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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Theoboy on December 24, 2020, 09:17:34 AM

Title: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: Theoboy on December 24, 2020, 09:17:34 AM
In Africa to be precise Nigeria is preparing for the second phase of the covid-19 lockdown which according to the president says it will be extended for four weeks(one month) after recording new cases in Lagos.


Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: tabas on December 24, 2020, 10:07:03 PM
If you'll attach a link, just don't paste the whole google link that showed as a result. Include the main article that you're referencing for this report. Like this one.
New lockdown in Lagos: Second coronavirus lockdown fit happen for Nigeria as taskforce dey ready to introduce new restrictions (

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: Twinkledoe on December 24, 2020, 11:44:17 PM
Seems that more countries are now going to second phase of lockdown. Some are already closing their flights coming from UK, where new strain of virus is discovered. What I am wondering here is that the vaccine they are developing, can it address the new covid strain? Or they need a different vaccine for that?

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: virasog on December 27, 2020, 08:23:46 AM
Seems that more countries are now going to second phase of lockdown. Some are already closing their flights coming from UK, where new strain of virus is discovered. What I am wondering here is that the vaccine they are developing, can it address the new covid strain? Or they need a different vaccine for that?

As per some of the statement, the second wave of covid-19 is different from the first wave and hence the vaccine is unable to treat this new trend in covid19 wave 2. This will further delay the vaccine because the doctors and paramedical staff will have to revise their developed vaccine to counter the new virus.

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: Igebotz on December 27, 2020, 11:47:19 AM
Lockdown is not a problem the question is " are Nigerians ready for the second lockdown?" Because I read a report about the country being in her second recession and we all know what that means. If the citizens are not being treated well or the benefit of being away from their daily jobs is not provided then Lockdown becomes a problem, respecting preventive precautions becomes a problem too thus leading to a high rate of infected persons. I don't think Nigerians are ready for another lockdown but the daily cases of covid19 are scary they had 1000+ positive cases yesterday.

Nobody should take any vaccine on trial the four volunteers who took the last one all developed paralyzed faces and nobody is talking about them.

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: Zanab247 on December 27, 2020, 07:02:04 PM
Since the government really experienced negative impact from the first lockdown in the country. The government will not allow  total lockdown in the country base on what they have experienced in the 36 state. The first lockdown really generated so many negative things in the country like end sars, close of institution, collapse of economy etc. I think the president will do everything possible not to allow second phase of lockdown to happen to the country.

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on December 27, 2020, 07:17:41 PM
I feel underdeveloped or developing nations such as Nigeria is not ready for all this series of lockdown. I'm sure it does help as per the Covid19 spread but then, the citizens tend to suffer more in terms of the fact that, there are little or no parliament that could be distributed to the middle class citizens who's source of income is mainly petty or roadside trading. The first phase took citizens unaware but then, it met citizens with little resources and this break was a sort of recovery process very far from optimum recovery and as such, I don't see citizens to be ready for this lockdown.

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: Slow death on December 27, 2020, 07:38:39 PM
As per some of the statement, the second wave of covid-19 is different from the first wave and hence the vaccine is unable to treat this new trend in covid19 wave 2.

according to what I see on TV and in the newspapers they are saying that vaccines are effective even with this mutation that coronavirus had. if you look closely you will see that all countries continue to vaccinate people

Nobody should take any vaccine on trial the four volunteers who took the last one all developed paralyzed faces and nobody is talking about them.

there are already more than 40 countries that are giving vaccines and there are not many reports of deaths or serious health problems due to the vaccine. that is why everyone should be vaccinated because the vaccine is effective.

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: MacHenry on December 27, 2020, 11:49:25 PM
Even if the Federal Government imposes a second lockdown, I do not think it will work as people are yet to recover from the first lockdown. Also, Lagos state government said it cannot afford another lockdown. People no longer have trust in the covid 19 team managing the funds released for fight against Covid 19. Palliatives meant to alleviate the suffering of the poor never got to them. Most of the the palliatives were hoarded in different warehouses whereas many were going hungry.

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: BADecker on December 28, 2020, 05:34:27 AM
Government leaders are experts at delegating. After all, they don't have time to handle everything themselves. So when they are told by medical leaders that locking down is a good thing, they believe them. Truth is that the medical leaders are lying to the government leaders, or they haven't see the facts themselves.

This goes for government leaders in almost all the world, not only Nigeria and California.

Check the links and emphases in the article.

California Doctor Fired After Writing Letter Criticizing Lockdown Orders (

Dr. Michael deBoisblanc was working as the trauma medical director for John Muir Health in Contra Costa County, California, until last Friday, after he questioned the scientific basis for again locking down citizens of the area.

KNTV reported that deBoisblanc wrote a letter to the county health director and board of supervisors voicing his concern regarding the continued lockdown policies prior to his dismissal.

The former medical director spoke from his own experience as a parent, expressing his apprehension that Bay Area students were not being allowed to attend in-person classes, according to KTVU-TV.

Along with doctors Pete Mazolewski and Brian Hopkins, deBoisblanc wrote that there were "deep concerns regarding more lockdown measures."

"The science is clear," the letter continued, "that more lockdowns lead to much more non COVID morbidity and mortality."

"Public policy is being based on erroneous assumptions," it added.

The trauma physician said "we're worried some of the actions the county and government is taking can definitely have negative impacts on the public health," according to KTVU.

DeBoisblanc's letter seemed to ruffle the feathers of those at the county health department and other San Francisco Bay area officials.

John Gioia, the District 1 Supervisor for Contra Costa County, defended the California lockdown, which is based largely on a reported shortage of hospital beds.

"All of these orders have been based on strong science and good data," Gioia said.

"They are citing data that our health department believes is not reflective of accurate current thinking [in the letter]."


Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: franky1 on December 28, 2020, 06:51:20 AM
badecker.. try to read and understand the links you link

the doctor was not questioning the entire lockdown. he was requesting evidence about if students are a 'superspreader' risk to explain why students were being homeschooled as he was concerned about the mental health impacts of students.
The former medical director spoke from his own experience as a parent, expressing his apprehension that Bay Area students were not being allowed to attend in-person classes, according to KTVU-TV.
other doctors were talking about how certain health screenings were cancelled thus putting more potential cancer/heart failure patients at risk by not being tested early.

yes some restrictions may seem silly at first due to the lack of explanation. but if you actually look into it. although the severity rate/deathrate of student aged people is low. and thus not a risk of their own health causing hospital overloads. its actually the harm they can do to others by mingling in classes of 25+ people and then going home to pass it to their elderly relatives, and thats the risk.
EG UK cases rose fast as soon as the september school term began(UK let students go school but advised families not to mingle with elderly/vulnerable family members)
but as you can see that has not helped as cases still rose. which shows UK was too relaxed with letting kids go school
as for mental health. kids having a year off school is a dream for most kids. yes there is the pressure and mental stress of still getting good grades to appease their parents(kids dont usually care about grades personally). but put that in comparison to the mental stress of finding out they were the cause of their grandparents death.. on balance school stress vs relative death by your action... most kids would prefer to live with the school stress and keep granny/grandpa alive

most parents questioning the reasons for homeschooling dont care about the health impacts.. they are just annoyed and irritated with having their kids at home 24-7 and want to find any excuse to get them out the house for a few hours a day.
yes they pretend their kids mental state is going to suffer. but reality its the parents own mental state of actually having to care for their kids 24-7

in short yes schools are super spreader locations. they may not die but they certainly will be coughing and breathing on loads of people. kids are usually a cesspool of bugs and viruses. having coughs and sniffles many times a year. even college kids get sick during the 'freshers' week due to mingling with strangers

 but this virus this year is more deadly because its new and people have not built up an immunity.
(and before you even spout your herd percentage garbage.. no its not as high as you pretend. its actually stil very low)(even if 1% of population got infected every week. it would still take a whole year to get 52% herd.. and infections are far far below 1% a week average)

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: kakonhat on December 28, 2020, 08:37:55 AM
I think it's a very very good decision to avoid the next wave of Covid-19. It's a winter season and this virus alive for a long time in cold weather. So we should aware more than before at this time. I heard a few weeks ago that in Europe going to lockdown one more time. Again it's a very good decision.
Stay home, Stay safe.

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: jrrsparkles on December 31, 2020, 06:00:28 PM
I think it's a very very good decision to avoid the next wave of Covid-19. It's a winter season and this virus alive for a long time in cold weather. So we should aware more than before at this time. I heard a few weeks ago that in Europe going to lockdown one more time. Again it's a very good decision.
Stay home, Stay safe.
Lockdown is not a solution to this corona virus but government doesn't have any way to control the people so they restrict people gatherings which reduces the chance of virus spread but still lockdown can be worthless when people allowed to go outside by just wearing a mask along with them.Mask don't stop the virus spread but it increase the chance of getting infected if we got the virus somewhere.

Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: BADecker on January 02, 2021, 01:08:24 AM
If people are not locked down, the virus will fail to find them. Locking people down makes it easier for the virus to hunt them down.


Title: Re: Second phase of lockdown (Nigeria)
Post by: plr on January 03, 2021, 10:03:44 AM
In Africa to be precise Nigeria is preparing for the second phase of the covid-19 lockdown which according to the president says it will be extended for four weeks(one month) after recording new cases in Lagos.

Our country is doing all it's best for this new strain not to get in to the point of banning countries that has this new strain, and there's already an announcement that if the strain land on us, our government will be force to implement another total lock down, until now we still don't have it but our government is very much aware of the harmful effects of this new strain.