Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: cryptoboss2020 on December 12, 2020, 03:12:07 PM

Title: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: cryptoboss2020 on December 12, 2020, 03:12:07 PM
Everything else are not sure.

The best assets to hold are:
Eur and dollars in case one would disapere you have another.
Best way to hold is in your wallet or in your pocket.

The bitcoin crypto eth they can go up or down.
The Property the price can go up and down or you might need quick cash but to sell property its not instant.... By the time you waiting for buyer the price can fall down.

But the fiat currency never disapeares from your pocket!!

Eur and dollars keep in your pocket in real wallet :)

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: DooMAD on December 12, 2020, 04:16:28 PM
If we're talking about performance, USD is not a safe haven (  Please stop offering "advice".  No one in their right mind should be listening to anything you say.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: fiulpro on December 12, 2020, 04:19:52 PM
The problem is not with Euro or Dollar value as a currency, the problem is ;
1. The freedom is superficial , people don't actually have the ability to protect their currencies , you will have to keep a certain amount in the banks for sure since this would be much safer and of due to any reason the bank account got blocked there is nothing that can be done then.
2. You can never know what will happen if pandemic or any economic crisis strikes.
3. You cannot make hefty profits by trading in them
4. Keeping your money in wallet is never a safe option , just some amount is good but unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world
5. Government tracks your expenses, spends , taxes , returns , everything which is not at all ideal.

Cryptocurrencies are not here to replace fiat , they are here to provide people freedom to make their on decisions in the financial sectors.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Charles-Tim on December 12, 2020, 04:31:56 PM
I think you need to read this quote:

Gold reached a price of $678 U.S. dollars in 1980, according to a breakdown from Visual Capitalist. Accounting for inflation, based on calculations from, $678 in 1980 held the same buying power as approximately $2,142 in 2020. The precious metal technically broke its U.S. dollar all-time high this year, hitting $2,075, according to TradingView data. Its 1980 record purchasing power level remains unbroken, however. Since its push to $2,075 in August, gold has retraced in price, sitting near $1,778 per ounce at the time of publication.

Bitcoin hit its last all-time price high in 2017, tagging $19,891.99, according to Coinbase’s price index. Accounting for inflation, Bitcoin’s record high stands at $21,131.02 in terms of value, indicates. U.S. dollar holders lose approximately 2% of their purchasing power per year on average from inflation. Official data reveals 2.13% inflation in 2017, 2.49% in 2018, 1.76% in 2019 and 1.86% in 2020. “If you bought #Bitcoin at the top in December 2017, you won’t truly recover your buying power until we hit 21.24k,” podcaster Vlad Costea said in a tweet on Tuesday. Costea used $20,000 as Bitcoin’s high, putting the numbers and dates into an inflation calculator to determine the most accurate figures.
This will let you know how fiat like dollar is not a safe haven that is subjected to depreciation over time.

You need to read this too
Taking U.S. dollar devaluation into account, gold has still not reached the all-time price high it set in 1980.

I hope you will be able to get the reason why bitcoin is better than depreciating fiats.

In addition, if I want to hold Euro or Dollar, I will need a bank domiciliary account for it, while the buy rate is much higher than the sell rate, is that not another loss? Although my country fiat does not make any sense at all and will later devalue in a way we holding Dollars, Euro or Pounds will later gain. Not everyone is from USA, UK or people from European countries, why not stable coins for people not from the countries you mentioned? But as bitcoin is deflationary, I prefer it to others. But with what you meant, you can diversify your funds by having both bitcoin and stable coins.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Sterbens on December 12, 2020, 04:34:05 PM

The bitcoin crypto eth they can go up or down.
The Property the price can go up and down or you might need quick cash but to sell property its not instant.... By the time you waiting for buyer the price can fall down.

But the fiat currency never disapeares from your pocket!!

Eur and dollars keep in your pocket in real wallet :)

In my opinion, whether it is euros or dollars, it will still be lost in your pocket.
don't they all have an expenditure function? in the end you will exchange it.
Think you're just saving up and not using it to buy anything? lol

Like cryptocurrency, it will remain safe if it is stored. Although the price value will decrease, it still has the potential to increase.

then where are your suggestions for us in this matter?
Is there any?
the answer: NO

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: cryptoboss2020 on December 12, 2020, 04:43:15 PM

The bitcoin crypto eth they can go up or down.
The Property the price can go up and down or you might need quick cash but to sell property its not instant.... By the time you waiting for buyer the price can fall down.

But the fiat currency never disapeares from your pocket!!

Eur and dollars keep in your pocket in real wallet :)

In my opinion, whether it is euros or dollars, it will still be lost in your pocket.
don't they all have an expenditure function? in the end you will exchange it.
Think you're just saving up and not using it to buy anything? lol

Like cryptocurrency, it will remain safe if it is stored. Although the price value will decrease, it still has the potential to increase.

then where are your suggestions for us in this matter?
Is there any?
the answer: NO

But to be honest:

The true safe heaven is to hold your funds in decentralized asset like a  bitcoin :)
Even If one ot another currency will go down or inflation or restrictions by holding the bitcoin you have world best liqutity.
Becouse you can move your wealth according the best needs

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: danglongbtc on December 12, 2020, 06:40:49 PM
It is not about the safe heaven. It is about value your assets provide. For example, a few hundred thousand bitcoins could be able to buy a Play Station. But it could be purchased by a few USD/EUR. Now take it as an example in 2020.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: 20kevin20 on December 12, 2020, 09:19:54 PM
You probably haven't heard of Hungarian Pengo ( and annual inflation then. If EUR and USD are safe haven assets to you, you should consider taking a course of economics. The only thing you can do is play with the EUR/USD pair - and even that is like useless unless you have a ton of money to trade.

Let's take it the opposite way: EUR and USD keeps going up and down while 1 BTC still equals 1 BTC. I could've purchased a candy with 1 BTC 10 years ago while today I can use it to purchase a house. Meanwhile, EUR and USD only kept going lower and lower over the years!

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: cryptoboss2020 on December 12, 2020, 11:11:22 PM
You probably haven't heard of Hungarian Pengo ( and annual inflation then. If EUR and USD are safe haven assets to you, you should consider taking a course of economics. The only thing you can do is play with the EUR/USD pair - and even that is like useless unless you have a ton of money to trade.

Let's take it the opposite way: EUR and USD keeps going up and down while 1 BTC still equals 1 BTC. I could've purchased a candy with 1 BTC 10 years ago while today I can use it to purchase a house. Meanwhile, EUR and USD only kept going lower and lower over the years!

What If the Banks decide to make intresr rates higher? 

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Vispilio on December 12, 2020, 11:16:49 PM
Obviously a trolling attempt, you might as well put toilet paper in your pockets and seek safety in the solid texture of that, it would be a similar line of reasoning to the one you are making with fiat money...

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: cryptoboss2020 on December 13, 2020, 12:22:47 AM
Obviously a trolling attempt, you might as well put toilet paper in your pockets and seek safety in the solid texture of that, it would be a similar line of reasoning to the one you are making with fiat money...

Everybody talking about this inflation thing now days
Even those who dont have much money.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Broly46 on December 13, 2020, 12:27:34 AM
$678 in 1980 held the same buying power as approximately $2,142 in 2020.

Call me a simpleton all you want but number won’t lie, people lie, banker lie, analyst lie.
$678 is absolutely bigger than $2142, and there is people who want to argue to death they’re looking at a smaller number, please I swear to god, the financial market is literally trying to make thing very complex and at the same time telling more story to justify their idiocy. :)

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Jawhead999 on December 13, 2020, 03:41:34 AM
And this is even worst
In other words, $1 in 1800 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $20.65 in 2020, a difference of $19.65 over 220 years.
This means USD and fiat money will become worthless in the future because of high inflation, money printer go "brrrrrrr" in this pandemic.

The true safe heaven is to hold your funds in decentralized asset like a  bitcoin :)
Even If one ot another currency will go down or inflation or restrictions by holding the bitcoin you have world best liqutity.
Becouse you can move your wealth according the best needs
Even though I trusting Bitcoin, I wouldn't call Bitcoin as a safe heaven now since it's still fairly new and not much adoption yet. We can't be sure what will happen in the future. The market is to volatile IMO.

Gold will be good answer since it has been existed for a long time and valuable until now.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Mauser on December 13, 2020, 05:33:23 AM
Everything else are not sure.

The best assets to hold are:
Eur and dollars in case one would disapere you have another.
Best way to hold is in your wallet or in your pocket.

The bitcoin crypto eth they can go up or down.
The Property the price can go up and down or you might need quick cash but to sell property its not instant.... By the time you waiting for buyer the price can fall down.

But the fiat currency never disapeares from your pocket!!

Eur and dollars keep in your pocket in real wallet :)

Holding USD or EUR cash could be alright if you don't worry so much about inflation. I would recommend to invest more actively. If there is going to be a global recovery next year and you just hold cash then you are missing out on a lot of returns. Atleast some index funds as part of your portfolio can make a huge difference. I don't think we will be seeing falling prices next year.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: ChrisPop on December 13, 2020, 05:40:52 AM
I don't really understand your train of thought. You say that if you don't have EUR you have the USD in case one "disappears". They can't really disappear. They just be replaced by something. Don't worry, we will always have a a means of exchange.

The thing is with fiat currencies that you don't benefit from asset appreciation. Quite the opposite.. Your wealth will slowly be chopped down by inflation. Moreover do you trust the government to correctly handle the purchasing power of your money? Can we really trust that politicians do everything in our best interest when we have quite a low transparency of where our taxes go?

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: rat03gopoh on December 13, 2020, 06:44:32 AM
Wait, why did you suddenly change your mind 91 minutes later?
The best assets to hold are:
Eur and dollars in case one would disapere you have another.
Best way to hold is in your wallet or in your pocket.

But to be honest:

The true safe heaven is to hold your funds in decentralized asset like a  bitcoin :)

Which of these 2 contradicting statements do you really want everyone to understand? It seems you are trying to compare but don't understand the difference between the two.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Broly46 on December 13, 2020, 08:06:24 AM
And this is even worst
In other words, $1 in 1800 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $20.65 in 2020, a difference of $19.65 over 220 years.
This means USD and fiat money will become worthless in the future because of high inflation, money printer go "brrrrrrr" in this pandemic.

The true safe heaven is to hold your funds in decentralized asset like a  bitcoin :)
Even If one ot another currency will go down or inflation or restrictions by holding the bitcoin you have world best liqutity.
Becouse you can move your wealth according the best needs
Even though I trusting Bitcoin, I wouldn't call Bitcoin as a safe heaven now since it's still fairly new and not much adoption yet. We can't be sure what will happen in the future. The market is to volatile IMO.

Gold will be good answer since it has been existed for a long time and valuable until now.

1800, LOL, I’m sure you simply quote a random number and trying to make sense out of nonsense, btw in 1800 none of you could have born in the world, and there is little to no record of what’s life in that period also I wonder if America is even existed during that time, I though America is a very new country on surface earth, that’s talking about less than 200 years of history.😂 prove me wrong then.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: cabron on December 13, 2020, 08:40:41 AM

Why dont you just put your money to stablecoin than that usd or eur fiat, its all the same but this time you have it in a wallet where you easily access cruptocurrency such as btc and then get out and in again.

In the forum, you will not find someone who will prefer to hold usd nor Eur. This is bitcoin forum and everybody knows usd and eur is only good if it can directly buy BTC.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Taskford on December 13, 2020, 09:15:15 AM
Everything else are not sure.

The best assets to hold are:
Eur and dollars in case one would disapere you have another.
Best way to hold is in your wallet or in your pocket.

The bitcoin crypto eth they can go up or down.
The Property the price can go up and down or you might need quick cash but to sell property its not instant.... By the time you waiting for buyer the price can fall down.

But the fiat currency never disapeares from your pocket!!

Eur and dollars keep in your pocket in real wallet :)

How can it be safe if the price fluctuates? we see the price fall down so this is not really a safe heaven but instead I like the property things since real estate investment is much safer done any other else the price always appreciate but make sure to buy those properties near on the city or have an access to basic needs of person for faster value appreciation.

But if you have multiple option and have a lot of money then try all the things you suggest since maybe it will work and can possibly generate you a profit.

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: cryptoboss2020 on December 13, 2020, 11:21:46 AM

Why dont you just put your money to stablecoin than that usd or eur fiat, its all the same but this time you have it in a wallet where you easily access cruptocurrency such as btc and then get out and in again.

In the forum, you will not find someone who will prefer to hold usd nor Eur. This is bitcoin forum and everybody knows usd and eur is only good if it can directly buy BTC.

Paper money is hackers proof ;)

Title: Re: I discovered something Good best safe heaven assets best performance
Post by: Princejebs on December 13, 2020, 04:48:02 PM
Everything else are not sure.

The best assets to hold are:
Eur and dollars in case one would disapere you have another.
Best way to hold is in your wallet or in your pocket.

The bitcoin crypto eth they can go up or down.
The Property the price can go up and down or you might need quick cash but to sell property its not instant.... By the time you waiting for buyer the price can fall down.

But the fiat currency never disapeares from your pocket!!

Eur and dollars keep in your pocket in real wallet :)

Have you seen the rate at which dollar is been printed by the fed? Holding USD or EUR wouldn't be a good thing.
I will rather hold Bitcoin and Ether, but I will do so when the market has crash.
There is high chance that bitcoin and cryptocurrency but don't expect a USD bill to buy the price of 2020 in 2025.