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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: FIFA worldcup on October 30, 2020, 01:27:59 AM

Title: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: FIFA worldcup on October 30, 2020, 01:27:59 AM

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: franky1 on October 30, 2020, 03:20:13 AM
and here is an edit for the idiots. just incase they still think getting some on them is ok..

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: tvbcof on October 30, 2020, 07:38:17 AM

  "If the guy who pees also is wearing pants, the pee stays with him and you do not get wet."

That's close to being right(*).  Vertebrates excrete a lot of waste material through respiration in addition to urination and shitting.  In particular, respiratory viruses, bacteria, and fungi which are trying to get a start are exhaled.

Now, by wearing a mask, the wearer instead of getting rid of these waste products re-circulate them to re-infect tissue where without the mask said microbes would go away as they are supposed to.  In some cases the microbes can use the warm damp fabric to stay alive for longer and even multiply in that medium before being sucked back into the victim's lungs.

This phenomenon is exactly why up until 2020 masks were carefully prescribed by OSHA for use only when needed and with appropriate guidance.  It's also why we can now see mask wearers getting sick with respiratory infections at a much higher rate, not to mention having God-awful breath, rotting teeth and gums, etc.

And of course a mask is a marker of an ignorant sheep-person who does as they are told by people who obviously don't have their best interests in mind.

* If you can smell a person who peed their pants it means that you got some particles and fumes straight from their genitalia into your own nose.  In virus-land microscopic scale, that means that you would have gotten infected anyway because, as a simple cigarette shows, the mask actually don't do jack shit about even visible particles much less something as small as a viruses.  Says so right on the box for those who can fuckin read.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: BADecker on October 30, 2020, 09:44:23 AM
Masks are stupid... no matter where you wear them. Watch the first 5 minutes >>>


Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: Fortify on October 30, 2020, 03:25:01 PM
Those are some pretty good infographics, although not everybody will find the pee analogy to be tasteful. Sadly you cannot cure stupidity and people who think masks are ineffective do not have the brain capacity to understand simple science. Masks are useful to protect the weakest and most vulnerable in society - something everyone who is a decent person should want to do.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: tvbcof on October 30, 2020, 04:48:48 PM

Those are some pretty good infographics, although not everybody will find the pee analogy to be tasteful. Sadly you cannot cure stupidity and people who think masks are ineffective do not have the brain capacity to understand simple science. Masks are useful to protect the weakest and most vulnerable in society - something everyone who is a decent person should want to do.

If you could somehow 'protect yourself' against viruses, bacteria, etc, you'd very likely die within half a year with a severely dysfunctional immune system.  It's very fortunate for the 'weakest and most vulnerable in society' that the masks don't do a fucking thing to 'protect' against most viruses and bacteria or they really would be in trouble.

Covering your mouth with the nasty sewer that a mask quickly turns into is causing some very unpleasant problems for a lot of the victims (and their spouses) already, but nothing compared to what living in an isolation chamber for months on end would do to the body.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: Renampun on October 30, 2020, 05:33:18 PM
Masks are stupid... no matter where you wear them. Watch the first 5 minutes >>>

hahaha, so what should we do because the government strongly recommends it...  :D
masks are one of the lucrative items during this outbreak, I sell homemade masks and it really helps my family's economy. I know that masks are not 100% effective in warding off Covid-19 but at least masks can help the economy of other people like me.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: BADecker on October 30, 2020, 11:21:44 PM
Masks are stupid... no matter where you wear them. Watch the first 5 minutes >>>

hahaha, so what should we do because the government strongly recommends it...  :D
masks are one of the lucrative items during this outbreak, I sell homemade masks and it really helps my family's economy. I know that masks are not 100% effective in warding off Covid-19 but at least masks can help the economy of other people like me.

Invoice government officials personally (not in their government capacity) for the pain and agony of the things they are causing to happen to you. Invoice them according to the true amount of your pain, or the amount of the fear they are causing you and your family. If they don't pay, sue them for payment man-to-man in court. Don't be represented. Be present, so that you can get them on the stand, present.

If you aren't represented, they can't be, either. If they don't show up, call for them 3 times, and then get a default judgment in your amount. Then sell the judgment to "We Buy Judgments" for a percent of your money, and you are out of it.

Make sure your head is screwed on when you do this. In other words, sue them in such a way that you can sue them if they don't drop their Covid orders. See for the way to handle things.

If it gets to the point of deep court questioning, require proof for the virus and the damage it is doing in the form of isolated Covid done by River's revision of Koch's Postulates.


Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: franky1 on October 30, 2020, 11:42:05 PM
oh look at badecker. trying his hardest to go back to freeman crap again with his invoice scheme
sorry badecker
not gonna work

firstly. when you live within a nation. its their land their law. their court. their court processes.

as for the whole 'i want to stand opposite my tormentor as a man'... in courts representatives are allowed. yep when someone dies due to murder. the murderer wont get away with murder by not being able to face his victim(because hes dead). nor get away from it because the victim cant face his accuser
this because a representative can act on behalf of the victim and accused..
try checking the 6th amemdment

i know you will probably say how the amendmants dont apply. but by doing so you are then voiding recognitions of all laws. and as such no law has been broken if you dont recognise any laws

i know you want to pretend your an outlaw. but the problem is the law will out you as an idiot

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: BADecker on October 30, 2020, 11:51:11 PM
oh look at badecker. trying his hardest to go back to freeman crap again with his invoice scheme
sorry badecker
not gonna work

firstly. when you live within a nation. its their land their law. their court. their court processes.

as for the whole 'i want to stand opposite my tormentor as a man'... in courts representatives are allowed. yep when someone dies due to murder. the murderer wont get away with murder by not being able to face his victim(because hes dead). nor get away from it because the victim cant face his accuser
this because a representative can act on behalf of the victim and accused..
try checking the 6th amemdment

i know you will probably say how the amendmants dont apply. but by doing so you are then voiding recognitions of all laws. and as such no law has been broken if you dont recognise any laws

i know you want to pretend your an outlaw. but the problem is the law will out you as an idiot

It's kinda amazing about you, franky1. There are all kinds of suits in court everyday. And many of the smaller suits are done directly between antagonists without representation. I know you didn't watch Judge Judy. But that's all that happened on her program... suits between antagonists for one reason or another. And everybody knows that many court cases are based on non-payment of an invoice.

I guess you are just going to have to wait until somebody invoices you for something that you are unwilling to pay.


Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: franky1 on October 31, 2020, 12:13:36 AM
so you think judge judy is your source for why you think (ignorantly) that you can win by default by asking for a physical human that antagonised you.

sorry but if someone comes forward and says 'i come forward as the representative of the antagoniser' if you deny accepting that then your claim fails.. your basically saying you dont have an antagoniser or you dont know who your antagoniser is. thus there is no one to claim damages against
BD: 'that man on the other side is not my antagoniser'
judge: 'ok case closed there is no antagoniser, bye bye BD'

try watching less of judy an lentz. and try learning some actual law. even the very basic of court process

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: BADecker on October 31, 2020, 12:34:41 AM
so you think judge judy is your source for why you think (ignorantly) that you can win by default by asking for a physical human that antagonised you.

sorry but if someone comes forward and says 'i come forward as the representative of the antagoniser' if you deny accepting that then your claim fails.. your basically saying you dont have an antagoniser or you dont know who your antagoniser is. thus there is no one to claim damages against
BD: 'that man on the other side is not my antagoniser'
judge: 'ok case closed there is no antagoniser, bye bye BD'

try watching less of judy an lentz. and try learning some actual law. even the very basic of court process

Your mistake is in the fact that you are ignoring two things:
1. Stand unrepresented in any way, not even representing yourself, but present rather than represented;
2. Require that somebody who knows every aspect of your opponent's life to get on the stand, and answer exactly like your opponent would, with complete knowledge of your opponent in potentially everything. No rep can do this.

Representing yourself is a trick that attorneys and judges use to push the case into representation mode. But it is stupid. I you are present, why would you need to represent yourself? Such is not required, just like it is not required that you have a barrister represent you.

Since you are present, your opponent must be present if he is the accuser. But if you are the accuser, you can get summary judgment, or apply to the sheriff to go to his house and drag him into court.

In the case where he won't come to court, get the summary judgment. Make sure you invoiced him for enough to cover damages plus amounts you will pay "We Buy Judgments" to handle getting the money out of the guy.


Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: Dorodha on October 31, 2020, 02:19:23 AM
It sounds so ridiculous COVID-19 is like urine infections include respiratory problems such as respiratory problems, fever, cough and shortness of breath. To avoid infection it is recommended to wash your hands regularly with soap and alcohol, hand sanitizer, cover nose and mouth during sneezing or coughing boil eggs and meat for a long time and avoid contact with respiratory symptoms such as sneezing or coughing. Stays the same is true in the case of the virus as you have to go near the mask and smell it.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: Gyfts on October 31, 2020, 02:21:48 AM

Your example would hold true if the disease was spread through droplets only. It spreads through aerosol particle which means the virus can stay suspended in the air for up to 3 hours, meaning this piss example doesn't make any sense at all.

Masks probably help, but marginally.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: virasog on October 31, 2020, 04:56:44 AM
Masks are stupid... no matter where you wear them. Watch the first 5 minutes >>>

hahaha, so what should we do because the government strongly recommends it...  :D
masks are one of the lucrative items during this outbreak, I sell homemade masks and it really helps my family's economy. I know that masks are not 100% effective in warding off Covid-19 but at least masks can help the economy of other people like me.

You want to run your house hold expenses and feed your family on the expense of the people lives ? I am not saying to stop your business but your words and your thoughts seems selfish. Only while selling, you can warn the people it's disadvantages too it would be helpful for the mankind, although it may reduce your sales a bit.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: BADecker on October 31, 2020, 09:38:28 AM
Masks are stupid... no matter where you wear them. Watch the first 5 minutes >>>

hahaha, so what should we do because the government strongly recommends it...  :D
masks are one of the lucrative items during this outbreak, I sell homemade masks and it really helps my family's economy. I know that masks are not 100% effective in warding off Covid-19 but at least masks can help the economy of other people like me.

You want to run your house hold expenses and feed your family on the expense of the people lives ? I am not saying to stop your business but your words and your thoughts seems selfish. Only while selling, you can warn the people it's disadvantages too it would be helpful for the mankind, although it may reduce your sales a bit.

Of course, once it comes out into the public how silly and dangerous masks are, many people are going feel foolish that they didn't check it out for real in the first place.

Medical leaders lied to everybody, and everybody believed them for a while. They should be made to pay for their lies.


Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: tvbcof on October 31, 2020, 09:46:26 AM


Medical leaders lied to everybody, and everybody believed them for a while. They should be made to pay for their lies.

These people are labeled 'leaders' by the government and media for no other reason that they will happily lie through their teeth to the sheeple.

As you and I know well, there are a ton of 'medical people' holding degrees, department chairs, hundreds of published papers, etc, who tell people straight up that the mask are a fraud.  And they will explain the logic, science, and multitude of studies proving what they say.  These are the people who I consider 'leaders'.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: samputin on October 31, 2020, 12:56:38 PM
It sounds so ridiculous COVID-19 is like urine infections include respiratory problems such as respiratory problems, fever, cough and shortness of breath. To avoid infection it is recommended to wash your hands regularly with soap and alcohol, hand sanitizer, cover nose and mouth during sneezing or coughing boil eggs and meat for a long time and avoid contact with respiratory symptoms such as sneezing or coughing. Stays the same is true in the case of the virus as you have to go near the mask and smell it.
But it was a nice infographic and analogy though some people would find it not that nice because it's a pee compared to a virus. But I got your point. Masks reduces the risk of catching the virus but keeping your distance, going out when only necessary, washing your hands regularly, and keeping yourself healthy and your immunity strong will also help — not only with avoiding covid but other types of viruses.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: virasog on October 31, 2020, 04:20:53 PM
Masks are stupid... no matter where you wear them. Watch the first 5 minutes >>>

hahaha, so what should we do because the government strongly recommends it...  :D
masks are one of the lucrative items during this outbreak, I sell homemade masks and it really helps my family's economy. I know that masks are not 100% effective in warding off Covid-19 but at least masks can help the economy of other people like me.

You want to run your house hold expenses and feed your family on the expense of the people lives ? I am not saying to stop your business but your words and your thoughts seems selfish. Only while selling, you can warn the people it's disadvantages too it would be helpful for the mankind, although it may reduce your sales a bit.

Of course, once it comes out into the public how silly and dangerous masks are, many people are going feel foolish that they didn't check it out for real in the first place.

Medical leaders lied to everybody, and everybody believed them for a while. They should be made to pay for their lies.


Medical leaders speck what is being feed to them by the government officials. They either take the money to spread the false information or are threatened / forced by the government authorities to speak what is being taught to them. In all the scenarios, whether it be covid-19 symptoms, precautions or vaccine, everyone is speaking false to the public.  :(

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: BADecker on November 01, 2020, 01:36:33 AM
^^^ If you combined all the Covid viruses in the whole world, it probably wouldn't amount to one bladder-full of pee.


Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: meser# on November 01, 2020, 01:51:04 AM
And also in Turkey this meme was so popular  ;D (Probably this image won't show because im a newbie)
Source (

Wearing your mask like this / It's like wearing your pants like this

Please use your mask correctly

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: BADecker on November 01, 2020, 02:01:11 AM
And also in Turkey this meme was so popular  ;D

(Probably this image won't show because im a newbie)

Wearing your mask like this / It's like wearing your pants like this

Please use your mask correctly

That's disgusting.     >:(


Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: tvbcof on November 01, 2020, 05:13:31 AM
And also in Turkey this meme was so popular  ;D

(Probably this image won't show because im a newbie)

Wearing your mask like this / It's like wearing your pants like this

Please use your mask correctly

That's disgusting.     >:(

Their culture, and interests which is well reflected in the poster, do tend to cause disgust in Western countries with at least a distant memory of being Christian based.  Turks are pretty well Judiezed and as such are all in on genital mutilation from what I understand, but at least their religious guys don't suck the mutilated stump with their mouths as a function of the ritualistic abuse like they do in hasidic communities.  They also hit the victim at about age 10 or 12 for some reason.  Maybe they can still be held down?  Who knows with these freaks?

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: virasog on November 01, 2020, 06:13:39 AM

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: Natsuu on November 01, 2020, 07:56:16 AM


Medical leaders lied to everybody, and everybody believed them for a while. They should be made to pay for their lies.

These people are labeled 'leaders' by the government and media for no other reason that they will happily lie through their teeth to the sheeple.

As you and I know well, there are a ton of 'medical people' holding degrees, department chairs, hundreds of published papers, etc, who tell people straight up that the mask are a fraud.  And they will explain the logic, science, and multitude of studies proving what they say.  These are the people who I consider 'leaders'.

I've known, what you called "medical people" who are not part of the government who had done their researches saying that Masks can help to reduce the risk of having the virus. So if you may, can you give me the researches, and names of the "Medical People" who you say that they claim for masks are a fraud.

I think that it is your own will and choice to believe someone just because it is what you want. You want to disregard others researches by saying their a fraud cause they are not compatible to what you truly desire.

I'm in Asia and we do wear masks for a reason.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: tvbcof on November 01, 2020, 08:19:51 AM


Medical leaders lied to everybody, and everybody believed them for a while. They should be made to pay for their lies.

These people are labeled 'leaders' by the government and media for no other reason that they will happily lie through their teeth to the sheeple.

As you and I know well, there are a ton of 'medical people' holding degrees, department chairs, hundreds of published papers, etc, who tell people straight up that the mask are a fraud.  And they will explain the logic, science, and multitude of studies proving what they say.  These are the people who I consider 'leaders'.

I've known, what you called "medical people" who are not part of the government who had done their researches saying that Masks can help to reduce the risk of having the virus. So if you may, can you give me the researches, and names of the "Medical People" who you say that they claim for masks are a fraud.

Happy to do it.  This content provider provides links to his sources.  I see 15 or 20.  Listen to his content, read the articles, or both.  Your choice: (

Ryan has now been fully deleted from Jewtube.  Probably the thing they are most threatened about is that he provides source links.  Corbett is also very good about this.

I think that it is your own will and choice to believe someone just because it is what you want. You want to disregard others researches by saying their a fraud cause they are not compatible to what you truly desire.

I'm in Asia and we do wear masks for a reason.

Having traveled around Asia and living in Asia now, I have an idea about the reason.  The pollution in most cities is awful and Allergic Rhinitis is very common.  This condition is greatly aggravated by vaccines and most Asians don't have any realistic choice when it comes to whether one's body is pumped full of them or not since most of them live under totalitarian dictatorships who answer to the international 'non profit' entities who fund them (WHO, IMF, World Bank, etc.)  This is especially in the cities.  In the rural areas, in spite of a great deal of spending by international players, it is still not practical get get everyone jacked up with the 'vaccine schedule', and that is especially true when nearly every village has had mothers who lost children shortly after their 'vitamin injection.'  Until the great scamdemic of 2020 masks were pretty much unknown among these populations.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: yazher on November 01, 2020, 12:27:53 PM
Masks are stupid... no matter where you wear them. Watch the first 5 minutes >>>


Believe it or not, in our city you are obliged to wear both a face mask and face shield the most foolish thing you heard this year. If you don't do so, you will gonna pay some fined if you get caught. about 500 pesos equivalent to 10$. what a foolish thing to implement, right?

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: Mauser on November 01, 2020, 04:14:46 PM
Masks are stupid... no matter where you wear them. Watch the first 5 minutes >>>


Believe it or not, in our city you are obliged to wear both a face mask and face shield the most foolish thing you heard this year. If you don't do so, you will gonna pay some fined if you get caught. about 500 pesos equivalent to 10$. what a foolish thing to implement, right?

Wearing a face mask and a face shield on top of each other sounds a bit extreme. But honestly what is so bad with wearing a mask? It hurts no one and could make a mask at home so don't even have to pay money for it. Imagine you can save 1 life by wearing a mask. Wouldn't it be worth it?

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: Natsuu on November 01, 2020, 04:37:48 PM

I've known, what you called "medical people" who are not part of the government who had done their researches saying that Masks can help to reduce the risk of having the virus. So if you may, can you give me the researches, and names of the "Medical People" who you say that they claim for masks are a fraud.

Happy to do it.  This content provider provides links to his sources.  I see 15 or 20.  Listen to his content, read the articles, or both.  Your choice: (

Ryan has now been fully deleted from Jewtube.  Probably the thing they are most threatened about is that he provides source links.  Corbett is also very good about this.

Have you read your sources?

Of course you didn't cause the researches and studies you give are clearly saying that masks do get you protected from influenza, or any other viruses indicated in different researches in your links.

One household trial found that mask wearing coupled with hand sanitiser use reduced secondary transmission of upper respiratory infection/influenza‐like illness/laboratory‐confirmed influenza compared with education; hand sanitiser alone resulted in no reduction. One hospital‐based trial found a lower rate of clinical respiratory illness associated with non‐fit‐tested N95 respirator use compared with medical masks. Eight of nine retrospective observational studies found that mask and/or respirator use was independently associated with a reduced risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

there is enough evidence to support the use of facemasks for short periods of time by particularly vulnerable individuals when in transient higher risk situations. ( (

And some other researches do even tackle different topic when it comes to wearing face masks. So this is your argument, okay. Now I get it, how you believe that masks are a fraud  ;D.

I think that it is your own will and choice to believe someone just because it is what you want. You want to disregard others researches by saying their a fraud cause they are not compatible to what you truly desire.

I'm in Asia and we do wear masks for a reason.

Having traveled around Asia and living in Asia now, I have an idea about the reason.  The pollution in most cities is awful and Allergic Rhinitis is very common.  This condition is greatly aggravated by vaccines and most Asians don't have any realistic choice when it comes to whether one's body is pumped full of them or not since most of them live under totalitarian dictatorships who answer to the international 'non profit' entities who fund them (WHO, IMF, World Bank, etc.)  This is especially in the cities.  In the rural areas, in spite of a great deal of spending by international players, it is still not practical get get everyone jacked up with the 'vaccine schedule', and that is especially true when nearly every village has had mothers who lost children shortly after their 'vitamin injection.'  Until the great scamdemic of 2020 masks were pretty much unknown among these populations.

As you may know, we don't wear masks before pandemic, and I think you think of ASIAN countries as a whole. There are different countries in ASIA, and in where do I live, I didn't even hear your claims about Allergic Rhinitis. So it is you just being stereotype about asians as a whole.

But I really love to hear that kind of information from other race, to justify our very own way of thinking and way of seeing things. Its just a whole other world out there in the west huh  ;)

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: tvbcof on November 01, 2020, 05:14:18 PM

I'm in Asia and we do wear masks for a reason.

Having traveled around Asia and living in Asia now, I have an idea about the reason.  The pollution in most cities is awful and Allergic Rhinitis is very common.  This condition is greatly aggravated by vaccines and most Asians don't have any realistic choice when it comes to whether one's body is pumped full of them or not since most of them live under totalitarian dictatorships who answer to the international 'non profit' entities who fund them (WHO, IMF, World Bank, etc.)  This is especially in the cities.  In the rural areas, in spite of a great deal of spending by international players, it is still not practical get get everyone jacked up with the 'vaccine schedule', and that is especially true when nearly every village has had mothers who lost children shortly after their 'vitamin injection.'  Until the great scamdemic of 2020 masks were pretty much unknown among these populations.

As you may know, we don't wear masks before pandemic, and I think you think of ASIAN countries as a whole. There are different countries in ASIA, and in where do I live, I didn't even hear your claims about Allergic Rhinitis. So it is you just being stereotype about asians as a whole.

But I really love to hear that kind of information from other race, to justify our very own way of thinking and way of seeing things. Its just a whole other world out there in the west huh  ;)

In 2018 I was in a mildly polluted city for a few weeks.  Then I went to the capital city which is highly polluted.  When I got back I had a sore throat which just would not go away.

I went to see a doctor, but as much as anything I just wanted to see first-hand what the medical system was like.  The doctor said without even looking at me that I had allergic rhinitis, and that 'all foreigners' get it.  He also said that he had it as did his family and they all take steroids and wear masks.  He said he was 'allergic to his own country.'

I had heard of the condition before, but didn't know much about it.  I did not realize that it seems like a throat problem and the reason why is that the immune system is going nutso in the nasal cavity and the artifacts of it's battles-against-nothing drip down into the throat making it sore as hell.  I now know that allergic rhinitis sucks balls, and if I lived in a place like Beijing, Tokyo, Seol, etc, and masks were an effective way to limit the problem, I would wear one myself.

Since, by the grace of God, my immune system didn't seem to have gotten all fucked up by what vaccines I did receive, I never got allergic rhinitis again.  For me it was a one-time deal so it seems.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: LTU_btc on November 02, 2020, 08:08:16 PM
Believe it or not, in our city you are obliged to wear both a face mask and face shield the most foolish thing you heard this year. If you don't do so, you will gonna pay some fined if you get caught. about 500 pesos equivalent to 10$. what a foolish thing to implement, right?
Damn, it's really ridiculous and stupid thing. At least fines isn't big.

Wearing a face mask and a face shield on top of each other sounds a bit extreme. But honestly what is so bad with wearing a mask? It hurts no one and could make a mask at home so don't even have to pay money for it. Imagine you can save 1 life by wearing a mask. Wouldn't it be worth it?
One thing is to wear mask for 30 minutes at supermarket and another thing when you have to wear it all day long at work. Especially if your work is physical - mask become wet very fast and you will feel uncomfortable.
And question how these masks is effective. Italy never stopped to use masks, even in summer you had to wear it in the street. But second wave still hit them, same like countries which had less restrictions. And now it's worse, during first lockdown daily cases never crossed 10k and now they have 20-30k daily cases.

Title: Re: COVID-19 is Like Pee
Post by: tvbcof on November 02, 2020, 08:51:55 PM
Believe it or not, in our city you are obliged to wear both a face mask and face shield the most foolish thing you heard this year. If you don't do so, you will gonna pay some fined if you get caught. about 500 pesos equivalent to 10$. what a foolish thing to implement, right?
Damn, it's really ridiculous and stupid thing. At least fines isn't big.

The fine is about a days wages for a skilled construction worker in some areas and more than most laborers earn daily in any area.

As absurd at this is, check out what they do with motorcycles:

I'm pretty sure that it's a Globalist test to see what they can make the politicians do to their people and what the peeps reactions will be.  As best I can tell most of the peeps are not 'covid deniers' and more-or-less believe what the media says, but what is being asked of them is just to much and a lot of them ignore the 'new normal' rules when they can.  The silly rules are also not especially well enforced.  At least where I'm at.  That could change if they start firing cops for not meeting a quota, and I suspect that for financial reasons they'll probably have to down-size the police forces anyway.  So it will be interesting to see if the policy folks choose to kill two birds with one stone and make Bill Gates and the IMF happy or downsize by some other method.  Most security in the country seems to be private so in some ways things won't probably change a lot I wouldn't expect.