Bitcoin Forum

Local => Press & News from India => Topic started by: Melloiga on October 29, 2020, 03:14:01 PM

Title: Kidnapped Hyderabad dentist rescued | Kidnappers demanded 10 Crore in Bitcoin
Post by: Melloiga on October 29, 2020, 03:14:01 PM
Police in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh rescued a dentist who was kidnapped from a hospital in Hyderabad Tuesday evening.

Alerted by Telangana Police that the kidnappers were proceeding towards Bengaluru in a Mahendra Bolero, Anantapur police set up watch on several roads including the Hyderabad-Bengaluru highway. A police team spotted the jeep near Rapthadu toll plaza around 2 am and intercepted it.

Police said while two kidnappers fled, two others were nabbed. Police then rescued Dr Behjas Hussain, a dentist working at Kismetpur Dental Clinic at Hyderabad. The doctor’s hands and legs were tied with ropes and he appeared dazed, an official said. Later in the day, Anantapur police tracked down the two kidnappers who had fled and took them into custody.

According to the police, the dentist was kidnapped by five burqa-clad persons from his hospital in the Rajendranagar area of Hyderabad. The kidnappers later made a WhatsApp ransom call to his family demanding Rs 10 crore in bitcoin currency, police added.

Sources in Cyberabad Police said five-8 members were involved in the kidnapping. While five persons abducted the dentist Tuesday, they handed him over to four persons who were taking him to Bengaluru or nearby towns.

Officials said the kidnapping could be a fall out of the financial dispute that the doctor allegedly had with his business partners.


Good work by Police there but I just wonder as Bitcoin gains more popularity in India. Is this another problem that is going to be faced by the country? Criminals extorting people for Bitcoin because they don't have to be physical present to receive it and its trail being very difficult to trace?

Title: Re: Kidnapped Hyderabad dentist rescued | Kidnappers demanded 10 Crore in Bitcoin
Post by: akram143 on October 29, 2020, 04:39:58 PM
Noob criminals who may done this act after watching video like how to kidnap someone on YouTube videos. :D

Well not much people going to read this news but media will cover the word bitcoin more than the kidnappers.

Title: Re: Kidnapped Hyderabad dentist rescued | Kidnappers demanded 10 Crore in Bitcoin
Post by: reliable on October 30, 2020, 12:04:42 PM
This will just go down in a negative way for media and to government as they will only associate all negative effects of the bitcoin. Thus, such things only hampers the growth and scope of bitcoin because authorities just keep getting such things and it goes into negative books of theirs.

Title: Re: Kidnapped Hyderabad dentist rescued | Kidnappers demanded 10 Crore in Bitcoin
Post by: skpanchal on December 20, 2020, 06:29:08 AM
The main accused knew Bijoy and also that he had Bitcoin. Bijoy had some cryptocurrency three years ago, but once their prices had crashed, he had sold them. This aspect was not known to the mastermind,” said an officer.

Title: Re: Kidnapped Hyderabad dentist rescued | Kidnappers demanded 10 Crore in Bitcoin
Post by: Alcina on July 16, 2021, 02:18:20 PM
"Horrible, what a crime story! What had that dentist ever done to be oppressed? How awful, because it was probably all about the money. I certainly understand that dentists make a lot of money, but killing a man for money is a terrible thing to do! Even though I don't like dentists myself, they do a necessary job. Just last week, my dentist gave me a dental implant. Thanks to the clinic.
The service was cheap and almost painless. ( for the quality service and a true professional. I hope at least this dentist doesn't get stolen and extorted, hahaha."

Title: Re: Kidnapped Hyderabad dentist rescued | Kidnappers demanded 10 Crore in Bitcoin
Post by: UKprod on September 18, 2021, 01:10:40 PM
Honestly speaking i doubt that the kidnappers were even aware how Bitcoin works. For being so dumb as to using a highway to take a kidnapped person, i guess they thought bitcoins are actually coins that are given in hand ;D ;D

Title: Re: Kidnapped Hyderabad dentist rescued | Kidnappers demanded 10 Crore in Bitcoin
Post by: amishmanish on September 19, 2021, 04:19:00 PM
Honestly speaking i doubt that the kidnappers were even aware how Bitcoin works. For being so dumb as to using a highway to take a kidnapped person, i guess they thought bitcoins are actually coins that are given in hand ;D ;D
Everyone in this thread is calling the kidnappers idiots or noob, as if we are the experts..:o

What always seems inexplicable to me is how do people come to the conclusion that they should kidnap someone they know will have money. In almost all societies, having the image that you have money is pretty dangerous. There are all sorts of desperate people who will attempt such criminal acts if they think they can get some money out of it. This is one of the biggest reasons to always maintain anonymity in the world of crypto.

Nobody has the money that people will assume you have if they associate you with "Bitcoin". Like, what the hell were those thieves thinking to demand 10 Cr? Had this been a normal, professional extortion; the kidnappers would have known that a dentist cannot give you 10 Cr cash. Jokes aside, it is good that they found the doctor safe and only a little "dazed".