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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: mindrust on January 09, 2021, 01:24:32 PM

Title: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: mindrust on January 09, 2021, 01:24:32 PM
Thomas McInerney (

Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday.

He says white hats (good guys, part of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi's laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday. He says she's frantic, and this is why she's pushing to impeach Trump

You keep believing that it was a natural occurance.

"We are not that naive anymore."

If I had to take this 1 step further I'd say that the group that is behind 9/11 is also behind covid19.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Tzupy on January 10, 2021, 12:00:01 AM
It is difficult to prove that Sars-CoV-2 was created in a lab, let alone spread on purpose (as opposed to crass negligence of the Chinese commies).
The virus is a chimera of two natural viruses, the kind of which has been created in a lab many times. But it can also occur naturally, if a host is
at the same time infected with both viruses. However, it would be very unlikely, that a Chinese man or woman, was at the same time infected with
two viruses, naturally found in nature, a couple hundreds of kilometers from each other. It's more likely it escaped from a lab, but the Chinese
commies have blocked any true investigation, into the origins of the virus.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on January 10, 2021, 12:17:59 AM
But it can also occur naturally,

No, otherwise it would be already easy to get another specie infected with it; it should already be prevalent and infect other specie (the origin specie) but no, it's still mainly humans... Meaning it's designed to infect human beings, and everything sensitive to ace-2 / hiv protein. Don't let trump lies of the china-flue be your only guide...

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: franky1 on January 10, 2021, 04:07:46 AM
It is difficult to prove that Sars-CoV-2 was created in a lab, let alone spread on purpose (as opposed to crass negligence of the Chinese commies).
The virus is a chimera of two natural viruses, the kind of which has been created in a lab many times. But it can also occur naturally, if a host is
at the same time infected with both viruses. However, it would be very unlikely, that a Chinese man or woman, was at the same time infected with
two viruses, naturally found in nature, a couple hundreds of kilometers from each other. It's more likely it escaped from a lab, but the Chinese
commies have blocked any true investigation, into the origins of the virus.

gene splicing in labs leave very distinct signatures due to how its done.
they have sequenced sars-cov-2 and there are no evidence of lab creation
furthermore they have looked at the zoonotic (ancestory) and seen its wild animal mutation.

.. as for the topic of 'attack' china shut down its flight to prevent its escape/spread,
it was actually US repatriation flights that brought it in
it was actually US not then quarantining those repatriots

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on January 10, 2021, 07:54:42 AM
In this video:

Dr. Peter Breggin, interviewed by Dr. Mercola says that in 2015 he read an article about creating a new virus with the same characteristics as COVID-19. It was signed by different authors but among them there were people from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. ( I have to remind you that Wuhan is precisely where the virus appeared.

The institute happens to receive funding from China, but also from Anthony Fauci, top infectious disease expert , ( through the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (, the Eco Health Alliance ( and Galveston Institute (University of Texas). (

Have you heard of this in the mainstream media?

It smells fishy.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: B1tUnl0ck3r on January 10, 2021, 07:56:26 AM
It was signed by different authors
It smells fishy.

they need money otherwise their wives / object of desire will go somewhere else, maybe with those of the wall here... (good luck girl).


yes it's beyond that.. let's hope there is nothing brewing with this release... who knows... the seas are vast... and unregulated by dems (eheheh).

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: franky1 on January 10, 2021, 12:42:22 PM
In this video:

Dr. Peter Breggin,

when a psychiatrist is interviewed about a virus.. instantly the interviewer picked the wrong interviewee due to lack of first hand knowledge of the subject.

when a psychiatrist promotes a lie. he is most probably looking to see how many fools and idiots fame it up. as then he now has a new customer list of people that need therapy

imagine you specialise in solving peoples phobia's of spiders. but your office waiting room is empty.. so you go out and throw spiders at people. and if they have a panic attack you give them your business card and say you can help them.
its that same game. but using conspiracies as the fear factor

lab created genomes require taking out a certain sections(introns) to then replace it with the section you want. meaning the new genome wont have any introns where they should be.
sars cov 2 has introns where they should be meaning gene was not spliced

also looking at the genome. they can see that it is 99.9% similar to the sars cov found in wild pangolins and 95% similar to that of wild bats

meaning the ancestry is deemed to have first came from bats as the old sars did decades ago. but more recently a mutation moved into the pangolin population. and even more recently another mutation moved to man..

corona(bat) - bat(2000)-------------bat(2011)----------------------bats(2018)
                      \civit(2001)               \ camels(2012)                    \pangolin(2019)
                         \human(2002sars)         \ humans(2012 mers)          \human(2019 sars cov 2)

it was not a 2002 human sars that mutated to human mers that mutated to human sars cov 2
it was a base host corona in bats that mutated within bats and then to camels then humans to create mers
it was a base host corona in bats that mutated within bats then to pangolin then to humans to creacte sars cov 2
now all the facts have been said
for many decades some men always come up with worse case scenario theories(asteroids thrown by gods hand, sharks with lazerbeam eyes). there is one about a possible future ebola outbreak, zika, the list goes on. but old theories are not of-itself proof that those doomsday scenarios are a culprit of the earlier theory.

EG someone can theorise that china will get to mars first.
and then when america gets there first. idiots will claim 'they must have had chinese support because i read a book 5 years ago that said china was going to mars'
sorry. thats not how reality/logic/facts work

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: BADecker on January 10, 2021, 11:09:46 PM
Thomas McInerney (

Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday.

He says white hats (good guys, part of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi's laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday. He says she's frantic, and this is why she's pushing to impeach Trump

You keep believing that it was a natural occurance.

"We are not that naive anymore."

If I had to take this 1 step further I'd say that the group that is behind 9/11 is also behind covid19.

I have said this before, but here goes again...

Every year for decades before 2019, big, high-flying jets have been spraying clouds of "stuff" into the atmosphere over Arizona and nearby States. Every summer you could see the expanding jet trails become clouds that sometimes cause rain over Arizona.

The summer of 2019 the spraying stopped. It stopped right along with the increase in Covid cases in March and April. There weren't any chemtrails through the whole summer. By July, Covid cases were way down in AZ.

Then in September and the beginning of October, they started spraying again. Guess what happened? Loads of new Covid cases. So they stopped spraying again in mid to late October.

Now, watch Arizona Covid stats. Because they sprayed big spraying on Friday, the 8th of January. They only sprayed for one day or so. But just watch two weeks from now. Watch and see if there aren't a whole bunch of new cases in AZ.

You read it here. Mark it on your calendar. Watch the Arizona Covid cases and hospital loads increase like crazy before the end of January. And let me know if you find more cases or not. I don't have proof. But the coincidences are too perfect for this to not be happening.


Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Poker Player on January 11, 2021, 03:46:48 PM
when a psychiatrist is interviewed about a virus.. instantly the interviewer picked the wrong interviewee due to lack of first hand knowledge of the subject.

I don't even know why I am replying to you because you just pour a dozen of paragraphs of verbal diarrhea and when I've replied to you in other posts you never come back to make a counter-argument.

That shit that you have just said is known as ad hominem fallacy, it's been known as a crappy argument for thousands of years.

To your knowledge, the interviewer is an osteopath.

Applying your argument, I suppose you are going to show us your MD credentials, right? Otherwise what you say has no value.

I know you won't, but come to this thread and reply to me with your fallacies, please. I'm quoting the British Medical Journal and a study published in Nature carried out in Wuhan on 100 million people. I don't know if those sources have enough status for you or what:

Vaccinations for the gullible start today in the UK. (

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: BADecker on January 12, 2021, 01:39:24 AM
Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack

No it wasn't. It was a maverick, rogue, out-of-the-body, exosome attack.


Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: franky1 on January 12, 2021, 11:51:07 PM
when a psychiatrist is interviewed about a virus.. instantly the interviewer picked the wrong interviewee due to lack of first hand knowledge of the subject.

To your knowledge, the interviewer is an osteopath.

the interviewee is a psychiatrist
"when a pyschiatrist is being interviewed"

are you one of those guys that go for a interview for a mcdonalds burger flipper job. and at the end of the interview pretend you were the HR manager because thats who interviewed you. or do you accept that you were the unemployed burger flipper hopeful being interviewed.

but anyways thanks for making me point. a osteopath and a psychiatrist are not the best sources of covid info
maybe if there was a video about 1 virologist and one ICU doctor, both having examined covid first hand. then the video would be of interest
i guarantee you both those men have not had first hand experience.
is like a church devoted virgin pretending to have expertise in the inner workings of stripclubs
would you prefer strip club advice from a bible basher or a dancing-pole grinder?

carried out in Wuhan on 100 million people.
and by the way wuhan has 100m population?? seems more like 11m at most
but i wont knitpick. probably a slip of the keyboard. right?

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: OgNasty on January 12, 2021, 11:57:03 PM
I thought it was a common belief that the virus was let out by accident in Wuhan, or I’ve heard conspiracies that the Chinese let it out purposely to help solve their aging population issues. I guess that could count as a biological attack, but if true it would be an attack on themselves. I don’t believe this is something they did to attack others and I’m not so sure it was done purposely, but you never know. Like, literally, we will never know the truth.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: franky1 on January 13, 2021, 12:20:17 PM
I thought it was a common belief that the virus was let out by accident in Wuhan, or I’ve heard conspiracies that the Chinese let it out purposely to help solve their aging population issues. I guess that could count as a biological attack, but if true it would be an attack on themselves. I don’t believe this is something they did to attack others and I’m not so sure it was done purposely, but you never know. Like, literally, we will never know the truth.

the rational/scientific. true common sense world know that it was a wild animal had it and a foodmarket seller handled it and passed it around. they have already sequenced the virus to see its not lab made.
there are tell tell flags/signs in a sequence that would have indicated lab splicing.
so that notion of man made has been debunked.
for decades there have been conspiracies and even movies about planned virus attacks
12 monkeys
planet of the apes

and many about natural spread
(seems movie directors love to blame monkeys alot)

terrorist groups have had that idea in the back of their mind forever. however implementing it is not as easy. (even the plot in 12 monkeys has holes)
they prefer direct attacks mostly. like ricin and anthrax instead
yes some groups might see how this wild/natural event has effected the world. and may now plot to try to get some other respiratory virus to spread on purpose in the future.
but what they also learn from this event is that while a virus spread this year they could have taken advantage of this event. as its no difference if its a group of wild animal food lovers or a group of terrorists that are patient zeros. results are the same

but all facts/science, logic and common sense shows that this covid event was born of natural spread.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: squatz1 on January 14, 2021, 07:33:47 PM
Shit people still think that this is something that was created in a lab? Thought we shot down that conspiracy shit a long time ago, but guess not. Nearing the 1 year of COVID and people still think this shit.....

But you’re telling me that we’re at 1 year and the President of the free world (Trump) has been unable to prove that this is the case with the full force of the United States backing him? All of the intelligence in this country hasn’t been able to prove that so there’s no chance that this is real.

Yall gotta stop believing ing random generals and stuff just for the sake of it. They’re bullshitting to get some clout in their weird conspiracy circles.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Mark12Poll on March 12, 2021, 11:44:31 AM
It seems to me that conspiracy theories only scare people.
I read that many biological weapons were not created in just one year, and they were all very simple but very nuclear chemically linked strains. There is very cool info here ( on this issue. But with Covid, everything is different, and many independent laboratories have proven that this virus is even older than humans at the billionth level.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: BADecker on March 12, 2021, 05:48:05 PM
^^^ A conspiracy theory is a theory believed by at least one person. But often such conspiracies are believed by many people.

The point is, how do you determine which is the conspiracy? Is it this theory or that.

For example, Trump and his people have Internet evidence that the election was stolen electronically, over the Internet. Until the truth about this is known, we have the conspiracy theory of yes, and we have the conspiracy theory of no.

If the Biden people control the Internet and the news media, there is little chance of Trump or anyone else getting the truth out to millions of people... people who don't really know what to do about it anyway.


Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Natsuu on March 12, 2021, 06:22:56 PM
Thomas McInerney (

Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday.

He says white hats (good guys, part of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi's laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday. He says she's frantic, and this is why she's pushing to impeach Trump

You keep believing that it was a natural occurance.

"We are not that naive anymore."

If I had to take this 1 step further I'd say that the group that is behind 9/11 is also behind covid19. (
1. Its purported genetically engineered sequences are also found in other organisms
2. Nature designed SARS-CoV-2 far better than humans ever could
3. Its evolutionary history tells us so
4. Experimental tools to engineer such a virus do not exist
5. It is highly unlikely the virus escaped from a lab

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: mindrust on March 12, 2021, 07:10:07 PM
Everything is a conspiracy theory if it doesn't fit the democrats narrative I guess. They found the easy way to cheat their way out.

Now whenever somebody comes up with a reasonable explanation of an event, all they have do is to label it a conspiracy theory and that thought becomes worthless instantly.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: BADecker on March 12, 2021, 07:46:49 PM
^^^ That's why The Highwire with Del Bigtree is so important. If you sign up for their info, they will show you who the doctors are that they interview. You will be able to see that these doctors are professionals, and that they are saying that Covid is easy to conquer.

Go to the website Watch the video THE Rx TO REOPEN -, and listen to the part about Budesonide. Budesonide, an over-the-counter breathing drug, takes away symptoms so fast, that almost all of the people who died in the hospitals, wouldn't have had to go to the hospital in the first place... and wouldn't have died from the faulty medical approach taken by the hospitals.

The governments, the medical, and the media are tricking you into believing that Covid can only be cured by a vaccine that they are giving without proper safety trials, and which really doesn't work anyway.


Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: mindrust on March 16, 2021, 09:58:18 PM
Former top State Dept investigator says COVID-19 outbreak may have resulted from bioweapons research accident (

As top U.S. officials prepare to meet their Chinese counterparts for their first face-to-face meeting during the Biden administration, the State Department's former lead investigator who oversaw the Task Force into the COVID-19 virus origin tells Fox News that he not only believes the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but that it may have been the result of research that the Chinese military, or People’s Liberation Army, was doing on a bioweapon.

"The Wuhan Institute of Virology is not the National Institute of Health," David Asher, now a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute told Fox News in an exclusive interview. "It was operating a secret, classified program. In my view, and I’m just one person, my view is it was a biological weapons program."

There are zero coincidences in this world. If something gives an advantage to certain people, then it means it is those people who are responsible for "something".

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: TwitchySeal on March 22, 2021, 03:32:48 AM
Former top State Dept investigator says COVID-19 outbreak may have resulted from bioweapons research accident (

As top U.S. officials prepare to meet their Chinese counterparts for their first face-to-face meeting during the Biden administration, the State Department's former lead investigator who oversaw the Task Force into the COVID-19 virus origin tells Fox News that he not only believes the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but that it may have been the result of research that the Chinese military, or People’s Liberation Army, was doing on a bioweapon.

"The Wuhan Institute of Virology is not the National Institute of Health," David Asher, now a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute told Fox News in an exclusive interview. "It was operating a secret, classified program. In my view, and I’m just one person, my view is it was a biological weapons program."

There are zero coincidences in this world. If something gives an advantage to certain people, then it means it is those people who are responsible for "something".

So was it an attack or a mistake?  Can't be both.  Seems like you're grasping for straws at this point.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: bryant.coleman on March 22, 2021, 01:01:25 PM
It is difficult to prove that Sars-CoV-2 was created in a lab, let alone spread on purpose (as opposed to crass negligence of the Chinese commies).
The virus is a chimera of two natural viruses, the kind of which has been created in a lab many times. But it can also occur naturally, if a host is
at the same time infected with both viruses. However, it would be very unlikely, that a Chinese man or woman, was at the same time infected with
two viruses, naturally found in nature, a couple hundreds of kilometers from each other. It's more likely it escaped from a lab, but the Chinese
commies have blocked any true investigation, into the origins of the virus.

There are all sort of possibilities. I am 90% confident that the virus was created in a lab. But even with this theory, there can be two possibilities. Either the virus was accidentally released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory, or it was deliberately released by some agency which wanted to hurt China. If the latter case is true, then there are not many countries that are capable of doing this.

However, the Chinese were able to create vaccines in a relatively short time period. And these vaccines have proved to be very effective. Now this makes me suspicious once again. China is much behind countries such as USA, Russia and the United Kingdom as far as medical technology is concerned. How they managed to invent highly effective vaccines in such a short time period?

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: BADecker on March 22, 2021, 07:01:12 PM
It is difficult to prove that Sars-CoV-2 was created in a lab, let alone spread on purpose (as opposed to crass negligence of the Chinese commies).
The virus is a chimera of two natural viruses, the kind of which has been created in a lab many times. But it can also occur naturally, if a host is
at the same time infected with both viruses. However, it would be very unlikely, that a Chinese man or woman, was at the same time infected with
two viruses, naturally found in nature, a couple hundreds of kilometers from each other. It's more likely it escaped from a lab, but the Chinese
commies have blocked any true investigation, into the origins of the virus.

There are all sort of possibilities. I am 90% confident that the virus was created in a lab. But even with this theory, there can be two possibilities. Either the virus was accidentally released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory, or it was deliberately released by some agency which wanted to hurt China. If the latter case is true, then there are not many countries that are capable of doing this.

However, the Chinese were able to create vaccines in a relatively short time period. And these vaccines have proved to be very effective. Now this makes me suspicious once again. China is much behind countries such as USA, Russia and the United Kingdom as far as medical technology is concerned. How they managed to invent highly effective vaccines in such a short time period?

It's called Fauci finance.     8)

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Mauser on March 23, 2021, 09:40:09 AM
Thomas McInerney (

Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House yesterday.

He says white hats (good guys, part of special forces) got Nancy Pelosi's laptop during the breach of the Capitol on Wednesday. He says she's frantic, and this is why she's pushing to impeach Trump

You keep believing that it was a natural occurance.

"We are not that naive anymore."

If I had to take this 1 step further I'd say that the group that is behind 9/11 is also behind covid19.

Do you mean Al Qaida invented Covid 19 to punish the western world? It is a global pandemic now which affected every nation. A good friend of mine lives in Iraq and he told me that it is pretty bad over there too. I don't think a terrorist group has the knowhow and infrastructure to create such a powerful virus. Also would they just release such a virus that is also going to infect their own countries? It will probably take another 25 years until we know the full picture of the vaccine and how it got released. The People that are involved are being careful right now to speak up. It might be a huge coverup.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Cnut237 on March 23, 2021, 03:53:53 PM
Vaccinations for the gullible start today in the UK. (

I just have a comment to make on something you said in that linked thread - didn't want to necro-post there, so it goes here instead :)

This is the second time I have seen you say this and it is simply not true. COVID reinfection happens.

In a study about 10 million residents in Wuhan, China, published in Nature, only 0.3% were reinfected.

"Of the 34,424 participants with a history of COVID-19, 107 tested positive again, giving a repositive rate of 0.310%" [..] "Results of virus culturing and contract tracing found no evidence that repositive cases in recovered COVID-19 patients were infectious, which is consistent with evidence from other sources."

Source: Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China. (

Reinfection doesn't seem so dangerous to me according to this source.

A crucial point here surely is that if 34,424 people had Covid, and 107 later tested positive again... this does not mean that 0.31% of people who have Covid are likely to be reinfected.
The reason being that we don't know how many of the 34,424 initial people were subsequently exposed to the virus again. If say only 1070 of them were exposed again, then the reinfection rate is 10%. If 107 of them were exposed again, then the reinfection rate is 100%.

Unless I'm misreading the paper, which I might be, but that is how it reads to me.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: mindrust on March 23, 2021, 04:49:00 PM
Do you mean Al Qaida invented Covid 19 to punish the western world? It is a global pandemic now which affected every nation. A good friend of mine lives in Iraq and he told me that it is pretty bad over there too. I don't think a terrorist group has the knowhow and infrastructure to create such a powerful virus.

If you mean CIA by "Al Quaeda", that is a possibility.

Otherwise, no.

I don't believe a bunch of rag heads can pull something like that. They say the virus came from the lab in Wuhan/China. You should probably check the funders of that lab. It has nothing to do with the Arabs.

Also would they just release such a virus that is also going to infect their own countries?

For the exact same reason they atacked WTC. To spread fear, create an enemy and control people. You can't even do your groceries without wearing a mask. They did well.

It will probably take another 25 years until we know the full picture of the vaccine and how it got released. The People that are involved are being careful right now to speak up. It might be a huge coverup.

Best way to protect yourself against the vaccine is by not taking it.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Cnut237 on March 23, 2021, 06:13:58 PM
To spread fear, create an enemy and control people.

The Chinese government don't need to create and fund a global pandemic to do this. They were already quite adept at spreading fear and controlling their own population. And I don't see how it is advantageous for China on the global stage, either. Whatever PR gains they make from their vaccine diplomacy are more than outweighed by setting themselves up as a scapegoat for the poor pandemic management by Western governments. If you are going to damage your enemies with a pandemic, you'd at least make sure the thing doesn't spread around the world by erupting out of your own country. You'd make it start in the US, surely?

Best way to protect yourself against the vaccine is by not taking it.

This is true. But it is also true that the best way to protect yourself (and others) against Covid is to take the vaccine. It would be quite a logical conundrum were the correct choice not so obvious.

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: Tzupy on April 04, 2021, 05:49:43 PM
Even the progressives at The Hill can't ignore the lab leak hypothesis anymore:

Dr. Bret Weinstein: Evidence FOR And AGAINST Lab Leak Hypothesis

Title: Re: Lt. General Thomas McInerney: Covid19 was a biological attack
Post by: TwitchySeal on April 12, 2021, 03:37:10 AM
Even the progressives at The Hill can't ignore the lab leak hypothesis anymore:

Dr. Bret Weinstein: Evidence FOR And AGAINST Lab Leak Hypothesis

Lab leak hypothisis is not the same thing as the " they did it on purpose" conspiracy theory.