Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on October 16, 2020, 12:37:36 AM

Title: Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six ... to get them murdered
Post by: BADecker on October 16, 2020, 12:37:36 AM
Biden has been practicing something that might get him out of harm's way. Hillary hasn't been doing this lately. But she did in the past...

Biden is feigning mental illness now, and Hillary did it in the past. If the leaked info is correct, the answer is for the courts to put the both of them out of their misery... permanently.

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden executed SEAL Team Six – here’s the proof (

A trove of evidence is being incrementally released showing that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden knowingly and deliberately executed SEAL Team Six because the unit knew too much about the treason being committed by the Obama administration.

A newly released interview with CIA whistleblower Alan Harrow Parrot (earlier stories from other alt media sources incorrectly spelled his first name as Allan) reveals that Barack Obama personally sent $152 billion in extortion and blackmail money to Iran to cover up the truth about SEAL Team Six, which is blowing wide open just weeks before the Nov. 3 election.

Parrot, a former CIA agent, is the one releasing documents all this week that uncover “numerous crime sprees” committed by Clinton, Biden and Obama concerning the Osama Bin Laden psy-op, weapons running through Syria, and more, all of which took place during Obama’s White House occupation.

“A heavy price has been paid for what we are uncovering, and millions of people want to see,” Parrot admitted in speaking to Charles Woods, the father of Benghazi hero Tyrone Woods. “This is the beginning of the end for the bad guys.”

The first 10 minutes of the below video contain key portions of Parrot’s interview with Woods, which you will not want to miss. The rest of the video contains insights from Anna Khait, who joined Gary Franchi of The News News Network to talk about these new revelations:

[Watch the video.]

Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six in order to get them murdered


Title: Re: Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six ... to get them murdered
Post by: franky1 on October 16, 2020, 06:45:50 PM
weird thing is ISIS and former rebels were using russian weapons not american

if the rebels were driving Fords and prefering american guns you would have a point.. but thats not the reality

also obama paid iraq to arm its civilised and elected governments police and defense army. yep they were fighting against ISIS invasions.
some ISIS invaders killed the nations army and police and stole everything they had on them. but this was not some large stockpile/hoard/amount used.

badecker yet again. when you read your conspiracy sites.. atleast then check on the details. dont just copy and paste

Title: Re: Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six ... to get them murdered
Post by: BADecker on October 17, 2020, 03:19:32 AM
^^^ Thanks franky1. But I don't take credit for the things in the article and video. It is really Trump's teams and sub-teams that are working out all this info. The simple thing that I am doing is bringing it out into the forum open. My hope is that so many forum people who don't understand the evil done by Hillary/Joe/Obama/Others, will finally see how they have been duped i9nto thinking that the Deep State exists, and is as evil as they can get away with.


Title: Re: Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six ... to get them murdered
Post by: sirazimuth on October 18, 2020, 12:04:22 AM
Quote from: BADecker
~snipped nonsense...probably just trolling~


Well I see my buddy BADecker is staying busy posting and polluting the bitcoin forum with his
usual plethora of nonsensical posts and threads pushing pseudo-science, debunked myths, ridiculous conspiracy theories, sprinkled with the occasional godswill preaching garbage.
Pretty harmless for most sane folk around here I suppose. Albeit, always good for a laugh or two if not just a simple eye roll.
Just throwing that out there for any noobie lurkers who google bitcoin politics and possibly land here so they won’t think this place is a freaking loonybin.

After all, the FE thread went bye bye, so there is progress.
(I will admit to missing the battyshit crazy posts however....)

Title: Re: Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six ... to get them murdered
Post by: Natsuu on October 18, 2020, 04:42:03 PM
Quote from: BADecker
~snipped nonsense...probably just trolling~


Well I see my buddy BADecker is staying busy posting and polluting the bitcoin forum with his
usual plethora of nonsensical posts and threads pushing pseudo-science, debunked myths, ridiculous conspiracy theories, sprinkled with the occasional godswill preaching garbage.
Pretty harmless for most sane folk around here I suppose. Albeit, always good for a laugh or two if not just a simple eye roll.
Just throwing that out there for any noobie lurkers who google bitcoin politics and possibly land here so they won’t think this place is a freaking loonybin.

After all, the FE thread went bye bye, so there is progress.
(I will admit to missing the battyshit crazy posts however....)

I've been reading a lot of his post, and I can tell that he is really a fanatic of the latter candidate for presidency in America. I'm pretty amazed on how he collects information about this, even though they are speculation, hoax, and conspiracy. In addition, he's giving political opinion about something but rejecting the rebuttals which is facts, and just deflect it to other insignificant informations that he can throw. He is like a world class troll or whatsoever.

There is also a thread in this forum where he gives his opinion about something, but when I gave some facts, and a criticism about his opinion, he just diverted the attention to something else, without accepting the misleading, false information that he posted.

Title: Re: Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six ... to get them murdered
Post by: BADecker on October 18, 2020, 10:44:26 PM
^^^ Just showing the other side of the story. After all, people who reject the other side of the story, show that they aren't looking at all the facts, but are close-minded.

Not everyone wants to see only one side of the story.


Title: Re: Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six ... to get them murdered
Post by: KaneVWE on October 18, 2020, 11:14:44 PM
Quote from: BADecker
~snipped nonsense...probably just trolling~


Well I see my buddy BADecker is staying busy posting and polluting the bitcoin forum with his
usual plethora of nonsensical posts and threads pushing pseudo-science, debunked myths, ridiculous conspiracy theories, sprinkled with the occasional godswill preaching garbage.
Pretty harmless for most sane folk around here I suppose. Albeit, always good for a laugh or two if not just a simple eye roll.
Just throwing that out there for any noobie lurkers who google bitcoin politics and possibly land here so they won’t think this place is a freaking loonybin.

After all, the FE thread went bye bye, so there is progress.
(I will admit to missing the battyshit crazy posts however....)

Re Quoting yourself like this gets you banned? Its against the rules right?

Also you need to debunk each separate claim if you can. You can't just claim is all incorrect even if you have conclusively debunked one item he posted, which I'm not sure you have done anyway.

People should be allowed to investigate for themselves if you have no conclusive evidence to debunk it with here. Just produce your specific counter argument now and let them review that.

Should the title have question mark at the end? Who can say.

Title: Re: Biden publicly disclosed existence of SEAL Team Six ... to get them murdered
Post by: BADecker on October 19, 2020, 03:30:14 PM
Quote from: BADecker
~snipped nonsense...probably just trolling~


Well I see my buddy BADecker is staying busy posting and polluting the bitcoin forum with his
usual plethora of nonsensical posts and threads pushing pseudo-science, debunked myths, ridiculous conspiracy theories, sprinkled with the occasional godswill preaching garbage.
Pretty harmless for most sane folk around here I suppose. Albeit, always good for a laugh or two if not just a simple eye roll.
Just throwing that out there for any noobie lurkers who google bitcoin politics and possibly land here so they won’t think this place is a freaking loonybin.

After all, the FE thread went bye bye, so there is progress.
(I will admit to missing the battyshit crazy posts however....)

I've been reading a lot of his post, and I can tell that he is really a fanatic of the latter candidate for presidency in America. I'm pretty amazed on how he collects information about this, even though they are speculation, hoax, and conspiracy. In addition, he's giving political opinion about something but rejecting the rebuttals which is facts, and just deflect it to other insignificant informations that he can throw. He is like a world class troll or whatsoever.

There is also a thread in this forum where he gives his opinion about something, but when I gave some facts, and a criticism about his opinion, he just diverted the attention to something else, without accepting the misleading, false information that he posted.

No diversion. Simply showing that what you said has no basis in fact.
