Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: mrp123 on January 10, 2021, 04:46:25 PM

Title: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 10, 2021, 04:46:25 PM
Been trying for six months and only got online once. Get stuck on scanning transaction history, doesn't say a percentage, as should be at 100. Last few entries of Logs:

2021-01-10 16:33:35 (INFO) -- - Connecting on port 56588
2021-01-10 16:33:35 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2021-01-10 16:33:35 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2021-01-10 16:33:35 (ERROR) -- - 65 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
2021-01-10 16:33:35 (ERROR) -- - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
2021-01-10 16:33:35 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2021-01-10 16:33:35 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2021-01-10 16:33:35 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2021-01-10 16:33:37 (WARNING) -- - Called updateSyncProgress while not sync'ing
2021-01-10 16:33:37 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2021-01-10 16:33:37 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2021-01-10 16:33:38 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode

(ERROR) - 65 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
(ERROR) - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
(WARNING) - Called updateSyncProgress while not sync'ing

Tried without my firewall, block chain should be up to date as if i run bitcoin-qt.exe it is 100% sync.

Any ideas where i am going wrong? Thanks.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: PhoenixZephyrus on January 10, 2021, 06:06:56 PM
Did you download the full Blockchain using Bitcoin Core? Its ~350 GB. The whole blockchain needs to be on your computer for Armory to work and make sure that you do not download in pruned mode, or that only downloads ~6GB worth of blockchain to your computer, and Armory wont sync with that.

Also, make sure you do not run bitcoind auto from armory, but run Bitcoin Core yourself and keep it on while using Armory.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 10, 2021, 08:23:46 PM
Thanks, yes got the whole blockchain downloaded. Just re-scanning the database again, will take a few more hours then will try bitcoind manually.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: bob123 on January 12, 2021, 08:33:50 AM
Could you provide the complete log file?
This snippet is not showing whether there is an error between the connection of armoryqt and armorydb or armorydb and core.

You can upload your logs using pastebin ( or any other similair service.

Also, since you went online once.. did you change something afterwards? Any configuration?

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: HCP on January 13, 2021, 07:49:18 AM
Note: It would be very helpful to see the dbLog.txt file as well as the armorylog.txt file.

Do you have Bitcoin Core setup to store the blockchain in a "non-standard" location? ??? If you did, you need to configure Armory to use the same. What is the "datadir" shown as in Bitcoin Core when you use the "Window -> Information" dialog in the GUI? ???

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 14, 2021, 09:48:28 PM

Yes I use a different location for the bitcoin chain. It has worked a few months ago and I have not changed any settings. I have tried running BitcoinQT then launching Armory and I have tried running bitcoind and then running Armory. Both QT and D are quite happy but Armory doesn't go online. these are the logs from running QT then Armory.
shows armorylog.txt

armoryqt.txt has this:
(ERROR) ArmoryUtils.pyc:3735 - Unsupported language  specified. Defaulting to English (en)
(WARNING) SDM.pyc:445 - Spawning bitcoind with command: C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe -datadir=D:\bitcoin
(WARNING) SDM.pyc:402 - Spawning DB with command: D:\alt\ArmoryStandalone\ArmoryDB.exe --db-type="DB_FULL" --cookie --satoshi-datadir="D:\bitcoin\blocks" --satoshi-port=8333 --datadir="C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Armory\" --dbdir="C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Armory\databases"
(ERROR) - 101 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
(ERROR) - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.

dblog.txt has this:

Yes QT Info shows datadir and blockdir as d:bitcoin and d:bitcoin\blocks which should be correct for my setup.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: HCP on January 14, 2021, 10:09:02 PM
Very odd... the log files seem to indicate that everything is working "OK"... ArmoryDB is finding the blocks file and appears to be synced up to the latest block... and ArmoryQT seems to be running OK.

What is the colour of the text in the bottom right corner that shows the block number? Is it red, purple or green? ???

Do you have a bitcoin.conf file in you your D:\bitcoin folder? If so, does it contain the following line? ???:

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 15, 2021, 09:27:26 AM

I have this:


The text is color is red, node offline 0 blocks.

It is now just stuck at scanning transaction history with empty bar and no number for percent, the number of times I have redone the scan which takes 8 hours.......

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: HCP on January 15, 2021, 10:03:59 AM
Are you actually manually running Bitcoin Core and then starting Armory? If so, are you using bitcoind or BitcoinQt (ie. the GUI)?

Or are you just letting Armory launch bitcoind in the background? ???

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 15, 2021, 12:35:43 PM
I've tried all combinations. At the moment I have launched the GUI QT and then launched Armory. I have tried just bitcoind, then armory and I have tried just armory 96.5b.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: BitMaxz on January 15, 2021, 07:23:22 PM
Can you try to rebuild and rescan the Armory? You can find rebuild and rescan under the help menu.

If your problem is related to transaction history try only "rescan databases" if it doesn't work rebuild and then rescan.
Let's see if it will work and update here.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 15, 2021, 07:28:00 PM
Hi, done that a few times, sometimes it seems to get stuck in Armory under initializing bitcoin engine.... will try and rebuild and rescan but it'll take a while.....

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: HCP on January 15, 2021, 07:48:22 PM
The text is color is red, node offline 0 blocks.

It is now just stuck at scanning transaction history with empty bar and no number for percent, the number of times I have redone the scan which takes 8 hours.......
Do you have a rough idea of how many transactions you had in your Armory wallet? ??? It can be a slow process, but it shouldn't take more than an hour or two to scan everything.

Aside from making sure that you have your wallet backup... and then doing a full "Factory Reset" (Help -> Factory Reset -> "Also delete databases and rebuild"), I'm not too sure what else to suggest. :-\

If the Factory Reset doesn't solve it... the only other cause would be corrupt data in actual Bitcoin Core data. That would involve deleting all your Bitcoin Core blocks and resyncing from zero tho... :-\

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 15, 2021, 08:01:37 PM
I have about 10 transactions from about 8 years ago. About 150 dollars, just trying to get it out of the wallet. It takes about 6 hours to scan the database, 3 hours or so to rebuild. Just waiting now.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: HCP on January 16, 2021, 02:01:46 AM
I have about 10 transactions from about 8 years ago. About 150 dollars, just trying to get it out of the wallet. It takes about 6 hours to scan the database, 3 hours or so to rebuild. Just waiting now.
Ok... if you're just wanted to get your funds out, and don't wish to continue to use Armory in the future... you might be better off just exporting your private keys from the wallet and then importing those keys into another wallet like Electrum.

I have a guide on how to export the keys here:

When importing into Electrum... use the "import Bitcoin addresses or private keys" options:

And ONLY copy the WIF key part... don't copy the "PrivBase58:" part... so when you paste into Electrum, it should look like this:

NOTE: You can import multiple private keys at the same time... one per line

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 16, 2021, 08:07:06 PM
Thanks, I'll try

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: PhoenixZephyrus on January 17, 2021, 07:07:15 AM
I have about 10 transactions from about 8 years ago. About 150 dollars, just trying to get it out of the wallet. It takes about 6 hours to scan the database, 3 hours or so to rebuild. Just waiting now.

What kind of hardware are you using? Armory is very memory intensive while doing the scanning and rebuilding databases. So, if you don't have a good enough cpu/ your system is running out of RAM, that might be the cause why it takes so long. And just to confirm, did you do what I said and checked off "let Armory run bitcoind" and run Bitcoin Core yourself?

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: mrp123 on January 17, 2021, 11:21:22 AM
Running a Ryzen 5 2600 with 16GB Ram, should be ok.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: PhoenixZephyrus on January 17, 2021, 06:31:50 PM
Running a Ryzen 5 2600 with 16GB Ram, should be ok.

Yeah, I'm running a Ryzen 7 4800H (8c/16t) with 16GB of ram, and Armory took about ~14.1-14.5GB of RAM and it took about ~8-10 mins when I did it correctly, with the CPU peaked at 4.17 Ghz on all cores the whole time. I had chrome open when I tried to do it a few times but it froze up, and I thought memory would be the problem. Sure enough, it was, so make sure not to run Chrome in the background. Also make sure Bitcoin Core is showing online in its client also. 

Try running no background apps/start Armory after a cold boot, as it shouldn't take 6 hours and 3hours for that CPU and 16GB is plenty unless it's being used up by Chrome or something else in the background.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: HCP on January 17, 2021, 10:16:34 PM
I have an old i5-3570k with only 8Gigs... Armory works "OK" on my rig (like most things, a little "slow" :P)

I don't think you should have any issues with a Ryzen5 2600 and 16 Gigs ;)

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: PhoenixZephyrus on January 18, 2021, 03:59:00 PM
I have an old i5-3570k with only 8Gigs... Armory works "OK" on my rig (like most things, a little "slow" :P)

I don't think you should have any issues with a Ryzen5 2600 and 16 Gigs ;)

Unless chrome is running in the background :P

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: HCP on January 18, 2021, 09:59:14 PM
I know you're just making a joke... but I have Edge (built on Chromium I believe) running pretty much constantly with at least 5 tabs (including Gmail), more often 10+ tabs... and a Bitcoin Core full node, Electrum + Local Electrum Server in an Ubuntu WSL instance, Steam, Discord, BNet Launcher and a bunch of other stuff running... all on my 8 year old i5 with 8 Gigs of RAM

And I don't have any issues running Armory.

Doing a "normal" startup:

After a "rebuild and rescan databases":

RAM usage was below 700megs during the entire "Building Databases" phase. Took ~50mins. ;) Transaction scanning still going :P Like I said... it's "a bit slow" :P

It's not taking up ludicrous amounts of RAM, because I simply don't have that amount of RAM in my system. I'm sure if I was running 16 or 32 gigs, then it would take as much as it could get it's hands on. Applications using large amounts of "free" RAM isn't necessarily a "bad thing"™... if nothing else needs to use it :P

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: PhoenixZephyrus on January 21, 2021, 03:01:39 AM
I know you're just making a joke... but I have Edge (built on Chromium I believe) running pretty much constantly with at least 5 tabs (including Gmail), more often 10+ tabs... and a Bitcoin Core full node, Electrum + Local Electrum Server in an Ubuntu WSL instance, Steam, Discord, BNet Launcher and a bunch of other stuff running... all on my 8 year old i5 with 8 Gigs of RAM

It's not taking up ludicrous amounts of RAM, because I simply don't have that amount of RAM in my system. I'm sure if I was running 16 or 32 gigs, then it would take as much as it could get it's hands on. Applications using large amounts of "free" RAM isn't necessarily a "bad thing"™... if nothing else needs to use it :P

Yeah, although it was a joke, but still I've found Edge (built on Chromium, as you said) to take up quite a bit less RAM than Chrome, and yeah, its fine for a program to take up as much RAM as it needs, so long as nothing else requires that, as having tons of free RAM is nothing useful. But Chrome is significantly more memory intensive than Edge, although being built off of the same thing. I currently have 5 normal tabs (3 bitcointalk and 1 reddit, and 1 google search) and Chrome takes up ~950MB. Opening up videos will significantly push it (opening up one youtube and gmail tabs take it to ~1.2GB). It adds up pretty fast. And I've seen people keeping ~20-30 tabs open on chrome. And in general, Chrome is about ~10-25% more of a memory hog than Edge (found from my daily use as well as other community posts):,14%25%20more%20RAM%20than%20Edge.&text=Chromium%20Edge%20is%20no%20pig,It's%20a%20very%20good%20browser.

Also, :
Yesterday, Microsoft revealed that the new Edge uses up to 27 percent less RAM when running on Windows 10 version 2004. But the underlying improvement comes from Windows 10, not the browser. And it looks like Chrome users will soon benefit from this as well.

“With Windows 10 [version 2004], Microsoft Edge has leveraged the Windows segment heap memory improvements now available for Win32 applications to manage memory more efficiently,” Microsoft’s Kim Denny explains. “Early internal testing results of devices on [Windows 10 version 2004] are showing a memory usage reduction of up to 27 percent when browsing with Microsoft Edge. Individual device performance will vary based upon configuration and usage, but the lower memory usage is expected to create a better experience.”

As Chrome users well know, high memory/resource usage is the number two issue with the browser, right behind the fact that it is inherently designed to be a privacy-leaking sieve designed to appease advertisers. But this problem, at least, will soon be partially solved, albeit only for those users running the browser on Windows 10 version 2004 or newer.

That was just to make sure people don't actually keep loads of tabs open while using Armory, as I've seen people keeping 50/70 tabs open up at the same time (they are nuts, how do they even manage that?! :P )

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: EnSabahNur on February 08, 2021, 09:56:20 AM

I'm new here.

I'm running MacOS 10.13.6
Bicoin Core 0.21.0
Armory 0.93.3

I've downloaded all blockchain and it's up and running.

Armory doesn't go online. I need help, please.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Thank you.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: bob123 on February 08, 2021, 10:18:12 AM
Any ideas or suggestions?

Download the latest version of Armory (0.96.5) (

Where did you get version 0.93.3 from?

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: EnSabahNur on February 08, 2021, 01:32:45 PM
Any ideas or suggestions?

Download the latest version of Armory (0.96.5) (

Where did you get version 0.93.3 from?

Thanks for the reply.
I've got it from their site.
The latest version is not opening with my OS...
I'm on an early 2011 Macbook 13".

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: bob123 on February 08, 2021, 03:19:26 PM
The latest version is not opening with my OS...
I'm on an early 2011 Macbook 13".

I am not sure whether it is supposed to run on your OS, but what kind of error do you get?
Do you have all the python dependencies installed properly? If so, i'm not sure what prevents armory from starting up.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: EnSabahNur on February 08, 2021, 03:50:37 PM
The latest version is not opening with my OS...
I'm on an early 2011 Macbook 13".

I am not sure whether it is supposed to run on your OS, but what kind of error do you get?
Do you have all the python dependencies installed properly? If so, i'm not sure what prevents armory from starting up.

No error. Just keeps on bouncing from the dock and all of a sudden it stops...

I guess I've lost my BTCs without being able to access the wallet. I had 30,0392 bought in mid 2011

Thanks for the info though.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: bob123 on February 08, 2021, 05:28:55 PM
No error. Just keeps on bouncing from the dock and all of a sudden it stops...

You could try starting it from the command line.
This should show you whats going wrong.

I guess I've lost my BTCs without being able to access the wallet. I had 30,0392 bought in mid 2011

No, you didn't.

Just because you can't get armory online, doesn't mean you can't access your BTC.

Start the old version of armory which works on your computer and export the private keys.
Armory does not need to be online to do so.
Then import these wallets into another wallet (e.g. electrum; but please verify its signature before installing). You'll gain access to your BTC again.

To export your private keys from armory: Click on Wallet properties -> Backup Wallet -> Export Key List -> Check "Address String", "Private Key" and "Include unused addresses".
Feel free to check the balance of these address in a block explorer before continuing to import them into another wallet like electrum.
If you decide to use electrum -> Create a new wallet -> "Import Bitcoin addresses or private keys". Then enter your private key(s) (without the address string).

P.s. Don't react to scam message trying to "help" you.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: EnSabahNur on February 08, 2021, 05:36:48 PM
No error. Just keeps on bouncing from the dock and all of a sudden it stops...

You could try starting it from the command line.
This should show you whats going wrong.

I guess I've lost my BTCs without being able to access the wallet. I had 30,0392 bought in mid 2011

No, you didn't.

Just because you can't get armory online, doesn't mean you can't access your BTC.

Start the old version of armory which works on your computer and export the private keys.
Armory does not need to be online to do so.
Then import these wallets into another wallet (e.g. electrum; but please verify its signature before installing). You'll gain access to your BTC again.

To export your private keys from armory: Click on Wallet properties -> Backup Wallet -> Export Key List -> Check "Address String", "Private Key" and "Include unused addresses".
Feel free to check the balance of these address in a block explorer before continuing to import them into another wallet like electrum.
If you decide to use electrum -> Create a new wallet -> "Import Bitcoin addresses or private keys". Then enter your private key(s) (without the address string).

P.s. Don't react to scam message trying to "help" you.

Thank you for the info and advice! I'll let you know as soon as I get it done.

Title: Re: Can't get online
Post by: HCP on February 09, 2021, 07:55:23 PM
Be aware that you might also have issues getting Electrum to run if you're on such an old macbook... Electrum requires 10.13.x or higher:
OSX (10.13 and higher)

But given you have Bitcoin Core 0.21 already installed and synced... you can easily import the private keys into that using importprivkey (or importmulti)... the only downside will be waiting for it to "rescan" the blockchain. So, if you do import into Bitcoin Core, make sure you set the "rescan" parameter on the importprivkey command to false until you import the very last key.

That way, it'll only rescan once... and not every single time you import a key ;)