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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on November 27, 2020, 01:44:03 AM

Title: Situation Update 11/26/20: Flynn in place, DoD aligned, rendition flights ACTIVE
Post by: BADecker on November 27, 2020, 01:44:03 AM
Looks like the Dems are moving the whole nation into marshal law and military lockdown. How are they doing this? Their vote fraud is so widespread and so intense that, Trump has to do this military thing to destroy Dem corruption... along with a whole bunch more major big business corruption.

Watch the video (really an audio) at the site. Plus

Situation Update – Nov. 26th – Flynn in place, DoD aligned, rendition flights ACTIVE (

The Situation Update bombshells just keep getting more intense by the day. Right now, the average American news consumer is 100% clueless of reality, having no idea that treasonous operators across America are being extracted, placed in private contractor “rendition flights” and are being subjected to in-flight interrogations until they confess to their roles in attempting to overthrow the United States of America.

This is happening every hour of every day, right this very minute. We know this because of flight track records which are OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) information.

We also know that the pardon of Gen. Michael Flynn has further confirmed that DoD personnel are being aligned for the “national defense” option that gets triggered if SCOTUS fails to uphold the rule of law. The rigged, fraudulent election that just took place was an act of international cyber warfare against the United States of America, and this places the authority for dealing with the election fraud outside the courts and even outside SCOTUS. Because the election interference was a cyber warfare attack on declared critical U.S. infrastructure, President Trump has the option to invoke a national defense response, complete with SOF (Special Operations Forces) deployment domestically, as well as the invocation of the Insurrection Act as well as the Fourteenth Amendment provisions that strip electoral votes from states engaged in rebellion.

Trump may also invoke the NDAA, and combined with his Sep. 12, 2018 execute order, Trump may designated those who engaged in coordinated election rigging as “enemy combatants,” allowing them to be extracted, detained and even interrogated, completely outside the normal court system. (This power of government, by the way, is extremely dangerous and must be repealed, but it currently rests in the hands of President Trump, years after treasonous sleeper cell Barack Obama signed it into law. Trump should use this power, defeat the deep state, then move to repeal this power permanently.)

In today’s Situation Update, I lay out all these details (and more) in a rapid-fire format, covering the rendition flights, DoD personnel alignment, the SCOTUS option, the post-SCOTUS military option, and much more. If you want to stay informed on what’s really happening at the highest levels of power in the United States military and government, listen to this Nov. 26th Situation Update podcast (and feel free to repost elsewhere such as Bitchute or Rumble):


Title: Re: Situation Update 11/26/20: Flynn in place, DoD aligned, rendition flights ACTIVE
Post by: tvbcof on November 27, 2020, 06:22:51 AM
Oh goodie.  Trust the plan!  How many times are you going to fall for this crap?  You people are so gullible.

Title: Re: Situation Update 11/26/20: Flynn in place, DoD aligned, rendition flights ACTIVE
Post by: BADecker on November 28, 2020, 04:27:50 PM
Oh goodie.  Trust the plan!  How many times are you going to fall for this crap?  You people are so gullible.

Well, what is your suggestion? Most of living with other people around involves trust. When you walk down the sidewalk, you don't know for a fact that the person walking towards you is an average, friendly person. He may smile. He may wave. He may say "Hi." But he might, as he walks by, suddenly pull out a knife and stab you. If he can do this, what about people in banking and government?

So, what is your suggestion? It's rather worse over in the Philippines, isn't it?

I agree that the Trump operation might simply be a way to make and maintain a different kind of evil. Or the same kind in a different way. But many of the dozens or hundreds of things that Trump has done to benefit America, seem to show that he is working for America rather than against the people. Yet the few things that Biden and Obama did, if it didn't hurt the people directly, didn't help them much.

However, you are right. Don't trust the plan. But don't run away, either. Rather, work to destroy the evil of all the plans.

CONFIRMED: Trump pardoned Flynn to put him back in play at the DoD with Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen-Watnick in preparation for mass ARRESTS of treasonous deep state actors (

If there were ever a maneuver that could be characterized as “unleashing the Kraken,” this is it: President Trump just pardoned Gen. Michael Flynn, who was framed and vilified by the corrupt, treasonous deep state because Flynn refused to betray his country and serve as Obama’s DoD puppet.

Flynn is now a free man, and all the efforts of the deep state to destroy him have failed. But that’s only a tiny slice of the real story unfolding here. The far bigger story is that Flynn is being put back into play at the DoD, working alongside Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Chris Miller (now the Secretary of Defense) to deploy all available DoD resources to take down deep state traitors and defend the American republic against its domestic enemies.

I cover this in several of my “Situation Update” podcasts which are getting distributed all over the D.C. area as well as the military, we’re told. I’ve posted the most recent episodes below, including the Nov. 25th Situation Update. (There’s a new one coming each day. Check to see the podcasts on the right column.)

Deep state in total panic as Trump installs unstoppable patriots in key positions at the DoD

This move on Flynn has enormous implications and no doubt has deep state traitors crapping themselves all over D.C. If you thought the toilet paper shortage was bad already, it’s going to get a whole lot worse as news of this pardon spreads. And there may even be a run on adult diapers in the districts closest to the Pentagon and the CIA.


Title: Re: Situation Update 11/26/20: Flynn in place, DoD aligned, rendition flights ACTIVE
Post by: tvbcof on November 28, 2020, 05:18:27 PM
Oh goodie.  Trust the plan!  How many times are you going to fall for this crap?  You people are so gullible.

Well, what is your suggestion? Most of living with other people around involves trust. When you walk down the sidewalk, you don't know for a fact that the person walking towards you is an average, friendly person. He may smile. He may wave. He may say "Hi." But he might, as he walks by, suddenly pull out a knife and stab you. If he can do this, what about people in banking and government?

So, what is your suggestion? It's rather worse over in the Philippines, isn't it?

Security is more of a 'roll your own' thing in The Philippines, but there are more tools for the job since fewer people rely on the government for support in this respect (or in almost any other respect for that matter.)  I find it refreshing, and, after getting some certain things organized, I sleep more soundly at night than do most Americans in most cities I'll wager.  You know what they say about 'play stupid games'.  Most people who get into trouble here seem to map to that dynamic.

The Philippines is sending Filipinos around the world to take care of old and sick people (and toilets);  NOT to kill people...although I sense that plenty of Filipinos are getting sucked into the Greater Israel project as truck drivers in the occupied territories and such.  Even if the government were acting as USrael's bitch as are most of the Western countries, they would not be doing it in my name because I am not a citizen.  I would once again vote with my feet if they started.  Things that are being done in my name and with my money are what I care about the most.

As for 'fighting for America', there simply is not much left to fight for.  I'll support any country which embraces some of the old principles of the republic whether it is the U.S. or some other country.  None of the ZOG and almost none of the peeps are currently willing to do such a thing, and a precious few could even conceptualize most of these principles any more.

Title: Re: Situation Update 11/26/20: Flynn in place, DoD aligned, rendition flights ACTIVE
Post by: BADecker on November 28, 2020, 07:04:42 PM
Oh goodie.  Trust the plan!  How many times are you going to fall for this crap?  You people are so gullible.

Well, what is your suggestion? Most of living with other people around involves trust. When you walk down the sidewalk, you don't know for a fact that the person walking towards you is an average, friendly person. He may smile. He may wave. He may say "Hi." But he might, as he walks by, suddenly pull out a knife and stab you. If he can do this, what about people in banking and government?

So, what is your suggestion? It's rather worse over in the Philippines, isn't it?

As for 'fighting for America', there simply is not much left to fight for.  I'll support any country which embraces some of the old principles of the republic whether it is the U.S. or some other country.  None of the ZOG and almost none of the peeps are currently willing to do such a thing, and a precious few could even conceptualize most of these principles any more.

The reason is that Americans have forgotten the principles of freedom, because they had it so good for such a long time that they indulged other aspects of life.

As long as the Constitution stands with the Bill of Rights as it is today, the people have an easy way to manipulate government in any way they want, through the courts.

It involves using The Federal District court, as opposed to The United States District Court, even though they are both held in the US District Court building.

The answer can be found in CORPUS JURIS SECUNDUM, the Federal Courts area, section 744. JC used it in this video But, he doesn't express what exactly he (they) did, or how and why it worked. Study it and think. I believe I know what they did deeper than the video explanation, even though I don't know why it worked or exactly how to use it.

If you figure it out, you will laugh at the simplicity of it, and at yourself for not knowing how easy it is to thwart the various governments in America. Have fun. I appreciate your comments.


Title: Re: Situation Update 11/26/20: Flynn in place, DoD aligned, rendition flights ACTIVE
Post by: Spendulus on December 01, 2020, 08:14:49 AM
....Because the election interference was a cyber warfare attack on declared critical U.S. infrastructure, President Trump has the option to invoke a national defense response, complete with SOF (Special Operations Forces) deployment domestically, as well as the invocation of the Insurrection Act as well as the Fourteenth Amendment provisions that strip electoral votes from states engaged in rebellion.

Trump may also invoke the NDAA, and combined with his Sep. 12, 2018 execute order, Trump may designated those who engaged in coordinated election rigging as “enemy combatants,” ...

I could definitely go for Adam Schiff in Guantanamo.