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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on January 02, 2021, 06:25:18 PM

Title: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: BADecker on January 02, 2021, 06:25:18 PM
There are more thinkers among the people than one would suspect. Vin is one of the great ones.

The target would appear to be Jan. 6 (

Have we had our last legitimate election? Next week is Do or Die for the Republican Party:

Wars aren't over till they're fought. This time, the thieves and traitors massively overplayed their hand. Why the defeatism?

January 6th, 2021:

Ron Wright – Rise up against the coup:

AMAZING: In real time, during live Georgia Senate hearing, witness Jovan Pulitzer hacks into Fulton County (Atlanta) Dominion vote-manipulation system: "We're in!"


Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: BADecker on January 02, 2021, 06:36:11 PM
It ain't over until it's over! Read more at the site.

The Big Reveal … How Trump will change history on January 6th (

Today’s Situation Update for January 2nd covers the “big reveal” that President Trump has announced for January 6th. On this day, Trump’s team will present information to Congress before they vote on the contested slates of electors from the swing states where massive election fraud occurred.

What will this “big reveal” consist of? We know it’s something that has never been presented previously in a court case, nor to the public. The possibilities are endless: Jeffrey Epstein bombshells? Declassified intelligence on China’s financial payments to the Biden crime family? Smoking gun proof that Dominion machines rigged the election? There are even rumors that two intelligence agencies for other nations have proof of election fraud and are handing it over to Trump.

Whatever gets presented, Trump believes it will change the outcome of the vote on January 6th. That means it would have to be truly historic, because Democrats aren’t going to vote for Trump in a contested election unless they are absolutely forced to.

We’ve even speculated that some members of Congress might resign on the spot after seeing this evidence. Others might face arrest for their complicity in the crimes that have been committed against America.

Here’s what’s covered in today’s Situation Update podcast:

*    Sidney Powell confirms VP Pence has the sole power to choose which set of electors to honor.
*    A new strategy might be pursued by Pence: Announce he will resign from politics, then choose the electors for Trump, eliminating any conflict of interest that could be invoked if he stayed in office. Will he do this?


Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: suchmoon on January 02, 2021, 06:44:28 PM
It's over dude. It's been over for nearly two months. I'm happy to see that the moderators are allowing you to cope with the frustration by creating new threads whenever some nutjob farts something about the election but you're wasting your time. Trump lost.

Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: BADecker on January 02, 2021, 06:51:36 PM
^^^ You like your security, right? But wake up. It's just starting. If you refuse to wake up, you'll be shocked to the core when the real s**t hits the fan.


Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: suchmoon on January 03, 2021, 12:00:33 AM
^^^ You like your security, right? But wake up. It's just starting. If you refuse to wake up, you'll be shocked to the core when the real s**t hits the fan.

No, I don't think Trump hitting the fan would shock me.

Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: BADecker on January 03, 2021, 12:45:42 AM
^^^ You like your security, right? But wake up. It's just starting. If you refuse to wake up, you'll be shocked to the core when the real s**t hits the fan.

No, I don't think Trump hitting the fan would shock me.

Perhaps not. But the s**t hitting the fan obviously will.     8)

Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: theymos on January 03, 2021, 01:40:34 AM
BADecker, just hypothetically, what are you going to do if Joe Biden is in total control of the government on Jan 21, only a small percentage of the population thinks that this is a big problem, and there is no mass uprising?

Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: BADecker on January 03, 2021, 02:06:03 AM
^^^ The Bible indicates that there will be a time of the eastern peoples taking over the world. Also there will be a time near the end - the return of Jesus happens at the end - where Satan will be released from the Abyss (center of the Earth) to go to his destruction in the Lake of Fire.

Things like the eastern peoples taking over the world are happening with the Biden connections. So, if they happen in a big way, it's a signal that the end of the world might be near.

Christians have been persecuted before. And the Biden reign of criminality is something that Christians should have stopped long ago.

All of this means one thing. It means for me to pray more, and it gives me a clear direction to pray. Also, it should move me and all Christians to try to evangelize more people, since this would be the final time of the world where evangelizing can take place before the end. People are free to choose what they want. But any people that I can bring to God and save, will be like an eternal feather in my hat... for all eternity.

As for my everyday moves, there are thousands of things that can be done. For example, regarding government, listen to this audio - - and realize that people are simply not using government the way they can. The reason is that government has taken their focus away from this direction.

However, there are thousands of people who will not go along with Biden. And they are serious about it. This includes the militias of all the States.


Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: franky1 on January 03, 2021, 05:00:54 AM
meanwhile the RNC had a budget of $200m last year. but trump is heavily spending $150m of it on his personal luxuries
republicans are left with just $50m (less than $1m per state) to fund their campaigns

still love trump? if so then you obviously are not republican because he is raiding them dry as he exits being a republican in 3 weeks

Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: sirazimuth on January 03, 2021, 06:00:27 AM
^^^ The Bible indicates that there will be a time of the eastern peoples taking over the world. Also there will be a time near the end - the return of Jesus happens at the end - where Satan will be released from the Abyss (center of the Earth) to go to his destruction in the Lake of Fire.

Things like the eastern peoples taking over the world are happening with the Biden connections. So, if they happen in a big way, it's a signal that the end of the world might be near.

Christians have been persecuted before. And the Biden reign of criminality is something that Christians should have stopped long ago.

All of this means one thing. It means for me to pray more, and it gives me a clear direction to pray. Also, it should move me and all Christians to try to evangelize more people, since this would be the final time of the world where evangelizing can take place before the end. People are free to choose what they want. But any people that I can bring to God and save, will be like an eternal feather in my hat... for all eternity.

As for my everyday moves, there are thousands of things that can be done. For example, regarding government, listen to this audio - - and realize that people are simply not using government the way they can. The reason is that government has taken their focus away from this direction.

However, there are thousands of people who will not go along with Biden. And they are serious about it. This includes the militias of all the States.


Gotta love ya dude!

Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: suchmoon on January 03, 2021, 06:07:51 AM
So if I'm reading this right, it's all BADecker's fault because he hadn't been praying enough and that allowed Biden to win the election. And he can fix this by praying more. Sounds legit. If he doesn't vote on election day and instead prays twice as much, it will definitely work.

Title: Re: The target would appear to be Jan. 6
Post by: franky1 on January 04, 2021, 03:49:15 AM
in more funny news trump wanted no counts after a certain date..
.. today he is phoning georgia politicians to find him more votes

.. trump is desperate. kinda sounding like he is a toddler having a tantrum because mommy want buy him candy and he thinks he can just keep having a tantrum to get what he wants.
sorry trump but elections dont work like that. decisions been made so wipe your tears away and pack your bags.

funny comments(not verbatim)
trump: i have data that over 5k of dead people voted
georgia political guys: no sir it was 2. just 2
trump: ok my gal who gave me the 5k number how do you respond
trumps gal: um yea we dont have access to the data. we dont have the names and dates of births to confirm, however alot of people have the same names as possible dead people. we did ask for the data but we dont have it so there maybe 5k people with same names
(trump meanders to other topic)

trump: what about a video that giuliani showed
georgia: the one giuliani sliced and diced and edited out of context
georgia: well we showed the unedited version
(trump meanders to other topic)

trump: what about the lack of poll watches and the flood scare
georgia: ill send u a link to the original video
trump: i dont want and dont care about the original footage

trump: alot of people move out of georgia then voted
georgia: because they moved back in. the data shows they moved back years ago not just before election
trump: ill ask my gal does she have data on when they moved back
trump gal: no i dont have data on when they moved back all i have showed you was who moved out in the past

funny how trump repeats having incredible talent that seen the fraud. but then asks his gal to confirm it and all she says is that she has not been given the data.
trump then says how he thinks georgia is hiding things by not giving him fraud data.
georgia says there are no large amounts of fraud data.

seems trumps incredible talent are not credible