Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Reputation => Topic started by: TheBeardedBaby on October 28, 2020, 09:08:38 AM

Title: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on October 28, 2020, 09:08:38 AM
Not active over 1000 mert senders which are sourses :

NrProfile name  Status   Sent merit   Position         Last active
1 chimk ( 12114 Hero Member 271 days
2 bones261 ( 8712Legendary166 days
3 TMAN ( 6510 Legendary 230 days
4 Flying Hellfish ( Hellfish)DT2 6214 Staff 35 days back online 3 days ago
5 teramit ( 1586 Legendary 20 days
6Alex_Sr ( 1255 Hero Member141 days
8 redsn0w ( 1031 Legendary 296 days


Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: dkbit98 on October 28, 2020, 11:15:27 AM
Some of them are inactive for months, and others are just reading the forum and not sending merits at all.

If we add others members who are abusing merits and sending them to bsv trolls or their own project, then it looks like it's time for some changes and new merit sources :)

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Timelord2067 on October 28, 2020, 12:30:40 PM
Some of them are inactive for months, and others are just reading the forum and not sending merits at all.

If we add others members who are abusing merits and sending them to bsv trolls or their own project, then it looks like it's time for some changes and new merit sources :)

I would be more supportive of "applicants" wanting to become merit sources if their threads were labeled "expressions of interest"

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: icopress on October 28, 2020, 02:12:17 PM
Maybe I missed something .. But I still want to ask.

Let's say I want to create an application to nominate another user (this is a respected person on the forum, but he is not a source and has not previously submitted an application). Is it reasonable? And are there such precedents.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: ibminer on October 28, 2020, 02:18:24 PM
Let's say I want to create an application to nominate another user (this is a respected person on the forum, but he is not a source and has not previously submitted an application). Is it reasonable? And are there such precedents.

If they haven't submitted their own application, what makes you think they'd even want to be a merit source?  The application also consists of adding 10+ posts that person would give merit to. You can't just pick 10 posts and nominate another user, since you have no idea if that user would give those posts merit. The user themselves should really be creating the application and picking their own 10+ posts.

If I were you, I'd just PM the user you are referring to and suggest they submit an application. Or, if you really want to make it a public ordeal, maybe create a reputation thread suggesting the user should be a merit source and why you think this, then let the user themselves decide on whether to create an application or not.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: icopress on October 28, 2020, 02:34:02 PM
If they haven't submitted their own application, what makes you think they'd even want to be a merit source?  The application also consists of adding 10+ posts that person would give merit to. You can't just pick 10 posts and nominate another user, since you have no idea if that user would give those posts merit. The user themselves should really be creating the application and picking their own 10+ posts.

If I were you, I'd just PM the user you are referring to and suggest they submit an application. Or, if you really want to make it a public ordeal, maybe create a reputation thread suggesting the user should be a merit source and why you think this, then let the user themselves decide on whether to create an application or not.
I know ten messages are needed. In this case, an exception can be made, as many other authoritative users rely on their opinion and especially on the sobriety of the assessment. Or perhaps they are too humble or unwilling to take responsibility, there may be many reasons why they are still outside the system.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on October 29, 2020, 05:36:53 PM
I would not be surprised if some of those on the above list have been removed as merit sources. I am sure that the source merit is being monitored and those that don’t give any merit over extended periods of time will probably be replaced by others wanting to help out.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: LoyceV on October 29, 2020, 07:09:24 PM
I would not be surprised if some of those on the above list have been removed as merit sources.
Unlikely, Merit sources (;stats=sources) hasn't changed in a long time.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on October 29, 2020, 08:18:49 PM
I would not be surprised if some of those on the above list have been removed as merit sources.
Unlikely, Merit sources (;stats=sources) hasn't changed in a long time.
It is possible that n merit sources were removed at the same time n were added, and the sum total of their source merit was equal to each other.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on October 29, 2020, 08:41:59 PM
I would not be surprised if some of those on the above list have been removed as merit sources.
Unlikely, Merit sources (;stats=sources) hasn't changed in a long time.
It is possible that n merit sources were removed at the same time n were added, and the sum total of their source merit was equal to each other.

Then a simple graph of the top merit senders for the last 120 days will show if there is an increase of the sent merit of those "chosen" for new sources. It's not impossible but I personally believe that there was no change.
Theymos is quiet about it, even gmaxwell promised to push him a little back in May but looks like it didn't help.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Halab on October 29, 2020, 10:11:02 PM
It is possible that n merit sources were removed at the same time n were added, and the sum total of their source merit was equal to each other.

The last big change (~14/11/2019, almost a year, is it a sign ?(I will not bet a sat on that :))) several dozens of source merits have lost their status because they were inactive. At the same time, there have been some nominations and for the most active MS there has been a good increase of their smerits.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Timelord2067 on October 30, 2020, 12:06:20 AM
I would not be surprised if some of those on the above list have been removed as merit sources.
Unlikely, Merit sources (;stats=sources) hasn't changed in a long time.

Merit sources

There are 97 merit sources with a total merit generation of up to 21171 sMerit per 30 days

So each merit source has about seven or eight merits they can give out per day yet some of them claim they can't find posts to merit while yet other merit sources drop seven or eight on just one post seemingly every day.  (In other words they're not really looking that hard).

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: LoyceV on October 30, 2020, 09:24:20 AM
It is possible that n merit sources were removed at the same time n were added, and the sum total of their source merit was equal to each other.
From what I've seen, new Merit sources usually start with a lower amount than existing Merit sources, so this is not very likely.

So each merit source has about seven or eight merits they can give out per day
No, you're talking about the average per Merit source. Some get only 10 per month, others gets hundreds to 1000+ (;stats=topsend).

yet some of them claim they can't find posts to merit while yet other merit sources drop seven or eight on just one post seemingly every day.
Some sources are always out of sMerit (, while others have to send more at one ( to empty their source.

(In other words they're not really looking that hard).
I can only speak for myself: I have 26.67 source sMerit per day to get rid of. On some days I send more than other days, so the amount I get replenished varies per day too. I always find myself short on time, and the work-from-home-thing only made that worse. I don't want to "look harder" to find more posts, that would mean I have to read much more posts than I already do. Being a Merit source doesn't get paid, just like reporting posts. I do both to support the forum, but you can't ask Merit sources to look harder just to Merit more posts. As of last Friday, I've sent 7495 Merit transactions to 1901 users. Sending them more than one at a time makes the "merit economy" ~ less top-down ( As long as it doesn't end up on spammers, it's fine with me :)

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Timelord2067 on October 30, 2020, 09:56:46 AM
So each merit source has about seven or eight merits they can give out per day
No, you're talking about the average per Merit source. Some get only 10 per month, others gets hundreds to 1000+ (;stats=topsend).

I wasn't aware of that - it puts into perspective why some merit sources seem to get rid of their merits more liberally than others.  (and yes, I did do a quick calculation of the numbers to give an average)

Were I giving out merits (no thank you - just speaking hypothetically) I wouldn't gift Legendary at all, Brand New no more than one once only, no Newbies, probably Jr. Member through Hero member perhaps two (allowing them to pass it on down the ranks). If I did find a post of merit, I'd probably read back through their recent posts over the last fortnight to see if there were any other meritorious posts (not more than five posts X 2 merits each)

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Rikafip on October 30, 2020, 10:57:23 AM
Were I giving out merits (no thank you - just speaking hypothetically) I wouldn't gift Legendary at all, Brand New no more than one once only, no Newbies, probably Jr. Member through Hero member perhaps two (allowing them to pass it on down the ranks). If I did find a post of merit, I'd probably read back through their recent posts over the last fortnight to see if there were any other meritorious posts (not more than five posts X 2 merits each)
This would mean a lot of additional time and work, and I'm not so sure it would be a best way to share the merit. I guess that some merit sources have few basic rules how they share merit but I doubt they go to such lengths when it comes to meriting.

IMHO, it's not a bad thing to give merit even to those who don't need it for rank up, as those will pass on the merit for  someone else that needs etc. If I'm merit source I would keep it simple, just merit the good post when I see it, no matter the rank.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: janggernaut on October 30, 2020, 11:05:49 AM
Not active over 1000 mert senders which are sourses :

NrProfile name  Status   Sent merit   Position         Last active
4 Flying Hellfish ( Hellfish)DT2 6214 Staff 35 days

You can remove Flying Hellfish (;u=79608)  from the list since he already been active again on 4 days ago

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on October 30, 2020, 11:17:55 AM
Not active over 1000 mert senders which are sourses :

NrProfile name  Status   Sent merit   Position         Last active
4 Flying Hellfish ( Hellfish)DT2 6214 Staff 35 days

You can remove Flying Hellfish (;u=79608)  from the list since he already been active again on 4 days ago

I didn't removed him but crossed him out from the list. He was online 3 days ago, true but no posts for the past 4 months. Last time he sent merit was on 7/21/2020 so thats like more than 3 months ago.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: RapTarX on October 30, 2020, 07:23:27 PM
Sad to see that TMAN is yet to be active.

Nevertheless, it would certainly be good to have a comparison between merits circulation of pre and post activity.
For instance, inactive merit sources within last 20 days Vs merit circulation within last 20 days. That would have a good result I guess.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: LoyceV on October 30, 2020, 07:35:14 PM
it would certainly be good to have a comparison between merits circulation of pre and post activity.
For instance, inactive merit sources within last 20 days Vs merit circulation within last 20 days.
I keep weekly data in  this topic ( For the past weeks:
Total: 737258
Total: 743044
Total: 747592
Total: 752115
Total: 757074
Total: 761428
Total: 765913
Total: 770835
Total: 775831

And here's all-time sent Merit graphs for the users in the OP:
chimk (;u=1202061)
bones261 (;u=452769)
TMAN (;u=98986)
Flying Hellfish (;u=79608)
teramit (;u=158960)
Alex_Sr (;u=1762404)
redsn0w (;u=211419)
Each column width is 10 days (8 pixels). "Days" start the second the first Merit was transfered, and count exactly 10*3600*24 seconds after that. It has nothing to do with calendar days in any time zone.
The maximum is 150 Merit per column (1 pixel per Merit). If more than 150 Merit was transfered in a 10 day period, the top of the column gets darker.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Mpamaegbu on November 08, 2020, 08:58:23 PM
Not active over 1000 mert senders which are sourses : ...      
Honestly, this is a real trying time for a lot of people because of the pandemic. When I don't see members online for days I worry for them and begin to think if the worse has happened, truly. Since usernames aren't real names, we may not know if this forum has lost some members to the outbreak in death. So, quite understandably, it is safe to assume that the mentioned users didn't intentionally chicken out but that something could have been amiss with them. Anyone who knows them outside this forum can check on them to ascertain what issues they're faced with now. Again, if there are merit sources who have been known to have abused merit and their positions as sources, such should be revoked and be sanctioned appropriately.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Timelord2067 on January 05, 2022, 09:35:35 PM
Is it possible to request an update to these figures, please?

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on February 01, 2022, 02:09:49 PM
Is it possible to request an update to these figures, please?
Hello Timelord, hope you are doing well :)
Ups, I somehow missed that one, sorry for the delayed answer, I will do an update in the next few days, together with the list of the Top inactive accounts, and some other old threads that are worth updating.

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on February 14, 2022, 01:19:36 PM
Here's an update:

I don't know who are merit sources, but those are the top senders over 1000 merit. I can filter them based on S/R Ratio > 1 if you guys want.

rankProfile nameStatusSent MeirtPositionLast active
1chimk ( Member745 days
2bones261 ( days
3frodocooper ( Member305 days
4TMAN ( days
5nutildah ( days
6Flying Hellfish ( Hellfish)DT26214Legendary216 days
7Vod ( days
8Blacknavy ( days
9cabalism13 ( days
10QuestionAuthority ( days
11SyGambler ( days
12Globb0 ( days
13marlboroza ( days
14Last of the V8s ( of the V8s)DT22007Legendary459 days
15600watt ( days
16Micio ( days
17Alex_Sr ( Member615 days
18squatz1 ( days
19VB1001 ( days
20nullius ( Member290 days
21gentlemand ( days
22Lauda ( days
23redsn0w ( days

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Timelord2067 on July 13, 2022, 01:15:17 PM
Is it possible to request an update to these figures, please?
Hello Timelord, hope you are doing well :)
Ups, I somehow missed that one, sorry for the delayed answer, I will do an update in the next few days, together with the list of the Top inactive accounts, and some other old threads that are worth updating.

Thanks for the previous update - I was looking for another list and came across this one, so I figure I'll ask for another update if possible? (no rush mind you).

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: TheBeardedBaby on July 13, 2022, 01:18:41 PM
Is it possible to request an update to these figures, please?
Hello Timelord, hope you are doing well :)
Ups, I somehow missed that one, sorry for the delayed answer, I will do an update in the next few days, together with the list of the Top inactive accounts, and some other old threads that are worth updating.

Thanks for the previous update - I was looking for another list and came across this one, so I figure I'll ask for another update if possible? (no rush mind you).

Sure, I'll make an update as soon as I come back from vacation.
There are many threads I've abandoned the last 1-2 years due to lack of time. :(

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: NeuroticFish on July 13, 2022, 01:27:30 PM
Thanks for the previous update - I was looking for another list and came across this one, so I figure I'll ask for another update if possible? (no rush mind you).

If OP is too busy, maybe you ask @Coin-1 do this, since he already has a pretty much up-to-date topic on merit sources:
All he has to do more is to also check the last login date of the (bolded) users (and subtract the dates).

Title: Re: [List] Merit Sources without activty in the past 20 days
Post by: Timelord2067 on July 13, 2022, 01:54:48 PM
Thanks for the reminder of that other link.  I feel it is lopsided as the merit sources for the most part circle jerk their gifting of merits amongst themselves with little to no trickle down to the lower ranks (all of which has been discussed ad-nauseam in the past and needs no further discussion here) - (plus it doesn't really identify those who are inactive)

(and as another aside, although my "generosity" is close to "200" I can assure you that "for sure" number used to identify merit sources is very VERY wildly inaccurate).