Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Cryptoababe on November 14, 2020, 10:43:49 AM

Title: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: Cryptoababe on November 14, 2020, 10:43:49 AM
For me, when the corona virus lockdown started and I see btc price falling more, I bought more bitcoin.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: boyptc on November 14, 2020, 10:50:22 AM
Saved and didn't spend that much for unusual things and hobby. Stayed at home and just continued what I've been doing. Checking the price of bitcoin, forum, playing games.

This pandemic taught everyone to save and invest.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: ethereumhunter on November 14, 2020, 11:43:05 AM
Trying to make myself busy doing many things to kill boredom. I feel that I can not just stay at home without doing something because my family needs to buy our daily needs. I also check the market, trying to trade and make a profit, and I think the result is good for me. I believe that this pandemic will end and will not stay with us forever.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: devil2man on November 14, 2020, 04:42:33 PM
personally during this period I increased my presence and activity in the crypto world, I wrote more on the forums, I made more transactions / trading I followed my investments more, and obviously I played a lot of video games

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: UmerIdrees on November 14, 2020, 04:43:20 PM
During the pandemic i was at home full time so i decided to utilize this time and learned video editing. After that i make up my YouTube Channel and try to monetize it. I am happy that i utilize this time learning and did not waste this time sleeping or remaining idle.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: Renampun on November 14, 2020, 07:10:59 PM
I have written a lot about what I did during the corona outbreak on other topics...
During this outbreak I was selling homemade masks online, currently, sales are declining because of the large number of competitors in my area and also many residents who don't believe in the corona outbreak anymore.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: FantasyGold on November 14, 2020, 09:37:43 PM
Frankly speaking, I don’t think the lockdown made a lot of difference to my life at all. I mostly do freelancing, and with that, I don’t think much difference was made. Nowadays, I focus on LaborX (, as one of the best place through which I can operate and do my stuff, it is how I am able to gain and generate consistent money too, it is what keeps me moving right and able to build on my career as well.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: BADecker on November 14, 2020, 09:46:51 PM
I walked around town. I climbed the mountains. I took vitamins A, D, and C... along with zinc. I had fun watching all the masked people, most of whom only wore masks to be polite to others.

Fun is fun. Polite is polite. But now it is time to be polite to others by showing them the stupidity of wearing masks... and of not taking their vitamins.


Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: OgNasty on November 14, 2020, 10:23:43 PM (

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: peter0425 on November 15, 2020, 02:49:39 AM
For me, when the corona virus lockdown started and I see btc price falling more, I bought more bitcoin.

So how much Bitcoin have you bought that time?if you are talking about last march Dump then for sure you have a x3 profit by now?

Good for you then.

What i did last Lockdown?we take the advantage of having Online Business and good that we are now stable and the business is really gaining day after day.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: rodskee on November 15, 2020, 03:49:27 AM
For me, when the corona virus lockdown started and I see btc price falling more, I bought more bitcoin.

I have bought some Altcoins that time and now i can see my profit  8)

I bought    ::::





and of course Bitcoin lol.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: Sortbyme on November 15, 2020, 01:47:37 PM
I am writing essays to order. Side work will not be superfluous during a pandemic. Any college, university, or the institute in this age, the most common query among the students is to cheap assignment writing or write my assignments just because of the life other busy schedule students face the difficulties and in this regards the most reliable and the helpful people and the organizations like cheap reliable essay writing service - ( give the best assistance to those students who really need it. For all these kinds of queries, the answer is only to take help from the professionals and the experts.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: Mauser on November 15, 2020, 03:15:27 PM
For me, when the corona virus lockdown started and I see btc price falling more, I bought more bitcoin.

Congratulations, you must have got really nice returns. I wish I had bought more coins unfortunately I didn't have much spare money this year. Atleast I didn't sell any coins, so I still profited from the up tick. If prices would drop again to 10k after Christmas, I would also buy more.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: GDragon on November 15, 2020, 06:58:02 PM
I've done so many things during the pandemic honestly, maybe I'm just at home and just too bored. I start creating my own blog, write a few screenplays and short stories, watch a lot of movies, work, and discovers new video games that I still play even today.

In terms of my coins, I earn a few too, as of now, I do have coins waiting to be sold, I also sold a few months ago but it's worth it. I think if the ath would be reach, I would sell all of my coins.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: btc_love on November 16, 2020, 03:14:42 AM
In fact, I'm very grateful to this plandemic. Now I know for sure that you shouldn't stay in big cities. You need to have your own free land away in nature, where you can grow your food, have your own water, your own large territory, your own heating for the winter, your own electricity (if needed). I've learned a lot since last spring on survival and autonomy. If some emergency happens, then I will be able to take my family and friends out of this all (even if the roads are blocked).
And in general we live in interesting times. Now many are beginning to wake up and realize that lies are everywhere in all areas (although this was not the case before).

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: jemimah_f3 on November 16, 2020, 01:01:37 PM
I did almost the same what I do in regular times: walked in parks, met with friends, did some shopping, watched movies. But I did a lot of crypto trading and bought more btc during this time.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: bitterguy28 on November 16, 2020, 01:29:35 PM
For me, when the corona virus lockdown started and I see btc price falling more, I bought more bitcoin.

Our place is one  of the most strictest place when the Corona comes as we have the largest total of infected thats why we have no option but to stay inside our houses and the government is just supplying all our needs.

What i did is Try to create blogs and videos in youtube.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: lienfaye on November 16, 2020, 01:41:09 PM
The lockdown force us to stay at home thus what I did is to think of something that can give us an extra income.

I sell food during afternoon, in this way we have something to rely on to sustain our needs since we stop working because our company is close temporarily.

I also had a chance to do what I missed because of work like watching movies, bonding with my kids and sleep longer during nap time.

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: BADecker on November 17, 2020, 02:19:45 AM
What did you do during the corona virus?

I did the same old stuff as before. But now that the pandemic is over, I intend to expand my activities.


Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: InnaSmetana on November 17, 2020, 08:49:20 AM
Mнe в кaкoй-тo cтeпeни вeceнняя пaндeмия дaжe нeмнoгo пoшлa нa пoльзy- пoдтянyлa aнглийcкий язык (пpoшлa кypcы в Zoom, пoxyдeлa (кaк нe cтpaннo ;D). Пepeбpaлa зaлeжи вeщeй в шкaфy cвoeм и дeтcкoм- cтoлькo вceгo пoлeзнoгo нaшлa))))). B oбщeм пpoвeлa вpeмя c пoльзoй. Ho ceйчac y нac в Укpaинe втopaя вoлнa пoшлa, тeпepь cнoвa нyжнo пpидyмывaть ceбe зaнятиe. Caмoe глaвнoe xopoшee нacтpoeниe ;)

Title: Re: What did you do during the corona virus?
Post by: coderben on November 17, 2020, 01:28:48 PM
I stayed at home most of the time and I still continue like this. In my country, the covid-19 cases have increased highly recently. I do my work and other things at home. I hope we can get rid of this coronavirus any time soon. I really missed the times that I go to different places relievedly.