Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: zoltanb on January 12, 2021, 09:02:25 PM

Title: Bitcoin core watch only address "disappear" and "reappear" on restart
Post by: zoltanb on January 12, 2021, 09:02:25 PM
I have a pruned bitcoin core wallet.
I have imported a watch-only address and when I run:

bitcoin-cli listunspent 0 9999999 [\"***address***\"]

I see the UTXO.

    "txid": "***",
    "vout": 0,
    "address": "***address***",
    "label": "mine",
    "scriptPubKey": "***",
    "amount": 0.01,
    "confirmations": 0,
    "spendable": false,
    "solvable": false,
    "safe": true

However, after a while, the same command does not return anything, it shows an empty response, however, the UTXO still exists.

I was not sure what is wrong so I restarted the bitcoind. To my surprise, the above command (bitcoin-cli listunspent 0 9999999 [\"***address***\"]) returns the UTXO transaction again. However, after a while it just disappears again but it reappears after I restart the daemon.

What can be wrong here?

Title: Re: Bitcoin core watch only address "disappear" and "reappear" on restart
Post by: achow101 on January 12, 2021, 10:23:01 PM
How was the address originally imported to the wallet? What commands did you use?

Title: Re: Bitcoin core watch only address "disappear" and "reappear" on restart
Post by: zoltanb on January 13, 2021, 06:39:41 AM
How was the address originally imported to the wallet? What commands did you use?

I used btcoin-cli importaddress address "mine" false.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core watch only address "disappear" and "reappear" on restart
Post by: HCP on January 13, 2021, 07:11:10 AM
    "confirmations": 0,
The UTXO you're looking at is from an unconfirmed transaction then? ???

What is the "fee rate" that it was sent with? Perhaps your node is dropping the unconfirmed transaction out of it's mempool due to the fact that there are some 125meg+ worth of unconfirmed transactions at the moment.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core watch only address "disappear" and "reappear" on restart
Post by: zoltanb on January 13, 2021, 07:40:07 AM
    "confirmations": 0,
The UTXO you're looking at is from an unconfirmed transaction then? ???

What is the "fee rate" that it was sent with? Perhaps your node is dropping the unconfirmed transaction out of it's mempool due to the fact that there are some 125meg+ worth of unconfirmed transactions at the moment.

Yes, it is. You might be right here, so probably as soon as the transaction is confirmed it will stay there.
Basically, I grouped about 30 inputs to 1 watch only output, used 1.5 sat per byte.

Title: Re: Bitcoin core watch only address "disappear" and "reappear" on restart
Post by: HCP on January 13, 2021, 08:44:21 AM
Yes, it is. You might be right here, so probably as soon as the transaction is confirmed it will stay there.
Basically, I grouped about 30 inputs to 1 watch only output, used 1.5 sat per byte.
It's quite possible the transaction kept getting dropped, then re-added etc...

As another user pointed out in another thread... the "mempoolminfee" got bumped up over 2+ sats/byte on several occasions this last week: