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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Jet Cash on November 03, 2020, 10:24:03 AM

Title: Now we have bird 'flu in Cheshire.
Post by: Jet Cash on November 03, 2020, 10:24:03 AM
It seems that a load of chickens have been diagnosed as having bird 'flu, and I understand that it has also been discovered in Europe. That's probably where  we contracted it, as Europe has lower animal husbandry standards than the UK. So they are going to burn tens of thousands of chickens as a result. One can't help wondering if this is another orchestrated epidemic to try to persuade us to import sub-standard chlorinated chickens from the US.

I wonder how they are going to add this to the Covid lock down nonsense. I wonder if they are going to discover mad cow disease as well - Oh wait, we already have that in Scotland with Nicola Sturgeon. :)

Title: Re: Now we have bird 'flu in Cheshire.
Post by: Juggy777 on November 03, 2020, 12:47:49 PM
It seems that a load of chickens have been diagnosed as having bird 'flu, and I understand that it has also been discovered in Europe. That's probably where  we contracted it, as Europe has lower animal husbandry standards than the UK. So they are going to burn tens of thousands of chickens as a result. One can't help wondering if this is another orchestrated epidemic to try to persuade us to import sub-standard chlorinated chickens from the US.

I wonder how they are going to add this to the Covid lock down nonsense. I wonder if they are going to discover mad cow disease as well - Oh wait, we already have that in Scotland with Nicola Sturgeon. :)

@Jet Cash this is really sad news and the authorities should investigate as to how the birds got this flu, and as soon as it’s possible they should seal the areas where this flu came from. Furthermore I don’t think that there is any conspiracy in this, because I’m pretty sure that they don’t want to continue locking down their cities again and again.


Title: Re: Now we have bird 'flu in Cheshire.
Post by: Cnut237 on November 04, 2020, 08:20:28 AM
Europe has lower animal husbandry standards than the UK.
One can't help wondering if this is another orchestrated epidemic to try to persuade us to import sub-standard chlorinated chickens from the US.

There's no need to orchestrate anything in order to lower UK standards - this was already achieved with the Brexit vote. The removal of burdensome regulations that inhibit the profits of the Eton/Oxbridge/Tory elite was the key motivation of the pro-leave lobby.

Title: Re: Now we have bird 'flu in Cheshire.
Post by: Jet Cash on November 04, 2020, 10:28:43 AM
I'm not sure I understand your post - the Eton/Oxford elite ( the modern British Empire ) controls the EU as well as the UK. This is done through the City of London and numerous holding companies in tax havens ( the Veil of Tiers ). UK standards dropped when we had to destroy much of out agriculture and fisheries to allow the importation of lower grade produce from countries like France.

Title: Re: Now we have bird 'flu in Cheshire.
Post by: Dorodha on November 04, 2020, 02:56:52 PM
Like the bird flu virus that has spread in China the virus has the potential to infect humans. The virus can infect humans if 'flu in Cheshire' comes in contact with dead birds. However, spread in Europe and the Middle East is not transmitted to humans poultry is not a problem and those who have been infected in the Far East have not had it. scientists are reluctant to take any risks in order to stop the spread of bird flu in Asia and Europe millions of chickens on farms where the disease has been caught are being killed and burned.

Title: Re: Now we have bird 'flu in Cheshire.
Post by: Cnut237 on November 04, 2020, 08:42:07 PM
the Eton/Oxford elite ( the modern British Empire ) controls the EU as well as the UK.
If this were true, then why would the Eurosceptic Tories have a such visceral hatred for the EU? Appreciate we have different perspectives on this, but it seems quite clear to me that EU laws and standards work against the exploitative tendencies of our Tory overlords. The Conservatives already tried to revoke the Human Rights Act, and will certainly drop the Working Time Directive and any 'lefty' rules that protect workers' rights. Food and environmental standards are simply other manifestations of the same thing. Chlorinated chicken may be a step too far because of all the publicity about it, but you can be certain that profit-inhibiting regulations across every sector will be thrown out once we leave.