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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: nutildah on December 19, 2020, 11:18:24 PM

Title: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: nutildah on December 19, 2020, 11:18:24 PM
Trump has once again contradicted intelligence experts to arrive at his own conclusions regarding the recent hack by Russia, saying he not only believes China was responsible for the hack, but that it was somehow tied to the imaginary voting fraud issue he uses to undermine the credibility of his own office.

How do you read something like this tweet and not walk away thinking "that man is probably the biggest piece of shit president of all-time" ?

If by now you don't understand that he's just been making this voter fraud "issue" up since 2016, you're either full of shit or very stupid, or both. There's no middle ground here anymore.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: suchmoon on December 20, 2020, 12:04:07 AM
What if Putin told him that he didn't do it. You can't expect Trump to trust US intelligence experts over a former KGB officer, can you?

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: nutildah on December 20, 2020, 12:27:33 AM
What if Putin told him that he didn't do it. You can't expect Trump to trust US intelligence experts over a former KGB officer, can you?

I don't know why he would trust a former KGB officer.

Oh, sorry I misspoke. I meant to say, I don't know why he wouldn't trust a former KGB officer.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: TwitchySeal on December 20, 2020, 03:53:49 AM
I assume anything Pompeo does between now and Jan 20 to be motivated purely by his desire to run for president in 2024/28.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: AliErkic on December 20, 2020, 04:08:12 AM
How do you read something like this tweet and not walk away thinking "that man is probably the biggest piece of shit president of all-time" ?
Trump is a selfish idiot only caring for his own benefits and all Trumptards don't even notice it by supporting his lies: Mexicans are always criminals, China is always evil and muslims are always terrorists. And brainwashed Trumptards believe it. What a shame for all Trumptards.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: philipma1957 on December 20, 2020, 04:30:49 AM
Trump has once again contradicted intelligence experts to arrive at his own conclusions regarding the recent hack by Russia, saying he not only believes China was responsible for the hack, but that it was somehow tied to the imaginary voting fraud issue he uses to undermine the credibility of his own office.

How do you read something like this tweet and not walk away thinking "that man is probably the biggest piece of shit president of all-time" ?

If by now you don't understand that he's just been making this voter fraud "issue" up since 2016, you're either full of shit or very stupid, or both. There's no middle ground here anymore.

Some always trumpers are very smart and looking for trump to stay in power so they can rip off the loyal trumpers that simply follow trumps word.

if you believe the bell curve for iq.

48% of the  population has below a average iq.

so if 43% vote for trump and 10% of the smart people above average vote for trump he wins.

why would smart people want trump they think they can rob the dummies that vote for trump.

no more complicated then this.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: TwitchySeal on December 20, 2020, 04:59:24 AM
Trump has once again contradicted intelligence experts to arrive at his own conclusions regarding the recent hack by Russia, saying he not only believes China was responsible for the hack, but that it was somehow tied to the imaginary voting fraud issue he uses to undermine the credibility of his own office.

How do you read something like this tweet and not walk away thinking "that man is probably the biggest piece of shit president of all-time" ?

If by now you don't understand that he's just been making this voter fraud "issue" up since 2016, you're either full of shit or very stupid, or both. There's no middle ground here anymore.

Some always trumpers are very smart and looking for trump to stay in power so they can rip off the loyal trumpers that simply follow trumps word.

if you believe the bell curve for iq.

48% of the  population has below a average iq.

so if 43% vote for trump and 10% of the smart people above average vote for trump he wins.

why would smart people want trump they think they can rob the dummies that vote for trump.

no more complicated then this.

The two demos Trump wins by the most in:

- White males with a high school education or less
- People that make over 250k/year

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: tvbcof on December 20, 2020, 05:29:40 AM

The two demos Trump wins by the most in:

- White males with a high school education or less
- People that make over 250k/year

Ha, I hit both :)  (OK, OK, it's close to a true statement but not quite.)

Trump was a tool to use against Clinton.  When he proved to be a total fraud, which didn't take long, I distanced myself completely.  By the time a tool against Biden was needed any hope for Trump was totally beyond salvage (a state he achieved fully within a few months of being installed) but I didn't care much anyway since I had made my escape.  I wonder how many other people in my category had a roughly similar trajectory?

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on December 20, 2020, 06:30:33 AM
You are assuming that when there are two contradictory statements, that Trump is automatically wrong.

Trump has access to more intelligence than Pompeo and a wider range of people are advising Trump. There is the obvious incentive for Trump to blame China versus Russia for the hack, considering that China is in bed with Biden and the Democrats.

Without concrete evidence one way or another, I would not assume that either party is wrong based solely on their word.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: nutildah on December 20, 2020, 06:36:49 AM
You are assuming that when there are two contradictory statements, that Trump is automatically wrong.

Trump has access to more intelligence than Pompeo and a wider range of people are advising Trump. There is the obvious incentive for Trump to blame China versus Russia for the hack, considering that China is in bed with Biden and the Democrats.

Without concrete evidence one way or another, I would not assume that either party is wrong based solely on their word.

No, I literally said none of that. Nice dance moves though. I think they call that one The Worm.

You're a perfect example of who this thread is about though, so while you're here, answer me this:

Is the reason why you still believe Trump's lies because you are

a. stupid
b. full of shit

It must be one or the other, so which is it?

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: TwitchySeal on December 20, 2020, 07:28:38 AM
You are assuming that when there are two contradictory statements, that Trump is automatically wrong.

Trump has access to more intelligence than Pompeo and a wider range of people are advising Trump. There is the obvious incentive for Trump to blame China versus Russia for the hack, considering that China is in bed with Biden and the Democrats.

Without concrete evidence one way or another, I would not assume that either party is wrong based solely on their word.

Worth a read if you think Biden is the one in bed with China:

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: philipma1957 on December 20, 2020, 01:32:49 PM
Trump has once again contradicted intelligence experts to arrive at his own conclusions regarding the recent hack by Russia, saying he not only believes China was responsible for the hack, but that it was somehow tied to the imaginary voting fraud issue he uses to undermine the credibility of his own office.

How do you read something like this tweet and not walk away thinking "that man is probably the biggest piece of shit president of all-time" ?

If by now you don't understand that he's just been making this voter fraud "issue" up since 2016, you're either full of shit or very stupid, or both. There's no middle ground here anymore.

Some always trumpers are very smart and looking for trump to stay in power so they can rip off the loyal trumpers that simply follow trumps word.

if you believe the bell curve for iq.

48% of the  population has below a average iq.

so if 43% vote for trump and 10% of the smart people above average vote for trump he wins.

why would smart people want trump they think they can rob the dummies that vote for trump.

no more complicated then this.

The two demos Trump wins by the most in:

- White males with a high school education or less
- People that make over 250k/year

yep wise guys ripping off morons.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: KingScorpio on December 20, 2020, 05:06:38 PM
you can't trust the US intelligence either, its full or racist, antisemitic and corrupt democrats/lefties that desperately need russian labour in order to prevent the collapse of the economy of their "liberal democracy"

the democrats need war, as much as they lie around, about it, but what they still didn't recognized is, that they can't lie to the russians about their "humanist" goals anymore, becauce the division in the american democracy exposed them.

they need a conflict with russia, in order to prevent america collapsing under through its own corruption,

thats why the obama and the democrats desperately needed to tear down trump, because they love being corrupt, draining the swamp (which is nothing else but them) is to painful for them.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: theymos on December 20, 2020, 09:25:01 PM
You definitely shouldn't trust Trump, but it's sad to see a leftist like you implicitly trusting an ultra-neocon like Pompeo or "intelligence experts" just because they differ from Trump. Pompeo's the type who would jump at any opportunity to start a war, and he will resist any attempts at backing away from existing foreign intervention. He probably pushed for the assassination of Soleimani; he's one of the main people behind the dangerous, escalatory "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran; he downplayed the murder of Jamal Khashoggi; he's called COVID-19 a manmade Chinese virus; he supports torture; he supported the Iraq war; etc. People like Pompeo, Bolton, Bush, etc. are not good or trustworthy just because they sometimes oppose Trump, and in many ways they're actually worse. And "the intelligence community" is full of similar people, with similar histories of intentionally lying to the American people in order to further their ideology of escalation and intervention.

Figuring out who's behind a hack like this is difficult, and you can never be 100% sure. Maybe Trump is just pulling the China connection out of his ass based on nothing, but it also wouldn't be surprising if he wrote that tweet right after reading an intelligence report which said something like, "There are a lot of indications that it was Russia, but there's a 30% chance that it was an independent non-governmental attacker, and a 20% chance that it was China," and this gave Trump the idea to bring China into his election disinformation campaign. He's done this kind of thing several times before. When you're dealing with liars like Trump, Pompeo, and "leaks from the intelligence community", you can't trust that they're 100% lying, and you can't trust that they're 100% telling the truth.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: PrimeNumber7 on December 21, 2020, 02:05:52 AM
You are assuming that when there are two contradictory statements, that Trump is automatically wrong.

Trump has access to more intelligence than Pompeo and a wider range of people are advising Trump. There is the obvious incentive for Trump to blame China versus Russia for the hack, considering that China is in bed with Biden and the Democrats.

Without concrete evidence one way or another, I would not assume that either party is wrong based solely on their word.

Worth a read if you think Biden is the one in bed with China:
Having a bank account is not the same as receiving what amounts to bribes from the government/government-related entities. I also understand that Trump had attempted, unsuccessfully to do business in China and ended up not being able to make any money out of China, with all this being before Trump ran for President in 2015.

I know that China invests heavily in technology, and also has a habit of stealing IP. China also tends to use Americans to betray their country and spy on America, and steal American technology.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: TwitchySeal on December 21, 2020, 02:48:23 AM
You are assuming that when there are two contradictory statements, that Trump is automatically wrong.

Trump has access to more intelligence than Pompeo and a wider range of people are advising Trump. There is the obvious incentive for Trump to blame China versus Russia for the hack, considering that China is in bed with Biden and the Democrats.

Without concrete evidence one way or another, I would not assume that either party is wrong based solely on their word.

Worth a read if you think Biden is the one in bed with China:
Having a bank account is not the same as receiving what amounts to bribes from the government/government-related entities. I also understand that Trump had attempted, unsuccessfully to do business in China and ended up not being able to make any money out of China, with all this being before Trump ran for President in 2015.

I know that China invests heavily in technology, and also has a habit of stealing IP. China also tends to use Americans to betray their country and spy on America, and steal American technology.

The article goes into a lot more than simply Trumps Chinese bank account.  But I guess my point is that if you think the evidence of Biden taking bribes/being in bed with China is compelling, and you apply that same thought process to Trump (including his children), then I don't see how you could look at the situation objectively and simultaneously defend Trump while discrediting Biden.  The only explanation is that your political views are dictating the level of scrutiny you give to each politician.

The most glaring point is that literally every argument against Biden is based on the assumption that Joe and Hunter are business partners - which Joe has denied and there is little evidence to support.  I don't think it's impossible they have some sort of secret arrangement, but it appears the most likely situation is that Joe and Hunter are not involved in each others business or political careers.

On the other hand, Trump has 3 children that helped him run his international business for decades until he got elected and gave his daughter and son in law federal jobs and offices in the White House.  I mean, can you imagine what you would be saying if Biden was planning on giving his kid an office in the White House?

I think what might be happening is that you're taking Trumps relationship with his children and assuming that Biden must have a similar one with his.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: KingScorpio on December 21, 2020, 06:34:18 AM
you can't trust anything the democratic party is claiming they want to stay corrupt and liberal and want russian labour to prevent the situation of needing to drain their own corrupt swamp, like trump wants to do.

democrats are not progressive they are simply villains

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: Slow death on December 21, 2020, 02:54:45 PM

well if you live in the USA then you have to start getting used to the face of Joe Biden and the Democrats because you will see them for the next long years, and I say long years because without a doubt they will win in the second term. Trump made some mistakes that led to his defeat, even though I don't like international observers because most of the time they close their eyes to serious problems that have happened in the elections of several countries, but it is a fact that in this election Trump lost, and with that pandemic I think that biden is the most appropriate to be president of the USA in my opinion.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: KingScorpio on December 21, 2020, 03:14:02 PM

well if you live in the USA then you have to start getting used to the face of Joe Biden and the Democrats because you will see them for the next long years, and I say long years because without a doubt they will win in the second term. Trump made some mistakes that led to his defeat, even though I don't like international observers because most of the time they close their eyes to serious problems that have happened in the elections of several countries, but it is a fact that in this election Trump lost, and with that pandemic I think that biden is the most appropriate to be president of the USA in my opinion.

the usa will collapse under the corrupt democrats, the euro and russian rouble will become your currencies alongside bitcoin

americans will become cheap labour in europe and china, since the democrats will backstab white americans and jews as they will continue to expose themselves as a totalitarian racist and antisemitic movement. biden is their empty husk

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: TwitchySeal on December 21, 2020, 03:17:50 PM

well if you live in the USA then you have to start getting used to the face of Joe Biden and the Democrats because you will see them for the next long years, and I say long years because without a doubt they will win in the second term. Trump made some mistakes that led to his defeat, even though I don't like international observers because most of the time they close their eyes to serious problems that have happened in the elections of several countries, but it is a fact that in this election Trump lost, and with that pandemic I think that biden is the most appropriate to be president of the USA in my opinion.

the usa will collapse under the corrupt democrats, the euro and russian rouble will become your currencies alongside bitcoin

Hockey and fighting bears will become more popular than baseball.

Americans will drink more vodka than Bud Light.

And no other country will ever win an olympic gold medal.  Except maybe China in ping pong.

Title: Re: Trump contradicts Pompeo, claims Russian hack was coordinated by China
Post by: squatz1 on December 23, 2020, 07:04:27 AM
What if Putin told him that he didn't do it. You can't expect Trump to trust US intelligence experts over a former KGB officer, can you?


That was literally his defense of Russia collusion in the US election in 2016. As an aside, I still think 'Russia Collusion' is a very horrible headline/name when the most that was done was ad buys and efforts to make already divided Americans more divided. Makes it sound much worse then it was, even if it was very horrible.

But like shit, if you have top intelligence people saying that Russia did this -- from many different parts of the US government -- then what is there to talk about? May China have been involved too, yes, but that's not something that they're saying right now.

If the intelligence community is looking for some sort of way to get public support behind some sort of war with Russia, then I understand the concerns of Trump, but that's not what he's pushing here. If he really wants to 'get to the bottom of this' you setup some sort of bipartisan committee in Congress to see what they can find on the matter if you don't want to trust shadowy figures, but yet again, not what is happening here.