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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: mccoycald on November 14, 2020, 04:02:51 AM

Title: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: mccoycald on November 14, 2020, 04:02:51 AM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: boyptc on November 14, 2020, 08:03:25 AM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.
I respect your opinion about the perspective of life.

If that's the way you can overcome the hardship of life, you can do it as easy as you can by looking at it as a game. I've heard it many times from several people. Treating it a game can help you win against the challenges of life.

But saying that there's no freedom, there is my friend.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: ethereumhunter on November 14, 2020, 12:25:21 PM
What freedom do you mean? As long as we can do something we want without putting other people in trouble, that is freedom for me. But maybe we have a different opinion about freedom as @boyptc said, and I also respect your opinion about freedom.

Maybe there is a rule that we need to follow, and I think that will not be a problem for us, as long as we don't bother other people.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: devil2man on November 14, 2020, 04:37:00 PM
obviously there is no absolute freedom, I believe that we all try to get as close as possible to it, of course all games have rules that should be followed but I believe that sometimes you can also cheat

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: Renampun on November 14, 2020, 05:47:28 PM
I believe if you don't like rules then don't make rules...
in real life I realize that 'freedom' is impossible, when you are married you will not be able to find 'freedom', your time and energy will be consumed by a complex household.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: Mauser on November 15, 2020, 04:13:08 PM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.

I am definitely looking for freedom as much as possible, but I know that it's not possible anymore to have complete freedom these days. The world changed to much over the last 50 years. Social media these days together with the Internet know so much about ourself. Everyone has a smartphone carrying around with us everywhere. So the phone knows where we are and what we do. With Internet coverage everywhere such data can be stored and analysed. We can be influenced on a very small scale without even noticing it, just by some algorithms from the Internet.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: btc_love on November 16, 2020, 03:28:03 AM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.

Yes, all this is just an illusion, a simulator for our development, for comprehending ourselves.
We can play against the rules, which in principle we do (we eat incorrectly, are immersed in complete ignorance, are at war with each other, etc.). But then the effect of karma works and therefore we get bad health and various problems.
Or we can play by the rules of God. Then what problems will we have if God is on our side? And this does not mean that we have no freedom, everything is very ambiguous. It is when you manifest your creative individuality that you follow God's plans and become God-like yourself.

But it is important to understand that this game was originally created by ourselves. We are all from one source (creator), but at the same time we are many and we are all individual. Each at its own level of development (minerals, plants, insects, animals, people, planets, stars, constellations, universes, multiverse, etc. This goes to infinity in any direction, because we exist outside of time and space, this the material world is just an illusion, in which it seems to us that everything has an end, but it is not.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: btc_love on November 16, 2020, 03:40:49 AM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.

I am definitely looking for freedom as much as possible, but I know that it's not possible anymore to have complete freedom these days. The world changed to much over the last 50 years. Social media these days together with the Internet know so much about ourself. Everyone has a smartphone carrying around with us everywhere. So the phone knows where we are and what we do. With Internet coverage everywhere such data can be stored and analysed. We can be influenced on a very small scale without even noticing it, just by some algorithms from the Internet.

Freedom is now out of reach for all people. And that's okay, because we need these tests for us to develop. Trials will immediately disappear when we take responsibility for ourselves and stop relying on someone to solve some problems. It's simple - we need to do what we should do (everyone has their own path), according to our conscience.

I realize that my words will most likely not be accepted because they sound too unusual. But I can say that this entire technocratic system will become a thing of the past in about 40-50 years. And Human, our freedom, goodness, Love and all the best will come first. I've been studying this for a long time and I didn't know about it too, but when you have vast experience in studying various fields, the puzzle is assembled by itself.

Therefore, all we need to do is exercise sanity, do what we need to do, and unite with those who are also starting to wake up.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: bitterguy28 on November 17, 2020, 09:00:26 PM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.
I don't know what Game you are pointing because for me Life isn't about gaming but it is a task,in which we are the one to choose for the outcome.

In this we will create own rules meaning it is a freedom right?by making your own path and not relying to anyone.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: peter0425 on November 18, 2020, 06:26:11 AM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.
Seems like you have been denied of happiness since birth mate,that's why your outlook in life is this (joke)

As long as you can sleep at night without your wife dictating you,And waking up in morning having toothbrush without telling you the amount of toothpaste you need to consume?i think that is enough to call freedom.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: AAPPKK on January 29, 2021, 02:42:50 AM
We can only find freedom within the rules

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: Jax Rahman on January 29, 2021, 02:59:40 AM
Everything is governed by rules. The so-called freedom is also under the control of rules. Everyone wants freedom, but true freedom is never without rules.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: EduardoHenson on January 29, 2021, 03:02:32 AM
yes. freedom needs self-discipline. If I do everything without restricition, I'll feel bored and the world become dark for me. and I feel happy when occasionally breaking rules

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: KEN F on January 29, 2021, 07:18:50 AM
There is no real freedom in the world.
The world is a cage.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: Phanditha Echevarria on January 29, 2021, 08:00:50 AM
freedom needs not to be looked for. it depends on your mindset. Suppose you have some homework to do: if you are willing to finish it, you have the freedom to think and answer the questions set, you feel free and you're learning to be creative. when finished, you have the freedom to play; if not willing, you feel aweful in doing homework and you think your freedom deprived....

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: xiaohuhu on January 29, 2021, 09:27:02 AM
I think I can do what I want now, so I am very satisfied. Of course, all the foundations are within the legal limit

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: EvaMcNeil on January 30, 2021, 04:00:32 AM
freedom is based on restriction. We totally have freedom now. We aren't forced to learn languages of other tyrant nation, we can buy things we want...

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: zerogrown on February 12, 2021, 08:42:14 AM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.

I agree. No real freedom. Its just what it is. I dont really seek it.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: Rruchi man on February 12, 2021, 11:23:41 AM
Man is free to the extent to which he can be free that is why we have fundamental human rights. However total freedom for every man to do as he/she chooses is very dangerous to both himself and society.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: Kittygalore on February 12, 2021, 11:38:07 AM
We are just enjoying the shadow of the real freedom. Have you heard of the Allegory of the Cave by Plato? It tells the story of the people that are distracted by the shadows of the things and they are content with it, not exploring outside the cave, like them we do not know what true freedom is, all the things we experience are just the baptized definition for it and nothing that, true freedom is something that is subjective to each person but to say that we are not enjoying freedom is a far fetch idea, we are enjoying it, it's just that we have our own definition of it as I have said earlier about it being a subjective.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 12, 2021, 01:14:57 PM
freedom is based on restriction. We totally have freedom now. We aren't forced to learn languages of other tyrant nation, we can buy things we want...
But you are forced to keep working all the day, no matter how much you are earning you are still in need of money which is the new system of making the people to be slave. ;D

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: newwest on February 12, 2021, 01:30:42 PM
freedom is based on restriction. We totally have freedom now. We aren't forced to learn languages of other tyrant nation, we can buy things we want...
But you are forced to keep working all the day, no matter how much you are earning you are still in need of money which is the new system of making the people to be slave. ;D

Its up to you if you want to work or not. If you have a decent money then you can stop working and leave a life in normal way so that you can survive yourself for rest of life with that money. Also, you choose your hobby as a work so that you will never feel you are working, you will always feel you are just enjoying while doing you hobby stuff.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 12, 2021, 02:52:19 PM
freedom is based on restriction. We totally have freedom now. We aren't forced to learn languages of other tyrant nation, we can buy things we want...
But you are forced to keep working all the day, no matter how much you are earning you are still in need of money which is the new system of making the people to be slave. ;D

Its up to you if you want to work or not. If you have a decent money then you can stop working and leave a life in normal way so that you can survive yourself for rest of life with that money. Also, you choose your hobby as a work so that you will never feel you are working, you will always feel you are just enjoying while doing you hobby stuff.

What amount you can say is decent money to get retired in 2021?

I am talking about the majority of people in this world who are working - salaried people, they get increment every year and lot of bonus but they are still in the middle class right? Because the money they get through increment will be nullified with the inflation rate so they are working for the same shit paper money all their life.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: sportclub2010 on February 12, 2021, 08:02:41 PM
Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.
This is called the laws of a civilized society. If we live in a society, then we must always observe its laws. If you do not want to live by these laws, then go to a deserted island where there is no civilization, and do whatever you want there.

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: TheBesttSolution on November 18, 2021, 01:34:21 PM
you dont always look for the freedom yourself.Freeedom is a state of mind ,not a having .more often it finds you ! :)

Title: Re: Are you looking for freedom
Post by: traderabove on November 18, 2021, 07:30:18 PM

There is no real freedom, I realize. We're just in the game. Just with different rules and players. Everything has its own rules and no matter what game we are playing, we always have to follow the rules of that game.

Since the world is existing everything is a one big playground.