399749

this is likely the case soon when there is vaccine already. having a strong immunity doesnt count but a certification that you have been vaccinated will give you authorization to travel. but the protocols like social distancing will always be observe in public. there is no going back to the way things are again.

there is already trauma regarding this covid19 and the world won't forget how many died. this is going to be like a muscle memory that we naturally act to distance away from anyone in the public and i think that is fine. one has to protect themselves.

firstly there wont be a vaccine pre-christmas. so dont expect 'normal' by next summer
secondly you wont be prevented from travelling.. thats just conspiracy theory of 'new normal' what does sound more rational is the need of quarentine/self isolation on return. as a max impact scare story(half conspiracy).
but reality is airports will just have temperature sensors at the airport terminal gates. yep they will scan you for bombs, weapons and fever.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Renampun on October 17, 2020, 10:14:40 PM

Vaccine is the best solution for the current countries, the number of infections is too large. We went through 2 outbreaks with more than 1,000 cases. Currently, there are no cases in the community
Vaccines are good news for all countries in the world that have been hardest hit by this outbreak...
but I am not so sure about the effectiveness of the vaccine, I heard the issue that the corona vaccine has not entered the perfect stage so it is very dangerous for the human body.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2020, 10:17:28 PM
By the beginning of 2021, Covid death rates will have dropped so much, naturally, that there will never be a need for a working vaccine (like they are going to find one that works, lol). Right now the survival rates are something like this. In ages:

0-19 = 99.997%
20-49 = 99.98%
50-69 = 99.5%
70+ = 94.6%

Source: CDC (estimated infection fatality rates for COVID-19)
Note that survival rates are for people who had Covid... not for the general population that survived in addition to those that survived from Covid.

With Budesonide, death rates will drop way below what would have been naturaly -


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Xembin on October 18, 2020, 06:12:08 PM
Corona virus has really take people life in my country
Many soul was gone before they came to discover that social distance and washing of hands is the way to prevent it. Many has lost their life because they fail to to observe the protocol put in place to avoid the virus. The virus can still catch the person was curred if he or she fail to Maintain social distances and washing of hands.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 18, 2020, 10:39:58 PM
Corona virus has really take people life in my country
Many soul was gone before they came to discover that social distance and washing of hands is the way to prevent it. Many has lost their life because they fail to to observe the protocol put in place to avoid the virus. The virus can still catch the person was curred if he or she fail to Maintain social distances and washing of hands.

You could be a hero! Simply be the driving force behind using Hydroxychloroquine + zinc + vitamin D3 for healthy people, and Budesonide for sick people.


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: franky1 on October 18, 2020, 11:20:17 PM
By the beginning of 2021, Covid death rates will have dropped so much, naturally, that there will never be a need for a working vaccine (like they are going to find one that works, lol). Right now the survival rates are something like this. In ages:

0-19 = 99.997%
20-49 = 99.98%
50-69 = 99.5%
70+ = 94.6%

Source: CDC (estimated infection fatality rates for COVID-19)
Note that survival rates are for people who had Covid... not for the general population that survived in addition to those that survived from Covid.

With Budesonide, death rates will drop way below what would have been naturaly -

just remember. only 10% of the population have 'had it' so while governments are trying to keep it to under 0.4% spread a week.with a estimate of 0.2% worse case needing some medical support(50% symptomatic) it would take 10weeks to add another 4% herd. meaning 100 weeks to get 40% herd. to have a total of 50% thus taking a total of 200weeks(4 years) to get to the magic 80-90% herd immunity number.
yep thats the current rate timeline

by having more people have less high viral load impact. the symptomatic group could become 20%mild and 5%severe. meaning instead of thinking 50% they can worry about 5% infected needing severe hospital care.. thus they could relax some rules to allow 4% spread a week instead of 0.4% and not overwhelm healthcare.. meaning that yes we could have had herd immunity in 20 weeks from now.
but this would only happen if people actually take notice of advice to reduce their risk of inhaling high dose. by which i mean. keeping distance and wearing a mask to reduce how much viral particulates you inhale

if people actually practiced social distancing and mask wearing. less people would get severely sick and less people would need medical help. and by the time more people got infected by low dose and recovered without medical support the faster things could go back to normal.

which is why its weird to see badecker advertising that people should avoid precautions and instead protest in mass gatherings and get sick and buy lots of pharma stuff.
he is not actually helping people. he is sounding more eugenic warfare(kill off the gullible)(steal off the those that will pay)

yep in march when there was a no mask no distance policy the symptomatic rate was 50% then with social distancing and masks its got to an average of 30% some places even better at 20%
if everyone just followed the guidance. there would be no full restrictions of closing bars/pubs/gyms/hairdressers. it would just be a 'respect my personal space' thing. and things can be more normal

badecker does not want normal soon. its why he doesnt even want vaccines. he wants to cause chaos and keep promoting his pill mill cultish influencers products for as long as possible.

yep if we got to herd immunity without high risk to healthcare capacity in half a year by everyone actually following the advice.. then within 6 months people might be better prepared for the next season.

*though that was the best case scenario before the case of re-infections showing more severe than first one.*

so now the hope is that the vaccine can make you immune because it seems that herd immunity from the virus itself leaves a lasting negative impact that can make the next season infection worse. so now the vaccine seems even more required then before, lets just hope this second infection more severe is just a fluke, though 'long covid' seems to be becoming more common and not a fluke

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 19, 2020, 02:08:20 AM
By the beginning of 2021, Covid death rates will have dropped so much, naturally, that there will never be a need for a working vaccine (like they are going to find one that works, lol). Right now the survival rates are something like this. In ages:

0-19 = 99.997%
20-49 = 99.98%
50-69 = 99.5%
70+ = 94.6%

Source: CDC (estimated infection fatality rates for COVID-19)
Note that survival rates are for people who had Covid... not for the general population that survived in addition to those that survived from Covid.

With Budesonide, death rates will drop way below what would have been naturaly -

just remember. only 10% of the population have 'had it' so while governments are trying to keep it to under 0.4% spread a week.with a estimate of 0.2% worse case needing some medical support(50% symptomatic) it would take 10weeks to add another 4% herd. meaning 100 weeks to get 40% herd. to have a total of 50% thus taking a total of 200weeks(4 years) to get to the magic 80-90% herd immunity number.
yep thats the current rate timeline
You forget. By using Budesonide, we wouldn't have had any Covid deaths. And we wouldn't have to even think about herd immunity. Ask Dr. Bartlett.

by having more people have less high viral load impact. the symptomatic group could become 20%mild and 5%severe. meaning instead of thinking 50% they can worry about 5% infected needing severe hospital care.. thus they could relax some rules to allow 4% spread a week instead of 0.4% and not overwhelm healthcare.. meaning that yes we could have had herd immunity in 20 weeks from now.
but this would only happen if people actually take notice of advice to reduce their risk of inhaling high dose. by which i mean. keeping distance and wearing a mask to reduce how much viral particulates you inhale
You forget. By using Budesonide, none of this has any significance. We wouldn't have had any Covid deaths. And we wouldn't have to even think about herd immunity. Ask Dr. Bartlett. Covid might be very contagious. But it also is very easy to cure with Budesonide.

if people actually practiced social distancing and mask wearing. less people would get severely sick and less people would need medical help. and by the time more people got infected by low dose and recovered without medical support the faster things could go back to normal.
What!? You are trying to destroy the economy!? Let's keep a store of Budesonide on hand, and forget all about the pandemic, and get back to work. All this stupid mask and social distancing stuff is stupid. Most people don't get sick from Covid by a long shot. But Budesonide will easily cure the small percent that do... in less than a week.

which is why its weird to see badecker advertising that people should avoid precautions and instead protest in mass gatherings and get sick and buy lots of pharma stuff.
he is not actually helping people. he is sounding more eugenic warfare(kill off the gullible)(steal off the those that will pay)
Kinda strange to see franky1 harping on all those old strategies, that didn't work in the first place, and are only serving to destroy the economy. If non-sick people want to stay non-sick, hydroxychloroquine + zinc + vitamin D. Budesonide will cure those few who get sick.

yep in march when there was a no mask no distance policy the symptomatic rate was 50% then with social distancing and masks its got to an average of 30% some places even better at 20%
if everyone just followed the guidance. there would be no full restrictions of closing bars/pubs/gyms/hairdressers. it would just be a 'respect my personal space' thing. and things can be more normal
You are talking inertia. The sick ones hadn't had time to show symptoms, yet. Back then we didn't know that hydroxychloroquine + zinc + vitamin D keeps the well ones well (Dr. Fauci knew), and that Budesonide will cure those few who get sick. We know it now, so why keep on blabbing out ancient history?

badecker does not want normal soon. its why he doesnt even want vaccines. he wants to cause chaos and keep promoting his pill mill cultish influencers products for as long as possible.
You are finally right. BADecker doesn't want normal soon. That's why BADecker keeps on suggesting hydroxychloroquine + zinc + vitamin D for the well ones, and Budesonide for the sick ones. BADecker wants normal right NOW, not soon. As you can see, franky1 keeps on going the same old direction which doesn't help anybody.

yep if we got to herd immunity without high risk to healthcare capacity in half a year by everyone actually following the advice.. then within 6 months people might be better prepared for the next season.
"Herd Immunity" is a story made up by doctors, so they have an excuse to promote vaccines. Standard T-cells are 80% ready for any Coronavirus. This means that we don't need herd immunity, or that we already have the essence of herd immunity. All we need is hydroxychloroquine + zinc + vitamin D to strengthen out systems, and Budesonide for the few who actually get some more serious symptoms.

*though that was the best case scenario before the case of re-infections showing more severe than first one.*

so now the hope is that the vaccine can make you immune because it seems that herd immunity from the virus itself leaves a lasting negative impact that can make the next season infection worse. so now the vaccine seems even more required then before, lets just hope this second infection more severe is just a fluke, though 'long covid' seems to be becoming more common and not a fluke

So, now let's hope that people start finding and using hydroxychloroquine + zinc + vitamin D, and Budesonide when necessary, so that the lying vaccine-makers will finally be flushed down the toilet along with their harmful vaccines.


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: franky1 on October 19, 2020, 03:03:04 AM
You forget. By using Budesonide, we wouldn't have had any Covid deaths. And we wouldn't have to even think about herd immunity. Ask Dr. Bartlett.
Ask Dr. Bartlett. Covid might be very contagious. But it also is very easy to cure with Budesonide.
But Budesonide will easily cure the small percent that do... in less than a week.
Budesonide will cure those few who get sick.
and Budesonide for the sick ones. BADecker wants normal right NOW, not soon.
and Budesonide for the few who actually get some more serious symptoms.
and Budesonide when necessary,

its not a 'cure in 1-3 days'
you idiot
do the research and stop just circling back to 'ask pillmill bartlet'

check out the hospital he is affiliated and the months of may-august where he was promoting budesonide.. guess what people still needed ventilators and people still died.

trying to suggest that its a 100% cure is very misleading. you dont even understand the science nor medicine.

you seem to eager to be a pillmills ass kissers and not even prepared to even check if its good health advice for general public.
you are a very unethical and immoral man. and yet you have no conscious thought or care about your actions all you want to do is promote pillmill salesmen offering any pharma thing available that comes with a price.

bumesonide should not be used casually and its not 100% effective.
the best hope people have is to avoid getting infected by avoiding contact or lengthy contact..  or low viral load via keeping a distance and wearing a mask

badecker as for wanting 'normal now' all through spring and summer you could have still gone out and played golf and get fast food. yep even bacon. but because of your own flaw of lack of research you did not realise what you can do in your own state. maybe try researching what you can do. before protesting what you want. it might surprise you

so instead of crying like a baby about things you have not researched. how about act responsible for once. mask up. and have a happy socially distanced game of golf and then fastfood. yep you can do that.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Mauser on October 19, 2020, 07:14:48 AM

BBC News - Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'

This is exactly what was I afraid of. Unfortunately we still don't know these things through a lot of cases tested by scientists. But it seems that the immunity of corona is fading away  after a few months. Which makes a possible vaccine even harder to find. In the worst case we would need to get a Covid-19 vaccine every year (or maybe even twice a year) to refresh our immunity.

When looking at Europe at the moment, it seems that second wave is much more severe than the first. The first corona wave had a very sudden rise and dropped off quickly too. But now with the second wave it seems like it's much more gradient and spread out. I am afraid how the winter is going to be this year.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 19, 2020, 03:14:05 PM
You forget. By using Budesonide, we wouldn't have had any Covid deaths. And we wouldn't have to even think about herd immunity. Ask Dr. Bartlett.
Ask Dr. Bartlett. Covid might be very contagious. But it also is very easy to cure with Budesonide.
But Budesonide will easily cure the small percent that do... in less than a week.
Budesonide will cure those few who get sick.
and Budesonide for the sick ones. BADecker wants normal right NOW, not soon.
and Budesonide for the few who actually get some more serious symptoms.
and Budesonide when necessary,

its not a 'cure in 1-3 days'
you idiot
do the research and stop just circling back to 'ask pillmill bartlet'

check out the hospital he is affiliated and the months of may-august where he was promoting budesonide.. guess what people still needed ventilators and people still died.

trying to suggest that its a 100% cure is very misleading. you dont even understand the science nor medicine.

you seem to eager to be a pillmills ass kissers and not even prepared to even check if its good health advice for general public.
you are a very unethical and immoral man. and yet you have no conscious thought or care about your actions all you want to do is promote pillmill salesmen offering any pharma thing available that comes with a price.

bumesonide should not be used casually and its not 100% effective.
the best hope people have is to avoid getting infected by avoiding contact or lengthy contact..  or low viral load via keeping a distance and wearing a mask

badecker as for wanting 'normal now' all through spring and summer you could have still gone out and played golf and get fast food. yep even bacon. but because of your own flaw of lack of research you did not realise what you can do in your own state. maybe try researching what you can do. before protesting what you want. it might surprise you

so instead of crying like a baby about things you have not researched. how about act responsible for once. mask up. and have a happy socially distanced game of golf and then fastfood. yep you can do that.

Why thank you franky1. I personally enjoy your upbraiding of my news. It shows that you're kinda callous in what you think about people in general. And it shows that you really want people to NOT get well for some strange reason.

I have been watching your posts, lately. And they are getting better. But they are not quite top-notch, yet. They are not quite to the point that shows the slobber running down the corners of your mouth as you vehemently blabber your ignorance.

However, keep on trying. You are gradually getting there. And it's kinda fun to watch. Thank Goodness that this is a forum so that you don't get spittle all over us. :D


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: Jet Cash on October 19, 2020, 03:55:29 PM
I've been researching the possibilities of re-infection, and this is what I have discovered.

re-infection is not possible in a normal healthy person, but it could happen if a person is severely malnourished.

Immature memory T-cells need vitamin "D" and zinc to covert into the mature T-cells that create antibodies. So lack of these essentials can lead to re-infection.

Mucociliary clearance is the process whereby cilia wash the lungs and airways to remove inhaled particles and pathogens, and they can become sticky through dehydration. A couple of the drugs that were given to Trump reduce the viscosity of the mucus, and this could be one reason why they help in recovery from Covid infection. A better method would probably be just to drink a few glasses of water. As a side note, wearing face masks can block the exhalation of particles lifted by mucosiliary escalation, and allow them to renter the airways.

Malnourishment can cause the body to start to shut down the immune system to protect other organs, so make sure you have a good and well balanced diet.

As has been mentioned,hydration is extremely important, so make sure you drink enough hydrating fluids ( and those don't include alcohol or coffee ).

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: franky1 on October 20, 2020, 06:13:01 PM
cilia clearance in the lung is something that starts after 2 weeks and can take upto 9 months to fully recover from the muck in your lungs

yep 2 weeks because your lung changes from defense(flood the lungs with fluid containing antibodies needed to be in and stay in the lungs to do their job) to then after battle cleanup once the infection is over

sometimes taking medication to surpress the immune response . then stops the immune system function and tries to clear out all the muck including the antibodies.. thus turning off your immunity while still being in the viral incubation/infection stage.. is bad.

turning off or reducing the immune response should only happen after the infection/incubation period. and only if the immune response is on override

yep if the immune inflamation is causing you breathing distress.. then take some meds.
if you have just a cough and fever.. let the cough and fever do its job
if your perfectly health. dont take loads of stuff as 'preventatives' because the preventatives your swollowing can cause adverse reactions. and also prevent natural responses when natural responses are needed

its like when your leg is in necrosis(dying) chopping it off can be helpful
but chopping your leg off when its healthy as a preventative method. means yea you think you will never get a necrotic toe. but you also have no useful leg. and the chop might cause other bleeding and other infection issues. blood clots, and such

so just dont be stupid

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 20, 2020, 06:25:43 PM
^^^ In other words, don't commit suicide to keep yourself from dying of Covid. Standard franky1 blab.


Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: franky1 on October 20, 2020, 10:17:26 PM
^^^ In other words, don't commit suicide to keep yourself from dying of Covid. Standard franky1 blab.

says badecker the main person that was telling people to drink bleach as the way to prevent covid
funny part is if he believed it was fake he would not be trying to advertise anything to 'cure it'

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: erikoy on October 21, 2020, 12:01:15 AM
Forget vaccinations, all they seem to do is to create temporary antibodies. If you want immunity, then you need to build it the natural way with T-cells, and mucosal and other protective measures that we have developed over thousands of years.
Yes, I do believe that our immune system is more effective in fighting the virus than the vaccine.

I see homeless people in the streets, those crazy people, and the indigent like badjao(people living near ports) are healthy and not actually minding with the pandemic without wearing facemask they did get the virus but was not able to affect their health. I think that since they are exposed to viruses and bacteria in their everyday living the covid19 were not able to affect them. This virus is not fatal but we should do preventive measures and that is all it takes.

Title: Re: Covid reinfection
Post by: BADecker on October 21, 2020, 01:36:08 AM
Forget vaccinations, all they seem to do is to create temporary antibodies. If you want immunity, then you need to build it the natural way with T-cells, and mucosal and other protective measures that we have developed over thousands of years.
Yes, I do believe that our immune system is more effective in fighting the virus than the vaccine.

I see homeless people in the streets, those crazy people, and the indigent like badjao(people living near ports) are healthy and not actually minding with the pandemic without wearing facemask they did get the virus but was not able to affect their health. I think that since they are exposed to viruses and bacteria in their everyday living the covid19 were not able to affect them. This virus is not fatal but we should do preventive measures and that is all it takes.

You got it! If immune systems were not better than vaccines, we would see people dropping around us like flies. Of course, that would only last until we dropped; then we would see nothing.

Viruses don't know how to care one way or the other. They go where they can multiply. They can't multiply in most of us because our immune systems are generally strong.

We don't have a vaccine. We aren't allowed any medicine that works (HCQ). But we don't need it in general. The percentages of death are very small. But if we had been allowed to have HCQ, deaths would have almost been non-existent.
