Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: JaredKaragen on November 18, 2020, 01:41:21 AM

Title: 2020 Absence
Post by: JaredKaragen on November 18, 2020, 01:41:21 AM
So this is just a friendly Hello....

Been absent from here for the most part all of 2020.     With COVID, lock downs, crazy orders from our governor....  I have had a lot to try and deal with.
Started a manufacturing business.   Ended up buying a beat up CNC mini mill;  Fixing its problems, completely rebuilding it for the most part....

I already have a few product designs, and have a few prototypes floating in the wild.   I am half way through production on my first batch of 10 units of product #1.

Many late nights at my friends shop repairing and tuning up a lathe.

Many late nights of figuring out why my mill was not acting properly....  even burned out the motor controller during a lightning storm.


Still alive.

Still kicking.

Trying to make the best of what looks like a pretty dismal future.

Hopefully good will prevail here in the USA... but it seems like... its far fetched at times.

I got my head up.    Keep yours up too.

Ill try and be around to grace with my knowledge and support once again.     I want to get back into the hardware/software side of crypto again.   I miss it.  More than you know.